1 I F K A A.s.d. Italian Fudokan Karate Academy Member of WFF (World Fudokan Karate-Do Federation) INVITATION TO THE 22’nd EDITION OF THE EUROPEAN FUDOKAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP FOR CHILDREN, CADETS, JUNIORS, YOUTH AND SENIORS Dear Fudokan Friends, Italian Fudokan Karate Academy is honoured to host the 22nd European Fudokan Karate Championship with the aim to confirm its devotion to the high spirit of Fudokan Eagle, represented by our Head Master “Dr Ilija Jorga”. Your participation will be the proof of the existence of a big Fudokan family. Thanks in advance for your coming! President of WFF Sensei Rajeev SINHA Sensei 7 DAN Yours sincerely, President of E.F.F. Univ.Prof.Ilija Jorga MD.,PhD. Soke 10 DAN Dr Zurab MERABISHVILI Founder of Fudokan 5 DAN Founder of WFF Univ.Prof.Vladimir Jorga MD.,PhD.. General secretary of W.F.F. Sensei 9 DAN President of the J.O.C. Mr.Mike Apan of W.F.F.Judge c ommittee Sensei Romano Fiorentino Presedent 6.Dan 7.Dan 2 THE 22’ST EDITION OF THE EUROPEAN FUDOKAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP FOR CHILDREN, CADETS, JUNIORS, YOUTH AND SENIORS Sanctioned by: WORLD FUDOKAN FEDERATION President: Approved by : PROF. DR. ILIJA JORGA HIGASHIYAMA SENSEI 10 DAN FOUNDER OF FUDOKAN Hosted by: Italian Fudokan Karate Academy President: Mr Fiorentino Romano – 7 DAN Organized by: Joint Organizing Committee (J.O.C.) of the European Fudokan Karate Championships 2015 J.O.C. President: Mr Fiorentino Romano Date: 27’th – 29’th of March 2015, Naples, italy 3 PARTICIPANTS: Athletes officially selected by the WFF National Federation Members of each country according to the following requirements: 1. Each country shall be represented by one official team. 2. Each athlete must be a citizen of the represented country. 3. Each athlete must know, thoroughly understand and be able to compete under the WFF-‐Competition Rules. 4. Must be free of any psychical or mental handicap so as not to cause difficulties in the competition under the W.F.F. Rules. 5. All competitors must have International Insurance stipulated by their National Federation. 6. All competitors must have Medical Release. All National Federation participants must be WFF Member for 2015. Participation in the European Fudokan Karate Championship is conditioned by the payment of all membership fees to WFF (affiliation – for the new members, annual membership fee for 2015). All athletes that want to enter the European Championships competitions MUST have a Fudokan BUDOPASS with the Annual Visa – 2015 All athletes for Ippon-‐Shobu-‐Kumite must have WFF gloves and mouth guard and groin protection for male and chest protection for female. ***IN THE ATTENTION OF THE DELEGATIONS CHIEFS! Please send in due time, to the Secretariat of the Italian Fudokan Karate Academy, the complete list containing the names of participants on competition categories. It is important that we have in advance a clear situation of the participants in the European Fudokan Championship. 4 European Children’s Cup, with participants, aged 6 to 13 years old, and which will compete under the WFFCOMPETITION RULES COMPETITION CATEGORIES (ECC) A. CHILDREN IV. AGE 6-‐7 YEARS ( BORN IN 2008-‐2009) Individual Kata Girls No limit per country Team Kata Girls No limit per country Individual Kata Boys No limit per country Team Kata Boys No limit per country Enbu Girl-‐Boy No limit per country Enbu Boy-‐Boy No limit per country Individual Kihon girls No limit per country individual kihon – ipon girls No limit per country individual kihon boys No limit per country Individual kihon –ipon boys No limit per country B. CHILDREN III. AGE 8-‐9 YEARS (BORN IN 2006-‐2007) No limit per country Individual Kata Girls Team Kata Girls No limit per country Individual Kata Boys Team Kata Boys No limit per country Enbu Girl-‐Boy No limit per country Individual Kihon girls No limit per country individual kihon boys Enbu Boy-‐Boy individual kihon – ipon girls Individual kihon –ipon boys No limit per country No limit per country No limit per country No limit per country No limit per country ***ATTENTION: FOR THE CATEGORY CHILDREN III THERE IS NOT A KUMITE CATEGORY C. Individual Kata Girls Individual Kata Boys Ind. Jiyu-‐Ippon-‐Kumite Girls Ind. jiyu-‐ippon kumite boy CHILDREN I I . A GE 1 0-‐11 Y EARS ( BORN I N 2 004-‐2005) No limit per country Team Kata Girls No limit per country Team Kata Boys No limit per country Enbu Girl-‐Boy No limit per country Enbu Boy-‐Boy No limit per country No limit per country No limit per country No limit per country Individual Kihon girls No limit per country Team jiyu-‐ippon kumite boy No limit per country Individual Kihon Boys Team jiyu-‐ippon kumite girls D. CHILDREN I. AGE 12-‐13 YEARS (BORN IN 2002-‐2003) Individual Kata Girls Individual Kata Boys Ind. Jiyu-‐Ippon-‐Kumite Girls Ind. jiyu-‐ippon kumite boy No limit per country Team Kata Girls No limit per country Team Kata Boys No limit per country Enbu Girl-‐Boy No limit per country Enbu Boy-‐Boy No limit per country No limit per country No limit per country Indv. Kihon girls No limit per country Individual Kihon boys No limit per country Team jiyu-‐ippon kumite boy No limit Team jiyu-‐ippon kumite girls No limit 5 No limit per country RULES FOR COMPETITION (EUROPEAN CHILDREN’S CUP) INDIVIDUAL KATA : Groups: A,B,C,D eliminations, semi-finals, finals - FLAG SYSTEM TYPE OF KАТА (individual and team): Group A elimination/ semi-‐final/ final Heian 1-‐2-‐3, Taikyoku Group B elimination/ semi-‐final/ final Heian 1-‐2-‐3-‐4-‐5 Group C elimination/ semi-‐final/ final Heian 1-‐2-‐3-‐4-‐5, Heian Oi Kumi,Bassai-‐Dai Group D elimination/ semi-‐final/ final Heian 1-‐2-‐3-‐4-‐5, Heian Oi-‐Kumi, Bassai-‐Dai, Kanku Dai Team Kata Each team will be composed of 3 contestants (1 athlete can be from the younger group). APLICATION OF KATA Children groups ( only D) must demonstrate Application of Kata. JIUY IPPON KUMITE (Group С, D) : ATTACK: Kizami-‐Tsuki-‐Jodan, Oi-‐Tsuki-‐Jodan, Gyaku-‐Tsuki-‐Chudan,Mae-‐Geri-‐ Chudan, Mawashi-‐Geri-‐ Jodan; *IN FINAL MATCHES ONLY -‐ plus RENZOKU-‐KOGEKI-‐WAZA: Kizami-‐Tsuki-‐Jodan -‐ Mawashi-‐Geri-‐Jodan -‐ Uraken-‐ Uchi-‐Jodan -‐ Gyaku-‐Tsuki-‐Chudan. DEFENCE: ONLY Uke-‐waza, counter attack: Gyaku-‐Tsuki-‐Chudan 6 KIHON-‐IPPON KUMITE (GROUP A): 1. ATTACK : DEFENSE: 2. ATTACK: DEFENSE: 3 ATTACK: DEFENSE: AKA SHIRO oi-‐tsuki(jodan) age-‐uke counter attack: Gyaku-‐Tsuki-‐Chudan AKA SHIRO oi-‐tsuki(chudan) soto-‐uke counter attack: Gyaku-‐Tsuki-‐Chudan AKA SHIRO mae-‐geri(chudan) gedan-‐barai counter attack: Gyaku-‐Tsuki-‐Chudan KIHON-‐IPPON KUMITE GROUP B: 1. ATTACK: DEFENSE: 2. ATTACK: DEFENSE: 3. ATTACK: DEFENSE: AKA SHIRO oi-‐tsuki(jodan) age-‐uke counter attack: Gyaku-‐Tsuki-‐Chudan AKA SHIRO mae-‐geri(chudan) gedan-‐barai counter attack: Gyaku-‐Tsuki-‐Chudan AKA SHIRO Mawashi-‐geri(chudan) uchi-‐uke counter attack: Gyaku-‐Tsuki-‐Chudan KIHON KUMITE: -‐ GROUP A, B 1. Oi-‐Zuki-‐Jodan 2. Age-‐Uke/Gyaku-‐Zuki 3. Gyaku-‐Zuki Chudan 4. Uchi-‐Uke/Gyaku-‐Zuki 5. Mae-‐Geri-‐Chudan 6. Gedan-‐barai/Gyaku-‐Zuki -‐ GROUP C, D 1. Oi-‐Zuki-‐Jodan 2. Age-‐Uke/Gyaku-‐Zuki 3. Oi-‐Zuki-‐Chudan 4. Soto-‐Uke/Gyaku-‐Zuki 5. Mae-‐Geri-‐Chudan 6. Gedan-‐barai/Gyaku-‐Zuki 7.Mawashi-‐Geri-‐Jodan 8.Uchi-‐Uke/Gyaku-‐Zuki forward backward forward backward forward backward forward backward forward backward forward backward forward backward 7 The XXII’s edition of the European Fudokan Karate Championship, with participants aged 14+ (cadets, juniors, youth and seniors and veteran category), competing under WFF rules, as following: Each country shall be represented by one official team. COMPETITION CATEGORIES (EFKC) E. CADETS AGE 14-‐15 YEARS (BORN IN 2000 – 2001) Individual Kata Women 8 athletes/Country Team Kata Women 2 team/Country Individual Kata Men 8 athletes/Country Team Kata Men 2 team/Country *Ind. Fuku-‐Go Woman 8 athletes/Country Enbu Woman/Man 2 team/Country *Ind. Fuku-‐Go Men 8 athletes/Country Enbu Man/Man 2 team/Country *Ind. Kumite Women 8 athletes/Country *Kumite team women 2 team/country *Ind. Kumite Men 8 athletes/Country * Kumite Team Men 2 team/Country *** ALL THE MATCHES INCLUDING THE FINALS WILL BE UNDER KO-‐GO KUMITE RULES F. JUNIORS AGE 16-‐18 YEARS (BORN IN 1997 -‐ 1999) Individual Kata Women 8 athletes/Country Team Kata Women 2 team/Country Individual Kata Men 8 athletes/Country Team Kata Men 2 team/Country **Ind. Fuku-‐Go Woman 8 athletes/Country Enbu Woman/Man 2 team/Country **Ind. Fuku-‐Go Men 8 athletes/Country Enbu Man/Man 2 team/Country **Ind. Kumite Women 8 athletes/Country *Kumite team women 2 team/country **Ind. Kumite Men 8 athletes/Country ** Kumite Team Men 2 team/Country * * THE ELIMINATION, SEMI-‐FINAL AND THE FINAL MATCH WILL BE KO-‐GO KUMITE RULES G. YOUTHS AGE 19-21 YEARS (BORN IN 1994-1996) Individual Kata Women 8 athletes/Country Team Kata Women 2 team/Country Individual Kata Men 8 athletes/Country Team Kata Men 2 team/Country Ind. Fuku-‐Go Woman 8 athletes/Country Enbu Woman/Man 2 team/Country Ind. Fuku-‐Go Men 8 athletes/Country Enbu Man/Man 2 team/Country *Ind. Kumite Women 8 athletes/Country Kumite team women 2 team/country **Ind. Kumite Men 8 athletes/Country Kumite Team Men 2 team/Country Kobudo 8 athletes/country * * THE ELIMINATION, SEMI-‐FINAL, FINAL MATCHES WILL BE KUMITE RULES, * THE ELIMINATION, SEMI-‐FINAL AND FINAL WILL BE KO-‐GO KUMITE RULES INDIVIDUAL KATA COMPETITION – ELIMINATIONS AND SEMI-‐FINALS W ILL BE BY FLAG SYSTEM, FINALS – POINT SYSTEM 8 H. SENIORS S ENIORS , Y OUNGER G ROUP F ROM 2 1 Y EARS Individual Kata Women 4 athletes/Country Team Kata Women 1 team/Country Individual Kata Men 4 athletes/Country Team Kata Men 1 team/Country Ind. Fuku-‐Go Woman 4 athletes/Country Enbu Woman/Man 1 team/Country Ind. Fuku-‐Go Men 4 athletes/Country Enbu Man/Man 1 team/Country Ind. Kumite Women 4 athletes/Country Kumite team women 1 team/country Ind. Kumite Men 4 athletes/Country Kumite Team Men 1 team/Country Kobudo 4 athletes/country S ENIORS , O LDER G ROUP F ROM 35 – 4 9 Y EARS Individual Kata Women 4 athletes/Country Team Kata Women 1 team/Country Individual Kata Men 4 athletes/Country Team Kata Men 1 team/Country Ind. Fuku-‐Go Woman 4 athletes/Country Enbu Woman/Man 1 team/Country Ind. Fuku-‐Go Men 4 athletes/Country Enbu Man/Man 1 team/Country Ind. Kumite Women 4 athletes/Country Kumite team women 1 team/country Ind. Kumite Men 4 athletes/Country Kumite Team Men 1 team/Country Kobudo 4 athletes/country S ENIORS , W EIGHT C ATEGORIES IPPON SHOBU INDIVIDUAL KUMITE (Weight category) Year category Weight category *Ind. Kumite (Ippon Shobu) -‐53kg, -‐60kg, -‐70kg Women *Ind. Kumite (Ippon Shobu) light: -‐64kg, half-‐light -‐69kg, Men 82kg, heavy -‐90kg, super heavy medium -‐75kg, half-‐heavy -‐ +90kg Organizers take all rights for merge categories in case that in one category is less then 4 competitors INDIVIDUAL KATA COMPETITION – ELIMINATIONS W ILL BE BY FLAG SYSTEM, SEMI-‐FINALS AND FINALS – POINT SYSTEM KUMITE FOR W OMEN W ILL BE KO-‐GO RULES IN WEIGHT SENIOR CATEGORIES CAN PARTICIPATE BOTH GROPU OF SENIORS – YOUNGER AND OLDER 9 I.VETERANS KUMITE KATA Age category Age category 50 to 54 year 50 to 54 year 55 to 59 55 to 59 60 to 64 year 60 to 64 year 65 to 69 70 and older 65 to 69 70 and older Participants of any age category can compete according to body weight in any of listed weight category KOGO – KUMITE FUKU-GO Age category Age category 50 to 54 year 50 to 54 year 55 to 59 55 to 59 60 to 64 year 60 to 64 year 65 to 69 65 to 69 70 and older 70 and older Participants of any age category can compete according to body weight in any of listed weight category KOBUDO TSUME-AI Age category Age category Age category 36 to 49 year 36 to 49 year 36 to 49 year 50 to 54 year 50 to 54 year 50 to 54 year 55 to 59 55 to 59 55 to 59 60 to 64 year 60 to 64 year 60 to 64 year 65 to 69 65 to 69 65 to 69 70 and older 70 and older 70 and older IN VETERANS CATEGORY: organisators take all rights for merge categories 10 TAMASHIWARI in the case that in one category is less then 4 competitors RULES FOR COMPETITION (EUROPEAN FUDOKAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP) ATTENTION: 1. AN ATHLETE CAN PARTICIPATE AT INDIVIDUAL CATEGORIES ONLY AT HIS AGE CATEGORY. IF HE PARTICIPATES AT TEAM CATEGORY FOR A HIGHER AGE GROUP, HE CANNOT PARTICIPATE AT THE SAME TEAM CATEGORY IN HIS AGE GROUP ***Example: one junior athlete can participate at individual categories for juniors. He can participate in team kata for youth. In this case he cannot be part of team kata juniors 2. The KUMITE event of FUKU-GO has the SAME RULES for each category as in INDIVIDUAL KUMITE or Kogo Kumite according with the category as below. SYSTEM OF CONTEST: INDIVIDUAL KATA: Groups: E, F, G, H, I (E.F.K.C.) eliminations-‐ FLAG SYSTEM, semi-‐finals, finals -‐ POINT SYSTEM. TYPE OF KАТА (individual and team): E.F.K.C. GROUP E-‐I elimination/ semi-‐final/ final FUDOKAN SHOTOKAN kata. Team Kata Each team will be composed of 3 contestants (1 athlete can be from the younger group) 11 CHAMPIONSHIP PROGRAM: JUDGES: ATTENTION! ATTENDING THE JUDGE COURSE IS MANDATORY FOR ALL JUDGES! THE JUDGES NOT ATTENDING THE SPECIAL JUDGE COURSE HELD BEFORE THE CHAMPIONSHIPS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO JUDGE AT COMPETITIONS. 25’th of March 2015 -‐ Wednesday Arrival of Judges 18:00 – 19:00 -‐ Judge course: Sensei Ilija IORGA 10 DAN Sensei Vladimir JORGA 9 DAN Sensei Sergei Mirutenko 7 DAN Sensei Karl Hans Koening 6 DAN Sensei Oleg Alexin 5 DAN Sensei Adrian Nedeloiu 26’th of March 2015 – Thursday 10:00 – 13:00 – Judge course and EXAMS 15:00 – 17:00 – Judge course and EXAMS ATHLETES: 26’th of March 2015 -‐ Thursday 12 5 DAN Arrival of teams to Naples (International Airport) Transfer from airport to Hotels 08:00 – 21:00 -‐ ENTRY REGISTRATION Place: Office of the European Championship 21:00 -‐ REGISTRATION DEADLINE (in exceptional cases, this deadline shall be extended, with prior notice, for delegations arriving late at the airport) 18:00 – 19:00 Fudokan Karate Seminar Higashiyama Sensei Prof. Dr. Ilija Jorga 10 DAN This seminar is obligatory for all categories of participants because it will repeat and clarify rules for athletes participating in championship by category and evidence. 27’th of March – Friday 9:00 – 10:00-‐Fudokan Karate Seminar Higashiyama Sensei Prof. Dr. Ilija Jorga 10 DAN This seminar is obligatory for all categories of participants because it will repeat and clarify rules for athletes participating in championship by category and evidence. 10:00 – Start of competition Eliminations, semi-‐finals, finals for Children Category (EUROPEAN CHILDREN’S CUP) 13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break After the break, the championship continues. 13 20.00 the end of competition 21:00 -‐ E.F.F. congress 28’th of March – Saturday 09:00 – Start competition Eliminations, semifinals, Finals for children, cadets, youths. Eliminations for Seniors. 13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break After the break, the championship continues. 18:00 OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY 19:00 continue of competition 22:00 end of competition 29’th of March – Sunday 09:00 – start competition Eliminations, semi-‐finals, finals for Youths Finals for seniors Closing Ceremony 30’th of March – Monday Departure 14 BOARD AND ACCOMMODATION Voucher (Obligatory) …………………………15 Euro each person. (to cover costs, gym infrastructure payments,transport etc.) Please send your hotel reservation and athletes categories form to: Contact: 15 I F K A A.s.d. Italian Fudokan Karate Academy Member of WFF (World Fudokan Karate-Do Federation) Quotation for “The 22 nd European Fudokan Karate Championship 2015” Board and accommodation * Hotel Agave Bed and and breakfast € 36,00 per person per 1 night in double room € 32,00 per person per 1 night three-beds room € 28,00 per person per 1 night four - beds room For dinner served at the hotel reserve in the morning during breakfast time * Hotel Gli Dei Bed and and breakfast € 45,00 per person per 1 night in double room € 38,00 per person per 1 night three-beds room € 34,50 per person per 1 night four - beds room For dinner served at the hotel reserve in the morning during breakfast time * Hotel Terme di Agnano Bed and and breakfast € 46,00 per person per 1 night in double room € 36,00 per person per 1 night three-beds room Additional charge for a single room € 40,00 For dinner served at the hotel reserve in the morning during breakfast time * Hotel Villa Luisa Bed and and breakfast € 54,00 per person per 1 night in double room € 43,00 per person per 1 night three-beds room For dinner served at the hotel reserve in the morning during breakfast time Info: ifka.fudokan @gmail.com web page: http://ifka.beepworld.it 16 I F K A A.s.d. Italian Fudokan Karate Academy Member of WFF (World Fudokan Karate-Do Federation) Hotel Gauro Hotel San Giuseppe Hotel Santa Maria Bed and and breakfast € 24,00 per person per 1 night in double room € 24,00 per person per 1 night three-beds room € 22,00 per person per 1 night four - beds room For dinner served at the hotel reserve in the morning during breakfast time Hotel delle Rose Bed and and breakfast €36,00 per person per 1 night in double room €36,00 per person per 1 night three-beds room For dinner served at the hotel reserve in the morning during breakfast time Hotel Il Gabbiano Bed and and breakfast € 45,00 per person per 1 night in double room € 36,00 per person per 1 night three-beds room For dinner served at the hotel reserve in the morning during breakfast time Only night Residence Miramare € 45,00 per person per 1 night in double room € 36,00 per person per 1 night three-beds room Info: ifka.fudokan @gmail.com web page: http://ifka.beepworld.it 17 I F K A A.s.d. Italian Fudokan Karate Academy Member of WFF (World Fudokan Karate-Do Federation) PLEASE SEND YOUR HOTEL RESERVATION TO: FAX +39 08119314151 MOBILE PHONE: +39 3470137806 or +39 3886540741 MAIL: prenotazione@turismoeservizi.it To confirm your booking will be requested a payment in advance by bank transfer of 30% of total price IMPORTANT The team that will not choose the accommodation provided by the organizer will have to pay an additional fee of 30 Euro /person Voucher obligatory for everybody To cover transport cost from Sport hall to the hotel and back and assistance from airport/train station in Naples to the hotel and back per person We could offer assistance for delegations about transportation from Rome Airport to the hotel in Naples € 15,00 EXTRA PAID All delegations are invited to send information about their scheduled arrival and departure, (flights code and timetable) to the following mail: naples2015.fudokan@gmail.com Place: Palazzetto dello Sport “Palabarbuto” Viale Giochi del Mediterraneo Fuorigrotta - Napoli For details you could contact a representative of Organizing Commettee: Mrs Rosaria Allegretto mobile phone +393334261436 fax +39 0823950997 mail: naples2015.fudokan@gmail.com Info: ifka.fudokan @gmail.com web page: http://ifka.beepworld.it 18 APPLICATION FORM 22’st European Fudokan Karate Championships Naples, Italy 27-‐29 march 2015 Country/Organization_________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ OFFICIALS No. Name and Surname Position Sex Rank REFEREES No. Name and Surname Age Sex Rank Kata Judge Qualification Kumite COACHES No. Name and Surname Sex Rank DOCTORS No. Name and Surname Sex DATE: …………….. SIGNATURE………………… TITLE:……………………… 19 HOTEL RESERVATION FORM 22’st European Fudokan Karate Championships Naples, Italy 27-‐29 march 2015 Country/Organization_________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ No. Name/Surname Sex DATE……………… SIGNATURE………………. 20 Arrival Departure MEDICAL RELEASE 22’st European Fudokan Karate Championships Naples, Italy 27-‐29 march 2015 Name:__________________________________Country:________________________________________ Sex:_________________________ Age:________________________ Age Category:______________ PARTICIPATION CATEGORY: _Individual Kumite _Team kumite _Fuku-‐go _Individual Kata _Synchronized Kata _Enbu MY PRESENT HEALTH HISTORY IS AS FOLLOWS: 1.Extreme Heart Murmur __ 8.Nose Injury__ 2.Severe hypestension __ 9.Severe Bone Bruise Requiring padding __ 16.Neck Injury __ 3.Recent Infection __ 10.Kidney Injury__ 17.Facial Injury __ 4.Bone Fracture Within Past 6 Moth __ 11.Drug Allergies__ 18.Ear Injury __ 15. Disordes __ 5.Concussion or severe Head Trauma__ 12.Bleeding __15.Spinal Injury__ 19.Hepatitis of Diff.Origin __ 6. Seizures__ 13.Syncopes of Diff.origin__ 20.Currently Taking Any 14.Joint Injury __ 21.Treatment__ Medication or __ 7.Eye Injury __ If my medical history is not as represented above, I will take all responsibility and release all tournament officials from any and all liabilities. DATE__________________ Applicant’s Signature_________________ Coach’s Signature________________Parents signature___________________ REMARK: If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you will be required to check with the Tournament Medical Committee before competing in the tournament. 21 (For official Use Only) APPROVED_________________ NOT APPROVED (for participation in this event)___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE:_______________________________ CHIEF MEDICAL JUDGE___________________________________ ENTRY PROCEDURE A. The following documents must be sent to the Championships Organizational Committee by 30’th of February at the latest: 1. Completed entry application form (hotel and categories). 2. Completed "Medical Release" form for each competitor. B. Entry fee – payment at the Championship Office by March 26 2015 – BY CASH or through account of WFF. P ARTICIPATION FEES EU 1 5 p er p erson, p er c ategory (Children) EU 20 per En-‐bu team EU 30 per Kata team PARTICIPATION FEES EU 25 per person, per category (Cadets, Juniors, Youths, Seniors) EU 25 per En-‐bu team EU 50 per Kata/Kumite team PARTICIPATION FEES for Dr. ILIJA JORGA’s Seminar *SPECIAL PRICE 10 EUR/PERSON 22 PARTICIPATION FEES for: JUDGES/COACH COURSE……………………………………………….…….35 EUR / Person JUDGES EXAMS (CATEGORY A,B,C,) KATA / EN-‐BU……...…………….25 EUR / Person JUDGES EXAMS (CATEGORY A,B,C,) KUMITE / FUKUGO ……………..25 EUR / Person For each Category DRAWING: All Coaches may attend the drawing. It is strongly recommended for the coaches to attend the drawing till the end of the session and verify that their athletes’ participation is correctly selected. After drawing there will be NO possibility to make any changes. C. Each National Federation must grant each register participant or visitor as for their own insurance (minimum 10.000 EUR). The local organizers are not responsible for participants risk if participants are not insured, Personal belongings are always under responsibility of the owner. D. Each participating Nation is required to bring its national anthem (on CD) and flags 1,5 m x 2m. Should you have any questions, please contact: 23 We look forward to meeting you in Naples for the 22’st edition of the European Fudokan Karate Championship! Univ.Prof.Ilija Jorga MD.,PhD. Soke 10 DAN Founder of Fudokan Founder of WFF President of W.F.F. Univ.Prof.Vladimir Jorga MD.,PhD. President of E.F.F. Sensei Rajjev Sinha Sensei 9 DAN Dr Zurab MERABISHVILI Sensei 7 DAN Presedent of W.F.F.Judge committee General secretary of W.F.F. President of the J.O.C. Mr.Mike Apan Sensei Fiorentino Romano 6.Dan 24 7.Dan
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