The Parish of St. Katharine Drexel Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church Celebrating 150 Years of Faith 1864-2014 October 26, 2014 MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 8:00 AM Maria & Jozef Pszeniczny r/o Daughter, Elizabeth & Family TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 8:00 AM Rosina S. Feleppa r/o Daughters, Lois and Rosina Joseph & Juliai Czuber r/o John, Vesha, Michelle & Nichole Czuber WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 8:00 AM Jack Burgess r/o Loretta, Jackie & Gene Joseph & Juliai Czuber r/o John, Vesha, Michelle & Nichole Czuber THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 8:00 AM Barbara Owens r/o Mary Severi Doris Stockton r/o The Mudrick Children FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 8:00 AM Ginny Lukas-Pidcock r/o Pat LeClair 7:00 PM (All Saints Church) Florence Parker r/o Members of the St. Katharine Drexel Altar & Rosary Society SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 ALL SAINTS DAY 8:00 AM Joseph Stachura r/o Wife & Sons 10:00 PM For All Parishioners Living & Deceased 4:00 PM Nicholas A. Caruso r/o His Loving Parents Henry F. Nowosielski, Jr. r/o Steve 5:00 PM Ada Zamensky r/o Ilene & Harry Simonini SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 ALL SOULS DAY 7:30 AM For All Parishioners Living & Deceased 9:00 AM For All Who Are Buried in St. Paul & Laurel Hill Cemeteries and St. Paul Mausoleum 10:30 AM For Those Who Died This Past Year 12:00 N Holy Souls in Purgatory ALL SAINTS CHURCH TABERNACLE CANDLES This week the tabernacle candles will burn for: Deceased Members of the Ziomek Family From The Hrabowski Family Mary Ottobre from The Hrabowski Family Page One PARISH CLERGY: Rev. Michael G. Dunn, Pastor Rev. Cesar Anson, Parochial Vicar Deacon Walter J. Karpecik, Jr., Deacon Alfred Pennise, Deacon Alexander Punchello MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Vigil: 4:00 PM—All Saint’s Church 5:00 PM—St. Paul’s Church Sundays: 7:30 AM; 10:30 AM—St. Paul’s Church 9:00 AM, 12 Noon —All Saints Church Daily: 8:00 AM—All Saints Church April 28th, 2014 thru November 1st, 2014 8:00 AM—St. Paul’s Church November 3rd, 2014 thru May 2nd, 2015 Holy Days: As announced in bulletin. Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:00—3:45 PM at All Saints Church Saturdays: 4:00—4:45 PM at St. Paul’s Church PARISH LOCATIONS All Saints Church 502 High Street Burlington, NJ 08016 St. Paul Church 223 E. Union Street Burlington, NJ 08016 PARISH OFFICE 223 E. Union Street, Burlington, NJ 08016 Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM (609) 386-0152/0163 FAX: (609) 386-0085 October 26, 2014 Page Two Dear Parishioners, As we mark this 150th year of the Catholic Faith in Burlington we give thanks to Almighty God for the many blessings that he has bestowed upon our parish community throughout these many years. We join together on this special occasion in praying for those who have gone before us in faith, and in thanking God for what they have bequeathed to us. As a parish family, we share a wonderful history and a legacy of faith, courage, and community. We profess the same Catholic faith as did our forefathers whose vision and generosity laid the foundation for St. Paul’s Church. Like those who went before us, we offer the same sacrifice of love – the Cross and Resurrection of Christ – and like them we rejoice to receive the Body and Blood of Christ and to have our sins forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. With them and with the whole Church we profess “one Lord, one faith, one Baptism” and with St. Paul we seek the freedom to profess and live our faith generously and joyfully in the midst of the world. As we observe our 150th anniversary, I want to pay tribute to those priests, religious, and parishioners, who came before us. Because of their vision and sacrifices, we have been given this great legacy which we call today The Parish of St. Katharine Drexel. May we continue their legacy in our own day and May Our Blessed Mother guide us along our continuing pilgrimage of faith. In Matthew’s Gospel this weekend, we hear Our Lord responding to the question posed to him about which is the greatest commandment. We hear from his response that we are called to, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Coupled with this he adds, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.” In asking which is the greatest commandment, the Pharisees expected Jesus to tell them what he felt was most essential about the law. Jesus’ answer – the love of God and neighbor – centers all observance of the law on love. To those who heard him, people whose whole culture and way of life was based on the law, Jesus was saying that every detail of their lives depended on love. Our Lord lived this by saying “yes” to the Father’s plan, even though it meant leaving the throne of heaven and dying on the cross at the hands of the people he had created. We experience that love when we unite ourselves to God’s will. Love of God means that we worship him only, not our families, jobs, or possessions; loving our neighbors means that we are patient, kind, and “bear all things” (1 Cor. 13:4,7). To understand this, we must first ask God to teach us what his love is, to teach us what these injunctions mean in our lives. Only if our love is rooted in the love of God will it bear fruit for the salvation of others from those closest to us in to the people we meet in our daily walk. We love God when we choose his will and obey it. The power comes from God – the decision is ours. May we open ourselves and ask him to teach us. Then we will be able to love our neighbor as God loves – freely, generously, and without reservation. —Fr. Dunn Pastor ROSARY WALK ALL SOULS DAY SUNDAY—NOVEMBER 2nd 2:00 PM AT LAUREL HILL CEMETERY Please join us to pray the Rosary for the Faithful departed. All are welcome! October 26, 2014 Thank You Page Three Last Sunday, we held our first Hospitality Sunday, which was hosted by the members of our St. Katharine Drexel Altar & Rosary Society, who provided delicious refreshments. It was well attended and enjoyed by many parishioners after all of the Masses at our Parish House. A special thank you to G & M Caterers, J.B. Bakery and Amy’s Omlette House for their donations that contributed to a wonderful gathering. We also thank our Maintenance Crew for helping with the set-up and breakdown. Our gratitude to the 150th Anniversary Committee for their efforts in launching this special event of faith and fellowship, which we hope to continue in the future here at St. Katharine Drexel Parish. October 26, 2014 PRAY FOR THE SICK We ask you to remember the sick of our parish, and pray for those who need or have asked for our help, especially: Maria Biancosino, Paul Voorhees, George Schneider, Brendan O’Malley, Vivian Maggi, Jackie DiFronzo, Elyse Wolon, Joseph Duncan, Nick Gusz, David Vann, Edwin Markiewicz, Danny Tusa. Josephine Diaczynsky, Thomas Lowden, Dot Nolan, Anita Goodrich, Herbert Cuccuini, Sr. Marietta Therese, Ida Stefanoni, Joseph Flannery, Lois Lowden, Florence Konrad, Carmela Miksitz, Joann Rowan, Barbara Venezia, Tony Polito, Mary Cody, Alice McGoldrick, Annette Rosenfelt, Neil Petz, Krista Balderman, Robert Lubrano, Rocco Gennello, Mary Lynch, Barbara & Raymond Devlin, Brice DeFilippo, Jean Eckman, Jack Jenkins, Frank S. Wisnewski, Anneliese Karteron, Vicky Lewis, Kate Fratti. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 ALTAR FLOWERS—ALL SAINTS Flowers at the altar of the Blessed Mother on Friday, October 31st are in memory of Jennie DeLapo from Husband, Ron. Flowers on the altar of the Blessed Mother are donated by a friend in Thanksgiving for Blessings received. PRAYER FOR THE ARMED FORCES Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. Page Four ALL SAINTS & ALL SOULS MASS SCHEDULE We will have Mass in observance of All Saints & All Souls as follows: We will begin with Mass on Friday, October 31st: 7:00 PM at All Saints. All Saints Day—Saturday, November 1st: 8:00 AM Daily Mass at All Saints 10:00 AM Mass at St. Paul’s 4:00 PM All Saints 5:00 PM St. Paul’s All Souls Day—Sunday, November 2nd: We will have our regular Sunday Mass Schedule. 7:30 AM St. Paul’s 9:00 AM All Saints 10:30 AM St. Paul’s 12:00 N All Saints WEDDING BANNS III Grace Papalia & Steven Rogers YOUNG-AT-HEART CLUB NEWS TRIP UPDATES: Dec. 7th-Tomasello Winery Trip—Final pymt. due NOW. *Dec. 9th-American Music Theatre—Final pymt. due November 1st * Five seats are available. Trips open to all. Departure times and place information will be posted in the bulletin closer to trip dates. Questions—call Angie States at (609) 386-3151. PEACE We wish to extend our prayers and consolation to the family of Steven A. Borkowski. During their time of sorrow and sadness, we pray as a parish family that our Risen Christ will watch over them in a special way. SUNDAY COLLECTION Last Sunday’s collection was World Mission Sunday collection was $10,165.00 $ 1,018.00 MASS BOOK 2015 The Mass Book for 2015 will open for your special intentions on Monday, November 3rd. Reservation forms will be in next weekend’s bulletin. Thank you MASS SCHEDULE—REMINDER! The daily Mass schedule will return to St. Paul’s Church on Monday, November 3rd at 8:00 AM. The weekend Mass schedule will remain the same. October 26, 2014 40 Days of Life Join the worldwide movement to protect mothers and babies. Now—November 2nd, our community will join hundreds of other cities participating in 40 Days for Life, a life-saving campaign made up of three components: Prayer & Fasting, Community Outreach and Peaceful Pro-Life Vigil. The Parish of St. Katharine Drexel is committed to covering three hours on each Saturday from Now— November 2nd. We have done this for the last four years. We need six or more people to cover the three hours each Saturday – 2 for each hour from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. This peaceful vigil is done at the Cherry Hill Womens Center at 502 N. Kings Hwy, Cherry Hill, NJ. Please contact Joann Dalessandro at (609) 387-3532 if you would like to help. Get involved, and you can help save lives! Prayer for Respect Life Heavenly Father, the beauty and dignity of human life was the crowning of your creation. You further ennobled that life when your Son became one with us in his incarnation. Help us to realize the sacredness of human life and to respect it from the moment of conception until the last moment at death. Give us courage to speak with truth and love and with conviction in defense of life. Help us to extend the gentle hand of mercy and forgiveness to those who do not reverence your gift of life. To all, grant pardon for the times we have failed to be grateful for your precious gift of life or to respect it in others. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen. SUPPORT OUR VETERANS VETERANS GIVING TREE For Veterans Day, the American Legion Unit 79 will be hosting a Veterans Giving Tree with star ornaments listing items for our Veterans. These items will be distributed to our local Veterans in Burlington County. The tree in All Saints is up this weekend, October 25th & 26th. The tree in St. Paul’s will go up next weekend of November 1st & 2nd. Please take a star and return items to either All Saints or St. Paul’s Church from November 1st—November 9th. Your donation will be greatly appreciated by our Veterans who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. Page Five To the St. Katherine Drexel Parish Families: The students, teachers, staff, and administration of the St. Paul School would like to congratulate the parish on the 150th anniversary of the St. Paul Church. We are privileged to be the namesake of the St. Paul Church carrying with it the values and beliefs of this great Catholic institution. Over the past several years, the school has only been able to function with the staunch support of the parish both financially and spiritually. We have depended on the prayers and the assistance of the church community in order to keep the school functioning and we thank you all most sincerely. Catholic education is truly a gift and our students are the benefactors. We in the school know how lucky we are to be a part of this outstanding parish. Again, we would like to send our sincere well-wishes on this special anniversary to the St. Paul Church parishioners and to the St. Katharine Drexel Parish community. Many blessings, William J. Robbins Principal St. Paul School “Education for Tomorrow and Faith for a Lifetime” ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY ***MEETING CHANGE*** The November meeting has been rescheduled from Tuesday, November 4th to Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00 pm. held at St. Paul’s School cafeteria. We will have our Thanksgiving Prayer Service/Meeting at that time. Reminder to all Members - Please bring the following items to our November Meeting - three (3) filled Christmas gift bags (7x9) for the nuns and any Thanksgiving can good items (gravy, stuffing, fruit and yams) for the Food Pantry. If you have any questions about the gift bags contact Betty Mazur at (609) 3869386. Mark your calendar members… we will be traveling to Reading, PA on December 2nd leaving Burlington at 9:00 am to visit with the nuns and to distribute the Christmas gift bags and returning about 4:30 pm. All are welcome to join in this trip and experience the spirit of Christmas. Anyone interested in going please contact Betty Mazur about transportation arrangements that will be available. Reminder to members - There will be no monthly meetings in December, January or February. But the recitation of the rosary before the monthly mass will continue during the winter months. October 26, 2014 Page Six RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The 2014-2015 Religious Education school year is well underway! Our students have been hard at work familiarizing themselves with Church teachings and Sacred Scripture. Mrs. Pizzigoni’s 3rd graders are learning all about the parable of the mustard seed while Mr. Coombs’ 8th graders were inquiring all about the recent Synod on Marriage and the Family. We are blessed with a Faith that nourishes us and a Church that guides us. And it is my distinct honor and pleasure to help impart that to our children! One of my favorite additions to our program this year is that the Rosary is prayed for our students and their teachers every class. Thanks to our Parish’s very own (and wonderful) Altar Rosary Society, parents are invited to come in to our chapel every time they drop their child off to pray the Rosary. Parents, if you are not already praying with us, please feel free to join us! Whether you are new to praying the Rosary or more familiar with the prayer, our Altar Rosary Society will lead you through it! One of the best things we can do for our children is to pray for them. But with our busy schedules, prayer is often a difficult addition to our days. Join us for just 20 minutes. You’ll be amazed at how much time seems to grow when you pray—and you can still make it to the grocery store and back in time for pick up! I look forward to seeing more of our parents this week, and of course, their wonderful children. Please keep the Religious Education program in your prayers. And please also remember to pray for all of our 8th grade students, who officially became candidates for Confirmation this week at the Rite of Welcome! —Kathryn M. Besheer Reminder to Our 2nd Grade Parents! Our 1st Penance Parent Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 4th at 7:00 PM at St. Paul School. Please plan on attending! A special THANK YOU to the Conrey family for hosting our last ADS evening! Here we are cutting stars for our Veteran’s Day Giving Tree! THE AGNUS DEI SOCIETY Our Parish High School Youth Group, the Agnus Dei Society (more commonly referred to as ADS) has been enjoying the fall! This past Friday, we went to Sleepy Hollow Farms for a hayride, corn maze, and haunted house! We ended the evening with a bon fire and s’mores and had a great time! These are some pictures of our other events this fall. We went to Stratosphere Trampoline Park in Hainesport and were hard at work helping prepare for the Veteran’s Day Giving Tree! Join us for our next Bible Study on November 2nd! We meet at the Parish House from 6:30-8:30 PM and will begin our new study with Mark Hart! All high school students are invited to attend! October 26, 2014 BULLETIN NOTICES Announcements may be e-mailed, written or faxed to the Parish Office by 4:00 PM on Mondays or two weeks prior to the event announcement for publication. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Please remember your parish in your last Will and Testament. You can be specific about how you want the endowment to be used, or you can leave it for general use in our school or church. This is a good way to have your good works continued. BINGO We have BINGO every Sunday evening at St. Paul School at 7:30 PM in the cafeteria. We give $1,000 in cash prizes in addition to TWO 50/50 games. Come join the fun and bring your friends and family! LAUREL HILL CEMETERY AND ST. PAUL MAUSOLEUM There are a limited number of mausoleum crypts and niches still available. Contact the Parish Office for more information about in-ground cemetery plots or our mausoleum. Page Seven GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Katharine Drexel will gather at All Saints Church for recitation of the Rosary at 8:30 AM followed by attendance at the 9:00 AM Mass on the first Sunday of every month. All members are encouraged to attend. The Society will meet on the Tuesday after the first Sunday at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria of St. Paul School. All members and anyone interested in joining may attend. Recitation of the Rosary is held at the Marcella Nursing Home on Rancocas Road in Burlington on the second Thursday of each month at 10:30 AM. There will be no meetings during the months of January, February, July and August. YOUNG-AT-HEART CLUB Members meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 1:00 PM in the Parish House (next to St. Paul’s Church). Guest speakers and other points of interest for seniors are scheduled through the year. Various trips are also planned. See bulletin announcements for further information. Anyone over the age of 55 is invited to join the club. No meetings in January, February, July and August. Members receive Communion at the 10:30 Mass at St. Paul’s Church on the second Sunday of every month. All members are encouraged to attend. The Executive Board Committee meets the last Wednesday of every month at 9:00 AM SHARP in the Parish House (next to St. Paul’s Church). INTERNAL OFFICE MAILBOX If you are a group or organization leader or a part of our parish personnel, please remember to frequently come in to the Parish Office to pick up your mail from your mailbox. It is recommended to appoint someone from your group or organization to stop by the Parish Office on a regular basis as not to miss out on receiving important mailings, inter-office communications or phone messages. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. HOLY NAME SOCIETY Recitation of the Rosary is held at All Saints Church on the Second Sunday of every month at 8:30 AM prior to the 9:00 AM Mass. All are welcome. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS When you are shopping or looking for a business, look to our advertiser pages and let them know that you saw their ad in our Sunday bulletin. And be sure to thank them for their support whether you are a new or long-time customer. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Our parish supports a St. Vincent de Paul Society that helps our community with a Food Pantry and those going through financial hardships. If you know of someone who is in need of their services, please encourage them to call the Society’s office at (609) 3863650 and leave a message. The Society’s General meeting takes place at 7:00 PM every third Tuesday of each month at their offices at the All Saints Annex. If you would like to volunteer to be a part of the good works of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, please call their office at the number above. NURSING HOME MINISTRY Each week of the month Fr. Cesar Anson, accompanied by a deacon and some members of our parish visit one of the nursing homes in the area to bring Holy Communion to the Catholic residents, pray the Rosary, and let them know we care. If you would like to be a part of this ministry and would like to know what our visitation schedule is, please contact Clare Dugan at (609) 386-0121. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Regular meetings are held at the K.O.C. Hall, located on E. Broad Street, on the first and third Thursdays every month at 7:45 PM. Only during the months of July and August do they meet the first Thursday. OUR LADY MOTHER OF DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP Meets every Sunday at All Saints Annex at 7:00 PM. No meetings held December, Palm & Easter Sundays, or any other major holidays that fall on the weekend. October 26, 2014 Page Eight PARISH INFORMATION PARISH OFFICE & STAFF 223 E. Union St., Burlington, NJ 08016 (609) 386-0152 or (609) 386-0163 Office Hours: Monday—Friday: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Website: E-Mail: Pastor: Father Michael G. Dunn, ext. 213 Parochial Vicar: Father Cesar Anson, ext. 103 Parish Manager: Cliff Coombs, ext. 217 Parish Secretary: Eileen Korang, ext. 210 Financial Secretary: Eileen Kelly, ext. 211 Mausoleum Secretary: Kathy Drahuschak, ext. 212 Dir. Rel. Ed.: Kathryn Besheer: (609) 479-5099 ST. PAUL SCHOOL 250 James Street, Burlington, NJ 08016 (609) 386-1645 Principal: William Robbins Secretary: Liz Stark, ext. 200 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Director: Kathryn Besheer Assistant: Susan Carrera To register your children for Religious Education for Grades K-8, please call (609) 479-5099. Religious Education Offices and Classes are held at St. Paul School, 250 James Street, Burlington, NJ 08016. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Our parish offers a Bereavement Ministry to assist families in preparing for a funeral Mass for their loved ones at either All Saints or St. Paul’s Churches. The parish will help the family choose readings and music to give the funeral Mass a more personal touch. Arrangements for funerals are taken care of through funeral directors who will, on your behalf, contact the parish to make the necessary arrangements. The parish will contact the family to arrange an appointment to meet and plan the funeral Mass. ADULT AND YOUTH CHOIR The adult choir sings every Sunday at the 10:30 AM Mass at St. Paul’s Church. The youth choir sings every Sunday at the 12 Noon Mass at All Saints Church. If you are interested in joining either choir, please call: Music Director: Roxanne Sumanga-Ferguson at (609) 386-0152/0163 to leave a message. NEW PARISHIONERS Families need to be registered in the Parish before registering for St. Paul School or Religious Education. Registration can be made at the Parish Office, located at 223 E. Union St., Burlington, NJ 08016, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM—4:00 PM (Closed 12 Noon—1:00 PM). MOVING If you are moving out of the Parish area or to a new address within the Parish, please call the Parish Office. SICK OR HOMEBOUND Please call the Parish Office to notify clergy of hospitalization and to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, Holy Eucharist or Reconciliation. In serious illness, please call the Rectory by calling (609) 387-8191, day or night. Please leave a message. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Plans for marriage should be made one year in advance of the wedding date. This ruling is in accordance with the common policy of the Diocese of Trenton. Couples are required to attend either Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter. Details and arrangements are to be made through the Pastor, Parochial Vicar, or one of the Deacons. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism for parishioners take place on the second Sunday of every month at St. Paul’s Church, 223 E. Union St., Burlington, NJ 08016. A Baptismal Preparation class is required for parents and godparents the Friday night before the Baptism. This class is held at 7:00 PM at St. Paul’s Church. Please contact the Parish Secretary to make arrangements. GODPARENTS Only one godparent is required for Baptism. If two are chosen, one must be male and one female. A godparent must be a practicing Roman Catholic (baptized, confirmed), attending Mass regularly on Sundays and Holy Days, at least 16 years of age, and in good standing with the Church (including married in the Church if they are married). A baptized non-Catholic Christian may be chosen as a “Christian witness” provided there is one Catholic godparent. A former Catholic may not serve as either a godparent or Christian witness. Godparents will be required to submit a Certificate of Eligibility from their parish prior to the child’s Baptism. PLEASE BE COURTEOUS TO REMEMBER TO SHUT OFF ALL CELL PHONES BEFORE ENTERING CHURCH. THANK YOU.
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