Oakfield CE (Aided) Primary School Appley Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 1NE. Telephone: 01983 563732 Fax: 01983 614274 Email: office@oakfieldcepri.iow.sch.uk Website: www.oakfieldcepri.iow.sch.uk Edition 7 24th October 2014 DIARY DATES School breaks up Friday 24th October School returns 4/5 November Parents Evenings 3-6pm 5th November 9am Parent Drop in 11 November Mrs Doyle’s class Portsmouth Historic Dockyard Visit 24th 28th November Healthy living week 25th November Rebekah Wilson / Bobsleigh (More information to follow) 27th November Eat Right Stay Bright Assembly (Parents invited) 5th December Christmas Fayre 14th December Christingle Service at St Johns Church 17th December Christmas School Dinner 18th December Panto / Carol Service (More information to follow) 19th December 10.30am Christmas Service St Johns Church School breaks up For Christmas / New Year Headteacher: Mrs Laura Bosworth Senior Leaders: Mrs Sue Stevens, Miss Eileen Eaton and Mrs Vikki Reader. Dear Parents/Carers This has been a long and busy term and we have been very pleased with how well all of the children have settled back into school life. The children have worked hard and, despite illness, have managed to keep their energy levels going right up to the end! Most children have arrived in appropriate uniform, ready to learn and we thank you for your ongoing support with this. If you are buying new shoes or clothing during the half term please make sure it complies with our uniform policy and remember it is black shoes NOT boots or trainers. Thank you. This week we were very proud of a number of our pupils: Mr Christenson’s Class led an excellent Class Worship on Thursday, Mrs Doyle’s Class were fabulous on their trip to the Big Draw at the church in Dover Street, and our two representatives at the IW Anti-Bullying Conference were stars! Well done to all of the children. Today all children in Years 1 to 6 will bring home their summary report for the first half of the term and we look forward to discussing your children’s progress with you after the holiday. We wish you all a very happy half term break and look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 3rd November. Best wishes Laura Bosworth St Johns with Holy Trinity High Park Road, Ryde Family Service A service without Holy Communion, planned with children in mind. Junior Church joins us for the whole service. Second Sunday of every month (except August) 10am - Join Us! St Johns Church Messy Church This Saturday 3-5pm * Please note: (TPI) Third party inclusions are not endorsed by Oakfield Primary School. Please contact the information supplier for more details .. See this in full colour at www.oakfieldcepri.iow.sch.uk —Just click the button for the latest Newsletter on the web site. Lunchtime Star of the week Class of the week. Goes to: Mrs Taylor’s class for their attendance this half term Goes to: Ben L The Class of the Half Term Attendance Award goes to …… Mrs Taylors Class With 98.26% attendance. Well done to all of them. Their reward will be a Mufti day in the coming half term—they will choose the date. After half term we will be awarding the 100% attendance certificates and rewards for this half term. Class Led Collective Worship Thursdays, 10.30am 6th Nov - NG Class Year Please note date swap 13th Nov - Miss Jackson’s Class Year 4/5 20th Nov - Mrs Rowe’s Class 27th Nov - Miss Howlett’s Class Year R Development days (Entitlement 5 days) Already taken— Monday 1st Sept. Monday 20th October One still to be advised Friday 17th July 2015 Monday 21st July 2015 BITE THE WIGHT COOKIIES Due to high volume take up, any child who didn't get a cookie today will get one after half term. INHALERS / EPI-PENS If your child has either one of these please let us know and also make sure we have one in school for their use should it be needed. NEW FOAK! If you are interested in being part of the parent and friends’ group who organise fundraising activities, we will be re-launching Friends of Oakfield, (FOAK), next half term. Many parents had given several years of service and ’retired’ from the group last year so we are looking for a whole new group of enthusiastic supporters! If you are interested in joining us please e-mail foak@oakfieldcepri.iow.sch.uk giving your name and preferred contact details. It would also be helpful if you could indicate what days and times would suit you best for any meetings. If you do not have access to e-mail then please let the school office know. Thank you. See this in full colour at www.oakfieldcepri.iow.sch.uk —Just click the button for the latest Newsletter on the web site. THE BIG DRAW What we learned about at The Big Draw was the whole world can take part in it and anyone can have the skills to draw. The theme was underground and we had to brainstorm ideas of what we thought was underground and we picked three of our favourites and sketched them onto A4 paper. We were all underneath the church and it was dark and there were cracks in the bricks. The people had put yellow fairy lights over the arches and walls they were our only source of light. By Mia (TPI) (TPI) See this in full colour at www.oakfieldcepri.iow.sch.uk —Just click the button for the latest Newsletter on the web site. KISSY PUPPY APPEAL MUFTI DAY We are supporting this event with a MUFTI day on Friday the 7th November 2014. Instead of money, it is asked that you bring a donation for ‘Sophie’s Shop’ which is situated within the Earl Mountbatten Hospice Shop in Lugley Street, Newport. Summer 2014 Week 4 Menu Monday: Tuesday: Sausages with Mashed Potato & Gravy/Penne Pasta Bake (v), Garden Peas, Baked Beans, Tomato & Cucumber Salsa, Toffee Apple Crumble with Custard Italian Bolognaise with Pasta/Vegetable Curry with Basmati Rice (v), Seasonal Cabbage, Fresh Carrots, Jam and Coconut Sponge with Custard Wednesday: Roast Chicken with Sage & Onion Stuffing and Gravy/Quorn Roast(v), Roast or Mashed Potatoes, Fresh Broccoli, Fresh Swede, Fresh Vegetable Sticks, Carrot Cake with Citrus Frosting Thursday: Friday: Enchiladas (Mexican Beef Tortilla) with Couscous/Cheese and Onion Quiche with New Potatoes (v), Light Coleslaw, Sweetcorn, Carrot and Sultana Salad, Fruity Yoghurt Crunch Salmon Fish Fingers with Chips/Jacket Potato with Cheese (v), Garden peas, Baked Beans, Apple and Celery Salad, Chocolate Sultana Crispie. MENU You should have received a copy of the new winter menu, which will start on the 3rd November a copy will be available on the ‘pupil’ page section of our web site. PARENT FOCUS GROUP This group meets to look at school policies, procedures and organisation and has been very important in ensuring there is a parental voice in decision making in the school. The group meets once or twice a half term and timings of the meeting are agreed with the group. Members represent each class and we currently have vacancies for representatives from the following classes: Mrs Rowe, Miss Howlett, Mr Hewison, Miss Gaskin and Mrs Doyle If you would like to be involved please contact the school office for a form. LETTERS HOME Our Newsletter on our web site. If you’re reading this as a paper copy please remember that it is available in full colour on our web site. See this in full colour at www.oakfieldcepri.iow.sch.uk —Just click the button for the latest Newsletter on the web site.
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