Dear Dr Michael Pitt, - Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto

Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Curriculum vitae
Arto Saari, D.Sc (Tech), Full Professor of Construction management,
Tampere University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering
Box 600, 33101 Tampere, Finland
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Personal information ....................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Education ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Professional education ..................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Expierience ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
5. Professional activities ...................................................................................................................................... 3
5.1 Current positions of trust held ................................................................................................................... 3
5.2 Membership ............................................................................................................................................... 4
RESEARCH ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Research experience ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Focal areas of research and my vision for the future direction of my field ............................................... 4
1.2 Research projects ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 National research collaboration ................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Internationalization and international research collaboration .................................................................... 4
2. Obtainment of research funding ...................................................................................................................... 5
3. Participation in the activities of the scientific community ............................................................................... 6
4. Other scientific activities and recognitions ...................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Awards and prizes ..................................................................................................................................... 6
ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP AND ACTIVITY IN SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY ................................................ 7
1. Academic leadership ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Experience of academic leadership and management ............................................................................... 7
1.2 Project management .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Mentoring and tutoring .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Participation in management training ........................................................................................................ 7
2. Societal impact and collaboration with stakeholders ....................................................................................... 7
2.1 Contacts to industry and business .............................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Societal visibility (e.g. media visibility, book projects, popularization of science and research).............. 8
2.3 Expert tasks ............................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Utilization of research results .................................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX Research 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX Leadership 1 .................................................................................................................................. 12
APPENDIX Leadership 2 .................................................................................................................................. 14
TEACHING PORTFOLIO .................................................................................................................................... 17
1.1 Helsinki University of Technology/Aalto University .............................................................................. 17
1.2 Other institutions ..................................................................................................................................... 18
1.3 Supervised and instructed theses ............................................................................................................. 19
2. TEACHING MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................... 23
TEACHING....................................................................................................................................................... 23
4. UPKEEPING AND DEVELOPMENT OF OWN TEACHING SKILLS ..................................................... 24
5. OWN VIEW ABOUT TEACHING AND STUDYING ............................................................................... 24
A COMPLETE LIST OF PUBLICATIONS .................................................................................................... 26
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
1. Personal information
Name: Arto Saari; Tel. +358 9 566 1020; Mobile phone: +358 50 301 6026; Family: married
with M.D., Ph.D. Hilkka Jääskelä-Saari; four sons born 1998, 2003, 2003, and 2005;
Nationality: Finnish; Born: 1958; Place of Birth: Helsinki, Finland; Languages: Finnish,
English, Swedish, German.
2. Education
Doctor of Technology, TKK Helsinki University of Technology, 1998
Licentiate of Technology, TKK Helsinki University of Technology, 1991
Master of Science, Helsinki University of Technology, 1985
Matriculation Diploma, Laajasalon lukio, Helsinki, 1978
3. Professional education
Master Class-program (Master Class-valmennusohjelma – Poikkitieteellisen opetuksen
suunnittelun ja toteutuksen ohjelma), Aalto University, 5 cr, 16 March – 19 August 2011.
YOOP, Yliopisto-opetuksen opintokokonaisuus (Study Program for Higher Education),
20 cr, Aalto University, 2010 (incl. Eri-0. 4001 Minä opettajana - Opettaminen +
Oppiminen + Opettajuus = O3 (Myself as a teacher - Teaching + Learning + Being a
teacher), 5 cr, Helsinki University of Technology, 2009)
39. YTK:n pitkä kurssi (39th Long Urban and Regional Studies Program), Centre for
Urban and Regional Studies, TKK Helsinki University of Technology, 2005-2006
21. Rakennuttajakurssi RAPS (21th Construction Management and Contracting
Program), Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli, TKK Helsinki University of Technology,
1st Managing International Construction Business Program (MICb), Lifelong
Learning Institute Dipoli, TKK Helsinki University of Technology, 1997-1998
4. Expierience
4.1 Most important posts and positions held
Professor of Construction Management (Tenured), Tampere University of
Technology, 1.9.2015- (current position)
Senior University Lecturer of Construction Management and Economics, Aalto
University, 1.4.2015-31.8.2015
Teaching Scientist of Construction Management and Economics, Aalto University,
Professor of Construction Management and Economics (fixed term), Aalto
University, 1.9.2010-31.12.2014.
Teaching Scientist of Construction Management and Economics, Aalto University,
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Adjunct Professor in ´Construction Management and Building Economics´,
University of Oulu, 2007–
Adjunct Professor in ´Construction Economics and Management, specifically in Life
Cycle Management´, Aalto University, January 1, 2009 - September 30, 2014.
Adjunct Professor in ´Construction Economics and Management, specifically in Life
Cycle Management´, TKK Helsinki University of Technology, October 1, 2009 –
December 31, 2009.
Adjunct Professor in ´Construction Economics and Management, specifically in Life
Cycle Management of Construction Projects´, TKK Helsinki University of Technology,
October 1, 2004 – September 30, 2009.
Research Director, Laboratory of Construction Economics and Management, TKK
Helsinki University of Technology, 2007.
Scientific Coordinator, Sustainable Construction Program, Innovative City® Program,
The Joint Program of the City of Helsinki and TKK Helsinki University of Technology,
2006- (secondary occupation)
Research director, Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, 2003-2006 (secondary
Chief research scientist/Senior research scientist, Laboratory of Construction
Economics and Management, TKK Helsinki University of Technology, several periods
during 1999-2006.
Researcher (granted by the Acatemia of Finland), Laboratory of Construction Economics
and Management, TKK Helsinki University of Technology, 1995-1997.
Rakennustoimisto Ari Lindholm Oy (contractor enterprise), Member of the board, 19881991 (secondary occupation)
Laboratory manager, Laboratory of Construction Economics and Management, TKK
Helsinki University of Technology, 1987-2009.
Senior assistant, Laboratory of Construction Economics and Management, TKK Helsinki
University of Technology, 1986.
Researcher, Laboratory of Construction Economics and Management, TKK Helsinki
University of Technology, 1985.
Consultancy assignments, over 30 assignments as a construction management and
economics expert (secondary occupation), since 1085-
5. Professional activities
5.1 Current positions of trust held
Construction Management and Contracting Education Program (RAPS), Lifelong
Learning Institute Dipoli, TKK Helsinki University of Technology, Member of the Board
Principal Design Officer Education Program (Asiakaslähtöinen pääsuunnittelu PS), The
Real Estate Education and Training Institute in Finland KIINKO, Member of the Board
2006Real Estate Development and Building Refurbishment Management and Contracting
Education Program (Kiinteistokehittämisen ja korjausrakennuttamisen johtaminen RAPS),
The Real Estate Education and Training Institute in Finland KIINKO, Member of the
Board 2006Building Refurbishment Management and Contracting Education Program
(Asiakaslähtöinen korjausrakennuttaminen RAP), The Real Estate Education and Training
Institute in Finland KIINKO, Member of the Board 2006-
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL Committee of Building Information
Modelling, member, 2011Finnish Building Classification System, Working Committee, member (EPT23 Talonimikkeistöryhmän työvaliokunta, asiantuntijajäsen), 2011The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal (Bentham Science Publishers);
Member of the Editorial Board
Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research; Member of the Review Board
5.2 Membership
Association of Finnish Graduate Engineers TEK
Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL
Association of Construction Economists in Finland RAKI
1. Research experience
1.1 Focal areas of research and my vision for the future direction of my field
The implementation of construction projects will be distributed to increasingly extensive
network of actors during the life cycle of buildings. Novel cooperative implementation modes
are needed. Furthermore, the energy and climate change issues generate now important
research needs. Also, Using BIM in construction phase and in use phase is important research
topic. The research and the teaching should be forces at the area of planning, design,
construction and use phase of buildings. The construction management know-how is in the
key position in order to put sustainable design and construction to use, among others in
feasibility studies, briefing, the management of design changes, buildability, building
flexibility and adaptability, schedules, and procurement.
1.2 Research projects
See APPENDIX Research 1.
1.3 National research collaboration
Main research partners in Finland:
University of Turku, Depatment of Geography (prof. Jukka Käyhkö)
VTT, Finland (prof. Miimu Airaksinen)
Aalto University, Department of Architecture (professors Antti Ahlava, Hannu Huttunen, and
Trevor Harris)
Aalto University, Department of Energy Engineering (prof. Kai Siren, Dr Juha Jokisalo, and
Dr Kari Alanne)
1.4 Internationalization and international research collaboration
Research cooperation with the researchers of the Tallin University of Technology (Jarek
Kurnitski, Targo Kalamees) in the project “Cost optimal and nZEB energy performance levels
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
for Estonian buildings”. Dr Arto Saari has written two refereed articles together with
Kurnitski and Kalamees..
Research cooperation with the researchers of the Wuppertal Institut for Climate, Environment
and Energy, Germany (Michael Lettenmeier, Holger Rohn, and Michael Ritthoff) in the FinMIPS Transport Research Project (Resource Productivity of Finnish Transport System), 20032006; Dr Arto Saari has written: two refereed articles, a conference paper and seven technical
reports together with M. Lettenmeier.
Research cooperation with the researchers of the University of Victoria, Canada (Prof. V.I.
Ugursal), 2005; Dr Arto Saari has written a refereed article with V.I. Ugursal, J. Good, and
K. Alanne.
Research cooperation with with the researchers of the Lindköping University, Sweden (Prof.
Stig-Inge Gustafsson), 2006; Dr Arto Saari has written a refereed article with S-I. Gustagsson,
K. Alanne, and A. Salo
Research cooperation with the researchers of the Arizona State University, USA (Prof. Dean
Kashiwagi, Dr. Kenneth Sullivan, Mr William Badger, Ms. Marie Kashiwagi), 2006; Dr Arto
Saari has written two conference papers with D. Kashiwagi, K. Sullivan, W. Badger, P.
Okamura, P, M. Kashiwagi, and T. Salmikivi.
Research cooperation with with the researchers of the KHT Royal Institute of Technology,
Sweden (Jutta Schade), Luleå University of Tecnology (Ivo Martinac), Sweden, and Tallinn
University of Technology (Prof. Targo Kalamees), Estonia, 2013; Dr Arto Saari has written a
refereed article with Jutta Schade, Ivo Martinac, Targo Kalamees, Kari Alanne, and Juha
Research cooperation with with the researchers of the Tallinn University of Technology (Prof.
Targo Kalamees, Prof. Jarek Kurnitski), Estonia, 2011-2013; Dr Arto Saari has written 2
refereed articles with Targo Kalamees and Jarek Kurnitski.
I have acted as a supervisor for 6 doctoral theses and doctoral defence, including
correspondence with pre-examiners and opponents, 2011-2014.
2. Obtainment of research funding
Projects for which the candidate has been responsible:
SAVINGS sponsored Ministry of the Environment. Innovation and implementation jointly
with Aalto University Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (prof. Arto Saari),
Dept. of Energy Technology (prof. Kai Siren), Tampere University of Technology (Juhani
Heljo), VTT (Research prof. Miimu Airaksinen), and Equa Finland Oy (Mr. Mika Vuolle).
2012-2013. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a research director.
TÄRA - Life-cycle management of infill construction of condominiums (0.22 Million €)
sponsored by the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA). 2009-2011.
Position: Dr Arto Saari was a research director.
KesEn – KesEn - Integration of Energy Concepts of Communities and Buildings with a View
on Whole Life Economy (1.20 Million €) sponsored by TEKES, City of Helsinki, and 19
firms. Innovation and implementation jointly with TKK HVAC-laboratory and TKK
Laboratory of Advanced Energy Systems. 2008-2010. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a scientific
coordinator of the research consortium.
KUTRI – Cost-effective Housing Services for Aged (0.27 Million €) sponsored by TEKES,
The Innovation Fund of City of Helsinki, and four Finnish companies (Diakonissalaitoksen
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Hoiva Oy, Helsingin Palveluasunnot Oy, Miratel Oy, and Palmia), 2006-2008. Position: Dr
Arto Saari was a research director.
Fin-MIPS Transportation - Resource Productivity of Finnish Transport System 0.23Million
€ (the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation) sponsored by Ministry of Transport and
Communications Finland, Ministry of the Environment, Finnish Road Administration, Finnish
Rail Administration, Finnish Civil Aviation Administration, Finnish Maritime
Administration, VR-Group Ltd (Innovation, funding and management of the research project
jointly with Michael Lettenmeier), 2003-2006. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a research
OPMLCA - Environmental Impacts Management of Sport Centers in Design Phase, Ministry
of Education. Innovation, funding, and management of the research project. 2000-2006.
Position: Dr Arto Saari was a researcher director.
SERVICEABLE BUILDING sponsored by YIT Building Services. Innovation, funding and
management of the research project. 2003-2004. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a researcher
EKOTAL - Eco-Economic Construction Management Process , TEKES, Ministry of the
Environment, ASRA - Residential Property Owner Association. Innovation, funding and
management of the research project. 1998-2000. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a researcher
3. Participation in the activities of the scientific community
Membership in the editorial boards of scientific publications:
The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal (Bentham Science Publishers);
Member of the Editorial Board.
Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research; Member of the Review Boar.
EUROINFRA 2009, International European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) Conference,
Symposium: Low Energy Building Concepts, Oct. 14-15, 2009; Member of the Scientific
Reviewer of several scientific journals.
Important assessment duties:
External evaluation of Dr Riina Antikainen’s application for docentship of Environmental
Science, University of Helsinki, 2014.
4. Other scientific activities and recognitions
4.1 Awards and prizes
Article “Leena Aalto & Arto Saari: Re-engineering of the meal logistics in a sheltered house
for elderly people” published in Facilities was chosen as an Outstanding Paper Award Winner
at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2010. The paper was selected as it was one of
the most impressive pieces of work the editorial team has seen throughout 2009.
The Golden Mark of Honour of the Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL, 2007.
FIN-MIPS Transport research project (research director Dr Arto Saari) was selected to the top
5 projects in the Finnish Environmental Cluster Research Program 2003-2005. Research
projects total 51 were evaluated using EU Commission’s criteria (28th March 2007).
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Positions of trust within scientific associations and networks:
CIB Working Commission W055 Building Economics; Member
CIB Working Commission W070 Facilities Management and Maintenance; Member
CIB Working Commission W104 Open Building Implementation; Member
Association of Finnish Graduate Engineers TEK
Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL
Association of Construction Economists in Finland
Research Institute for Health Care Facilities SOTERA, Helsinki University of Technology,
Member of the Board 2002-2013
Innovative City® Program, The Joint Program of the City of Helsinki and TKK Helsinki
University of Technology, Member of the Steering group 2006-2009
1. Academic leadership
1.1 Experience of academic leadership and management
I have led long time my research group consisted tenth of researcher and research assistants of
different fields (engineers, architects, sociolocists, environmental scientists, geographers,
etc.). Also, I have led and directed the industrial teachers in university courses.
1.2 Project management
I have led several research projects (Appendix Research 1).
1.3 Mentoring and tutoring
I have mentored and tutored construction management professionals in their theses and
exercises (see Teaching portfolio Ch. 1.2).
1.4 Participation in management training
(see Teaching portfolio Ch. 1.2)
2. Societal impact and collaboration with stakeholders
2.1 Contacts to industry and business
I have innovated and implemented several research projects in cooperation with industry and
business (Appendix Research 1). Furthermore, I have had several consultancy tasks to firms
and the public sector (Appendix Leadership 1). Also, I have supervised or instructed 110
master’s theses and most of them has been planed and implemented in cooperation with firms
(see Teaching portfolio Ch. 1.3). More, I have given lectures and exercises for construction
management professionals in several training programs in KIINKO (see Teaching portfolio
Ch. 1.2).
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
2.2 Societal visibility (e.g. media visibility, book projects, popularization of science and
I have been interviewed several times as an expert for magazines and newspapers, and radio
and TV programs. Also, have written books and book chapters and articles for magazines.
2.3 Expert tasks
Member of following bodies:
 Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL Committee of Building Information
Modelling, member, 2011 Finnish Building Classification System, Working Committee, member (EPT23 Talonimikkeistöryhmän työvaliokunta, asiantuntijajäsen), 2011 Also several expert tasks in:
 Consultancy in cooperation with firms and the public sector (Appendix Leadership 1)
 Activities in training programs for construction management professionals (see
Teaching portfolio Ch. 1.2).
2.4 Utilization of research results
See examples utilization of research results (Appendix Leadership 2).
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
APPENDIX Research 1
Arts, Design and Architecture: Department of Architecture Professor Hannu Huttunen,
Lecturer Pirjo Sanaksenaho, Lecturer Anne Tervo, Professor Hannu Hirsi, Professor Pekka
Heikkinen, Researcher Matti Kuittinen, Researcher Ira Verma; ENG - School of Engineering:
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering Professor Arto Saari, Professor Hannu Hirsi;
Department of Energy Technology Professor Kai Sirén, Lecturer Kari Alanne , D.Sc
Mohamed Hamdy; ELEC - School of Electrical Engineering: Department of Electrical
Engineering Professor Matti Lehtonen. 2013-2017.
SAVINGS sponsored Ministry of the Environment. Innovation and implementation jointly
with Aalto University Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (prof. Arto Saari),
Dept. of Energy Technology (prof. Kai Siren), Tampere University of Technology (Juhani
Heljo), VTT (Research prof. Miimu Airaksinen), and Equa Finland Oy (Mr. Mika Vuolle).
SAVINGS sponsored Ministry of the Environment. Innovation and implementation jointly
with Aalto University Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (prof. Arto Saari),
Dept. of Energy Technology (prof. Kai Siren), Tampere University of Technology (Juhani
Heljo), VTT (Research prof. Miimu Airaksinen), and Equa Finland Oy (Mr. Mika Vuolle).
RYM/PRE-program/ WP3 BIMCON - Building information model (BIM) based product
data management in industrialized construction supply chain (Aalto Univertity’s share 0.4
Million €) sponsored by TEKES, Skanska, Parma / Consolis Technology, Rautaruukki, SaintCobain Weber. Innovation and implementation jointly with Prof. Jari Puttonen. 2010 -.
RYM SHOK INDOOR ENVIRONMENT: Energy Efficient Control of Indoor
Environment (EECI) managed by Schneider Electric. 2011-2014. Dr Arto Saari is
responsible for Task 6: Business concepts, contracting models and responsibilities.
KURKE – Sustainable energy concepts for municipal facilities (0.51 Million €) sponsored by
TEKES, City of Espoo, City of Jyväskylä, City of Kotka, City of Kerava, Vantaan energia,
Helen, Fortum, YIT, Scancool, and SULPU. Innovation and implementation jointly with
Aalto University Department of Energy Technology and VTT. 2010-2012. Position: Dr Arto
Saari is a research director of a part project.
KETTERÄ – Agile renovation process for condominiums (0.33 Million €) sponsored by
Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries. Innovation and implementation jointly with
Aalto university Department of Surveying. 2009-2011. Position: Dr Arto Saari is a research
director of a part project.
HOTR – Attractive and Programmatic Infill Building – Expertise in the Systems of Urban
Production (0.65 Million €) sponsored by the Innovation Fund of City of Helsinki. Innovation
and implementation jointly with TKK Department of Architecture. 2010-2012. Position: Dr
Arto Saari is a research director of a part project.
TÄRA - Life-cycle management of infill construction of condominiums (0.22 Million €)
sponsored by the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA). 2009-2011.
Position: Dr Arto Saari is a research director.
KesEn – KesEn - Integration of Energy Concepts of Communities and Buildings with a View
on Whole Life Economy (1.20 Million €) sponsored by TEKES, City of Helsinki, and 19
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
firms. Innovation and implementation jointly with TKK HVAC-laboratory and TKK
Laboratory of Advanced Energy Systems. 2008-2010. Position: Dr Arto Saari is a scientific
coordinator of the research consortium.
KUTRI – Cost-effective Housing Services for Aged (0.27 Million €) sponsored by TEKES,
The Innovation Fund of City of Helsinki, and four Finnish companies (Diakonissalaitoksen
Hoiva Oy, Helsingin Palveluasunnot Oy, Miratel Oy, and Palmia), 2006-2008. Position: Dr
Arto Saari was a research director.
EXTREFLOOD II - Minimazing Flood Damages - Flood Scenarios, Damage Assessment
and Risk Maps (0.23 Million €) together with University of Turku, Geography, The Finnish
Environmental Institute SYKE, and TKK Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, 2006-2007.
Position: Dr Arto Saari was a researcher director of a part project.
Fin-MIPS Transportation - Resource Productivity of Finnish Transport System 0.23Million
€ (the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation) sponsored by Ministry of Transport and
Communications Finland, Ministry of the Environment, Finnish Road Administration, Finnish
Rail Administration, Finnish Civil Aviation Administration, Finnish Maritime
Administration, VR-Group Ltd (Innovation, funding and management of the research project
jointly with Michael Lettenmeier), 2003-2006. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a research
OPMLCA - Environmental Impacts Management of Sport Centers in Design Phase, Ministry
of Education. Innovation, funding, and management of the research project. 2000-2006.
Position: Dr Arto Saari was a researcher director.
TeTT - Functionality–Esthetic–Safety–Economics, Clear passage residential buildings.
Innovation and implementation (0.72 Million €) jointly with TKK Sotera Institute, TKK
Lighting Laboratory, and Kuopio Regional Institute of Occupational Health. 2003-2006.
Position: Dr Arto Saari was a researcher director of a part project.
TELU - Development of the Scope of Works for Construction Management and Building
Design sponsored by the Association of Finnish Architects’ Offices ATL, the Finnish
Association of Building Owners and Construction Clients RAKLI, Consulting Electrical
Designers NSS, the Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT, the Finnish
Association of Construction Management Offices RTL, the Finnish Association of Architects
SAFA, and the Finnish Association of Consulting FIRMS SKOL, 2006. Position: Dr Arto
Saari was a senior researcher.
SUKE - Development of theBbuilding Design Management in Construction Management
Projects sponsored by TEKES, AIR-IX Talotekniikka Oy, Arkkitehtitoimisto Davidsson Oy,
Arkkitehtitoimisto Nurmela- Raimoranta.-Tasa Oy, the Association of Finnish Architects’
Offices ATL, CM-Urakointi Oy, Evata Finlanf Oy, the University of Helsinki, Indepro Oy,
Insinööritoimisto Leo Maaskola Oy, Insinööritoimisto Pontek Oy, Pöyry CMC Oy, Kesko
Oyj, Kontermo Oy, Lemcon Oy, Nokia Asset Management Oy, Parma Oy, PPTH-Solutions
Oy, Quotroservices Oy, the Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT, the
Building Information Foundation RTS, Rapal Oy, the Finnish Association of Building
Owners and Construction Clients RAKLI, RE-Suunnittelu, SRV Viitoset Oy, Sähkö-Aro Oy,
Tekmanni Oy, and Tocoman Group Oy, 2003-2007. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a senior
SERVICEABLE BUILDING sponsored by YIT Building Services. Innovation, funding and
management of the research project. 2003-2004. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a researcher
PRODUCTIVE OFFICE 2005 sponsored TEKES, Are Group, City of Espoo, The Finnish
Work Environment Fund, Fläkt Woods Group Oy, Granlund Group, Gyproc Oy, Halton
Group, Idman Oy, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Indoorium Oy,
Insinööritoimisto Tauno Nissinen Oy, Jaakko Pöyry Group/JP Building Engineering, Knauf
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Oy, Lassila&Tikanoja Oy, Oy Lexel Finland Ab, Lifa Air IAQ Ltd, Martela Oyj, Nordea
Bank Finland Plc, Nokia, Rakennuttajapalaute Rapal Oy, Saint-Gobain Ecophon Oy, Senaatti
Properties, SITY ry, Skanska Oy, Sponda Plc, Oy Swegon Ab, Tarkett Oy, and YIT
Instalaatiot Oy. Innovation and implementation a part of the research project jointly with
HVAC-laboratory and Department of Architectute of Helsinki University of Tecnology.
2001-2004. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a researcher director of a part project.
LIFETIME - Thematic Network Lifetime Engineering of Buildings and Civil Infrastructures
sponsored by European Union (Member No. 64), 2002-present. Position: Member
OBTATE - Mechanical and Electrical Design Documents, Design Concepts and
ProcurementMmode in Open Building Context, AIR-IX Talotekniikka Oy. 2001-2002.
Position: Dr Arto Saari was a senior researcher.
EKOTAL - Eco-Economic Construction Management Process , TEKES, Ministry of the
Environment, ASRA - Residential Property Owner Association. Innovation, funding and
management of the research project. 1998-2000. Position: Dr Arto Saari was a researcher
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
APPENDIX Leadership 1
Consultancy assignments (secondary occupation):
1. Ministry of the Environment: The cost effects of the reduction of buildings’ use-phase energy
consumption – A background study for the Finnish building code reformation 2012. Consultant
2. Ministry of the Environment: The cost effects of the reduction of buildings’ use-phase energy
consumption – A background study for the Finnish building code reformation 2010. Consultant
3. Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries: Russian language textbook of building
refurbishment using Finnish technology. Editor-in-chief and writer (2004-2005).
4. Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries: Building Life Cycle Costing Guide, 26
pages (A part of the Life Cycle Indicators of Buildings Project, REM). Writer (2004).
5. Skanska Oy: Benchmark study of Skanska’s Nordic housing production. Consultant (2003-2004).
6. University of Helsinki, Technical Department: Building’s eco efficiency calculation using
MIPS indicator. Development project. Project director (2003-2004).
7. University of Helsinki, Technical Department: Rent calculation using technical value of
building. Development project. Consultant (2003).
8. Skanska Oy and NCC Finland: Environmental Impact Assessment Practice for Shopping Malls.
Development project. Research director (1999-2002).
9. Tocoman Oy: Cost control practice for construction projects for Tocoman Oy. Consultancy for
executive. Consultant (2002).
10. Ministry of the Environment: Cost effects of implementation new Finnish Building Code draft
F2 Building’s safe use. Consultant (2001).
11. Lotta Svärd Foundation, Asuntosäätiö, Optiroc Oy, Eurodevo Oy: Lottakoti, Hyrylä; new
construction apartment building project. Advantageousness comparison of alternative external
wall types (2000-2001).
12. Optiroc Oy: Life cycle cost benchmark study of external walls and partitions. Consultant (2000).
13. Sweco: Helsinki University, Physicum Building, Helsinki, Kumpula; new construction education,
laboratory and office building 17,871 m2 (gross). Energy consumption target setting and
assessment of design concept (1998-1999).
14. Center Party: Apollonkatu 11, Helsinki, Töölö; alteration of school building’s use to apartments
and offices, 2,959 m2(gross). Cost estimation and proposals for action in four different design
phases (1997-1998).
15. Asunto Oy Särki Bostads Ab, Helsinki; two apartment buildings. Design management,
procurement and supervision of facade rendering and balcony renovation (1995-1996).
16. Ministry of the Environment: Cost effects of implementation new Finnish Building Code draft
F1 Clear passage building. Consultant (1995).
17. Rakennus Oy Hartela: Kiinteistö Oy Tuuvantupa, Turku; two apartment buildings. Feasibility
study of renovation alternatives (1994).
18. Ministry of the Environment: Cost effects of implementation new Finnish Building Code draft
G1 Residential Design. Consultant (1992).
19. University of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki: Estimation of new construction costs of
corresponding building, 14,045 m2 (net). University staff used the calculation a basis on resistance
the university transferring to Kuopio. Consultant (1992).
20. Keravan Ahjo Oy: Kiinteistö Oy Nikkarinkruunu 5, Kerava; new construction recidential
buildings 2,948 m2 (gross). Budget setting, cost analyses of design concept, and proposals for
action (1992).
21. Oy Kalliovaaran ullakko: Statement of the inspection minute in witch was noticed state of the
site (the owner was taken up unfinished site). Consultant (1992).
22. City of Vantaa: Four apartment building sites (Maalinauhantie 19/Rajakentänkuja 5, Virsupolku
1/Paimenkatu 19, Eväskonttikortteli, Laulurastaanpolku 1) 21,008 m2 (gross). Refurbishmet need
analyses, creation of refurbishment alternatives, estimation on costs, and proposals for action
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
23. Scanra Oy: Mikkeli project; changing grain silo building to hotel and retail building, 23,887 m2
(gross). Budget setting, cost analyses of design concept, and proposals for action in three different
design phases (1990-1991).
24. The Central Union for the Wellfare of the Aged: Myyrmäen mainio maja, Vantaa; new
construction sheltered accommodations for aged 1,291 m2(gross). Budget setting and financing
planning for construction (1991).
25. Munipalicity of Tuusula: Health Center, Hyrylä; refurbishment and enlargement of the building.
Project programming, budget setting, cost analyses of selected design concept, proposals for
action in several different design phases, and preparation of bill of quantities (1988-1990).
26. Scanra Oy: Kiinteistö Oy Krassipuisto, Vantaa; new construction office building 8,523 m2
(gross). Budget setting, cost analyses of design concept, and proposals for action (1989).
27. Rakennus Oy Hartela: Fast. Ab Pargas Affär, Parainen; new construction retail and office
building 2,111 m2(gross). Project budget setting (April 1988), cost analyses of selected design
concept, and proposals for action (1989).
28. Rahavahva Invest Oy: Itäinen puistotie 5, Helsinki, Kaivopuisto; valuable residential building
749 m2 (gross). Preparation of refurbishment program and budget setting for buying decision.
Consultant (1989).
29. City of Vantaa: VAV-Lummetie, Vantaa; new construction apartment building and nursery 3,668
m2(gross). Project budget setting, cost analyses of selected design concept, and proposals for
action in two design phase (1987-1988).
30. City of Vantaa: Kiinteistö Oy Pyykuja, Vantaa; new construction terrace houses for aged 968
m2(gross). Project budget setting, cost analyses of selected design concept, and proposals for
action (1987).
31. City of Vantaa: Kiinteistö Oy Leiritie, Vantaa; new construction residential building and service
center for aged 3,156 m2(gross). Project budget setting, cost analyses of selected design concept,
and proposals for action (1986).
32. City of Vantaa: Asunto Oy Linjaalirattaat, Vantaa; new construction residential buildings 1,544
m2(gross). Project budget setting, cost analyses of selected design concept, and proposals for
action in two design phase (1986).
33. Tampereen Haka: New use of Lapinlahti Spinning Mill, Tampere. Cost analysis of renovation
alternatives (1985).
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
APPENDIX Leadership 2
Examples of 5 selected publications, which have had significant practical
1. Saari, A. The Viability of Rehabilitated Apartment Buildings: A Feasibility Study Method for
Building Rehabilitation Projects Developed by Action Research. Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica,
Civil Engineering and Building Construction Series No. 111, Espoo 1998, 252 pp. Published by the
Finnish Academy of Technology, ISBN 952-5148-45-9, ISSN 0355-2705. (Doctoral dissertation)
The aim of the research was to develop a feasibility-study method for building rehabilitation projects.
The feasibility-study method was developed and tested by applying it to a real-life situation in
cooperation with property-owner organizations. The research material consisted of 21 apartmentbuilding properties. The prepared feasibility studies of the research subjects and rehabilitations
realized after feasibility studies were analyzed. A few years after the execution of the rehabilitation
of the research subjects, the impact of the executed rehabilitation on the subjects' viability were
evaluated. The research used the Rehab-Degree Indicator to measure rehabilitation costs. Prior to its
use in the field experiment, the indicator was calibrated by 34 rehab projects and tested by other 38
The findings indicate that there are rehabilitation alternatives of many different levels of
thoroughness for a property to be rehabilitated that can be presented already in the feasibility study
conducted at the beginning of the rehabilitation project. Surprising results of the research were that,
although sound rehabilitation alternatives of varying levels of thoroughness were produced for
decision-making in the rehabilitation projects of the field experiment, the decision-makers generally
chose to realize thorough rehabilitation. The findings of the conducted field experiment indicate that
there is no significant relationship between the rehab-degree of executed rehabilitation and postrehabilitation occupant satisfaction. In addition, improvement in the condition of buildings, in
facades particularly, generally have no major impact on occupant satisfaction. The findings provide
evidence that in some cases thorough rehabilitation may lower the property’s viability.
Rehabilitation, as well as construction, is done in accordance with the expectations and valuations
prevailing at the time of implementation. Expectations and valuations change over time. Should it
turn out later when the building has been taken in use that the degree of rehabilitation was
insufficient, additional rehabilitation measures can always be carried out. However, if the
rehabilitation has been too thorough, it will be more difficult to adapt to changes in the market
during the building's life. "Overrehabilitation" cannot be profited from.
The research findings were in headlines on Finnish TV and radio news and on daily newspapers.
After the study Finnish state set a limit for refurbishment costs of residential refurbishment project
loaned by state.
Available only in printed form.
2. Aalto, L., Saari, A., 2009. Re-engineering of the meal logistics in a sheltered house for elderly
people, Facilities, 27 (3/4), 120-137.
The goal of this study was to perform an economic comparison of alternative service
concepts designed to improve the productivity of nursing care in a refurbishment project of selected
sheltered housing facility. Four different service development options were identified for
the dining and kitchen facilities: the dining facilities were either decentralised or centralised, and the
meals were prepared on site or brought in from outside.
The form of dining model chosen affected the operating costs more than the spatial costs.
The biggest differences in operating costs were attributable to the meal price and to the costs of
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
transferring disabled residents to the dining area. The study showed that the option which had the
lowest spatial costs surprisingly had the highest total costs. This was the option in which the meals
were conveyed to the decentralised dining rooms located on the different floors by the food
The total costs of this option were 50 per cent higher than the total costs of the decentralised
with on-site cooking facilities. The centralised dining option with externalised food service had
considerably lower renovation costs but 15 per cent higher total costs than the lowest cost option
(decentralised dining option with own kitchen).
After the study the owner of the sheltered house facilities studied implemented alterations as was
recommended by the researchers.
Article “Leena Aalto & Arto Saari: Re-engineering of the meal logistics in a sheltered house for
elderly people” published in Facilities was chosen as an Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the
Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2010. The paper was selected as it was one of the most
impressive pieces of work the editorial team has seen throughout 2009.
3. Saari, A., Kruus, M., Hämäläinen, A, Kiiras, J., 2007. Flexibuild – a systematic flexibility
management procedure for building projects, Facilities, 25 (3/4), 104-114.
Nowadays it is typical that the precise use of a building becomes clear during construction. Current
building processes do not support this in Finland. The objective of this study was to present a novel
systematic management of the design process for flexible construction projects, from the project
programming stage through to overall design, detailed designs, procurement, and handover, in a
situation where the final use of the building becomes clear only during construction. The
development work included a constructive search for solutions to the problems presented above.
The process developed in this study is illustrated with two case projects analysed retrospectively.
According the open building principle, buildings should be divided into two parts: a permanent base
building; and modifiable interior spaces. This division should apply throughout the building’s entire
life cycle, starting from the beginning of the construction project. The start of the project is the time
when goals should be set for the flexibility of the building. The first step in this goal-setting procedure
is to define the flexible modifiable spaces, and the second step is to dimension the permanent base
building. A design procedure for this open building procedure has also been developed in the study.
The study concludes that traditional boundaries and the content of design packages must be
changed. These boundaries should be compatible with the appropriate bid packages and should
support implementation of the construction work. The bid packages should follow the division to
base building and spaces too.
After the study it was a basis for developing the Finnish code of practice for building design and
construction project management.
4. Saari, A., 2008. Precision refurbishment of buildings: A façade refurbishment case, Structural
Survey, 26 (2), 108-119.
The purpose of this study was to develop a systematic refurbishment design procedure that allows
precision refurbishment and thus enables the preservation of existing structures and their
component parts. The participatory research method was chosen and was used to develop and test a
precision refurbishment procedure. This involved preparing the programming and design documents
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
of an ongoing refurbishment project in cooperation with the designer. The actual refurbishment
work was carried out using the documents developed in the study.
The principal finding was that a thorough, objective analysis of the condition and functioning of the
structures in question is essential for determining a precision refurbishment procedure of the type
presented here. With the refurbishment design incorporated into the contract, including precise
product specifications and drawings, the client will be in a strong position in relation to the
contractor during the actual refurbishment process. The way in which the product specifications
were presented in the refurbishment specification allows systematic and precise depiction of the
content and focus of the refurbishment. At the same time, the level of detail in the product
specifications can be easily “regulated”.
The results of the study, such as repair work break-down, provide a good basis for the BIM based
design and construction management of refurbishment projects.
5. Saari, A., Takki, T., 2008. The Indoor condition guarantee procedure and associated lease
contract model, Facilities, 26 (3/4), 144-156.
Numerous studies have shown that indoor environment affects health and performance, which in
turn affect productivity. Property owners have not utilized Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) as a
value-added factor to market the office spaces. On the other hand, tenants have not had a tool to
demand certain indoor conditions. The paper aims to present one market mechanism for including
IEQ in office space supply: the office lease contract model entitled Indoor Environment Quality. The
research included a constructive search for a lease contract model for the problems presented
above. The need for this novel lease model is proved by the financial calculations.
The lease contract procedure whereby a lessor issues a condition guarantee to a tenant
consists of: technical building audit process; and entering the terms of the indoor condition
in the lease contract. It makes sense for the owner to invest in a favourable indoor environment if
benefits are shared. An owner’s monetary benefit from improved IEQ is also greatly related to longer
lease periods. When tenants stay longer in the same facility there is less empty office space and less
need for alterations by new tenants. Therefore, rental income is higher and alteration costs are
which in turn lead to higher profitability of the property owner’s business.
The results of the study, such as the novel lease agreement forms, provide a good basis for raise
the indoor air quality of office spaces.
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Dr Arto Saari, Full Professor of Construction management, Tampere University of
Technology, Department of Civil Engineering
Box 600, 33101 Tampere, Finland
1.1 Helsinki University of Technology/Aalto University
I have acted as responsible teacher or given lectures at TKK Helsinki University of Technology (until
31 Dec. 2009) / Aalto University in following courses (since 1 Jan. 2010):
Construction management and economics:
Rak-63.106/Rak-63.1100 Construction processes; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 1012, 2013,
2014 (given lectures 8 hours/year), Responsible teacher.
- Rak-63.211/Rak-63.3211 Design Economics of Buildings 5 cr; 1985-2010 (given lectures and
exercise 20 hours/year); responsible teacher 2010- Rak-63.3213 Property Management 4 cr; since 1986, responsible teacher 1995-2009
- Rak-63.3186 Special Assignment in Construction Economics and Management 6-12 cr,
responsible teacher, 2010- Rak-63.3214 Management of Life Cycles of Buildings 7 cr, responsible teacher; since 2011.
- Rak-63.217 Construction Contracting and Contractual Procedures; 2005, 2007, 2009
- Rak-63.1240 Production management of infrastructure projects 4 cr, responsible teacher
2011- Rak-63.2235 Production management of building projects 4 cr, responsible teacher since
- Rak-63.3220 Real Estate Development, 3 cr; responsible teacher 2010- Rak-63.3221 Property Development and Contracting 5 cr, responsible teacher, 2010-.
- Rak-63.3238 Advanced Construction Project Management 3 cr, responsible teacher, since
- Rak-63.291 Postgraduate Course in Construction Contracting; responsible teacher 2009-2012
- Rak-63.292 Postgraduate Course in Design Economy and Maintenance Management of
Buildings; responsible teacher since 1999-2009
- Rak-63.4290 Post Graduate Seminar in Construction Contracting 5-10 cr, responsible teacher
- Rak-63.4292 Postgraduate Course in Design Economy and Maintenance Management of
Buildings 5-10 cr, responsible teacher 2010-2012
- Rak-63.4291 Post Graduate Seminar in Construction Management and Economics 3-5 cr,
Other areas:
Maa-20.1124 Introduction to Real Estate Management, 2007
Maa-20.2366 Real Estate Economics and Management, several times
Rak-0.1200 Basic Course in Structural Engineering and Building Technology, 2005- (
Rak-43-J Lifetime Engineering of Buildings, 2003
A-52.1200 Housing Architecture I, 2008
A-52.3220 Housing Design Studio, 2008
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
1.2 Other institutions
I also have given lectures for professionals among others:
Most important training programs for construction management professional (all programs for
the Real Estate Education and Training Institute Finland KIINKO):
- Construction Management Program (Rakennuttamisen johtaminen RAPS); part of the
professional construction FISE qualification; 2007, 2008, 209, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- Construction Management Program for Infrastructure Projects (Infrastruktuurin
tuottamisen johtaminen – INFRA-RAPS); 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- Managing Real Estate Development and Construction Project Management in Building
Renovation Education Program (Kiinteistokehittämisen ja korjausrakennuttamisen
johtaminen RAPS); part of the professional construction FISE qualification; 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- Customer Oriented Construction Project Management Education Program
(Asiakaslähtöinen rakennuttaminen RAP); part of the professional construction FISE
qualification; 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
- Construction Manager Program for Infrastructure Projects (Infrarakennuttaja – RAP);
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Customer Oriented Construction Project Management in Building Renovation Education
Program (Asiakaslähtöinen korjausrakennuttaminen RAP); part of the professional
construction FISE qualification; 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Other training programs for KIINKO:
- Facility and Project Management Education Program and Qualification (Kiinteistö- ja
projektipäällikön ohjelma ja tutkinto – FMA); several times (given lectures 3 hours/year)
- Real Estate Financial Manager Qualification Program (Kiinteistöalan talouspäällikön
tutkinto - KITA); 2007, 2008
- Basics for Real Estate and Service Business (Kiinteistö- ja palveluliiketoiminnan perusteet
– KIPA); 2008 (given lectures 3 hours)
- Future Workplace, Business Program; 2009
- Maintenance Management of Build Infrastructure (Infran kunnossapidon johtaminen KUP); 2009, 2010
- Customer Oriented Principal Design Officer of Building Projects Education Program
(Asiakaslähtöinen pääsuunnittelija PS); part of the professional construction FISE
qualification; 2007, 2009
The Association of Finnish Civil Engineers
- Construction Management Course RAP; part of the professional construction FISE
qualification; several times
- Lifetime Engineering REK
The Life Long Learning Institute Dipoli at TKK
- Construction Management Courses (Rakennuttajakurssi RAPS); part of the professional
construction FISE qualification; 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
- Building Refurbishment Course (KOR-kurssi); several times since 1985
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering TietoCUBE; 2004
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
1.3 Supervised and instructed theses
Supervised doctoral theses (8):
1. Kantola, Mikko: Managing of the delivery and commissioning process of nearly zeroenergy building projects, Aalto University, Public examination on 2nd Oct. 2015.
2. Airo, Kaisa: Workplace and Language: Constructing the user experience of the office
space, Aalto University, 2014. Supervisor.
3. Huuskonen, Arto: MANAGING STRATEGIC SERVICE NETWORKS: Uncertainties
and the management of integration in residential real estate maintenance and seniors’
housing concept development networks, Aalto University, 2014. Supervisor.
4. Lehtiranta, Liisa: Collaborative risk management in complex construction projects,
Aalto University, 2014. Supervisor.
5. Valkila, Noora: Attitudes and behaviour of residents within the framework of energy
efficiency, Aalto University, 2013. Supervisor.
6. Alsakini, Wafa: Two models for managing the virtualisation of construction
management services companies - validated in the context of Finnish construction
markets. Aalto University, 2012. Supervisor.
7. Lehtonen, Jouko: Underpinning project: owners ́ views on technology, economy and
project management, Aalto University, 2011. Supervisor.
8. Alanne, Kari: Applications of decision analysis in the assessment of energy
technologies for buildings, Helsinki University of Technology, 2007. Instructor.
Instructed licentiate thesis instructed (3):
Tauriainen, Matti
Seppälä, Tiina
Junnila, Seppo
The content of constructability: Preliminaries for co-operational development constructability in
Finland, Aalto University, instructor, 2015.
Challenges and economic, energy and environmental impacts of infill building, Aalto University,
instructor, 2013.
Environmental Burdens of Finnish Apartment Building by Building Elements
in the Context of LCA, Helsinki University of Technology, instructor, 1998.
Master’s theses supervised or instructed by Arto Saari (total 110 Master’s theses):
MSc student:
Tikkanen, Kari
Sihvola, Juho
Kropsu, Antti
Korhonen, Anni
Törnroos, Niclas
Toivonen, Vera
Ruutiainen, Emilia
Mesilaakso, Miika
Sågbom, Carl-Mikael
Viskari, Aku
Title, university, my role, year
Total 22 theses
Carbon foot print target setting for buildings in the program phase, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by
Haahtela-kehitys Oy)
The production control of the site services at the management contracting, Supervisor, 2014
(sponsored by Rakennustuote Oy)
Streamlining of PPP-project procurement, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by NCC Rakennus Oy)
Project development by utilizing contractor’s expertise when converting an office building into
housing, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by Lujatalo Oy)
Location-based planning as a production optimization technique in linear heavy construction,
Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by Dyna Road Oy)
Prevention of shadow economy in a construction company –requirements and actions, Supervisor,
2014 (sponsored by NCC Rakennus Oy)
Implementation of alliance model in the Finnish housing company model pipe renovations,
Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by Fira Palvelut Oy)
Establishment of a management system for a small building contractor, Supervisor, 2014
(sponsored by Rand & Tuulberg Oy)
The impact of structural solutions in high-rise building projects in the project planning stage to the
project’s feasibility, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by Aaro Kohonen Oy)
Strategic alliance as creators of interorganizational value, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by Rapal
Cost management of unit price based subcontracting, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by Haahtelakehitys Oy)
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Kankare, Veli-Matti
Peltonen, Antti
Kärkkäinen, Risto
Tölli, Juhani
Salmela, Henry
Arponen, Hanna
Kostia, Tuomas
Järvinen, Olli-Pekka
Ahonen, Teemu
Kinnari, Jaakko
Rissanen, Annika
Alanen, Iikka
Aaltonen, Sakari
Koskinen, Lauri
Mirtti, Markku
Haatainen, Juuso
Salo, Henry
Kalliomäki, Joonas
Häyrinen, Antti
Leinikka, Niina
Koskela, Janne
Kuusikko, Tytti
Valpola, Timo
Häyrinen , Kalle
Ruudenberg, Tuukka
Autio, Pauli
Paukkeri, Panu
Juvonen, Mikko
Baarman, Jim
Pohjola, Panu
The development of a large-scale residential buildings process in an urban area (sponsored by
YIT Construction Ltd)
Developing processes for CM contractor, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by YIT Construction Ltd)
Conceptual knowledge management framework of comprehensive residential development,
Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored by YIT Construction Ltd)
Development of standardization process in office building production, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored
by NCC Rakennus Oy)
Control of moisture management process in a developer-based costruction project, Supervisor,
2014 (sponsored by NCC Rakennus Oy)
Business models of regional resident service provider, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored SRV
Rakennus Oy)
Life cycle costs in the public procurement of devices and systems to the hospital real estates,
Supervisor 2014 (sponsored by HUS-Kiinteistöt Oy)
Phased commissioning of town centre development, Aalto University, Construction Management
and Economics, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored SRV Rakennus Oy)
Interoperability in AEC industries: challenges and benefits of distributed transaction based
information management , Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics,
Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored Tekla)
Design Coordination and the Needs for Information Exchange in BIM Projects,
Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored
Lemminkäinen Rakennus Oy)
Cost engineering of municipal new construction projects, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2014 (sponsored City of Espoo)
Total 19 theses
Parking solution optimization in development projects of residential buildings, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Skanska Talonrakennus
Development of the Production Process and Management Tools of Business Premises
Construction, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2013
(sponsored YIT Rakennus Oy)
The tools and key figures for making the use of space in healthcare facilities more efficient, Aalto
University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Rapal Oy)
The standardized content of work of sustainable building assessment, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Rakennuttajatoimisti HTJ
Development of the quality management in a construction site, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Lujatalo Oy)
Requirements management in a service-focused construction project particularly in the context of
Finland, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Superviser, 2013 (sponsored
Fira Oy)
Developing a production planning process for information modeled concrete structures, Aalto
University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored YIT
Rakennus Oy)
Capturing delay’s in contract time by main contractor, Aalto University, Construction Management
and Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Skanska Oy)
Disturbances, their causes and how to react to them in founder contracting, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Superviser, 2013 (sponsored SRV Rakennus Oy)
Improvement of building process and buildability of in-situ-concreted
Floor, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Superviser, 2013 (sponsored
Lemminkäinen Talo Oy)
Energy planning steering in a construction project, Aalto University, Construction Management and
Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored SRV Rakennus Oy)
Worksites, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Superviser, 2013
(sponsored NCC Construction Ltd)
Implementing Information System in the organization - case implementation of cost management
software of infra projects to the city, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics,
Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Rapal Oy)
Development of building contractors subcontracts, Aalto University, Construction Management and
Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored YIT Rakennus Oy)
Development of handover process in house-building projects, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Peab Oy)
Development of facility user services target price modeling, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Haahtela-kehitys Oy)
Project Alliance as a Delivery Method for a Renovation Project of an
Apartment Building, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2013
(sponsored University of Helsinki)
Benefits and challenges using building information
modeling in industrial structural design, Aalto University, Construction Management and
Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Pöyry Finland Oy)
BIM benefits for customers in comercial construction, Aalto University, Construction Management
and Economics, Supervisor, 2013 (sponsored Skanska Oy)
Total 21 theses
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Aaltonen, Alexander
Paijola, Olli
Vainio, Lars
Peljo, Jaakko
Kiiski, Henri
Kinnunen, Juho
Törrönen, Saku
Hyry, Samuel
Varjonen, Juha-Matti
Riikonen, Lauri
Karhumäki, Suvi
Korhonen, Arttu
Passila, Toni
Koskela, Mirva
Tuokko, Konsta
Pikkarainen, PirkkaPekka
Hynynen, Henri
Joll, Lari
Lemström, Aamos
Luoma, Tero
Silander, Laura
Korpela, Jenni
Raikaa, Mikko
Niemi, Harri
Buddas, Ove
Pohjola, Suvi
Talo, Antti
Valpola, Annika
Tenojärvi, Ari
Kantola, Mikko
Productization of new sustainability consultancy services in thre real estate and construction
context, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (sponsored
Pöyry Finland Oy)
Risk management in Public Privatre Partnership construction projects, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Superviser, 2012 (sponsored NCC RakennusOy)
Developing of a quality system for a corstruction company, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (Quattrorakennus Oy)
Developing of property maintenance in chain companies through consultants poin of view, Aalto
University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (sponsored Uudenmaan
mestarivalvojat UMV Oy)
Developing efficiency indicators of founder contracting, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Superviser, 2012 (sponsored SRV Rakennus Oy)
Involving customers in a housing developer’s processes with Web 2.0 tools, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (sponsored YIT Construction Ltd)
Alliance: impact to the schedule of construction, Aalto University, Construction Management and
Economics, Superviser, 2012 (sponsored Sweco PM Oy)
Extra and alteration works management in renovation contract, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (sponsored Skanska Talonrakennus Oy)
The effects of consultation stage energy effuciency requirements for renovation work in the stock
build in 1960-1970, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012
(sponsored Housing Production Department City of Helsinki)
Development of a tendering process for a PPP project – the view of a construction company, Aalto
University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (sponsored Peab Oy)
Usage of information model during bid- and construction phase on bridge contract, Aalto
University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (sponsored YIT
Rakennus Oy))
Co-operation between the main contractor and subcontractor, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Superviser, 2012 (sponsored NCCRakennus Oy)
Developing procurement – Case: current state and benefits of building information modeling in
supply management, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Superviser,
2012 (sponsored Lemminkäinen Talo Oy)
Profitability monitoring of real estate as a consultant service, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (sponsored Rapal Oy)
Evaluating Space Use in Learning Environments - Case Aalto University, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012
Utilizing prefabricated construction volume units in terraced house production, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (sponsored NCCRakennus Oy)
End users´ requirements management in management contracting building, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Superviser, 2012 (sponsored Peab Oy)
Technical solutions of energy efficient office building and their impact on total energy consumption
and construction costs, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Superviser,
2012 (sponsored Lemminkäinen Talo Oy)
Improving the constructability of the framework in residential buildings by utilizing building
information modeling, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor,
Effect of technical planning solutions on energy efficiency value and cost efficiency in apartment
buildings, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Superviser, 2012
(sponsored Lemminkäinen Talo Oy)
Production Planning and Control of High-rise Residential Building,Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2012 (sponsored YIT Rakennus Oy)
Tolal 16 theses
Implementation of requirements of LEED green building rating system in business premises, Aalto
University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored YIT
Rakennus Oy)
Benefits and challenges of building information modeling according to participants of construction
project, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored
University of Helsinki)
Requirements of BIM software for work safety planning on construction site, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011
BIM-based design and construction in PPP-projects, Aalto University, Construction Management
and Economics, Superviser, 2011 (sponsored Lemminkäinen Talo Oy)
The use of Building Information Model in Building Maintenance Manual, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored Finnmap Consulting Oy)
Life-cycle Cost Management Procedure in the Maintenance Phase of PPP Projects, Aalto
University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored NCC
Rakennus Oy)
Construction productivity measurement via schedule and quality factors, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored Skanska)
Process Management of Extra and Modification Work in the Leased Premises of a Shopping
Center, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored
Realprojekti Oy)
Development of Safety Culture in a Construction Company, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored YIT Rakennus Oy)
The utilixation of PPP-procurement method on procurement and selection of energy management
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Anttila, Tuomas
Linnolahti, Jaakko
Lahti, Jarkko
Medjeral, Marko
Lukkarinen, Sanna
Lantto, Jonne
Ruuska, Antti
Lötjönen, Outi
Meszka, Katriina
Tommila, Tuire
Tuomela, Sari
- 2009:
Riikonen, Paula
Tanskanen, Hanna
Michelsson, Rasmus
Viljakainen, Juha
Lukkari, Liisa
Kinnunen, Santeri
Valkila, Noora
Helle, Siri
Lähteenoja, Satu
Talja, Suvi
Nieminen, Anni
Sinivuori, Paula
Pusenius, Kaisa
Kemppainen, Henna
Vaahterus, Tiina
Rintala, Timo
Riikonen, Janna
Mäkelä, Jukka
Piira, Kirsi
Nieminen, Jani
Relander, Arne
Kammonen, Jaakko
Hyartt, Jarmo
Klemola, Seppo
Eklund, Henrik
systems in municipal construction, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics,
Supervisor, 2011
Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored
Rakennus Oy Hartela)
Safe living house for people with memory disease, Aalto University, Construction Management
and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored YIT Rakennus Oy)
Impacts of ecology on construction site practices, Aalto University, Construction Management and
Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored Lemminkäinen Talo Oy)
LCA -consulting as seen by commercial constructions investors, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011 (sponsored Pöyry CM Oy)
The economical profitability of infill construction for privately owned housing company, Aalto
University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2011
Suburban apartment building, building service technology and structural repairs as well as their
economic calculations, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Instructor,
Tolal 5 theses
Customer needs surveys and marketing in sustainable building of founder-contractor-built
apartments, Aalto University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2010
The economic feasibility of energy saving reparations in office and school buildings, Aalto
University, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2010
Cost-effectiveness of energy saving renovations in residential buildings, Aalto University,
Construction Management and Economics, Superviser, 2010
The effect of repair to apartment buildings’ environmental load, Aalto University, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2010
Environmental burdens of sport fields, Aalto University, Construction Management and
Economics, Supervisor, 2010
Total 27 theses
The testing of Quality Level Classification in Senior Housing Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2009
Comparison of Senior Housing Consepts and Classification of Quality Level of Senior's Housing,
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2009
The repair costs of flood damages to buildings, Helsinki University of Technology, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2009
The calculation assessing of the condition of built property in residential areas, Helsinki University
of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2009
Managing real estate property in communal environment, Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Management and Economics, Instructor, 2008
Valuation system of the infrastructure of Finland, Helsinki University of Technology, Construction
Management and Economics, Supervisor, 2007
Ellderly as service users, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Instructor, 2007
Elderlys’ opinion conserning meal service quality, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of
Helsinki, Instructor, 2007
MIPS method as a descriper of the Finnish transport system’s eco-effuciency, Faculty of
Geography, Instructor, University of Helsinki, 2006
MIPS method as a measure of local transport eco-effciency, Faculty of Geography, Instructor,
University of Helsinki, 2006
Natural resource consumption in Finnish air transport, Helsinki University of Technology, System
Analysis, Instructor, 2005
Natural resource consumption of two university buildings, Faculty of Biosciences, University of
Helsinki, Instructor, 2004
Natural recource consumpion of Finnish road trafic system, Faculty of Geography, Instructor,
University of Helsinki, 2004
Apartment evaluation method: usability in construction, Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Management and Economics, Instructor, 2002
Managing procedure for the environmental burdens of an indoor training ice-skating rink, Helsinki
University of Technology, Real Estate Studies, Instructor, 2001
Life cycle costs in day care centre buildings, Helsinki University of Technology, Construction
Management and Economics, Instructor, 2000
Assessing environmental impact of shopping centres, Department of Environmental Technology,
Tampere University of Technology, Instructor, 2000
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Instructor, 1999
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Instructor, 1997
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Instructor, 1993
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Instructor, 1993
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Instructor, 1992
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Instructor,1991
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Instructor,1990
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Management and Economics, Instructor, 1989
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Text books:
In: Grabovyj, P.G. and Haritonov, V.A. (eds.), Reconstruction and rehabilitation of existing
building stock in the city area: Textbook for institutions of high education, Moscow: ASV and
Realprojekt, 2005 (Russian language) ISBN 5-93093-385-5:
o Saari, A., Renovation as a part of the buildings life cycle. pp. 299-306.;
o Saari, A., Project management procedure in building renovation projects. pp. 306-320;
o Saari, A., Production planning and control procedure in building renovation projects.
pp. 320-328;
o Saari, A., Laakso, H., Rehabilitation program of the Jakomäki suburb area. pp. 384-391;
o Saari, A., Financial model of residential real estate. pp. 406-407.
Saari, A., Elinkaarilaskenta, teoksessa: Ilmastoinnin suunnittelu [Life cycle calculations, In:
Textbook of air conditioning], Suomen LVI-liitto, Helsinki: Talotekniikka-julkaisut Oy, 2004,
ss. 389-402.
Saari, A. Rakennuksen elinkaarenaikainen ympäristökuormitus]. Teoksessa: Rakentajan
ekotieto: Uudisrakentaminen (toim. Petri Neuvonen) [Environmental burdens of buildings, In:
Builder’s eco book (ed. Petri Neuvonen)], Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy, 2000, ss. 34-40.
Saari, A. Rakennuksen elinkaaritalous [Life cycle economics odf buildings]. Teoksessa:
Rakentajan ekotieto: Uudisrakentaminen (toim. Petri Neuvonen), Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy,
2000, ss. 50-59.
Saari, A. Kiinteistön talous [Buildin property economics]. Teoksessa Kiinteistönpidon
tekniikka, talous ja hallinto (toim. Petri Murtomaa), luku 6 [In: Technology, economics and
administration of property assets (ed. Petri Murtomaa) Chapter 6], Tampereen Teknillinen
korkeakoulu, Rakennustieto Oy, Helsinki 1996, ss. 327-334.
Saari, A. Julkisivukorjausten kustannukset. Teoksessa Korjausrakentaminen V, Rakennusten
julkisivu- ja ulkoseinärakenteiden korjaus [Buildin facade renovation costs, In: Renovation V:
Renovation of building facades and external wall srtuctures], RIL K171-1995, Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto r.y., Helsinki 1995, ss. 219-232.
Saari, A. Korjaushankkeen taloudellisuuden hallinta. Teoksessa Korjausrakentaminen II,
Korjausrakentamisen perusteet, Korjaushankkeen läpivienti [Financial management of
refurbishment projects, In: Building refurbisment II: Basics, Project management], RIL K1681994. Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto r.y., Helsinki 1994, ss. 77-94.
Saari, A. Korjausrakentamishankkeen suunnitelma-asiakirjat. Teoksessa Rakennusten korjaustekniikka ja –talous, luku 4.4 (toim. Juha-Antti Kaivonen) [Design documents systematics of
building refurbishment project, In: Refurbishment technology and ecomomics of buildings (ed.
Juha-Antti Kaivinen), Chapter 4.4] , Tampereen Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennustieto Oy,
Helsinki 1994, ss. 78-91.
Kiinteistöjen ylläpidon kustannustieto 1992, Hoito- ja kunnossapitokustannukset sekä elinkaaren kustannuslaskelmat (Laatinut J. Kiiraksen johdolla J. Hyartt & A. Saari), Teknillinen
korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 119 [Cost control method
and data for building operation and maintenance 1992, Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Economics and Management, Report 119], Otaniemi 1993, 235 s.
Talo 90. Rakennusselostusohje [buildin specification guide]. (kirjoittaneet: Kiiras, J.,
Kaarakainen, S., Lindholm, S., Saari, A., Tiula, M.) Talo 90-ryhmä. Rakennustieto Oy,
Helsinki 1998, 129 s.
I act as a member of the board of following university level adult education programs:
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering:
o Responsible for planning and development of courses and teaching in the area of
construction economics and management, 2010o Planning and development of cources and teaching at Civil and Structural Engineerin
Program, member of the planning body
o Planning and development of cources and teaching together with Deparment of
Achitecture, member of the planning body
o Planning of ten major of Civil and Environmental Engineering:
 Common part, member of the planning body, 2013 Computer integrated construction, chair of the planning body, 2013Aalto University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Leading Auditor of auditing doctoral
programme process, Fall 2009.
Construction Management Education Program (Rakennuttajakoulutus, RAPS), Lifelong
Learning Institute Dipoli, Helsinki University of Technology, Member of the Board, 20032006 (a part of the professional construction FISE qualification)
Customer Oriented Principal Design Officer of Building Projects Education Program
(Asiakaslähtöinen pääsuunnittelija PS), The Real Estate Education and Training Institute in
Finland, Member of the Board, 2006- (a part of the professional construction FISE
Managing Real Estate Development and Construction Project Management in Building
Renovation Education Program (Kiinteistokehittämisen ja korjausrakennuttamisen johtaminen
RAPS), The Real Estate Education and Training Institute in Finland, Member of the Board,
2006- (a part of the professional construction FISE qualification)
Customer Oriented Construction Project Management in Building Renovation Education
Program (Asiakaslähtöinen korjausrakennuttaminen RAP), The Real Estate Education and
Training Institute in Finland, Member of the Board, 2006- (a part of the professional
construction FISE qualification)
Pedagogical studies:
I have passed a pedagogical course YOOP - Yliopisto-opetuksen opintokokonaisuus (YOOP Study Program for Higher Education), 20 cr, Aalto University, passed Dec. 16, 2010
(Incl. a pepagogical course Eri-0. 4001 Minä opettajana - Opettaminen + Oppiminen + Opettajuus =
O3 (Myself as a teacher - Teaching + Learning + Being a teacher), 5 cr, Helsinki University of
Technology, passed Oct. 13, 2009).
Master Class-program – Program for planning and implementing multidisciplinary teaching
(Master Class-valmennusohjelma – Poikkitieteellisen opetuksen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen ohjelma),
Aalto University, 5 cr. 16 March – 19 August 2011.
My Experience in and Commitment to Teaching:
I have studied in several multi-disciplinary programs such as Future Leader Program, 39th Long
Urban and Regional Studies Program, 21th Construction Management and Contracting Program),1st
Managing International Construction Business Program.
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
I have been qualified for professor in several research areas as in Eco-efficiency of the Build
Environment, in Energy Technology for Communities, in Sustainable Design and Construction, and in
Construction Economics. I act as a adjunct professor in Department of Civil engineering (Aalto
University) and in Department of Architecture (University of Oulu).
I have acted as responsible teacher or given lectures for different kind of professionals such as civil
engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and architects.
I have supervised or istructed 8 doctoral theses, and supervised or instructed ovet 110 master’s theses
from different research areas such as construction management, mechanical engineering, real estate
economics, system analysis, architecture, environmental science and policy, food economics,
geography, social psychology, social policy.
My Philosophy of Teaching and Learning:
Baseline for my teaching is that I myself am enthusiastic about matter. I must focus teaching to
essentials. I have ability to ‘read’ the students, so I must have a sense of rhythm in my teaching
Learning must not me memorizing. It is important that students lean to make sense and can apply and
I have a long teaching experience. I have taught students and post-graduate students, and also
professional adult students. I can easily adapt teaching to different kind of audience and to different
durations of lecture. I usually activate students to debate. I usually use minor exercises also in my
lectures. So, I can activate students’ own thinking and learning.
My Teaching Interests:
I have passed a pedagogical course YOOP - Yliopisto-opetuksen opintokokonaisuus (YOOP - Study
Program for Higher Education), 20 cr, Aalto University, passed Dec. 16, 2010 (Incl. a pepagogical
course Eri-0. 4001 Minä opettajana - Opettaminen + Oppiminen + Opettajuus = O3 (Myself as a
teacher - Teaching + Learning + Being a teacher), 5 cr, Helsinki University of Technology, passed
Oct. 13, 2009), and .
Master Class-program (Master Class-valmennusohjelma – Poikkitieteellisen opetuksen suunnittelun ja
toteutuksen ohjelma), Aalto University, 5 cr. 16 March – 19 August 2011.
Summary of my Teaching Philosophy Statement:
Baseline for my teaching is that I myself am enthusiastic about matter. I must focus teaching to
essentials. I have ability to ‘read’ the students, so I must have a sense of rhythm in my teaching
Learning must not me memorizing. It is important that students lean to make sense and can apply and
I have a long teaching experience. I have taught students and post-graduate students, and also
professional adult students. I can easily adapt teaching to different kind of audience and to different
durations of lecture. I usually activate students to debate. I usually use minor exercises also in my
lectures. So I can activate student own thinking and learning.
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
10th Dec. 2015
Dr Arto Saari, Full Professor of Construction Management; Tampere University of Technology,
Department of Civil Engineering, Box 600, 33101 Tampere, Finland;
Tel. +358 50 301 6026; E-mail:
-Scopus, Saari, Arto J., Author ID: 7003695368: 35 documents, Citiations 561 total, h-index= 11 (10th
Dec. 2015)
Web of Science, Impact factors 2014, Journal Citation Reports® 2015: Sum of the Times Cited: 405,
Average Citiations per Item: 17.61, h-index= 10 (10th Dec. 2015);
Articles in ISI Journals1 (23):
Sekki, T., Airaksinen, M. & Saari, A. (2015), Impact of building usage and occupancy on
energy consumption in Finnish daycare and school buildings, Energy and Buildings, 105,
(Impact Factor 2.884), (jufo = 3)
Sekki, T., Airaksinen, M. & Saari, A. (2015), Measured energy consumption of educational
buildings in a Finnish city, Energy and Buildings, 87, 105–115.
(Impact Factor 2.884), (jufo = 3)
Kantola, M. & Saari, A, 2013. Renewable vs. traditional energy management solutions - a
Finnish hospital facility case, Renewable Energy, 57, 539-545.
(Impact factor 3.476), (jufo = 2)
Valkila, N., Saari, A., 2013. Attitude-behaviour gap in energy issues: Case study of three
different Finnish residential areas, Energy for Sustainable Development, 17, 24-34.
(Impact factor 1.993) , (jufo = - )
Valkila, N., Saari, A., 2013. Expert’s view on Finland’s energy policy, Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Review, 17, 283-290.
(Impact factor 5.901) , (jufo = 2)
Saari, A., Kalamees, T., Jokisalo, J., Michelsson, R., Alanne, K. & Kurnitski, J. 2012.
Financial viability of energy-efficiency measures in a new detached house design in Finland,
Applied Energy, 92, 76-83.
(Impact Factor 5.613) , (jufo = 1)
Valkila, N., Saari, A., 2012. Consumer panel on the readiness of Finns to behave in a more
pro-environmental manner, Sustainability, 4, 1561-1579.
(Impact Factor 0.942), (jufo = 1).
Kurnitski, J., Saari, A., Kalamees, T., Vuolle, M., Niemelä, J. & Tark, T., 2011. Cost optimal
and nearly zero (nZEB) energy performance calculations for residential buildings with
REHVA definition for nZEB national implementation, Energy and Buildings 43, 3279-3288.
(Impact Factor 2.884) , (jufo = 3)
jufo is a common Finnish classification system of scientific journals (3 is highest level, 2 is leading level, and 1
is basic level).
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Valkila, N. & Saari, A., 2011. Productivity impact of the voice link between elderly and
nurses: An assisted living facility pilot, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 52 (1), e44e49.
doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2010.05.008.
(Impact factor: 1.853) , (jufo = 1)
Valkila, N., Litja, H., Aalto, L. & Saari, A., 2010. Consumer panel study on elderly people’s
wishes concerning services, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 51 (3), e66-e71.
(Impact factor 1.853) , (jufo = 1)
Koivumäki, L., Alho, P., Lotsari, E., Käyhkö, J., Saari, A. & Hyyppä, H., 2010. Uncertainties
in flood risk mapping: a case study on estimating building damages for a river flood in
Finland, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 3 (2), 166-183.
(Impact factor 1.119) , (jufo = 1)
Valkila, N. & Saari, A., 2010. Urgent need for new approach to energy policy: The case of
Finland, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 2068-2076.
(Impact factor 5.901) , (jufo = 2)
Saari, A.J., Kinnunen, S.K., Keinänen, J.J., 2009. ROTI Method: Evaluation of the State of the
Built Environment in Finland, Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ASCE), 135 (2),
(Impact factor 0.809) , (jufo = 1)
Alanne, K., Saari, A., 2008. Estimating the environmental burdens of residential energy
supply systems through material input and emission factors, Building and Environment, 43
(10), 1734-1748.
(Impact factor 3.341) , (jufo = 2)
Alanne, K., Salo, A., Saari, A., Gustafsson, S. I., 2007. Multi-Criteria Evaluation of
Residential Energy Supply Systems, Energy and Buildings, 39 (12), 1218-1226. (Impact factor
2.884) , (jufo = 3)
Saari, A., Lettenmeier, M., Pusenius, K., Hakkarainen, E., 2007. Influence of vehicle type and
road category on natural resource consumption in road transport, Transportation Research
Part D, 12 (1), 23-32.
(Impact factor 1.937) , (jufo = 2)
Saari, A., Tissari, T., Valkama, E., Seppänen, O., 2006. The effect of redesigned floor plan,
occupant density and the quality of indoor climate on the cost of space, productivity and sick
leave in an office building: a case study, Building and Environment, 41 (12), 1961-1972.
(Impact factor 3.341) , (jufo = 2)
Alanne, K., Saari, A., Ugursal, V.I., Good, J., 2006. The financial viability of an SOFC
cogeneration system in single-family dwellings, Journal of Power Sources, 158 (1), 403-416.
(Impact factor 6.217), (jufo = 2)
Vihermaa, L., Lettenmeier, M., Saari A., 2006. Natural resource consumption in rail transport:
A note analysing of two Finnish railway line, Transportation Research Part D 11 (3), 227232.
(Impact factor 1.937), (jufo = 2).
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Alanne, K., Saari, A., 2006. Distributed energy generation and sustainable development,
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 10 (6), 539-558.
(Impact factor 5.901), (jufo = 2).
Sinivuori, P., Saari, A., 2006. MIPS analysis of natural resource consumption in two
university buildings, Building and Environment 41 (5), 657-668.
(Impact factor 3.341), (jufo = 2)
Saari, A, Aalto, L., 2006. Indoor Environment Quality Contracts in Building Projects.
Building Research & Information 34 (1), 66-74.
(Impact factor 1.454) , (jufo = 2)
Alanne, K, Saari, A., 2004. Sustainable small-scale CHP technologies for buildings: the basis
for multi-perspective decision-making. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 8 (5),
(Impact factor 5.901) , (jufo = 2).
Articles in other refereed international scientific journals (19):
Kantola M and Saari A (2015), “Identifying and managing risks involved in the transition to
the EU nZEB decree”, Facilities. Accepted for publication.
(jufo = 2)
Tauriainen, M.K, Puttonen, J.A. & Saari, A.J., 2015. THE ASSESSMENT OF
CONSTRUCTABILITY: BIM CASES, Journal of Information Technology in Construction,
Vol. 20 (January), ISSN 1874-4753, Available:
(jufo =1)
Kantola, M. & Saari, A. 2014. Project delivery systems for nZEP projects, Facilities,
Accepted for publication.
(jufo = 2).
Kantola, M. & Saari, A. 2014. Commissioning for nearly zero-energy building projects,
Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 14 (3), 370 – 382.
(jufo = 1).
Kantola, M. & Saari, A. 2014. Ensuring functionality of a nearly zero-energy building with
procurement methods, Facilities, 32 (7/8), 312 – 323.
(jufo = 2).
Kurnitski, J., Saari, A., Kalamees, T., Vuolle, M., Niemelä, J. and Tark, T., 2013. Cost
optimal and nearly zero energy performance requirements for buildings in Estonia, Estonian
Journal of Engineering, 19 (3), 183–202, doi: 10.3176/eng.2013.3.02.
(jufo = 1).
Alanne, K. Schade, J., Martinac, I., Saari, A., Jokisalo, J. & Kalamees, T. (2013). Economic
viability of energy-efficiency measures in educational buildings in Finland, Advances in
Building Energy Research, 7 (1), 120-127.
(jufo = 1).
Valkila, N., Saari A., 2012. Perceptions Held by Finnish Energy Sector Experts Regarding
Public Attitudes to Energy Issues, Journal of Sustainable Development, 5 (11), 11 pp.
(jufo = -).
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Saari, A. & Tanskanen, H., 2011. Quality level assessment model for senior housing, Property
Management, 29 (1), 34-49.
(jufo = 1).
Aalto, L., Saari, A., 2009. Re-engineering of the meal logistics in a sheltered house for elderly
people, Facilities, 27 (3/4), 120-137.
(jufo = 2).
Saari, A., Heikkilä, P., 2008. Building flexibility management, Open Construction and
Building Technology Journal, 2, 239-242.
Open Access:
(jufo = 1).
Saari, A., Sekki, T., 2008. Energy consumption of a public swimming bath, Open
Construction and Building Technology Journal, 2, 202-206.
Open Access:
(jufo = 1).
Saari, A., 2008. Life-time material effectiveness analysis of building components, The Open
Construction and Building Technology Journal, 2, 166-169. Open Access:
(jufo = 1).
Saari, A., 2008. Precision refurbishment of buildings: A façade refurbishment case, Structural
Survey, 26 (2), 108-119.
(jufo = 1).
Saari, A., 2008. Computational design concept analysis: a Nordic comparison of four
apartment buildings, Structural Survey, 26 (1), 29-37.
(jufo = 1).
Saari, A., Takki, T., 2008. The Indoor condition guarantee procedure and associated lease
contract model, Facilities, 26 (3/4), 144-156.
(jufo = 2).
Alanne, K., Saari, A., Salo, A., 2007. Comparative analysis of the life-cycle costs of
residential energy supply technologies, Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate
Research, 4 (1), 23-44.
(jufo = 1).
Saari, A., Kruus, M., Hämäläinen, A, Kiiras, J., 2007. Flexibuild – a systematic flexibility
management procedure for building projects, Facilities, 25 (3/4), 104-114.
(jufo = 2).
Saari, A., Sipilainen, P., Akerblom, S., 2003. Refurbishment of dwellings for the aged. Open
House International 28 (2), 55-65.
(jufo = 1).
Articles in refereed international scientific conference proceedings (22):
Tauriainen, M., Puttonen, J., Saari, A., Laakso, P., Forsblom, K., 2015. The assessment of
constructability: BIM Cases, eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Construction, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Product and Process
Modelling, ECPPM 2014.
Tauriainen, M., Mero, A-K., Lemströn, A., Puttonen, J. & Saari, A. 2012. The development of
constructability using BIM as an intensifying technology, 9th European Conference on
Product and Process Modelling, 25-27 July, 2012, Reykjavik, Island (accepted paper).
Lettenmeier, M., Lahteenoja, S., Saari, A., 2006. How to Achieve Factor X Improvements in
Transport? - Lessons learned from the FIN-MIPS Transport project, Sustainable Consumption
and Production: Opportunities and Challenges, Launch Conference for Sustainable
Consumption research Exchange (SCORE!) Network, 23-25 November 2006, Wuppetal,
Germany, 26 pp.
Saari, A., Raveala, J., 2006. Managing Flexibility Programming and Overall Design,
Adaptables2006, TU/e, International Conference On Adaptable Building Structures,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands 03-05 July 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 27-32.
Raveala, J., Saari, A., 2006. Creating Value through Break-Even Analysis in the Open
Building, Adaptables2006, TU/e, International Conference On Adaptable Building Structures,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands 03-05 July 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 359-363.
Saari, A., Kruus, M., Hämäläinen, A, Kiiras, J., 2006. Flexibuild – A systematic flexibility
management procedure for building projects. CIB W70 Trondheim international symposium,
Changing user demands on buildings – Needs for lifecycle planning and management, 12-14
June 2006, Tore I. Haugen, Anita Moum, Jan Bröhner (eds.), Trondheim, pp. 463-472. ISBN
Sullivan, K., Kashiwagi, D., Badger, W., Okamura, P, Saari, A., Salmikivi, T., 2006. The ”
Information Worker” facility manager. CIB W70 Trondheim international symposium,
Changing user demands on buildings – Needs for lifecycle planning and management, 12-14
June 2006, Tore I. Haugen, Anita Moum, Jan Bröhner (eds.), Trondheim, pp. 357-367. ISBN
Kashiwagi, M., Sullivan, K., Kashiwagi, D., Saari, A., Salmikivi, T., 2006. The impact of
education of facility management. CIB W70 Trondheim international symposium, Changing
user demands on buildings – Needs for lifecycle planning and management, 12-14 June 2006,
Tore I. Haugen, Anita Moum, Jan Bröhner (eds.), Trondheim, pp. 211-220. ISBN 82-7551031-7.
Takki, T., Saari, A. (2005). Indoor environment quality and office space lease contracts.
Plenary and Technical Sessions, 8th REHVA World Congress, Clima 2005 Lausanne, 9.-12.
October 2005. 6 pp.
Saari, A., Heikkilä, P., Building flexibility management. In Proceeding of the 2nd International
Symposium ILCDES 2003 Integrated Lifetime Engineering of Buildings and Civil
Infrastructures, Kuopio, Finland December 1-3, 2003, pp. 199-204. ISSN 0356-9403, ISBN
Saari, A., Life-time material effectiveness analysis of building components. In Proceeding of
the 2nd International Symposium ILCDES 2003 Integrated Lifetime Engineering of Buildings
and Civil Infrastructures, Kuopio, Finland December 1-3, 2003, pp. 287-292. ISSN 03569403, ISBN 951-758-436-9.
Saari, A., Sekki, T. Energy consumption and environmental impacts of public swimming
baths. In Proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium ILCDES 2003 Integrated Lifetime
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Engineering of Buildings and Civil Infrastructures, Kuopio, Finland December 1-3, 2003, pp.
495-500. ISSN 0356-9403, ISBN 951-758-436-9.
Saari, A., Sipiläinen, P., Akerblom, S. Refurbishment of dwellings of aged. In Open Building,
Proceedings Conference CIB W104: Balancing Resourches and Quality in Housing, A Martin
& J Andrade, ed. Mexico City 3-4 October 2002, pp. 231-241. ISBN 970-31-0051-1.
Saari, A. Systematic procedure for setting building flexibility targets. In Proceedings of the
CIB Working Comission 070 Facilities Management and Maintenance Global Symposium
2002, J Hinks, D Then & S Buchanan, ed. CIB Proceedings: Publication 277, September
2002, pp. 115-122. ISBN 1-903661-33-1.
Saari, A. Advantageousness comparison of ventilation systems. In Indoor Air 2002:
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Vol. 3, H
Levin, ed. Indoor Air 2002, Santa Cruz, California, 2002, pp. 364-369. ISBN 0-9721832-0-5.
Saari, A. Life cycle engineering of buildings. In International Society for Industrial Ecology,
The Science & Culture of Industrial Ecology, Abstracts from the inaugural meeting, 12-14
November 2001, The Netherlands, pp. 102-103.
Saari, A. A systematic control procedure for environmental burdens of building costruction
projects. In Construction Economics and Organization, 2nd Nordic Conference, Göteborg 2425 April 2001, pp. 107-115. ISBN 91-631-0856-9.
Saari, A. Precision refurbishment of buildings, In the Brisbane 2000 CIB W70 International
Symposium on Facilities Management and Maintenance, 15th-17th November 2000, CIB
Proceedings, Publication 253, pp. 547-554. ISBN 1 86435 497 6.
Saari, A. Management of life-cycle costs and environmental impacts in design phase of
residential construction projects. In International Conference Sustainable Building 2000, 2225 October Maastricht, The Nederlands, Proceedings, Aenas Technical Publishers, pp. 454456. ISBN 90-75365-36-5.
Saari, A. Management of Life Cycle Costs and Environmental Impacts in Building
Construction. In Proceedings of the RILEM/CIB/ISO International Symposium Integrated
Life-Cycle Design of Materials and Structures ILCDES 2000, Helsinki, Finland 22-24 May
2000, pp. 117-122. ISBN 951-758-408-3, ISSN 0356-9403.
Saari, A. The Building Evaluation Method for Rehabilitation Projects. In User-oriented and
Cost Effective Management, Maintenance and Modernization of Building Facilities, CIB W70
Helsinki ‘96 Symposium September 2-4 1996 Finland, Helsinki 1996, pp. 35-38.
Saari, A. Systematic Creation of Alternative Renovation Programs for Decision Makers. In
Strategies & Technologies for Maintenance & Modernisation of Building, CIB W70 Tokyo
Symposium Japan 26.-28.Oct 1994, Tokyo 1994, pp. 1293-1300.
Scientific monographs (1):
Saari, A. The Viability of Rehabilitated Apartment Buildings: A Feasibility Study Method for
Building Rehabilitation Projects Developed by Action Research. Acta Polytechnica
Scandinavica, Civil Engineering and Building Construction Series No. 111, Espoo 1998, 252
pp. Published by the Finnish Academy of Technology, ISBN 952-5148-45-9, ISSN 03552705. (Doctoral dissertation)
Other scientific publications:
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Articles in books (30):
Kurnitski, J., Lund, P., Saari, A., Niemi, R. & Keto, M. (2009. Integration and optimization of
energy saving measures and energy generation (KesEn). In: ClimBus- Business Opportunities
in the Mitigation of Climate Change 2004-2008, Final Report, Eds. Kati Veijonen, Niina
Holviala & Maritta Seilo, Tekes Programme Report 4/2009, Helsinki, pp. 441-452.
Saari, A. (2005) Renovation as a part of the buildings life cycle. In: Grabovyj, P.G. and
Haritonov, V.A. (eds.), Reconstruction and rehabilitation of existing building stock in the city
area: Textbook for institutions of high education, Moscow: ASV and Realprojekt, pp. 299306. (Russian language) ISBN 5-93093-385-5.
Saari, A. (2005) Project management procedure in building renovation projects. In: Grabovyj,
P.G. and Haritonov, V.A. (eds.), Reconstruction and rehabilitation of existing building stock
in the city area: Textbook for institutions of high education, Moscow: ASV and Realprojekt,
pp. 306-320. (Russian language) ISBN 5-93093-385-5.
Saari, A. (2005) Production planning and control procedure in building renovation projects.
In: Grabovyj, P.G. and Harotonov, V.A. (eds.), Reconstruction and rehabilitation of existing
building stock in the city area: Textbook for institutions of high education, Moscow: ASV and
Realprojekt, pp. 320-328. (Russian language) ISBN 5-93093-385-5.
Saari, A., Laakso, H. (2005) Rehabilitation program of the Jakomäki suburb area. In:
Grabovyj, P.G. and Haritonov, V.A. (eds.), Reconstruction and rehabilitation of existing
building stock in the city area: Textbook for institutions of high education, Moscow: ASV and
Realprojekt, pp. 384-391. (Russian language) ISBN 5-93093-385-5.
Saari, A. (2005) Financial model of residential real estate. In: Grabovyj, P.G. and Haritonov,
V.A. (ed.), Reconstruction and rehabilitation of existing building stock in the city area:
Textbook for institutions of high education, Moscow: ASV and Realprojekt, pp. 406-407.
(Russian language) ISBN 5-93093-385-5.
Saari, A. Rakennusten elinkaarikustannukset [Life cycle costs of buildings], Teoksessa:
Rakennus- ja kiinteistöalan ympäristö- ja elinkaarimittarit [In: Environmental and life cycle
indicators for construction and real estate sector], Rakennusteollisuus RT ry, K&T 80,
Helsinki 2005, ss. 46-54. ISBN 952-5472-25-6.
Saari, A. Rakennushankkeen tavoitteiden asettaminen, [Target setting in building projects],
teoksessa: Rakentajain kalenteri 2005 [In: Builders’ calendar 2005], Helsinki: Rakennustieto
Oy, 2004, ss. 415-418. ISSN 0355-550X.
Saari, A., Valkama, E., Tissari, T. Tilatehokkuus ja sisäilmaston tason parantamisen
kustannusvaikutukset [Cost effect of intnified space use and improved indoor climate] (luku
6), Teoksessa: Olli Seppänen (toim.) Tuottava toimisto 2005, Loppuraportti [In: Olli
Seppänen (ed.), Productive Office 2005, Final Report], Teknillinen korkeakoulu,
Konetekniikan osasto, LVI-tekniikan laboratorio, B77, Espoo 2004, ss. 137-167. ISSN 14552043, ISBN 951-22-7286-5.
Saari, A., Takki, T. Vuokrasopimukset [Office lease contracts] (luku 10.3);
Kiinteistönhoitosopimukset [Operation and maintenance service contracts] (luku 10.4);
Vuokrasopimuksen liite – Sisäympäristön laatu (liite 3 ja 4); Kiinteistönhoitosopimuksen liite
– Sisäympäristön laatu (liite 5 ja 6), Teoksessa: Olli Seppänen (toim.) Tuottava toimisto 2005,
Loppuraportti [In: Olli Seppänen (ed.), Productive Office 2005, Final Report], Teknillinen
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
korkeakoulu, Konetekniikan osasto, LVI-tekniikan laboratorio, B77, Espoo 2004, ss. 216-224,
245-252. ISSN 1455-2043, ISBN 951-22-7286-5.
Saari, A., Elinkaarilaskenta, teoksessa: Ilmastoinnin suunnittelu [Life cycle calculations, In:
Textbook of air conditioning], Suomen LVI-liitto, Helsinki: Talotekniikka-julkaisut Oy, 2004,
ss. 389-402. ISBN 952-91-6896-9.
Saari, A. Rakennusosien valinta elinkaaren materiaalitehokkuuden perusteella: Esimerkkinä
ulkoseinärakenteet. Teoksessa: Ekotehokkuus rakennusalalla (toim. Erja Heino) [Choosing
building component based on material efficiency: External wall cases. In: Erja Heino (ed.),
Eco efficiency in construction industry], Helsinki: Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto, 2002, s. 1229. ISBN 952-9693-23-0.
Saari, A. Elinkaarikustannusten ja ympäristökuormitusten ohjaus rakennushankkeissa
[Building project management point of view life cycle costs and environmental burdens].
Teoksessa: Rakentajain kalenteri 2001, 85.vuosikerta, Käsikirja ja hakemisto [In: Builders
calendar 2001, Vol 85, Handbook and index], Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy, 2000, ss. 753-762.
ISSN 0355-550X.
Saari, A. Rakennuksen elinkaarenaikainen ympäristökuormitus]. Teoksessa: Rakentajan
ekotieto: Uudisrakentaminen (toim. Petri Neuvonen) [Environmental burdens of buildings, In:
Builder’s eco book (ed. Petri Neuvonen)], Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy, 2000, ss. 34-40. ISBN
Saari, A. Rakennuksen elinkaaritalous [Life cycle economics odf buildings]. Teoksessa:
Rakentajan ekotieto: Uudisrakentaminen (toim. Petri Neuvonen), Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy,
2000, ss. 50-59. ISBN 951-682-603-2.
Saari, A., Laur, T., Sasi, L. A Condition Survey of a Detached House. In Refurbishment of
Estonian Detached Houses in Light of a Survey of a Hundred Housing Objects (ed. Nina Ilkka
& Juhani Kiiras), Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Construction Economics
and Management, Report 179, Espoo 1998, pp.20-22. ISBN 951-22-4485-3, ISSN 1456-6400.
Saari, A. Energy Management of Estonian Detached Houses. In Refurbishment of Estonian
Detached Houses in Light of a Survey of a Hundred Housing Objects (ed. Nina Ilkka & Juhani
Kiiras), Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Construction Economics and
Management, Report 179, Espoo 1998, pp.71-78. ISBN 951-22-4485-3, ISSN 1456-6400.
Saari, A. Life-Cycle Costs in Building Construction and Refurbishing: A Prision Construction
Project Case. In Prison construction and Refurbishing Old Institutions, Part 1, Espoo June 1013, 1998, Ministry of Justice, Vammala: Vammalan kirjapaino Oy, 1998, pp. 73-84. ISBN
Saari, A. Life-Cycle Costs in Building Construction and Refurbishing: A Prision Construction
Project Case. In Prison construction and Refurbishing Old Institutions, Part 2, Espoo June
10-13, 1998, Ministry of Justice, Vammala: Vammalan kirjapaino Oy, pp. 71-82. (Russian
Language). ISBN 951-53-1900-5.
Saari, A., Junnila, S., Kokkonen, T., Asuinkerrostalon ympäristökuormat [Environmental
burdens of residential building]. Teoksessa Rakentajain kalenteri 1999, Osa 1 Käsikirja [In:
Builders’ calendar 1999, Part I Handbook], 83. vuosikerta, Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy, 1998,
ss. 791-797. ISSN 0355-550 X.
Saari, A. Kiinteistön talous [Building property economics]. Teoksessa Kiinteistönpidon
tekniikka, talous ja hallinto (toim. Petri Murtomaa), luku 6 [In: Technology, economics and
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
administration of property assets (ed. Petri Murtomaa) Chapter 6], Tampereen Teknillinen
korkeakoulu, Rakennustieto Oy, Helsinki 1996, ss. 327-334. ISBN 951-682-391-2.
Saari, A. Julkisivukorjausten kustannukset. Teoksessa Korjausrakentaminen V, Rakennusten
julkisivu- ja ulkoseinärakenteiden korjaus [Buildin facade renovation costs, In: Renovation V:
Renovation of building facades and external wall srtuctures], RIL K171-1995, Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto r.y., Helsinki 1995, ss. 219-232. ISBN 951-758-337-0, ISSN 0356-9403.
Saari, A. Korjauskohteen hankeselvitysmenettely. Teoksessa II Korjausrakentamisen
tutkimusseminaari [Refurbishment project’s feasibility study, In: 2nd Research seminar of
building renovation], Tampereen Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennustekniikan osasto,
Talonrakennustekniikka, Julkaisu 66, Tampere 1995, ss. 64-73.
Saari, A. Asuinrakennusten korjausastemenettely. Teoksessa Rakennusten korjaustekniikka ja
-talous (toim. Juha-Antti Kaivonen), luku 5.6 [Refurbishment degree indicator for recidential
buildings, In: Refurbishment technology and ecomomics of buildings (ed.Juha-Antti
Kaivinen), Chapter 5.6], Tampereen Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennustieto Oy, Helsinki
1994, ss. 121-126. ISBN 951-682-317-3.
Saari, A. Korjaushankkeen taloudellisuuden hallinta. Teoksessa Korjausrakentaminen II,
Korjausrakentamisen perusteet, Korjaushankkeen läpivienti [Financial management of
refurbishment projects, In: Building refurbisment II: Basics, Project management], RIL K1681994. Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto r.y., Helsinki 1994, ss. 77-94. ISBN 951-758-3338, ISSN 0356-9403.
Saari, A. Korjausrakentamishankkeen suunnitelma-asiakirjat. Teoksessa Rakennusten korjaustekniikka ja –talous, luku 4.4 (toim. Juha-Antti Kaivonen) [Design documents systematics of
building refurbishment project, In: Refurbishment technology and ecomomics of buildings (ed.
Juha-Antti Kaivinen), Chapter 4.4] , Tampereen Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennustieto Oy,
Helsinki 1994, ss. 78-91. ISBN 951-682-317-3.
Saari, A. Korjausvaihtoehtojen tuottaminen päätöksentekoa varten. Teoksessa
Rakennusinsinööripäivät 1993 [Systematic creation of refurbishment alternative for decision
making in refurbishment projects,In: Finnish civil engineering conference 1993] RIL K1601993, Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto RIL r.y., Helsinki 1993, ss. 33-42. ISBN 931-758315-X, ISSN 0356-9403.
Saari, A. Kiinteistöjen hoidon tavoitemenekkimenettely. Teoksessa Kiinteistönpitoseminaari
[Target consumption method for building facilities, In: Property asset managemet seminar]
13.2.1992 , Raportti, Asuntohallitus, Ympäristöministeriö, Kiinteistöalan koulutuskeskus,
Helsinki 1992, ss. 74-86. ISBN 951-96654-0-4.
Saari, A. Kiinteistönhoitotutkimuksen arviointi. Teoksessa Kiinteistönpitoseminaari
[Evaluation of Finnish building operation and maintenance research, In: Property asset
managemet seminar]13.2.1992, Raportti, Asuntohallitus, Ympäristöministeriö, Kiinteistöalan
koulutuskeskus, Helsinki 1992, ss. 103-104. ISBN 951-96654-0-4.
Research reports (58):
Lukkarinen, S., Kärki, A., Saari, A., Junnonen, J-M, 2011. Lisärakentaminen osana
korjausrakentamishanketta, YMPÄRISTÖMINISTERIÖN RAPORTTEJA 27 | 2011,
YMPÄRISTÖMINISTERIÖ, Helsinki 2011. Julkaisu on saatavana vain internetistä: > Ympäristöministeriö> Julkaisut > Ympäristöministeriön raportteja –sarja.
ISBN 978-952-11-3931-4 (PDF). ISSN 1796-170X (verkkoj.)
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Arto Saari, Juha Jokisalo, Matias Keto, Kari Alanne, Rami Niemi, Peter Lund, Jukka Paatero,
2010. KESTÄVÄ ENERGIA – LOPPURAPORTTI, Aalto-yliopiston teknillinen korkeakoulu,
TKK rakenne- ja rakennustuotantotekniikan laitoksen julkaisuja B: 24, Espoo 2010. ISBN
978-952-60-3494-2, ISBN (PDF) 978-952-60-3495-9, ISSN 1797-4895, ISSN (PDF) 17974909.
Michelsson, R., Saari, A., 2009. Tulvavahinkojen korjauskustannukset [The repair cost of
flood damages to buildings], TKK Rakenne- ja rakennustuotantotekniikan laitoksen julkaisuja
B:14, Espoo, 82 s. ISSN 1797-4895, ISBN 978-952-248-200-6.
Tanskanen, H., Saari, A. 2009. Senioriasumisen laatutasoluokitus: KUTRI – kustannustehokas
senioriasuminen –tutkimuksen osaraportti 5 [Classification of quality level of seniors’
housing: KUTRI – Cost Effective Senior Housing Project, Report 5], TKK Rakenne- ja
rakennustuotantotekniikan laitoksen julkaisuja B:8, Espoo, 115 s. ISSN 1797-4895, ISBN
Saari, A. 2008. Uudisrakennusten lämmitysenergian kulutuksen pienentämisen
kustannusvaikutukset [The cost-effects of the heating energy consumption reduction in new
construction], TKK Rakenne- ja rakennustuotantotekniikan laitoksen julkaisuja B:5, Espoo, 33
s. ISSN 1797-4895, ISBN 978-951-22-9476-6.
Aalto, L., Harmo, P., Hälikkä, S., Leminen, T., Närvänen, T., Punto, K., Saari, A., Verma, I.,
Åkerblom, S., 2008. Kokemuksia tanskalaisesta iäkkäiden ihmisten hoiva-asumisesta:
Ikääntyvät kaupunkilaisen 2020 –hanke – AAPINEN-IKU-KUTRI-LITE [Danish shelteded
homes for aged] (toim. Ira Verma ja Satu Åkerblom), Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Arkkitehtuurin
laitos, Arkkitehtuurin tutkimuksia 2008/31, Espoo, 43 s. ISSN 1797-3511, ISBN 978-951-229356-8.
Määttä, M., Aalto, L., Saari, A. 2008. Ikääntyvien tyytyväisyyden mittaaminen koskien
asumista ja hoitopalveluja: KUTRI – kustannustehokas senioriasuminen –tutkimuksen
osaraportti 3 [Measuring satisfaction with housing and home care services among elderly
people: KUTRI – Cost Effective Senior Housing Project, Report 3], TKK Rakenne- ja
rakennustuotantotekniikan laitoksen julkaisuja B:3, Espoo, 73 s. ISSN 1797-4895, ISBN 978951-22-9432-9.
Helle, S, Aalto, L, Saari, A. 2008. Kotona asuvien ikääntyvien näkenykset ateriapalveluiden
laadusta- Case Palmia: KUTRI – kustannustehokas senioriasuminen –tutkimuksen osaraportti
2 [Comprehision of quality of catering among elderly people living at home – Case Palmia:
KUTRI – Cost Effective Senior Housing Project, Report 2], TKK Rakenne- ja
rakennustuotantotekniikan laitoksen julkaisuja B:3, Espoo, 135 s. ISSN 1797-4895, ISBN
Valkila, N., Litja, H., Aalto, L. Saari, A. 2008. Kuluttajapaneeli ikääntyvien palvelutarpeiden
ja –komemusten arviointimenetelmänä: KUTRI – kustannustehokas senioriasuminen –
tutkimuksen osaraportti 1 [Consumer panel as an evaluation method in comparing service
needs and service expieriences among elderly people: KUTRI – Cost Effective Senior
Housing Project, Report 1], TKK Rakenne- ja rakennustuotantotekniikan laitoksen julkaisuja
B:1, Espoo, 61 s. ISSN 1797-4895, ISBN 978-951-22-9350-6.
Kiiras, J., Kruus, M., Hämäläinen, A., Lindroos, H., Saari, A., Salmikivi, T., 2007. Malli
talotekniikan suunnittelun ja hankintojen ohjaukseen projektinjohtohankkeissa [Design and
procurement management model for construction management projects], Helsinki:
Rakennustieto Oy, 65 s. ISBN-13: 978-951-682-877-3.
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Kiiras, J., Kess, J., Hämäläinen, A., Kruus, M., Raveala, J., Saari, A., Salmikivi, T., Seppälä,
R. & Tauriainen, M., 2007. Rakentamisen johtamisen ja suunnittelun tehtäväluetteloiden
kehittäminen [Development of the scope of works for construction management and design].
Teknillisen korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion raportteja 238, 179 s. ISBN 978951-22-8834-2, ISSN 1456-9329.
Kiiras, J., Kess, J., Hämäläinen, A., Kruus, M., Raveala, J., Saari, A., Salmikivi, T., Seppälä,
R. & Tauriainen, M., 2007. Rakentamisen johtamisen ja suunnittelun tehtäväluetteloiden
kehittäminen [Development of the scope of works for construction management and design].
Rakli, Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy, 89 s. ISBN 978-951-682-846-9.
Saari, A., Sekki, T., Sinivuori, P. & Tuomela, S., 2007. Liikuntapaikkarakentamisen
ympäristövaikutukset. Opetusministeriön liikuntapaikkajulkaisu 91 [Environmental impacts of
sports facilities, Ministry of the Environment, Sports facility publications 91], Helsinki:
Rakennustieto Oy, 112 s. ISBN 978-951-682-841-4.
Aalto, L., Saari, A., Tehokas palvelutalo, Teknillisen korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden
laboratorion raportteja 234 [The efficient sheltered housing, Helsinki University of
Technology Construction Economics and Management Publications 234], Espoo 2007, 30 s.
ISBN 978-951-22-8160-2, ISSN1456-9329.
Kruus, M., Kiiras, J., Raveala, J., Saari, A., Salmikivi, T., 2006. Malli suunnittelun ohjaukseen
projektinjohtohankkeissa [Design management model for construction management projects],
Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy, 72 s. ISBN-13: 978-951-682-800-1, ISBN-10: 951-682-800-0.
Lähteenoja, S., Lettenmeier, M., Saari, A. LiikenneMIPS: Suomen liikennejärjestelmän
luonnonvarojen kulutus, Suomen ympäristö 820, Ympäristöministeriö [Transport MIPS:
Natural resource consumption of Finnish transport system, The Finnish Environment 820,
Ministry of the Environment], Helsinki, 2006, 116 s. ISBN 951-731-366-7, ISSN 1238-7312.
Talja, S., Lettenmeier, M., Saari, A. Luonnonvarojen kulutus paikallisessa liikenteessä:
Menetelmänä MIPS, Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön julkaisuja 14/2006 [Natural resource
consumption of local transport according to the MIPS concept, Publications of Ministry of
Transport and Communications 14/2006], Helsinki, 116 s. ISBN 952-201-526-1, ISSN 14577488.
Lindqvist, A., Lettenmeier, M., Saari, A. Meriliikenteen aiheuttama luonnonvarojen kulutus
Suomessa (MeriMIPS), Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön julkaisuja 58/2005 [Natural resource
consumption in maritime transport (MaritimeMIPS), Publications of Ministry of Transport and
Communications 58/2005], Helsinki, 114 s. ISBN 952-201-416-8, ISSN 1457-7488.
Nieminen, A., Lettenmeier, M., Saari, A. Luonnonvarojen kulutus Suomen lentoliikenteessä
(LentoMIPS), Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön julkaisuja 57/2005 [Natural resource
consumption in Finnish air transport (FlyingMIPS), Publications of Ministry of Transport and
Communications 57/2005], Helsinki, 130 s. ISBN 952-210-414-1, ISSN 1457-7488.
Vihermaa, L., Lettenmeier, M., Saari, A. Luonnonvarojen kulutus Suomen rautatieliikenteessä
(RautatieMIPS), Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön julkaisuja 56/2005 [Natural resource
consumption in Finnish railway transport (RailwayMIPS), Publications of Ministry of
Transport and Communications 56/2005], Helsinki, 110 s. ISBN 952-201-412-5, ISSN 14577488.
Hakkarainen, E., Lettenmeier, M., Saari, A. Polkupyöräliikenteen aiheuttama luonnonvarojen
kulutus Suomessa (PyöräMIPS), Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön julkaisuja 55/2005 [Natural
resource consumption in Finnish bicycle traffic (BicycleMIPS), Publications of Ministry of
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Transport and Communications 55/2005], Helsinki, 86 s. ISBN 952-201-410-9, ISSN 14577488.
Pusenius, K., Lettenmeier, M., Saari, A. Luonnonvarojen kulutus Suomen tieliikenteessä
(TieMIPS), Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön julkaisuja 54/2005 [Natural resource
consumption in Finnish road transport (RoadMIPS), Publications of Ministry of Transport and
Communications 54/2005], Helsinki, 122 s. ISBN 952-201-408-7, ISSN 1457-7488.
Aalto, L, Saari A. Palvelevan rakennuksen elinkaarisopimukset: Sisäilmastovaatimusten
periytyminen sopimuksissa, Teknillisen korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion
raportteja 227 [Life-cycle contracts for serviceable building: Inheritance of indoor condition
requirements, Helsinki University of Technology Construction Economics and Management
Publications 227], Espoo 2004, 30 s. ISBN 951-22-7277-6, ISSN1456-9329.
Tuomela, S., Sekki, T. Saari, A. Liikuntahallin ympäristökuormitukset, Teknillisen
korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion raportteja 208 [Environmental impacts of
sports cetres, Helsinki University of Technology Construction Economics and Management
Publications 208], Espoo 2003, 45 s. ISBN 951-22-6320-3, ISSN 1456-9329.
Assinen, M., Saari, A. Korjausrakentamisen vaikutukset asuinkerrostalon elinkaaren
ympäristökuormitukseen, Teknillisen korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion raportteja
207 [Influence of refurbishment to environmental burdens of residential buildings, Helsinki
University of Technology Construction Economics and Management Publications 207], Espoo
2002, 61 s. ISBN 951-22-6056-5, ISSN 1456-9329.
Saari, A., Åkerblom, S., Sipiläinen, P. Vanhusten asumisen mahdollistava peruskorjaus:
ARVI – Asunnon arviointimenetelmä, osaraportti 1 [Building refurbishment for aged, ArviAssessment method for residential buildings, Part 1], Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Sosiaali- ja
terveydenhuollon tekniikan- ja rakentamisen instituutti SOTERA, Arkkitehtiosaston julkaisuja
2002/82, Espoo 2002, 74 s. ISBN 951-22-5836-6, ISSN 1456-6281.
Vaahterus, T., Saari, A. Uimahallin ympäristökuormitukset, Teknillisen korkeakoulun
rakentamistalouden laboratorion raportteja 203 [Environmental burdens of swimming baths,
Helsinki University of Technology Construction Economics and Management Publications
203], Espoo 2001, 51 s. ISBN 951-22-5812-9, ISSN 1456-9329.
Saari, A., Tuomela, S. Asuintalon sähkö-, tieto- ja hissijärjestelmien ympäristökuormitus,
Teknillisen korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion raportteja 195 [Environmental
burdens of electrical systems, information systems and lifts in resedential building, Helsinki
University of Technology Construction Economics and Management Publications 195], Espoo
2001, 37 s. ISBN 951-22-5566-9, ISSN 1456-9329.
Saari, A., Vesa, M. Ulkoseinän valinta elinkaariedullisuuden perusteella, Teknillisen
korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion selvityksiä 37 [Selection of external wall base
on life cycle economics, Helsinki University of Technology Construction Economics and
Management Papers 37], Espoo 2001, 26 s. ISBN 951-22-5621-5, ISSN 1456-8403.
Saari, A. Tavoitteiden asettaminen rakennuksen muunto- ja käyttöjoustavuudelle, Teknillisen
korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion selvityksiä 36 [Targets for building flexibility,
Helsinki University of Technology Construction Economics and Management Papers 36],
Espoo 2001, 31 s. ISBN 951-22-5575-8 (951-22-5577-4), ISSN 1456-8403.
Vaahterus, T., Saari, A. Jäähallirakennuksen aiheuttamat ympäristökuormitukset, Teknillisen
korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion raportteja 194 [Environmental burdens of ice
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
skating halls, Helsinki University of Technology Construction Economics and Management
Publications 194], Espoo 2001, 66 s. ISBN 951-22-5465-4, ISSN 1456-9329.
Saari, A., Mäkelä, J. Rakennusosien ja taloteknisten järjestelmien ekologis-taloudellinen
arvottaminen, Teknillisen korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion raportteja 192 [Ecoeconomic valuation of building elements, Helsinki University of Technology Construction
Economics and Management Publications 192], Espoo 2001, 106 s. ISBN 951-22-5362-3,
ISSN 1456-9329.
Saari, A. Rakennusten ja rakennusosien ympäristöselosteet [Environmental specification of
buildings and building components], Rakennustietosäätiö, Rakennustieto Oy, Helsinki 2001,
93 s. ISBN 951-682-635-0. Julkaisu on saatavissa ainoastaan verkon kautta osoitteesta:
Saari, A. Ympäristökuormitusten ohjaus talonrakennushankkeissa: Liike- ja
palvelurakennukset, Teknillisen korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion raportteja 188
[Management procedure for environmental burdens in building construction: Commercial and
service buildings, Helsinki University of Technology Construction Economics and
Management Publications 188], Espoo 2000, 67 s. ISBN 951-22-5093-4, ISSN 1456-9329.
Saari, A., Kokkonen, T. Asuinkerrostalon LVI-järjestelmän aiheuttamat ympäristökuormat,
Teknillisen korkeakoulun rakentamistalouden laboratorion raportteja 164 [Environmental
burdens of mechanical services in recidential buildings, Helsinki University of Technology
Construction Economics and Management Publications 164], Espoo 1999, 57 s. ISBN 951-224714-3, ISSN 1456-9329.
Talo 90. Rakennusselostusohje [buildin specification guide]. (kirjoittaneet: Kiiras, J.,
Kaarakainen, S., Lindholm, S., Saari, A., Tiula, M.) Talo 90-ryhmä. Rakennustieto Oy,
Helsinki 1998, 129 s. ISBN 951-682-489-7.
Junnila, S., Saari, A. Asuinkerrostalon rakennusteknisten rakennusosien elinkaaren
ympäristökuormat, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikan osasto,
Rakentamistalous, Raportti 167 [Environmental burdens of recidential building and buildin
elements, Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Economics and Management,
Report 167], Otaniemi 1998, 101 s. ISBN 951-22-4075-0, ISSN 1455-5913.
Junnila, S., Saari, A. Rakennusosien aiheuttamien ympäristökuormien laskenta, Teknillinen
korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 150 [Assessment method
for environmental burdens of building enlements, Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Economics and Management, Report 150], Otaniemi 1997, 90 s. ISBN 951-223652-4, ISSN 0784-221X.
Vahala, P, Saari, A., Kiiras, J. KorCad - Tilakorjauksen tuotemallipohjainen suunnittelujärjestelmä, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 137
[Kor-Cad – Product model based design application for fefurbishment projects, Helsinki
University of Technology, Construction Economics and Management, Report 137], Otaniemi
1995, 64 s. ISBN 951-22-2950-1, ISSN 0784-221X.
Kiiras, J., Saari, A., Särkilahti, T. Talo 90 Jatkotutkimukset [Building 90 Classification,
Further Studies], Talo 90 ryhmä, Rakennustieto Oy, Helsinki 1994, ISBN 951-682-335-1.
Nieminen J., Toikkanen S., Saari A., Salmikivi T. Julkisivujen korjaus, Suunnitelma-asiakirjat
ja työnsuunnittelu [Design document systematics and production planning of facade
renovations], Rakennusteollisuuden Keskusliitto, Kehitys ja tuottavuus-sarja, Julkaisu 24,
Helsinki 1994, 69 s. ISBN 952-9831-14-5
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Relander, A., Saari, A., Salmikivi, T. Korjaushankkeiden suunnitelma-asiakirjat [Design
document systematics in refurbishments], Rakennusteollisuuden Keskusliitto, Kehitys ja
tuottavuus-sarja, Julkaisu 25, RTK-Fakta Oy, Helsinki 1994, 57 s. ISBN 952-9831-13-7.
Saari, A., Salmikivi, T., Relander, A. Sisäkorjauksen rakennussuunnitelmat [Design document
systematics for space refurbishments], Rakennusteollisuuden Keskusliitto, Kehitys ja
tuottavuus-sarja, Julkaisu 21, RTK-Fakta Oy, Helsinki 1994, 32 s. ISBN 952-9831-10-2.
Nieminen, J., Saari, A., Salmikivi, T. Korjauskohteen hankeselvitysmallin testaus[Test of
feasibility study procedure of refurbishment projects], Teknillinen korkeakoulu,
Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 123 [Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Economics and Management, Report 123], Otaniemi 1994, 184 s. ISBN 951-222214-0, ISSN 0784-221X.
Saari, A., Staffans, A. Muuntuva älykäs koti- kallis vai kohtuuhintainen? [Smart adaptable
house – Expensive or reasonable?], Sosiaali- ja terveysalan Kehittämis- ja tutkimuskeskus
STAKES, Aiheita 26/1994, Helsinki 1994, 35 s. ISBN 951-47-8917-2, ISSN 1236-9845.
Hyartt, J, Saari, A. Rakennusosien ja järjestelmien elinkaaren kustannusten laskenta, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 118 [Life cycle
calculations for building elements, Helsinki University of Technology, Construction
Economics and Management, Report 118], Otaniemi 1993, 78 s. ISBN 951-22-1465-2, ISSN
Kiinteistöjen ylläpidon kustannustieto 1992, Hoito- ja kunnossapitokustannukset sekä elinkaaren kustannuslaskelmat (Laatinut J. Kiiraksen johdolla J. Hyartt & A. Saari), Teknillinen
korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 119 [Cost control method
and data for building operation and maintenance 1992, Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Economics and Management, Report 119], Otaniemi 1993, 235 s. ISBN 951-221422-9, ISSN 0784-221X.
Kiinteistöjen ylläpidon kustannustieto 93, Hinnastot 1993 (Laatinut J. Kiiraksen johdolla J.
Hyartt & A. Saari), Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous,
Raportti 121 [Cost data for building operation and maintenance 1993, Helsinki University of
Technology, Construction Economics and Management, Report 121], Otaniemi 1993, 54 s.
ISBN 951-22-1890-9, ISSN 0784-221X.
Relander, A., Saari, A., Salmikivi, T. Korjaushankkeiden suunnitelma-asiakirjojen kehittäminen, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 122
[Development of the design document systematics in refurbishments, Helsinki University of
Technology, Construction Economics and Management, Report 122], Otaniemi 1993, 106 s. +
liitteet. ISBN 951-22-163-8, ISSN 0784-221X.
Hyartt, J, Saari, A. Kiinteistöjen hoitokustannusten arviomenettelyn kehittäminen, Teknillinen
korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 116 [Building operation
cost estimation method, Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Economics and
Management, Report 116], Otaniemi 1992, 51 s. ISBN 951-22-1386-9, ISSN 0784-221X.
Kammonen, J., Saari, A. Kunnossapitokustannusten huomioonotto rakennussuunnittelussa,
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 115 [Building
maintenabnce and repair cost estimating in degign phase, Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Economics and Management, Report 115], Otaniemi 1992, 90 s. + liitteet. ISBN
951-22-1385-0, ISSN 0784-221X.
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Eklund, H., Saari, A., Kiiras, J. Korjausastemenettely asuinkorjaushankkeiden kustannusohjauksessa, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 106
[Using Refurbishment Degree Method in cost control of residential refurbishments, Helsinki
University of Technology, Construction Economics and Management, Report 106], Otaniemi
1991, 87 s. ISBN 951-22-0518-1, ISSN 0748-221X.
Hyartt, J, Klemola, K., Saari, A., Kiiras, J. Kiinteistöjen hoidon tavoitemenekkimenettely,
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 112 [Target
consumption method for buildings, Helsinki University of Technology, Construction
Economics and Management, Report 112], Otaniemi 1991, 86 s. + liitteet. ISBN 951-22-09152, ISSN 0748-221X.
Saari, A., Asuinrakennusten korjausastemenettelyn testaus, Teknillinen korkeakoulu,
Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 110 [Test of Refurbishment degree
Method, Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Economics and Management,
Report 110], Otaniemi 1991, 213 s. 1-22-0824-5, ISSN 0748-221X.
Klemola, S,. Saari, A., Kiiras, J. Käyttötalouden huomioonotto rakennussuunnittelussa,
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennetekniikan laitos, Rakentamistalous, Raportti 103 [Operation
and maintenance cost calculation in building design phase, Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Economics and Management, Report 103], Otaniemi 1990, 58 s. + liitteet. ISBN
951-22-0462-2, ISSN 0748-221X.
Saari, A. Säännösten kustannusvaikutukset rakentamisessa [Cost effects of building codes],
Säännöstötutkimus, Esitutkimusraportti, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Arkkitehtiosasto,
Rakennetun ympäristön tutkimuslaitos, Julkaisu B 11, Otaniemi 1990, 56 s. 51-22-0269-7.
Saari, A., Kiiras, J. Asuinrakennusten korjausasteen ohjaus- ja normaalihintamenettelyn
kehittäminen, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennusinsinööriosasto, Rakentamistalous, Raportti
96 [Developing refurbishment degree and normal cost procedure for residential refurbishment,
Helsinki University of Technology, Construction Economics and Management, Report 96],
Otaniemi 1989, 50 s. 51-22-0001-5, ISSN 0784-221X.
Saari, A., Kiiras, J. Normaalihintamenettely asuntojen korjausrakentamiseen, Helsingin
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakentamistalouden laboratorio, Raportti 69, Otaniemi 1985
[Normal cost procedure for recidential refurbishment, Helsinki University of Technology,
Construction Economics and Management, Report 69], 111 s. 1-753-595-3, ISSN 0355-8118.
Other publications (20):
Saari, A., Lämmitettävä ulkokenttä energiasyöppö – valaistu pururata energiapihi,
Liikunta&Tiede, vol 46, 1, 2009, ss.13-15, ISSN 0358-7010.
Saari, A., ROTI – An evaluation of the state of the built environment in Finland,
Rakennustekniikka 2/2008, pp. 22-23, ISSN 0033-913X.
Sinivuori, P., Saari, A. Kahden yliopistorakennuksen luonnonvarojen kulutus [Natural
resource consumption of two university buildings], Ympäristö ja terveys-lehti 9:2004, ss. 2831. ISSN 0358-3333.
Saari, A. Skanskan tutkimus: Suomalainen asuntotuotanto on pohjoismaiden tehokkainta!
[Skanska study: Finnish housing production is most cost effective in Nordic!],
Rakennustekniikka 3/2004, ss. 30-34. ISSN 0033-913X
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
Heikkilä, P., Saari, A., Talostako älykäs? [Intelligent building?], Kunnossapito, 2/2004, ss. 6870, ISSN 0784-1787
Saari, A., Riikonen, J., Kekki, K. Suurten kauppapaikkahankkeiden ympäristövaikutusten
arviointimenettely [Environment Impact Assessment Procedure for shopping malls],
Rakennustekniikka, 2/2003, Helsinki 2003, ss. 41-44. ISSN 0033-913X
Saari, A., Riikonen, J., Kekki, K. Suuret kauppakeskukset – ympäristön ilo vai uhka? [Big
shopping malls – Plesure or risk?] Kuntalehti , 7/2003, ss. 41-43, ISSN 1236-0066.
Saari, A., Sipiläinen, P, Akerblom, S. Vanhusten asumisen mahdollistava peruskorjaus:
Asuntoja korjaamalla vähennetään laitoshoidon tarvetta [Building refurbishment for aged: By
residential refurbisment can reduce institutional care], Kuntalehti, 9/2002, ss 39-41. ISSN
Sipiläinen, P, Akerblom, S, Saari, A. Korjausrakentamisella asuntoja vanhuksille: Pienillekin
asunnoille on kysyntää [Building refurbishment for aged: There is demand for small
dwellings], Asu ja rakenna 2-2002, ss. 12-13. ISSN 1237-0703.
Vaahterus, T., Saari, A. Jäähallirakennuksen aiheuttamat ympäristökuormitukset
[Environmental burdens of ice skating halls, Tekniikka ja kunta, 8/2001, ss. 49-52. ISSN
Saari, A. Elinkaarikustannusten laskenta – käytännön esimerkkejä [Life cycle costing –
practical examples], Rakennustekniikka, 3/2001, Helsinki 2001, ss. 24-28. ISSN 0033-913X.
Saari, A. Asuinkerrostaloja ylikorjataan [Appartment buildings are over renovated], Rnet,
2/98, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Rakennus- ja ympäristötekniikan osasto, Forssan kirjapaino
Oy, Espoo, ss. 23-24. ISSN 1455-5182.
Junnila, S., Saari, A. Voidaanko rakennuksen ympäristöominaisuuksia suunnitella? [Can
environmental properties design?], Rakennustekniikka, 1/98, Helsinki 1998, ISSN 0033-913X,
ss. 7-11.
Saari, A., Salmikivi, T. Korjaushankkeen suunnitelma-asiakirjat, Valintaopas
kiinteistönpitäjille, 1997 Nro 5, Rakentajain tietopalvelu RTI Oy, Helsinki 1997, ss. 15-17.
ISSN 1235-4430.
Hyartt, J, Saari, A. Elinkaaritarkastelut päätöksenteon pohjaksi [Life cycle estimates for
decision making], Rakennustekniikka, 3/93, Helsinki 1993, ISSN 0033-913X, ss. 33-36.
Hyartt, J, Saari, A. Ylläpito suurennuslasin alle Tavoitemenekkimenettelyllä [Building
operation and maintenance under investications] , Kiinteistö ja isännöitsijä N:o 1-2 1993,
Suomen Isännöitsijäliitto, Karprint Ky, Huhmari 1993, ISBN 0782-7911, ss. 16-19.
Hyartt, J, Saari, A., Kiiras, J. Tilastoilla ei käyttöä hoitokustannusten ohjauksessa [No use of
statistics in operation and maintenance cost management], Rakennustekniikka, n:o 2, Helsinki
1992, ss. 33-34. ISSN 0033-913X.
KH X4-00164 Kiinteistöjen hoidon tavoitemenekkimenettely [Target consumpuion procedure
for building operation and maintenance], (Kortin laatineet: J. Hyartt, K. Klemola, A. Saari &
J. Kiiras), Rakennustieto Oy, Rakennustietosäätiö, Helsinki 1992, 16 s.
Arto Saari, Curriculum vitae, 15.12.2015.
KH X4-00165 Kiinteistöjen hoidon tavoitemenekkimenettely, Normaalikustannukset, Rakennustieto Oy, Rakennustietosäätiö, Helsinki 1992, 1 s.
Saari, A, Kiiras, J. Asuntojen korjausrakentamisen normaalihintamenettely [Normal cost
procedure for residential refurbishmets], AH-Uutiset N:o 5-6 1985, Asuntohallitus, Helsinki
1985, ss. 33-36. ISSN 0355-791 X.
Published total 173