~ HOPE ~ CD ORDER OMOKOROA COMMUNITY CHURCH MID-WEEK ACTIVITIES Date: I WOULD LIKE TO ORDER A CD OF THE MESSAGE: IGIRLZ for girls aged 8– 11 Monday meeting at the Church from 6.00pm to 7.30pm. Come along for a night of fun, adventure and learning. For more information please contact Andrea on 548 2515 To live by To be known by To be a voice of Sunday FAITH LOVE HOPE 26th October ICONZ for boys aged 8– 11 Tuesday meeting at the Church from 6.00pm to 7.30pm. Join us for an action packed programme geared specifically for 8-11 year old kiwi boys. For more information please contact Tony on 552 6412 The Fridge College age youth group. Tuesday nights 7-8.30pm in the church auditorium Phone No.: Name: Title: (2) Title: (1) Speaker: Order a CD ($2) Illuminate Intermediate age youth group. Every 2nd Friday night during term times. 4.30-6.30pm at the church Mainly Music every Wednesday at 9.30am. Music and movement for preschoolers, Bring your preschool child or grandchild along for loads of fun and laughter with other preschoolers, parents and grandparents; morning tea provided. For more information, contact the office on 5482515 Today’s Speaker: Rev Fergus Keith FOODBANK We work with the Tauranga Foodbank to meet local needs as they become known to us and to pool resources with the Foodbank to assist the wider Tauranga area. Items of food can be placed in the baskets at both Sunday services. Money for the food bank may be placed in a clearly marked envelope in the offering bag. Thank you for your support of those in need. the offering bag. slip to the Minister on your way out, or place in Please fill in the details and hand this tear off Follow us on Facebook. Www.facebook.com/omokoroachurch Omokoroa Community Church 139 Hamurana Rd, Omokoroa, 3114 Phone: (07) 548 2515 Email: office@theocc.org.nz www.theocc.org.nz The Confessing Church-Sending A six part series on being a church and the things that we do as part of a gathered worship, gathering, praying and singing, preaching, communion and being sent out. Why do we do these things? What do we learn in here that helps us bear witness to the reality that Jesus the Lord is out there? Prayer: At the end of our Service there is a prayer team at the front of the church who would love to pray with you. NEXT SUNDAY Next Week: Rev Fergus Keith “We want to live by faith, be known by love and be a voice of hope” ~ FAITH ~ ~ LOVE ~ OPEN GARDEN CONGREGATIONAL CONVERSATIONS If God shuts a door, stop banging on it! Trust that whatever is behind it is not meant for you. MINISTRY TEAM Minister: Rev. Fergus Keith Mobile: (0274) 922 887 E-mail: pastor@theocc.org.nz Phone: 548 1974 (Home) People’s Warden: Olwyn Nicholls Minister’s Warden: Mark Wickham Youth Team Leader: Cathy Morton Worship Director: Anna Kingston Parish Council Chairperson: Michael Kingston Support Services Manager: Belinda Robertson Receptionist Administration Assistant Andrea Penellum Pastoral Visitor: Val Hale Prayer Chain Coordinator: Olwyn Nicholls & Dianna Garland I AM: A first time attendee THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK 10.00am Thursday 7.30pm at the Gravatt’s, 67 Country Estate AND Friday mornings between 8.00am and 9.00am in the church. Tiffany Furness is fundraising for a mission trip to the Philippines. She is looking for any king of work including gardening, cleaning, babysitting, baking etc... If you have anything you would like help with please contact Tiffany on 548 1230 . In need of a pastoral visit LET US JOIN TOGETHER IN PRAYER HELP AVAILABLE Omokoroa Community Church If you have a prayer request for our prayer chain, please telephone Olwyn Nicholls on 548 0682 or Dianna Garland on 548 0802. Be assured that all prayer requests are kept confidential. Christmas cake orders are now being taken. All the proceeds from the cake sales goes to help fund Tiffany Furness’ mission trip to the Philippines. Please write your details on the clipboard provided. Interested in joining a Small Group I WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: DO YOU HAVE A PRAYER NEED? CHRISTMAS CAKES What it means to be a Christian PRAYER 8.30am We have been asked to remind you all that fresh fruit and vegetable donations cannot be accepted by the church Foodbank. If you have a surplus of fresh produce you can take it directly to the Tauranga Foodbank in town. Thank you all for what you do donate, it all makes a difference to those in need. Service Attending: FOOD BANK DONATIONS 2nd, 3rd, 4th visit etc Come and join the excitement of the Philippines Mission Trip pot luck dinner fundraiser on Saturday 8th November at 6pm. For further information please contact Ros de Candole. Mobile: POT LUCK DINNER Can you please indicate on the clipboard in the foyer which Sundays you will be attending over the Christmas/New Year period. This will help with compiling the roster over this time when many people are away. Thank you. Name(s): CHRISTMAS ATTENDANCE A regular attendee Come and hear Jeanette Knudsen tell us about her travels in Africa. Saturday 8th November at 10.00am. All welcome-menfolk too. There will be the usual sales table. Address: A ring has been found in the church car park. If this is yours please contact Vera on 5480788 Phone: WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP Email: FOUND RING Communication Form for Visitors, Newcomers and Regular Attendees Children(s) Names: The Congregational Conversations are due to begin at the end of this month. This is an opportunity for people to come together and explore our dreams and hopes for our church. Please begin thinking about what your dreams for the OCC might be. Don’t be limited by what we’ve always done, what we currently do or financial limitations. Watch our for your invitation in the next couple of weeks. Jean Furness is opening her wonderful garden as a fundraiser for the Breast Cancer Support Trust. The open garden will be held on Saturday 1st November from 9am-1pm at 113 Margaret Drive. General admission is $10 , Seniors $5 and children are free. Refreshments will be available to purchase. Please park on Margaret Drive and walk in if able. Pastoral Care
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