oin the Journey… J Healing, Learning, Giving…

Join the Journey…
Healing, Learning, Giving…
St. Andrew’s United Church
November 16th, 2014
Worship: Julie Lebrun
This Week – Nov. 16th to Nov. 22nd 2014
Centering Prayer
Healing Pathway
Ladies’ Fellowship
Main Hall
Transformation Team in Board Room
Church News
Exploring our Faith: in January, this 4 week exploration is for
people new to church and for those who have been around awhile
who have questions and ideas. How do we understand God? What
does it mean to follow Jesus? What is progressive Christianity?
For info, please contact Rev. Julie Lebrun.
Lunch & Learn United Church History: at Ioco United Church.
4 Sundays Oct. 26-Nov. 16, noon to 2pm. Would you like to know
more about our denomination? Would you like to be in on a
conversation about where we are going as the United Church of
Canada? Join us to explore how we came to be, who we are and
where we are headed as a church. EVERYONE is welcome,
including friends/newcomers.
Learning and Small Groups
Spiritual Gifts for more information www.spiritgivengifts.com and
bulletin board.
Catch Your Breath: spiritual practice for morning and evening.
See our website www.sauc.ca and notice boards at church
Centering Prayer: Mondays 10:30am-Noon with educational
component and 20 minutes of silent prayer
Men’s Coffee Klatch: last Friday of the month at 10am in
Coquitlam Grill. Next meeting November 28th.
Shelter update – Week 1 we had 203 guests. Our current needs
are men’s and ladies socks, men’s jeans waist size 29, 30, 31, 32
in lengths 30, 32 and 34, belts, track pants (S, M & L) and men’s
underwear (boxers – all sizes). Our food needs are fruit cups,
lunch snacks (NOT GRANOLA BARS), juice crystals, and juice
boxes. Week 2 count still coming.
2015 Canadian Church Calendars available now for $7 after the
Sunday service.
Ministry Teams
Sandwich Ministry for First UC: Next meeting December 10th.
Healing Ministry: Mondays, noon-2pm by appointment. Team of
trained practitioners offer prayerful, energy based healing sessions
to all. It is not a substitute for medical care, but a complement to it.
For more information please contact the office @ 604-939-5513.
Pastoral Care Ministry – Please contact Pastoral Care if you
know someone who is ill, suffered a loss, are unable to get out to
church and would appreciate a telephone call, cards or a visitor.
Transformation Team Update
Next meeting dates: November 13 at 5pm and Nov. 20 at 5pm
Members of the Transformation Team met on Tuesday, Sept 16
with Terry Harrison, from the BC Conference Property Resource
Team, and Robert Brown, from Catalyst Community Developments
Society to work on a Project Vision for a possible redevelopment of
our church property. We discussed all the aspects of such a
project in order to pull together all the ideas we have been talking
about. These included:
-Our church Mission and Vision
-Our church capacity (volunteer support, staff support and financial
-the support from BC Conference
-the development context (including Port Moody’s proposed new
Official Community Plan), and desired components of the project.
-It was a productive meeting and we left feeling positive about the
Next steps of Transformation Team:
-Creating a conceptual design with Terry Harrison and Robert
Brown in early November
-Completion of Draft Feasibility Plan with Recommendations
December 2014
Our Church & Community
Christmas Marketplace at Como Lake UC, Nov. 15, 2014, 9:302:30pm (1110 King Albert St. @ Marmot). Silent auction, tea room,
bake sale, thrift shop, wood crafts, etc.
Why It Matters – Hidden Legacies: Wed., Nov. 19 at 7pm at City
Library in Surrey, film screening and panel discussion on
Residential Schools (10350 University Dr., Surrey).
Rummage: Sat., Nov. 22, 10am – 2pm at Shiloh-Sixth Avenue
UC. Good Old Fashioned Church Rummage Sale – baking,
canning, jewelry, collectibles, children’s fish pond.
Camp Fancy: Nov. 26, 7-10pm at Heritage Hall, 3102 Main
Street. Annual Camp Fircom Gala fundraiser. Tickets $30,
sponsorship or silent auction items welcome. info@fircom.ca
Preparing the Way for Advent concert: Sat., Nov. 29 at 7:30pm
at Como Lake UC. Linnea Good and David Jonsson. By donation.
Making Spirits Bright – A Good Noise Gospel Christmas:
Fri/Sat., Dec. 12 & 13 at 7:30pm at Christ Church Cathedral in
Vancouver and Sun., Dec. 14 at 3pm at Fraserview MB Church in
Richmond. Discounted group tickets at
tickets@goodnoisevgc.com, otherwise 1-800-838-3006.
From First United:
Aboriginal Speakers’ Series for the next several weeks on Friday
afternoons. Email smcshane@firstunited.ca for more information.
Westminster Prayer Cycle – Eagle Ridge United Church,
Rev. Dave Anderson & Ingrid Brown
Ecumenical Prayer Cycle – Cameroon, Central African Republic,
Equatorial Guinea
Office: Pavlina Vagnerova office@sauc.ca
Mon., Wed. and Thur. (10am-2pm)
Minister: Rev. Julie Lebrun, minister@sauc.ca
St. Andrew’s United Church
2318 St. Johns Street, Port Moody, BC V3H 2A9
Tel: 604-939-5513 Fax: 604-931-5536 www.sauc.ca