HOW TO A P P L Y Applicant must complete a LHFA ScholatshipApplcation Form, which a n be obmined from the LHFA EducaiOn Committee or at Application must indude a copy of the following: 1. Official transcript including the first semester of their High School senior year or all colleg courses. 2. One personal essay (and attach a page of extra-curriculum and leadership activities) 3. Optional one letter of recommendation Abmf fbe SCHOLARSHIP The SchoWps Program will award four (4) scholarships. 1. Three (3) $2M1scholarshrps known as Higher Education scholarship will provide financial assistance duringany y e w of college at a fow-year acaeditedxollege or graduate school 2. One (1) $400 scholarshipsknown as h d e n t i a l Hrgher Edumtion scholarship will provide h a n d assistance h r my year of college at a two-year, &d, trade college or graduate h l . WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Scholarships will be awarded to Hmong children in the San Diego County. The parent(s) must have three or more consecutive years ofcontinuous residency in the San Diego County to be eligible. To qualify for the scholarstups, a stdent must be accepted to an accredited two-year, t e c h r i d , i d e or four-year c o w or university during the term immedjateiy following high schoolgraduation or e m M at a tw-year, tcchnicd, trade college. or graduate school. STANDARDS FOR SELECTION Can&datcs for the H@m Educaaon scholarships d be cvalwted on the following standards: 1 Academic Achievement: The h& school official academic mscript of each candid= will count h e a d y in the choice of scholarship winners. C a d d a t e will be e x p d m have suflicient credits to k p undergraduate work Candidates must be in a w@ preparatory or higher program and have mahirained a minimum 3.0 ("8'3 grade point average based on a w+ted d e . Z Community S e e and Extra-eurrhhm Community involvement,services and extra-curriculum will also be counted. In addition to Academic Achievemmt and Community S m k e s and Exm-curriculum, Presidential scholarships will alsoalso be evaluated on the followingstandards: candidates for the 3. Leadership: Demonstrated qualities of leaders+, either in school or community activities will be h e evaluated. MAINTAINING E LIGIBIIJTY At the d of the schd quarter or m , all sd7olar;hrp winners must forrnard their b ct m or mord to the LHFA of Education. In order to maah elghk,mch winraw will q m d to maintain a 2.0 f'C3 grade point average. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE The Scholarshps Committee is under the k c t i o n s of the LHFA Secretary of Education and President They d ha committee to e v d w and interview the:q~@fisdapplicants. Application Certification 1 certify that all information on this application is m e and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certiEy that I meet all ehg~bilityrequirements as specified in this applidon and the accompanying instructions. If selected, I undersmnd 1 must attend and arrive on time at the 2014 Lao Hmong F d y Assdation of San Diego Hmong New Year. Parents are strongly encourapl to attend. I understand falsification of information may result in termination of any award granted. I understand my discontinuation of college, may lead to repayment of the scholarship amount at the discretion of Lao Hmong Family Association of San Diego. I authorize Lao b o n g Family Association of San Diego to publish photographs and other media of myself under reasonable means. Applicant's S@ature Date Pared$ Signature Date Postmarked by: Decemkr 6.2014 Mail or Bring Application to: Attention: LHEASD H i g h Edfication SchIbrJ& Lao b o n g Family Association of San Diego P.O. Box 712471 San D im CA 92 17 3 - - a. Cher Pao Yang: 619.922.2146 or 2 LHFASD Education Committee Presents Higher Education Scbolarshi) APPLICATION Postmarked by: December 6,2014 P h .paar lyrstu~u~tfr und It$ibh ia & b a r m ink Student Information Gender: Name: Bdiddk Inirial mat Lagt Zip Code: State: City: E-mail: Parent E-mail: Telephone:(2 Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy): Cell phone:c / / - ) Corncry of birth: Ate you a first generation college-bound student? ONO n ~ e s Parent Ethniciq (choose dl that apply and if possible, specify ethnic origin) Father: Hmong Other, Specify: Mother: Hmoq [7 Other, Specify: School Information High School / College Attendmg: High School / CoUege Graduation Date: Month Year OF M City Zip Code State How did you hear about the H&br ErInrm$on S c h h b $ ? Clan Lcader ~ O n h par-t(s) Pcer(s) School Other Postsecondary School Information Apply~ngfor @ h e check only one) : 4 y m s Colle~/Unmersiy Graduate School a 2 years Community College Name of postsecondary school you plan to attend or currently attending. (If unknown, please list in order of preference the schools to which you have applied.) Use official school names. Do NOT use abbreviations. Name City Name 9 Name City Major or Course of Study Provide Official Transcript An official transcript of grades must be included in this application packet. Grade reports are not acceptable. Transcripts may be obtained the Re@strar's Office at your high school or college. Essay Instructions The student is to write a doublcspactd typed essay of at least 3 pages on the following topics. Make sure your name appears on every p a . of your essay. .. PART 1: (Aaswerthe following question) What are some of the challenges do you think the Hmong community in San Diego faces? How do these challenges affect you personally? PART 2: (Answer the following question) What ideas do you have to overcome them and haw do you see your role in working with the community? Your essay must be your own ori& and content creative work. Essay will be waIuatd on datity, grammar,
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