LIDDESDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY’S OPEN ‘HOLM’ SHOW To be held at Newcastleton on SATURDAY, 30th AUGUST, 2014 PRIZE SCHEDULE For Sheep, Ponies, Walking Sticks, Poultry, Dogs, Industrial, Home Baking, Flowers and Vegetables, Photographs, Wrestling (Under C. & W. Rules), Tug of War, Children’s Pets Terrier Races Vintage Machinery 50 Trophies £3,000 IN PRIZES All Entries and Fees to be in the hands of the Secretary by Saturday 9th August, 2014 LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE Admission: Adult £6.00 — Concession £3.00 — Junior (under 16) £1.50 Car Park £2.00 Livestock & Advertising Hon. Secretary: Jenny Nixon, Blinkbonny, Newcastleton, TD9 0TN. Tel: 01387 808 789 Industrial & General Hon. Secretary: Linda Roystone, 13 Scott Street, Newcastleton, TD9 0QQ. Tel: 013873 75871 Email: Website: EXHIBITORS WILL COLLECT EXHIBIT ENTRY NUMBERS FROM THE RELEVANT MARQUEE ON SHOW DAY. ALL EXHIBITS TO BE STAGED BY 9.45AM Scott & Paterson Ltd., Printers, 9 High Street, Hawick • Tel: 01450 372773 • Fax: 01450 373512 • Email: CPH 92 769 8006 RULES AND REGULATIONS (Note that all stock referred to is non-accredited) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. The Society has for its objects the promotion of the interests of Industry in general and of Agriculture in particular, and of the Public Health. The committee reserve to themselves power to withhold or modify any of the premiums where the exhibits, in their opinion or the opinion of the Judges, are not of sufficient merit, or where there is no competition. The premiums awarded in all classes will be paid as soon as possible after the Show. All stock exhibited must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor and have been in his possession from 1st June, 2014. All articles in vegetable and flower Classes to be grown by and be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. All photos to be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. All ewes must have reared and nursed lambs this season and not weaned before 1st August. All stock and exhibits to be in their place by 9.45 a.m. on the morning of the Show. Tent exhibits to be in their place by 9.45 a.m. on the morning of the Show. During the judging of stock no person will be allowed in the ring except the Judge and Attending Members. All female sheep of all breeds, except Dorset Horn, Polled Dorset and Finnish Landrace, and all Angora goats, to be entered and/or exhibited are: i. non‑pregnant (empty) ii. have not lambed within 30 days prior to entry to Show iii. not subject to procedures which change the seasonal breeding pattern All other female sheep of the Dorset Horn, Polled Dorset and Finnish Landrace breeds, and animals subject to procedures which change the seasonal breeding pattern, must be accompanied by a declaration from flock masters or agents. All sheep to comply with Scab Regulations. Protests must be lodged with the Secretary by 2 o’clock on the day of the Show and the decision of the committee appointed to determine these shall be final. No protests can be entertained unless a deposit of £5 has been lodged with the Secretary, which deposit shall be forfeited to the Society if the committee consider there are no grounds for the protest. Cut Flowers to be shown in exhibitors own appropriate containers. Containers must be clean and free from any previous show labels, etc. No responsibility will be incurred by the society or its stewards or servants for any loss or accident that may befall any of the stock exhibited, but every possible care and attention will be bestowed on all exhibits. All exhibitors who have entries of £10 or over in all classes will receive an Acknowledgement Card and Complimentary Ticket for Admission to Show. All Cups to be returned in original condition to the Secretary fourteen days prior to date of Show. The responsibility for care & inscription of individual cups lies with each recipient for the period of receipt of cup until it is handed back to the Secretary. No Cups to leave the United Kingdom. In the event of a tie for points, prizes in the Industrial and Home Baking sections, the Society will purchase a further prize to the same value. Exhibitors are limited to 3 entries in Section Classes - Vegetables, Baking, Industrial & Photography (excluding children’s). All riders must wear protective headgear. The owners of all horses attending the Show should carry with them a passport for each animal. No stock to be lifted before 3 p.m. Exhibits must not be lifted before 4 p.m. The committee will not be responsible for Exhibits left in tents after 5pm unless by prior arrangement. Applications for Sponsorship, Advert, Trade Stand Contact Livestock and Advertising Secretary Jenny Nixon 01387 808 789 Fields kindly lent by Miss M. E. Grieve, Buccleuch Estates, Harrison & Hetherington Ltd. and Mr I. Aitchison. PROVISIONAL SHOW DAY TIME TABLE 8.30am 9.00am 9.40am 9.30am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.20am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 11.00am 11.00am 11.00am 11.30am 11.45am Noon Noon 12.10pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm Show Yard Opens Judging of Registered Mountain and Moorland Ponies - Large Breeds (Ring 2) Judging of Registered Mountain and Moorland Ponies - Small Breeds (Ring 2) Judging of Pony Club Pony (Ring 1) Judging of Livestock Judging of Flowers, Vegetables, Dairy Produce, Baking, Photos Judging of Vintage Judging of Poultry Judging of Registered Mountain and Moorland Ponies - Champion (Ring 2) Judging of Coloured Horse or Pony- In Hand Judging of Bluefaced Leicester Judging of Prime Lambs Judging of Hill Cobs (Ring 1) Judging of Veteran Horse or Pony- In Hand (Ring 2) Judging of Dogs (Ring 3) Judging of Utility Horse or Pony (Ring 2) Judging of Small Native Ponies - Lead Rein (Ring 1) Wrestling (C. & W. Rules) (Ring 3) Judging of Young Handlers Judging of Small Native Ponies - Ridden (Ring 1) Approximately Tents open to public Clear Round (Ring 2) Judging of Overall Sheep Judging of Show Pony (Ring 1) Judging of Small Pet Show (Ring 3) Open Jumping (Ring 1) Liddesdale Agricultural Society Highland Games (Ring 3) Fancy Dress (Horse Section) (Ring 2) Horse Sports (Ring 2) Penalty Shoot Out Competition (Ring 3) Hawick Pipe Band Parade (Ring 2) Vintage Tractor Parade (Ring 2) Weather permitted Children Sports (Ring 3) Gamblers Stakes (Ring 1) Presentation of Trophies Mr & Mrs B Wilson, Jobson, Longtown Terrier Racing (Ring 2) Adult and Children Tug of War Competition (Ring 2) Holm Show BBQ Entertainment throughout the day includes Craft Tent & Demonstrations, Fun Fair, Hawick Pipe Band, Young Handlers Sheep Section, Children’s Small Pet Show, Mini Highland Games, Children’s Sports, Children’s Entertainer, Vintage Farm Engines, Mel Horne - Photographer, Tug of War, BBQ at end of day. Liddesdale Agricultural Society Office-Bearers for 2014 Patron: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH President: Mrs J. NICHOL, Dykecrofts, Newcastleton Vice-Presidents: Hon. T. W. TENNANT, Shaws, Newcastleton Lady EMMA TENNANT, Shaws, Newcastleton MARGARET ELIOTT, Redheugh Mr D. THOMLINSON, Park View, Scaleby Mr C. J. BRODIE, Solway Bank Cottage, Pingle Farms, Canonbie Miss M. E. GRIEVE, Braefit, Newcastleton Mrs C. MURRAY, Fiddleton Bankend Ewes Mr A. SCOTT, Pathhead, Newcastleton THE EARL OF DALKEITH, Thornhill Mr A. DOUGLAS, Saughtree Mr A. HARRINGTON, Penrith Executive Committee: Chairman: Mr G. McGimpsey Vice-Chairman: Mr R. Elliot Messrs I. Aitchison, A. Atkinson, P. Hedley, A. Hope, K. McGimpsey, J. Nichol, G. Nichol, D. Nixon, J. Nixon, D. Oliver, C. Richardson, P. Scott, J. Turnbull, G. White Mesdames P. Atkinson, K. Elliot, A. Forster, S. Herd, M. Irving, J. Nixon, S. Little, S. Richardson, L. Scott, K. Skelton, B. L. Stagg Equestrian Sub-Committee: L. Stenhouse, S. Reynolds, H. J. Hedley, F. Anderson, A. Spence Hon. Secretaries: Livestock & Advertising: Mrs J. Nixon, Blinkbonny, Newcastleton, TD9 0TN 01387 808 789 Industrial & General: Mrs L. Roystone, 13 Scott Street, Newcastleton, TD9 0QQ 013873 75871 Hon. Treasurer: Mr M. Macgregor, Hermitage, Hawick Hon.Auditor P. S. Davidson, A.A.I.A. Newcastleton CONVENERS South Country Cheviot Sheep - Mr R Elliot Blackfaced Sheep – Mr J Nixon Greyfaced Sheep – Mr G Nichol Bluefaced Sheep – Mr G Nichol Hill North Country Cheviot Sheep – Mr P Scott Continental Sheep – Mr A Atkinson Prime Lambs – Mr A Atkinson Young Handlers –Mr J Nichol Ponies – Mrs L Stenhouse Dogs – Mrs B Stagg Children’s Pets Mrs B Stagg Poultry – Mrs K Elliot Wrestling – Mr A Harrington Flowers – Mrs A Foster Floral Art – Mrs K Skelton Vegetables – Mr & Mrs C Richardson Home Baking – Mrs J Nixon Industrial – Mrs L Scott Walking Stick – Mr D Oliver School – Mrs S Herd Photography – Mr G White Vintage- TBA Children’s Sport- Mr A Atkinson Entertainment- Mrs P Atkinson Trophies – Mrs M Irving Gate, Car park, Catalogue – Mr I Aitchinson Catering and Refreshments- Mr P Hedley Vet on day Capontree Vets, Longtown We would like to acknowledge the support of Mr & Mrs Cetoloni towards publication of both schedule and catalogue JUDGES AT SHOW Livestock Section Overall Judge: South Country Cheviot Sheep: Blackfaced Sheep: Greyfaced Sheep: Bluefaced Sheep: Hill North Country Cheviot Sheep: Continental Sheep: Prime Lambs: Young Handlers: Pony Club Pony, Hill Cobs, Small Natives, Show Pony: Presentation and Turnout: Registered Mountain and Moorland, Veteran, Utility Pony: Dogs: Children’s Pets: Poultry Mr W Skilling, Tayilloan, Argyll Mr G Bell, Caroline St, Langholm Mr W Todd, Glenshanna, Westerkirk Mr W Walton, Peripeugh, Bardon Mill Mr W Walton, Peripeugh, Bardon Mill Mr J Gallon, Howan Grange Cot, Morebattle Mr S Stoddart, Hillside, Wigton Mr S Stoddart, Hillside, Wigton Mr W Skilling, Tayilloan, Argyll C & W. Wrestling: Flowers: Floral Art: Vegetables: Baking (Plain): Baking (Fancy): (classes 312 - 323) Baking (Fancy):(classes 324 - 335) Jams, Jellies, & Wines: Needlework: Knitting: Children’s Classes: Walking Sticks: Photographs: Vintage: T.B.A Lady Emma Tenant, Newcastleton Mrs S Elliot, Brampton Mr W Little, Westerkirk Mrs W Kinstry, Westerkirk Mrs E Mcneil, Westerkirk Mrs C Todd, Westerkirk Mrs A McDairmant, Canonbie Mrs M Pate, Galashiels Mrs Coltherd, Yarrow Mrs S Inglis, Newcastleton Mr S Smith, Mossfoot, Annan Mr J Anderson, Hawick Mr J Dixon, Carlisle Mr J W Langcake, Kirkpatrick Fleming Mr P Armstrong Wilson, Canonbie Mrs J Ward, Wigton Mrs E A Stien, Newcastle Capontree Vet, Longtown Mr A Edward, Brydekirk Industrial Section TROPHY WINNERS 2013 The Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers Cup. Overall Champion Sheep Mr G Jackson The Eskdale and Liddesdale Advertiser Trophy. Overall Reserve Sheep Mr J Nicholson The Charlie Wilson Memorial Cup. Shepherd 25yrs and under most points in sheep section Miss Zoe Hall The Wattie Robertson Memorial Cup. Overall Cheviot or Blackface Mr G Jackson The Cumberland and Westmorland Farmers Ltd Challenge Cup. South Country Cheviot Mr A Warden The Liddesdale Junior Agricultural Challenge Cup. South Country Cheviot Mr C Weir The John Charlton Challenge Cup. Blackface Mr G Jackson The Larriston Perpetual Challenge Cup. Blackface Mr G Jackson The Rickerby Ltd Tankard. Greyfaced Ewe Lambs Mr J Nicholson The Raeburn Perpetual Challenge Cup. Blueface Leicester Champion Mr T Davidson The Thomas Watson Memorial Shield. Blueface Leicester opposite sex of Champion Mr T Davidson Solway Agricultural Cup. Hill North Country Cheviot Cup New for 2014 Mr G McGimpsey and Mr G Rae Cup. Continental Classes Mr R Fox The Titheburn Challenge Cup. Prime Lambs Mr W Armstrong The Bedda Cup. Young Handlers Mr V Davidson The Liddesdale Agricultural Society Challenge Cup. Class 70 Pony Club Pony Miss E Brown The Hawick News Challenge Cup. Class 71 Pony Club Pony Miss N Kennedy Sir Waldie Griffiths Perpetual Challenge Cup. Class 72 Hill Cobs Miss N Jackson Copshaw Cup. Class 73 & 74 Small Natives Ridden Miss I Brown Coffee Johnny Perpetual Challenge Cup. Class 75 Show Pony Miss E Brown Liddesdale Agricultural Society Challenge Cup. Class 76 Registered Mountain and Moorland Large Miss N Jackson Lingards Wood Willow Trophy. Class 77 Registered Mountain and Moorland Small Miss T Scott Westerkirk Saddlery Perpetual Trophy. Class 76 and 77 Best Welsh Mrs F Flackie Poldark Trophy. Class 78 Coloured in hand Mrs L Gilchrist The Ruaridh Trophy. Class 79 Veteran Master A McColm The Graham Murray Memorial Trophy. Class 80 Utility Horse/Pony Miss E Meldrum Gamblers Stakes Jumping New for 2014 The Colin Telford Salver. Class 86 & 87 Horse Sports Miss K Dodd TROPHY WINNERS 2013 (continued) Peel Fell Cup. Working terrier Mr K Duncan Caldcleuch Cup. Collies Mr B McKay The R. L. Parkin Shield. Poultry K Griggs The Elliot Cup. Poultry Junior Class K Griggs Sam’s Shield. Poultry J & A Foster George Waddell Trophy. Eggs K Griggs The William Forrester Memorial Trophy. Overall Performance Martin Maussion R O Waugh Challenge Cup. Under 18 years Darryl Hodgson Tankard for winners of under 13yrs, under 15yrs The Bell Cup. For most point in Flower Section Mr Moyes The Centenary Cup. For most points confined to Castleton and Saughtree Joint – Mrs I Nichol & Mr P Hutton The Jean and Ell Quaich. Class 142 (One Bloom) Mrs J Douglas Newcastleton SWRI cup. Most Points in Classes 230, 231, 232, 233, 234 Mrs A Orr Tinnis Cup. For most points Mr D L Irving RBL (Newcastleton) Cup. Most points in Classes 251,261, 262, 264 (open) Mr D L Irving The Jean Mitchinson Shield (Open) for most points overall in Dairy Produce, Jams, Jellies & Home Baking Mrs J Foster The Anderson Cup. For most points in the Home Baking Mrs J Forster The Holm Cup. For most points in Industrial Overall M Main M.L. Adamson & J.I Bee Cup. For most points (Newcastleton children) W Webster The Leonard Parkin Perpetual Challenge Cup. For most outstanding exhibit Mr R Phillips The Duncan Brown Memorial Cup. For most points in open classes Mr A Dent The Robert Little Challenge Cup. For most points in Walking Stick section Mr A Dent Marius Carruthers Trophy. For best Novice Stick Mr R Phillips The Barbour Challenge Cup. For best photo(s) in show Mr S Wilson The Caerba Cup. For most points in coloured section Classes 460 - 468 Mr J Turnbull The Rowtingburn Challenge Cup. For most points in Black and White Section Classes 469 - 471 Mr S Wilson Liddesdale Agroweld Cup Machinery Mr W Lockerby Jimmy Telford Cup for Best Car Mr W Lockerby SHEEP SECTION Please use entry form on the back page of schedule and send to Livestock and Advertising Secretary. Mrs J Nixon, Blinkbonny, Newcastleton. TD9 0TN. Late entries may be accepted up until the Tuesday night prior to show day at the discretion of both Livestock Secretary and Convenor of their section, at double the cost of the entry fee stated in schedule. CPH Number for Show field – 92/769/8006 (for Sheep Movement Document as required) All Sheep to comply with Scab Regulations. All exhibitors in the livestock section should note any current restrictions on tagging, movement, standstill and handling of animals at the time of the Show. Please contact either Defra or Seerad if in doubt. No Stock to be lifted before 3pm. Overall Cups The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers’ Cup ‑ Overall Sheep Champion. The Eskdale & Liddesdale Advertiser Trophy ‑ Overall Reserve Sheep Champion. The Charlie Wilson Memorial Cup - Any shepherd, 25years & under for most points in Sheep Section. The Wattie Robertson Memorial Cup for Overall Shepherd Champion Sheep, Cheviot or Blackface. SOUTH COUNTRY CHEVIOT SHEEP Judging commences at 10a.m. ‑ Entry Fee £1.00 Cumberland & Westmorland Farmers Ltd Challenge Cup for Hired Shepherd showing a sheep from his own hirsel. Liddesdale Junior Agricuotural Challenge Cup presented by Junior Agricultural Club to be competed for annually and prize by Stewart & Ramsden Ltd, for Champion Cheviot Sheep £15 and £10 for the Reserve Champion. A Special of £25 kindle donated by Sorbietrees Farm Ltd for Hired Shepherd or Shepherd/Farmer with the most points in the Section. The Champion South Country Cheviot will be eligible to go forward to Langholm Show on Saturday 27th September 2014, for Champion of Champion’s Show. First, £6; Second, £4; Third, £2 Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 All Exhibits to be shown in one class only except groups Cheviot Ram, aged Cheviot Shearling, Ram Cheviot Ram Lamb Group, Cheviot Ram, Shearling and Ram Lamb, taken from Classes 1, 2 and 3 Hill Cheviot Ewe, to have reared lamb this season Hill Cheviot Gimmer Hill Cheviot Ewe Lamb Cheviot Ewe with one Ewe Lamb at foot (not to be shown in any other Class) Cheviot Ewe with one Ram Lamb at foot (not to be shown in any other Class) Hill Cheviot Ewe, to have reared lamb this season, shown by Shepherd Hill Cheviot Gimmer, shown by Shepherd Cheviot Ewe Lamb, shown by Shepherd Pair of Ewe Lambs, shown by Shepherd Group, Cheviot Ewe, Gimmer and Ewe Lamb taken from Classes 5, 6, 7 & 10, 11, 12 Harrison & Hetherington Harrison & Hetherington Harrison & Hetherington Harrison & Hetherington Harrison & Hetherington G & H White & Sons Mr & Mrs Plunkett John Swan & Sons John Swan & Sons Mr G Hope Mr & Mrs M Mcgregor Lovat Mill, Hawick Lovat Mill, Hawick Lovat Mill, Hawick BLACKFACE SHEEP Judging commences at 10a.m. ‑ Entry Fee £1.00 The John Charlton Challenge Cup for Hired Shepherd showing a sheep from his own hirsel. The Larriston Perpetual Challenge Cup presented by Lord Whitburgh also £2 by the society for the Reserve Champion. A Special of £25 kindly donated by Sorbietrees Farm Ltd for hired shepherd or shepherd/farmer with most points in section. First, £6; Second, £4; Third, £2 Class 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 All Exhibits to be shown in one class only except Groups Blackface Ram, aged Blackface Shearling Ram Blackface Ram Lamb Group, Blackface Ram, Shearling and Ram Lamb, taken from Classes 15, 16 and 17 Blackface Ewe, to have reared lamb this season Blackface Gimmer Blackface Ewe Lamb Blackface Ewe with one Ewe Lamb at foot (not to be shown in any other class) Blackface Ewe with one Ram Lamb at foot (not to be shown in any other class) Blackface Ewe, to have reared lamb this season, shown by Shepherd Blackface Gimmer, shown by Shepherd Blackface Ewe Lamb, shown by Shepherd Pair of Ewe Lambs shown by Shepherd Group: Blackface Ewe, Gimmer and Ewe Lamb, taken from Classes 19, 20, 21 & 24, 25, 26 Mr Bell Mr Bell Mr Bell Mr & Mrs Plunkett Mr & Mrs Plunkett John Swan & Sons Copshaw Common-Riding Mr & Mrs Plunkett Mr & Mrs Plunkett Border Vets, Longtown Mr G Phillips GREYFACE SHEEP Judging commences at 10a.m. ‑ Entry Fee £1.00 Rickerby Ltd (Carlisle) kindly donates Tankard for Best Greyfaced Ewe Lamb. A Special of £25 kindly donated by Sorbietrees Farm Ltd for hired shepherd or shepherd/farmer with most points in section. Class 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 First, £6; Second, £4; Third, £2 Greyface, Ewe to have reared lamb this season Greyface Gimmer Greyface Ewe Lamb (ex Blackface) Greyface Ewe Lamb (ex Swale) Group: Greyface Ewe Lamb, Gimmer and Ewe Pair Greyface Ewe Lambs (ex Blackface) (not to be shown in Class 31) Pair Greyface Ewe Lambs (ex Swale) (not to be shown in Class 32) Dodd & Co. Dodd & Co. Dodd & Co. Dodd & Co. Mr G Phillips Mr P Hedley Mr P Hedley BLUEFACE LEICESTER SHEEP Judging commences at 10.30a.m. ‑ Entry fee £1.00 The “Raeburn” Perpetual Challenge Cup presented by Messrs. J. R. & N. Graham, Penton for Champion. The Thomas Watson Memorial Shield for best sheep of opposite sex to Champion donated by Mr & Mrs Little, Hethergill. A Special of £25 kindly donated by Sorbietrees Farm Ltd for hired shepherd or shepherd/farmer with the most points in section. First, £6; Second, £4; Third, £2 Class 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Blueface Ram, aged Blueface Shearling Blueface Ram Lamb Blueface Ewe, to have reared lamb this season Blueface Gimmer Blueface Ewe Lamb Group of 3: 1 male, 2 female Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers, Longtown Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers, Longtown Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers, Longtown Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers, Longtown Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers, Longtown Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers, Longtown Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers, Longtown HILL NORTH COUNTRY CHEVIOT Judging commences at 10a.m. ‑ Entry fee £1.00 Solway Agricultural Cup kindly donated by Solway Agricultural. A Special of £10 kindly donated by Liddesdale Agricultural Society for hired shepherd or shepherd/farmer with the most points in section. Special Prize for best male any age kindly donated by Jim Peat Ltd (Agricultural feed) (class 43 & 44) First, £6; Second, £4; Third, £2 Class 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Hill North Country Cheviot Ram, Aged Mr & Mrs B Stenhouse Hill North Country Cheviot Shearling Mr & Mrs B Stenhouse Hill North Country Cheviot Ram Lamb Mr R Atkinson (Farrier) Hill North Country Cheviot Ewe to have reared lamb this season Hill North Country Cheviot Gimmer G H White & Sons Hill North Country Cheviot Ewe Lamb G H White & Sons Hill North Country Cheviot Mixed Group of 3 CONTINENTAL SHEEP Judging commences at 10a.m. ‑ Entry Fee £1.00 Mr G McGimpsey and Mr G Rae Cup for Champion. A Special of £10 kindly donated by Liddesdale Agricultural Society for hired shepher or shepherd/farmer with most points in section. First, £6; Second, £4; Third, £2 Class 50 51 52 53 54 55 Continental Ram, Aged Continental Shearling Continental Ram Lamb Continental Ewe Continental Gimmer Continental Ewe Lamb Murray Farmcare Murray Farmcare Murray Farmcare Mr G Hope Tynedale Farm Services Tynedale Farm Services PRIME LAMBS Class 56 57 58 59 60 Judging commences at 10.30a.m. ‑ Entry Fee £1.00 Titheburn Challenge Cup for Best Prime Lambs presented by Mrs S. Heslop. £20 Special Prize donated by Carrs for Best Pair Prime Lambs Hill Breeds. Special Prize for Best Pair Prime Lambs up to 40 kilos Liveweight (Class 56) donated by Jim Peat Ltd (Agriculture) First, £6; Second, £4; Third, £2 Jim Peat Ltd Mr & Mrs M Mcgregor G & H White & Sons Pair of Prime Lambs up to 40 kilos Liveweight Pair of Prime Lambs over 40 kilos Liveweight Pair of Prime Lambs, Hill Breeds – Cheviot Pair of Prime Lambs, Hill Breeds – Blackface Pair of Prime Lambs, Hill Breeds – North Country Cheviot YOUNG HANDLERS Class 61 62 Judging commences at 12p.m. ‑ Entry Fee £1.00 Bedda Cup for Champion of Classes 61 and 62 First, £6; Second, £4; Third, £2 Any Breed not shown in any other Class Handler under 10 years old Any Breed not shown in any other Class Handler age 10-16 years old Capontree Vets, Longtown Capontree Vets, Longtown EQUESTRIAN SECTION Late entries may be accepted up until the Tuesday night prior to show day at the discretion of both Livestock Secretary and Convenor of their section at double the cost of entry fee stated in schedule. Please use entry form in middle of schedule and send back to Livestock and Advertising Secretary. Mrs J Nixon, Blinkbonny, Newcastleton. TD9 0TN All riders must wear protective headgear to current BSI standard. Please note Rule 16 in schedule re the carrying of passports. All ridden horses and ponies must be 4 years old and over. Lead Rein-8 years and under. No change of tack or dress between each phase. No spurs except Open Jumping Classes 82, 83 and 84. There are special prizes kindly donated by Eden Clothing, Hawick, Eskdale Saddlery, Longtown and Blendbetter, Westlinton, Carlisle. PONY CLUB PONY (Ring 1) (Open to non-pony club members) Judging commences at 9.30a.m. - Entry Fee £3 per class Class 70 “Liddesdale Agricultural Society Challenge Cup” Class 71 “The Hawick News Challenge Cup” First £5, Second £3 ,Third £2 Class 70 Riders 12 years and under 71 Riders 13 - 17 years Mr & Mrs S Martin Mr & Mrs S Martin HILL COBS AND PONIES (Ridden) (Ring 1) Only one of the following five classes may be entered (72,73,74,75 and 80) Judging commences at 11am. - Entry Fee £3 per class Class 72 – “Sir Waldie Griffiths Perpetual Challenge Cup” Borders Highland Rosette to the best Highland Pony shown under saddle, entered and ridden by a member of Borders Highlands. “Copshaw Cup” for Overall Champion from Classes 73 & 74 Special Prize of £3 for the youngest rider. Class 75 “Coffee Johnny Perpetual Challenge Cup” Class 72 73 74 75 First £5, Second £3, Third £2 Hill Cobs (Thoroughbreds and Arabs Debarred) Small Native Breed, under 13.2hh, rider 12 years and under (Welsh A & B, Exmoor, Dartmoor & Shetland) Lead Rein Small Native Breed, under 13.2hh, rider 12 years and under (Welsh A & B, Exmoor, Dartmoor & Shetland) First Ridden Show pony 14.2hh and under, rider 15 years and under Solway Transport Sorbietrees B & B Mr & Mrs S Martin Sorbietrees B & B REGISTERED MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND PONIES (Ring 2) Judging commences at 9.00am - Entry Fee £3 per class Class 76 “Liddesdale Agricultural Society Challenge Cup” Fell Pony Special Rosette. Owner of winning pony to be F.P.S. member. (Membership card to be produced in the ring) Class 77 “Lingards Wood Willow Trophy” The “Westerkirk Saddlery Perpetual Trophy” for the Best Welsh Pony from Classes 76 & 77 Class 78 the “Poldark Trophy” First £5, Second £3, Third £2 Class 76 Registered Mountain and Moorland Pony, any age, in hand Mr & Mrs B Stenhouse Large Breeds 77 Registered Mountain and Moorland Pony, any age, in hand Small Breeds Mr R Atkinson (Farrier) 78 Coloured any age in hand, Fish Express VETERAN CLASS (Ring 2) Judging commences at 11am Entry Fee £3 per class Class 79 “Ruaridh Trophy” and £10 Special prize for winner of class First £5, Second £3, Third £2 Class 79 Veteran Horse or Pony 17 years and over in hand Mr R Atkinson (Farrier) UTILITY CLASS (Ridden) (Ring 2) Judging commences at 11.30am Entry Fee £3 per class Class 80 the “Graham Murray Memorial Trophy” First £5, Second £3, Third £2 Class 80 Utility Horse or Pony Mr R Atkinson (Farrier) CLEAR ROUND JUMPING (Ring 2) Commences at 12.30pm. Entries taken on field - Entry Fee £1 per round Class 81 Clear Round Jumping, height 60cm (2ft) Mr R Atkinson (Farrier) JUMPING (Open) (Ring 1) Commences at 1.00p.m. - Entry Fee £3 per Jumping Round. Please Note: We would prefer if entries in jumping class are entered prior to show day. If entered on day of the show it will be £4 per Jumping Round. First £5, Second £3, Third £2 Class 82 60cm - 70cm (2’ - 2’3”) 83 75cm - 85cm (2’6” - 2’9”) 84 Gamblers Stakes Sorbietrees B & B Sorbietrees B & B Sorbietrees B & B FANCY DRESS (Ring 2) Judging commences at 1.30pm - Entry Fee £2 Class 85 Fancy Dress any age First £5, Second £3, Third £2 Mr & Mrs B Stenhouse HORSE SPORTS (Ring 2) Commences 2.00p.m - Entry Fee £2 per class. Please Note: We would prefer if entries are entered prior to show day. If entered on day of the show it will be £2.50 per class. Class 86 & 87 the “Colin Telford Salver” to the Best Horse or Pony Class 86a 86b 86c 87a 87b 87c First £5, Second £3, Third £2 Mr & Mrs S Martin Mr & Mrs S Martin Mr & Mrs S Martin Solway Transport Solway Transport Solway Transport Bending Race Bending Race Bending Race Potato Race Potato Race Potato Race DOGS (Ring 3) Late entries may be accepted up until the Tuesday night prior to show day at the discretion of both Livestock Secretary and Convenor of their section at double the cost of entry fee stated in schedule. Please use entry form on the back page of schedule and send to livestock and Advertising secretary. Mrs J Nixon, Blinkbonny, Newcastleton. TD9 0TN. Pick your dog poo up and use bins provided. Please keep your dog on a lead at all times. The Liddesdale Agricultural Society is not responsible for your dog’s behaviour. Judging commences at 11.00a.m. - Entry Fee £1. “Peel Fell Cup” for Champion Dog or Bitch from Classes 90 - 95 First £3, Second, £2, Third £1 Class 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Any Working Terrier, Dog Any Working Terrier, Bitch Jack Russell, Dog Jack Russell, Bitch Border Terrier, Dog Border Terrier, Bitch Best Gun Dog, any variety, Dog or Bitch Best Dog or Bitch, any variety not shown in any other Class, shown by a child. Mr D. Waugh Mr D. Waugh Mr & Mrs C. McNab Mr & Mrs C. McNab Murray Farmcare Sorbietrees Farm Ltd IDG Paterson & Son Mr Watson, Binks The following Dog classes can be entered on the day of show in Secretary’s tent. Entry fee £1. 98 Any Dog or Bitch entered by a child Capontree Vets, Longtown on the day of the Show not shown in any other Class 99 Dog or Bitch with best six legs Skelton Family 100 Dog or Bitch most like its owner Skelton Family COLLIES “Cauldcleuch Challenge Cup” for Champion First £3, Second £2, Third £1 Class 101 Rough Haired Working Collie, Dog or Bitch 102 Smooth Haired Working Collie, Dog or Bitch Miss M Aitchison Mr G Aitchison CHILDREN’S SMALL PETS SECTION Late entries may be accepted up until the Tuesday night prior to show day at the discretion of both Livestock Secretary and Convenor of their section at double the cost of entry fee stated in schedule. Please use entry form on the back page of schedule and send to Livestock and Advertising Secretary. Mrs J Nixon, Blinkbonny, Newcastleton. TD9 0TN. Pets must be secure in their own cages. Judging commences at 1pm - Entry fee 10p Special prize donated by Mr Watson, Binks. £5.00 Special prize in memory of Mr J Wylie Please note: No Dogs in this section. The owners need to handle their pets at time of judging. Class 103 Any small pet to be shown by a child Capontree Vets, Longtown POULTRY Late entries may be accepted up until the Tuesday night prior to show day at the discretion of both LivestockSecretary and Convenor of their section at double the cost of entry fee stated in schedule. Please use entry form on the back page of schedule and send to Livestock and Advertising Secretary. Mrs J Nixon, Blinkbonny, Newcastleton. TD9 0TN. Judging commences at 10.00am - Entry fee 50p. All classes should be labelled on pens. The Parkin Shield for Best in Show First £3, Second £2, Third £1 Class – Large Fowl Hard Feather 104 Any colour, Male/Female Sorbietrees Farm Ltd Class – Large Fowl Soft Feather 105 Any variety, any colour, Male/Female Mr & Mrs Plunkett Class – Hard Feather Bantam 106 Old English Game, any colour, Male/Female Mrs K Elliot 107 Old English Game, modern game, any colour, Male/Female Class – Soft Feather Heavy Breed Bantam 108 Wyndotte, any colour, Male/Female Mr & Mrs Plunkett 109 Any other variety, Male/Female Mr & Mrs Plunkett Class – Soft Feather Light Breed Bantam 110 Silkie, any colour, Male/Female Capontree Vets, Longtown 111 Welsummer, any colour, Male/Female Mr & Mrs Plunkett 112 Any other variety, Male/Female Mr & Mrs Plunkett Class – True Bantams 113 Pekin, any colour, Male/Female 114 Rosecombe, any colour, Male/Female 115 Any other variety, Male/Female Class – Waterfowl 116 Any variety, Duck/Drake 117 Call Duck/Drake any colour Class – Utility 118 Utility Hen, Male/Female Mr & Mrs Plunkett Mr & Mrs Plunkett Mr & Mrs Plunkett Capontree Vets, Longtown Miss H Turnbull Sec use only Class Name of Rider Owner Name of Horse/Pony Age of Horse/Pony TOTAL carried forward overleaf Breed of Horse/Pony (Your number(s) will be issued prior to the Show) LIDDESDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY’S ‘HOLM SHOW’ HORSE ENTRY FORM 2014 Entry Fee £ p $ £ P Total brought forward from Page 1 Memberships Donations Postage 80p FINAL TOTAL All entries and enquiries to Livestock Secretary: Jenny Nixon, Blinkbonny, Newcastleton TD9 0TN. Cheques made payable to ‘Liddesdale Agricultural Society’ (phone number at beginning of Section) ENTRIES CLOSE ON 9th AUGUST 2014 except for Classes 82, 83 and 84 (Jumping & Clear Round) (Rule 10 applies) NAME.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ADDRESS.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... POST CODE................................................................................ TELEPHONE.............................................................................................. E-MAIL............................................................................................ MEMBERSHIPS: If you or your family wish to become members for 2014 please pass on the appropriate amount to the total above. Names will be added to the membership list and a badge(s) sent to you before the Show. This allows admission to the event. Please complete names as below. ADULTS = £6.50 CONCESSIONS = £3.50 JUNIOR (upto 16) = £2 Entries for other Sections of the Show may be enclosed. Please use the entry form at the back of the Schedule for this. JUNIOR POULTRY CLASS “The Elliot Cup” for Champion “Sam’s Shield” for Reserve Champion donated by Mr S. Maghie First £3, Second £2, Third £1 Class 119 Any variety, Male/Female Mr & Mrs B Stenhouse EGG SECTION Judges have authority to break one egg in each exhibit Exhibits can be labelled First £3, Second £2, Third £1 Class 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 3 Duck eggs 3 Large Brown eggs 3 Large any other colour eggs 3 Bantam Brown eggs 3 Bantam White eggs 3 Bantam any other colour eggs Single Large egg, for content Single Bantam egg, for content 1 Painted egg 1 Dyed egg 1 Decorated egg Copshaw Common-Riding Mrs K Elliot Mrs K Elliot Mr & Mrs M Mcgregor FLOWER SECTION CUT FLOWERS (OPEN) Class 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Judging at 10.00am - Entry Fee 50p (Professional Gardeners debarred) The “Bell Cup” for Most Points in the Section, presented by Mrs Bell, Salisbury, Zimbabwe The “Centenary Cup” for Most Points in the Section - confined to Liddesdale Exhibitors Special Prize for Most Outstanding Exhibit in Flower Section The Jean and Ell Little Quaich for Best in Class 221 First, £3; Second, £2; Third, £1 All Exhibits to be shown in Exhibitors own suitable clean containers 3 French Marigolds 4 Calendulas 3 Cactus Dahlias, up to 6” (152mm) 3 Pansies on a board 3 Spikes Phlox 4 Anemones 3 Carnations Vase of Annuals 3 Cactus Dahlias over 6” (152mm) 6 Single Fuchsia Heads on a board 6 Double or Semi Fuchsia Heads on a board 4 Dwarf Bedding Dahlias 3 Roses 3 Pom Pom Dahlias 2” (not over 52mm) 3 Kinds Herbaceous Blooms 3 Small Decorative Dahlias up to 6” (152mm) 4 Asters 1 Dahlia 6” (not over 152mm) Vase of Sweet Peas, mixed for effect 3 Medium Decorative Dahlias 6-8” (152-203mm) Tied Bunch of Mixed Garden Flowers, in vase One Bloom, any variety, for quality 3 Ball Dahlias 2” – under 4” (50-102mm) A Natural Arrangement of Garden or Wild Flowers T & G Cambridge, Grapes Hotel R.B.L Liddesdale R.B.L Liddesdale W Beaty Music Festival Music Festival Mr P Hutton Mr P Hutton Mr P Hutton Copshaw Common-Riding W Beaty W Beaty Peter Davidson IDG Paterson & Son Mr P Hutton Mr P Hutton Mr P Hutton J. & D. Dalgleish J. & D. Dalgleish J. & D. Dalgleish J. & D. Dalgleish Mrs P Gardner POT PLANTS First, £3; Second, £2; Third, £1 Class 224 Geranium, single or double 225Fuchsia 226 Flowering Plant, any variety 227 Foliage Plant, any variety 228 Hanging Plant 229 Bonsai Plant IDG Paterson & Son Mr D. Scott Mr D. Scott J. & D. Dalgleish J. & D. Dalgleish R.B.L. Liddesdale FLORAL ART Judging at 10.00a.m. - Entry Fee 50p Newcastleton SWRI Cup for Most Points in Classes 230, 231, 232 & 233 £10 Special Prize for Best Arrangement from Mrs B. Scott Classes 230 and 231 First £4; Second £3; Third £2 First, £3; Second, £2; Third, £1 Class 230 “Lest we Forget”, an exhibit incorporating fruit and vegetables. Newcastleton SWRI (Accessories allowed), Overall space - 2ft 231 “We’ll meet again .......” Newcastleton SWRI (Accessories allowed), overall space - 2ft. 232 “Promise of Peace”, overall space - 2ft. W Beaty 233 Small arrangement in a Kitchen Utensil (fun class) 17 years and under W Beaty 234 Romantic Arrangement. Special Class for S.W.R.I. and W.I. members W Beaty 235 Lady’s Buttonhole W Beaty 236 Gent’s Buttonhole W Beaty CHILDREN’S SECTION ENTRY - FREE First, £1; Second, 80p; Third, 60p; Fourth, 40p Class 237 Floating Arrangement (may be arranged on site) Capontree Vets, Longtown 238 Miniature Garden on a biscuit tin lid, not to exceed 10” (25cm) W Beaty 239 Small Tied Bunch of Heather Newcastleton SWRI VEGETABLE SECTION Judging at 10.00am VEGETABLES (OPEN) (Professional Gardeners debarred) Entry Fee 50p Exhibitors limited to 3 entries per class “Tinnis Cup” for Most Points in the Section £5 Special Prize for Most Outstanding Exhibit in the Section Cup and £10 for Most Points in Classes 251, 261, 262, 264, (Open) Sponsored by Royal British Legion Liddesdale (Judge to have authority to cut any Exhibit at his/her discretion) First £3; Second, £2; Third, £1 Class 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 Collection of Vegetables, 6 different kinds, only 1 item Required of each, taken from any class listed below 4 Red Tomatoes 4 Shallots, brown 4 Shallots, white 4 Shallots, red 2 Onions grown from seed 2 Onions, grown from sets 6 Pods of Peas 6 Runner Beans 6 French Beans 4 Broad Beans 3 Carrots, Long 3 Stump Rooted Carrots 4 Potatoes, round, coloured 4 Potatoes, round, white R.B.L. Liddesdale Telfords Coaches Telfords Coaches Telfords Coaches T Elliot Butcher T Elliot Butcher T Elliot Butcher T Elliot Butcher R.B.L. Liddesdale N’ton School P’ship R.B.L. Liddesdale 265 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 4 Potatoes, kidney, coloured 4 Potatoes, kidney, white 4 Potatoes, 1 each variety Heaviest Potato, any colour Heaviest Onion Heaviest Tomato W Beaty 3 Beetroot, round W Beaty 3 Golden Ball Turnips The Trap Cucumber The Trap Tray of Organically grown vegetables Borders Organic to inc at least 4 types of vegetable (Grown without use of man-made chemicals) 2 Sprays of Parsley Mrs P. Gardner 1 Cauliflower 1 Cabbage 1 Curly Green (not potted) 1 Lettuce W Beaty 3 Blanched Leeks Mrs I. Nichol 2 Pot Leeks, not to exceed 6” to first button Sorbietrees Farm Ltd Kernel of Corn (Corn on Cob) one item shown in its jacket Sorbietrees Farm Ltd 3 Stalks Rhubarb, weight G White 3 Stalks Rhubarb, quality Copshaw Common-Riding 1 Marrow (Weight) 1 Marrow (Quality Village Hall Committee HOME BAKING SECTION HOME BAKING Judging at 10.00am - Entry Fee 50p. Exhibitors limited to 3 entries per class The “Anderson Cup” gifted by Mrs. Anderson, late of Priesthaugh, Hawick and £5 for Most Points in the Home Baking Section (to be competed for annually) “Jean Mitchinson Shield” (Open) for most points in Jams, Jellies & Drinks First, £3; Second £2; Third, £1 Class 300 2 Plain Girdle Scones 301 2 Currant girdle Scones 302 2 Oatcakes (fine oatmeal) 303 Machine made Loaf, white or brown 304 2 Potato Scones 305 Oven Fadge, coarse wheaten meal 306 4 Triangular Oven Treacle Scones 307 4 Round Oven Scones 308 4 Cheese Scones 309 4 Dropped Scones 310 4 Sausage Rolls, Rough Puff Pastry 311 Wedge of Quiche Lorraine 312Applecake shortcrust, on plate, unglazed & unsugared 313 Sponge Cake with fat, no filling 314 Sponge Cake without fat or filling 315 4 Coconut tartlets 316 3 Fruit Rock Buns 317 4 Pieces Tray bake 2 variety’s Village Hall Committee The Olive Tree Mr G. H. White The Olive Tree Mr G McGimpsey Mrs A. Orr The Olive Tree The Olive Tree R.B.L. Liddesdale Costcutter Costcutter R.B.L. Liddesdale Copshaw Common-Riding Copshaw Common-Riding Costcutter Mrs Alice Foster Mrs Alice Foster 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 Carrot Cake 4 Meringue cases Cake of Shortbread Plain Gingerbread Cherry Cake Sultana Cake Chocolate Cake, filled (not iced) Rich Fruit Cake Tea Loaf - no yeast Lemon Meringue Pie (on a plate) Quarter-Pound (100gms) Swiss Milk Tablet Quarter-Pound (100gms) Plain Toffee 4 Truffles Pizza, not bigger than 8” (23cm) Individual Salad on a Plate Individual Sweet 2 Scotch Eggs Ramekin Dish of Pate N’ton School P’ship Mrs Alice Foster R.B.L. Liddesdale N’ton School P’ship Sorbietrees Farm Ltd Mrs Alice Foster Mrs A Foster Costcutter R.B.L. Liddesdale Isobel’s Shop Copshaw Common-Riding Peter Davidson Mrs A Foster Sorbietrees Farm Ltd Mrs A Foster Copshaw Common-Riding Copshaw Common-Riding JAMS AND JELLIES Class 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 Judging at 10.30a.m. - Entry Fee 50p - Exhibits to be labelled Exhibitors limited to 3 entries per class First, £3; Second, £2; Third, £1 Redcurrant Jelly Blackcurrant Jelly Gooseberry jelly Apple Jelly Blackcurrant Jam Raspberry jam Strawberry Jam Rhubarb Jam Two-fruit Jam (any combination) Home-made Chutney Jar Mint Jelly Lemon Curd Marmalade (fine) Tub of Rum Butter Salad Cream T Elliot Butcher T Elliot Butcher T Elliot Butcher T Elliot Butcher R.B.L. Liddesdale R.B.L. Liddesdale Jackie & Ann Ballantyne Mrs G McGimpsey Jackie & Ann Ballantyne Mrs G McGimpsey Holm Hardware Holm Hardware IDG. Paterson & Son The Olive Tree HOME-MADE DRINKS Class 353 354 355 356 357 Judging at 10.30am - Entry Fee 50p - All Exhibits to be presented in clear glass bottles Waulkmill Cider Shield for best bottle First, £3, Second, £2, Third, £1 1 Bottle Home-made Liqueur (screw top) 1 Bottle Home-made Cider 1 Bottle Home-made Beer or Lager 1 Bottle Home-made Soft Drink 1 Bottle Home-Made Lemonade The Trap N’ton School P’ship N’ton School P’ship Gillian McGimpsey Gillian McGimpsey CHILDREN’S SECTION Class 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 Entry Free - No limit on entries - £5 Special Prize for most points First, £1; Second, 80p; Third, 60p; Fourth, 40p 4 Oven Scones (age under 17) N’ton School P’ship 4 Butterfly Sponges (age under 17) Sorbietrees Farm Ltd 3 Dyed Eggs (onion peelings only) Mrs Mary Irving 2 Decorated Eggs age 4 - 8 years Mrs Mary Irving 2 Decorated Eggs age 9 - 12 years Mrs Mary Irving 2 Decorated Eggs age 13 - 17 years Mrs Mary Irving Animal made from Vegetables age 4 - 8 years Mrs Mary Irving Animal made from Vegetables age 9 - 12 years Mrs Mary Irving Animal made from Vegetables age 13 - 17 years Mrs Mary Irving Creation from Tin Foil age 4 - 8 years no bigger than 10” (20cm) Mrs Mary Irving Creation from Tin Foil age 9 - 12 years no bigger than 10” (20cm) Mrs Mary Irving Creation from Tin Foil age 13 - 17 years no bigger than 10” (20cm) Mrs Mary Irving 6 Peppermint Creams Mrs Mary Irving Decorated Digestive Biscuit, age 4 - 8 years Mrs Mary Irving Decorated Digestive Biscuit, age 9 - 12 years Mrs Mary Irving Decorated Digestive Biscuit age 13 - 17years Mrs Mary Irving Edible Necklace age 4 - 8 years Mrs Mary Irving Edible Necklace age 9 - 12 years Mrs Mary Irving Edible Necklace age 13 - 17 years Mrs Mary Irving INDUSTRIAL ARTS & CRAFT SECTION SECTION INDUSTRIAL ART AND CRAFT WORK Judging at 10.00am - Entry Fee 50p - Exhibitors limited to 3 entries per class Exhibits having previously gained a First Prize in the Industrial Section of this Show will not be eligible for entry The “Holm Cup” for Most Overall Points. The “Barbara Robson Trophy” (awarded annually) for the exhibitor with the most points in the knitting and crochet classes. Prize donated of £10 by Sorbietrees Farm Ltd for the best exhibit in the section. First, £3; Second, £2; Third, £1 Class 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 Embroidered Item Item in Cross Stitch (embellishments accepted) S. Little Tapestry Picture S. Little Item in Patchwork G. Cuthbert Item in Dressmaking Something New from Something Old (state origin) Sorbietrees Farm Ltd Hat – any Medium Copshaw Common-Riding Scarf – any Medium Cushion – any medium Costcutter Pin Cushion or Needle case (any craft) Costcutter Writing – not Calligraphy Greg Cuthbert “How sweet is the Shepherds sweet lot! From the morn to the evening he strays; he shall follow his sheep all the day, and his tongue shall be filled with praise” William Blake Painting in any medium Sorbietrees Farm Ltd Drawing in any medium Sorbietrees Farm Ltd Picture or Collage Sorbietrees Farm Ltd Item in Double Knitting Wool Soft Toy 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 Greetings Card (any craft) Item in Crochet Craft Unclassified Gift Wrapped Parcel Home-made Jewellery Paper Craft Dressed doll in Knitted Clothes Article for a Baby Draught Excluder (any craft) Peter Davidson Peter Davidson Village Hall Committee CHILDREN’S SECTION (Open) Class 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 Judging at 10.00am - Entry Fee 10p No limit on entries First, £1; Second, 80p; Third, 60p, Fourth 40p Needlework – Primary Needlework - Secondary Pupils Art - Primary Pupils Art - Secondary Pupils Craftwork - Primary Pupils Craftwork - Secondary Pupils Drawing or Painting - Primary School Theme ‘The Homecoming’ Drawing or Painting -Secondary School Theme ‘The Homecoming’ Collage of an animal - Primary School Collage of an animal- Secondary School Mrs P. Gardner Mrs P. Gardner Mr & Mrs Mitchinson Mr & Mrs Mitchinson Isobel’s Shop Sorbietrees Farm Ltd McWilliams Opticians McWilliams Opticians CHILDREN’S SECTION (Closed) Class 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 Judging at 10.00am - Entry Free - Confined to children at Newcastleton Primary School M. L. Adamson and J. I. Bee Cup for most points First, £1; Second, 80p; Third, 60p; Fourth, 40p Picture in any Medium - Primary 1 Picture in any Medium - Primary 2 Picture in any Medium - Primary 3 Picture in any Medium - Primary 4 Picture in any Medium - Primary 5 Picture in any Medium - Primary 6 Picture in any Medium - Primary 7 Craftwork - Primary 1 Craftwork - Primary 2 Craftwork - Primary 3 Craftwork - Primary 4 Craftwork - Primary 5 Craftwork - Primary 6 Craftwork - Primary 7 Liddesdale Heritage Liddesdale Heritage Liddesdale Heritage Liddesdale Heritage Liddesdale Heritage Liddesdale Heritage Liddesdale Heritage Mrs J Elliot Mrs J Elliot Mrs J Elliot Mrs J Elliot Mrs J Elliot Horncraft Isobel’s Shop WALKING STICKS Judging at 10.00am - Entry Fee 50p The “Leonard Parkin Perpetual Challenge Cup” for most outstanding Exhibit - the winner of this cup will be eligible to enter for the Scottish Champion of Champions at Yetholm Border Shepherds’ Show in October. Additionally, winners in every Class will be eligible to enter the British and UK National Stick-making Championship. The “Duncan Brown Memorial Cup” (for most points in open classes, excluding novice classes) Perpetual Challenge Cup presented by Mr. R. H. Little for most points in Walking Stick Section. Special Prize £10 for most points in Open Show donated by Sorbietrees Farm Ltd. First, £3; Second, £2; Third, £1 Class 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 Walking Stick, natural wooden head (one piece) Border Auto Svs Walking Stick, hornhead, plain Border Auto Svs Fancy Stick, wood or horn Border Auto Svs Lambing Stick, natural or wooden head Border Auto Svs Lambing Stick, hornhead, plain Border Auto Svs Stick by a member of the Scottish Crookmakers Association Border Auto Svs Leg Cleek, hornhead Border Auto Svs Leg Cleek, natural or wooden head Border Auto Svs Walking Stick, elm burr or any other wood Drew Oliver Thumb Stick, horn or wood Drew Oliver Walking Stick, suitable for a lady Campbell & Sandy Richardson Walking Stick, made by a lady Kate Elliot NOVICE STICKS Open to Entrants who have not shown prior to 2009 “Marius Carruthers Trophy” for Best Novice Stick Special Prize £10 for best Novice stick donated by Sorbietrees Farm Ltd. Best Novice stick will be eligible to enter Scottish Champion of Champions at Yetholm Border Shepherds Show in October. First, £3; Second, £2; Third, £1 Class 441 Stick, woodhead, plain or fancy 442 Stick, hornhead, plain or fancy Scottish Crookmakers Scottish Crookmakers PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION PHOTOGRAPHS (Amateur only) Judging at 10.00am - Entry Fee 50p Exhibitors limited to 3 entries per class, except Class 467 which is limited to 1 Maximum photograph size 7” x 5” (18cm x 13cm) and maximum mount 9” x 7” (23cm x 18cm) Enlargements in Classes 466-474 maximum photograph size 12” x 10” (30cm x 25cm) and maximum mount 16” x 12” (41cm x 30cm) ALL Entries with name and class number on back. “The Barbour Challenge Cup” for Best Photo(s) in Show “The Caerba Cup” for Most Points in Coloured Section, Classes 460-468 “The Rowtingburn Challenge Cup”, for Most Points in Black & White Section: Classes 469-471 Special Prize of £10 from Liddesdale Camera Club for Best Overall Photograph. First, £3; Second, £2; Third, £1 Class 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 Coloured Photo Comic or Humour G. H. White Coloured Photo Something Red W. Lockerby Coloured Photo Bridge(s) Copshaw Kitchen Coloured View of Newcastleton or Liddesdale Copshaw Kitchen Coloured Study of Child(ren) or Adult(s) or Mixture G. H.White & Sons Coloured Photo of Vintage Car(s) G. H.White & Sons Coloured Photo - A Walk in the Country G. H. White 4 Coloured photos of any one subject mounted Mr B. Fair Max mount 16” x 12” (41cm x 30cm) Coloured Photo Any Subject not larger than 12”x10” (30cm x 20cm) Isobel’s Shop Coloured Photo - Rock or Stone Mr D.Scott Black and White Photo of Child(ren) or Adult(s) or Mixture Mr D.Scott Black and White Photo - Natural History Ms S. Anderson Black and White Photo ‘Any Subject’ Coloured Photo ‘Newcastleton in Bloom’ Copshaw Common-Riding NOVICE CLASS – Any subject (for people who have never won G. H.White a prize in the photograph section) Children’s Class - Primary School Pupils - Best Coloured Photo, Mrs P. Turnbull any subject. Maximum 3 entries (Free Entry) Children’s Class - Secondary School Pupils - Best Coloured Photo, Mr J. G.Turnbull any subject. Maximum 3 entries (Free Entry) VINTAGE MACHINERY “Agroweld Cup” Judging at 10.00am - Exhibits not to be removed from show field prior to 4pm Entry Free - Standard gate prices: Adult £6, Concession £3, Juniors £1.50 Class 500-501 Rosettes to 6th place. 1st - £6, 2nd - £4, 3rd - £2 Class 502-503 Rosettes to 3rd place. 1st - £6, 2nd - £4, 3rd - £2 Class 504-505 Rosettes to 3rd place. 1st - £3, 2nd - £2, 3rd - £1 Small momento to celebrate the event will be issued to all entrants - Sponsored by Mr & Mrs Lister Class 500 Traction Engines and Stationary Engines Mr & Mrs S. Martin 501Tractors Mr & Mrs S. Martin 502 Commercial Vehicles Mr & Mrs S. Martin 503 Motor Cycles Mr & Mrs S. Martin 504Bicycles Mr & Mrs S. Martin 505 Collection of Bygones, Tools & Implements Mr & Mrs S. Martin Entry Forms available from: Linda Roystone, 13 Scott Street, Newcastleton, TD9 0QQ. Tel: 013873 75871 TERRIER RACES Commences at 4pm - Entry Free - Entries taken on field - Run in heats. First, £5; Second, £3; Third, £2 Sponsored by Mrs Val McNab WRESTLING (UNDER C&W RULES) Traditional Costume Preferred Commences 12 noon - Entries taken on Field Sponsored by Geoff & Meg Mann, Saughtree Station, Newcastleton The “William Forrester Memorial Trophy” for Best Overall Performance Tankards for winners of Under 13 Yrs, Under 15 Yrs, Under 13 years Prize Money £15 Under 15 years Prize Money £20 Under 18 years R.O.Waugh Challenge Cup Prize Money £30 Ladies Prize Money £30 Under twelve and a half Stone Prize Money £40 All Weights Prize Money £50 TUG OF WAR Entry £5.00 per team of 8 people Entry money will be divided as prize money. 2/3rds for winning team 1/3 for runner up Holm Show Supper Dance Saturday 18th October 2014 7.30pm- midnight Music by Gordon Brown Scottish Dance Band Raffle £10 (includes supper) Tickets available at secretary tent on the show day or contact Mr G McGimpsey 013873 75732 Holm Show Coffee Morning Saturday 25th October 2014 10.30am Raffle, Tombola & Home baking HOLM SHOW – 2014 Entertainment • Craft tent • Various Demonstrations • Fun Fair • Bouncy Castle • Hawick Pipe Band • Young handlers (Sheep Section) • Children’s Small Animal Pet Show • Novelty Dog Classes • Fancy Dress (Ponies) • Mini Highland Games • Children Entertainer – Silly Gilly • Children’s Sports • Penalty Shoot Out • Adult and Children Tug of War • Terrier Races • Vintage Parade • Photographer – Mel Horn • Holm Show BBQ 5pm to 7pm Liddesdale Agricultural Society’s Show, Newcastleton on Saturday, 30th August, 2014 FORM OF ENTRY ENTRY CLOSING DATE SATURDAY 9th AUGUST (late entries not accepted) To be filled in by intending Exhibitor and returned with Entry Fee to Secretary Secy’s No. of No. of Use Only Class Entries Description of Entry Fee per Entry XXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXX TOTALS XXXXX XXXXX Total Entry Fee £ p Please use a separate sheet of paper if you have more entries than spaces provided. £ p (BLOCK LETTERS PLEASE) Name (Mr, Mrs, Miss) ………………………………………………………… Address …………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone…………………………………………………………………………… E-mail…………………………………………………………………………………… Entry Fees* Memberships** Total Donations TOTAL *If Entries equal £10 or more an Acknowledgement Card & Complimentary Ticket will be sent. (Rule 12). **If you wish to apply for Memberships with your entries, please give the names of members below. Badges will be posted to you and should be shown at the Gate to permit admission to the Show field. ADULTS – £6.50 Name JNR UPTO 16 – £2.00 £ Amount p CONCESSIONS – £3.50 Address if different from above Secy. Total Cheques should be made payable to ‘Liddesdale Agricultural Society’ and sent to: Livestock - Mrs J. Nixon, Blinkbonny, Newcastleton, Scottish Borders TD9 0TN. Industrial - Mrs L. Roystone, 13 Scott Street, Newcastleton, Scottish Borders TD9 0QQ. ENTRIES CANNOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT FEES. Entries to Secretary by 9th August 2014. Late entries will NOT be accepted.
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