Welcome Back - Turramurra Public School

Office: 9983 9455
School Security: 1300 880 021
Canteen: 9440 0356 / OOSH: 9144 4769
Email: turramurra-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015
Term 1 Week 9
Principal’s Message:
Dear Parents,
Thank you to our P&C for running a fun event
on Saturday for the students at TPS. The egg
hunt was very well attended and the children
loved it. Unfortunately, due to the weather the
camp out had to be cancelled. There will be
another opportunity later in the year for all our
keen campers.
Don’t forget voting is on this Saturday in the
school hall. We have a book stall, cakes and a
BBQ organised that will be set up under or near
the Year 6 COLA. Thank you to our Year 1
parents for all your work organising this. Cake
boxes will be coming home for you to fill for sale
on the day. (More information later in the
newsletter). Money raised from this goes towards
items for your children. We are making great
progress with many P&C projects this year with
A/C already installed in a number of rooms, a new
playground almost ready to install and the front of
school works almost ready to commence.
We are having an extra P&C meeting next
Tuesday in the staffroom at 7:30 pm. We would
love to see you there.
Parent interviews regarding progress are
being completed next week. Please ensure you
have completed the form and sent it back to
school, even if you will not be attending at this
Our K-6 Assembly will not be on next
week due to our very busy week. We have
school photos on Wednesday and so have
moved the Wednesday sport with Sportspro to
Monday to ensure no children miss out. The
gymnastics program this term has been
excellent and the children have gained a lot of
skills as a result. Next term Athletics will be
the skill taught in preparation for the Carnival
in Term 3.
Our Cross Country Carnival is on early
Term 2 and so some preparation at running a
longer distance may be a good activity during
the holiday break.
School photos will be in full summer
uniform. Sporting groups need to read Ms
McGuire’s note re uniform later in the
newsletter. Band groups will change into their
band uniform for their photos and so will need
to bring this to school on the day.
Fundraising for the Year 6 Farewell will
commence next Monday with a cupcake day.
Sales will be at recess under the primary
COLA. The children will be reminded through
the week at assemblies.
Have a lovely week,
Planning Ahead…
Wednesday, 25th March
Thursday, 26 March
Friday, 27 March
Saturday, 28 March
Monday, 30 March
Tuesday, 31 March
Wednesday, 1 April
Thursday, 2 April
Tuesday, 21 April
- State Swim Carnival @ Homebush
- Easter Assembly
- State Swim Carnival @ Homebush
- Election Day Fair
- Cup Cake Day
- P & C Meeting 7.30pm in Staffroom
- School Photo Day
- Kindy Hat Parade
- Last day of Term 1
- Students return for Term 2
Margaret Foott
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 2
Important notice for all PSSA Teams
concerning uniforms
Election Day Stalls
We will be having a cake stall, BBQ's and a
book stall.
Every family will be given a cake box to fill
with homemade cakes, cookies, slice or other
goodies. The boxes will come home over the next
few days, but all families will have them by
Thursday. They are returnable filled on Friday
morning at OOSH or between 8:30-9:10 at kiss
and drop or the teachers’ staff room. Alternatively,
they can be taken early Saturday morning to the
cake stall.
We are asking that all children bring in a bottle
of water to sell at the stalls on the day. Please
place these in the tubs/boxes that will be available
in each of the classrooms from Wednesday.
We appreciate everyone's support in this. If
for some reason you are unable to assist, please
return your cake box to the school office, as it will
be reissued. If you would prefer a slice box
instead, we have a limited number of these
available at either OOSH or the office. Please
swap your cake box for one (unless you are
baking up a storm and want both). For anyone
that needs extra cake boxes, please pick them up
from the office.
At TPS, we pride ourselves on a neat and
tidy uniform, including the sports uniform. We
expect our students to look smart particularly
when they are representing our school.
Recently, there have been many students
wearing "non-uniform" shorts for sport. This is
a timely reminder to check your child's sports
uniform is the correct one. Please note that
the shorts or track pants (available at the
uniform shop) are plain black and students are
not permitted to wear shorts or track pants
with coloured stripes and logos or any type of
On school photo day, Wednesday next
week and whenever they are representing the
school in sport our students are expected to
wear the correct TPS sport uniform as detailed
Soccer: Black shorts, soccer jersey, long
blue/white socks and soccer boots (trainers
OK for photos!)
Netball: Black shorts or skort, TPS blue
polo shirt, white ankle socks, trainers
Cricket: Cricket long white pants, TPS
blue polo shirt, white ankle socks, trainers
AFL: Black shorts or skort, AFL jersey
(won't be available for photo day so please
wear TPS blue polo shirt), long blue/white
socks and trainers.
Softball/T-Ball: Black shorts or skort, TPS
blue polo shirt, long blue/white socks and
Please ensure that if your child is in a
PSSA team, he or she has the correct sport
uniform in time for photo day next week so our
teams are looking their absolute best!
Thank you,
Katrina McGuire
Sport Convener
Uniform Shop Volunteers
Wednesday, 25th March:
Audrey, Nathalie
& Katherine
Wednesday, 1st April:
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 3
Canteen News
Thanks to everyone who came in to help last
week. This week's helpers are:
Kissing Point Football Club need another 4-6
players (boys or girls) to make up the final team in
the age group.
Wednesday 25 March:
Polly Saltmarsh and Nicole Hooimeyer
If you would like to play football this year, it’s not
too late!
Please contact Jonah Wigley U9 age co-ordinator
at jonah.wigley@gmail.com
Thursday 26 March:
Justine McLarty, Jo Sprague and Kerry Medd
Friday 27 March:
Melissa Self, Glenda Meaker-King, Lydia Lucs
and Kate Banham
A Thank you from the Office
Thank you to all the children, parents (and OOSH)
who deliver the bank books to the top office on a
Monday. This has been a great help since the
number of books has increased ten fold. Your
continued help would be much appreciated.
Library News
The 2015 NSW Premier’s Reading
The Challenge commenced on 2nd March
and ends on 21st August, 2015.
Please visit the following site for more
To sign into your student reading record, please
use your Computer lesson username and
Overdue Books
Overdue notices have been sent home.
Please note we will be requesting payment for
outstanding books. Please return any overdue
library books as soon as possible. If you have any
concerns, please send a note or visit us in the
Many thanks,
Mrs Kynaston and Mrs Lock
Teacher Librarians
The online orderer of the week is Sarah
Middleton. Well done Sarah, please come and
collect your prize on Wednesday. And
remember to bring your flexischool label to the
counter for your chance to win online orderer
of the week!
If you would like to volunteer to help out in
the canteen we always need more people,
especially for the Wednesday slot. Normal
duty hours are 9.30 to 2.00. If you would like
to help please call me on 0408787804 or
This week we have a Flexischools special
of a 'Beef Nachos Cup with Grated Cheese' on
Wednesday and Thursday. This is only
available via Flexischools orders.
Have a great week everyone,
News from the P & C
Hi everyone,
I am sorry that the weather did not hold
out for us over the weekend, and we had to
cancel the camp out component of the
weekend’s school social activities.
I have been inundated with requests to
reschedule, rather than just cancel.
I have been able to find another date
before it gets too cold for it, but we will need
enough families to be interested to go ahead.
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 4
We did get a lot of bookings in the week
leading up to the camp out, many saying they
were always interested, so the interest seems to
be there.
So...the date we have been able to locate is
Saturday night, 2nd May. This is the second
week of school going back. Anything later than
this I think will be too cold.
How to proceed from here Please let me know if you want:
1. A refund (full if you only booked for the
campout, and full minus the cost of the egg hunt if
paid for both.
2. Wish to carry the booking over to this new
date in May.
3. Wish to carry the booking over to the
already scheduled Sat, 7th November date.
Thanks so much,
P & C President
Save The Date
The P&C Trivia Night will be held on Saturday
evening 16 May 2015.
This is an adult’s only social & fundraising
event - mark your diary and book your babysitter
now so you can come along and join in the fun.
Tickets will be limited and on sale when
school returns after the holidays.
P&C Meeting
We will be having a brief general P&C
meeting on Tuesday 31 March 2015 at 7.30pm in
the staffroom. Everyone is welcome to attend and
the agenda can be found later in this newsletter. If
you haven't attended a meeting before we
encourage you to come along to find out more
about what is happening within the school and
how the P&C are working to assist the school with
facilities and resources.
The minutes from the last P&C meeting which
was held on 24 February 2015 are now available
on the P&C page of the school website.
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 5
Sports News
Well done to all the Area swimmers last Tuesday. They had an exciting day out at Homebush
watching the older kids then competing in their own races. I must correct last week’s entry and
mention that Dijana Mazumdar came 2nd at the Zone Carnival for junior backstroke and also swam
in this event at the area carnival.
Thanks to Heidi Roche for sending me through the results which were as follows:
Junior girls relay 19th - 2.55.58
Lachlan Clayton
50m FS 19th - 36.61
Kaitlyn Eyre
50m FS 19th - 39.51
Junior boys relay 11th - 2.41.11
Dijana Mazumdar 50m FS 24th - 42.93
50m BK 17th - 46.04
Lachlan Roche
50m BK 6th - 42.21
50m BF 10th - 43.41
Over the weekend, Alannah Hickson competed in the Little Athletics State
Championships for the U10 Girls 1100 meter race walk. She finished 3rd with a
bronze medal and took an amazing 43 seconds off her PB. Congratulations, Alannah!
We have had several senior students attend Zone sport trials over the last couple of
weeks and the following students have made it through to Area trials and will be
receiving Zone patches when they arrive:
Bernard Wilson Rugby League
Will Steel & Andrew Hobart Rugby Union
Tara Watson Girls Soccer
Remember to keep training for cross country next term!
Katrina McGuire
Sport Convener
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 6
Harmony Day
As part of TPS’s Harmony day celebration we attended a performance by Fred Reid and his son Toby.
His message was delivered in a fun and positive way. Both students and teachers enjoyed
participating in the dance and found the experience extremely enriching.
After the performance class 2L were inspired to create their own handprints. Please visit the office
to see some of the wonderful art work created by Mia, Elyse, Isabelle and Piper.
Robyn Levin
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 7
Band News
Monday 27 April 2015
Intermediate Band playing in K-6 assembly at 12:20pm
Mon 11 May
Jazz Band playing in K-6 assembly at 12:20pm
Sunday 24 May
Ryde East Music Festival
- Junior, Intermediate & Jazz Band
Details to be advised closer to the date
Monday 25 May
Junior Band playing in K-6 assembly at 12:20pm
Thursday 28 May
Band Committee meeting, 7pm in the Staffroom.
Sunday 14 June
Wahroonga Band Festival – Senior and Performance band
(Details to be advised closer to the date)
Monday 22 June
TBC - Senior band playing in K-6 assembly at 12:20pm
Sunday 9 August 2015
University of NSW Band Festival
Details to be advised closer to the date
Band uniforms
In May we start our competitions for the year starting with Ryde East Music Festival and we would like
all of you to get your band uniforms ready:
Black pants – no dance black pants and no ¾ pants
Band shirt (available from the TPS uniform shop)
Black shoes and black socks only
Hair should be neatly combed and, for the girls, tied back with hair elastics the same colour as their
hair (can be bought at the supermarket).
Gold ribbons for the girls will be handed out by the Band Managers for public performances where the
children are in band uniform. The ribbons will be collected as soon as the performance is finished to
ensure we have a full set for the next performance. Each band has its own set of ribbons.
Important note: All band members should have a BLACK (or clear covered with the Turramurra logo)
display book folder for their music. This looks very professional when performing so if all children
could have one by the Ryde East Festival that would be great.
Home Practice
Thank you students and parents for using the Practice books sent home by Mr Rowland. This book
helps students and parents understand the expectations and commitment of practising.
Each page has one week, from Monday to Sunday. Students should start recording on the day of their
morning rehearsal, then continue from Sunday back up to the top for Monday ON THE SAME PAGE.
For example, the Junior Band week is 'Tue-Sun, then Mon', Senior Band is 'Wed-Sun, then Mon-Tue',
Performance Band is 'Thu-Sun then Mon-Wed', and Intermediate Band as is.
The amount of practice is recorded (in minutes), and signed by a parent or guardian. At each band's
morning rehearsal the book is to be handed to Mr Rowland, and he will check and sign the page, and
record on his list.
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 8
Any books not presented or not complete will be recorded as such. Excuses for non-practice are
NOT to be noted in the book.
Mr Rowland expects the following amounts of practice (in minutes per day): Junior Band 10-15mins,
Intermediate Band 15-20mins, Senior Band 20-25mins, Performance Band 25-30. With a day off each
week, the total week practice ranges from 1hr (Junior) to 3hrs (Perf Band). Jazz Band students should
do as much extra practice as is necessary to have their pieces sound good.
Morning (7.50 sharp – 8.50am)
Intermediate Band (Year 4)
Junior Band (Year 3)
Afternoon (3.15-4.15pm)
Performance Band (Year 6)
Senior Band (Year 5)
Senior Band (Year 5)
Junior Band (Year 3)
Performance Band (Year 6)
Intermediate Band (Year 4)
Stage Band (Year 5 & 6 Jazz band)
If you have any questions please contact Kath Aubourg (bdaubourg@bigpond.com) or Liz MaundArnott (elizian4@gmail.com)
(TPS Band Co-ordinators)
Put dates for Ryde Music Festival and UNSW Band Festival in your diary
Organise Band uniform etc for upcoming performances
For week ending Friday, 27th March, 2015
Choice of: (please circle the required sushi roll)
Cooked Tuna and Cucumber
Chicken and Avocado
Please circle the condiment you require: Soy Sauce
TEACHER/ CHILD’S NAME: ………………………………………………………
TEACHER/ CHILD’S CLASS: ………………………………..
TOTAL AMOUNT: $..........................................................................
Please return order form to the Canteen no later than 10am on Thursday. Please make any
cheques payable to TPS Canteen
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 9
MONDAY 30th March
Gluten Free options available
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 10
TUESDAY 31st March 2015
President’s Welcome
Briony Foster
Attendees & Apologies
Justine McLarty
Confirmation of Previous Minutes – general meeting
held 24/2/15
Briony Foster
Briony Foster / Justine
President’s Report
Briony Foster
Principal’s Report
Margaret Foott
General Business
Briony Foster
Next Meeting: General Meeting – 26 May 2015 at 7.30pm
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 11
– Issue 8 – Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 – page 12
Cumberland Bird Observers Club
PO Box 550, Baulkham Hills NSW 1755
NESTLINGS’ OUTING**Cumberland State Forest Castle Hill
Rd, West Pennant Hills.
Date - Sunday 29th March 9:00am to 11.00 am.
Meeting place – Outside the entrance of the Visitors Centre
adjacent to the nursery.
Bring - Morning snack & drink, hat & sunscreen.
Come and discover the feathered friends that live under the
canopy of the cool shady forest.
Contact - Wendy Cope on 0408 460 200 or
email nestlings@cboc.org.au
**NESTLINGS – these are morning activities specially
designed for children 5 to12 years old, to introduce them to
birdwatching in a way that is full of interest to them. Children
must be accompanied by an adult.
Spaces still available for boys & girls rugby union
Killara West Pymble (KWP) Junior Rugby Union club still has spaces
available for U9, U10, U11 & U12 players for the 2015 season. We
play Sundays so you can keep your Saturday commitments.
To register please visit www.kwprugby.com.au or if you have any
queries please contact Ann-Louise Brockelsby on 0412 060 077.