Office: 9983 9455 School Security: 1300 880 021 Canteen: 9440 0356 After School Care: 9144 4769 TURRAMURRA PUBLIC SCHOOL Newsletter Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 Term 4 Week 3 Principal’s Message: Dear Parents, Our value for the next fortnight is: Respect Recognising the worth, quality and importance of others despite their differences. An activity at home for you to do to reinforce this value: discuss with your children what is meant by respect. Ask them to describe simple ways in which they can demonstrate respect towards you, their teachers and each other. TPS Fair Save the date: 29th November 8am to 2pm Our P&C have been working tirelessly preparing for the TPS Fair. The purpose of the Fair is to raise funds for the school to pay for projects that form part of the P&C Plan. There will be a variety of stall holders and lots of fun activities for the children. Check the Newsletter every week for information and also how you can support the P&C and your school. Year 6 Mini Fete Monday, 27th October is the Year 6 Mini Fete. This is the highlight of the Year 6 year. The whole school participates in the morning activities. Please send gold coins to school as the activities will cost between $1 and $3. We look forward to a fun filled day. Festival of Children’s Music This Wednesday evening our Turra4 Choir, TurraTen and Senior Boys’ Dance Group have been selected for item performances in the Festival of Children’s Music at The Concourse Concert Hall in Chatswood. We hope they have a lot of fun and enjoy the experience. Mrs Maxwell, Miss Freer and Ms Robertson will be accompanying the children. Mrs Bruce and I will be attending the Concert on Wednesday evening and look forward to the performances. Have a good week. Jacqui Gordon Relieving Principal Achievement Awards – Years 3-6 Week 1 3M Dijana Mazumdar 3/4D Laura Jones 4SB Will Hunt 5J Finn Hay 6B Mitchell Eagling 6M Lilt Melik-Vartanian William Jo Imogen Arnott Josh Mason Hudson Perry Heidi McIntyre Dev Kalra Week 2 3S Sarah McGuiness 3/4D Alysha Dinniss 4K Eloise McLarty 5J Lucian Fuhler 5R Sophie Hickson 6B Alex Tucker Matthew Romer Ethan Maltby Jayden Firmage Alyssa Fan Ricky Tang Xanthe Wessen Sports Awards – Years 3-6 Week 1 Steven Kang Jasmine Shaw Martha Robinson Max Posen Joshua Fransen, Darius Fuhler Reina Randall Planning Ahead… Tuesday, 21st October Wednesday, 22nd October Friday, 24th October Monday, 27th October Tuesday, 28th October Friday 31st October - Jnr Band at Montefiore Nursing Home - FOCM Yr 4 Performance @ Chatswood - PSSA – TPS vs Asquith PS @ Mills Park (Softball/TBall/Cricket) - Yr 6 Mini Fete (No K-6 Assembly) - P & C AGM Meeting - Class Parent Meeting - 9:15 am in Staff room – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 2 Week 2 Joshua Ansley Emily Fisk Olivia Mazereeuw Catherine Ward Emily Duong Benjamin Swinbourne Achievement Awards – Years K-2 Week 3 KC Madison Liu 1B Ethan Penna 1KM Imogen Harris 2L Damon Penna Phoenix Astrom Hayley Dinniss Zach Falzon Jett O’Bryan Sport Awards – Years K-2 Week 3 KC Chrissie Argyropoulos Benji Tucker 1B Jack Wilson Daisy Miller 1KM Elise Poulos Jakob Henriksen 2L Joseph Birtles James Padina Sport News - Week 3 Year 6 enjoyed a visit on Monday afternoon from two representatives of the Sydney Kings Basketball team. The players, Daniel Joyce and Kevin White went through various basketball skills with the students and patiently answered their questions and signed autographs galore! There was a media representative there and we should expect to see a story in the North Shore Times or The Hornsby Advocate in the coming weeks. There are some photos elsewhere in the newsletter as well as recounts from some of the students. Finn Duggan, our State representative for Athletics was unlucky enough to have his race on the coldest day last week, Finn said it was a chilly 9˚C out at Homebush and they weren’t allowed to wear their jumpers! Finn came 6th in his heat and was 2 hundredths of a second off qualifying. What an amazing experience though for this lovely 9 year old and hopefully next year we’ll see him get through again! PSSA is in full swing again for the summer. The draw has been released. There are a number of away games this term. Thank you to those lovely parents who continue to support by transporting the children when they play “at home” down to Auluba and Field of Dreams. Next Monday, 27th October, we are having a special visit from Jake Stein, a 2014 Commonwealth Games Decathlete who will be giving our Stage 2 and 3 students a 15-20min presentation about the importance of participating in sport and encouraging them to take part in a large variety of sports. The presentation is part of the Weet-Bix TRYathlon program. Over 3100 schools across Australia encouraged their students to participate in the 2014 Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon Series . Since its inception in 1999 approximately 100,000 Aussie kids have participated. Feedback from teachers and students who participate in the series say they experience greater interest and participation in sporting activities as a result. 82% of parents whose child took part in an event agree that their child’s self-esteem increased as a result of their participation. The Kids TRYathlon challenges students from 7 to 15 years old to swim, ride and run through variable distances set according to age. No matter what their sporting ability or fitness level is, every child is rewarded equally for their efforts and they beam with pride as they collect their medallion presented by Australian sporting heroes as they finish the event. Kids TRYathlon has proven to be a wonderful opportunity for school groups and families to enjoy a great day outdoors surrounded by friends in a safe and controlled environment. Current students who have participated in the event are invited to bring their shirts along for Jake to sign if they wish. This is also the year 6 Mini-Fete Day but as the presentation is not long, the Year 6 students will attend and be able to set up their stalls and activities at the conclusion of the presentation. Have a great week, Katrina McGuire Sport Convener From the Office Exemption Forms for leave over 10 school days need to be requested/collected from school office prior to leaving. – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 3 Library News If you have any queries relating to the AGM please contact Justine McLarty (Secretary) on Thanks for your support. Justine & Briony Chess Chess coaching has commenced. Please forward payment to the office as soon as possible. The cost for Term 4 is $69.30. Redgum Book Club Redgum Book Club order booklets have been distributed to students today. Please note that orders should go directly to Redgum – email, fax and phone details are on the back of the booklet. Orders are due by 17 November. Mrs Kynaston and Mrs Lock Teacher Librarians Thank you to P&C Dear P&C Many thanks for organising such a brilliant night on Saturday. Camping out on the oval was so much fun! The weather was perfect and everyone had a wonderful time. You totally spoiled us with the fantastic catering pizza, hot chocolates and marshmallows on Saturday night, then Sunday breakfast of bacon, eggs, croissants, juice, tea, coffee and fruit. Delicious! Thanks again for all your hard work in organising such a top event. We’re already looking forward to the next one. Best wishes The Campers P & C News P&C AGM and General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Parents & Citizens Association will be held next Tuesday, 28 October 2014, at 7.30pm in the staffroom. All executive and sub-committee positions will be declared vacant at the AGM and the voting will take place for the positions for the coming year. Whilst everyone is welcome to attend the AGM, as previously notified, only current financial members of the P&C will be eligible to vote or nominate for positions. To be a current financial member you must have attended a P&C meeting earlier this year and paid your $1 membership fee. If you are not a current member, we encourage you to attend the meeting and become a member for the coming year which will enable you to vote on any decisions made in 2015. (Please note, membership is effective at the meeting following the one when you pay your fee). If you are interested in nominating for a position on the executive or sub-committees, the nomination form can be found on the P&C page of the school website. Nominations are required by this Thursday, 23 October 2014. The agenda for the AGM and General Meeting can be found later in this newsletter. Canteen News A big thanks to all those who came in to help last week, and our lovely helpers for week3: Wednesday 22 October: Wayne Laughton Gillian Allen Vanessa Middleton Rosemary Cha Thursday 23 October: Dawn Brain Melissa Day Emma Slade Friday 24 October: Kate Banham, Georgie Howard Haylee Brugman. We need one more helper for Friday, if anyone is available please call or text me on 0408787804. The online orderer of the week is Amelia Shafiani. Well done Amelia, please come and collect your prize on Wednesday. And remember to bring your flexischool label to the counter for your chance to win online orderer of the week! I am still keen to hear from anyone with 'Gluten Free' children so that I can discuss options with you. Have a great week everyone Liz – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 4 TPS Walking Bus Did you know TPS has a parent-run walking bus that runs down to the Kissing Point Road shops? Parents join the roster as bus 'drivers', in return for someone else walking your child/ren another day. At the end of each term regular walkers receive a bluey. If you're interested in joining the walking bus email Davinia at to find out more. – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 5 Sydney Kings th On the 20 of October the stage 3 children got to meet two very special people. Those two people were Dan and Kevin from the Sydney Kings basket ball team. Dan and Kevin taught year six some fun basket ball skills that made us better at dribbling. We had fun a dribbling competition that Alex t and Alex w won; the prize was cool Sydney Kings merchandise. At the end we asked questions about how they became professional basket ball players. After that the year sixes surrounded the players for their autographs. I can tell you now all the year sixes had a blast with the players. And they both hope to see them again soon at the Sydney Kings Stadium. P.s don’t forget to check the news paper just in case you’re in one of the photos. Harry Nicholas 6M – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 6 Band News Upcoming band performances: When Saturday 25 Oct 2014 (Week 3) Monday 10 November (Week 6) Tuesday 18 Nov 2014 24-25 Nov 2014 Monday 1 December (Week 9) What th Cowan Public School, 75 Anniversary Day – Combined Senior and Performance Band Arrive at 2pm for a 2:30 performance. We will play for 25-30 mins, followed immediately by Mr Rowland’s band – feel free to stay and enjoy the music. K-6 Assembly Performance - INTERMEDIATE BAND Turramurra Primary School Baby Proms – Senior & Performance bands There will be 2 performances- one straight after Kindy orientation (10:30am) and the second at 12:15pm. Country Band Tour – Performance Band Permission notes and medical forms due back by this Friday (17/10). Please return to them to the Band Box. K-6 Medal Assembly – JUNIOR BAND Wednesday 3 Dec (Week 9) Scripture Service Performance - INTERMEDIATE BAND Thursday 4th Dec 2014 (Week 9) BAND COMMITTEE meeting and AGM – 7pm, Staff room. Parents of any current or future (year2) band members are welcome. As our year 6 parents leave us, we need enthusiastic new members to keep the program moving along, so come and see how the band program is run and consider joining the committee for 2015. Presentation Day (at THS) – PERFORMANCE BAND Thursday 11 December (Week 10) Monday 15 December (Week 11) End of year assembly – SENIOR BAND Congratulations Junior band on your wonderful performance today. You sounded terrific, looked good and were well-behaved. The band committee, your parents and your school are proud of you. We look forward to seeing you all in Intermediate band next year. TO DO LIST Senior and Performance bands remember Saturday 25th October, Cowan 2pm. Remember to bring MUSIC and INSTRUMENT home from school on Friday (24th). Keep practising the music. Country Band tour members keep practising your music. Attend the Band Committee Meeting and AGM, at 7pm in the Staff Room, on 4th December. All welcome. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Linda Davies ( or Kath Aubourg ( (TPS Band Co-ordinators). – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 7 ******************************************************************************************************************* PRE-ORDER SUSHI MENU For week ending Friday, 21st October, 2014 Choice of: (please circle the required sushi roll) Cooked Tuna and Cucumber Chicken Chicken and Avocado Vegetable Avocado Californian Please circle the condiment you require: Soy Sauce $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 TEACHER/ CHILD’S NAME: ……………………………………………………… TEACHER/ CHILD’S CLASS: ……………………………….. TOTAL NUMBER OF SUSHI ROLLS ORDERED: ……………………………….. TOTAL AMOUNT: $.......................................................................... Please return order form to the Canteen no later than 10am on Thursday. Please make any cheques payable to TPS Canteen – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 8 – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 9 – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 10 – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 11 Thank you Chadwick Real Estate for your generous sponsorship of our Christmas Fair raffle. – Issue 32 – Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 – page 12 2014 Year 12 THS Formal - all ex-students from TPS Back Row: Sammy Chatters, Jeanie Wills, Maddy Dah Dah, Hannah Fulton, Emily McKinnon, Emily Sibbald, Elise Paton, Ayla Eynaud Front Row: Sarah Hutt, Ellen Prowse, Chloe Coelho – TPS Old Girl Below is a picture of ex-TPS student, Rachel Osborne (Year 6 2012), playing for NSW Blues in the U13 National Championships in Brisbane 2 weeks ago. Congratulations Rachel!
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