Jennifer Shea, J.D., MBA, CFP® , CRPC® Guidance. Insight. Results. Jennifer Shea is an A orney by educa on and heads up the Estate and Business Planning department at Baystate Financial. In this role, Jennifer partners with Financial Advisors to provide subject ma er exper se to help iden fy and create customized solu ons for clients. Jennifer is well‐versed in all areas of financial planning and has developed par cular exper se in the areas of estate planning, insurance, philanthropy and re rement. Jennifer received a B.S. from The Pennsylvania State University, J.D. from Syracuse University College of Law, and M.B.A. from Syracuse University School of Management. While in law school, she served as Execu ve Editor of the Syracuse Law Review. Jennifer has also a ained the Chartered Re rement Planning Counselor™ designa on and the Cer fied Financial Planner™ cer fica on awarded by the Cer fied Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. Prior to joining Baystate Financial, Jennifer was a Senior Planning Specialist at Merrill Lynch and an associate at a bou que trust and estate law firm in Boston. She has experience in estate planning, estate administra on, trust administra on and the related areas of estate, gi and genera on‐skipping transfer tax planning. Jennifer also completed a two‐year appointment as Co‐Chair of the Boston Bar Associa on’s Estate Planning Fundamentals Commi ee. Jennifer is admi ed to the bar in Massachuse s and is an ac ve member of the Women’s Bar Associa on, Boston Estate Planning Council and the Trusts and Estates Consor um. Jennifer Shea, J.D., MBA, CFP®, CRPC® Estate and Business Planning 200 Clarendon Street, 19th Floor Boston, MA 02116 Office: 617‐585‐4527 Securi es and investment advisory services offered through representa ves of New England Securi es Corpora on (NES). NES is expected to merge with, and representa ves will be conduc ng business through, MetLife Securi es, Inc. (MSI) effec ve 1/1/2015. NES and MSI (members FINRA/SIPC and registered investment advisers) are located at 1095 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036. Representa ves are brokers or agents of New England Life Insurance Company (NELICO), Boston, MA 02111 un l 12/31/14 and will be brokers or agents of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MLIC), New York, NY 10166 effec ve 1/1/2015. NES, NELICO, MSI and MLIC are MetLife companies. Baystate Financial is not affiliated with New England Securi es. L0714383716[exp0515][AllStates][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI]
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