From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 1992 79: 876-881 Intensive chemotherapy with mitoxantrone and high-dose cytosine arabinoside followed by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in the treatment of patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia HM Kantarjian, EH Estey, S O'Brien, E Anaissie, M Beran, MB Rios, MJ Keating and J Gutterman Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. Intensive Chemotherapy With Mitoxantrone and High-Dose Cytosine Arabinoside Followed by Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor in the Treatment of Patients With Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia By Hagop M. Kantarjian, Elihu H. Estey, Susan O‘Brien, Elias Anaissie, Miloslav Beran, Mary Beth Rios, Michael J. Keating, and Jordan Gutterman Thirty-four adults with refractory acute lymphocytic leukemia received salvage therapy with mitoxantrone 5 mg/m2 intravenously over 1 hour daily for 5 days and cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) 3 g/m2 intravenously over 2 hours every 12 hours for six doses, followed by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) 125 pg/m2intravenously over 4 hours daily until recovery of granulocytes above 2.0 x 10a/pL.Their outcome was compared with 29 prognostically similar historical control patients treated with the identical chemotherapy without GM-CSF. Overall, the complete response rates were similar in the treatment and control groups (13 of 34 [38%] v 11 of 29 [38%]). There was a trend for less remission induction mortality in the GM-CSF-treated patients (2 of 34 [6%] Y 6 of 29 [21%]; P = .08), but, con- versely, a higher rate of resistant disease (19 of 34 [56%] v 10 of 29 [34%]; P = .09). Recovery of granulocyte counts above 500/pL was significantlyfaster in the GM-CSF-treated group (25 days Y 33 days; P < .Ol), but there was no reduction in the incidence of febrile episodes (91% v 93%) or of documented infections (59% v 59%). Survival was prolonged in the GM-CSF-treated patients but was not of clinical relevance (31 Y 20 weeks; P = .05). In summary, the addition of GM-CSF to intensive chemotherapy in refractory adult ALL was associated with a reduction in the remission induction mortality, probably secondary to a shorter duration of granulocytopenia, but not with an improvement in complete response rates. 0 1992 by The American Society of Hematology. I cyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) after mitoxantrone and high-dose ara-C intensive chemotherapy in adult ALL would achieve reductions in myelosuppression and its associated complications. Our findings are summarized in this report. MPROVEMENT in the prognosis of patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) has resulted from the introduction of chemotherapeutic agents with different mechanisms of actions, and from the use of these agents in intensification regimens.’.’ Intensification therapies have included high doses of cytosine arabinoside (ara-C), etoposide, cyclophosphamide, and asparaginase?s829 In pediatric ALL’,* and, to a lesser extent, in adult ALL, such approaches have improved the cure fractions in different subsets of patients?.’ These programs are generally tested in the salvage setting to assess efficacy and toxicity before their incorporation into the frontline induction-maintenance programs. We have previously conducted serial studies of high-dose ara-C and mitoxantrone, first alone and later in combination, in adults with refractory ALL,’’-’’ and observed complete response (CR) rates of 20% to 40%. With the high-dose ara-C-containing regimens, significant morbidity and mortality related to myelosuppression were obThe addition of growth factors to intensive chemotherapy regimens in patients with solid and hematologic malignancies13-19 has been reported to reduce the intensity and duration of granulocytopenia, myelosuppression-related morbidity and infections, and hospitalization. In this study, we investigated whether the use of granulo- From the Departments of Hematology, Infectious Diseases, and Clinical Immunology and Biological Therapy, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030. Submitted August 12,1991; accepted October 8,1991. Address reprint requests to Hagop M. Kantajian, MD, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Hematology, Box 61, 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C.section 1734 sole& to indicate this fact. Q 1992 by TheAmerican Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/92/7904-0008$3.00/0 876 MATERIALS AND METHODS Study popularion. Thirty-four patients with refractory ALL were treated between May 1989 and April 1991. Informed consent was obtained according to institutional guidelines. Criteria for entry were (1) the presence of 30% or more blasts in the bone marrow or more than 10 x lo) circulating blasts/kL in the peripheral blood; (2) a performance status of 0 to 2 on Zubrod scale; and (3) normal hepatic and renal functions. Work-up at presentation included history and physical examination; documentation of the extent of disease; complete blood counts (CBC), platelet and differential; SMA12 with liver and renal function studies; bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, morphology and histochemical and enzymatic stains; and cytogenetic studiesm A diagnosis of ALL required confirmation by morphology, negative peroxidase, and positive terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and/or common acute lymphocytic leukemia antigen (CALLA). Immunophenotyping and electron microscopic studies were confirmatory and were used in the diagnostic evaluation of difficult cases. Therapy. Induction chemotherapy consisted of mitoxantrone 5 mglm’ intravenously over 1hour daily for 5 days, and ara-C 3 glm’ intravenously over 2 hours every 12 hours for 6 doses. GM-CSF was started 24 hours after chemotherapy was completed at 125 pglm’ over 4 hours daily until the recovery of granulocytes above 2.0 x lO’/pL. A second course was administered at the same dose schedule in patients who did not obtain a CR after the first course, and who did not have prohibitive toxicities. Timing of the second course depended on the serial evaluation of marrow studies, and on the general condition of the patient. Subsequent maintenance therapy included one more consolidation course, followed by maintenance with 6 mercaptopurine 50 mg orally three times daily and methotrexate 20 mg/m2weekly. Historical control population. The results of this study were compared with those observed in 36 patients with refractory ALL treated in the immediate previous period (March 1985 and April 1989) with the same mitoxantrone and high-dose ara-C schedule but without GM-CSF. The entry criteria on both studies were the Blood, Vol79, No 4 (February 15), 1992: pp 876-881 From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. CHEMOTHERAPY + GM-CSF IN ALL 877 same, except for the inclusion of patients with any performance status. Seven patients with Zubrod performance 3 or 4 who were treated in the historical control group were excluded from this analysis. Thus, 29 patients from the historical control group were included in the comparative analysis. Patients in the historical control group received similar supportive care therapy (platelets, red cells, antibiotic regimens) as the study population. Data on both studies were collected and evaluated by the same investigators (H.M.K. and M.B.R.). Techniques for the evaluation of febrile episodes and documenting infections were identical and reviewed by the same investigators (H.M.K., E.A., and M.B.R.). A febrile episode was defined as a temperature of 3S3”Cor above, uncorrelated to transfusions and lasting for at least 2 hours. Response criferia. CR was defined as 5% or less blasts in a normocellular or hypercellular bone marrow with normal peripheral and differential counts, including a granulocyte count greater than 1,50O/p,L and a platelet count greater than 100 x 103/p,Lfor at least 1 month.’l Partial remission (PR) required similar criteria except for the presence of 6% to 25% marrow blasts. Patients failing induction therapy were categorized as (1) early death if they expired within 2 weeks from the start of therapy; (2) death during induction if they expired 2 weeks or later while receiving induction therapy; or (3) resistant if they survived induction but regrew with resistant leukemia. Primary resistance was defined as persistence of a marrow leukemic infiltrate (MLI = marrow blast percent X cellularity) of 20% or more during therapy. Secondary resistance was defined as a reduction of the MLI to less than 20% with subsequent leukemia regrowth. Statistical methods. The x2 test was used to compare differences among variables in the two groups. Survival after salvage therapy was measured from the date of start of treatment and CR duration was measured from the date of remission until documented relapse. Survival and remission duration curves were plotted by the method of Kaplan and Meier.” Differences among curves were compared by the modified Wilcoxon testU and by the log-rank test.” For the times to recovery of granulocytes and platelet counts, patients dying or changed to alternative therapy because of leukemic growth before attaining the desired counts were censored at the time of death or initiation of alternative therapy. RESULTS The characteristics of the 34 patients entered on study and of the 29 patients in the historical control group are detailed in Table 1. Patients in the treatment group were older, but other characteristics were similar among the two populations (Table 1). Response. Overall, 13 patients (38%) achieved CR with intensive chemotherapy followed by GM-CSF, two (6%) died during remission induction with hypoplastic marrows, and 19 (56%) had resistant disease. The CR rates were the same in the treatment and historical control groups (Table 2). However, patients receiving chemotherapy and GMCSF had a lower incidence of induction mortality (excluding early deaths) compared with those receiving chemotherapy alone (6% v 21%;P = .08), but had a higher incidence of resistant disease (56% v 34%; P = .09). The CR durations were not significantly different (median CR durations 31 weeks in the study population versus 17 weeks in the historical control group; P = .9; Fig 1). Short-term survival was significantly longer in the study population (31 weeks v 20 weeks; P = .05 by modified Wilcoxon test), although the difference was not significantly relevant from the clinical standpoint and in terms of overall survival (P= .3 by log-rank test; Fig 2). To test if there were imbalances in prognostic factors between the two groups, we first investigated whether any variable affected CR rate or survival in the combined study and historical groups and then checked whether that variable was similarly distributed in the two groups. Only performance status was associated with significantly different CR rates (P= .05) and a trend for different survivals Table 1. Characteristicsof the Study Population and of the Historical Control Group No. of Patients (%) Characteristic Age (yr) Median age (yr) Performance status (Zubrod scale) Hemoglobin (g/dL) WBC ( X ~ O ~ / ~ L ) Platelet count ( x 103/bL) Albumin (g/dL) Lactic dehydrogenase (U/L) Karyotype Salvage status Diagnosis to therapy (mo) Duration of first remission (mo) Category t 40 0-1 2 5 10 > 20 I50 53.5 t 450 Diploid Ph IM Other First Second Third or more s6 26 <6 >6 Study Population (N = 34) Historical Control (N = 29) 11 (32) 31 27 (79) 3 (10) 24 23 (79) 7 (21) 19 (56) 6 (18) 16 (47) 17 (50) 18 (53) 10 (30) 7 (21) 7 (21) 10 (30) 19 (56) 9 (26) 6 (18) 17 (50) 17 (50) 11 (32) 23 (68) 6 (21) 14 (48) 6 (21) 12 (41) 8 (28) 17 (59) 7 (24) 4 (14) 5 (17) 13 (45) 16 (55) 7 (24) 6 (21) 9 (31) 20 (69) 12 (41) 17 (49) PValue Abbreviations: Ph, Philadelphiachromosome-positive; IM, insufficient metaphases; NS, not significant; WBC, white blood cell count. .04 NS NS NS NS .07 NS NS NS .13 NS From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 878 KANTARJIAN ET AL I nn Table 2. Responseto Mitoxantrone and High-Dose ara-C With or Without GM-CSF in the Treatment and Historical Control Groups No. of Patients (%) Study Population (N = 34) Response CR 13 (38) - Early death Aplastic death Historical Control (N = 29) 1 1 (38) 2 (7) ] 6% al PValue NS $ - 60 al E n (”)) 21% 3 (10) Death > 20% leukemia infiltrate Secondary resistance l8 (53)156% 10 (34))34% 1 (3) Primary resistance 2(6) 80 40 .08 .09 20 0 (P = .08), and this variable was equally distributed between the two groups. Age, on the other hand, had no significant associations with either response rate or survival (Table 3). Hematologic recovery after chemotheramand myelosuppression-associated complications. Hematologic recovery was compared after the first course of therapy in both groups. All 63 patients in both the study population and historical control had a lowest granulocyte count of less than 1OO/pL after therapy. Recovery of the granulocytic series was significantly faster among patients treated with GM-CSF after intensive chemotherapy. In the study population, the number of days to recovery of granulocytes above 0.5 x 103/pL was 25 days, compared with 33 days for the historical control group (Fig 3; P = .005). However, the number of days to recovery of platelets was not significantly different (Fig 4; P = .17). Febrile episodes and documented infections during the first course occurred with similar frequency in both groups, despite the shorter duration of granulocytopenia among patients treated with GM-CSF after intensive chemotherapy. Table 4 lists the distribution of the most serious febrile events during chemotherapy. Eleven patients (32%) in the study group and seven patients (24%) in the historical control group developed more than one febrile episode (mean number of febrile episodes per course 1.26 and 1.17, respectively). All 10 patients who died during remission induction had major infectious episodes causing death: disseminated fungal infections in seven patients (Candida, 0 26 DISCUSSION In this study, adults with refractory ALL received GMCSF as a supportive care measure after intensive chemotherapy with mitoxantrone and high-dose ara-C. The results, compared with those of a historical control group of patients who received the identical chemotherapy regimen Table 3. Factors Influencing Responseand Survival (63 Patients) No.of CR/ Total Patients Characteristic Performance (Zubrod) Hemoglobin (g/dL) Category <40 240 0 1-2 110 I b3 a WBC ( x 1 0 3 / ~ ~ ) 60 .-c s c Platelet count (x103/pL) 40 E Albumin (g/dL) n 20 Lactic dehydrogenase (U/L) First CR duration (mo) 0 0 26 52 78 104 130 Remission Duration (Weeks) Fig 1. Durationof CR in the (---) study population (7 of 13 relapsed) and the (-) historical control group (8 of 11 relapsed) (P = .91). 130 5 patients; candida and aspergillus, one patient; Rhodotorula rubra, one patient) and bacterial infections or pneumonia in three patients. other side-effects. The incidence of nonhematologic sideeffects was similar among patients receiving intensive chemotherapy alone or followed by GM-CSF (Table 5). In particular, in this population of patients with adult ALL, the development of complications such as hypotension, cardiopulmonary complications, fluid retention, and hypoalbuminemia with GM-CSF therapy was rare. Age (yr) 80 104 Fig 2. Survival duration in the (---) study population (26 of 34 failed) and the I-) historical control group (25 of 29 failed). P = .05 (Gehan = Breslow); P = .31 (log-rank). 100 s 78 52 Survival from Start of Therapy (Weeks) Salvage attempt >10 120 >20 150 >50 1 3.5 > 3.5 <450 2450 <6 26 (%) PValue 16/49(33) .30 8/14(57) 8/13(61) .05 16/50(32) 12/33(36) .76 12/30(40) 21/51 (41) .30 3/12(25) 9/28(32) .38 15/35(43) 9/25(36) .78 15/38(39) 14/28(50) .08 10/35(29) 14/35(40) .73 10/28(36) 11/35(31) .22 First Second or more 13/28(46) Median Survival P (wk) Value 21 30 33 17 24 20 26 .27 .08 .77 .52 20 22 24 .78 20 .41 30 19 .16 20 18 29 19 23 .48 25 From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. CHEMOTHERAPY 100 + GM-CSF IN ALL a79 Table 4. Incidence of Febrile Episodes and of Documented Infections During the First Course of Chemotherapy With or Without GM-CSF --I No. of Patients (%) dO nl c 5 I 60 n Episode c Febrile episodes Fever of unknown origin Documented infection Bacterial Pneumonia Pneumonia sepsis Fungal Viral Bleeding c 5 : 40 n 20 , ! , without subsequent GM-CSF therapy, showed (1) a significantly decreased duration of granulocytopenia without a reduction in the incidence of febrile episodes and documented infections; (2) a trend for a lower induction mortality rate but, conversely, a higher incidence of resistant disease which (3) led to similar CR rates and (4) a statistically significant prolonged short-term survival. GM-CSF therapy was associated with a reduction in the incidence of induction mortality, but not with an increased CR rate. Thus, patients at high risk of induction mortality may also have a more resistant disease that would manifest itself if they recover from their myelosuppression. Prolonged myelosuppression and consequent induction mortality in such patients may be from the leukemia-inhibitory effect exerted by the residual leukemia on the normal stem cells. GM-CSF therapy, by enhancing normal hematopoietic recovery and preventing mortality, unmasks the natural course of these patients, ie, recovery with leukemia. This would thus produce, as seen in this study, improved short-term survival, but little effect on CR duration or long-term prognosis. nn I vv 80 m c -al 5 P Historical Control (N = 34) (N = 29) 31 (91) 1 1 (32) 20 (59) 14 (41) 27 (93) + ---I 4 Study Population 60 2 (6) While the duration of granulocytopenia was reduced, this did not translate into a lower incidence of febrile episodes or documented infections. This observation is not peculiar to this study but has also been noted in the setting of patients with solid tumors receiving very intensive chemotherapy followed by GM-CSF with or without autologous stem cell infusions.25Most febrile episodes and infections occur early in the period of granulocytopenia, and are as related to the intensity of granulocytopenia as to its duration. By shortening the duration of granulocytopenia, GM-CSF therapy was not capable of reducing the incidence of febrile episodes or infections (possibly an indication of the intensity of granulocytopenia), but reduced their severity as measured by the mortality rate (possibly more related to the duration of severe granulocytopenia). The effects of growth factors as a supportive treatment after intensive chemotherapy depend on the intensity and the duration of myelosuppression. Factors affecting these two variables are (1) the tumor type (solid versus hematologic malignancies); (2) the quality of the bone marrow or normal stem cell pool (prior chemotherapy or irradiation or marrow involvement by tumor, particularly in leukemia); (3) the intensity of chemotherapy (marrow suppressive versus ablative); and (4) whether normal (autologous or allogeneic) stem cells are reinfused after chemotherapy/ irradiation. Better results with growth factors may be achieved with less intensive regimens, with intact bone marrow, and with reinfusion (of large amounts) of stem cells after high-intensity chemotherapy. Studies that have shown reductions in the incidence of febrile episodes and of Table 5. Other Side-Effects Associated With Intensive Chemotherapy With or Without GM-CSF Supportive Care c 5 No. of Patients 40 g Historical Diarrhea Mucositis Neurotoxicity 5 (15) 5 (17) 3 (10) 1 (3) Cardiotoxicity Pulmonary toxicity Chest pain Lowest albumin level less than 2 g/dL l(3) 2 (6) 1 (3) 1 (3) 20 Toxicity 0 14 28 42 56 Days to Platelets Recovery Above 30x1Oa/pl Fig 4. Days to recovery of platelets above 30 x lO'/pL in the (---) study population (n = 34) and the (-)historical control group (n = 29) (P = .17). (Oh) Study Population (N = 34) n 3 (9) - Control (N = 29) - 1(3) From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. KANTARJIAN ET AL documented infections have generally also shown reduction in the intensity as well as the duration of granulocytopenia. These studies have used less intensive regimens compared with those used in hematologic neoplasms, and were generally in the setting of patients with solid tumors and/or normal bone marrows.’6~17~26 A concern with the introduction of growth factors as supportive measures in patients with cancer was the possible potentiation of tumor growth. This was particularly important in the setting of myeloid leukemia, in which leukemic cells may share properties with normal stem cells. In our study in patients with ALL, the achievement of a favorable response rate and lowering of induction mortality suggests that the use of GM-CSF is safe in this tumor, and that a beneficial effect may be achieved with its addition to chemotherapy in earlier stages such as remission induction of newly diagnosed ALL, or as part of maintenance- intensification in remission, when significant morbidity and/or mortality is expected. Finally, some of the side-effects of growth factor therapy may be disease associated. 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