Ce me ter 10 Gr ai g 1 Fac h Glyntaff Upper G lyntaff Campus Campus ampws Glyn-taf Uchaf Campws C yR oa d mpu us Upper p pper Glyntaff Cam yn-taf y af Uchaf U f Cam mp pws Glyn-taf A4054 Pontypridd 8 9 P Lower Gly yntaff aff C Ca a pus ampus Campws G Gllyn l n-taf t f IIsaff P P P A47 0 P P P SATURDAY 25 oCTobeR 2014 Lowerr Glyn nttaff Campus Campws G Glyyn n-taf Isaf n P oPeN DAY GLYNTAFF CAMPUS GLYNTAFF CAMPUS MAP 2 If you’re using a Satnav to find us, the postcode for the Glyntaff Campus is: CF37 4BD P T 3 P P 4 5 7 A470 N/G 6 P Cardiff Caerdydd Campus LLower ower Glyntaff Glyntaff C ampus Campws C ampws Glyn-taf Isaf Reception/Security LLodge odge 1. Reception/Security D erbynfa/Adeilad Diogelw ch Derbynfa/Adeilad Diogelwch R egistration Registration Cofrestru C ofrestru 2. Tramsheds Tramsheds Siediau TTramiau ramiau L 3. Elaine M organ Building Morgan deilad Elaine M organ A Adeilad Morgan A 4. Libr ary Library Llyfrgell Llyfrgell elsh Institute Institute ffor or Health and Social Social Care Care 5. W Welsh SSefydliad efydliad Iech yd a G ofal C ymdeithasol C ymru Iechyd Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru Your programme for the day is inside. If the subject you’re interested in isn’t listed, call us on: 03455 76 77 78 #loveUSw www.southwales.ac.uk/open-days nformation P oint IInformation Point Gwybodaeth Pwynt Gwybodaeth Pwynt P pen Da yP arking O Open Day Parking nod Agored Agored P arcio Diwr Parcio Diwrnod P isabled Parking Parking D Disabled nabl Parcio ii’r’r A Parcio Anabl Bus S top Stop ysiau Arhosfan B Arhosfan Bysiau 6. A neurin Bevan Bevan Building Aneurin A deilad A evan neurin B Adeilad Aneurin Bevan offee S hop C Coffee Shop Siop C offi Coffi 7. The The FFamily amily IInstitute nstitute Teulu SSefydliad efydliad y TTe eulu eul o Eat Eat Places tto Places Lleoedd i FFwyta wyta Glyntaff Campus Upper G lyntaff C ampus Campws C ampws Glyn-taf Uchaf Professor B ernard K night Building 8. Professor Bernard Knight A deilad yr A thro B ernard K night Adeilad Athro Bernard Knight edestrian Routes Routes P Pedestrian Llw ybrau i G erddwyr Llwybrau Gerddwyr T ours Tours T o eithiau TTeithiau e Alfred Russel Wallace Wallace Building 9. Alfred A deilad A lfred Russel W allace Adeilad Alfred Wallace George K nox Building 10. George Knox Adeilad George George Knox Knox Adeilad Map Design © Gill Advertising Information in this programme is correct at the time of print, but may be subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, call 03455 76 77 78 or check our website: www.southwales.ac.uk. As part of its commitment to the Welsh language, the University provides information through the medium of Welsh. To find out more, visit www.decymru.ac.uk or e-mail cymraeg@decymru.ac.uk. Produced by the University of South Wales’s Marketing & Student Recruitment department. Design: USW Print & Design 01443 482 677 The University of South Wales is a registered charity. Registration No. 1140312 YoU wiLL be SUCCeSSFUL MAKe SoMeTHiNG HAPPeN R U o D P A P o xA L N o w b i o D UN e Se g pa e 3 r fo i ta de ls. GeT THe ViP TReATMeNT For a ViP experience at the open Day, download our free Unibox app from Google Play or the iPhone App Store. Make sure you switch on your location services to access all the features. where and what to study? it’s a big decision and open Days are a key part of getting it right. At our Open Day, you’ll get a real feeling for what it’s like to be a student at the University of South Wales. This programme gives you a plan of what’s happening on the day and essential information, including directions and when to arrive. The rest is up to you. Be sure to make the most of your day here – ask lots of questions, try things out, take a good look around and make yourself at home. We hope you find everything you need in this programme, but if you’ve got any questions, just get in touch. We’re looking forward to seeing you! FRee Unibox App iMPoRTANT iNFoRMATioN eSSeNTiAL TALKS Travel information welcome Travel information and directions to our Glyntaff Campus are on our website: www.southwales.ac.uk/visiting Start your day by finding out what the University of South Wales has to offer you. From fantastic facilities to excellent support and work experience schemes – it’s an exciting time to study here. All locations are within easy walking distance of each other, though a shuttle bus service will be running between the Elaine Morgan building (map ref. 3), student accommodation and Treforest train station throughout the day. Free parking is available on the Glyntaff Campus. Registration There are two registration points on campus; The Zone in the Elaine Morgan building (map ref. 3) at Lower Glyntaff, and the Alfred Russel Wallace building (map ref. 9) at Upper Glyntaff. Check your planner (page 4 and 5) for the time and location of your registration. To avoid queues at registration, don’t forget to bring the letter we sent you with your barcode. If your registration time is later in the morning, you’re welcome to arrive earlier and explore the campus or go on an accommodation tour. 1 Get up-to-date information about the campus you're on and the subject you're interested in. 2 watch videos of your chosen subject to get a real taste of what your studies will be like. 3 be inspired by what our students get up to when they're not studying. 4 Get directions from your home to the University, whether you're driving or travelling by public transport. 5 Select your campus and subject area to get your own personal timetable. Student Finance How much will university cost and how will you pay for it? Get a practical insight into financial support, such as student loans and grants, how and when to apply for funding, and extra sources of income. This open Day is the best way to find out if the University of South wales is right for you, so make the most of it and find out as much as you can. The next few pages tell you everything that’s happening on the day. There are talks and tours, plus advice about your application – so get involved and enjoy! The Student experience Accommodation Find out all you need to know about accommodation options at the University. Where you live is important and we want this to be your home from home. Student Life In this session, our students share their experiences of life at the University of South Wales, so you know what it’s really like to study here – they’ll answer any questions you’ve got too. Help during the open Day If you have any questions during the day, simply ask a member of staff or a student ambassador – they’re here to help you. There’s first aid available, so ask a member of staff if you need it. If there’s an emergency, alert the nearest member of staff or call the emergency services on 999. welsh speaker? Croeso! At the University of South Wales, we have lots of opportunities for students who want to develop their Welsh language skills. You can find out more before the Open Day at www.decymru.ac.uk/cymraeg-de-cymru, by e-mailing cymraeg@decymru.ac.uk, or alternatively just ask a member of staff while you’re here. TAKe A LooK ARoUND explore the Campus Get a feel for what it’s like to be a student here – take the time to explore on these tours: Accommodation Tour Take a look at our accommodation and find out about life in Halls of Residence, from a student point of view. These tours leave from outside the Elaine Morgan building (map ref. 3), Lower Glyntaff, from 8.30am onwards, and take around 40 minutes. Campus Tour 2 open Days You will spend most of your day at the Glyntaff Campus, however our friendly student ambassadors can take you on a tour of the Treforest Campus. This is your chance to see all our facilities and ask them questions about day-to-day university life. Tours leave from outside the Elaine Morgan building (map ref. 3), Lower Glyntaff, from 10am onwards, and take around 40 minutes. Visit our Accommodation 03455 76 77 78 www.southwales.ac.uk 3 PLAN YoUR DAY ReFReSHMeNTS To find the relevant subject heading for your course, see our course index on page 7. Depending on your subject choice, registration takes place either in the Elaine Morgan building (map ref. 3) or the Alfred Russel Wallace building (map ref. 9) – check the planner for details. Grab a coffee or a bite to eat at our Zone Restaurant in the Elaine Morgan building (map ref. 3) or Matrix Cafe in the Alfred Russel Wallace building (map ref. 9). 9.00AM 9.15AM 9.30AM SNAP, TweeT AND SHARe Keep up with what’s happening at the Open Day – Follow us on Twitter: @unisouthwales and Facebook: University of South Wales. We would love to hear about your visit, so tweet your thoughts 9.45AM 10.00AM 10.15AM 10.30AM 10.45AM 11.00AM 11.15AM 11.30AM 11.45AM 12.00PM 12.15PM 12.30PM 12.45PM 1.00PM Nursing Registration in Elaine Morgan building Welcome Talk in Aneurin Bevan building Midwifery Registration in Elaine Morgan building Welcome Talk in Aneurin Bevan building Adult Nursing Talk OR Child Nursing Talk Lunch Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Midwifery Talk Lunch Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Registration in Elaine Morgan building Chiropractic Registration in Elaine Morgan building Welcome Talk Policing and Security Registration in Elaine Morgan building Welcome Talk Chemistry Registration in Alfred Russel Wallace building Welcome Talk Chemistry Talk and Tour of Facilities Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Pharmaceutical Science Registration in Alfred Russel Wallace building Welcome Talk Pharmaceutical Science Talk and Tour of Facilities Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Forensic Sciences Registration in Alfred Russel Wallace building Welcome Talk Forensic Sciences Talk and Tour of Facilities Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Astronomy Registration in Alfred Russel Wallace building Welcome Talk Astronomy Talk and Tour of Facilities Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Health and Social Care Management Talk 1.30PM Mental Health Nursing Talk OR Learning Disabilities Talk Health and Social Care Management Welcome Talk in Aneurin Bevan building Minibus to Chiropractic building 1.15PM Community Health and Well-being Talk Chiropractic Talk and Tour of Facilities Police Sciences Talk and Tour of Facilities OR Risk Management, Security Operations and Investigation Talk and Tour of Facilities Dementia Studies and share your photos using: #loveUSW. Check out www.southwales.ac.uk/open-days after the Open Day to see all the photos and comments from the event. 1.45PM 2.00PM 2.15PM Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Natural History Registration in Alfred Russel Wallace building Welcome Talk Natural History Talk and Tour of Facilities Field Work Opportunities Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation biology Registration in Alfred Russel Wallace building Welcome Talk Biology Talk and Tour of Facilities Studying in the Field, at Home or Abroad Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Medical Sciences Registration in Alfred Russel Wallace building Welcome Talk Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Geography Registration in Alfred Russel Wallace building Welcome Talk Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Geology Registration in Alfred Russel Wallace building Welcome Talk Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation 9.00AM 9.15AM 9.30AM A Taste of Geography Geology Talk and Tour of Facilities 9.45AM 10.00AM 10.15AM 10.30AM 10.45AM 11.00AM 11.15AM 11.30AM 11.45AM 12.00PM 12.15PM 12.30PM 12.45PM 1.00PM Student examining a fossil bivalve 4 open Days Geography Courses, Experiences and Employability Meet our Nursing students on the day Explore our Chemistry, Pharmaceutical and Forensic labs 2.45PM 3.00PM 3.15PM 3.30PM 2.30PM 2.45PM 3.00PM 3.15PM 3.30PM Student Life Talk, including finance and accommodation Lunch Lunch and Optional Accommodation Tours Medical Sciences Talk and Tour of Facilities 2.30PM 1.15PM 1.30PM 1.45PM 2.00PM 2.15PM Visit the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic 03455 76 77 78 www.southwales.ac.uk 5 ASK QUeSTioNS – iNFoRMATioN STAND we’ve got talks, tours and workshops happening throughout the day to give you a taste of our courses – we’ve listed some of these below to give you an idea of what to expect. To find out what’s happening for the subject you’re interested in, check the programme planner on pages 4 and 5. You’ve probably got lots of questions about becoming a student at the University of South wales. Luckily, there will be people at the open Day who can answer them. Ask our experts all the questions you have about studying here. The Information Stand will be open between 8.30am and 3pm in the Elaine Morgan building (map ref. 3), so drop by and chat to our staff. Student Finance Staff from our Student Money Advice team can answer your queries about all aspects of student finance – including tuition fees, loans, grants and scholarships. From CSi to the Courtroom – Forensic Sciences This interactive session demonstrates where a degree in the forensic sciences may lead. You’ll learn how analytical chemistry, molecular biology and other sciences are used to solve different types of crime. You’ll also visit our Crime Scene House to learn about the search for evidence and discover how evidence is analysed in our laboratories. Applying to University Speak with our admissions staff to get all the information you need to apply to the University of South Wales. Clinical Simulation Centre Careers What career options will you gain from your course? How can you make the most of your time at university to stand out in the graduate jobs market? Speak to our careers staff for individual advice and guidance, and find out about work experience, events and extra support. Disability and Dyslexia Support A member of our team will be available to explain the specialist support on offer. To book an appointment to discuss your needs, call 01443 482 080 or e-mail ddsadviser@southwales.ac.uk before your visit. CHooSe THe RiGHT PRoGRAMMe For the Open Day, courses are grouped by subject area. Once you’ve found the course you want to study, simply note the subject in the heading and check the planner (pages 4 and 5) to see what’s happening for that subject and when. Chiropractic Crime Scene House Chemistry You’ll learn where chemistry can take you – discover the employment opportunities available to chemistry graduates and identify the career pathways of some of our own students after graduation. Visit our stateof-the-art laboratories and learn about our industry-standard equipment and chemical analysis techniques. Astronomy We are the only university in the UK with regular access to a global network of remote-controlled telescopes, through the Faulkes Telescope Project. On the Open Day, you can analyse data on astronomical objects, and produce your own astronomical images. Nursing Visit the rehabilitation gym and sample some of the exercise regimes designed to aid recovery, stability and function in the spinal pain patient. You can test your knowledge of bones in our radiology lab, plus you can watch students demonstrate their diagnostic examination skills and have your muscle strength and reflexes checked! From Test-Tube to Tablet – Pharmaceutical Sciences Discover the sciences behind one of the world’s largest industries. Find out how vast the pharmaceutical industry is and how it affects people’s lives. You will also learn how our close ties with local industry will benefit you when starting your career. Natural History – Camera Traps, insect Surveys and Fresh water Life In this session you will explore fresh water insects and beetles to discover differences between groups of organisms and how they live. See how scientists sample the diversity of insect life, with different collecting methods for beetles, flies, moths and other bugs – set traps and see what you’ve caught! Visit our wetland and grassland conservation areas looking at flora and fauna – weather permitting! Find out everything you need to know about making an application for nursing, as well as an insight into career opportunities. You can also have a tour of our state-of-the-art Clinical Simulation Centre. Our current students will tell you what it’s really like to be a nursing student, including placements and where you will live. Geography In this session we will explore the exciting and varied career paths available for geography graduates and find out how employability is built into our degrees. In our interactive taster sessions, you will take part in lab analysis and see how our students participate in programmes for community engagement, such as working with the Local Authorities and Community Councils. Police Sciences Hydra Minerva Simulation Suite Midwifery Find out what it’s really like to be a midwife by visiting our state-of-theart facilities, including our birthing and maternal simulators (Gaumard Noelle), which can be programmed to simulate various stages of pregnancy. You will also understand how to make an application and gain detailed course information. 6 open Days Course index Astronomy • Observational Astronomy Biology • Biology • Human Biology • International Wildlife Biology Chemistry • Applied Chemistry • Chemistry Chiropractic • Chiropractic Forensic Sciences • Forensic Biology • Forensic Chemistry • Forensic Investigation • Forensic Science Geography • Geography • Physical Geography Geology • Geology Health and Social Care Management • Health and Social Care Management • Community Health and Well-being Medical Sciences • Medical Sciences Midwifery • Midwifery Natural History • Natural History Nursing • Adult Nursing • Child Nursing • Learning Disabilities Nursing • Mental Health Nursing Pharmaceutical Science • Pharmaceutical Science Policing and Security • Police Sciences • Risk Management, Security Operations and Investigation We regularly review course delivery and content to ensure they are the best quality possible. You can find up-to-date details on our website – don't forget to check module details and the campus location for your chosen course before you apply. Take part in hands on sessions in our Biology labs iNTeReSTeD iN MoRe THAN oNe SUbjeCT? If you’re interested in more than one subject, you should follow the programme for your ‘first choice’ subject. You can find out more about the other courses by talking with academic staff during the day and visiting our Information Stand in the Elaine Morgan building (map ref. 3). Find out about student projects and practicals Policing and Security Your subject talk – ‘The future of the force’ – looks at proposed changes to careers with the police and how to progress in this area. You will also explore our outstanding facilities including the Hydra Minerva Simulation Suite as well as finding out about out unique employment initiatives. 03455 76 77 78 www.southwales.ac.uk 7
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