MOUNT AUBURN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time OCTOBER 26, 2014 Large print bulletins are available from the Ushers. 11:00 a.m. A single asterisk (*) before the liturgy indicates that the congregation is to stand if able. People’s response in bold. Please turn off your cell phones before the service begins. The service begins with the prelude. This is a time for meditative prayer, silence, and centering. Please be mindful of your neighbor’s desire to prepare for worship. PRELUDE INTROIT #388 “Chaconne in F Major” Henry Purcell “Come All You People” Uyai Mose WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A MOMENT FOR STEWARDSHIP – Judy Cunningham & Bill Muse Please sign the welcome register and pass it to your neighbor. When all have signed pass it back so you can see the names of those with whom you are worshiping. (Please remove the signed page and place it in the offering plate). Announcements are given by the liturgist. Those not printed in the bulletin must be handed to the liturgist before the service begins. GATHERING WORDS (Responsively) Ellen Muse-Lindeman God calls to our hearts, the source of our feelings, the core of our being. God calls to our souls, the home of our spirit, the place where we sense that there is more than we can see. God calls to our minds, the place of reason, of intellect, where we think through the challenges of life. God calls to our strength, our ability to make things happen, to work and to serve. God calls to our whole being, calling us to be people of faith, hope, and love. Let us worship the God who calls us together. PRAYER OF PRAISE *HYMN #301 “Let Us Build a House” Two Oaks CALL TO RECONCILIATION Confession (Unison) O God, we have not been faithful to your commands. We have been more ready to condemn than to console, more eager to justify ourselves than to work for understanding. We feed the flames of dissent instead of welcoming the freeing power of forgiveness. We gather as two or three, not to welcome your presence but to gossip about those who are absent. Our sins are destroying us, God. Turn us around to a new way of being. Silence is Kept Assurance of Forgiveness (Responsively) Transformation is nearer to us now than when we became believers. God’s healing presence has come among us and dwells within us. Our openness to God’s transforming love releases in us the potential for wholeness. We will be amazed at what we can do and who we can be as humble, joyous followers of the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. We stand in praise of God and ready to move into transformed lives. (The people stand to sing the response.) *Response “Halle, Halle, Halle” Halle, halle, halle-lujah. Halle, halle, halle-lujah. Halle, halle, halle-lujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah! (Repeat) arr. Iona Community *PASSING THE PEACE MOMENT WITH YOUNGEST DISCIPLES PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE READING Deuteronomy 34:1-12 p. 191 Psalm 90 #687 “Our God, Our Help in Ages Past” (Please remain seated for the singing of the Psalm from the hymnal.) St. Anne 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 p. 203 ANTHEM “Holy Wings” Chancel Choir GOSPEL READING Matthew 22:34-46 p. 25 SERMON “First Things” Swedish Hymn, arr. Ellingboe The Reverend Troy Jackson The AMOS Project MOMENT OF SILENCE PASTORAL PRAYER CALL FOR OFFERING Offertory “Autumn Breeze” from Seasonal Breezes Jeanette Butler, flute; Leo Gao, cello; Robb Feldhaus, piano Rick Sowash *Doxology (Unison) “Bless Our God, O My Soul” Bless our God, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless God’s holy name! Bless our God, O my soul, and forget not all God’s benefits. Appalachian Folk Melody *Dedication *HYMN #619 “Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven” Lauda Anima *CHARGE (Responsively) What must we do to live in God’s way? Love God, love neighbor, love ourselves. As people of faith we go out to make that love an action, not a feeling. We go out to bring the love of God to a hurting world. *BENEDICTION (Responsively) As you go, know that the threefold God: Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer is with you always. Thanks be to God! Amen. *Response #747 POSTLUDE “The Lord Now Sends Us Forth” “Jig Fugue” Enviado Dietrich Buxtehude
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