SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Cranbourne East Primary School No 5518

Cranbourne East Primary School No 5518
Phone: 5990 0400
Fax: 5990 0499
Address: 2 Bowyer Avenue, Cranbourne East 3977
30th October 2014
Issue 33
Hi everyone
Last week we presented our very first CREATE Art Exhibition to the school community. This was a wonderful
opportunity to showcase the outstanding talent of our students at all levels of the school. I congratulate our
students for their achievement and pass on a special thanks to Mrs Lloyd, our Arts specialist teacher, for her work
throughout the year in developing the ideas and creativity in our students. I also thank the many staff for coming
together to prepare for the exhibition and attend during the open sessions. A special mention is awarded to the
many families, including friends and grandparents, for attending and who proudly supported their children. Much
of the student art work, including each home group canvas, will be displayed throughout the school.
Our Year 6 students are currently attending the Woorabinda Camp. While the week started with wet and cold
conditions, all reports indicate the students and staff are having lots of fun participating in a wide range of
activities. We welcome our campers back to school tomorrow afternoon.
Last Saturday two buses arrived very early in the morning at school to take our parents and staff on a fundraising
shopping tour throughout Melbourne. End of the day photos show some very tired parents and staff and lots and
lots of bags full of purchases. This was a magnificent fundraiser with the commission directed to the Pirate Ship
Playground. All approvals have now been given for the construction of the Pirate Ship Playground which is to
commence in the first week of January 2015 and completed prior to the start of the new school year. Thank you to
Amanda Woodhouse, Amanda Brown and Melynda Morley for your organisation and conduct on the day.
The school is well into the 2015 school year planning cycle. I ask parents whose children will be leaving the school
to contact the office and if parents have yet to enroll their children into the school, or know of a neighbour or
friend who have children yet to enroll to also contact the office. Our school enrolments are increasing at a rapid
rate which impacts on the recruitment of staff and procurement of classrooms. Thank you for your support with
this matter.
Monday is a designated Curriculum Day and students are not required at school. The teachers will be participating
in a series of VCOP workshops and activities and preparing ongoing student report comments.
You may not have heard the exciting news yet, but Jennifer Mc D in Year 5W participated in High Jump at the State
Athletics Championships on Monday and achieved 3rd place. I am currently speaking with Jennifer who informs me
she jumped an amazing 1.34m. Jennifer also told me she was very anxious in the run up prior to the jump but felt
very happy in achieving a personal best. Jennifer said she has met many friends through her participation. Jennifer
now goes on to the next round of participation in the Nationals in Tasmania on 27th November. We all wish
Jennifer the best of luck on this day. I will keep the school community posted.
A reminder to link in to our on-line assembly each Thursday at 1:15pm. The recordings of the on-line assembly are
posted on You Tube.
Nominations for the 2015 positions of School Captains, House Captains and Student Representative Council close
at 3:30pm tomorrow.
Please ensure your child attends school each and every day and is on time to commence their learning. Please
ensure you read with your child every night including taking time out on weekends. A short and regular reading
session can make an enormous difference to your child’s learning.
Just for your information, forty-eight staff participated in a CPR update and EpiPen (Anaphylaxis) refresher
training course yesterday after school. The course was not only a lot of fun but refreshed staff in management and
support to our students.
Kind regards Garry & Staff
From the Welfare Officer
Visit from Police Youth Resource Officers
On Friday
October Acting Sargent Dave Smith and
Acting Senior Constable Steve Butler (Cranbourne
Police Youth Resource Officers) gave an insightful and
interesting presentation to the Year 6 students. The
topics covered included the role of the police as
peacekeepers and their role to support the community.
The students were interested to hear about what role
the police have in supporting young offenders and
how, if a young person commits a crime, it can cause
lifelong consequences for a bad decision. Lastly, Dave
spoke about Cyber Assault, which included the terms
threats, verbal and physical actions towards someone
or a group.
Some of the key points raised in the presentation
 Anyone under the age of 13 should not be on
social media sights.
 Cyber Assault is easy for police to investigate.
 There is evidence that can be collected from
phones, computers, laptops and iPads through
tracking of messages, which can then be
 Nothing is ever deleted because a digital
fingerprint is left by the user and this can be
retrieved showing messages, photos or videos.
 Remember anything that is sent in a message “
Is Always Public”.
 The last words of advice that Dave emphasised
to the children was:
Don’t be part of the problem, don’t start it, don’t be
part of it and don’t let it get out of control.
Kathy Jones
Assistant Principal- Welfare and Student Management
House Points
This week:
Term Total:
Choir News
Congratulations to all the children in the Years 3-6 choir.
Your two performances in the theatre were excellent and
very well received by all of the Kindergarten children that
came to watch on both days. I am sure your fellow students
from CEPS also really enjoyed the 2 shows which was
evident as all the Kinder and Primary School children sang
along and really showed their appreciation at the end of
each song. To get up in front of a packed theatre and sing on
both days (especially the soloist) was a sensational effort.
You should all be very proud of yourselves, because I know I
Jason Beach Performing Arts.
Cheers Mr Beach
Mathletics News
Over the past two weeks, a total of 143 bronze
Mathletics certificates were achieved and 29 silver
certificates. Congratulations to the following
students for earning a gold certificate:
Ryan S in Prep
Jasryan S & Senul K in Year 1
Keira W in Year 3
Imelda H in Year 4
Krisuiv Z in Year 5
A great effort everyone!
Camp Australia
Before & After School Hours Care
Hi parents, guardians and children. Before and after
school care is open every day before and after
school. Come join us for some fun activities including
art and craft, sport, and construction. We're open
from 7:00am until school time and from 3:15pm
until 6:00pm at night. Please see Rebecca from
2:45pm near the art room for more information, call
0413411834 or visit
Thanks Rebecca
Regional Athletics Championships
Congratulations to the 13 students who represented
Cranbourne East PS at the Southern Region Athletics
Championships on Thursday 16th October. It is a
huge effort for these students to qualify for this
event after competing at both District and Divisional
level. All of these students competed to the best of
their ability and did themselves and our school
proud. Well done students!
A special congratulation goes to Jennifer MacDonald
who placed 3rd in Triple Jump and 2nd in High Jump,
which qualified her for the State Finals, which was
held last Monday. Jennifer placed 3rd in this event.
Well done Jennifer!
Shining Star Awards for 27th – 31st October 2014
Shining Star
Maddy K
Karam S
Hannah M
Tahlia M
Thomas M
Year 1
For your wonderful effort in diary
For her fantastic participation during
our letters and sounds group.
For fantastic diary writing about her
For making a great effort learning
your magic words.
For making great progress with his
Year 3
Shining Star
Chanelle N
Jonah V
Albin M
Sehath K
Shanaya H
Anviddha S
For a fantastic effort during
subtraction activities.
Peyton D
Jordan S
For approaching learning tasks with a
positive attitude.
For showing great improvement with
his Most Used Words.
Hisham M
Jaye C
Amtoj K
Ishan S
Liana H
Trinity L
Elsie I
Brooklyn F
Year 2
Jordan L
Kaiyah R
Aiden N
Rishabh C
For consistently making positive
choices to help her learning. Well
For confidently presenting your
holiday journal about India.
For her improved behaviour and
attitude towards her learning.
For showing great leadership and
responsibility within our learning
For making such a huge effort to
improve her reading. Well done!
For settling in well to her new school
with a positive attitude.
For coming to school with a smile and
a positive attitude.
For always showing the 5R's towards
her classmates.
For using and understanding the
definition of new WOW Words such
as oasis and tomb in his Egyptian
creative writing.
For completing some excellent
writing pieces, using WOW words and
Asiya J
For working hard on her fractions
activities in Maths.
Bayleigh J-H
For being a considerate student, who
always shows the 5Rs.
Year 4
Rhylie H
For her use of imaginative and creative
language during our poetry writing sessions.
For a tremendous effort during our poetry
writing sessions.
For a great improvement in his reading
For an excellent effort writing cinquain
For a fantastic start at her new school.
For working hard during Maths and
explaining how she works out problems.
Well done Peyton!
For great effort in his homework and
positive attitude to learning.
For working extremely hard on improving
his reading.
Grace I
For her great arguments during persuasive
Gungeet S
For his fabulous work in Maths and sharing
his learning with others.
For working hard in maths.
Jonathan S
Year 5
Courtney D
For being a great friend and classmate to
Armstrong I
For putting in a fantastic effort during our
Maths sessions. Well Done!
For working hard during our Maths
For settling in so well to CEPS.
Renai M
Nikita V
Hayley O
Marna S
For her fantastic electorate design of ‘Evilish
For putting in an excellent effort in her
Year 6
Health & PE Week
In the weeks since CEPS celebrated Health & PE Week, we have had some outstanding submissions to the ‘How
Can I Be the Best Possible Healthy Me’ poster competition. All of the posters that we submitted were fantastic,
however after the tricky job of choosing a winner from each year level, we would like to congratulate Kendra
(OE), Eklavya (1E), Alazei (2X), Jim (3O), Dimitri & Estelle (4A/P), Shanelle (5S) & Kasey & Suhad (6W).
Shining Star Awards for 27th – 31st October 2014
Shining Star
Shining Star
Mr Carey
Amy N
For an outstanding effort
during her fitness testing.
Liana H
For working well in her literacy
Anakin S
Mrs Price
Albin M
For working well on his cinquain
Armani T
Well done Armani for always being
an enthusiastic contributor during
class discussions.
Visual Arts
Josh I
Sudha K
For being an outstanding
assistant coach during the
class basketball game.
For a fantastic lesson in
Performing Arts. Your effort,
attitude and big smile
throughout the lesson was a
delight to see.
For creating a fantastic night
time cityscape.
For cooperative teamwork
when investigating solids and
Ms Adams
Avi A
Mackayla R
Well-done for great work with your
"tense" writing.
For supporting and developing good
relationships with her peers.
Kseniya V
For settling well into your new
Ms Hudson
Tara V
For being a good sport in PE. Well
Ms Backhaus is currently on leave
Ms Rento
Latysha I
Prep L
For being a great helper.
Mr Ross
Felix S
Peter M 1D
Trinity C 1D
Flynn R 1M
Heidi B
Amy B
Maddi V
Malini B
Fantastic demonstration of 5
Rs during Literacy Support
group sessions.
For her help and support to
her classmates in this weeks
For a great cybersafety video.
The Auslan award is to be
presented in the next edition
of the newsletter
For her outstanding notetaking skills. Well Done!!
Monday 27th – Friday 31st October
Friday 31st October
Monday 3rd November
Tuesday 4th November
Wednesday 5th November
Thursday 6th November
Monday 10th November
Tuesday 11th November
Thursday 13th November
Friday 14th November
Tuesday 18th November
Wednesday 19th November
Friday 21st November
Friday 21st November
Monday 24th November
Tuesday 25th November
Wednesday 26th November
Year 6 Woorabinda School Camp
World Teachers Day
Nominations close for 2015 School Captains, House Captains & Student Representative Council
Curriculum Day – school closed
Melbourne Cup Day public holiday – school closed
2015 Year Prep Transition Session
Year Prep – Year 2 Athletics Carnival – all parents welcome
Year 4 Phillip Island Nature Park Excursion
Parents Association Meeting 7:00pm
Remembrance Day – Observance of one minute’s silence at 11:00am
Year 5 & 6 Beach Water Safety Program Payment Due
Year 1 Market Fresh Visit Payment Due
Year 5 Beach Water Safety Program
Evacuation & Lockdown rehearsal
Year 6 Beach Water Safety Program
School Council Meeting 7pm
2015 Prep Transition
Year 3 Cultural Celebrations Payment Due
Year 3 Cultural Celebrations
Billy Slater Shield Boys & Girls Rugby State Final
Year 1 Market Fresh Visit