L i LEWIS INSURANCE AGENCY, Inc. ELDON J. LEWIS Offering all Health & Life Products Specializing in Senior Market Coverage Phone (912) 283-0300 710 Baltimore Avenue Fax (912) 285-0300 Waycross, GA 31501 Toll Free 1-800-794-0301 MUSIC FUNERAL HOME 1503 Tebeau Street • P.O. Box 716 Waycross, GA 31502-0716 RODNEY MUSIC Tel. (912) 283-1414 • FAX (912) 285-1414 Miles-Odum funeral home Courteous, Professional Service Since the Early 1900's ROBERT L. ODUM JOHN HEREFORD JEFF FULFORD Jonathan Roundtree 130 SCREVEN AVENUE WAYCROSS, GEORGIA 31501 FAX (912) 283-0649 PHONE (912) 283-2525 Will Higginson, AAMS EdwardJones Suite A Waycross, GA 31501 Bus. 912-285-9778 Fax 912-285-8706 www.edwardjones.com Investment Representative 1701 Boulevard Square MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Better Vaules by Farr Waycross - Blackshear Highway • Blackshear, Georgia 912-285-7700 email: farr@atc.cc • www.farsfinefurniture.com SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL EXCHANGE CLUB AND PLACE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT HERE FOR VIEWING BY HUNDREDS! 2014-2015 OFFICERS President President-Elect Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Immediate Past President V.P. of Fairgrounds BOARD OF DIRECTORS ONE YEAR TWO YEARS Rod Langevin John McDermott Chris Tatum Harbin Farr Summer Stipe Michael Ray Tony Tanner Jake Strickland Virginia Peagler Bill Deason Larry Paulk Daniel Warren Jimmy White MONTHLY PROGRAMS CHAIR: jAKE sTRICKLAND Jul.-Daniel Warren Aug.- Jack Williams Sep.- Virginia Peagler Oct.- Steve Pope Nov.-Bill Deason Dec.- Ken Carroll Jan.- Jake Strickland Feb.- Dennis Hagood Mar.- Chris Tatum Apr.- Virginia Peagler May- Burton Carter Jun.- Tony Tanner & Larry Paulk One Nation Under God Monthly Programs Freedom Shrine Milestones of Freedom Proudly We Hail Book of Golden Deeds Family Day Fellowship Youth of the Month/Year Young Citizenship Membership Finance & Budget Renting Facilities Child Abuse Prevention Public Safety Project Awards Publications Chaplain Health of Members Excellence Award (A.C.E. Award) Give a Kid a Flag to Wave Sunshine Special Nominating Directory/Badges Salvation Army Christmas Banquet Installation Banquet Farmer's Market Parliamentarian/Legal Publicity & Photography Exchange Orientation/Ed. Speech Contest House Keeping Fair Assoc. Chairman Okefenokee Fair Manager Tony Tanner Jake Strickland Dan Good Robbie Winn Clarence Billups Vince Settle, III Phil Wysong, Gerry Lang Robbie Winn Priscilla Christopher Will Higginson Larry Paulk & Bill Deason Jimmy White Virginia Peagler, Summer Stipe Chris Tatum COMMITTEE CHAIRS - July 2014 - June 2015 The Waycross Red Coater Published Bi-Weekly by: The Exchange Club of Waycross, Georgia P.O. Box 926 Waycross, Georgia 31502 EXCHANGE COVENANT OF SERVICE Accepting the divine privilege of single and collective responsibility as life's noblest gift, I covenant with my fellow Exchangites: To consecrate my best energies to the uplifting of Social, Religious, Political and Business ideals; To discharge the debt I owe to those of high and low estate who have served and sacrificed that the heritage of the American citizenship might be mine; To honor and respect law, to serve my fellowman, and to uphold the ideals and institutions of my Country; To implant the life-giving, society-building spirit of Service and comradeship in my social and business relationships. To serve in Unity with those seeking better conditions, better understandings, and greater opportunities for all. Exchange Club of Waycross including the Okefenokee Fairgrounds Home Club of National Exchange Club Past President, William E. Deason Best Large Club Bulletin Awards Georgia District: ’97, ’99, ’02, ’04, ’06 & ’10 Wayne Kilmark Home Club of Past Georgia District Exchange Clubs Presidents Ray Pope & Ellie Royal (Both Deceased) R. Wayne Kilmark, William E. Deason & Roland R. Lynn Wayne Kilmark Eldon Lewis The Club Virginia Peagler James Shubert, Dennis Hagood Bob Miller, Steve Smoak Tony Tanner, Harbin Farr, Jeff Jones Virginia Peagler Dr. Craig Kubik Ken Bennett Lindon Deal Vince Settle, III Billy Dowling, Jimmy White, Jack Williams, III Bill Deason Lindon Deal Harbin Farr Jonathan Daniell Community Service Service to Youth Crime Prevention - Book of Golden Deeds Sunshine Special - Youth of the Year Okefenokee Agricultural Fair Youth of the Month - Young Citizenship American Citizenship One Nation Under God Freedom Shrine Milestones of Freedom - Proudly We Hail SUPPORTING EXCHANGE SPONSORED: Child Abuse Prevention Effort and many other Community Service Programs CLUB MEETS THURSDAY 12:30 P.M. IN THE ELLIE ROYAL ROOM EXCHANGE CLUB CENTER - 2451 KNIGHT AVE. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA 31503 w: ExchangeClubofWaycross.com e: exchangeclubofwayx@hotmail.com Thursday, October 23, 2014 Vol. 28, No. 22 MISSION STATEMENT Exchange, America’s premier service club, working to make our communities better places to live. PROGRAMS This week, Gus Karle has been asked to introduce CSX Railroad Vice-President. October Programs Chairman is Steve Pope. Also this week our High School Senior October Youth of the Month award winner will be introduced and presented a plaque by Robbie Winn. Following in the evening, President Tony Tanner will lead our Okefenokee Fair Association Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. and our Exchange Club Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. All Exchange members are invited to attend in the Board Room meetings. Next week Monday is Navy Day recognition for our nation’s naval military who have and are now serving our country. They give a “chunk” of their lifetime away from their families and homes to keep us safe as we carefreely live life in America. Our luncheon program next week Thursday is scheduled to be a report on Waycross’ drainage system and related matters by our own Steve Pope. FAIR EXCHANGE NEWS Next week Saturday, October 25th Jimmy White V.P. of the Fairgrounds will be assigning jobs with President Tony to members to work 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the grounds and facilities. All members, President Tony said, are expected to work then. If you have a conflict, he said you can work another day when you have time. I remember Roland Lynn and some others having given $100 each to hire someone to fill in when they couldn’t work a day. Dress up to work at the Fair this year as we do traditionally each year. Jonathan Daniell, Okefenokee Fair Manager, has shirts, caps and jackets for members (new and old) who need Fair identity. Check with Jonathan soon about prices and sizes to order. President Tony Tanner reported that Larry Paulk needs members to volunteer for pre-sale ticket sales on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, from 1:00-5:00 p.m., prior to the fair, November 11th-16th. Members are reminded each family member is asked to prepare a dessert and to take it to our Center during the week of the fair. New members with children need to take 1”x1” picture of immediate family members with the name on back along with $5.00 each to Jonathan Daniell. It will be placed on a free fair pass for entrance and free midway rides at the fair. Dues must be paid up to date to get the free passes! Trinity United Methodist Pastor Doug Walker (doug.walker.75@ gmail.com) announced a sexual abuse seminar is offered Thursday, October 30 at 7:00 p.m. it will be held at Bible Heritage Church at 1414 Albany Avenue. Workers with children or youth may want to attend. NEW MEMBERS APPROVED President Tony reported four new members have been ap- proved by the Board. They are Jim LeBrun, Eric Dyal, Archie McCeuen, and Shelley DeLoach. Welcome our new members and give them orientation sessions and a position on our fair and Exchange committees. Welcome to America’s Service Club, Exchangites! YOUNG CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Priscilla Christopher, Chairman of our Young citizenship Committee, reported she has nine schools from K to 8th grades in Ware County participating in our Young Citizenship award program. Students attend honors day programs in their schools to receive the citizenship awards. Priscilla does all the work getting teachers to nominate students and preparing the awards. She needs help from 1 or 2 members to attend and help present the awards. Three awards have been given. More will be presented in the future. Students are nominated for their show of respect, citizenship, academic and sportsmanship qualities and character. Great program Priscilla. TYRON SPEARMAN DISTRICT PRESIDENT Past National Exchange Club President Bill Deason introduced Georgia District Exchange Clubs President Tyron Spearman from home club of Tifton, Georgia. President Spearman reported our District has 43 clubs and about 2,000 members. He congratulated our club for “joining friends” at our meetings. He also urged our club to grow and sponsor new clubs for new members as Ellie Royal did. Remember to give back to our Community as many did before for us to enjoy now. President Spearman summarized the Exchange Club major programs of Community Service including Book of Golden Deeds, Okefenokee Agricultural fair, Services to Youth including Youth of the Month, ACE Award and child Abuse Prevention. He said to keep on doing what we are doing and to do more of it. He asked the Club to keep records of all our progress by submitting results to get 4 awards for the National Service Award at the National Convention each year. Come to the District Convention too. Thanks Tyron for visiting our club! We will continue our progress. JIM PAGE COASTAL RESOURCES DIVISION, DNR The Coastal Resources Division is the smallest division of the six divisions in DNR. They protect the marsh with permits, 100 fisheries, ecological dock, and marine fisheries collecting data and landings. Their catches target shrimp but usually catch other fish species. Many fisheries are clean. Conch or Welk shells are caught at various times. Jellyfish (cannonball) are grown in fisheries. Ten million weigh in at 2,000 lbs and are sold in Japan. They are sent by air in 5 gallon buckets semi-dry. The jellyfish are re-hydrated and sliced in strips or cubes after they get to Japan. The fish are added to noodle soups for texture but not for taste. They are high in protein. Surveys are done periodically to collect data to determine when to close shrimp season. Contents of the catch are sorted and compared to past catches to see trends in size and species. Blue Crab are caught year around. American eels are in commercial fisheries now for human consumption or bait. DNR has Saltwater Information Program that requires, if you fish in the saltwater, you need a SIPFREE permit. Great program, Steve! • • HEALTH CONCERNS Our prayers are with all of our sick and grieving members, families and friends. • George Farr is back at meetings. • • • • • • • President Tony Tanner, and Bill Deason stand with Tyron Spearman, Georgia District President along with Steve Pope. • • • • • President Tony Tanner and William Denton stand with Jim Page, of Coastal Resources Divison, DNR. WELCOME GUESTS Roberta Cohan, guest and friend of Steve Smoak. Breta Farr guest and daughter of George Farr and sister of Harbin Farr. • • • • • Bonnie Sanders is back after surgery and doing well. Al Jacobson is back to meetings after surgery and doing well. Steve Pope had surgery and is doing well now. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday, October 23, 12:30 p.m. - Gus Karle introduces CSX Vice-President. Thursday, October 23, 12:30 p.m. - October Youth of the Month, Robbie Winn. Thursday, October 23, 6:00 p.m. - Okefenokee Fair Association Board Meeting. Thursday, October 23, 7:00 p.m. - Waycross Exchange Club Board Meeting. Saturday, October 25, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon - Fairgrounds Work Day. Monday, October 27 - NAVY DAY Honor our Fallen! Thursday, October 30, 12:30 p.m. - Steve Pope, Waycross Storm Water Drainage. Thursday, November 6, 12:00 p.m. - Great Program. Saturday, November 8, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon - Fairgrounds work day. Tuesday - Sunday, November 11-16 - Okefenokee Agricultural Fair with Amusements of America Midway. Thursday, December 18 - 7:00 p.m. - Waycross Exchange Club Christmas Banquet. Put on your calendar. Thursday, April 16, 2015 12:30 p.m. - Exchange Club of Waycross Youth of the Year. June 4-6, 2015 - Georgia District Exchange Clubs Convention, Augusta Marriott. July 29 - August 1, 2015 - 97th National Exchange Club Convention, Hyatt Columbus, Ohio.
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