HAROLD HATCHER SCHOOL October Newsletter 2014 Dear Harold Hatcher Parents and Guardians, Principal Tom Code Vice Principal Pam Alexander School Hours 8:40 Doors Open for Student Entry 8:50 Classes Commence 10:05-10:20 am Recess 11:35-12:35 Lunch Dismissal 1:50-2:05 pm Recess 3:20 Dismissal Office Hours 8:00—4:00 Student Absences If your child will be absent from school, or if you expect them to be late for attendance, please call the school office at 958-6880. You may leave a message at this number 24 hours a day. School Address 500 Redonda Street Winnipeg, Mb R2C 3T7 Tel: 958-6880 Fax: 224-4702 School Website www.hh.retsd.mb.ca It is with great pride and excitement that I write this letter of introduction and welcome everyone back to school. To those new at Harold Hatcher I would like to welcome you to our school and assure you that your child is in caring capable hands. I feel honoured to be appointed Vice Principal of Harold Hatcher Elementary School. I bring with me 5 years of experience as a guidance counsellor and 15 years of teaching experience in the early years. It is my privilege to work with the students and alongside committed staff and community members. We will work hard to ensure that deep lifelong learning occurs for our students as we carry out our school mission and school plan to improve literacy, numeracy and have a safe caring school and learning environment. I have already observed engaging lessons being taught, support for all learners and high levels of engagement from our students. It is our plan that every student will meet or exceed the expectations and enjoy learning and attending school. I believe that it is extremely important for me to be approachable and visible. I value relationships and hope that you will feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. My door is always open and I welcome your ideas and input. I believe that one of the strongest attributes of Harold Hatcher School is our relationship and partnership with the community, and I plan to foster that connection during this school year. Thank you for the warm welcome and reception I have already received and I look forward to a great year of learning and friendship. Sincerely, Pam Alexander Mark Your Calendars! EARLY DISMISSAL Wednesday November 5th 2:35 Friday December 20th 2:00 p.m. NO SCHOOL Friday October 10th Monday October 13th Friday October 24th PEAK OF THE MARKET PICK UP ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 7TH 1:00 –7:00 PM IN THE GYM Medication School personnel will be supportive of administering medication, but only under strict guidelines and only when it is deemed essential to enable a student to attend school. Before the school will administer any medication, parents are required to contact the school and complete all necessary forms and procedures. The understanding and cooperation of parents are important if the school is to effectively ensure the safety of all students. Please remember that if your child requires medication while at school, it must be brought in to the office. Children CANNOT carry medication in their bags while at school. All medication remains in the office. Emergency Information A student data verification form was sent home with all students on the first day of school. Please be sure to complete the verification form and update all contact information for your child(ren). Additionally, if any of this information changes throughout the school year, please be sure to contact the office to have this information updated. We need to have current contact information on hand in case of an emergency. NO NUTS!! Please remember we do not allow nut or products containing nuts at school. We have many students that have SEVERE life threatening allergies to nuts. Please remember this policy when you pack snacks and lunches. Wowbutter is permitted, buy you must have the wow butter sticker on the food containing it or your child may not be permitted to consume it at school. PAYMENTS IN EXACT AMOUNT PLEASE It would be greatly appreciated if payments for milk program, hot lunch, BBQ’s and other orders are made by cheque or EXACT CASH. We do not keep change in the office. “Home time” Arrangements In the interest of maximizing learning time in the classroom and keeping interruptions to a minimum, please make home time arrangements (including school pick up times, play dates, appointments and other arrangements) with your child(ren) before they leave for school in the morning. Please write a note in their agenda if you are varying from routine so that the teacher is aware of what is required at the end of the day, whether they are to go home with someone else, or to wait in the office to be picked up. This will help eliminate confusion for the student and the staff, and will be more efficient for everyone. Thank you! BUSSED STUDENTS will automatically be placed on the bus at the end of the day unless arrangements have been made with enough notice. Please keep in mind, the office gets busier at the end of the day and we cannot guarantee a message will get to your child at that time. If circumstances arise that are beyond your control and your child should not take the bus, please advise the office by noon. MORNING ENTRY While we are enjoying decent weather, we are asking all students to remain outside prior to our morning entry. We are encouraging students to experience the benefits of fresh air and exercise before a long winter with many indoor recess times and lunch hours. When the bell rings at 8:40 a.m., students are to line up at their grade assigned doors where their teachers will greet them. We will be posting a sign on the Main Entrance doors of the school to communicate to parents and students those times when children can come into the Moon Room due to poor weather conditions. If you see a RED SIGN on the door, it is an OUTSIDE MORNING until the bell rings. If you see a GREEN SIGN on the door, you are welcome to wait inside until the bell rings. Please remember to dress your children appropriately for all weather. Attendance Policy If your child is absent, we count on you telephoning us…it is quicker and more efficient than the school calling you. Harold Hatcher School has an answering machine that will enable you to call the school before school hours and leave a message regarding your child’s absence. Our telephone number is 958-6880. C O L D W EAT H ER G U I D E L I N ES F O R S C H O O L Periodically, guidelines are requested by schools regarding when students should remain indoors during extremely cold weather. The following guidelines have been developed to assist schools in making these decisions. USER GUIDELINES FOR SPECIFIC WINDCHILL Windchill W/M2 -17ºC to -25ºC Normal winter clothing generally adequate. Pleasant conditions for most outdoor activities cease. -25ºC to -27ºC Warm winter clothing recommended. Most outdoor activities unpleasant without facial protection. Exposed flesh will freeze with prolonged exposure. Shortened recess period may be warranted. NOTE: FOR WINDCHILLS LISTED BELOW, THE DECISION TO KEEP STUDENTS INDOORS IS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PRINCIPAL. -27ºC to -34ºC Warm clothing is essential. Facial protection is recommended. Outdoor activities are not recommended. Exposed skin will freeze in 10-15 minutes. Indoor recess advised. Below -34ºC Facial protection essential. Extremely dangerous for outdoor activities or travel. Avoid going outdoors unaccompanied. Skin will freeze in less than 10 minutes. Below -42ºC Conditions for outdoor travel such as walking becomes dangerous. Exposed skin areas will freeze in minutes. -windchill appears in forecasts at -25ºC -windchill warnings issued at -40ºC Weather Information: Phone 983-2050 (recording updated hourly) Environment Canada Info Line for temperature and windchill factor. Or Internet Address: www.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca When The Cold Weather Comes………… Weather information is available on radio and TV, at Environment Canada’s site on the Internet at www.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca or by calling Environment Canada at 983-2050. Dressing for the Weather Parents please help us ensure your child is warm when he/she goes out for recess and lunch breaks. The fresh air and time to exercise are important even during winter months. All children are required to go outside for all recesses including lunch recess unless the temperature reaches -27ºC or the wind chill reaches –27. On cold days, before each recess, we will contact Environment Canada for accurate information about the temperature and the wind chill factor. Please do not ask us to keep your child in at recess or lunch since all supervision is assigned to the playground. A child who is too ill to go outside for recess should not be in school. PATROLS WEATHER GUIDELINES -27 to - 34C Patrols will go on post for ten minutes. Warm clothing is essential. Facial protection is recommended. -34 to -42C Patrols will go on post for five minutes. Warm clothing and facial protection is essential. Posts located more than a five minute walk from school will not be patrolled. Below -42C No student patrols on post. About Us Did You Know? Harold Hatcher School offers a daily milk program Student Population = 470 Classroom Teachers = 23 Resource Teachers = 3.5 Counselor = 1.0 Music Teachers = 1 Reading Recovery Teacher = 0.5 Phys. Ed. Teacher = 2.0 Library Clerk = 1 Educational Assistants = 14 Secretaries = 2.0 Principal = 1 Vice-Principal = 0.5 Grades K – 5 for students. If you are interested in purchasing milk for your child, please fill out a milk order form. These are available at school through your child’s classroom teacher. The cost is $8.50 per sheet for 10 milk tickets. All students have a choice of chocolate or white milk each lunch hour. Your child will have all the benefits of milk plus the chance to win some cool milk prizes. OUR STAFF Mr. T. Code– Principal Mrs. P. Alexander –Vice Principal * TEACHERS Ms. M. Morrow—Kindergarten am/pm Mrs. S. Evans — Kindergarten am Mrs. L. Moyer — Kindergarten pm * Mrs. M. Leuschen—Grade 1 Mr. L Crane —Grade 1 Mrs. Bracken — Grade 1 Mrs. Smith — Grade 1 Mrs. Barrie— Grade 1/2 Mrs. C. Wall — Grade 1/2 Ms. S. Dondo —Grade 2 Mrs. J. Stuve —Grade 2 Mrs. H. Westmacott — Grade 2* Mrs. S. Giesbrecht — Grade 2/3 Mrs. L. Forrest — Grade 3 Mrs. K. Hadath — Grade 3 Ms. M. Spitula — Grade 3 Mrs. B. Papadopoulos — Grade 3 Ms. G. Nairn — Grade 3/4 Mrs. L. Romeo — Grade 4 Ms. S. Rempel —Grade 4 Mrs. L. Veryha —Grade 4/5 Mr. D. Cowan —Grade 5 Mr. R. Hogsden —Grade 5 Ms. N. Hrabi —Grade 5 Mr. K. Gough — Physical Education Mrs. C. Paksoh —Physical Education Ms. K. Hepworth — Music Support Staff Resource Department Mrs. C Pakosh Mrs. J. Penner* Ms. K. Clarke Mrs. J. Burns—Guidance Counsellor Educational Assistants Mrs. F. Bartmanovich Mrs. G. Herchak Mrs. M. Koziuk Mrs. B. Larkins Mrs. T. Mahood Mrs. K. Offenloch Mrs. S. Robidoux Mrs. B. Smith * Mrs. M. Surminski Mrs. L. Zelinsky Mrs. S. Conan—Speech/Language Educational Assistant Ms. T. Fawcett– Early Numeracy Mrs. T. Kettles – Community Connector Mrs. D. Zawortny– Library Technician Mrs. K. Little—Head Secretary Mrs. D. Gottfried—Support Secretary Mr. J. Tokar– Head Custodian Mrs. J. Omiucke — Custodial Aid Ms. S. Vandall– Custodial Aid Mr. M. Rarog—Night Custodian *New Staff RENTS & VOLUNTEERS REMINDER Harold Hatcher Lunch Zone Program is Hiring Part Time Supervisors. The OFFICE SHOULD BE YOUR FIRST STOP when you enter the school building during the school day. This minimizes disruptions to teachers during their teaching and keeps us accountable as to who is in our building. All outside doors will be locked during the school day except for the front entrance. Please use that entrance. If you are a VOLUNTEER, please remember, we need you to SIGN IN AT THE OFFICE. Harold Hatcher Lunch Zone Program is seeking part time lunch supervisors. You will be trained for 1 full week. Hours are 11:15—12:45 p.m.. You will be placed on our ‘SPARE LIST’. If you are interested, please We are extremely happy to have volunteers that are willing to so freely give of their time, to support contact Florey at 204-222-1307. (leave a message if you get the machine) our school community. We want you to feel welcomed. Stopping in at the office allows us to welcome you in a personal way and it also ensures that we know of every- one who is in the building, should we need to contact you or should we have to evacuate the school for any reason. We have VOLUNTEER BADGES for you to wear when you are in the building. YOU ARE IMPORTANT! Parents! We Need You! Have you ever wondered what a perfect school and community would look like? Well join the administration of Harold Hatcher School, Mrs. Alexander and Mr. Code at the next Parent Council meeting on Wednesday, October 8th at 6:30 to find out. PARENTS & VOLUNTEERS REMINDER The OFFICE SHOULD BE YOUR FIRST STOP when you enter the school building during the school day. This minimizes disruptions to teachers during their teaching and keeps us accountable as to who is in our building. All outside doors will be locked during the school day except for the front entrance. Please use that entrance. If you are a VOLUNTEER, please remember, we need you to SIGN IN AT THE OFFICE. We are extremely happy to have volunteers that are willing to so freely give of their time, to support our school community. We want you to feel welcomed. Stopping in at the office allows us to welcome you in a personal way and it also ensures that we know of every- one who is in the building, should we need to contact you or should we have to evacuate the school for any reason. We have VOLUNTEER BADGES for you to wear when you are in the building. YOU ARE IMPORTANT! Questions about head lice Who gets head lice? Anyone can get head lice. Although parents are often embarrassed to find their children have head lice, it is really a common problem throughout society. It is most common in places where people work or play together for long periods of time, such as classrooms and daycare centers. Head lice are spread by: Head to head contact with someone who has head lice Sharing things that are in direct contact with a person’s hair such as combs, brushes, barrettes, ribbons, caps, scarves, helmets, towels, pillows and coats. Children age 5-12 get lice more easily because their heads often touch when they play together. How do you prevent head lice? Lice have trouble living in very short hair. Tie long hair back in a braid or pony tail. This makes it harder for lice to crawl from one person to another. Do not share things like pillows, caps, or hair accessories. Keep children in separate beds on sleepovers. Change the sheets when a different person will be using them. How can you prevent the spread of head lice? Head lice can best be controlled through the cooperation of parents, teachers and public health personnel. Should your child contact head lice, please inform the school. An information note will be sent to the whole class. This will encourage other parents to check their children and assist with the spreading of the lice. Regular inspection of your children’s scalps is best preventive measure. Teach your children how head lice are spread and how to avoid them. RIVER EAST FRENCH EXPOSURE NURSERY SCHOOL CO-OP Located in the Joseph Teres School, 131 Sanford Fleming Rd. There is LIMITED SPACE available for the Tuesday/Thursdays AFTERNOON CLASS FOR 3 YEAR OLDS (born in 2011) for the 2014/15 school year. WE OFFER: An introduction to the French language. Qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education Development of motor skills Self expression through games, art and songs. A safe and stimulating environment to develop independence and self confidence. The opportunity to establish leadership and to accept responsibilities. FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING REGISTRATION PLEASE CONTACT Krisy @ co-chair@refens.com or call: 204-612-6896 FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING PROGRAM CONTENT PLEASE CONTACT MICHELLINE LAMONTAGNE (TEACHER) AT 204-231-5796. By email: Michelline@refens.com www.refens.com 500 Redonda Street Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2C 3T7 Principal – Tom Code Vice Principal – Pam Alexander Phone (204) 958-6880 Fax (204) 224-4702 Web Site – www.hh.retsd.mb.ca E-mail – haroldhatcher@hh.retsd.mb.ca Harold Hatcher Elementary School has embarked on a Breakfast Cart Program that provides students each morning before the school day begins a healthy grab N go Breakfast. Breakfast is widely recognized by health and education professionals as being very important for children to help prepare them for the day ahead. The Breakfast Cart provides mobile serving areas that not only provide a healthy meal to start the day but also a friendly welcome from a caring adult. Since many of our students are bussed to school this is a viable option. The Breakfast Cart involves children, parent volunteers, care givers and the wider community to help improve the health and behaviours of everyone involved. The breakfast program requires volunteers, resources and financial support. Our Breakfast Cart program will service approximately 150 children each day and requires a significant amount of time to prepare and resources to purchase. Although sources of funding are in place, it often is not enough to service the many students throughout the school year. Donations of healthy, nut free items and/or cash from our community are always an important part of our program. In the interest of our children’s healthy eating program, your support is greatly appreciated! Please feel free to contact; Ms. Tasha Kettles, Mr. Tom Code or Mrs. Pam Alexander at (204) 958-6880 if you are interested in providing a financial contribution, donation of healthy snacks (cereal, breakfast bars, raisins, etc.) or are interested in learning more about getting involved. Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Cart Committee Mr. Tom Code Mrs. Alexander Ms. Tasha Kettles Ms. Jan Burns Patrol Update Currently we have 90 wonderful grade 4 and 5 patrols at Harold Hatcher. The street, bus and kindergarten patrols have demonstrated responsibility and have kept our students safe this month. They have received training and have earned their patrol card and vest. Congratulations to Jordin, Drew, Alex and Fran for being nominated Street Patrol Captains. We would also like to recognize the following patrols for their hard work and reliability. Team A has done a wonderful job of being on time and being responsible while on duty. Taylor has been recognized by the bus drivers for the great job she has done getting kindergartens safely off the bus. All patrols are invited to the School Patrol Movie on Saturday, October 11 at 9:30 at St. Vital. Children will need to bring their patrol card and children will not be allowed to leave without a parent. Please see Mrs. Alexander or Ms. Veryha if you have any questions or concerns. HAROLD HATCHER IMPORTANT DATES October October October October October 8 10 13 24 30 Parent Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. (staffroom) Professional Development Day – No School for students Thanksgiving - (No School) Coordinated Day for all schools (SAGE) - No School for students Picture Retakes November 5 November 7 November 10 November 11 November 12 November 27 November 28 Divisional Early Dismissal for staff meetings - 2:35 p.m. Remembrance Day Assembly Coordinated Day for all schools – No School for students Remembrance Day – No School Parent Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. Student Led Conferences Evening Student Led Conferences a.m. - No School for students all day December 10 December 11 December 15 December 19 December 23 – January 4, 2014 Christmas Concerts K & 1 - 1:30 & 6:30 Christmas Concerts 2 & 3 - 1:30 & 6:30 Christmas Concerts 4 & 5 - 1:30 & 6:30 Last day of school before Christmas Break early dismissal 2:20 p.m. January 5 January 14 January 14 First day of school in the new year - (Day 6) Parent Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. Divisional Early dismissal for staff meetings – 2:35 p.m. February 2 February 11 February 16 February 18 Coordinated Day for all Schools No School for Students Parent Council Meeting 6:30p.m. Louis Riel Day - (No School) Divisional Early Dismissal for staff meetings - 2:35 p.m. March 11 March 13 March 26 March 27 March 27 March 30 – April 5 APRIL 6 April 8 April 15 April 24 Parent Council Meeting 6:30 Coordinated Day for all schools – No School for students Student Led Conferences - Evening Student Led Conferences a.m. - No School for students all day. Last day of school before Spring Break Spring Break FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AFTER SPRING BREAK (DAY 5) Divisional Early dismissal for staff meetings – 2:35 p.m. Parent Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. Coordinated Day for all schools No School for students May 13 May 13 May 18 Parent Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. Divisional Early Dismissal for staff meetings - 2:35 p.m. Victoria Day - (No School) June 10 June 26 June 29 June 30 Parent Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. Award assembly Grade Five Farewell Last day of school for the school year 2014 – 2015 early dismissal 2:20. Christmas Break Volunteering at Harold Hatcher It has been said, “ it takes a community to raise a child.” That is what we are! As parents, caregivers, educators, family and friends, we are all members of a diverse community and we all influence the children around us. An important part of our community is our Volunteers. As, a volunteer, you are assisting our staff in providing the best possible educational experience and environment for each child in Harold Hatcher. Volunteering can be 1 hour, 1 afternoon, or 1 day a year; it can be a donation of baked-goods for a class or sale or shoe boxes for a class project; any time is valuable and appreciated. There are a number of different ways to get involved at Harold Hatcher. Working with students (your child’s class or another) Working with other parents and the community (Parent Council Activities) Administrative Assistance (cutting or photocopying) Helping with special events (movie nights, sporting events, bake sale) Library assistance\Donating items that can be recycled in the school **Please complete the following form and return it to the classroom teacher if you are interested in receiving volunteer opportunities for the 2014-2015 School year including Parent Advisory Council events and upcoming events at Harold Hatcher. This information will be kept confidential and only used for school information. ** *All volunteers must complete a Child Abuse Registry Form. They are available at the school office, and can must be accompanied with 2 pieces of ID.* ----------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION – (Please print clearly) Volunteer Name:_______________________________________________________ Child(ren):Name and Grade_______________________________________________ Phone Number:________________________________________________________ Email Address:________________________________________________________ From the Gym… Welcome Back! Students are off to a running start in September. Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 who were participating in the Cross-Country Run Club prepared for the divisional “Turkey Trot” cross-country run at Bird’s Hill Park on Tuesday, September 30th (Alternate date is Wednesday, October 8th). Congratulations to the group for their commitment and effort to improve their fitness! Special thanks to the parents and grandparents who came out to run with us! Many of the grade 1 & 2 students have been “racing” around the gym in the “Mario Kart”, a running relay. What a great way to strengthen your heart muscle! October promises to be an active month as well. The following activities are being offered to Harold Hatcher students: Mario Kart (continued): Gr. 1 & 2, @ short recesses Benchball (a throwing/catching game): Gr. 3, 4,& 5, @ short recesses Flag Football: Gr. 5, @ lunch recess On Friday, September 26th Harold Hatcher had their annual Terry Fox Run/Walk! To raise money for this cause we will had a “Coins for Cancer” fundraiser drive. Thank you for your support. Congratulations to the grade 5 students who signed up for our Phys. Ed. leadership team. There is plenty for everyone to do! We are looking forward to working with you this year and appreciate your willingness to help and take on a leadership role. It is our goal to provide you with opportunities and training to develop positive leadership skills. Health Tip: Children need to be active for 60 minutes on most days of the week to maintain good health and fitness. Activity can be accumulated throughout the day, even in blocks of time as short as 15 minutes. Get out together and walk the dog or enjoy a playground at the school or a park! Yours in Physical Activity, Mrs. Pakosh & Mr. Gough ~ Phys. Ed. Intramural and Club Calendar October 2014 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 3 Gr. 5 Flag Football @ 12:05 6 7 8 5 9 Gr.1 Tag Games@10:05 Gr.2 Tag Games@10:05 Gr. 3 Bench Ball @ 10:05 4 Gr. 5 Flag Football @ 12:05 4 5 Sat 6 10 11 Gr. 4 Bench Ball @ 10:05 Co-ordinated Day No School For Students Gr. 5 Flag Football @ 12:05 Gr. 5 Flag Football @ 12:05 12 13 14 Thanksgiving No School 3 2 1 15 5 4 16 17 18 Gr. 3 Bench Ball @ 10:05 Gr.4 Bench Ball @ 10:05 Gr.1 Tag Games@10:05 Gr. 5 Flag Football Tournament @ East Side Gr.2 Tag Games@10:05 Eagles Field 1 6 19 20 21 2 22 23 Gr.2 Tag Games @ 10:05 Gr.4 Bench Ball @ 10:05 3 24 25 Co-ordinated Day No Classes (SAGE) Gr. 1 Tag Games @ 1:50 Gr.3 Bench Ball @ 1:50 4 26 27 5 28 6 29 Jungle Gym 1 30 2 31 Notes: Halloween Gym 3 4 5 6 1 The Math Corner Tips and Tools for Parents 10 Tips to help your child with math Tips for kindergarten to grade 3 1. Counting can be fun and entertaining. Sing counting songs such as "One, Two Buckle My Shoe". Your local librarian can recommend fun counting books. Play Hopscotch – it's a counting game! There are lots of games where you count, such as Snakes and Ladders, Dominoes, Crazy Eights and Candyland®. Computers + math = fun. There are great computer games available for math – ask your librarian or check out your local computer store. Make sure they are "parent approved". There are also super websites that have fun math games, such as TVOKids, or do an Internet search for other sites. 1. Start Easy and Work Up! Once they have got the hang of counting by 1s, introduce skip counting, such as counting by 2s and 5s. 2. Use household items for counting practice. Practise adding and subtracting with objects found around your house like spoons or pots and pans. When they've become good at these skills, move on to simple multiplication. 3. Tap into your child's curiosity. Go on a number hunt together and discover places where numbers are used such as a clock, TV, computer keyboard, calendar, telephones and licence plates. 4. Use everyday activities. Your child's world is filled with everyday math problems that can be solved. For example, "There are four people in our family and we each need a knife and a fork to eat dinner. How many knives and forks do we need to set the table?" 5. Kitchens can be math zones. Bake some muffins or cookies and ask your child to help you measure out the ingredients. It may be a bit messy but it's fun family time and there's nothing like a fresh cookie as a reward. Have math fridge magnets available so children can start making number patterns and doing simple math problems. 6. Predict and compare. Start to measure and estimate things like how far it is from the driveway to the house or how long a trip will take and then measure and compare the actual time it takes. 7. Talk about time. The concept of time can be hard to grasp. Talk to your kids about minutes and hours. Then get them to try counting days and weeks – for example how many "sleeps" until the weekend or a visit to a friend or relative. 8. Identify geometric shapes and sizes. Play "I Spy". Instead of looking for words beginning with a letter, look for different colours or shapes and count the number you find in the room. 9. Talk about time. The concept of time can be hard to grasp. Talk to your kids about minutes and hours. Then get them to try counting days and weeks – for example how many "sleeps" until the weekend or a visit to a friend or relative. 10. Identify geometric shapes and sizes. Play "I Spy". Instead of looking for words beginning with a letter, look for different colours or shapes and count the number you find in the room. October 2014 Sun Mon 5 6 Tue Wed 7 Thu Fri Sat 9 10 11 8 NO SCHOOL COORDINATED DAY PAC 6:30 p.m. 12 13 NO SCHOOL 14 HOT LUNCH DAY 15 Grade 5 Flag Football KE 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Vision and Hearing Screening K, 1,3,5 24 NO SCHOOL COORDINATED DAY 25 26 27 28 29 30 Field Trip to Aviation Museum Gr. 3, 2/3 and 3/4 Picture Retakes 31 Picture Retakes November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Remembrance Day Assembly 8 13 14 15 EARLY DISMISSAL 2:35 2:35 9 10 NO CLASSES COORDINATED DAY 11 NO SCHOOL REMEMBRANCE DAY 12 16 17 18 19 20 Patrols to Wheelies 6:45-11:45 21 WSO performance p.m. 22 23 24 25 26 27 Student Led Conferences p.m. 28 Student Led Conferences a.m. NO SCHOOL 29 30 PAC 6:30 p.m. Bus Loop and Parking at Harold Hatcher We know that parking and dropping off your child(ren) at Harold Hatcher can be very challenging with the lack of parking and drop off areas surrounding our school. Unfortunately, we have no easy solution but we did want you to know when it was okay to use our bus loop for drop off and pick up. The bus loop will be closed to any vehicle, except the school buses, in the morning between 8:15 – 8:45 and in the afternoon between 3:15 – 3:45 every day. There will also be a short time over the lunch hour when our Kindergarten students are picked up and dropped off that it will be closed as well. You will be able to easily recognize that the bus loop is closed because we will have pylons blocking the entrance of the bus loop. When the pylons are not blocking the entrance you are able to use the bus loop to drop off your child(ren). However, no vehicle should enter the bus loop if there is a school bus already in the loop, pylons or not. Please do not park and leave your vehicle in the bus loop as it is only for quick drop off and pick up. If the bus loop happens to be closed, you can still drop off your child(ren) on Redonda Street in front of the school. If you are dropping off your child(ren) in front of the school or if they are walking from Paulley Drive, please remind them to cross the bus loop on the painted crosswalk monitored by our student patrols. There are many side streets where you may park if you prefer to walk your child into the school as well. Please remember to abide by the no stopping, no parking signs that are posted by the City of Winnipeg. The bus loop is one way only and vehicles should enter the south end of the loop – the one closest to the crosswalk on Redonda. Our street patrols have been working hard to provide a safe crossing for your child(ren). When dropping off your child(ren) please avoid the Bramwell crosswalk area so that our patrols have a clear view of the traffic. In order to avoid congestion and potentially dangerous situations, please refrain from using the staff parking lot between 8:15-8:40 and 3:15-3:45. We have more than 40 staff members trying to park their cars at that time, so it becomes a real safety concern for you and your children. Please do not block cars that are parked in a stall. Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep our students safe amongst the flow of traffic around our school. If you have any suggestions for us regarding our parking please contact Mrs. Alexander or Mr. Code.
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