Cranbourne East Primary School No 5518 SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Phone: 5990 0400 Fax: 5990 0499 Email: Website: Address: 2 Bowyer Avenue, Cranbourne East 3977 28th May 2015 Issue 15 IMPORTANT DATES 2015 June Mon 1st June Tue 12th June Wed 17th June Tue 23rd June Yr6 Lightning Premiership Payment Due Division Cross Country Payment Due Yr6 Lightning Premiership Wed 3rd June Prep GMVW & ½ K Aquarium Excursion Yr6 Woorabinda Camp Final Payment Due Yr1 Swimming Payment Due Mon 22nd June Tue 16th June Prep Aquarium Payment Due Division Cross Country (selected students) Prep BFJL & ½ K Aquarium Excursion Yr2 Don’t Pee in my Pool Payment Due Yr3 Briars Camp Deposit Due Prep Swimming Payment Due FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Hi Everyone, Last week we celebrated Education Week with a visit from The Royal Australian Navy Band, our Open Morning, Free Dress Day and Principal for the Hour. The performance by The Royal Australian Navy Band was a huge hit with staff and students alike. The students were kept entertained with an assortment of wonderful instruments, some amusing acts accompanying the music and some students even had the chance to get up and try their hand at conducting! A big thank you to Mr Jason Beach and Mrs Liz Dunmall for all their hard work in preparing for and arranging this visit. On Thursday we were pleased to invite all our parents and families into the school to spend some time doing activities with the students in the learning spaces. Walking through the school, it was great to see everyone engaged in so many wonderful literacy, numeracy, games, craft and building activities. What a wonderful opportunity for the students to share with their families some of the great things they do at school! We thank all the families who participated. Thursday was also our Free Dress Day to raise money for Nepal Earthquake and Vanuatu Appeals and I am happy to announce that we raised a record $1142.70. Congratulations and thank you to all our students for supporting this fundraising activity. During the day, we welcomed three lucky winners Dylan, Blake and Olivia up to the office to become Principal for the Hour. The students had a wonderful time and were kept busy making phone calls and announcements over the PA, signing ‘classified’ documents and making important decisions. The “power” may have gone to their heads at times, with Blake’s announcement over the PA to approve the purchase of ice-creams for all the students being met with loud cheers heard throughout the school! Well done to these students for a fantastic job…Mr Rolfe might have to watch out! I am also excited to be able to share with you the recent success of two of our students. Anuka in Year 6 was awarded 1st Place in the 2015 Casey Creations Art Competition for his ANZAC Soldier sketch. Anuka and his family have been invited to a presentation evening in a couple of weeks’ time where he will be presented with his award and have his artwork displayed. Sheldon in Year 6 has also been accepted into the State Under 12s Rugby League Team. This is a wonderful achievement, with Sheldon facing fierce competition to make it into the team. We look forward to hearing more about his achievements in the upcoming competitions. We are very proud of both these students and love being able to celebrate the diverse talents of our many students. Don’t forget to log in to Compass and make a booking for the upcoming Student Led Conferences/Parent Teacher Interviews being held on the 9th, 10th and 11th of June. Kind regards, Michelle Wrigley Acting Principal From the Welfare Officer Helping Children Deal with Rejection: A bit of rejection and disappointment is good for children, as long as they learn how to deal with it. They need to lean that sadness and disappointment can be managed, which is an important lesson to learn and to take into adolescence and beyond. To help children handle rejection and disappointment try the following four strategies: 1. Model optimism. Watch how you present the world to children, as they will pick up your view. 2. Tell children how to handle disappointment and rejection. Not only is it reassuring for children to know that their parents understand how they feel but they can learn a great deal by how their parents handle situations. 3. Help children recognise times in the past when they bounced back from disappointment and that those strategies can be used again. 4. Laugh together. Humour is a great coping mechanism. It helps put disappointment in perspective. It helps them understand that things will get better. Supporting children to handle life’s hurdles helps them to develop a lasting sense of resilience, which is essential for good mental and emotional health. Words Michael Gross Mathletics News Over the past two weeks, a total of 246 bronze and 46 silver Mathletics certificates were achieved. Congratulations to the following students for achieving a gold certificate: Nathan A in Year 1 Samantha H in Year 2 Abel H, Akhila S and Lily F in Year 3 Oneli A and Jack M in Year 4 Miro M in Year 5. A great effort everyone! House Points This week: Ruffy Hudson Lyall Donnelly Term Total: 1056 1103 987 1234 Ruffy Hudson Lyall Donnelly 5807 6413 4428 7133 From the Office Late Passes: If your child is late to school, please ensure they enter via the office to collect a late pass. If the child is accompanied by a parent the lateness will be approved, otherwise a note will be sent home for approval. Absences: If your child is away from school, please phone the school office and leave a message on our absence hotline. If the school has not been notified an SMS will be sent requesting a reason of absence. Kathy Jones Assistant Principal Library News Overdue library books The library currently has 200-300 books that are overdue. Could everyone please have a look in bags, under beds, in cars or through your house to try and find and return our lost books. Payments: Could all camp, swimming and excursion payments please be sent to school in a named envelope with the activity clearly marked on the front. All payments must be sent to school by the due date (unless prior arrangement has been made) to ensure your child can attend the activity. Prep 2016 Enrolments: The office is now accepting Prep enrolments for 2016. If you have a younger child, or know of a friend or neighbor who wishes to enroll for next year, could you please pop into the office for enrolment forms. Mobile phones Reminder for all students to hand their mobile phones in at the library window before 9 am. Please keep your tag in a safe and secure place and collect your device from the library window at the end of the school day. Student Led Conferences: Our mid-year Student Led Conferences/Parent Teacher Interviews bookings are now open. You can log on to Compass to make a booking that suits you best. Shining Star Awards for 25th – 29th May 2015 Year Prep Shining Star Student Katrina A Adrian S Hargun K Brock F Jacintha X Evina G Kavin B Tyler T Brody D Year 1 Aidan C Ally A Mikaela J Danielle I Tyreece H Olivia K Darara O Year 2 Benniton M Eliza C Daniel R Award Year Shining Star Student Jorja D For listening to instructions and engaging in our Inquiry lesson. For working well with others during Discovery Time. For sharing and including others Year 3 For a fantastic week of hard work. Kynan D For a fantastic effort at swimming. Maddie C For showing enthusiasm towards her swimming. For showing determination when reading his Red Words. For a great effort in her writing this week. Well done! Hanna J For being a respectful and enthusiastic class member. For an excellent effort in completing her take home reading log. For being a support class member and friend. For having such a positive attitude towards school. For producing lots of 5 Star work over the past week. For an excellent effort with reading. Faye L For an excellent effort in completing her homework. Charlotte V H For always trying her best. Aaliyah C Tegan B For being such a caring class member by always celebrating other student’s success. For your great contribution during class discussions. Keep it up! For great work understanding fractions this week. Parissa M For her enthusiastic attitude toward her learning. Teagan C For working very hard on improving her reading. Jodon D For excellent participation and behaviour during the CEPS Open Morning. For showing great improvement with her times tables. For fantastic improvement in your reading. It is such a pleasure to hear you use lots of expression and pay attention to punctuation when reading aloud. For a great start at her new school. Welcome to CEPS! For demonstrating excellent listening skills during our visit from the Royal Australian Navy Band. For her enthusiastic participation and excellent listening skills at the Melbourne Aquarium. For her excellent thinking and questioning at Melbourne Aquarium. For continually completing brilliant homework! For having a go during class discussions and sharing his ideas. For trying her best during reading groups. Asiya J Year 4 Lochie W Jenica N Year 5 Tegan E Flick D For working so wonderfully with your partner during learning ‘how to pack your bag’. For his great participation, including sharing his ideas about ‘Goldilocks’ during Socratic Circles. For speaking in a clear and loud voice and asking interesting questions, during the Three Little Pig’s Socratic Circle. Jamisyn N Ashley S Gungeet S Mathew A For his excellent participation during Socratic Circles. For approaching all school activities with a fantastic attitude. For submitting great homework this week! Ashlea H For always completing five star work. Jesse C Dhruvi P For working extremely hard in maths with her partner to create a shape sculpture. For sharing great ideas during our ‘Goldilocks’ Socratic Circle. Joshua S Jaeli B Cory P Anmol W Year 6 Daniel W Award For fantastic improvement in your reading. It is such a pleasure to hear you use lots of expression and pay attention to punctuation when reading aloud. For fantastic improvement in your reading. It is such a pleasure to hear you use lots of expression and pay attention to punctuation when reading aloud. For writing a convincing exposition on whether television is educational. For taking your own group and teaching them how to use scratch. Well Done! For writing a fantastic explanation about how a teacher's brain operates. For his humorous limerick poems. Kai C For the effort he has put into improving his Maths throughout the year. For great contributions during reading. Liliana F For always trying her best and including others. Aaryan A For writing a fantastic explanation about how a teacher's brain operates. Shining Star Awards for 25th – 29th May 2015 Year PE Mr Carey Shining Star Student Katerina V 5W PE Mr Shaw Tayah B 3B PE Ms Purvis Performing Arts Mr Beach Performing Arts Ms Purvis Visual Arts Ms Lloyd Munahil T 2P Sheldon D 6A For always trying her best and enjoying the challenges that are presented in Phys Ed. For showing outstanding sportsmanship in Physical Education. For her thoughtful answers in her PE self-assessment. For displaying great conducting skills at the Navy Band concert. Hudson R 2B For always trying to "Be his Best" in Performing Arts. Mrs Kamini Breanna N 4W Terihia W 4H Ms Naismith Grace S 3M Visual Arts Ms Albrecht ICT Mr Ross Remi S Prep M Sheldon D 6A Ms Hudson Alkay C Prep J Prabhu A 5F For buddy reading and for doing a wonderful job in sustained reading. For constantly showing respect and always using his manners. Well done. ICT Mrs Hunter Science Ms Singleton Science Ms Albrecht Tim W 6A Stephany L 5C For always showing amazing responsibility during our Art lessons. For using a box to create a very detailed 'ice-cream' truck. For his supportive role in appearing on this weeks' online school assembly. For his hard work and enthusiasm to complete his digital license. For Five Star work and enthusiasm at all times. Well-done Chloe for a great week at swimming. Thank you Sheldon, for consistently showing respect and consideration towards students and staff. For listening and following instructions during lessons. Well done, keep up the good work! For working hard with your group in science. Well done. Eowyn S-C Prep F Sohail J 5G For always being a kind and respectful classmate. For working well on your Wizards Hat. Charlotte S 4P Alkay C Prep K For a great effort in writing neatly. Literacy Support Olivia K 1P ESL Jannah A 4M Hansana R 4P Auslan Award Year Mrs Simmonds For accurately reading a thermometer and making educated guesses about different temperatures of water including ice, luke-warm and boiling. For her enthusiastic approach to these sessions and support of others. For the outstanding effort she has made during our writing sessions. For consistently showing and excellent with his signing. Shining Star Student Isabella C 2H For being a responsible student and helpful partner in class. Mrs Price Brandon U 2S For always following the 5R’s. Well-done Brandon! Mrs Warren Mrs Harding Chloe O’D 3R Sheldon D 6A Ms Backhaus Mrs Rento Mrs Little Mrs Mathai Award Cranbourne East Primary School STUDENT ABSENT NOTE Student’s Name:______________________________________ Grade:__________ Ph: 5990 0400 2 Bowyer Ave Cranbourne East Ph: 5990 0400 Absent date (s) ____/____/____ to ____/____/____ Reason for absence: Student Illness Family Holiday (1 or more days) Other Reason: ______________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name:________________________________Signature______________________ Date:________________ Please return absent note to school office. OFFICE USE Teachers Name: Date: Verbal Contact Phone Contact
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