Cherokee Chapter, AMCA We Ride… Yes We Do!

November Edition
Cherokee Chapter, AMCA
Issue #6, 2014
We Ride… Yes We Do!
Special Interest
Member Profile
Steve & Theresa
Individual Highlights
Membership &
Events Report +
Pate Swap Meet
Local / Regional
Events Calendar 3/4
Tour de W indmills
Fall Road Run
Photo Album
Our Really Cool
New Members
This AMCA Chapter rides.
This was very apparent last
month with 12 of our Chapter
Members participating in the
2014 Cannonball Coast to
Coast Endurance Race. This
marked the third Cannonball
Event in America and
featured 100+ riders from
13 Countries. Think about
this for a minute. Riders from
Spain, Ireland, France, Italy,
Germany, Poland, Holland,
United Kingdom, South
Africa, Canada and Japan
all shipped their bikes, spare
motors, extra parts and
support crews all the way to
America just to ride vintage
motorcycles. That tells me
America is still the “Land of
Greatness” when it comes to
riding scenery, history and
testing your mental, physical
and machine condition. Our
Club Riders are listed here!
#3 Buck Carson
1936 HD Model R - TX
#6 Steve Simpson
1928 JD - Kansas/Florida
#25 Scott Byrd
1931 HD V – Arkansas
#31 Clyde Crouch
1929 KJ Four – TX
#41 Mike Bell
1923 HD J - Texas
#54 David Lloyd
1919 HD J - Mississippi
#73 Greg McFarland
1926 HD J –Texas
#74 Rowdy Schenck
1928 HD J – NM
#76 Robert Gustavsson
1931 HD VL - TX
#77 Brent Mayfield
1934 HD VJ - Ohio
#90 Mike Carson
1924 HD J - Texas
#99 Jon Neuman
1928 HD JD – Texas
The 4,000 mile journey was
not without issues. Clyde
Crouch endured an accident
at 15 mph on a switchback
curve in the Colorado
Rockies when he encountered loose gravel at the very
edge of the roadway drop-off.
No damage to his venerable
and beautiful 1929 Excelsior
Henderson KJ Streamline
Four, but Clyde did get some
hospital time. He had a
deflated lung, five broken ribs
and had his spleen removed
to stop internal bleeding.
When the bike was removed
from on top of him, Clyde got
to his feet & walked around!
(Can we say John Wayne?)
Clyde is recovering just fine,
but the ribs are still tender we
are told.
Most all machines had some
sort of mechanical issue.
Issues ranged from flat tires,
coils that quit, to more
complicated internal
combustion issues in 78 –
100+ year old power plants.
But with “the never quit,
never sleep attitude” of the
support team members these
issues were cured by the
next morning for the most
part. It mattered not if a chain
needed changed or an entire
motor needed rebuilt… the
machines and men were
back on the road the next
morning. A tribute to the men
and women who just would
not quit regardless of the
issue before them. I will no
doubt leave many off this list,
but must attempt to applaud
at least the following
individuals to show the level
of support it takes to field just
one race team.
Shelby Withrow, Truck
Driver & Machinist - TX,
Jesse Law, Mechanic – TX,
Theresa Prosser, Logistics
Manager. – TX,
Steve Norton, Crew Chief –
United Kingdom
Bob Huffman – Ohio,
Paul Elser – TX,
Ivan Brown United Kingdom
In the end, 24 riders achieved
perfect scores.
Please visit …. or
to view a number of videos and
many hundreds of photos that are
showing the trials and tribulations
of this great endurance event.
I am extremely proud of all in
our Chapter whom participated
either as rider, team support
member or as an enthusiast
whom followed the event daily
In this issue I am also listing all
Chapter Members whom donated
their hard earned money to help
sponsor these Cherokee Chapter
Riders. You are the unsung
heroes of the vintage motorcycle
sport . In the end I believe that
our Chapter had more
participants in this event than any
other Chapter of the AMCA.
Be Proud!
We Ride!
For The Love of the Sport
Steve Klein, President
Members Always Come First . . .
Hello Fellow Members.
What a blur the past 6 weeks
have been. W e embarked on
one of the Grandest Motorcycle
Events of our lives, The Cannonball 3 from Daytona Beach
Florida to Tacoma W ashington.
Shelby W ithrow, Director
Membership & Events
Cherokee Members Mike
Carson came in 2 in Class
Two, and Jon Neuman came in
2 in Class Three as the top
riders of the Carson Classic
Motors Team that included,
Brent Mayfield, Greg McFarland,
Scott Byrd, David Lloyd, Steve
Simpson and Buck Carson
finished the field.
Fellow Cherokee Members Mike
Bell, Clyde Crouch, Rowdy
Schenck, “Big Swede” Robert
Guestavsson, and our friend
from across the pond, Peter
Reeves also made the journey
across the USA riding their
vintage motorcycles.
Mother Nature started us out
with rain to Tennessee, but
blessed us with good weather in
the Rockies. Go Figure, shorts in
mountains & the Support Crew
packed for snow. All of us
Thank You for your Support
through good and bad and a
special thanks to goes to Jesse
Law who put up with me for
4000 miles in the lead haul
truck. W e were moving 300
people from one place to the
next, 300 miles apart, for almost
a full three weeks with 101
motorcycles starting out, and at
times it was quite the traveling
Please make sure you take time
to visit the official website
to view hundreds of photographs
and dozens of videos of this
amazing journey. There is also
an incredible video on our site with
music by BonJovi that is
showing the high points of the
journey and many of our riders.
In closing, I am filled with
immense pride that the largest
group of riders in this Historic
Event were in fact all members
of The Cherokee Chapter of
The AMCA. Be Very Proud!
Fall Road Run in Sweetwater
is this weekend. Our Members
from out around Abilene have
done a terrific job with planning
this event. See the route maps
and Flier in this issue.
Please come ride.
Pistons and Paint – Denton
On November 8 we are going
back to the Pistons and Paint
Car show, where we will be
showing off the old bikes to the
car crowd. Last year we had 46
Vintage Motorcycles from 1908
– 1965 on display. W e encourage all Northern Texas and
Southern Oklahoma Members
to bring their bike(s) and put
them on display. Info on
Judging or Just Showing a
bike(s) is contained in the
Event Calendar in this
Pate Swap Meet
As we have reported earlier,
we have secured almost 240
vending spots for the 43
Annual Pate Swap Meet near
Texas Motor Speedway near
Fort W orth TX for next Spring.
Pate is a huge Transportation
Event with over 7,800 vending
spots for all things transporttation. W e have struck a deal
with Pate Management to
spearhead the formation of a
far more organized Vintage
Motorcycle Swap Meet and
Bike Show within their existing
Very Successful Swap Meet.
As of this date have picked up
some very good vendors
through advertising at
Wauseon & Davenport Swap
Meets. W e still have vending
spots remaining but should sell
out by the end of this year.
One Vendor of Note is The
National Motorcycle Museum
from Anamosa IA, owned by
John Parham. There will be
plenty of parts and projects for
sale. So mark your calendars
now and plan on bringing a
erokee Concourse de
Pate W e will also be holding the
first ever Concourse Motorcycle
Show at this event. W e have two
Chapter Semi-Truck Trailer Rigs
anchoring two main Bike Show
Areas. Our members are all
invited to bring and show their
Vintage Motorcycles. The North
Texas Norton Owners Association (NTNOA) are also working
with us to help put together an
extremely large and significant
showing of very fine vintage
machines. I am also in communication with The VJMC Club for
participation as well. More soon.
This will be a People’s Choice
Format on Year One to get
started with, plus a few additional
trophies from Pate, our Chapter
and a few Sponsors no doubt.
Christmas Party
The Christmas party at The
Klein’s should be with less ice
this year so the North Texas
group should not have to worry
about travel. I can say it is
definitely worth the trip. The
Klein’s large home and shop is
filled with members all day long
enjoying great conversation and
good food and beverage.
Membership continues to rise to
almost 200. For the Cannonball
Race the Cherokee, Diamond
and Confederate Chapters all
honored each other’s memberships till the end of the year, and
we will be working on having
regional events together with our
Sister Chapters for all in The
South to share more great
events, great roads and great
Make sure you plan on renewing
your membership in December
so you are ready to go in 2015.
Trust me…It will be a terrific
Please Stay Tuned!
Your Board of Directors . . .
If any of our members have specific ideas or input for our Chapter… Please contact us below! We want to hear from you!
Vice President
Secretary / Editor
Member/Events Director
National Road Run
National Road Run
Steve Klein
Greg McFarland
JoAnn Kugle
Emily Hudkins
Shelby W ithrow
Dwight Rinner
John Nixon
Jon Neuman
Greg Nelson
Website, T-Shirts, Legal
Accounting / Nat. Reports
Secretary / Newsletter
Membership / Events
(Call after 5 only)
South Texas Region
2014 Co-Chairman
2014 Co –Chairman
Remember. Chapter dues by all members are due by January 1, 2015. If you just joined in the last half of this year… you get 2015 dues included
in your initial membership. If you joined prior to June 1, 2014, dues are up the end of December. AMCA National Dues are due each year unless
you paid for multiple years the last time you renewed. To pay Chapter dues go online too To pay National AMCA
Dues.. go online at It is good to pay your dues early in the month of December rather than wait till the last minute!
Local and Regional Events Calendar. . .
October 25 / 26 Cherokee Tour de Windmills – Sweetwater TX. Join us for the last Cherokee Chapter Road Run of the year in
Historic and Beautiful Sweetwater TX, Our Chapter has reserved the entire Lake Sweetwater Muinicpal Park
Campground for this event so bring the tent or the RV and Join Us this weekend! Saturday Day One will be a 180 mile
ride followed by a group dinner to be announced in Sweetwater. On Sunday Day Two will be a shorter 60 mile ride in
the High plains W indmill Country. For more info on camping google
or call 325.235.8816 or contact Chapter VP Greg McFarland at
Nov 8
Pistons and Paint Hot Rod / Bike Show – Denton TX. Held at North Texas State Fairgrounds this is a Great Event
and the second year our Chapter are special guests. Last year we had 42 vintage motorycles on display from 1908 to
1965. This year we must at least show the same level of support forthis great event. A great location for all North Texas
/ Southern Oklahoma Cherokee Members to bring a bike to show and a lawn chair to relax in. Hundreds of vintage cars,
trucks, hot rods, rat rods and other transportation culture, plus bands. A true Old School environment for PinUp Girls
and Rockers and Vintage Bikers alike!
To show your bike and win a trophy get info at Pre-Registration ends November 1
To just show your bike with our group and not be judged (free)… Just contact Shelby Withrow so we know you
are coming! or 940.748.2555
Dec 6/7
Cherokee Chapter Christmas Gathering / Elections. Mark your calendars now!
Early Arrivals may show up Friday 5th after work to hook up your RV at The Klein’s or get a local Hotel Room in
Georgetown TX. There are many good family hotels on I-35 just 6 miles from our home. Joan can advise you!
Saturday December 6 is an all day Cherokee Chapter Gathering. Saturday arrivals can just come to our home. If the
weather permits a Saturday Morning Ride will be held. A catered BBQ dinner will be served at 1:30 Saturday followed
by a chapter meeting / awards program and our annual elections. Then desert and coffee will be served after that. On
Saturday evening there will be a bonfire and all who wish to stay in their RV or a hotel room on Saturday night may just
head for home on Sunday morning this year. (We normally held this on a Sunday each year but due to the distance
some members must drive… we felt it better to hold the event on a Saturday to allow members to return home Saturday
evening or Sunday morning. Hope y’all agree?)This will no doubt be our last single location Christmas Gathering as we
have grown to the point in future years we need to have multiple locations to better serve our large territory.
Next year expect a gathering in North Texas, in OKC, in Houston and in Austin
To RSVP contact Joan Klein 512.966.8601 or
Feb 14/15
Jeff Williams Productions Oklahoma City Bike Show and Swap Meet. Join us for the 18 Annual OKC Bike Show.
This is our Third Showing and we are by far the largest group showing vehicles each year. Last year we had an over
200 foot long vendor space with over 50 vintage motorcycles, plus Cannonball Bikes , plus Carson Classic Motors
Cannonball Race Trailer / Machine Shop. Mark Your Calendars now! To register your bike(s) in advance…
Contact Cherokee Oklahoma Director Dwight Rinner at or 405.250.4557 after work hours
This is a special event that means a lot to Oklahoma Bike Enthusiasts! Our Biggest Show of each year! Be There!
Mar ??
TBA…The Spring 2015 Cherokee Chapter Road Run. VP Greg McFarland has several great routes already in the file
cabinet and will announce what our First Road Run of 2015 will be! Our Chapter is slated to have a Spring and a Fall
Event each year from now on!
Apr 30- May 3
2015 Pate Swap Meet & Cherokee Concourse de Pate. Thursday througfh Sunday at Texas Motor Speedway.
This is Year One for The Cheorkee Chapter at Pate. Pate is the “Grand Daddy of all Swap Meets” with over 7,800
vendor spaces & a 43 year history of Transportation Related Vendors. Our own Shelby Withrow has secured almost
250 vendor spaces and has pre-leased many of them as of this date. If you know a vendor or you wish to vend… DO
NOT WAIT ANY LONGER! We will have a defined section of spaces at the end of two streets just inside the fence from
the RV Parking Area. Our intent is to get all motorcycle related vendors in one section of the show instead of sprinkled
throughout the event. W e have two Chapter Semi-Truck Trailer Rigs to anchor our visibility. W e have an entire area
roped off for a Concourse de Pate Bike Show. The Bike Show will be a People’s Choice Format on Year One. Our
Club along with The North Texas Norton Owner Association (NTNOA) will be in charge of filling up at least 200 bike
spaces for Year One. John Parham owner of The National Motorycle Museum from Anamosa Iowa is coming to set up
a display. Vintage Bike Vendors from across America are already pre-registered to bring in a large array of parts.
You will not wish to miss this event.
For General Event Information and Event History
For Motorycle Vending Spaces or to register for Bike Show Participation contact Shelby Withrow 940.748.2555
Watch further issues of this newsletter and our website for updates.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------National Meets, Road Runs, & Events . . .
or “Heh Steve.... Only 320 miles to go!””
Come on Y’all…. Let’s Ride More in 2014
Stanley Miller, Traveling Chapter Liasion, Dallas TX
(Sorry Stanley…I could not resist using this photo again here
The 2015 AMCA Calendar of Swap Meets / Road Runs and other Events will be published in our December Edition.
Cannonball 2014 . . . by Steve Klein
The 2014 Cannonball Endurance Run, Coast to Coast was the third such event and was bigger and better than ever. It also garnered
Worldwide attention with riders from 12 countries competing in what is now being billed as the Toughest Motorcycle Race in America.
Countries are: America Spain Italy France Germany Holland United Kingdom South Africa Poland Canada Ireland Japan
In all 114 Riders were registered and the Kick Off Banquet was held in Daytona Beach Florida the evening before the race start date
of September 5 . I believe that a total of 108 riders departed the starting line.
This year’s race covered a grueling 4,000+ miles from the Atlantic Ocean at Daytona Beach Florida to Tacoma W A Puget Sound Area
at the Pacific Ocean. Many riders dipped their back tire at the starting line and dipped their front tire at the finish line. All motorcycles
were older than 1937 so the newest models racing were 78 years old. Many machines are approaching 100 years old. David Lloyd’s #54
machine is a 1919 HD twin and I believe his machine is only the 6 oldest. A true test of man and machine to find, rebuild, tune and keep
these venerable old mounts of the past with tired steel and alloy, reliable enough to ride approximately 300 miles per day for three
weeks straight in every conceivable road and weather conditions.
Our Members Supported our Riders. Prior to the start of the event, I challenged our entire membership to pledge individual support for
this group of riders. W ithin 2 weeks I received over $10,000 from our members. Checks for $25, $50, $100, $250 or more flooded in.
Some individuals sent in $1,000, $1,500 or more. How many people can say they sponsored a Cannonball Team? But you did it and now
these individuals are a part of Cannonball History!
“I am Extremely Proud of all Members whom wrote checks and supported our Riding Members”
In the order that the checks arrived the following Cherokee Chapter Members Sponsored our Riders.
David and JoAnn Kugle, Austin TX
Michael McMains, W aco TX
James and Trenna Little, Sherman TX
David Wood, Fort W orth TX
Bob and Marian Guerin, San Marcos TX
James and Lori Joyce, Fort Worth TX
Butch and Emily Hudkins, Llano TX
Ford Strei, Austin TX
Emmanuel Johnson, Houston TX
McCreations - Big Greg, Houston TX
Marie Snyder
Diamond Chapter, AMCA, Arkansas
Charles Price, Florida
Larry Bradford, Canon City, CO
Shelby and Gloria Withrow, Paradise TX
Steve Orrell, Georgetown TX
Stanley Miller, Dallas TX
Bernard and Susan Rookey, Mansfield TX
John Heckeroth, Georgetown TX
Greg Nelson, Georgetown TX
Doc Wood, Florida
Robert Rusher
W.G. Ford
Elton and Debbie Morris, Georgetown TX
Cherokee Chapter of The AMCA, Texas, Oklahoma & Arkansas
RBR Maintenance, Joe and Susan Burch, Dallas TX
Central Texas Powersports, Steve and Theresa Littlefield, Georgetown TX
Kirk Sharp, Just Kickers Event, Dallas TX
The Klein Collection, Steve and Joan Klein, Georgetown TX
(If any member sponsor was omitted here, I apologize right now. This list matches the deposit slips)
Photos and Videos This month’s newsletter contains a small number of photos that were available to me. To see hundreds more log
onto or The Official Cannonball website also has numerous videos of the
Cannonball including one special video that features our Chapter and many of our riders. If you are one of a dozen or so members of our
Chapter whom do not use a computer…Please ask a friend to open these two websites for you so you can enjoy these photos and videos
as well.
Route Maps and Camping and Hotel Info is on our Website at in The Blog Section
Recent Events attended by Our Members …
Pflugerville Chili Pfest….
Each year our Chapter Members try to support this worthwhile one day event in Pflugerville TX just a few exits North of Austin. This year
through a confluence of communication lapses and an awfully full schedule of area bike events, our own Greg Nelson shouldered the
entire task himself. Greg took 4 of his vintage bikes to display, start up and answer questions all day outside another Chapter member
Wes Brown’s Chili Booth. Greg… Above and beyond the call of duty! But we get to see some of Greg’s bikes in this issue! Yah for Us!
Greg’s 50 Panhead and 47 Chief
Greg’s two very sharp Norton’s
Member Profile… Steve and Theresa Littlefield, Georgetown TX
It has been a while since we did a member profile and I cannot think of better folks to introduce you all to than Steve Littlefield and his wife
Theresa who own Central Texas Powersports on I-35 on the North side of Georgetown TX. CT Powersports features Honda, Kawasaki,
Suzuki, Yamaha, Can Am, and Polaris lines of new machines, an impressive used inventory of all makes and models from small scooters
through off road, cruisers, sport bikes, to full dress touring machines, a full accessories department, clothing department, as well as a full
parts and service department. Regardless of what brand of machine you enjoy… if you want an “old fashioned. friendly dealership”
that will not gouge your pocketbook and that “truly appreciates your business”… then Central Texas Powersports is where you should
buy your tires, oil, get your service or buy that new bike you have been eying. A full line of all models from all these manufacturers plus
four wheelers, plus Can Am three wheelers and the big Sportsman wide body Polaris and Honda off road 4 and six passenger side by
sides for family or hunting use. The all new Polaris Slingshot is also worth viewing! (Photo below)
Steve started his career in motorcycles at the Harley Davidson dealership in W ichita Falls TX at a very young age and has been in the
motorcycle business ever since. He is also an avid collector of early Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki and Triumph motorcycles. Stop in and
have a cup of coffee soon. Steve and Theresa are active Cherokee Chapter Members and AMCA Members as well. It is common to see
vintage motorcycles on display any week of the year at this great dealership! Vintage Motorcycle Friendly is definitely spoken here!
L- Steve Littlefield at his Georgetown TX Dealership
R- The new Polaris Slingshot three wheeler
November Photo Album . . .
Clyde Crouch, A Really
More Photos also get posted on
Greg Nelson is now working on a “new to him 45 HD”
11 Excelsior Single
Tough Cannonball Rider!
Riding Bit_ _? Jesse Law getting trained by his fiance!
“Is that fear or just good acting in Jesse’s eye’s?”
See Y’all at Pistons and Paint on November 8 ! Denton TX!
Team Carson Classic Motors Group Cannonball Shot!
David Lloyd and his 1919 HD Cannonball Bike
Team Carson Classic Motors Machines on Daytona Beach
Mike Bell on Same Machine in his Second Cannonball !
Mike Bell -The Thrill Of Victory
I think I cam!
Ride Like The Wind!
Dr. Scott Byrd. Family Dentistry and Used Motorycle Parts
Weld into the night!
The Shop!
Buck is now Taller than in Texas!
Anyone got any Chapstick?
Shelby Withrow (L) & Rider Greg McFarland (R)
Here they come!
An Indian Four War Ship!
Where did they go?
And ready for another day!
Robert “Big Swede” Gustavsson – Howdy All Y’all
Jesse On The Road…On The Bed… Doing Head Work!
Note the bottle of engine building lubricant at the left!
Check & Double Check! David Lloyd
It is definitely all in there!
Shelby and Jesse keeping Cannonballer’s running! Or…
“ Housekeeping…We need a bench grinder for our room desk!”
Bonneville Salt Flats
Bonneville Salt Flats
“Dr. J” Jon Neuman with his “J called Bluebell”
“Now add the Gatoraide Fuel Additive…. L- Jon Neumann
and R- Dwight Rinner prepping for another day’s start!
Easy Fix!
……….and the roads were endless…………………………….
War Horse Harley “J” w/ the rare opt. tank mounted coil?
The Starting Line at Daytona Beach… WOW!
Scott Byrds “Kimberley” outside Carson Classic Motors Trailer
Buck Carson on his second Cannonball – An Old Pro Now!
“I’m gonna Kick Yur Butt Dad!” - Buck & Mike Carson Day 1
Inside Carson Classic Motors Machine Shop on wheels!
Shop Machining Work
Plenty of spare parts!
………….and a few flats.
Here are 8 out of 10 of our Cherokee Chapter Members participating in the 2014 Cannonball Coast To Coast Endurance Run
Yes it was a very long line of bikes and riders!
Applause to Our Newest “very cool” Cherokee Chapter Members . . .
Please make these new members feel very welcome when you meet them on the road or at an event!
ü Glen Narcho and Kim Young, Arlington TX
ü Goerge Tuttle, Southlake TX
ü Brad Kenyon, Suwanee Georgia
ü Mark Foster, Colorado Springs Colorado
ü Robert Graulty and Cheryl Reader, Huntsville TX
ü John and Diana Pfeifter, Houston TX (Current Cannonball Junkie and Future Cannonball Rider. You read it here first!)
ü James Coventry, Snyder TX
ü Gien and Mishi Ishi, North Tokyo, Japan
(Our very first Japan Member) Konichiwa
My Friends!
New Cherokee Website is Online 24/7/365
Cherokee Chapter Newsletter
Steve Klein Editor
We’re on the Web 24/7!
Watch for the next Newsletter
and all Current Blogs at:
Thanks to Director, Greg
McFarland our new Chapter
website is always online and
available for all members and
others on the worldwide web
to use to find us.
Enjoy reading our newsletter
now every month when you
feel like it as it will always be
online from now on. We will
simply send out an email to
all chapter members that it is
posted online for viewing.
Members without computers
will still be sent their newsletters through US Postal
Service as usual. Features of
this site also allow you to
view photos of recent events,
see a list of our officers and
directors along with their
contact information and also
be able to read the current
Blog anytime you wish to.
We are all very proud of this
new website and know the
convenience to our members
will be appreciated.
The Cherokee Chapter of
The Antique Motorcycle Club
of America was formed for
the purpose of enjoying old
motorcycles. We accomplish
this through local member
organized events in and
around Texas, Oklahoma
and Arkansas. Our members
own, study, preserve, restore
or just appreciate vintage
motorcycles that are at least
35 years or older. Often our
members also study and
collect all forms of vintage
motorcycle art, literature,
clothing and memorabilia
related to these vintage
machines. If you have an old
bike or just have an interest
in learning more about these
magnificent machines and
the wonderful history of our
great sport, please visit our
website and also contact us
about membership, road
runs, bike shows and other
club activities.
Who We ‘re . . .
Street Address 1
Address 2
City, ST 78269
CITY, ST 22134
We All Thank You Greg!
We Welcome You!