Uif!Mbtu!Tvoebz!Bgufs!Qfoufdptu;!Cjcmf!Tvoebz! Weekly Newsletter No.2004 th Sunday, 26 October, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. Hymns: 246, 369, 214(MP), Anthem: O Sing Joyfully (Batten), 46(MP). Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Teach Me O Lord (Attwood). Officiant: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. Psalm 119 vv 89-104. Hymns: 250, Anthem: Beati Quorum Via (Stanford), 243. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Orlando Gibbons Short Service. Readings: Isaiah 55, 1-11. Luke 4, 14-30. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of Ceylon (Extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury), the Diocese of Colombo and Bishop Dhiloraj Ranjit Canagasabey, and the Diocese of Kurunagala and Bishop Greg Shantha Kumar Francis and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for The Indian Ocean islands: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Maldives. We pray for peace in the world, remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza. We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa, where the number of cases has now reached 10000. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pyle and Kenfig and Rev Dr Duncan Walker. We pray for the homeless in our city, and for all who work to help them, in the Paradise Run, Cardiff Action for Single Homeless, the Huggard Centre. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Anne Burfoot and Sandra Williams. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Elizabeth Jane Harries, whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at 6pm and on Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9.30am. Npoebz 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, 38ui 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice. Wednesday and Thursday this week. CANCELLED. No parish surgery on Monday and no Uvftebz SS Simon and Jude, Apostles Holy Eucharist at St Anne’s on Tuesday this week. 39ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. UIJT!XFFL! Xfeoftebz 10.15 am 3:ui 12.15 pm 7.25 pm 7.45 pm Uivstebz 11.00 am 7.00 pm 7.00 pm 7.30 pm 9.00 pm 41ui Gsjebz!42tu 7.30 pm Tbuvsebz 9.30 am 7.00 pm 2tu!Opw HEATHER is doing Wednesday Word on the HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. Eleri Sion show, BBC Radio Wales Wednesday Lunch Club. Roath Church House. around 3.30pm, just after the news. Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY Paradise Run. will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. 7.25-9.30pm for “Members’ Choice”, the first of two opportunities for you to suggest Evening Prayer. favourite pieces of music. Rod Delamere Theology Lecture. Swansea University. is again our resident DJ! Non-members Choir Practice. welcome (entrance £2). COMPLINE. COMPLINE will be sung at St Edward’s on Thursday at Tenovus Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute service of plainchant - the last of the monastic “hours”, sung by candlelight. Morning Prayer. William Mathias Celebration Concert. St David’s Cathedral, Pembrokeshire. Ofyu!Tvoebz is All Saints Sunday. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. The Parish All Souls Service is at St Margaret’s at 6pm, and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Revelation 7: 9-17; 1 John 3: 1-3; Matthew 5: 1-12. th THANKSGIVING SERVICE for the 100 Anniversary Of Dylan Thomas’ Birth at St Mary’s, Whitchurch, today at 6pm. Featuring “And Death Shall Have No Dominion”, Extract from “A Visit to Grandpa’s”, Lie Still, Sleep Becalmed, set to music by Welsh Composer Nathan James Dearden. Guest Speaker Prof Damian Walford Davies. THEOLOGY LECTURE at Swansea University on Thursday at 7pm. Lord Harries of Pentregarth (Bishop of Oxford 1987-2006) will speak about “Modern Art – enemy or friend of religious art?”. All welcome. CHARITY CONCERT IN AID OF TENOVUS at Llandaff Cathedral on Friday at 7.30pm, with Abdul Seckam (tenor). Tickets £12 (conc. £8) call Abdul 07986-403261. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath St.Edward@roath.org.uk PARADISE RUN on Wednesday. We need loaves of sandwiches of either sliced cheese (not grated), tuna, ham or corned beef using white medium sliced bread and individually wrapped sandwiches. Also packets of crisps, biscuits or cakes. We also need more toiletries, showergels, roll-on deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes (no glass containers). Items can be given to Kathie Mayer 20-495769 or left at Church House either at Wednesday lunchtime or in the evening from 7.15pm until we leave at 7.45pm. Further information/offers of help please ring Chris Webb 20455641. ANTHEMS. The anthem at the Eucharist is “O Sing Joyfully” by Adrian Batten (1591-1637?). The Introit at Evensong is “Teach me O Lord” by Thomas Attwood (1765-1838), and the anthem is “Beati Quorum Via” by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924). CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: Parry’s “Great” Evening Service No.2 in D. Anthem: King of Glory (Walford Davies). TAIZE SERVICE at St Peter’s today at 7pm. CELEBRATION CONCERT on Saturday at 7pm, marking the 80th anniversary of the birth of William Mathias, at St David’s Cathedral (Pembrokeshire). The new RSCM West Wales Choir joins other choirs, a children's chorus, soloists and orchestra to perform Mathias's cantata 'St Teilo' and other works. Tickets £15/£8 from end of Sept. Contact Simon Pearce 01437-720057 skchpearce@gmail.com DISCUSSION GROUP meets next Sunday at 7.45pm in Roath Church House, when the topic will be Celtic Christianity. Discussion over tea/coffee finishing around 9pm. Details from Gill Day 20-495496. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Mon 3 Nov, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Gill Day 20-495496 or Ann James craftylady5154@gmail.com for details. CACEC LECTURE on Thur 6 Nov at 7.30pm at City United Reformed Church, Windsor Place. Aled Eirug, Chair of the British Council in Wales, will speak on “Conscientious Objectors – World War One in Wales”. £5 on the door. CIRCLE DANCING on Sat 8 Nov, 10am-12pm at St Michael’s, Gelligaer St. Another workshop to engage in the spirituality, the practice and the fun of circle dancing. All welcome. Details from the Ven Peggy Jackson 01446-750053. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tue 11 Nov at 7.15pm in room 2, Roath Church House, when our speaker will be Dr Gillian Body, on her project working to care for children in Africa. Details from Gill Day 20-495496. COFFEE CONCERTS this year are on the third Saturday of each month at 11am. The next concert is Steven Biggs (Classical Guitar) on Sat 15 Nov. ST MARGARET’S CHRISTMAS FAYRE is on Sat 22 Nov, at Roath Church House 10am-12.30pm. ST ANNE'S ORCHESTRA and South Wales Gay Mens Chorus are giving a Christmas Concert at St Anne’s on Tue 3 Dec at 7.30pm. ALL SOULS PRAYER LIST is at the back of the church, for a service at St Margaret’s next Sunday at 6pm. Please add the names of people who you wish to remember. SAMARITAN’S PURSE SHOEBOXES. Once again we are sending shoe boxes to underprivileged children overseas. The leaflet giving information is in church. Please remember to enclose £3 in the envelope. The boxes should be returned on Sun 16 Nov (at St Edward’s 11am, or St Margaret’s 6pm). Thank you for your continued support. VISITING CHOIR. We are hosting a concert, next year on Fri 23 Jan at 7pm, by a young choir called Gustavus Choir from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. They sing a mix of folk, classical and sacred and there are about 60 singers. The concert is in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and Roath Park Cytûn will be joining us to make this our main united event of the week. If you are interested in helping, please have a word with Kathie. FOR YOUR DIARY. 3 Nov. Knitting & Crochet Group. 15 Nov. 11am. Coffee Concert: Steven Biggs (Guitar). 18 Nov. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. 20 Nov. 9pm. Compline by candlelight. 22 Nov. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert (St Anne’s). 3 Dec. St Anne’s Choir & Orchestra Concert. (St Anne’s) 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. MUSIC DIARY. 3 Nov. 7pm. Gregorian Mass XVIII. St Martin’s. 5 Nov. 8pm. City of Cardiff Symphony Orchestra. Cathedral. 6 Nov. 8pm. Marinsky Opera Company. Llandaff Cathedral. 8 Nov. 7.30pm. University Chamber Choir. Llandaff Cathedral. 15 Nov. 7.30pm. Verdi’s Requiem. Llandaff Cathedral. 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Tenovus Lovelight Concert. Cathedral. 27 Nov. 7.30pm. Treorchy Male Choir. Albany Rd Baptist. 29 Nov. 7.30pm. Ardwyn Singers. Llandaff Cathedral. CONGRATULATIONS to David and Rachel Old on the birth of their daughter Amelia. CYTÛN AGM. At the meeting last week, Canon Stewart Lisk was elected to the chair for the coming year. A full programme of united events is being planned. THANK YOU. Chris Webb and her family would like to thank everyone who sent messages of sympathy and cards following the recent death of her sister Pauline. Your thoughts and prayers were greatly appreciated. THANK YOU to all who helped in the celebrations of Roath Church House Centenary in the concert, quiz and songs of praise. WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. CONTACT NUMBERS. Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: 20-487854 / 07794-157604. Parish Office 20-484808, office@roath.org.uk Please let the clergy know of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to St.Edward@Roath.org.uk
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