PROGRAMME Thursday 23 October 2014 08:30-09:30 Welcoming reception and credential issuance 09:30 -10:45 INAUGURAL SPEECH Facing to the change: stabilizing mechanisms from the individual to the community Adrian Escudero Department of Biodiversity and Conservation, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid European yews and climate change Peter Thomas School of Life Sciences, Keele University, UK 10:45-11:15 COFFEE BREAK 11:15-13:30 Block 1. ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY SPEECH Yew regeneration in Cantabrian Mountains: widening the scope across space, time and ecological complexity Daniel Garcia Department of Biology of Organisms and Systems, University of Oviedo, Spain ORAL COMMUNICATIONS E01- The influence of temperature and precipitation on the tree-ring width of Taxus baccata L. from Poland and western Ukraine Anna Cedro University of Szczecin, Faculty of Geosciences, Szczecin, Poland 12:00-12:30 OPENING CEREMONY AND TAXUS PLANTATION ORAL COMMUNICATIONS E02- The Yew matriarchy in the Sierra de Francia. Dynamics and ecology of new populations known in the Central System Prudencio Fernández González, Fernández Morcuende, A., García Gomariz, E., Rodríguez Rivas, J., Sánchez Amador, E. & Vasco Encuentra, F. Association “Amigos del Tejo y las Tejedas” (Friends of the Yew and Yew forests), Spain E03- The history of Taxus baccata L. in the Wierzchlas (N Poland) on the basis on palynological research Agnieszka Maria Noryskiewicz Institute of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland E04- Surviving to global change: dynamic of an isolated silver fir stand in its southern distribution limit in the Iberian peninsula Elisabet Martínez & Emilia Gutiérrez Department of Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, Spain 13:30-15:00 LUNCH 15:00-17:00 Block 1. ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY SPEECH Environmental heterogeneity, demography and adaptive variation in English Yew (Taxus baccata L.) Maria Mayol Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), Barcelona, Spain ORAL COMMUNICATIONS E05- Delimitation of Yews along the Hindu Kush-Himalaya and Adjacent Regions, and Genetic Diversity and Demographical History of Taxus contorta in Pakistan 1 1,2 3 2 Lian-Ming Gao , Ram C. Poudel , Michael Möller , De-Zhu Li 1 Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China 2 Plant Germplasm and Genomics Center, Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China 3 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom E06 - Lichen diversity in Yew forests from Montseny Esteve Llop University of Barcelona, Spain E07- Census and inventory of Yew (Taxus baccata L.) in the Alto Manzanares ravine Rubén Bernal González Association “Amigos del Tejo y las Tejedas” (Friends of the Yew and Yew forests), Spain E08- Distribution and population size of the yew (Taxus baccata L.) in the council of Ayala (Álava), northern Spain. Enrique Arberas Mendibil & Inés Latorre García 17:00-17:30 COFFEE BREAK 17:30-18:00 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS E09- Structural features and conservation status of Taxus baccata on some forests of the Tellian Atlas 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fazia Krouchi. , Bouhamed A. , Hamidouche Ch. Guechioud I. , Guellal A. , Benallaoua Kh. , 1 1 1 2 1 Hocine F. , Abdelli D. , Ait-Ikene S .,Vessella F. And Derridj A. (1): Faculté des Sciences Biologiques et des Sciences Agronomiques, Université Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi-Ouzou, (Algeria) (2) AgroForestry, Nature and Energy Department (DAFNE), University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy E10- New addition for recognition of distribution of Yews (Taxus baccata L.) in Bosnia and Herzegovina Dalibor Ballian Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 18:15-19:00 SPEECH Thirty years working on the Yew tree Emilio Blanco y Fernando Vasco Association “Amigos del Tejo y las Tejedas” (Friends of the Yew and Yew forests), Spain 19:00-20:00 SPEECH / CONCERT Yew and 'I' Impact of a tree species on the evolution of human consciousness Fred Hageneder Ancient Yew Group, UK Friday 24 October 2014 09:00-11:00 Block 2. MANAGEMENT AND PRESERVATION SPEECH Taxus baccata declining. Whose fault - human or nature? Grzegorz Iszkulo Institute of Dendrology, University of Zielona Gora, Kornik, Poland ORAL COMMUNICATIONS G01- Practical data for the conservation and restoration of Yew Woods and their associated ecosystems Xavier Garcia Bioma Forestal, “Amigos del Tejo y las Tejedas” (Friends of the Yew and Yew forests), Spain G02- Distribution and characterization of yew forest in Catalonia 1,3 1 1 1,2 1 2 Antònia Caritat ; Ana Rios ; David Guixé ; Jordi Camprodon ; Pere Casals ; Carme Casas , 3 Víctor Àguila 1 2 3 Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), University of Vic, University of Girona G03- Life Taxus, a project for the conservation of yew groves in Catalonia. Objectives, methodologies and preliminary results. 1,2 1 1,3 1 1 Jordi Camprodon ; Pere Casals ; Antònia Caritat ; David Guixé , Ana Rios . 1 2 3 Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), University of Vic, University of Girona G04- Custody agreements for the conservation of Yew forests in the Sierra de Llaberia Jarkov Reverte Consortium for the Protection and Management of the Area of Natural Interest Serra de Llaberia, Spain 11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK 11:30-13:30 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS G05- Regression and progression dynamics in Yew (Taxus baccata) populations in Navarra, north Spain, in recent times Oscar Schwendtner Bioma Forestal, Navarra, Spain G06- Wildfire prevention actions in remote areas Ricard Baques Consortium for the Protection and Management of the Area of Natural Interest Serra de Llaberia, Spain G07- Yew forest's recovery in the Hocino's Gorge (Riba de Saelices, Guadalajara) Maria Melero, Diana Colomina, Lourdes Hernández WWF Spain G08- Effect of two levels of fertilization on the quality of the Taxus baccata plant and its field response in different light environments Juan L. Nicolás Peragón(1), Luis F. Benito Matías(1), Jaime Puértolas Simón(2) (1) Centro Nacional de Recursos Genéticos Forestales El Serranillo - Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente - Guadalajara (España) (2) Lancaster Environment Centre - Lancaster University, United Kingdom G09- The yew tree on internet. The increasing impacts of the environmental turism threaten the habitat of the biggest and oldest yew trees and yew woods in Spain as in Europe Faustino González de Dios Association “Amigos del Tejo y las Tejedas” (Friends of the Yew and Yew forests), Spain G10- The key role of big Yews and old Yew forests in biodiversity conservation César-Javier Palacios Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Foundation, Madrid, Spain 13:30-15:00 LUNCH 15:00-17:00 Block 3. APPLICATIONS AND CULTURE OF THE YEW TREE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AC1- Study of the content of Taxol® and pharmacological activity of Taxus globosa Schltdl. and Taxus baccata L 1 2 3 4 Lidia Osuna ; Xavier García-Martí ; Elsa Ventura Zapata ; Javier López Uptón , Alejandro 1 1 1 Zamilpa , Manases González , Maribel Herrera-Ruiz , Nadia Tapia 1 2 3 CIBIS-IMSS, Xochitepec, Morelos. Mexico; CIEF,-València, Spain ; CEPROBI-IPN, Yautepec, 4 Morelos, Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillos,Texcoco, Mexico AC2- Taxane and taxol production in cellular cultures of Taxus spp.Taxus sp. cellular cultures as an alternative production source of taxol and other taxanes 1 2 2 2 1 Karla Ramírez , Nadia Tapia , Lidia Osuna , Alejandro Zamilpa , Heriberto Vidal , Javier 1 Palazon 1 Laboratori de Fisiologia Vegetal. Facultat de Farmacia. Universitat de Barcelona, 2Centro de Investigación Biomédica del Sur. Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Xochitepec, Morelos (México). AC3- Experience from the Toxicology Information Service related to toxic exposures to Yew 1 1 2 Fátima Ramón , Salomé Ballesteros , Fernando Vasco 1Médicos Toxicólogos. Servicio de Información Toxicológica del Instituto Nacional de Toxicología y Ciencias Forenses. 2 Farmacéutico. AATT (Amigos del Tejo y las Tejedas) AC4- Production of taxoids in in vitro cultures of Taxus globosa callus and elicited cells Marcos Soto-Hernandez1,Barrales Cureño HJ 1, Ramos-Valdivia AC2 1Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, Texcoco Estado de Mexico 2Centro de Investigación y estudios Avanzados SPEECH The first evidence of the use of Yew in Catalonia: wooden objects of La Draga 2 1 1 3 Xavier Terradas , Raquel Piqué , Antoni Palomo , Josep Tarrús 1Departament de Prehistòria, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2Departament de Arqueologia i Antropologia, Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC 3Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles 17:00-17:30 COFFEE BREAK 17:30-17:45 ORAL COMMUNICATION The therapeutic itinerary of the Yew forest from les Olletes Jaume Hidalgo Institute of Environment, University of Girona, Spain 17:45-18:15 SPEECH The Yew in early cultures of the British Isles Andy McGeeney Ancient Yew Group, UK 18:15-19:15 ROUND TABLE: The preservation of Yew forests under climate change 19:15 VISIT OF TEMPORARY EXHIBITIONS 21:00 FAREWELL DINNER Saturday 25 October 2014 9:15 FIELD VISIT A TITLLAR YEW FOREST (Poblet Natural Site of National Interest) 16:00 Visit of the Monastery 21:30 Jan Willem Jansen organ concert (optional) POSTERS Block 1. ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY P01- The Yew (Taxus baccata) in Morocco: a tree in regression in its southern distribution limit 1 2 Angel Romo & Adam Boratyñski 1 Botanical Institute of Barcelona, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, IBB-CSIC-ICUB, Passeig del Migdia s/n., 08038 Barcelona, Spain. 2 Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Dendrology, 5 Parkowa st., 62-035 Kórnik, Poland P02- Preliminary studies on the molecular identification of sex in Taxus baccata L. Marcin Zarek Faculty of Forestry, Agricultural University of Cracow, Poland P03- Population dynamics in four populations of Florida Yew (Taxus floridana) 1 2 Ann M. Redmond & Alice A. Winn 1 Brown and Caldwell,Orlando, USA 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Florida State University, USA P04- A new variety of Taxus brevifolia from the Pacific Northwest of North America Richard Spjut World Botanical Associates, Inc., Bakersfield, USA P05- Comparison of growth - climate relationships in two the rarest trees in Poland:yew (Taxus baccata L.) and wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis L.) Anna Cedro University of Szczecin, Faculty of Geosciences, Laboratory of Climatology and Marine Meteorology, Mickiewicza 16, 70-383 Szczecin, Poland P06- Taxus baccata: a cytogenetic and molecular study Maria Paola Tomasino CNR , Institute of Biomembrane and Bioenergetics (IBBE), Italy P07- Floristic characterization of yew communities Jordi Capdevila , Carme Cases Universitat de Vic P08- Expected future changes in the distribution of the catalan yew woodland, according to several climate change situations 1 2 Víctor Àguila , Antònia Caritat 1Universitat de Girona, 2 Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC) P09- The yew sap David Matarranz Fdez-Quintanilla Amigos del tejo y las tejedas P10- Current status of the yew in Montes Aquilianos 1 2 3 1 Alba Alonso , Fernández-Manso, A. , Artime, I. , Valbuena, L. 1.- Área de Ecología. Dept. Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental. Universidad de León 2.- Área de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agrarias. Dept. Ingeniería Agroforestal. Universidad de León. 3.- Junta de Castilla y León. Ponferrada. Block 2. MANAGEMENT AND PRESERVATION P11- Direct conservation of the priority habitat 9580 (Mediterranean Taxus baccata Woods) in the Natura 2000 network from the Valencian Community Xavier G. Martí 1, P. Pablo Ferrer-Gallego 1,2, Inmaculada Ferrando 1,2, Josep E. Oltra 1,2 & Emilio Laguna 1 1 Centre for Forest Research and Experimentation (CIEF), Spain 2 VAERSA Valencia, Spain P12- Yew (Taxus baccata) seedling production to reinforce Catalan yew populations Ana Rios1, Xavier Garcia2 1 Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), Spain 2 Centre for Forest Research and Experimentation (CIEF), Spain 13 P13-Water stress ( C) in Taxus trees depends on canopy covert and basal area of the neighboring trees 1 3 1 1,2 1,3 1 Ana I. Ríos , Víctor Àguila , David Guixé , Jordi Camprodon , Antonia Caritat , Pere Casals 1Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC) ), 2Universitat de Vic, 3Universitat de Girona P14-Richness and abundance of predators and dispersers of seeds of yew in Catalonia David Guixé, Ana I.Ríos, Jordi Camprodon Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya Block 3. APPLICATIONS AND CULTURE OF THE YEW TREE P15- Taxanes therapy advances Fernando Vasco, Remigio Lozano Association “Amigos del Tejo y las Tejedas” (Friends of the Yew and Yew forests), Spain P16- The use of Yew at the ancient Neolithic Site of Camp del Colomer (Andorra) 1 2 2 Raquel Piqué , Abel Fortó , Alex Vidal 1 Department of Prehistory, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain 2 Department of Heritage Property Protection, Cultural Heritage of Andorra P17 – Environmental Education actions in the Serra de Llaberia Silvia García López Consortium of the Serra de Llaberia, Spain P18- All about Yew: on the trail of Taxus baccata in sw europe by means of integrated archaeobotanical studies Paloma Uzquiano Ollero Distance Learning National University (UNED), Spain
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