Parish Directory Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Faith Community 5300 Old Howell Branch Road Winter Park, FL 32792 (407) 657-6114 Sacramental Life of the Parish Reconciliation: Saturday - 4pm to 4:45pm. Also by appointment. Please call the Parish Office. Baptisms: Parents must be registered, active members of this parish for three months before they may begin the Baptism process. Please call the Parish Office (Ext. 260) to make arrangements. Marriages: The Catholic party must be a registered, active member of this parish for a minimum of three months before marriage preparation can begin. A six month preparation is also required. Please call the Parish Office (Ext. 260) for more information. Anointing and Pastoral Care of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office if anyone is sick at home, in the hospital or nursing home, and would like to be visited. Schedule of Masses and Prayers Saturday Vigil Mass……………………………………....5pm, 7pm (Spanish) Parish Office Phone: (407) 657-6114 Fax: (407) 657-9375 Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pastor Fr. Derk Schudde Parochial Vicar Fr. Fidel Rodriquez Cuza, OCD Sunday Masses……………………………..….………8am, 10am, 12pm, 6pm Holy Day Mass……………………………………….……………8:30am, 7pm Weekday Masses Monday-Friday……………………………………...8:30am Morning Prayer Monday-Friday…………………………………………..8am Rosary, Novena & Divine Mercy Chaplet……………….....Monday at 7pm Adoration and Benediction…….....Tuesday 6pm-9pm, Thursday 9am-12pm Deacons Al Castellana Norm Levesque Scott Lindeman Donald Warner Charismatic Prayer Group………………………….………..Thursday at 7pm Pope Francis' universal prayer intention for October is: “That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. ”. Parish Directory In Our Parish All Saints Day-November 1st In designating one day on our calendar for all the saints, the church chooses a time to honor our heroes—the men and women whose example we admire. Coming near the end of the church year, the solemnity of All Saints invites us into the mystery of death and the promise of eternal life. An early tradition placed the festival on May 13th. According to one story, Pope Boniface IV (himself a saint) began the celebration in Rome. On that date in 609 he dedicated a very old building as a new church. The Pantheon had been built to honor all the pagan gods, but Boniface rededicated the building as a Christian church in the seventh century. He brought the relics of the martyrs from the catacombs to this famous public place of worship. The parade of relics changed the Pantheon from a place for worship of all the pagan gods to a place that honored Mary and all the Christian saints—and in turn the one Christian God. Eventually the idea of a feast of all saints was transferred to Nov. 1st, near the end of the church year. The church honors many saints with a day of their own on the general liturgical calendar, but there are many more saints than those. Since Vatican II, the number of men and women canonized as saints has increased considerably. Although we do not celebrate all their names on specific dates in all our churches throughout the year, we do gather them as one on this day. Since this day falls on a Saturday this year, the obligation to attend Mass has been lifted. However, this is still a Holy Day and we will celebrate Mass at 8:30am in the chapel. The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Next Sunday, November 2nd, at all our liturgies, we celebrate the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, also known as All Souls Day. The solemnity of All Souls comes as a sequel to that of All Saints (November 1st). Having commemorated all the blessed who enjoy the face of God in their death, we turn our thoughts to the other souls who await the fullness of God’s glory. The sequence of these two feasts implies a belief that those who have lived lives of holiness enjoy God’s presence and can intercede for us before the throne of God. The feasts also imply that others, having lived more sinful lives, still await that glory. These are the dead we remember every November 2nd—members of our families, friends, the lonely and forgotten, and public figures who have touched our lives. On this day we pray that God will have mercy on them and grant them the vision of blessedness for which they longed. When the church gathers for prayer on November 2nd, we still remember the faithful departed, even when it falls on a Sunday. Those who assisted us in life receive assistance from us in their death. This feast celebrates our union with the church in every place and beyond all time. At our parish 12:00pm Mass next Sunday, we will remember all those parishioners who have died over the past year. And in the Prayer Niche, we will display through the month of November a lit candle for each of those parishioners who have gone to their eternal rest over the past year. Parish Offices Adult Faith Formation/RCIA/ Young Adults Sal Ballacchino ............... Ext 254 Bookkeeper Andrea Cole ................... Ext 253 Business Office Pat Nunes ....................... Ext 225 Children’s Faith Formation/ Youth Ministry Paula Wright .................. Ext 249 Hispanic Ministry Anna Torres .................... Ext 236 Fingerprinting Gloria Miller................... Ext 228 Maintenance Will Rivas....................... Ext 250 Pastoral Care/Ministry to the Sick/ Bereavement Kate Clark ...................... Ext 223 Liturgy/Music Ministry Paul Kusler ..................... Ext 235 Joe Marcellino………….. Ext 244 Receptionist Denise Farrington ........... Ext 221 Faith Formation Fax (407) 657-9530 Scott Lindeman ............... Ext 246 Sacrament Coordinator Denise Farrington ............ Ext 260 Sacristan Michael Arthur-Wong ..... Ext 355 Early Learning Center Phone (407) 677-6191 Dr. Kate Clark ................. Ext 434 Terry DeVore .................. Ext 433 Website Sts Peter & Paul... Parish Directory In Our Parish Feast of Saint John Paul II Today, October 26th from 1:00-3:30pm in the Parish Hall, there will be a presentation on “Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body”. At 3:00pm we will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Please join us. Ladies Day Out ~ A Free Afternoon of Fun and Pampering Ladies, please join us for a FREE afternoon of fun and pampering in the Parish Hall on Saturday, November 1, 2014, from 12:30 to 4pm. There will be representatives from … Mary Kay, “thirty-one,” massage, and more. There will be plenty of tasty treats and lots of prizes. There is no admission fee ~ please bring an item for the Parish Food Bank. Reserve your place now on line at http:// (click on Contact and send us your name; phone #, and email address) or by calling Frances Martens at (407) 583-7317. Join us in the Parish Hall. Hosted by the Sts Peter & Paul Council of Catholic Women. Faith Alliance – Greater Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force Sts. Peter and Paul will be hosting the monthly meeting of Faith Alliance Committee on Thursday, November 6th at 7:00-9:00pm in the Auditorium. The Faith Alliance is a group of Christian churches throughout the Orlando area that gather to pray for victims of human trafficking and to learn how together we can work to end sex and labor trafficking. For more information contact German Romero (407) 921-6151 or log on to: Congratulations To our parishioner, Rose Tuttle for being commissioned as lay ecclesial ministers (CLEM) in the Diocese of Orlando. Bishop John Noonan commissioned the men and women, representing 13 parishes, during the Rite of Commissioning and prayer service on Oct. 11th at St. James Cathedral. King of Kings Prayer Group Thursday, October 30, 2014 - King of Kings will be hosting an open sharing meeting. You are cordially invited to join us in giving thanks and glory to God with a grateful heart for His unconditional Love in our lives. We look forward to welcoming you in the Chapel 7:00 - 9:00pm to fellowship with us in praise, worship & establishing our lives in the Word of God this week and every Thursday. "O give Thanks unto The Lord; for He is Good: for His Mercy endures forever" (Psalm 136:1) Men's’ Club 300 Club tickets are available for sale. Your donation of $25 per ticket makes you eligible to win 57 times: 52 weekly drawing for $50, 4 quarterly drawings for $100, and an annual drawing of $500. If you win, your ticket is returned to the “ticket cage” for future drawings. Tickets are available from members of the Men’s Club after weekend Masses and at the Church Office during normal business hours. The Men’s Club meeting will be held this Wednesday, November 5th, at 7:30pm in the Parish Family Center. A spiritual discussion/reflection will be held by German Romero at 6:15pm in the St. Agatha class room. All men of the parish are encouraged to attend. The Men’s Club will sponsor a Fish Fry and Bingo on Saturday, November 15th in the Parish Family Center, starting after the 5pm Mass. Tickets will be sold at the door: $8/adult, $6/youth 4 to 12, and no charge for children 3 and under. Ablaze - Young Adult Ministry Tonight! Come spend some time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration after 6pm Mass in the Chapel. Join us tomorrow for Monday Night Ablaze at 7pm as we discuss the saints - "Sanctified: Dare to Be Holy." We continue our Bible Study on Thursday, preparing for Mass by reading, studying, discussing and reflecting on the upcoming Sunday readings. And mark your calendars for our November social event next Saturday - mini golf and dinner. For more information about Ablaze and our upcoming events, follow us on Facebook ( or email us at Boy Scouts Saints Peter and Paul BSA Troop 613 will be selling Christmas Wreaths at a pre-order sale on October 25th and 26th and also November 1st and 2nd after all Masses. Please help support the Boy Scout Summer Camp and other troop activities. Orders will be taken these two weekends and delivery will be approx. Dec. 6th and 7th. Children’s Choir Congratulations to our Children’s Choir for successfully singing their 1st Mass! The 20 member choir sang for the 1st time on Sunday, October 19th at the 12:00pm Mass. They will continue to rehearse on a weekly basis and their next Mass will be in November. New members are welcome to join by contacting Joe Marcellino at November Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:10am - RE 11:10am - RE 10am; 12(noon) Children’s Liturgy 1pm - Youth Group 9am - Rosary Makers 10:00am - Leg. of Mary 7pm - Boy Scouts / Prayer Group / Rosary Novena / 12 Step / ESOL/Ablaze 8:30am - Food Pantry 6:00pm - AdoraƟon 7pm - CSS 7pm - ESOL 9am - Men’s Bible Study 4:20pm - RE 5:00 7pm - OA 7pm - GIFT 7pm - RE Sac Prep 7am - Men’s Bible Study 9am - AdoraƟon 7pm King of Kings / AA / COSA / Hispanic Bible Study / Hispanic Cursillo Grouping / RCIA / Young Adults / ESOL/ Portug. Prayer Gr 9am - Bible Study 7pm - Portuguese Prayer Group 7pm - OA All Saint’s Day Sat 1 All Saints Day 8:30am First Saturday Mass 9am - Lay Carmelites (Third Order) Ladies Day Out 2 3 All Souls Day Parish Council Monthly Mee*ng 4 Boy Scouts Christmas Wreath Sale M.O.M.S Session 5 6 Men’s Club Monthly Mee*ng 7pm - Confirma*on Prep Mee*ng Boy Scouts Monthly Greenbar Mee*ng Faith Alliance 12 13 7 8 Ministry Fair Hispanic Ministry Coffee Social Renovacion Conyugal 9 10 Ministry Fair CCW General Mee*ng 11 14 Bap*sm Prep 15 9am - Lay Carmelites (Third Order) M.O.M.S Session WorkForce Mee*ng Boys/Girls Retreat 5:30pm - Men’s Club Fish Fry & BINGO 16 17 18 M.O.M.S Session 19 20 21 22 Filipino Ministry Monthly Mee*ng CCW BUNCO 27 28 29 9am Mass Happy Thanksgiving FaciliƟes Closed Hispanic Ministry Coffee Social Women of Purpose General Mee*ng Renovacion Conyugal Legion of Mary John Paul II Mee*ng 23 24 Feed the Homeless 7pm Ultreya/Cursillo Monthly Mee*ng 25 26 L.I.F.E.-3rd & 4th Grade Advent Series __________________ FaciliƟes Closed 30 Turkey Dinner at 1pm Parish Ministries In Our Parish Presentation for Caregivers The Council of Catholic Women invites you to attend a special presentation on caregiving, presented by Sally Kopke, End of Life Specialist, on Monday, November 10, 2014, at 7:00pm in the Parish Family Center. As wives, mothers and adult daughters, women naturally slip into a role of giving care, not realizing they have become caregivers. Join us as we examine the typical challenges of caregiving. Gain insight into how to manage the stress and identify the many rewards received from giving care to loved ones. Please RSVP to Denise at 407-595-7681. Tour of Ireland Fr. Sean Cooney, our retired pastor, and Patrick Hurray will host a Circle of Friends tour of Ireland June 23-July 4th, 2015. Circle Ireland on a luxury coach visiting Northern Ireland with its beautiful Antrim Coast and Giants Causeway and the new Titanic Exhibit at the site of the launch. Make a brief pilgrimage to Knock where Mary appeared in 1879. Stay in a real Irish castle and top hotels. Tour “The Quiet Man’ county and visit the wonderful Cliffs of Moher and much more. Cost is $3,999 per person which includes all admissions and tips (except for driver), daily full Irish breakfast and the majority of dinners. For a brochure, call Patrick at (407) 695-4136 or (407) 230-8861 or email Food Pantry Thank you for your overwhelming support. We continually are in need of cash donations and non-perishable food items. At the current time, we have an abundance of brown paper bags so we do not need more. 300 Club Winning ticket for October 19, 2014 is: 024. In Our Diocese Youth for Life Rally The Office for Advocacy and Justice is hosting a Youth for Life Rally and concert with Steve Angrisano on November 1, 2014 at Bishop Moore Catholic High School from 4:00-10:00pm in the gymnasium. The event is for High School Students only and the theme is Who’s Your Hero, in honor of All Saints Day. The cost is FREE, although teens may want to bring money to purchase music, books, t-shirts, sweatshirts, free trade coffee, free trade chocolate, or other items offered by our vendors. Tickets can be reserved by calling the Office of Advocacy and Justice at (407) 658-1818 x 2086 or emailing Kelley Santalla at Florida Catholic Subscription Appeal Many of our parishioners receive the Florida Catholic newspaper at home by subscribing directly. If you would like to receive our diocesan newspaper at home or for more information, please log on to: . Bishop Moore Open House We cordially invite you to our upcoming Open House on Sunday, November 9th, from 12:30-3:00pm, to discover all that Bishop Moore Catholic High School has to offer. The entire campus including classrooms will be open for touring. Altar Care Michael Arthur-Wong .. 671-3208 Altar Servers Merry Warnock ...... 321-439-5592 Annulments Lorayne Stelling............ 830-1971 Bereavement Ellen Ryall …………….694-0216 Boy Scouts Chuck Hippler .............. 310-4731 Catholic Scripture Study Mary Pavlis .................. 678-5283 Charismatic Prayer Group Claude Cassagnol ......... 657-1539 Children’s Liturgy Christine McFarland ..... 672-1757 Christ Renews His Parish Michael Tricoche .......... 754-6542 Council of Catholic Women Nora Stark .................... 252-4537 Compass Lou Rajchel .................. 671-0974 English as a Second Language Mary/Enzo Del Vento...542-5482 Feeding the Homeless Bill Rowan ................... 365-6730 Filipino Group Dan Lacsamana ............ 227-2712 Food Pantry Michael Arthur-Wong .. 671-3208 Hospitality Art Robinson & Claudia Silva ................ 208-0788 Lay Carmelites Albert Perez.................. 657-0074 Legion of Mary Jose Sharpe................... 690-3749 Marriage Enrichment Ministry Willie & Gigi Santiago .. 227-1504 Men’s Club Ernie Smith .................. 671-3998 Ministers of Holy Communion Donna Chuchla ............ 542-6483 Ministry of Mothers Sharing Rose Tuttle ................... 765-3394 Neighborhood Network Gloria Miller ................ 657-6114 Parish Council Hank Marchese............ 679-5592 Readers Terrie Rowan ............... 365-6730 Rosary Makers Rosemarie DiSimone .... 671-9560 Ultreya/Cursillo Michael & Denise Farrington .............. 321-422-5603 Ushers Michael Kubanet .......... 657-2836 Women of Purpose Diane Fitzsimmons ...... 672-0612 WorkForce Stephen Smith…....386-566-6689 Parish Directory Mass Intentions for this Week Monday, October 27 8:30 am...†Gladys Arevalo by The Family Tuesday, October 28 - Ss. Simon and Jude, Apostles 8:30 am…†Marie Angeles by Eddie & Aida Sambat Wednesday, October 29 8:30 am…†Marian Pinchal Urie by The Pinchal Family Thursday, October 30 8:30 am…†Basilio Reyes by The Talana Family Friday, October 31 8:30 am…†Deceased Members of the Legion of Mary by Legion of Mary Scripture Readings for Next Weekend Wisdom 3:1-9 Romans 8:31-35,37-39 Matthew 11:25-30 Visit us on Facebook! *Please Note: Names will be left on the Prayer List for one month. If you would like a name to be kept on the list for an additional month, please call the Parish Office (407) 657-6114. Saturday, November 1 - All Saints 8:30 am...†Jack Oliva by The Oliva Family Vigil Mass for The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 5:00 pm…†Patrick Banschoonhoven by Marian Crawford 7:00 pm…†Maria Solá de Diáz by The Diáz Solá Family Sunday, November 2 - The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 8:00 am...†Santa Merrina by The Oliva Family 10:00 am...†Jose Joaquin by The Pirela Family 12:00 pm...†Charles E. Grove, Jr. by John & Marian Crawford 6:00 pm...†Gretchen Stephens by Anne Sage And Please Pray For... Cali Rose Adkins Tere Alcantara Maria Balisado The Barrera Family Bernard Carr Frank Cavolo Irene Chessa Louise Clancy Ken Clark Justine Cline Joseph S. Columbus Asher Donovan Micah Ashley Duff Emerita Dulce Patricia Dwyer Carla Ely Esther Ely Lynn Fekany Ron Ferrara Judi Flanagan Christy Gallucci The Galvin Family Nicholas Garcia Joan Gogulski Billy Graham Arsenio Gumahad Michelle Haug Rose Horgan John Horvath Margie Ingalls Robert Jablonski Tracie Jackson Maria Jaen Andy Jenkins Conrad Kaminski Edward Kane Betty Kearney Donald Kowalski Carl Kozlowski Ann Lancaster Phyllis Lapeus Morgan Layco Dominick Livera Andrew Loire Jo Longo Renee Love Maria Lung Emilie Lyons Marianne Santos Malsi Jorge Martinez The Matta Family Michael McGrail Georgina Medina Midia Medina Momizagans Mgdl The Nanadiego Family S. Lee Nease Joan Noviello Edward O’Donnell Gloria Ocasio The Ortega Family Beverly Owen Rebecca Padilla Jesus Panora Mary Pashayan Christopher Petrisin Diane Petrone Silvio Petrone Jr. Manuel Pino Myrna Pino Rafael Pino Rosa Pino Jayne Precor Ruth Proaño Ed Provencher III Elizabeth Quintana Todd Raby Michael Ramos Alice Redmond Julia Reparip Helen Rice Richard Ridigill Brendalee Rivera Dennis Joel Rivera Lissette Rivera Sandra Rivera Lois Roundy Annette Schimpf Gabriel Serna Pablo Serna Carolyn Sherlock Joe Shorten Andrew Sinclair Sue Smith Raymond Srebernak Donna Stas Ruth Stokes The Stratton Family Bernice Summers David Talbert Fr. Joseph Terra Lindsey Terrell Remy Torres Flora Twachtman Nancy Tyson Inez Uhler Rosemary Van Ruiten Susan Vaughan Emil Veselka Kathleen Voodre Son Vu Trisha Watson Joe Weber Elizabeth Winter Sam Woodward Beth Young Steven Young Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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