1881 Partner Search API The Partner Search API is a RESTFull service that utilizes the HTTP/GET verb. Parameters are passed in the querystring of the HTTP request. The service can produce both xml and JSON formatted data. The JSON approach is mainly intended for intranet integration, while the xml version is for machine to machine integration. Search: Parameter name userName password msisdn query format Mandatory Yes Yes Yes No No level No catalogueIds No pageSize page No No geoCodes No xmlns No Description The user name assigned to the customer by 1881. The password assigned to the customer by 1881. The a-number of the end-user performing the search. The search query. Should be url encoded. Set to “json” for JSON formatted data. Remove this parameter or set to “xml” for XML formatted data. Defines the amount of data to return. level=0;minimum amount of data level=1;includes address information level=2;additional company/person information (lower performance) Catalogueid=0; public person listings Catalogueid=1; public company listings Catalogueid=5; internal catalogue If this is empty, all available catalogues is included the list of id’s is separated by |. Number of hits to return. Maximum value allowed is 300. The page to return in the result set. If empty the first page will be shown. Geo code pairs separated with |. Pair is presented in the following way: Latitude:Longitude Lat/long is encoded like 62.7836 Example: 62.7836:7.367456|62.7346: 5.4736 Invalid formatted geocodes will be ignored. Namespace is by default included in xml format. To exclude set xmlns=0. Extended parameters for advanced search: firstName lastName phone street postalCode postalArea region No No No No No No No FirstName. Should be url encoded. LastName/CompanyName. Should be url encoded. Phone, mobile, fax. Should be url encoded. Street. Should be url encoded. PostalCode. Should be url encoded. PostalArea. Should be url encoded. Region: Østlandet,Vestlandet,Nord-Norge,Midt-Norge, municipality No Sørlandet. Should be url encoded. Municipality. Should be url encoded. Example: /search?userName=<username>&msisdn=<msisdn>&password=<password>&query=<query>&le vel=0&format=json Example advanced search: /search?userName=<username>&msisdn=<msisdn>&password=<password>&firstName=<firstna me>&lastName=<lastname>&postalCode=<postalCode>&level=0&format=json Details: If you want to receive a specific resultitem and get more details you can use this one: Parameter name userName password msisdn itemid Mandatory Yes Yes Yes Yes format No xmlns No Description The user name assigned to the customer by 1881. The password assigned to the customer by 1881. The a-number of the end-user performing the search. The result itemid. From resultlist: Results.ResultItem. ItemId Set to “json” for JSON formatted data. Remove this parameter or set to “xml” for XML formatted data. Namespace is by default included in xml format. To exclude set xmlns=0. Example: /search/Details?userName=<username>&msisdn=<msisdn>&password=<password>&itemid=<it emid>&format=json GetCatalogues: If you want to receive the catalogues connected to the user you can use this one: Parameter name userName password msisdn format Mandatory Yes Yes Yes No xmlns No Description The user name assigned to the customer by 1881. The password assigned to the customer by 1881. The a-number of the end-user performing the search. Set to “json” for JSON formatted data. Remove this parameter or set to “xml” for XML formatted data. Namespace is by default included in xml format. To exclude set xmlns=0. Example: /search/GetCatalogues?userName=<username>&msisdn=<msisdn>&password=<password>&for mat=json Search result Field name StatusMessage TotalNumberOfResults Results Description Contains an error message if the search fails, otherwise empty The number of hits The actual hits .net proxy 1881 has developed a proxy for the service with strong typed message classes. The latest proxy can be downloaded from http://api.1881bedrift.no/download/proxy. const string ApiUrl = "http://test.1881bedrift.pragma.no/api/"; //GetResult - list var qList = new SearchQuery { Msisdn = "########", Password = "******", UserName = "########", QueryLevel = QueryLevels.Medium, Query = "opplysningen", PageSize = "5", Page = "1", IncludedCatalogues = new List<string>() {"0","1"} }; using (var target = new SearchProxy()) { var result = target.GetResult(new Uri(ApiUrl), qList); //TODO: do something with the result } //GetResult - listitem var qListItem = new SearchQuery { Msisdn = "########", Password = "******", UserName = "########", ItemId = "200190583S1" }; using (var target = new SearchProxy()) { var result = target.GetResult(new Uri(ApiUrl), qListItem); //TODO: do something with the result } //GetCatalogues var qCatalogues = new SearchCataloguesRequest { Msisdn = "########", Password = "******", UserName = "########" }; using (var target = new SearchProxy()) { var result = target.GetSearchCatalogues(new Uri(ApiUrl), qCatalogues); } JQuery sample: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var userName = "########"; var msisdn = "########"; var password = "*****"; $(document).ready(function () { //need to user charset=ISO-8859-1 in order to get Norwegian characters correct to the search service. $("#QueryBox").autocomplete({ source: function (request, response) { $.ajax({ contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=ISO-8859-1", url: GetSearchUrl(), type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { response($.map(data.Results, function (item) { return { label: GetName(item) + "(" + GetPhone(item) + ")", value: GetName(item), code: GetPhone(item) }; })) } , error: function (data) { $("#Phone")[0].innerText = "an error occurred while reading search service"; } }) }, select: function (data) { $("#Code").value = data.item; $("#Phone").val(data.item); }, minLength: 1 }) }); function GetName(item) { if (item.CompanyName != null) return item.CompanyName; return item.FirstName + " " + item.LastName; } function GetSearchUrl() { var data = "/search?userName=" + userName + "&msisdn=" + msisdn + "&password=" + password + "&query=" + $.URLEncode($("#QueryBox").val()) + "&level=0&format=json"; $("#SearchUrl")[0].innerText = data; return data; } function GetPhone(item) { if (item.ContactPoints == null) return ""; for (var i = 0; i < item.ContactPoints.length; i++) { if (item.ContactPoints[i].ContactPointType == 2) return item.ContactPoints[i].Address; } return ""; } $("#QueryBox").bind("autocompleteselect", function (event, ui) { $("#Code").val(ui.item.label); $("#Phone")[0].innerText = ui.item.code; }); $.extend({ URLEncode: function (c) { var o = ''; var x = 0; c = c.toString(); var while (x < c.length) { var m = r.exec(c.substr(x)); if (m != null && m.length > 1 && m[1] != o += m[1]; x += m[1].length; } else { if (c[x] == ' ') o += '+'; else { var d = c.charCodeAt(x); var h = o += '%' + (h.length < 2 ? '0' : } x++; } r = /(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/; '') { d.toString(16); '') + h.toUpperCase(); } return o; }, URLDecode: function (s) { var o = s; var binVal, t; var r = /(%[^%]{2})/; while ((m = r.exec(o)) != null && m.length > 1 && m[1] != '') { b = parseInt(m[1].substr(1), 16); t = String.fromCharCode(b); o = o.replace(m[1], t); } return o; } }); </script> Example result set: <?xml version="1.0"?> <SearchResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://1881.no/api/PartnerSearch"> <ExtensionData /> <Results> <ResultItem> <ExtensionData /> <Addresses /> <BirthDate xsi:nil="true" /> <Collection>B2B</Collection> <ContactPoints> <ContactPoint_Search> <ExtensionData /> <Address>93257288</Address> <ContactPointType>Landline</ContactPointType> <IsMain>true</IsMain> </ContactPoint_Search> <ContactPoint_Search> <ExtensionData /> <Address>jonas.syrstad@pragma.no</Address> <ContactPointType>Email</ContactPointType> <IsMain>true</IsMain> </ContactPoint_Search> <ContactPoint_Search> <ExtensionData /> <Address>98855641</Address> <ContactPointType>Mobile</ContactPointType> <IsMain>true</IsMain> </ContactPoint_Search> <ContactPoint_Search> <ExtensionData /> <Address>www.pragma.no</Address> <ContactPointType>HomePage</ContactPointType> <IsMain>true</IsMain> </ContactPoint_Search> </ContactPoints> <FirstName>Jonas</FirstName> <Gender>Unknown</Gender> <ItemId>b2b¤5¤103272¤110781</ItemId> <LastName>Syrstad</LastName> <ResultType>Person</ResultType> </ResultItem> </Results> <TotalNumberOfResults>1</TotalNumberOfResults> </SearchResponse> ResultItem enum fields Field name Addresses.Address_Search .AddressType ContactPoints.ContactPoint_Search. ContactPointType Values Visiting, Postal, Billing HomePage, ContactPoints.ContactPoint_Search.IsMain Collection Email, Mobile, Landline, Fax True, False Contacts , B2B Contacts: collection from 1881.no Person /1881.no - Company B2B: collection from catalogues defined in B2B (employee/internal catalogues) ResultType Person, Company
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