Holy Family Catholic Community

Holy Family Catholic Community
Sunday, October 26, 2014 • Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
One of them, a scholar of the law, tested him by
asking, "Teacher, which commandment in the law
is the greatest?" He said to him, "You shall love the
Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your
soul, and with all your mind."
- Mt 22:35-3
Uno de ellos, que era doctor de la ley, le preguntó
para ponerlo a prueba: "Maestro, ¿cuál es el
mandamiento más grande de la ley?" Jesús le
respondió: "Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu
corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente".
- Mt 22, 35-37
Visión de Holy Family
Holy Family Vision
Ser discípulos en Cristo – testigos
vivos de la Buena Nueva.
Disciples in Christ living
witness to the good news.
Cov thwj tim hauv leej Pleev ua tim
khawv txog lub Moo Zoo.
Misión de Holy Family
"Holy Family" lub laug hauj lwm
Somos una Comunidad Católica
fortalecidos por el Espíritu Santo
para amar a Dios y seguir a
Jesucristo mediante la fe, la vida
de oración y el testimonio.
Peb yog ib pab ntseeg kav tos liv tau
Leej ntuj Plig Ntshiab lub hwj huam,
kom peb nyiam Tswv Ntuj thiab raws Yes
Xus Pleev nyob hauv txoj kev ntseeg,
kev teev hawm thiab kev ua tim khawv.
Holy Family Mission
We are a Catholic community
empowered through the Holy
Spirit to love God and to
follow Jesus Christ through
faith, worship and witness.
"Holy Family" lub aeem maug
Parish offices and mailing address:
271 Fourth Street Way
Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508
Holy Family Church / Corner of Co Rd. K and Co. Rd. T
271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 7:30 am-4:15 pm
Friday, 7:30 am-noon
Phone: (920) 921-0580
Fax: (920) 922-4866
Facebook and Twitter: HolyFamilyFdL
Rev. Ryan Pruess
Very Rev. Robert Stiefvater
Rev. Max Tzul, FMM
Rev. Alan Veik
Al Nicolai, Supervisor
Dave Braun, Director
Erin Cobb, Marriage and Family
Life Coordinator
St. Mary Church / Corner of Merrill and Marquette Sts.
59 E. Merrill Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935
St. Peter Church / Corner of Hwy. WH and Church Road
N8079 Church Rd., Malone, WI 53049
Trisha Flasch, Youth and Young
Adult Ministry
Veronica Ford, Assoc. Dir.
Mary Schroeder, Support Staff
Pastoral Council
Deacon Ricardo Muñoz
Paul Thelen, Director
Ron Jacobson, Fire Choir Director
Tom Klamrowski, Choir Director
Eva Thelen, Choir Director
Joseph Bird, Parish Manager
Karen Boede, Clergy Secretary
Kathleen Bunge, Bookkeeper
Janice Elsinger, Support Staff
Elise Estes, Receptionist
Sacred Heart Church / Corner of S. Peters and Western Aves.
200 S. Peters Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Deacon Ricardo Muñoz
Deacon Dale Paczkowski
Location of each of our worship sites:
Holy Family Catholic Community
Ruthann Ross, Director
Deacon Dale Paczkowski
Jack Braun, Director
Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement 140
Matthew Rodenkirch,
Communications Coordinator
Mike Frydryk, Chairperson /
Stewardship Commission
Doris Grajkowski,
Human Concerns Commission
Larry Heller, Worship Commission
Ester Martinez,
Human Concerns Commission
Barb Piechowski, Formation Com.
Larry Richardson, Stewardship Com.
Harry Schneider, Trustee
Kevin Shaw,
St. Mary’s Springs Academy
Joe Stephany, Finance Council
Dixie Sullivan,
Human Concerns Commission
Sean Twohig, Formation Commission
Finance Council
Steve Hess, Chairperson
Mike McNamara
Louie Paynter
Harry Schneider, Treasurer
Joe Stephany, Secretary
St. Mary’s Springs Academy
Kevin Shaw, President
Doug Olig, Lead Principal | Erin Flood, Principal
114 Amory Street
Elementary Campus
95 E. 2nd Street
Middle School Campus
63 E. Merrill Avenue
High School
255 County Road K
Mass Intention
MONDAY, October 27,2014
Readings/Lecturas: Eph 4:32--5:8/Lk 13:10-17
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
Connie Hughes
2:00 pm
Lutheran Home Fr. Bob
Open Intention
TUESDAY, October 28, 2014—St. Simon and St. Jude, apostles
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Ryan
Readings/Lecturas: Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16
Freda Easton
WEDNESDAY, October 29, 2014
Readings/Lecturas: Eph 6:1-9/Lk 13:22-30
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Ryan
Ray Pickart (Anniversary)
8:00 am
St. Peter
Fr. Max
Tammy Quynn
2:10 pm
Fr. Bob
Open Intention
THURSDAY, October 30, 2014
Readings/Lecturas: Eph 6:10-20/Lk 13:31-35
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Ryan
7:30 am
Sacred Heart
(after 7:00 am Mass)
7:15 am
Holy Family
(prior to 8:00 am Mass)
8:00 am
Holy Family
Fr. Al
G. W. (Anniversary)
Dorothy Kohlmann; Living and deceased of the Anthony May Family;
Charlie Van Vleet (Anniversary)
FRIDAY, October 31, 2014
Readings/Lecturas: Phil 1:1-11/Lk 14:1-6
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
Kim Mooney; Living and deceased of the Silah Family;
Joan Marcelja (Anniversary)
8:00 am
St. Peter
Fr. Ryan
Open Intention
8:30 am
St. Mary
Fr. Bob
Ray Hoepfner (Anniversary); Blaine Toshner
SATURDAY, November 1, 2014—All Saints Day
Fr. Ryan
Readings/Lecturas: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a
8:00 am
St. Mary
Open Intention
8:30 am
St. Mary
3:15 pm
Sacred Heart
Sunday Vigil
4:00 pm
Sacred Heart
3:15 pm
St. Peter
Sunday Vigil
4:00 pm
St. Peter ∆
Fr. Max
Dale Schumacher; Larry Rinzel; Elmer, Todd and Robert Petrie
Sunday Vigil
4:15 pm
Holy Family
Fr. Ryan
William Preston, Ernest and Annie Preston
(after 8:00 am Mass)
(prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
Fr. Bob
Richard and Isabelle Schingen; Grace Marcoe;
Living and deceased of the Anton Andrew Family
(prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
SUNDAY, November 2, 2014—Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Soul’s Day)
Readings/Lecturas: Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40
7:15 am
St. Mary
Fr. Ryan
Manuel Hernandez (Anniversary)
8:00 am
Holy Family
Fr. Al
Lee Dolan
8:30 am
St. Peter †
Fr. Bob
9:00 am
Sacred Heart †
Fr. Max
Living and deceased of the Harold and Catherine Schneider and
William Lauby Families
Dorothy Fox (Anniversary) and Judy Fox Bellmer; Klapperich Family;
Dolores Mueller
9:30 am
St. Mary †
Fr. Ryan
Betty Waehler; Blas Rodriguez Sr. (Anniversary); Special Intention for W.S.
10:15 am
Holy Family †
Fr. Al
Pearl, Teresa, Jerome and Edward Snyder; Richard Draeger (Anniversary);
Margaret Kaiser and John Bertram
11:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
Living and deceased of the Robert 'Bob' Anderson Family (Anniversary)
Reconciliation 11:15 am
St. Mary
(prior to 12:00 pm Mass)
12:00 pm
St. Mary
Fr. Bob
Open Intention (Day of the Dead Mass)
12:30 pm
Sacred Heart
Fr. Paul
Open Intention
7:00 pm
Sacred Heart
Fr. Al
For the Parishioners
Presiders’ schedule subject to change without notice.
† Children’s Liturgy of the Word
* Baptism during Mass ∆ Adoration after Mass
Holy Family Catholic Community
Parish Membership
Please call Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement, at the
parish office, 921-0580, ext 140 or email gkraig@hffdl.org
to set up an appointment to register. Available hours are
Monday 11:00 am—7:30 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday 8:00 am—4:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am—11:30 am.
Marriage Preparation
Contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to the
wedding date.
Please remember in your prayers the following from our
Holy Family community who have died. May their souls,
and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace.
Gladys Anderson Marggi
Irving Huberty
Dennis Kelley
Baptism Preparation
Victor Lehner
Call the parish office to schedule baptism. New and
expectant parents are required to attend a baptism
preparation class; Godparents are also invited to attend.
The next class will be held on Monday, November 3 at
6:30 pm in Holy Family Hall.
Richard Zoelle
¿Cómo Ser Miembros De Nuestra Parroquia?
Para inscribirse como miembro activo de la Parroquia, solo
llame a las oficinas de Lunes a Jueves de 7:30 a 4:15 y
Viernes de 7:30 a 12:00 del medio día. Pregunte por
Diacono Ricardo Muñoz. 920-921-0580 ext. 229.
Se comienza la preparación con un mínimo de 2 meses de
anticipación. Las platicas para la preparación de
Bautismos son el segundo Jueves y Sábado de cada mes.
Jueves a las 6:00 pm o Sábado a las 10:00 am.
Primera Comunión y confesiones (Reconciliación)
Este Sacramento se recibe durante el segundo grado de la
escuela. Las clases se comienzan cada año escolar,
Septiembre-Mayo La celebración es aproximadamente la
primera semana de Mayo.
Deben estar inscritos como miembros de la parroquia.
Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación.
Ritos de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA)
Esto es para los mayores de 18 años que no han recibido
Bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación. Inscribirse
en Noviembre o Diciembre. Las clases comienzan en Enero
y finaliza en Abril.
Por cualquier duda o más información, llamar a Diacono
Ricardo Muñoz.
Bulletin Announcements
The regular deadline for bulletin announcements is
Thursday by 9:00 am, 11 days prior to the publication date.
Contact Matthew via email at mrodenkirch@hffdl.org or
send your information to the attention of Matthew at
271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508.
All items are subject to approval and editing. When
emailing, please include the name of your event in the
subject line.
Holy Family Catholic Community
November 1, 2014
III: Lynnea Saggert and Michael Drummond
1:00 pm—Holy Family
November 8, 2014
II: Renee Kraus and Ryan Rivera
1:00 pm—Holy Family
November 15, 2014
I: Colleen McCullough and Adam Diny
1:00 pm—Holy Family
Holy Family:
Thursday, 7:15 am (prior to 8:00 am Mass)
Sacred Heart: Thursday, 7:30 am (after 7:00 am Mass)
Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
St. Mary:
Saturday, 8:30 am (after 8:00 am Mass)
Sunday, 11:15 am (prior to noon Mass)
St. Peter:
Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
Parish Devotional Life
Morning Prayer
Sacred Heart Monday-Friday
6:40 am
Sacred Heart Monday-Friday
7:40 am
St. Peter
Wednesday and Friday
7:40 am
St. Mary
8:30 am
First Friday Novena
Sacred Heart 1st Friday
7:30 am
First Saturday Novena
St. Mary
1st Saturday
8:30 am
Eucharistic Adoration
Sacred Heart Monday-Friday
6:00 am-10:00 pm
6:00 am
to Sunday
10:00 pm
A 30 minute Eucharistic Adoration will be held after
selected Sunday Mass each week. See page 3 for dates.
Adoration for Vocations
St. Mary
1st Sunday following the 9:30 am Mass
MON., Oct. 27
TUE., Oct. 28
WED., Oct. 29
THU., Oct. 30
6:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Open Basketball
6:30 pm Sacred Heart Hall
Hispanic Couples meeting
7:00 pm St. Peter Hall
St. Peter Altar and Rosary Society
8:00 am St. Mary Maurer Hall
Holy Family Mission Quilters
6:30 pm Holy Family Fireside Room
Divorce Support Group
7:00 pm Sacred Heart Hospitality Room
Bread of Life Prayer Group
5:30 am Holy Family Hall
Men’s Group
6:45 pm Holy Family Fireside Room
Men’s Group
8:30 am Holy Family Fireside Room
Women’s Ministry—Sharing our Journey
10:00 am Sacred Heart Hospitality Room
Faith Builders
7:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Open Volleyball
FRI., Oct. 31
6:00 pm St. Joseph Gym
Open Basketball
SAT., Nov. 1
9:00 am Sacred Heart School
All Saint’s Day/Summer School Reunion
12:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
SUN., Nov. 2
Open Basketball
8:30 am Holy Family St. Agnes Resource Room
11:15 am Holy Family Hall
Memorable Milestone
65th Wedding Anniversary of
Wilbert and Lillian Kraus
Holy Family St. Peter Altar and Rosary Society
The next meeting will be held October 27 at 7:00 pm in
St. Peter Church Hall. Dawn Meyer will be our guest
speaker, she is affiliated with Eucharistic Adoration.
Please join us for an enjoyable evening. For more
information you can call Barb at 922-0075 or Claire at
921-0156. Everyone is welcome.
Fall Chicken Dinner
The annual chicken dinner
at the St. Mary Gym will
be Saturday, November
15 from 4:00—6:30 pm.
Desserts are needed as
are volunteers and diners.
Please call Kathy Simon at
921-3832, Kate Barr at
921-7433 or Dorothy
Rieder at 921-5543 to
volunteer. This is a great way to get service hours if you
need them. Please drop off desserts on Saturday morning
in the gym kitchen starting at 8:00 am.
Memorial Mass reception (following Mass)
Christ Child Society
We will meet on November 4 at 6:30 pm in Sacred Heart
Hall. Come join us and find out more about our ministry.
Liturgical Ministers Retreat and Training
All parish liturgical ministers are invited to attend a
retreat at Sacred Heart Church on Saturday, November 8
from 9:00 am to Noon. This is for all Lectors, Eucharistic
Ministers, Adult Servers, Greeters, Musicians, Choir
members, Sacristans, liturgy planners and Ushers. The
morning of prayer and reflection will be facilitated by
Fr. Charlie Wester. Following the session with Fr. Charlie
there will be brief training sessions for all ministries. For
more information please call or email Paul Thelen
921-0580 pthelen@hffdl.org.
Calvary Cemetery
A Memorial Mass is held at 9:00 am on the first Saturday of
each month at the Calvary Cemetery Chapel of the Risen
Christ Mausoleum, located on Fond du Lac Avenue.
“Love God with your whole heart, with your whole soul
and with all your mind.” Is Christ calling you to let Him
manifest His love in you as a priest or consecrated
religious? Contact Fr. Luke Strand at 414-747-6437 or by
email at vocations@sfs.edu. See their website at
Holy Family Catholic Community
Religious Education Classes
Sunday, October 26—5:00-7:00 pm
Grades 9-10
Sacred Heart Center and Annex
Wednesday, October 29—6:15-7:30 pm
Grades 1-5
Sacred Heart Center
Grades 6-8
Sacred Heart Annex
Saints By Our Side Summer School Reunion
Your family is invited to party with the saints at Sacred
Heart Center from 9:00 – 11:00 am on Saturday,
November 1. Join us for a fun filled morning with games,
stories and a yummy treat! Please register by Monday,
October 27 to Veronica Ford at vford@hffdl.org or
920-921-0580 ext 131.
Advent At-Home Retreat Coming Soon
It may be a bit early and stores even have Christmas items
out, but Holy Family will be offering a way to have an at
home Advent retreat. Look for this opportunity as a way to
gain some peace in a hectic world and deepen our
friendship with Jesus. We will use an inexpensive, but well
done book or devotional that will take 5-10 minutes a day.
We will start on November 21 before Advent and pray
right through Advent to Christmas. Watch for more
information and how to sign up. Contact Dave Braun in
Christian Formation for more information,
dbraun@hffdl.org or 920-921-0580 ext. 133.
Fr. Ryan answers the most common
questions about his vocation:
When did you first receive the calling from God to
become a priest? Tell us about it.
I always felt drawn to the priesthood from little on. I
knew that as a young boy I loved to serve Mass and
liked going to church. When I got to Middle School
and High School, I pushed the thought of priesthood away because I
didn't think I was holy enough and I didn't feel smart enough to be a
priest. Once I got to college I knew I had to give it a try. Once I was
in seminary, I discovered I loved it even more. Being a priest for
these last two years has been wonderful.
What advice do you have for parents to help lead their children to
the vocation to which God is calling them?
Encourage them. Support them in whatever they feel called to do but
most importantly always leave the priesthood and religious life open
as a possibility. Allow your kids to know that priests are happy,
healthy and holy people who live lives as ordinary people ordained to
serve God and the Church.
Where did you find support for your vocation, once you started
thinking about becoming a priest?
I discovered the most support came from my brother seminarians.
Like law enforcement, the military or any other profession that
involves intense training and sacrifice, I found that the priesthood
caused us to become very close and supportive of each other. Now
some of my best friends are priests, but I still have many valuable
friends from the time before I was ordained as well.
What is the best part of your day?
I love celebrating Mass. It is one of the best parts of my day. Growing
up I always felt Mass was boring, even as a server I never discovered
the true meaning of it until I was older. Now I celebrate the Mass
with great joy and hope to share that with the parish.
What does an average day for a priest look like?
There is no average day for a priest. I come into work every day and
never know what to expect. The life of a priest is wrapped up in
prayer, helping to guide the parish towards holiness and teaching the
people of God.
Holy Family Catholic Community
The Death of Deacon
Larry Hughes
Deacon Larry Hughes was
ordained in 1983 by Archbishop
Weakland, at the Cathedral of
St. John the Evangelist,
Milwaukee at which time he
was appointed to serve at St. Patrick Parish here
in Fond du Lac where he exercised his three-fold
diaconal ministry of Service to the Word, Service
of the Altar and Service of Charity. In October of
1997 he was transferred to St. Joseph Parish,
Fond du Lac, where he continued to minister to
the sick and homebound, to preach and baptize.
When the area parishes were combined into one
parish, Holy Family, in 2000, Larry was
appointed to Holy Family from that time until
his retirement from active ministry on
August 31, 2012. Even after his retirement from
formal ministry he continued to help out with
baptisms and funerals as his declining health
On September 21 he suffered a serious fall down
his basement stairs and was hospitalized for
multiple injuries. He died from complications
due to the fall on October 6, 2014.
While at St. Joseph Parish he began a Marriage
ministry that he continued at Holy Family until
his retirement. Although the focus of the
ministry has changed since then, it was because
of his continued insistence that Marriage
Ministry remained an important ministry of the
parish. Erin Cobb is now our Marriage and Family
Minister serving the needs of the engaged, newly
married and young parents.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful
departed rest in peace.
-Fr. Bob Stiefvater
“…For the Beauty of the Earth…”
SMSA Open House
We are blessed with a whole bevvy of gardeners at each of
our sites that make our properties stand out as cared-for,
good neighbors and carefully attended to! This year the
gardens and lawns of our parish have caught my attention
for their continuous color and beauty from the thaw
(finally) in May to the changing hues of fall. Thanks to you
gardeners for the beauty you give us!
-- Fr. Bob Stiefvater
Sunday, October 26, 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Holy Family
Judy Bennot
Jack Braun
Carol Braun
Bill Gau
Mary Gorske
Paul Holzmann
Julie Ketter
Sarah Possin
Angie Raflik
Arlene Ramstack
Carol Rottier
Roger Sabel
Kathy Schumacher
Jean Schmitz
John Smedberg
Joe Stephany
Sue Stephany
Dixie Sullivan
Jerry Sullivan
Linda Trent
Rick Voell
Ralph Wilhelms
Sandy Will
Tom Will
St. Peter
Ben Brenner
Bud Sabel
And all those who just “pop-in” on their own to take care
of the shrine.
Sacred Heart
Ken Campshure
Cathy Draeger
Tom and Marilyn
Judy Hollis
Mary Jaeger
Kathy Robinson
Sandi Smet
Roger and Bev
Carol Thompson
Karen Witucke
Green Thumb
Garden Club
Dave and Dorothy
St. Mary
All those who have over the years quietly and generously
tended to the shrine
Jack Braun
Doris Grajkowski
And those individuals, families and students who have over
the years responded to our Adopt-A-Highway help requests.
Parish Financial Summary
July 1, 2014 through October 12, 2014
Actual Revenue
Budgeted Revenue
Snow Removal
Holy Family is seeking RELIABLE individuals for weekend
and holiday snow removal. These positions are for
sidewalks and building entrances only. Pick up an
application at Holy Family Parish Center, 271 Fourth
Street Way. Contact Al Nicolai, Facilities Supervisor, for
more information at 921-0580 or anicolai@hffdl.org.
Come see what opportunities St. Mary's
Springs Academy High School has to offer
you! Experience the Catholic option for
high school right here in Fond du Lac!
Student Ambassadors will be on hand to
lead tours throughout the school with
stops to speak with teachers, coaches,
club advisers, current parents of students, as well as the
principal. Learn all there is to know about curriculum,
financial aid and busing options! All are welcome to
attend. The SMSA HS Open House is open for you! We are
your Catholic option for High School… come see what
opportunities await!
Winter Coat Drive
St. Mary's Springs Academy is currently having its
4th Annual Winter Coat Drive. Please donate unwanted
winter coats, hats, gloves, mittens or scarfs. Drop off sites
are at St. Joseph School, St. Mary School and St. Mary's
Springs High School. These items will be cleaned by Model
Cleaners and than distributed in the Fond du Lac area.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Any questions,
please call 979-9484.
Youth Service Opportunities
Pumpkin Painting at St. Francis Home, 33 Everett Street,
on Thursday, October 30, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Teen
volunteers are needed to help residents paint little
pumpkins. This is an annual favorite with both the
residents and the youth. Help an older person make a fun
Halloween decoration! Please contact Evelyn McLeanCowan at 929-9116.
World Community Day
Church Women United is sponsoring this celebration at
Covenant United Methodist Church Friday, November 7 at
1:30 pm. Our theme is “Through God Our Hands Can
Heal.” Women of all faiths are invited to join in prayer
and reflection on the gift of healing in our community.
Theatre Trip
The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a bus trip on
Saturday, November 15, to the Fireside Theatre for the
presentation of “The Fireside Christmas Show.” Through
songs, stories and dances, both traditional and original,
the essence of “The Fireside Christmas Show” will rekindle in all the true Christmas Spirit. The cost is $88.00
per person which includes bus transportation, lunch and
theater tickets. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is
NOT required. Call Rick Volz at 922-7719 for reservations.
Holy Family Catholic Community
Memorial Mass - Sunday, November 2
10:15 am Mass at Holy Family Church
A Memorial Mass will be celebrated on
Sunday November 2 at 10:15 am at Holy
Family Church to honor and remember
Holy Family members who have passed
away between October 1, 2013 and
September 30, 2014. All are welcome to
attend this celebration of remembrance.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and
burdened, and I will give you rest.”
- Mt 11:28
Supporting One Another In Times
Of Loss and Grief
Holy Family Catholic Community is blessed to have
Bereavement Ministers that exemplify the truest form of
love and care at a time when it is most needed. The
Bereavement Ministers at Holy Family offer care,
compassion, support and encouragement to families
grieving the loss of a loved one.
These ministers of care are present for every funeral. In
the days and weeks after the death of a loved one, they
offer prayer and support through phone calls and greeting
cards, assuring the family that they continue to be in the
prayers of this faith community. Those who benefit from
the care shown by these ministers express their deep
gratitude. Those who minister experience great reward
simply by doing God’s work.
You too can share in this beautiful experience. What a
blessing when someone you recognize from Church attends
the funeral of a loved one and offers their prayers and
condolences! Won’t you take a moment to consider
getting involved in this wonderful ministry? For more
information about the bereavement ministry, contact
Ruthann Ross, Director of Pastoral Care at 920-921-0580 or
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be
comforted.” - Mt 5:4
Divorce Support Group at Holy Family
Tuesday October 28 at 6:30 pm. A divorce support group
is open to anyone who is experiencing the pain and
struggle of separation or divorce. Whether you are
separated, newly divorced or divorced for some time,
come and receive support from others who understand the
difficulties and stresses of divorce. This group meets in
the Fireside Room on the 4th Tuesday of each month.
Come and join us. Use the south church entrance (under
the canopy). If you would like more information, contact
Ruthann in the Parish Office at 921-0580 or by email at
Pastoral Care to the Hospitalized
Holy Family Ministers of Care make regular visits to the
hospital several times each week. The ministers check in
at the information desk to obtain a list of parishioners who
are hospitalized. To insure that we learn of your hospitalization, when registering as a patient please tell them you
are a member of HOLY FAMILY Parish. If you tell them
Sacred Heart, St. Mary or St. Peter, we may not be informed of your hospitalization. If you or your loved one is
in the hospital and wishes to receive a pastoral visit from
the parish, please contact the parish office at 921-0580.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Holy Family’s Prayer Shawl Ministry invites all interested
people who knit or crochet to join. The gatherings are the
1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 1:00-2:30 pm in
the Fireside Room at Holy Family Church. Contact Dixie at
921-2065 for more information or with any questions.
Weekly Justice Challenge
30th Week in Ordinary Time
Justice Challenge: The Sunday readings challenge us to care
for the most vulnerable in our midst. The first reading
focuses on immigrants, orphans, widows, and the poor. The
Gospel has Jesus linking the great commandment of loving
God with the command to also love our neighbor. Jesus
made them inseparable. Your challenge this week is to
explore your definition of neighbor. Whom does it include?
Can you identify the people whom God is calling you to love
as you love yourself? Stretch yourself as an individual and as
a family by expanding your circle of neighbors to include
those beyond your comfort zone and beyond your own parish
or neighborhood. Have a conversation, meet for coffee, sit in
the school cafeteria or share a ride with someone with whom
you haven’t connected. Make a new neighbor!
Holy Family Ministry Connection: Did you know there is a
wonderful ministry here at Holy Family called “Neighbors in
Faith?” It is a ministry of “Being Church” through active
relationships with one another to promote love and
community in living out the message of the Gospel. What
does all of that mean?
There is an old Chinese saying; “It’s better to light one
candle than to curse the darkness.” That not only makes
sense, but it’s something you can do in a hundred different
ways too. One way to do this is to take an interest in
someone else. You can make a difference in a person’s life.
You can light a candle to brighten their darkness!
No one should ever be lonely. And don’t kid yourself; there
are many people in Fond du Lac who are lonely! I visited a
lady several weeks back; she was the dearest and sweetest
lady, but she was also the most accurate definition of lonely.
We have since paired her up with a Neighbor in Faith, and
they are building a beautiful friendship!
Did you know that Holy Family Parish has 975 households in
Holy Family Catholic Community
concluded on page 9...
Dignity of Life Listening Session
Gather for a suggestion, discussion and dialogue session
on Wednesday, October 29, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the
Holy Family Parish Hall
To achieve the goal of developing a Dignity of Life
ministry, the plan needs to include ongoing education,
prayer, action and service, and policy and advocacy
efforts to mobilize our Catholic community on issues of
life, justice and peace. The first and most fundamental
principle of human rights is the call to actively work for a
world of greater respect for human life.
Come join us on October 29 in a formation and discussion
 Join others in a brief prayer for God’s help in all
that we do in defense of human life.
 Help us plan a Mass of Hope and Healing in
January, 2015 for those who have suffered a
pregnancy loss due to miscarriage, ectopic
pregnancy, still-birth or newborn death.
 Hear introduction to Rosebud program: This
Elizabeth Ministries’ program is a beautifully
unique way to show respect for the dignity and
worth of all life. This program helps a church
identify, pray for and support those who are
pregnant, celebrating birth or adoption, grieving
miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, infant or child
death or wanting to become pregnant or adopt.
 Hear about Advocacy opportunities: Public
advocacy from the Catholic community is a civic
responsibility that serves the common good. Here
is an opportunity that will assist you in your own
commitment to advance justice in defense of the
dignity of every human life.
 Bring your ideas for ways that you hope Holy
Family can respect the dignity of all human life!
...continued from page 8
its membership where one or more of the people living in
that home are over the age of 80? This does not include
nursing homes or assisted living facilities.
Many of these people no longer drive and are unable to get
to Mass, though the desire is strong….many of them no longer
have children or grandchildren living in the Fond du Lac area.
Many of them are lonely and long for something or someone
to brighten their day.
Will you consider “adopting” a neighbor and offer your
friendship and love to help to brighten their day? Families are
encouraged as well, what a wonderful way to teach our
children the value of care and compassion!
“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!”
For more information on being a “Neighbor in Faith,” contact
Jack Braun or Ruthann Ross in the Parish Office, 921-0580 or
jbraun@hffdl.org or rross@hffdl.org. “Be the change you wish
to see in the world!”
Alternative Giving Event
Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8
Holy Family site after all Masses
The Alternative Giving Event is an opportunity to make a
donation to local and international nonprofit organizations
that help those in need in the name of a friend or relative.
You will receive a gift card to announce your gift
donation. Give a gift that gives back, a gift that empowers
and provides hope and dignity to those in our community
and around the world. Watch future bulletins for more
Exciting Fair Trade News
Thursday, November 13
In partnership with Just Fare Market
This year we are doing something
different and exciting in
November. Instead of our annual
December Fair Trade/Alternative
Gift Event in Holy Family Hall we
are offering a community
shopping night at Just Fare
Market. You will still be
supporting artisans and farmers
in the developing world and be
able to shop for Christmas gifts
for family and friends. Your gifts
make a difference by providing a fair wage that enables
farmers and artisans pay for food, education, healthcare
and housing for their families.
Just Fare will donate back 15% of the evening’s sales if
$500 or more is generated. This money will be used to
assist our sister parish visitors from Santa Rosa. In May of
2015, five members of our sister parish in Nicaragua will
be visiting Fond du Lac. This wonderful opportunity for
mutuality in the relationship is only possible if we support
these missionaries, paying the expenses of visas and air
The shopping night at Just Fare Market is Thursday,
November 13 from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. All Holy Family
parishioners and their friends are invited to come to Just
Fare Market at N7645 N. Pebbles Lane to shop for your
Christmas items. There is a fantastic selection of baskets,
scarves, jewelry, handbags, toys, coffee, chocolate, jams,
wall hangings and other
items. The true spirit of
Christmas is realized when
we become aware of how
our spending impacts
others. Thank you for your
If you have any questions,
please call Carol at
Holy Family Catholic Community