St. John’s Catholic Church st Father Bernard A. Pfau 116 – 1 Ave. N - P.O. Box 389 Website: New Rockford, ND 58356-0389 E-Mail: Ss. Peter and Paul – Mission Parish 391 Conn St. - P.O. Box 235 McHenry, ND 58464-0235 Parish Office (701) 947-5325 Parish Hall (701) 947-2368 Pastor’s Residence - (701) 947-5325 317 – 2nd Avenue South New Rockford, ND 58356-0389 ************************************************************************************************************************ ATTENTION: ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS TO BE PUT IN THE BULLETIN ARE TO BE IN TO THE PARISH OFFICE BY NOON ON TUESDAYS. ************************************************************************************************************************ THIS WEEK IN THE CHURCH: “Twenty - Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time” October 19, 2014 *Reminder: The Rosary is prayed 20 minutes before all weekday and weekend Masses. Monday Oct. 20th 8:30AM +Naomi Allmaras NO Office Hours Tuesday Oct. 21st 8:45AM -Dustin & Sara Reese Family (Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd) Office Hours: 9:00AM – 5:00PM Wednesday Oct. 22nd 6:30PM -Quentin Georgeson Office Hours: 9:00AM – 9:00PM Thursday Oct. 23rd 8:30AM +Frank & Vera Hilbert Office Hours: 9:00AM – 1:30PM Friday Oct. 24th 8:30AM +Ramona Allmaras Office Hours: 9:00AM – 5:00PM Saturday Oct. 25th 5:00PM St. John’s in New Rockford +James G. & Angie Anderson Sunday Oct. 26th 8:30AM Ss. Peter & Paul in McHenry 10:30AM St. John’s in New Rockford 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time . . . "Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God" is the classic response Jesus made to his accusers who tried to trap Him in speech in today's Gospel. The Word in Isaiah today helps us better understand how God is in charge of everything, and nothing happens without God's knowledge and concern. Cyrus was the king of Persia who helped liberate the Jewish people from exile and return them to their own dear homeland, even though he didn't know the God of Israel and Jesus. No matter what would happen to Jesus in this world, He knew his heavenly Father would deliver him from evil and raise Him up in the resurrection from the dead. All things belong to God! Do you and I live as though we REALLY believed this fundamental truth of our Christian Faith? Scripture Readings for next Sunday: Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10; Matthew 22:34-40. Responsorial Psalm: “Give the Lord glory and honor.” Feasts this week: Monday: St. Paul of the Cross; Wednesday: St. John Paul II, the date of his Inauguration as the Pope; Thursday: St. John Capistrano, priest and missionary; Friday: St. Anthony Mary Claret, religious. BULLETIN COMPLIMENTS: “LOG CABIN LIQUORS” “HANSON’S BAR” 40 Days For Life and The Human Life Amendment . . . I'm sure you are aware of the contentious campaign going on about Measure #1 that will voted on in the November 4th Election. The Catholic Church in ND and Pro-Life people of the State are asking for a "Yes" vote on Measure # 1 to help protect the laws that are already in place to curtail abortion and uphold the dignity of every human person, from conception to natural death. Planned Parenthood forces from out of state are pouring thousands of dollars into advertising against the passage of Measure # 1; with false accusations and blatant lies. BE SURE TO VOTE "YES" on Measure # 1 in November or by absentee ballot. The 40 Days Devotionals for this current week are also available for your reading and reflection; carrying a variety of prayer services from various religious leaders throughout the Country. Again, if anyone wishes to make a donation to cover the cost of these pro-life efforts could leave it with the Parish Office which will be sent on to the respective offices. World Mission Appeal this October . . . World Mission Appeal Envelopes are attached to today's bulletin to remind you of this most important and essential collection taken up worldwide to help support the missionary activity of the Catholic Church. "I Will Build My Church" is the theme of this year's appeal, a favorite thought of Pope Francis as he leads the way to reaching out to many who don't know Christ or belong to His Church. This year's appeal focuses on the country of Mongolia, one of the more vibrant and young branches of the universal Church. You may also use the "envelope" in your offertory box of envelopes for this appeal. Please be very generous and try to give your gift within the next week or so. Thanks! Our Sympathies go out to the Lloyd Becker Family of Sacred Heart Carrington . . . Lloyd Becker, age 87, died on October 10, and left behind his wife, Joanne and family. Lloyd was very active as a K.C. member of Sacred Heart and assisted Fr. Haas in building the artifact cabinet for the St. Joseph Parish of Bremen. Joanne Becker has served as the Director of the Religious Education and Youth Ministry for Sacred Heart for many years. Looking for Hope in a Confused World? . . . Try Real Presence Radio: Your Catholic Radio Station AM1370 on your radio and on your computer! Web streaming 24/7. Mass Time listed online . . . To find a Mass and its’ location at any parish go to or call 1-410-676-6000. The Diocese of Fargo is on Facebook and Twitter! . . . For more events, stories and information happening throughout the diocese, like us on Facebook at, follow us on Twitter at and check out our website at The World Synod on the Family . . . continues to be held in Rome and we are asked to pray for the success of this special gathering of people in an effort to support marriage and the family. We will continue using the Pope's Prayer for the Synod at the closing of the Prayers of the Faithful until the conclusion of the Synod. A Rosary for Vocations . . . will be prayed 20 minutes before the 8:30am Mass, this Sunday, and the 8:30am Mass on Monday, October 20, as part of the Knights of Columbus Perpetual Rosary for Vocations. REFF: 1) Regular classes next Wednesday; 2) 10th Grade Students are to assist with the 6:30pm Mass this coming Wednesday; 3) Grades 7-12 are invited to join in a special time of prayer to Pope John Paul II, Wednesday, October 22, in the Church from 8:008:15pm; 4) 3rd Grades Parents will be expected to attend a meeting at St. John's Parish Center on Sunday, October 26, from 4:30-6:00pm, in preparation for the First Eucharist for our 3rd grade REFF students. Feast of St. John Paul II next Wednesday, Oct. 22: Next Wednesday the Catholic Church observes the feast day of the former pope, JP II, who was inaugurated as pope on October 22 and served as the Pontiff for 27 years, dying in office. The Mass for that day will be at 6:30pm, with the 10th grade REFF students assisting and attending before attending their 7:00pm class. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed before the exposed Blessed Sacrament at 8:00pm, with grades 7-12, in attendance. Grades 7-12 in 2013 viewed the film on JPII last year as part of their REFF sessions, all parishioners are encouraged to come for the 6:30pm Mass or just come for the praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet in behalf of JPII. An Inquiry Class on the teachings of the Catholic Church will begin next Thursday, Oct. 23, 7:008:15pm, at St. John's Rectory . . . This Course will consist of approximately 20 sessions, with the use of a text and handouts, and can serve as a refresher in the Catholic Faith or as a preparatory class for anyone who wishes to join the Catholic Church next Easter. Call the Parish Office (947-5325) for more information and to register for the classes. FALL BAZAAR . . . Saturday, Nov. 1st, 9:00AM – 1:00PM, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Carrington Fundraising for Youth Activities will be held in November and December . . . 3 REFF students will be attending the National March For Life in Washington, DC in January, 2015 along with young people and advisors from Shanley High School and the Fargo Diocese. The NET (National Evangelization Team) from Mpls/St. Paul will be conducting a Youth Retreat for grades 7-12, Sunday, November 9, at St. John's Parish. There will also be a Diocesan Youth Celebration for Grades 9-12 at Harvey, Saturday, November 22, which we encourage all eligible students to attend. Your support to assist with expenses, travel and registration will be appreciated. The first of these fundraisers will be held on Sunday, Nov. 2, a full breakfast of eggs, pancakes and sausage, after the 8:30am Sunday Mass, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Be sure to come for a great meal and let our youth know you care. Cursillos for men/women are scheduled to be held in 2015: Maryvale (Jan. 29 - Feb. 1 and Feb. 12-15), at Belcourt (Feb. 19-22 and March 19-22), and at Hankinson (March 5-8 and March 19-22). If interested in attending one of the weekends of spiritual renewals call 701-540-8248. God’s Gift Appeal: St. John’s: $19,780.00 - 75% of goal. Ss. Peter & Paul: $3,540.00- 90% of goal. Please keep the following sick people in your prayers: Ardie Allmaras, Valerie & Megan Weisenburger, Dan Lies, Bev Ehlers, DeVon Allmaras, Duane Howard, Beaty Engels, Fran & Dorothy O’Connor, Ted Gathman, Boris Radzin, Ted Dauenhauer, Nickolie Thompson, Edith Gehrtz, Dorothy Theil, John Steinbach, Maxine Byrum, Sylvia Spreen, Joe Schmaltz, Donna Wishart, Gerti Omoth, Jill Weber, Marlys Ferguson, Quentin Georgeson, Mary Kuntz, Jim & Janice Ridge, & the Kulsrud Family. St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Web Page . . . the Weekly Bulletin, Altar Server Schedule, Reader Schedule, REFF Class Schedule, and various links are now available on the City of New Rockford Website. The address is Just click on Organizations>Churches>St. John Catholic Church. “Caring Hearts” . . . Group 3 – Chairpersons: Gene & Nancy Masse – Bart & Andrea Salazar; & Group 4 – Chairpersons: Jake & Lisa Engels – Ben & Gerri Makay; Group 1 – Chairpersons: Eugene & Mary Hartl – Jeff & Leann Schafer; Group 2 – Chairpersons: DeVon Allmaras – Nyle & Lavonne Myhre. “SCHEDULE OF MINISTERS” DATE Saturday Oct. 25th 5:00pm Sunday Oct. 26th 10:30am Saturday Nov. 1st 5:00pm Sunday Nov. 2nd 8:30am EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION *Lisa Engels Laura Risovi Althea Gronos Allison Haley *Mike Nicolai Cheri Nicolai Leonard Duchscherer Peggy Duchscherer *Terri Backer Angie Hopfauf Sandie Nystrom Janice Reis *Leann Schafer Jeff Schafer Dianne Allmaras Gary Geisinger SERVERS Hannah Haley Kaleb Haley Kayahna Hopfauf USHERS LECTOR Dennis Gehrtz Chelsey Schafer Harry Pieterick George Ritzke Donald Schafer Abby Makay Todd Allmaras Peggy Duchscherer Benjamin Makay Josh Guler Nicholas Hovey Randy Guler Gene Hartl Zander Anglebrandt Craig Demester DeVon Allmaras Hunter Jacobson Jim Ehni Kindra Jacobson Ron Schaefer Jerry Schuster Abby Makay Leonard Duchscherer Gerri Makay Benjamin Makay Jamie Risovi Caden Price Jeff Schafer Curt Weinmann PIANIST Heather Klocke EUCHARISTIC GIFTBEARERS Nyle Myhre Family Annette Hovey Mike Nicolai Family Heather Klocke Dale Nystrom Family Annette Hovey Ed O’Connor Family
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