MEGHALA YA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION LOWER LACHUMIERE: :SHILLONG Dated Shillong, the 15 'h October, 2014 No. MPSC/D-1 2/ 1120 13-20 14/68 NOTIFICA TION The result of the interview for the post of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Officers under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department conducted by the Commission on the 15 'h October, 2014 is hereby declared. The names of the successful candidates recommended by the Commi ss ion are as follows, in order of merit: L SIIRI GILSANG CHAMBUGONG MARAK 2. SMTI. ERNESTINE BASAIA WMOIT 3. SHRl SILGRlM CH. MARAK 4. SMTI. LlNDSA Y GABIL MOMIN 5. SMTI. SONANCHl BOLWARl MARAK The recommendation of the candidate shall confer no claim for appointment unless the appointing authority is satisfied, after such enquiry as may be considered necessary, that the candidate is su itable in all respects. Sd/c hairperson, Meghalaya Publi c Service Comm ission, Shillong. Dated Shillong, the I 5'h October, 2014 Memo. No. MPSCI 0-1 211 120 13-20 14/68-A Copy for information is forward ed to:- 1. The Hon'ble Chairperson 1 Hon'b le Members, Meghalaya Public Service Commiss ion, Shillong. 2. The Under Secretary to the Gov!. of Meghalaya, Animal Hu sbandry & Veterinary Department, Shi Iiong. 3. The Officer on Special Duty. M.P.S.C . Cell, Tura 1 lowai 1 Nongstoin 1 Baghmara Williamnagar 1 Nongpoh with a request to kindly display the result on the Notice Board. 0· The State Informatics Officer, N. t C, ShilJong. 5.. Office Notice Board. 6. Dealing Assistant for further necessary action. Sec · tarl', Meghalaya Publi c Service Co mmi ssion, Shillong. *****
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