CURRICULUM VITAE LAWRENCE GUY STRAUS Leslie Spier Distinguished Professor of Anthropology March 2015 Address: Telecommunications: Department of Anthropology 505/277-6688(office) University of New Mexico MSC01 1040 505/299-4871 (home) Albuquerque, N.M. 87131-0001 USA e-mail: FAX: 505/277-0874 Education: The College of the University of Chicago: A.B., 1971 (with General Honors and Special Honors in Anthropology, Student Aide, Phi Beta Kappa). The University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology, A.M., 1972, Thesis title: Lithic Artifact Typologies in Old World Paleolithic Studies: A Critical Comparison of Theory and Method. (Readers: Professors L.G. Freeman, Jr. and K.W. Butzer). The University of Michigan, Department of Anthropology: Committee on Institutional Cooperation Traveling Scholar, 1-5/1972. The University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology, Ph.D., 1975. Dissertation Title: A Study of the Solutrean in Vasco-Cantabrian Spain. Dissertation Committee: Leslie G. Freeman, Jr. (Chair), Robert McC. Adams, Karl W. Butzer, Richard G. Klein. Specializations and Geographic Areas: Old World Prehistory/Paleoanthropology: Middle & Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic & Neolithic adaptations, Upper Pleistocene & Early Holocene environments, chronology, faunas & technologies; Cave archeology; Northern Spain, SW France, Belgium, Portugal. Main Research Projects (with Principal Funding Sources): Cantabrian Solutrean, Spain, 1973-75 (National Science Foundation [NSF]) La Riera Cave, Asturias, Spain (with G.A.Clark), 1976-79 (NSF, UNM, ASU) L’Abri Dufaure, Les Landes, France, 1980-1985 (National Geographic Soc., NSF, UNM) Southern Portugal Surveys & Excavations, 1987-88 (National Geographic Society, L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, UNM) 1 Southern Belgium Excavations (Trou Magrite, Huccorgne, Bois Laiterie & Abri du Pape sites)(with Marcel Otte), 1991-1995 (NSF, National Geographic Society, Leakey Foundation, Governments of Wallonia & Belgium, UNM) El Mirón Cave, Cantabria, Spain (with Manuel González Morales), 1996-present (NSF, National Geographic, L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, Fundación M. Botín, Stone Age Research Fund, University of New Mexico, Governments of Cantabria & Spain) Geographical Research Areas: Northern Spain, Southwestern France, Portugal, Belgium Languages: French, Spanish (read, speak, write) German, Portuguese, Catalan, Latin (read) Academic Positions: 2012- Leslie Spier Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 2005-2011 Distinguished Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 1987-2005 Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 1981-87 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 1975-81 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico Fall 1996 Visiting Professor, Instituto de Antropología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jan 2002 Visiting Professor, Department of Archeology, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Spring 2004 Visiting Professor, Departments of Prehistory & Archeology, Universidades de Córdoba, Cádiz and Zaragoza, Spain. 2 2004- Associate Member, Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain. Fellowships, Grants and Awards National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Participation Grant (Field Museum of Natural History, Southwest Expedition), 1968. Woodrow Wilson Foundation Fellowship, 1971-72 (declined by me). National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1971-74. Ford Foundation Travel Stipend (for Burgos Archaeological Survey, through Professor Freeman), 1972. National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant GS40627, 1973-74. University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology Grant for computer time, 1974-75. University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology Readership, 1974-75. University of New Mexico Faculty Research Grant (Rio Sella Survey Project) (declined by me), 1976. National Science Foundation Grant BNS76-08382 (La Riera Paleoecological Project, Coprincipal Investigator with G.A. Clark), 1976-81. University of New Mexico Faculty Research and Board of Archaeologists Grants (La Riera Data Analysis), 1978. National Geographic Society Research Grant (Archaeological Survey of Guipúzcoa Province) (declined by me), 1979. Harper and Row travel stipend (Survey of Upper Paleolithic cave art in France and Spain), 1979. 3 University of New Mexico Faculty Research Grant (Cave art photography project), 1979. University of New Mexico Research Grant (Archaeological Survey of the Chalosse District, Les Landes), 1980. National Geographic Society Research Grant (Archaeological Survey of the Chalosse District, Les Landes, France), 1980. University of New Mexico Research Grant (drafting for monograph, El Solutrense VascoCantábrico: Una Nueva Perspectiva), 1981. National Science Foundation Grant BNS81-03589 (Terminal Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherer Adaptations in Pyrenean France: The Case of Abri Dufaure, Principal Investigator), 1981-1990. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grant (Paleolithic Reconnaissance & Analysis in the Franco-Cantabrian Region), 1985. University of New Mexico Research Grant (Paleolithic Reconnaissance and Analysis in SW Europe) (declined by me), 1985. University of New Mexico Research Allocations Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, and Dept. of Anthropology. Subvention grants for publication of La Riera Cave, 1985-86. National Science Foundation Grant BNS86-06658 (Partial subvention of La Riera Cave monograph, with G.A. Clark), 1986. University of New Mexico Research Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1987. National Geographic Society Research Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1987. American Council of Learned Societies Travel Grant (University of Cambridge Symposium), 1987. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1987 (declined by me). L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal),1988. 4 University of New Mexico College of Arts & Sciences Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1988. National Geographic Society Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1988. University of New Mexico Research Grant (Isotopic Analyses and Dating for the Meso-, Neoand Chalcolithic of Portugal), 1989. National Geographic Society Grant (Capellades Paleolithic Project),1990(declined by me). L.S.B.Leakey Foundation Grant (Capellades Paleolithic Project), 1991-2 (declined by me). National Science Foundation Grant BNS90-02839 (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1990-91. Snead-Wertheim Endowed Lectureship in Anthropology & History, 1990-91. National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplementary Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1991. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1992. University of New Mexico Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1992 (declined by me). National Science Foundation Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1992. CHOICE Magazine/American Association of University & Research Libraries recognition of Iberia before the Iberians as one of the "Outstanding Academic Books of 1993". University of New Mexico Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1993. National Geographic Society Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1993. 5 University of New Mexico College of Arts & Sciences and Research Office, Subvention grants for publication of Les Derniers Chasseurs de Rennes du Monde Pyrénéen. Smithsonian Institution Research Grant for study of French, Belgian & Spanish Paleolithic collections at the National Museum of Natural History, 1994. National Geographic Society Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1994. International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) Grant for foreign participation at Anaheim INQUA/SAA symposia, 1994. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1994. University of New Mexico Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1995. National Geographic Society Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1995. National Science Foundation/American Geophysical Union/National Academy of Sciences Travel Grant (Berlin INQUA Congress), 1995. University of New Mexico Assoc. Provost for Research & College of Arts & Sciences Travel Grant (Berlin INQUA Congress), 1995. University of New Mexico College of Arts & Sciences Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1996. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1996. UNM Research Allocations Committee Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1996 American Council of Learned Societies Travel Grant (Forli, Italy, UISPP Congress), 1996. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1997. National Geographic Society Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1997. 6 National Geographic Society Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1998. UNM Research Allocations Committee Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1998. National Science Foundation Grant (Upper Río Asón Valley/El Mirón Cave Project), 1998-2005. National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplementary Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1999. UNM College of Arts & Sciences Senior Research Semester Award, 1999. National Science Foundation/American Geophysical Union/National Academy of Sciences Travel Grant (Durban, South Africa, INQUA Congress), 1999. Luso-American Foundation Travel Grant (Vila Real, Portugal, III Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular), 1999. National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplementary Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 2000. National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplementary Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 2001. L.S.B.Leakey Foundation Grant (Radiocarbon dating, El Mirón Cave Project), 2001. Fulbright Senior Specialist (Council for International Exchange of Scholars), 2001 (Lectureship in Croatia). National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplementary Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 2002. National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplementary Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 2003. 7 L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 2003-04. National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplementary Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 2004. Fulbright Senior Specialist (Council for International Exchange of Scholars), 2004 (Lectureships in Spain). UNM Research Allocations Committee Grant (Lower Magdalenian Archeological Excavations in El Mirón Cave), 2005. UNM Provost’s International Task Force Research Grant (Lower Magdalenian Archeological Excavations in El Mirón Cave), 2005. UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute Field Research Grant (Lower Magdalenian Archeological Excavations in El Mirón Cave), 2005. National Geographic Society Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 2006. National Geographic Society Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 2007-08. UNM Research Allocations Committee Grant (The Solutrean-Magdalenian transition in Cantabrian Spain: continuing research at the montane site of El Mirón Cave), 2008. Stone Age Institute/CRAFT Award for Outstanding Research (Indiana University), 2010. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project, Magdalenian burial excavation & analysis), 2011. UNM College of Arts & Sciences Travel Grant (Nanterre, France, “Continuities & Discontinuities” Workshop), 2011. UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute Travel Grant (Bern, Switzerland, INQUA Congress), 2011. 8 UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute Travel Grant (Almería, Spain, Congreso Internacional del Solutrense), 2012. “Homenaje” (Award for contributions to the study of the archeological heritage of Cantabrian Spain), Sociedad Prehistórica de Cantabria, Santander, Spain, July 2012. Outstanding Faculty Award, UNM Accessibility Resource Center. “Homenaje” (lifetime acheivement award), Sociedad de Amigos de las Cuevas del Castillo, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain, July 2014. Student Grants Supervised (*= Principal Investigator) : Three Fulbright Fellowships Two L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grants Five National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants* (M.Petraglia, T.Berger, J.Rissetto, E. Stone, L.Fontes) Two National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships (M.Petraglia, E.Stone) One Belgian-American Educational Foundation Fellowship (R.Miller) Two CARE/Irene Levi-Sala Foundation Research Grants (T.Berger) Numerous UNM Student Research Allocations Committee Grants One UNM Graduate Achievement Fellowship One UNM Regents Endowed Fellowship One UNM Research Assoc. Provost's Dissertation Research Grant One American Center for Oriental Research Grant One M.J. Bunting Award One UNM Tuition Scholarship (“3%”) Many UNM Research Project & Travel Grants Three Latin American & Iberian Institute Ph.D. Fellowships (2+1 renewed) One Latin American & Iberian Institute Travel Grant One Geological Society of American Research Grant One Foundation for Science & Disability Grant Several Sigma Xi Research Grants One Chinese Government Award for an Excellent “Non-PRC-funded” Student 9 Archeological Fieldwork and Research Experience: 2014 Visits to Maltravieso Cave and archeological museums of Cáceres (with study of El Mirón & other Cantabrian collections therein) & Badajoz (Extremadura ,Spain); visits to Oviedo archeological museum and Peña de Candamo and La Lluera caves in Asturias. 2009 Inspection of Middle & Upper Paleolithic sites & cave art loci in Andalucía, Gibraltar, Ceuta, Algarve, Alentejo, Portuguese Estremadura, Asturias & Euskadi. 2004 Inspection of Paleolithic, Epipaleolithic & Neolithic sites, rock art loci and museum collections in the Spanish provinces of Córdoba, Málaga, Granada, Cádiz (Andalucía), Zaragoza, Huesca & Soria (Aragón & Castilla), and autonomous cities of Gibraltar & Ceuta (Spanish North Africa). 1996- Co-Director (with M.R. González Morales, Universidad de Cantabria), Upper Asón Valley/El Mirón Cave Prehistoric Project, Cantabria, Spain (full late Quaternary culture-stratigraphic sequence: Bronze Age through Mousterian: 3000-41,000 BP). 1991-95 Director, South Belgium Prehistoric Project (excavations at the Middle & Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic & Neolithic sites of Trou Magrite, Huccorgne, Grotte du Bois Laiterie & Abri du Pape, in collaboration with M. Otte, Université de Liège). 1994 Study of archeological collections from Tarté, Marsoulas & Roquecourbère (Ariège, France), le Trou Magrite (Belgium) & Villaverde Bajo (Madrid, Spain) at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History with M. Petraglia. 1992 Inspection of Paleolithic & Neolithic sites & museums in Levantine Spain. 1990 Inspection of Paleolithic sites in Catalonia & Belgium. 1989 Study tour of Paleolithic sites in Catalonia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany & Belgium. 10 1987-88 Director, Portuguese Prehistoric Project (surface surveys & test excavations of 3 open air and 18 cave sites: Epipaleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic & Chalcolithic). 1986 Study tour of Paleolithic sites & museums in central Portugal. 1985 Archeological reconnaissance in eastern Asturias, Spain. 1981-85 Director of the Abri Dufaure Prehistoric Project, Les Landes, France (Magdalenian & Azilian). 1980 Director of archaeological reconnaissance in Les Landes and PyrénéesAtlantiques (SW France), with testing of Abri Dufaure (Azilian and Magdalenian). 1979 Director of final season of excavation at La Riera Cave. 1979 Investigation of 70 cave art localities in France and Spain (with J. Pfeiffer). 1978 Co-Director of excavations (with G.A. Clark) at La Riera Cave; analysis of La Riera lithic collections; reconnaissance for lithic sources in the environs of La Riera. 1977 Co-Director of excavations at La Riera Cave; analysis of La Riera lithic and bone tool collections; reconnaissance and collection of modern mollusc samples from the environs of La Riera. 1976 Co-Director of Upper Paleolithic & Mesolithic excavations at La Riera Cave. Classification of lithic and bone industries. 1975 Classification of Lower Magdalenian collections in Santander and Asturias, Spain. 1974 Assistant to the Director, excavation of the Magdalenian site of Rascaño, Santander, Spain (R.P.J. González Echegaray, director) 8-9/74. 11 1974 Excavation of the Solutrean site of Cueva Chufín, Santander, Spain (V. Cabrera, director) 4/74. 1974 Excavation of the Magdalenian site of Tito Bustillo, Asturias, Spain (J-A. Moure, director) 7/74. 1973-74 Classification and analysis of lithic and bone artifact and faunal collections of the Solutrean period (ca. 17-20,000 B.P.) from Cantabrian Spain and the French and Spanish Basque Country. Work done in museums in Madrid, seven cities in northern Spain, and three in France. On-site inspection surveys in Asturias, Santander, Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa, Navarra, and Pyrénées-Atlantiques. 1973 Study of artifact typology and collections from southwest France under Professor F. Bordes and Mme. D. de Sonneville-Bordes, Laboratoire de Géologie du Quaternaire et de Préhistoire, Université de Bordeaux. 1973 Faunal identification of the collections from the Neolithic site of Choga-Mish, under Professor J.W. Pires-Ferreira, Oriental Institute. 1973 Archaeological survey of Illinois Beach State Park (Professor L.G. Freeman, director). 1973 Excavation of Helton Mounds (Woodland Period), Eldred, Illinois (Professor J. Buikstra, director). Preliminary examination of Paleolithic museum collections in Northwestern, Central, and Eastern Spain. 1972 1972 Archaeological survey of Northern Burgos Province, Spain, and excavation of the site of Atapuerca (Bronze and Iron Ages). The Arizona State UniversityUniversity of Chicago Burgos Archaeological Survey Expedition (Co-Director with Professor G.A. Clark). 1971 Field Supervisor at the Koster Site (Archaic), Eldred, Illinois, as staff member of the Northwestern University Archaeological Field School (Professor S. Struever, director). 12 1970 Field Supervisor and Photographer at (Colonial) Fort Massac and the Garrett Site (Mississippian), as staff member of the Southern Illinois University Archaeological Field School (Professor F. Rackerby, director). 1969 Excavation at the Lower and Middle Paleolithic site of Pech de l'Aze, Dordogne, France (Professor F. Bordes, Université de Bordeaux, director). 1968 Site survey on the Carter Ranch and excavation of the Gurley Site (Basketmaker), as an N.S.F.U.R.P.P. grantee, Field Museum of Natural History, Southwest Expedition (Dr. Paul S. Martin, director). 1967 Excavation at the Morfield Canyon Great Kiva complex (Basketmaker), Mesa Verde, Colorado. University of Colorado Archaeological Field School (Professor David L. Breternitz, director). 1966 Excavation at a Chalcolithic ossuary, Roaix, Vaucluse, France. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Dr. Jean Courtin, director). 1966 Excavation of the Villeneuve Roman pottery factory site, Nogent-sur-Seine, France. Groupe Archéologique du Nogentais (A. Lemoine, director). 1965 Excavation at the early Colonial settlement of Pemaquid Point, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society (H. Camp, director). 1964-70 Active membership in the New Hampshire Archaeological Society, excavating Woodland and Archaic sites (including Smyth Site). 1964-65 Initial excavation of the Puddle Dock area of the Strawbery Banke colonial restoration project, Portsmouth, N.H. 1964-67 Member and President of the Phillips Exeter Academy Archaeology Club, excavating Woodland sites in S.E. New Hampshire (Dr. E.D. Finch, advisor). Editor-in-Chief: 13 Journal of Anthropological Research (1995- ) Book Review Editor for Archeology & Paleoanthropology: Journal of Anthropological Research (1996- ) Member, Editorial Board: Préhistoire Européenne/European Prehistory (Liège) (1992- ) Trabajos de Prehistoria (Madrid) (1997- ) Journal of Anthropological Research (Associate Editor, 1986-87), Editorial Board (1987- 94) Journal of Iberian Archaeology (Oporto) (1998- ) Promontoria (Faro) (2002- ) Saguntum (Valencia)(2003- ) Zephyrus (Salamanca)(2006- ) Munibe, Arkeologia-Antropologia (San Sebastián)(2009- ) Monografías del Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria (Santander) (2005-) Monografías Arqueológicas, Serie Prehistoria (Universidad de Zaragoza)(2009- ) Professional Organization Officerships: INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) Commission for the Paleoecology of Early Man (Secretary, 1992-95) INQUA Committee on Human Evolution & Paleoecology (President, 1996-99) INQUA Working Group on the Archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition (Chairman, 1992-2003) INQUA Commission on Human Evolution & Paleoecology (President, 1999-2003) INQUA Commission on Paleoecology & Human Evolution (Vice President for Human Evolution, 2003-2007 ) INQUA Representative to the Permanent Council of the UISPP (2006). Professional Organization Commission Memberships: UISPP (International Union for Prehistoric & Protohistoric Sciences), Commission on the Upper Paleolithic of Europe (elected U.S. Representative, 1997- ) 14 UISPP, Commission on the History of Prehistory (1996-2001) INQUA Working Group on European Late Pleistocene Isotopic Stages 2 & 3: Humans, Their Ecology & Cultural Adaptations (Chair, 1996-2007). INQUA Working Group on The Post-LGM Late Glacial (Leader, 2007- 11). INQUA International Focus Group on the Last Glacial Maximum (Member, 2012- ) U.S.National Committee for INQUA (thrice appointed by National Academy of Sciences:2000-2011) INQUA Scientific Steering Committee, Humans & Biosphere Commission Project on “Cultural & Paleoenvironmental Change in Late Glacial to Middle Holocene Europe: Gradual or Sudden” (2014- ). Anthropological Publications: Books, Monographs & Edited Volumes: 1983 El Solutrense Vasco-Cantábrico: Una Nueva Perspectiva. Centro de Investigación y Museo de Altamira (Spanish Ministry of Culture), Monografías, No. 10. Madrid (173 pp., 41 tables, 30 figures). 1986 La Riera Cave: Stone Age Hunter-Gatherer Adaptations in Northern Spain. Anthropological Research Papers No. 36 (Monograph with G.A.Clark: xvii + 499 pp.). 1986 The End of the Paleolithic in the Old World. British Archaeological Reports (International Series) No. 284 (Edited volume, vii + 229 pp.). Oxford. 1991 A Quarter Century of Paleoanthropology: Views from the USA, Edited Special Issue of Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 47, no.2 (158 pp.). 1992 Iberia before the Iberians: The Stone Age Prehistory of Cantabrian Spain. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque (xiii+352 pp.). 1995 Les Derniers Chasseurs de Rennes du Monde Pyrénéen. L'Abri Dufaure, Un Gisement Tardiglaciaire en Gascogne. Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française 22, Paris (Monograph of 24 chapters, 287 pp.). 1995 Le Trou Magrite: Resurrection d'un Site Classique en Wallonie. Etudes et Recherches Archéologiques de l'Université de Liège 69 (Monograph with M. Otte: 13 chapters, 239pp). 15 1996 Humans at the End of the Ice Age: The Archeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition. Plenum Publishing, New York (Edited volume with B.Eriksen, J.Erlandson & D.Yesner: xiii+378 pp.). 1997 La Grotte du Bois Laiterie (Namur): La Recolonisation Magdalénienne de la Belgique. Etudes et Recherches Archéologiques de l'Université de Liège 80 (Monograph with M. Otte: 26 chapters, 391 pp). 1998 As the World Warmed: Human Adaptations Across the Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary. Quaternary International 49/50: INQUA/Elsevier Science, Oxford (Edited volume with B.V.Eriksen: 199 pp.). 1999 L'Abri du Pape. Bivouacs, Enterrements et Cachettes sur la Haute Meuse Belge: du Mésolithique au Bas Empire Romain. Etudes et Recherches Archéologiques de l'Université de Liège 88 (Monograph with J-M. Léotard & M. Otte: 22 chapters, 352 pp). 2000 An American in Stone Age Spain: Homenaje de sus Alumnos al Prof. L.G.Freeman. Edited Special Issue of Journal of Anthropological Research, vol.56, no.1 (135 pp.) 2000 La Station de l’Hermitage à Huccorgne: Un Habitat à la Frontière Septentrionale du Monde Gravettien. Etudes et Recherches Archéologiques de l’Université de Liège 94 (Monograph with M.Otte & P.Haesaerts: 18 chapters, 219 pp.). 2001 Out of Africa in the Pleistocene. Quaternary International, vol.75. INQUA/Elsevier Science, Oxford (Edited volume with O.Bar-Yosef: 130 pp.). 2002 The Role of American Archeologists in the Study of the European Upper Paleolithic. British Archaeological Reports S-1048, Oxford (Edited UISPP Congress symposium volume: 83 pp.). 2005 Armageddon or Entente? The Demise of the European Neandertals in Isotope Stage 3 Quaternary International, vol.137. INQUA/Elsevier Science, Oxford (Edited volume: 90 pp.). 16 2011 Humans and Younger Dryas. Quaternary International vol.242, no.2. INQUA/Elsevier Science, Oxford (Edited volume with T.Goebel: 324 pp.). 2012 El Mirón Cave, Cantabrian Spain: The Site and its Holocene Archaeological Record (with Manuel González Morales, xxviii+444 pp.), University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 2012 The Magdalenian Settlement of Europe. Quaternary International vol.272-273. INQUA/Elsevier Science, Oxford (Edited volume with Thomas Terbeger & Denise Leesch, 361 pp.). n.d. “The Red Lady of El Mirón Cave”: Magdalenian Human Burial in the Cantabrian Cordillera of Northern Spain. Managing Guest Editor, special issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science (M. González Morales & J.M. Carretero, co-editors) (in press, 12 articles). n.d. Studies in the Solutrean: Human Adaptations to the Last Glacial Maximum in Southwest Europe. Editor, special issue of Journal of Anthropological Research (in press), 6 articles). Anthropological Publications: Articles, Reviews and Comments: 1974 Le Solutréen du Pays Basque espagnol: une esquisse des données. Munibe (Boletín de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales Aranzadi, San Sebastián) 26:173-181. 1974 Notas preliminares sobre el Solutrense de Asturias. Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos (Oviedo) 82:483-504. 1975 Preliminary site survey in the Meseta del Norte, Northern Burgos Province, Spain (with G.A. Clark & C. Fuentes). Current Anthropology 16:283-286. 1975 Archaeological survey on the Meseta del Norte (Province of Burgos, North-Central Spain) (with G.A. Clark & C. Fuentes). Arizona Academy of Science 10(1):3-7. 1975 ¿Solutrense o Magdaleniense inferior cantábrico? Significado de las "diferencias." Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos 86:781-790. 17 1975 El Solutrense de las cuevas del Castillo y Hornos de la Peña (Santander). Trabajos de Prehistoria (Madrid) N.S. 32:9-19. 1976 The Solutrean of Altamira: the artifactual and faunal evidence (with J. Altuna). Zephyrus (Salamanca) 26-27:175-182. 1976 Review of The Ladizian: An Industry of the Asian Chopper-Chopping Tool Complex in Iranian Baluchistan, by Gary Hume, in Journal of Anthropological Research 32:296. 1976 A new interpretation of the Cantabrian Solutrean. Current Anthropology 17:342-343. 1976 Le Solutréen d'Isturitz et du Pays Basque: outillage lithique. XX Congrès Préhistorique de France (Provence), pp. 595-604. 1976 Análisis arqueológico de fauna paleolítica del Norte de la Peninsula Ibérica. Munibe 28:277-285. 1977 Posible atribución al Solutrense del yacimiento de la Pasiega (Puente Viesgo, Santander). Ampurias (Barcelona) 36:217-223. 1977 Of deerslayers and mountain men: Paleolithic faunal exploitation in Cantabrian Spain, in For Theory Building in Archaeology (L.R. Binford, ed.). Academic Press, New York, pp. 41-76. 1977 Cueva de la Riera: objetivos del "Proyecto Paleoecológico" e informe preliminar de la campaña de 1976 (with G. Clark). Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos 90:489-505. 1977 La Riera Paleoecological Project: Preliminary report, 1976 excavations (with G. Clark). Current Anthropology 18:354-355. 1977 El Solutrense Cantábrico, in XL Aniversario del Centro de Estudios Montañeses. Institución Cultural de Cantabria, Santander, Vol. III, pp. 309-319. 1977 Algunas observaciones sobre "Revision estratigráfica de la Cueva de la Riera" (with G.A. Clark). Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos 91:507-508. 18 1977 New radiocarbon dates for the Spanish Solutrean (with F. Bernaldo de Quirós, V. Cabrera & G. Clark). Antiquity 51:243. 1977 1976 excavations in La Riera Cave. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 1(2):10-11. 1977 The Upper Paleolithic cave site of Altamira (Santander, Spain). Quaternaria (Rome) 19:135-148. 1977 1977 excavations in La Riera Cave. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 1(3):10-11. 1977 Pointes solutréennes et l'hypothèse de territorialisme. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 74:206-212. 1978 Europe (Research report). AMQUA Newsletter 8(1):16. 1978 Thoughts on Solutrean concave base point distribution. Lithic Technology 6:32-35. 1978 Review of Basic Sources for the Study of Burins, by Jean M. Pitzer, in Lithic Technology 6:23-25. 1978 Solutrean chronology and lithic variability Vasco-Cantabrian Spain (with V. Cabrera, F. Bernaldo de Quirós & G. Clark). Zephyrus 28-29:109-112. 1978 La Riera Paleoecological Project: Preliminary report, 1977 excavations (with G.A. Clark). Current Anthropology 19:455-456. 1978 Of Neanderthal hillbillies, origin myths and stone tools: notes on Upper Paleolithic assemblage variability. Lithic Technology 7:36-39. 1978 Four millennia: the Solutrean of Cantabrian Spain (with G. Clark). Antiquity 52:240-241. 1978 A technique for studying microscopic wear on artifact surfaces (with P. Walker), in Views of the Past (L.G. Freeman, ed.). Mouton, The Hague. pp. 53-56. 19 1978 Observaciones preliminares sobre la variabilidad de las puntas solutrenses. Trabajos de Prehistoria 35:397-402. 1978 La Riera Paleoecological Project: 1978. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 2(3):10-12. 1978 Prehistoric investigations in Cantabrian Spain (with G. Clark). Journal of Field Archaeology 5:287-317. 1978 Cronología de las industrias del Würm tardio y del Holoceno temprano en Cantabria: Contribuciones del Proyecto Paleoecológico de la Riera (with G. Clark & M. González Morales), in C-14 y la Prehistoria de la Peninsula Ibérica. Fundación Juan March, Madrid, pp. 37-43. 1978 Variabilité dans les industries solutréennes de l'Espagne cantabrique. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 75:276-280. 1979 La Riera Paleoecological Project: Preliminary report, 1978 excavations (with G. Clark). Current Anthropology 20:235-236. 1979 Caves: a paleoanthropological resource. World Archaeology 10(3):331-339. 1979 Norteamericanos en la prehistoria montañesa, in Santander y el Nuevo Mundo. Institución Cultural de Cantabria, Santander. pp. 567-571. 1979 Notas teóricas sobre el Solutrense de Asturias. Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos. 96/97:473-483. 1979 Cantabria and Vascongados, 21,000-17,000 B.P.: Toward a Solutrean settlement pattern. Munibe 31:195-202. 1979 Mesolithic adaptations along the northern coast of Spain. Quaternaria 21:305-327. 1979 Chapters 1 ("Introduction"), 2 ("The North Burgos Archaeological Survey: An inventory of cultural remains"), 5 ("Summary and Conclusions: The North Burgos Archaeological Survey in Perspective"), and Appendix I ("Informe sobre los materials recogidos en el Reconocimiento arqueológico de Burgos") in The North Burgos Archaeological Survey: Bronze and Iron Age 20 Archaeology on the Meseta del Norte (Province of Burgos, Spain) (with G. Clark). Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers, No. 19, pp. 1-157 and 247-292. 1979 La Riera Paleoecological Project: 1979 (with G. Clark). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 3(3):13-14. 1980 CA* Comment on M. Ohel, "The Clactonian: An independent complex or an integral part of the Acheulean?" Current Anthropology 21:375-376. 1980 Ice Age subsistence in northern Spain (with G. Clark, J. Altuna and J. Ortea). Scientific American 242(6):142-152. 1980 Subsistencia en el Norte de España durante la última glaciación (with G.Clark, J.Altuna & J.Ortea). Investigación y Ciencia 47: 78-87 (translation of the above). 1980 Late Pleistocene/early Holocene man-land relationships in northern Spain, AMQUA Abstracts. Sixth Biennial Meeting, Orono, Maine, 1980, pp. 183-184. 1980 Recent developments in Old World Archaeology (with E. Sterud and K. Abramovitz). American Antiquity 45:759-786. 1980 Preliminary Archaeological Survey in Les Landes and Pyrénées-Atlantiques (SW France). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 4(3):6-8. 1980 The role of raw materials in lithic assemblage variability. Lithic Technology 9:68-72. 1980 CA* Comment on M. Conkey, "The identification of prehistoric hunter-gatherer aggregation sites: the case of Altamira." Current Anthropology 21:624-625. 1980 Research into Stone Age man-land relationships in northern Spain. Newsletter of the New Hampshire Archaeological Society, pp. 5-8. 1981 On the habitat and diet of Cervus elaphus. Munibe 33:175-182. 21 1981 Las antiguas excavaciones en la cueva del Rascaño, in El Paleolítico Superior de la Cueva del Rascaño (J. González Echegaray & I. Barandiarán, eds.). Monografías del Centro de Investigación y Museo de Altamira, No. 3, pp. 13-24. 1981 Paleoecology at La Riera (Asturias, Spain) (with La Riera Project members). Current Anthropology 22:655-682. 1981 Review of A Complete Manual of Field Archaeology: Tools and Techniques of Field Work for Archaeologists, by Martha Joukowsky, in Journal of Anthropological Research 37:104- 106. 1981 On maritime hunter-gatherers: a view from Cantabrian Spain. Munibe 33:171-173. 1981 Magdalenian excavations in Les Landes (SW France). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 5(3):6-8. 1981 Reply to CA* Comments on Straus et al., "Paleoecology at La Riera." Current Anthropology 22:679-680. 1981 Cave archaeology in Western Europe. Proceedings of the 1981 NWRA Symposium on Cave Science and Technology (National Speleological Society), pp. 1-8. 1982 Observations on Upper Paleolithic art: Old problems and new directions. Zephyrus 3435:71-80 (pub. in 1983). 1982 Carnivores and cave sites in Cantabrian Spain. Journal of Anthropological Research 38:75-96. 1982 Les recherches de préhistoire dans les Landes en 1981 (with R. Arambourou & J.C. Merlet). Bulletin de la Société de Borda 107:227-243. 1982 1982 excavations at Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Landes, France): Initial report. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 6(3):10-12. 1982 El yacimiento Tardiglaciar de Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Landes, Francia): Excavaciones de 1980, 1981 y 1982. Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y 22 Arqueología (Valladolid) 48:86-93. 1982 Terminal Pleistocene environments and adaptations in SW France. AMQUA Abstracts (Seventh Biennial Meeting, Seattle) p. 165. 1982 Fouilles de l'Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Landes). Résumés des Communications du Premier Congrès International de Paléontologie Humaine (Nice), p. 132. 1982 Cronología del Paleolítico superior y Mesolítico cantábricos según el estudio de la Cueva de la Riera (Posada de Llanes, Asturias). Résumés des Communications du Premier Congrès International de Paléontologie Humaine (Nice), pp. 129-130. 1982 CA* Comment on R. White "Rethinking the Middle/Upper Paleolithic transition." Current Anthropology 23:185-186. 1983 Excavaciones en la Cueva de la Riera (1976-1979): Un estudio inicial. Trabajos de Prehistoria 40:9-58 (with La Riera Project members). 1983 Les recherches de préhistoire dans les Landes en 1982 (with R. Arambourou). Bulletin de la Société de Borda 108:185-196. 1983 Terminal Pleistocene faunal exploitation in Cantabria and Gascony. In Animals and Archaeology: Hunters and Their Prey (J. Clutton-Brock & C. Grigson, eds.). British Archaeological Reports, International Series No. 163, pp. 209-225. 1983 Review of The Acheulian Culture of the Hunsgi Valley (Peninsular India) by K.Paddayya. Journal of Anthropological Research 39:447-449. 1983 Prehistoric archaeological surveys in north-central Spain and southwest France. In Archaeological Survey in the Mediterranean Area (D.R. Keller & D.W. Rupp, eds.). British Archaeological Reports, International Series No. 155, pp. 161-163. 1983 From Mousterian to Magdalenian: Cultural evolution viewed from Vasco-Cantabrian Spain and Pyrenean France. In The Mousterian Legacy: Human Biocultural Change in the Upper 23 Pleistocene (E. Trinkaus, ed.). British Archaeological Reports, International Series, No. 164, pp. 73--111. 1983 Late Pleistocene/early Holocene hunter-gatherer adaptations in Cantabrian Spain (with G. Clark). In Hunter-Gatherer Economy in Prehistory (G.N. Bailey, ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (U.K.), pp. 131-147. 1983 Further reflections on adaptive change in Cantabrian prehistory (with G. Clark). In Hunter-Gatherer Economy in Prehistory (G.N. Bailey, ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (U.K.), pp. 165-166. 1983 The Abri Dufaure Prehistoric Project: Preliminary report on the 1980, 1981 and 1982 field seasons. Journal of Field Archaeology 10:371-378. 1983 Paleolithic investigations in Les Landes, France. Current Anthropology 24:388-389. 1983 1983 Excavations at Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Landes, France). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 7(3):15-18. 1983 Paleolithic adaptations in Cantabria and Gascony: A preliminary comparison. In Homenaje al Profesor Martin Almagro Basch, Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid, Vol. 1, pp. 187201. 1983 Review of Le Paléolithique supérieur de Plein Air en Périgord, by Jean Gaussen. In American Anthropologist 85:953-955. 1984 Les recherches de préhistoire dans Les Landes en 1983 (with R. Arambourou et al.). Bulletin de la Société de Borda 109:193-219. 1984 Abri Dufaure (section in semi-annual report assembled by J-P Rigaud). In Gallia Préhistoire 27:292-296 (pub. in 1985). 1984 Review of The Sahara: Ecological Change and Early Economic History, edited by J.A. Allan. In Journal of Anthropological Research 40:346-347. 24 1984 Review of Terra Amata and the Middle Pleistocene Archaeological Record of Southern France, by P. Villa. In Journal of Anthropological Research 40:459-46 (*). 1984 Review of Terra Amata and the Middle Pleistoccene Archaeological Record of Southern France, by P. Villa. In Anthropology 7(2):64-65 (pub. in 1983). (*) (*two entirely different review texts) 1984 Review of De la Chasse au Troupeau en Mediterranee Occidentale: Les Debuts de l'Elevage dans le Bassin de l'Aude, by D. Geddes. In Journal of Anthropological Research 40:347-349. 1984 Review of The Functional Analysis of Flint Implements, by E.H. Moss, in Old World Archaeology Newsletter 13(2):23. 1984 The 1984 Excavations at Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Landes, France). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 8(3):4-6. 1984 Würm Tardiglacial human occupations of Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Landes, France). AMQUA Abstracts (Eighth Biennial Meeting, Boulder), p. 125. 1985 La collection Magnant: Un témoin de la préhistoire charentaise. Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique de la Charente 1985(1):21-34. 1985 Review of The Paleolithic Age, by J. Wymer, in Journal of Anthropological Research 41:114-115. 1985 Les recherches de préhistoire dans les Landes en 1984 (with R. Arambourou). Bulletin de la Société de Borda 110:453-474. 1985 Abri Dufaure Prehistoric Project (with M. Petraglia). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 9(3):10-13. 1985 Stone Age prehistory of Northern Spain. Science 230:501-507. 25 1985 CA* Comment on L. Binford & C.K. Ho "Taphonomy at a distance: Zhoukoudian - The Cave Home of 'Beijing Man'." Current Anthropology 26:435. 1985 Review of Hominid Evolution & Community Ecology, by R. Foley, in Science 227:10281029. 1985 Paleolithic sites in Southwest France: A preliminary survey. National Geographic Society Research Reports 21:469-474. 1985 Le Magdalénien final de l'Abri Dufaure: Un apérçu de la chronologie et de la saison d'habitation humaine. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique de l'Ariège 40:169-184 (pub. in 1986). 1986 Once more into the breach: Solutrean chronology. Munibe 38:35-38. 1986 Reconnaissance of prehistoric sites in eastern Asturias, Spain. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 10:13-18. 1986 Les Recherches de préhistoire dans Les Landes en 1985 (with R. Arambourou & C. Normand). Bulletin de la Société de Borda 111:121-140. 1986 André Leroi-Gourhan: 1911-1986 (obituary). U.N.M. Anthropology 4(5):4-5. 1986 Review of The Rock Art of Southern Africa, by J. David Lewis Williams, in Journal of Anthropological Research 42:83-84. 1986 Review of Settlement and Farming Systems in the Early Iron Age: A Study of Fossil Agrarian Landscapes in Ostergötland, Sweden, by N. Widgren, in Journal of Anthropological Research 42:84-86. 1986 Cantabrian Spain ca. 18,000 B.P.: "The Solutrean." The Pleistocene Perspective. Allen & Unwin, London, vol. 2, pp.83-106. (Proceedings, I World Archaeological Congress) 1986 Human adaptations across the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in SW Europe. "The Azilian et al" of Cantabria & Gascony. In The Pleistocene Perspective. Allen & Unwin, London, vol. 2, pp. 324-333. (Proceedings, I World Archaeological Congress). 26 1986 The end of the Paleolithic in Cantabrian Spain and Gascony. In The End of the Paleolithic in the Old World (L.G. Straus, ed.). British Archaeological Reports S-284, pp. 81116. 1986 The Azilian of Abri Dufaure: A preliminary note. Mesolithic Miscellany 7(1):1-7. 1986 Further radiocarbon dates relevant to an Azilian burial in Spain (with C. Meiklejohn) Mesolithic Miscellany 7(1):17-19. 1986 Review of Recent Advances in Indian Archaeology, edited by B. Deo & K. Paddayya, in Journal of Anthropological Research 42:205-207. 1986 Late Würm adaptive systems in Cantabrian Spain: The case of eastern Asturias. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 5:330-368. 1987 Upper Paleolithic ibex hunting in SW Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science 14:163178. 1987 Abri Dufaure. Gallia Préhistoire 29(2):245-248 (pub. date: 1986). 1987 Review of Dark Caves, Bright Visions, by R. White. Journal of Anthropological Research 43:187-188. 1987 Review of Stone Age Prehistory, ed. by G. Bailey & P. Callow. Journal of Anthropological Research 43:188-192. 1987 Report on the Symposium on "The Origins and Dispersal of Modern Humans: Behavorial and Biological Perspectives." Journal of Human Evolution 15:631-633. 1987 The Paleolithic cave art of Vasco-Cantabrian Spain. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 6:149-163. 1987 Terminal Paleolithic and early Mesolithic research at Abri Dufaure, southwest France. Munibe 39:61-65. 27 1987 Review of The Palaeolithic Settlement of Europe, by C. Gamble. American Journal of Archaeology 91:617-618. 1987 Preliminary archeological explorations in Portugal. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 11(3):16-19. 1988 Further reflections on the Azilian: A reply to Newell and Constandse-Westermann. Palaeohistoria 27:129-130 (pub. date, 1985). 1988 Review of Migrations in Prehistory, by I. Rouse. Journal of Anthropological Research 43:361-364 (pub. date, 1987). 1988 Terminal Pleistocene adaptations in Pyrenean France: The nature & role of the Abri Dufaure site (with K. Akoshima, M. Petraglia & M. Séronie-Vivien). World Archaeology 19:328-348. 1988 Paradigm lost: A personal view of the current state of Upper Paleolithic research. Helinium 27:157-171 (pub. date, 1987). 1988 Hunting in late Upper Paleolithic western Europe. In The Evolution of Human Hunting (M. & D. Nitecki, eds.). Plenum, New York, pp. 147-176 (pub. date, 1987). 1988 Review of Hunters in Transition, edited by M. Zvelebil. Journal of Anthropological Research 44:93-95. 1988 Review of The Szeletian, by P. Allsworth-Jones. Journal of Anthropological Research 44:99-102. 1988 Review of Radiocarbon Dating, by R.E. Taylor. Journal of Anthropological Research 44:104-105. 1988 Chronostratigraphy of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition: The Azilian problem in the Franco-Cantabrian Region. Palaeohistoria (Groningen) 27:89-122.(, 1985) 28 1988 Review of Paleolithic Site of the Douara Cave and Palaeogeography of Palmyra Basin in Syria, Part Iv, edited by T. Akazawa and Y. Sakaguchi. Journal of Anthropological Research 44:220-223. 1988 Review of Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers in Japan, edited by T. Akazawa and C.M. Aikens. Journal of Anthropological Research 44:447-449. 1988 Preliminary prehistoric research in Algarve, Alentejo and Estremadura, 1987. Arqueologia 17:190-194. 1988 The Uppermost Pleistocene in Gascony: A view from Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Les Landes, France). In Upper Pleistocene Prehistory of Western Eurasia (H. Dibble and A. MontetWhite, eds.). University of Pennsylvania Museum, Monograph 54, Philadelphia, pp. 41-60. 1988 Explorations of the Twilight Zone: The Early Upper Paleolithic of Cantabria and Gascony (with C. Heller). In The Early Upper Paleolithic (J. Hoffecker and C. Wolf, eds.). British Archaeological Reports, Oxford S437, pp. 97-133. 1989 Archeological surveys and excavations in southern Portugal, 1988. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 12(3):13-17 (Pub. date 1988). 1989 New excavations in Casa da Moura (Serra de'El Rei, Peniche) and at Bocas (Rio Maior), Portugal. Arqueologia 18:65-95. (with J.Altuna,M.Jackes & M.Kunst). (Pub. date 1988) 1989 The reconstruction of Upper Paleolithic adaptations: The Biscayan regions as seen by an archeologist from North America. Munibe, Suplemento No.6. (Actas, II Congreso Mundial Vasco). Pp. 35-44. (Pub. date 1988). 1989 The Azilian astride: Dating the divide at Dufaure. Mesolithic Miscellany 10(1):12-15. 1989 Preliminary investigation of the Concheiro at Vidigal (Alentejo, Portugal). Mesolithic Miscellany 10(1):2-11 (with B. Vierra). 1989 Datations par le radiocarbone des couches azilienne et magdaléniennes de l'Abri Dufaure (with J. Evin). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, vol. 86:146-155. 29 1989 Review of The Stonehenge People, by R. Castleden. Journal of Anthropological Research, vol 45:260-263. 1989 Review of Early Hominid Activities at Olduvai, by Richard Potts. Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 45:257-260. 1989 The original arms race: Iberian perspectives on the Solutrean phenomenon (abstract). Les Industries à Pointes Foliacées du Paléolithique Supérieur Européen. Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, pp. 42-43. 1989 Gene Finch: Archeologist (obituary). Exeter 89(1):4. 1989 On early hominid fire. Current Anthropology 30:488-491. 1989 Grave reservations: More on Paleolithic burial evidence. Current Anthropology 30:633634. 1989 CA* Comment on "Husbandry and herd control in the Upper Paleolithic" by R.White. Current Anthropology 30:623-624. 1989 Age of the modern Europeans. Nature 342:476-477. 1989 Don Jose Miguel de Barandiarán Prehistoriador: Una apreciación desde Nuevo México. Diario Vasco, No.17,124, p.viii (San Sebastián). 1989 More data for an archeological map of the region of Torres Vedras (with E. Carvalho, B. Vierra, J. Zilhão & A. Araújo). Arqueologia 19:16-33. 1990 The Last Glacial Maximum in Cantabrian Spain: the Solutrean. In The World at 18,000 BP (O.Soffer & C.Gamble, eds.), vol.1, pp.89-108. Unwin Hyman, London. 1990 Underground archeology: Perspectives on caves and rockshelters. In Archaeological Method and Theory, vol. 2 (M.B. Schiffer, ed.). University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 255304. 30 1990 On the emergence of modern humans. Current Anthropology 31:63-66. 1990 Ice Age hunters of the Pyrenees. Archaeology 43(3):60-62. 1990 Human occupation of Euskalherria during the Last Glacial Maximum: the Basque Solutrean. Munibe 42:33-40. 1990 CA* Comment on "Symbolism & modern human origins", by J.Lindly & G.A.Clark, Current Anthropology 31:248. 1990 New chronometric dates for the prehistory of Portugal. Arqueologia 20:73-76 (pub. date 1989). 1990 Review of Thoughtful Foragers, by S.J. Mithen. Nature 347:138. 1990 The Concheiro at Vidigal: a contribution to the late Mesolithic of southern Portugal (with J. Altuna and B. Vierra), in Contributions to the Mesolithic in Europe (P.M. Vermeersch & P. van Peer, eds.), pp.463-474. Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven (Belgium). 1990 Review of Foragers and Farmers, by Susan Gregg. American Scientist 78:371. 1990 Making cultural ecology relevant to Mesolithic research: A data base of 413 Mesolithic faunal assemblages (with S. Anderson, R. Newell, et al.), Contributions to the Mesolithic in Europe (P.M. Vermeersch & P. van Peer, eds.), pp.23-51, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven (Belgium). 1991 The Epipaleolithic & Mesolithic of Cantabrian Spain and Pyrenean France. Journal of World Prehistory 5:83-104. 1991 SW Europe at the Last Glacial Maximum. Current Anthropology 32:189-199. 1991 Review of Establishment of a Geologic Framework for Paleoanthropology, by L. Laporte. Geoarchaeology 6:103-106. 31 1991 The Early Upper Paleolithic of SW Europe: Cro-Magnon adaptations in the Iberian Peripheries, 40,000-20,000 B.P. In The Emergence of Modern Humans (P. Mellars, ed.), pp.276302. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh (pub. date 1990). 1991 The Original Arms Race: Iberian Perspectives on the Solutrean Phenomenon. In Feuilles de Pierre: Les Industries à Pointes Foliacées du Paléolithique Supérieur Européen. (J.K. Kozlowski, ed.), ERAUL 42:425-447 (pub. date 1990). 1991 Review of La Grotte Vaufrey, by J.-P. Rigaud. Quaternary Research 35:299-301. 1991 The role of raw materials in Upper Paleolithic & Mesolithic stone artifact assemblage variability in SW Europe, in Raw Material Economy among Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers (A.Montet-White & S.Holen, eds.), University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology 19, pp. 169-185. 1991 Closing discussion, in Raw Material Economy among Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers (A.Montet-White & S.Holen, eds.), University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology 19, pp. 413-414. 1991 Una visión arqueozoológica del Paleolítico en la región Franco-Cantábrica. In Arqueología: La Huella del Hombre en el Ecosistema Mediterráneo, K.W.Butzer & B.Martí, eds., vol.1, pp.11-40. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Valencia. 1991 Paradigm found? A research agenda for study of the Upper Paleolithic and PostPaleolithic in SW Europe. In Perspectives on the Past: Paradigmatic Biases in Hunter-Gatherer Research, G.A. Clark, ed., pp.56-78, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1991 Human Geography of the Late Upper Paleolithic in Western Europe: Present State of the Question, Journal of Anthropological Research 47:259-278. 1991 Whence and whither paleoanthropology? By way of introduction. Journal of Anthropological Research 47:125-128. 32 1991 Review of An Inquiry into the Ethnic Resolution of Mesolithic Regional Groups, by R.R. Newell, et al. American Journal of Archeology 95:741-742. Reprinted as "Ethnicity in the Mesolithic" in Old World Archaeology Newsletter 15:27. 1991 The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in Portugal: A view from Vidigal. Antiquity 65:899903. 1992 Fouilles dans le Paléolithique moyen et supérieur de Belgique méridionale: rapport 1991. Notae Praehistoricae 11:3-28 (with M. Otte, J. Leotard, A. Gautier & P. Haesaerts). 1992 Uranium-series isochron dating at El Castillo Cave (Cantabria, Spain): the "Acheulean"/"Mousterian" Question (with J.Bischoff & J. Garcia). Journal of Archaeological Science 19:49-62. 1992 Magdalenian and Azilian hunting at the Abri Dufaure, SW France (with J. Altuna, A. Eastham, K. Mariezkurrena & A.Spiess). Archaeozoologia 4(2):87-108.( 1991) 1992 Middle & Upper Paleolithic research in southern Belgium: a preliminary report. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 15(2):10-18 (with M. Otte, J. Léotard, A. Gautier & P. Haesaerts). 1992 Early farming in the Algarve (southern Portugal): a preliminary view from two cave excavations near Faro. (with J. Altuna, D. Ford, L. Marambat, J. Rhine, H. Schwarcz & J.-L. Vernet). Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia (Porto) 32:141-162 (+10 plates). 1992 L'Abbé Henri Breuil: Archeologist. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 2 (1):5-9. 1992 L'Abri Dufaure et la falaise du Pastou dans le système adaptatif du Magdalénien pyrénéen. In Le Peuplement Magdalénien (H. Laville, J-Ph. Rigaud and B. Vandermeersch, eds.), pp. 333343. Editions du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, Paris. 1992 Review of Emerging Complexity: The Later Prehistory of SE Spain, Iberia and the West Mediterranean, by R.Chapman, Bulletin of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 17(2):33-35. 33 1992 Humans confront the environmental changes of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the Atlantic regions of Aquitaine, Vasco-Cantabria and Portugal. In Transformaciones Culturales y Económicas durante el Tardiglaciar y el Inicio del Holoceno en el Ambito Mediterráneo (V.Villaverde & J.E.Aura, eds.), preprint. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Valencia. 1992 By their works ye shall know them: a review article on Modelo de Análisis de la Autoría en el Arte Figurativo del Paleolítico by J.M.Apelléniz. Journal of Anthropological Research 49:255-259. 1992 Review of The Annales School and Archaeology, edited by J. Bintliff, Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 2(2):13-14. 1992 Ichthyofaunas and seasonality at Vidigal (Alentejo, Portugal). Mesolithic Miscellany 13(2):13-18 (with O. LeGall, J. Altuna & B. Vierra). 1993 Fouilles paléolithiques 1992 en Belgique. Notae Praehistoricae 12:15-31 (with M.Otte et al.). 1993 To change or not to change: The Late and Postglacial in SW Europe. Quaternaria Nova 2:161-185 (,1992). 1993 A review of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Iberia. Préhistoire Européenne 3:11-27 (with J. Bischoff & E. Carbonell). 1993 1992 Paleolithic excavations in Belgium by the Universities of New Mexico and Liège. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 16(2):1-11(with M. Otte, A. Gautier, P. Haesaerts, A. Martinez, M. Newman & C. Schutz). 1993 An essay at synthesis: Tardiglacial adaptive systems in the Vasco-Cantabrian & Pyrenean regions of SW Europe. Kobie: Revista de Bellas Artes y Ciencias (Bilbao) 19:9-22. ( 1991). 1993 Preface: Saint-Césaire and the debate on the transition from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic. In The Context of a Late Neandertal: Implications of Multidisciplinary Research at 34 Saint-Césaire for the Transition from Middle to Upper Paleolithic, Charente-Maritime, France, edited by F. Lévêque, A. Backer & M. Guilbaud, pp.xi-xii. Prehistory Press, Madison. 1993 Paleolithic & Mesolithic research in Belgium, 1993: Le Trou Magrite, Huccorgne & l'Abri du Pape. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 17:17-24 (with M. Otte et al.). 1993 Fouilles paléolithiques en Belgique méridionale (été 1992). Vie Archéologique 37:11-20 (with P. Noiret & M. Otte) ( 1991). 1993 Review of Les Chasseurs d'Aurochs de La Borde, by J.Jaubert et al., American Antiquity 58:766-67. 1993 Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic artifacts from Cantabrian Spain in the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia e Etnologia. O Arqueólogo Português IV (6/7):23-42 ( 1988-89). 1993 Upper Paleolithic hunting tactics and weapons in western Europe. In Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Paleolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia, edited by G. Peterkin, H. Bricker & P. Mellars. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 4, pp.83-93. 1993 Hidden assets & liabilities: Exploring archeology from the earth. In Site Formation Processes in Archaeological Context, M. Petraglia, D. Nash & P. Goldberg, eds., pp.1-10. Prehistory Press, Madison. 1994 Recherches paléolithiques et mésolithiques en Belgique, 1993: le Trou Magrite et l'Abri du Pape. Actes de la Deuxième Journée d'Archéologie Namuroise (M. Corbiau & J. Plumier, eds.), Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, pp.9-17 (with M. Otte, J. Léotard & P. Noiret). 1994 The Abbé Henri Breuil: Pope of Paleolithic Prehistory. In Homenaje al Dr. Joaquin González Echegaray (J. Lasheras, ed.), Museo y Centro de Investigación de Altamira Monografias 17, pp.189-198. Madrid. 1994 Recherches paléolithiques et mésolithiques en Belgique, 1993: Le Trou Magrite, Huccorgne et l'Abri du Pape. Notae Praehistoricae 13:45-62 (with P. Noiret, M. Otte, et al.). 35 1994 Interpreting the formation of the Abri Dufaure: An Upper Paleolithic rockshelter and slope site in SW France. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 13:139-151 (with M. Petraglia & K. Akoshima). 1994 Review of The Evolution and Dispersal of Modern Humans in Asia, edited by T. Akazawa, K. Aoki & T. Kimura, Préhistoire Européenne 5:164-165 (, 1993). 1994 The Pope's Mesolithic: Preliminary report on 1993 excavations of the lower levels in l'Abri du Pape (Dinant, Namur Province, Belgium). Mesolithic Miscellany 14:2-5 (with A. Gautier, Ph. Lacroix, J-M. Léotard, M. Newman & M. Otte) (, 1993). 1994 The pace of change in the Paleolithic (Review of Before Lascaux, edited by H. Knecht, A. Pike-Tay & R. White). American Anthropologist 96:713-16. 1994 Upper Paleolithic origins and radiocarbon calibration: more evidence from Spain. Evolutionary Anthropology 2:195-198. 1994 CA* Comment on "Symboling & the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic Transition, by A.M. Byers. Current Anthropology 35:392. 1994 Late Pleistocene & early Holocene research in Wallonia: Abri du Pape, Grotte du Bois Laiterie and Huccorgne (with M. Otte et al.). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 18(1):11-21. 1994 Fouilles 1994 à l'Abri du Pape et à la Grotte du Bois Laiterie. Notae Praehistoricae 14:45-68 (with M. Otte et al.). 1995 Review of Handbook of Paleolithic Typology, Vol.I: Lower & Middle Paleolithic of Europe, by A. Debénath & H. Dibble. Journal of Anthropological Research 50:395- 397 (, 1994). 1995 Recherches paléolithiques et mésolithiques en Belgique-1994 (Province de Namur). In Troisième Journée d'Archéologie Namuroise, J. Plumier & M. Corbiau, eds. Namur: Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, pp.19-34 (with M. Otte et al.). 36 1995 Review of Temnata Cave, edited by J. Kozlowski, H. Laville & B. Ginter. Geoarchaeology 10:301-304. 1995 Review of Teoría y Práctica de la Prehistoria: Perspectivas desde los Extremos de Europa, edited by M.I. Martínez Navarrete. American Journal of Archaeology 99:537-538. 1995 A través de la frontera Pleistoceno-Holoceno en Aquitania y en la Peninsula Ibérica: cambios ambientales y respuestas humanas. El Final del Paleolítico Cantábrico, A. Moure & C. González Sainz, eds., pp.341-363. Universidad de Cantabria, Santander. 1995 Further studies of Algarao de Goldra and Igrejinha dos Soidos: archeological cave sites in the Algarve(Portugal). ALGAR: Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Espeleologia 4:31-44 (with J.A. Crispim & L. Povóas) ("1993") 1995 Review of In Search of the Neanderthals, by C. Stringer and C.Gamble. Journal of Anthropological Research 51: 283-285. 1995 CA* Comment on "Concept-mediated marking in the Lower Paleolithic" by R. Bednarik. Current Anthropology 36:622-623. 1995 Diversity in the face of adversity: human adaptations to the environmental changes of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the Atlantic regions of Aquitaine, Vasco-Cantabria and Portugal. In Los Ultimos Cazadores de los Tiempos Glaciares, edited by V. Villaverde, pp.9-22. Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, Alicante. 1995 Stone Age Wallonia (Southern Belgium). Current Anthropology 36:851-854 (with M. Otte). 1995 Preliminary report on the Upper Magdalenian site of Bois Laiterie Cave (Wallonia, Belgium). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 19(1):19-25 (with M. Otte et al.) 1995 The Upper Paleolithic of Europe: an overview. Evolutionary Anthropology 4:4-16. 1995 Review of El Abate Henri Breuil (1877-1961) by E. Ripoll. Journal of Anthropological Research 52:405-408. 37 1995 Rapport préliminaire sur le site magdalénien final du Bois Laiterie. Notae Praehistoricae 15:11-33 (with M. Otte et al.). 1996 Obituary of Henri Laville. Anthropology Newsletter 37(3):44. 1996 Le Magdalénien final de la Grotte du Bois Laiterie. In Actes de la 4ième Journée d'Archéologie Namuroise (J. Plumier & M-H. Corbiau, eds.), Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, pp.9-18. 1996 Le territoire des Pyrénées occidentales au Pléni- et Tardiglaciaire. In Pyrénées Préhistoriques: Arts et Sociétés, H. Delporte & J. Clottes, eds., Editions du CTHS, Paris, pp.103116. 1996 Review of Villagers of the Sierra de Gredos by W. Kavanagh. Journal of Anthropological Research 52:129-31. 1996 Paléoécologie d'un territoire: Pyrénées et Cantabres. In L'Art Préhistorique des Pyrénées, edited by M-H. Thiault and J-B.Roy. Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris, pp.142-155. 1996 The archeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in SW Europe, in Humans at the End of the Ice Age: The Archeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition, edited by L. Straus, B. Eriksen, J. Erlandson & D. Yesner. Plenum Publishing, NYC, pp.83-99. 1996 Preface. (&) The World at the end of the Last Ice Age, in Humans at the End of the Ice Age, pp.vii-viii & 3-9. 1996 The Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Africa and the Near East, in Humans at the End of the Ice Age, pp.11-13. 1996 Review of Digging through Darkness by C. Schrire. Journal of Anthropological Research 52: 256-257. 1996 Pointes de sagaies au Magdalénien du Bois Laiterie. Préhistoire Européenne 8:125-141 (with I. López, E. Teheux & J-M. Léotard). 38 1996 CA* Comment on "The Big Game Focus", by M. Kornfeld. Current Anthropology 37:646-648. 1996 Review of The Wisdom of the Bones by A. Walker & P. Shipman. Journal of Anthropological Research 52:375-76. 1996 Les faunes mésolithique et néolithique de Vidigal (Alentejo, Portugal) (with O. LeGall & J. Altuna). Archaeozoologia 7:59-72 ("1994"). 1996 Reflexiones sobre el estado de la investigación del Solutrense vasco-cantábrico. Férvedes (Lugo) 2:23-33 ( "1995"). 1996 El estudio de la prehistoria del Viejo Mundo en los Estados Unidos de América. Trabajos de Prehistoria 53:5-13. 1996 The use of quartzite in the Upper Paleolithic of Cantabrian Spain. In Non-Flint Stone Tools and the Palaeolithic Occupation of the Iberian Peninsula (N. Moloney, L. Raposo & M. Santonja, eds.). British Archaeological Reports S-649, Oxford, pp.37-42. 1996 Preliminary excavations in El Mirón Cave (with M. González Morales). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 20(1):14-18. 1996 Huccorgne-Hermitage. In Actes de la Deuxième Journée d'Archéologie en Province de Liège, J.M. Léotard & G. Coura, eds. Minstère de la Région Wallonne, Liège. pp.23-26 (with M. Otte & P. Noiret). 1996 Hugo Obermaier and the Cantabrian Solutrean. In El Hombre Fósil 80 Años Después, edited by A. Moure. Universidad de Cantabria, Santander. pp.195-209. 1996 Review of The Middle Paleolithic Site of Combe-Capelle Bas, by H. Dibble & M. Lenoir. Journal of Anthropological Research 52:533-535. 1996 Review of The Prehistory of the Mind, by S. Mithen. Journal of Anthropological Research 52:537-539. 39 1997 Review of Le Paléolithique en Pologne, by J.K. & S.K. Kozlowski. Journal of Anthropological Research 53:112-114. 1997 Review of Paleoclimate and Evolution with Emphasis on Human Origins, edited by E.S. Vrba et al. Journal of Anthropological Research 53:114-116. 1997 Review of The Fossil Trail, by I. Tattersall. Journal of Anthropological Research 53:9192. 1997 Le Magdalénien du Bois Laiterie (Profondeville): une halte de chasse saisonnière. V Journée d'Archéologie Namuroise, Ministère de la Région Wallonne, Namur, pp.11-17 (with I. López Bayón, M. Otte, A. Gautier, J-M. Léotard, R. Miller & P. Lacroix). 1997 Late Glacial reindeer hunters along the French Pyrenees. In Caribou and Reindeer Hunters of the Northern Hemisphere, L.J. Jackson & P. Thacker, eds. Avebury Press, Aldershot, UK. pp.1-19. 1997 Continuity or rupture; convergence or invasion; adaptation or catastrophe; mosaic or monolith: views on the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Iberia. In The Last Neandertals, The First Anatomically Modern Humans, E. Carbonell & M. Vaquero, eds. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, pp.203-218 ("1996"). 1997 The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition at the local level: the case of le Trou Magrite. In The Last Neandertals, The First Anatomically Modern Humans, E. Carbonell & M. Vaquero, eds. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, pp.157-167 (with M. Otte) ("1996"). 1997 Review of Modelling the Early Human Mind, edited by P. Mellars & K. Gibson. Journal of Anthropological Research 53:252-255. 1997 Convenient cavities: some human uses of caves & rock shelters. In The Human Uses of Caves (C. Bonsall & C. Tolan-Smith, eds.), British Archaeological Reports S- 667, Oxford, pp.18. 1997 Review of Man and Sea in the Mesolithic, edited by A. Fischer. American Anthropologist 99:648-9. 40 1997 CA* Comment on "Dietary shifts and the European Upper Paleolithic transition", by S. Cachel. Current Anthropology 38:595-6. 1997 La Grotte du Bois Laiterie, du Magdalénien au Mésolithique: Différences comportementales. Notae Praehistoricae 16:63-74 (with I. López, M. Otte, A. Gautier, et al.) ( "1996"). 1997 The Iberian situation between 40,000 & 30,000 BP in light of European models of migration and convergence. In Conceptual Issues in Modern Human Origins Research, edited by G.A. Clark & C. Willermet. Aldine de Gruyter, New York, pp.235-252. 1997 Une halte de chasse magdalénienne à Profondeville. Archéologia 338:52-59 (with M. Otte & I. López Bayón) 1997 Review of Paths of Fire, by R. McC.Adams. Journal of Anthropological Research 53:507-509. 1997 Review of War Before Civilization, by L.H. Keeley. Journal of Anthropological Research 53:505-507. 1997 Review of Dictionary of Prehistoric Archaeology/Prähistorisches Wörterbuch, by L.R. Owen. Journal of Anthropological Research 53:514. 1997 Review of From Tool Use to Site Function by J.J. Ibañez & J.E. González Urquijo. Journal of Anthropological Research 53:497-499. 1998 Les ossements humains du Mésolithique ancien de la grotte du Bois Laiterie, à Profondeville (province de Namur): note préliminaire. Sixième Journée d'Archéologie Namuroise (J. Plumier & C. Duhaut, eds.) Ministère de la Région Wallonne, Gembloux, pp. 33-50 (with M. Toussaint, I. López-Bayón, et al.). 1998 Tardiglacial settlement in the Cantabrian Cordillera, northern Spain (abstract) (with M. González Morales). Journal of Human Evolution 34(3):A20-21. 41 1998 The Río Asón Prehistoric Project: 1997 Excavations in El Mirón Cave (with M.González Morales). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 21(1):1-11. 1998 Review of Beyond Art: Pleistocene Image & Symbol, M. Conkey et al., eds. Journal of Anthropological Research 54:289-294. 1998 Review of Projectile Technology, H. Knecht, ed. Journal of Anthropological Research 54:294-298. 1998 Review of The Archaeology of Iberia, edited by M. Diaz-Andreu & S. Keay. Journal of Anthropological Research 54:283-286. 1998 Review of La Circulation des Matières Premières au Paléolithique, by J. FéblotAugustins. Journal of Anthropological Research 54:286-288. 1998 Late Quaternary Prehistoric investigations in southern Belgium (with M. Otte, A. Gautier, P. Haesaerts, et al.). Préhistoire Européenne 11:145-184 ("1997"). 1998 Bois Laiterie Cave and the Magdalenian of Belgium (with M. Otte) Antiquity 72:253-268. 1998 The Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the Iberian Peninsula: Continuity & change in human adaptations (with E. Aura, V. Villaverde, M. Gzlz Morales, C. Gzlz Sainz & J. Zilhao). In As the World Warmed, edited by B. Eriksen & L.Straus, Quaternary International, Elsevier, vol.49/50:87-103. 1998 Preface (with B.Eriksen). In As the World Warmed, pp.1-2. 1998 La prehistoria del Valle del Asón: Excavaciones en la Cueva del Mirón. La campaña de 1996. Actas del II Congreso de Arqueología Peninsular (with M. González Morales), edited by R. Balbín & P. Bueno, Vol.I, pp.119-131. Fundación Rei Afonso Henriques, Zamora ("1997"). 1998 Report on the initial excavations in El Mirón Cave, with emphasis on the Magdalenian occupations (with M. González Morales). Journal of Iberian Archaeology 0:173-188. 42 1998 The peoplings of Europe: a JAR debate. Journal of Anthropological Research 54:399401. 1998 Taphonomic, chronostratigraphic, paleoenvironmental & anthropogenic implications of the Upper Pleistocene faunas from le Trou Magrite, Belgium (with A. Gautier, J-M. Cordy & M. Otte). Anthropozoologica 25/26:343-354 ("1997"). 1998 Le site paléolithique de "l'Hermitage" & L'occupation des grottes au Pal,olithique supérieur. In Le Patrimoine Archéologique de Wallonie (M. Corbiau, ed.), pp.120-122 (with M. Otte) & pp.123-126 (with M. Otte et al.), Gouvernement Wallon, Namur ("1997"). 1998 Review of Journey through the Ice Age by P.Bahn. American Antiquity 63:718-719. 1998 Bois Laiterie Cave & the Magdalenian recolonization of Belgium (with M. Otte, A. Gautier & P. Lacroix). Proceedings of the XIII UISPP Congress, vol.2, pp.525-533. A.B.A.C.O.Edizioni, Forlí, Italy. 1998 Anything goes, or why I personally avoid too much speculation on Paleolithic rock art origins or "meaning". Rock Art Research 15:127-128. 1998 La contribución de España y de la Península Ibérica al conocimiento del Paleolítico Europeo. Anales de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires 30:143- 176 ("1996") 1998 1998 excavation campaign in El Mirón Cave (Ramales, Cantabria, Spain) (with M. González Morales). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 21(3):1-9. 1999 Iberia: bridge or cul de sac? Implications of the Iberian record for the debate on the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition. Human Evolution 14:1-11. 1999 L'Abri du Pape: a limited-function Mesolithic campsite along the Meuse at the edge of the Belgian Ardennes. In L'Europe des Derniers Chasseurs: Epipaléolithique et Mésolithique, edited by A. Thévenin & P. Bintz, pp.263-273. CTHS: Paris (with M. Otte, Ph. Lacroix, J-M. Léotard, A. Gautier, J. Summers, J. Orphal & J-M. Pernaud). 43 1999 Review of The Lower Palaeolithic of the Maghreb: Excavations & Analyses at Ain Hanech, Algeria, by M. Sahnouni. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:174-6. 1999 Review of Le Paléolithique Inférieur et Moyen en Espagne, by J. González Echegaray & L.G. Freeman. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:176-8. 1999 The Neanderthal problem continued. Current Anthropology 40:352-355. 1999 The Upper Paleolithic settlement of North-Central Spain. In European Late Pleistocene, Isotopic Stages 2 & 3, P. Vermeersch & M. Otte, eds., ERAUL 90, pp.175-197. Liège. 1999 Review of Conversations with Lew Binford, by Paula Sabloff. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:293-5. 1999 Homo: e pluribus unum. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:187-9. 1999 High-resolution archeofaunal records across the Pleistocene-Holocene transition on a transect between 43º-51̊ North latitude in Western Europe. In Zooarchaeology of the Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary, Jonathan Driver, ed. British Archaeological Reports S-800, Oxford, pp. 21-29. 1999 Los últimos cazadores-recolectores de Europa: el Paleolítico superior. El Campo de las Ciencias y las Artes 136:1-27 (J. Altuna, ed.), Banco de Bilbao y Vizcaya: Madrid. 1999 Review of Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia, edited by T. Akazawa et al. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:289-293. 1999 Review of Ekain y Altxerri by J. Altuna, Altamira by P. Saura, A. Beltrán et al., & Rouffignac by J. Plassard. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:457-460. 1999 Review of The Paleoecology of Lower Magdalenian Cantabrian Spain, by J.T. Pokines. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:454-456. 1999 Review of Klithi: Palaeolithic Settlement & Quaternary Landscapes in Northwest Greece, G.N. Bailey, ed. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:452-454. 44 1999 Review of El Habitat Mesolítico Cantábrico Occidental, by M. Fano. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:620-621. 1999 Review of Early Human Behaviour in Global Context, edited by M. Petraglia & R. Korisettar. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:614-616. 1999 Review of The Archaeology of Solvieux, by J. Sackett. Journal of Anthropological Research 55:616-619. 2000 The fourth excavation campaign in “El Mirón” Cave (Cantabria, Spain), 1999. (with M. González Morales) Old World Archaeology Newsletter 22 (2):1-8. 2000 Leslie Gordon Freeman: An American in Spanish prehistory. Journal of Anthropological Research 56:3-6. 2000 La Grotte du Bois Laiterie (Profondeville, Belgique): Halte de chasse magdalénienne. Folia Quaternaria 70:101-113 (Krakow)(with M.Otte) ( “1999"). 2000 Caves and rockshelters, Excavation. In Archaeological Method and Theory: An Encyclopedia, L. Ellis, ed., pp.89-94. Garland Publishing, New York. 2000 Biographical entries on R.McC. Adams, F. Bordes, H. Breuil, K.W. Butzer and A. LeroiGourhan. In Archaeological Method and Theory: An Encyclopedia, edited by L. Ellis., pp.3,85-87,330-331. Garland Publishing, New York. 2000 Review of Reduction Sequences for the European Mousterian, edited by A. Bietti & S. Grimaldi, and of Middle Paleolithic & Middle Stone Age Settlement Systems, edited by N. Conard & F. Wendorf. Journal of Anthropological Research 56:131-135. 2000 Review of Hauterive-Champréveyres: Un Campement Magdalénien au Bord du Lac de Neuchâtel, volumes 10 & 11, by D.Leesch and by P.Morel & W.Müller. Journal of Anthropological Research 56:129-131. 2000 A quarter-century of research on the Solutrean of Vasco-Cantabria, Iberia & beyond. 45 Jour 2000 Mapping the Upper Paleolithic of the Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Human Evolution 38: A30 (with N.Bicho & A.Winegardner). 2000 La Grotte de La Riera (Asturies) et la question du Solutréen cantabrique (et ibérique). (with G.A. Clark) Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 97:129-132. 2000 La Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria): Excavaciones 1996-1999. Trabajos de Prehistoria 57:121-133 (with M.González Morales) 2000 Solutrean settlement of North America? A review of reality. American Antiquity 65:219226. (Reprinted in Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Anthropology, 5th ed., 2012, R.L.Welsch & K.M. Endicott, eds., McGraw Hill, New York, pp. 84-91.) 2000 The Upper Paleolithic settlement of Iberia: first-generation maps. (with N.Bicho & A.C. Winegardner) Antiquity 74:553-566. 2000 The Upper Paleolithic settlement of Spain. Actas, III Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, V.O.Jorge, ed., Porto, ADECAP, vol.2, pp.443-456 (with A.Winegardner) 2000 El depósito arqueológico de la Cueva del Mirón y su papel en la secuencia regional Mesolítico-Neolítico-Calcolítico en el Cantábrico oriental. Actas, III Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsula, V.O.Jorge, ed., Porto, ADECAP, vol.4, pp. 49-63 (with M.González Morales). 2000 The El Mirón Cave/Asón River Valley Prehistoric Project (Cantabria, Spain): The Upper Paleolithic components. Actas, III Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, V.O.Jorge, ed., Porto, ADECAP, vol.2, pp.251-262 (with M.González Morales). 2000 Mapping the Upper Paleolithic regions of Iberia. Journal of Iberian Archaeology 2:7-42. (with N.Bicho & A.Winegardner). 2000 Review of The Prehistory of Egypt, by B.Midant-Reynes. Journal of Anthropological Research 56:409-411. 46 2000 Parietal engravings in Magdalenian stratigraphic context in El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain). International Newsletter on Rock Art 27:1-6 (with M. González Morales). 2000 La station de l’Hermitage à Huccorgne: un habitat gravettien de plein-air en Belgique (with M.Otte, P.Noiret & R.Miller). Notae Praehistoricae 20:73-83. 2000 Coming out from the cold: Western Europe in Dryas I & beyond. In Regional Approaches to Adaptation in Late Pleistocene Western Europe (G.L.Peterkin & H.A. Price, eds.), pp.191-203. British Archaeological Reports S-896. 2001 Africa & Iberia in the Pleistocene. In Out of Africa, L.G.Straus & O.Bar-Yosef, eds., pp.91-102. Quaternary International 75. Elsevier Science, Oxford. 47 2001 Out of Africa in the Pleistocene: an introduction (with O.Bar-Yosef). In Out of Africa in the Pleistocene, L.G.Straus & O.Bar-Yosef, eds., pp.1-3. Quaternary International 75. Elsevier Science, Oxford. 2001 La prehistoria del Valle del Asón: la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria). Excavaciones 1996-1999 (with M.González Morales). In Actuaciones Arqueológicas en Cantabria 1984-1999, R.Ontañón, ed., pp.331-336. Gobierno de Cantabria, Santander ( “2000"). 2001 Du Mésolithique au Moyen Age: 10.000 ans dans une grotte. Archéologia 375:52-57 (with M.Otte, J-M.Léotard, I.López-Bayón & R.Miller). 2001 The year 2000 excavation campaign in El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain) (with M. González Morales). Old World Archaeology Newsletter 23(1):1-8. 2001 Paleoclimate & intersite correlations from Late Pleistocene/Holocene cave sites: results from southern Europe (with B.Ellwood, F.Harrold, S.Benoist, M.González Morales, N. Bicho, J.Zilhao & N.Soler). Geoarchaeology 16:433-463. 2001 Sedimentological & stratigraphic observations in El Mirón, a Late Quaternary cave site in the Cantabrian Cordillera, northern Spain (with M.González Morales, W.Farrand & W. Hubbard). Geoarchaeology 16: 603-630. 2001 Review of The Geography of Neandertals & Modern Humans in Europe & the Greater Mediterranean Basin, edited by O.Bar-Yosef & D.Pilbean. Journal of Anthropological Research 57: 88-91. 2001 Review of Depositional History of Franchthi Cave: Sediments, Stratigraphy & Chronology, by W.Farrand. Journal of Anthropological Research 57:91-93. 2001 The Upper Paleolithic in El Mirón Cave (Ramales, Cantabria, Spain)(with M.González Morales). In Le Paléolithique Supérieur Européen: Bilan Quinquennal 1996-2001, M.Otte, ed., pp.135-139. ERAUL 97, Liège. 48 2001 Review of Rekem: A Federmesser Camp on the Meuse River Bank, by M.De Bie & J-P. Caspar. Journal of Anthropological Research 57:360-363. 2001 Review of La Grotte d’Altamira, by L.G.Freeman & J.González Echegaray. Journal of Anthropological Research 57:364-366. 2001 Preface. In Lithic Resource Management During the Belgian Early Upper Paleolithic by Rebecca Miller, pp.xi-xii. ERAUL 91, Liège. 2001 CA* Comment on “Grave markers: Middle and early Upper Paleolithic burials and the use of chronotypology in contemporary Paleolithic research”, by J.Riel-Salvatore & G.A.Clark. Current Anthropology 42:468-469. 2001 El Mirón Cave 2001: continuing excavations by the Universities of Cantabria & New Mexico. Old World Archaeology Newsletter 23(2):1-5. 2001 Review of Aurignacian Lithic Economy, by B.S.Blades. Journal of Anthropological Research 57:353-255. 2001 Review of Paleolithic Living Sites in Upper and Middle Egypt, by P.M.Vermeersch. Journal of Anthropological Research 57:255-257. 2001 Anthropology & the crisis: an editorial & acknowledgements. Journal of Anthropological Research 57:494-496. 2001 Solutrean. Encyclopedia of Prehistory, Volume 4: Europe, P.N. Peregrine & M. Ember, eds., pp. 328-350. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, New York. 2001 La Grotte du Bois Laiterie à Profondeville. In Guide des Sites Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques de Wallonie, C.Bellaire, J.Moulin & A.Cahen-Delhaye, eds. (with I.López Bayón et al.), pp.44-45. Fédération des Archéologues de Wallonie, Namur. 2002 XIV Congrès de l’Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques. Colloque 6.6: The role of Americans in the study of the European Upper Paleolithic. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 99:182-183. 49 2002 A southwest European Late Glacial settlement system: the Magdalenian and Azilian of the Río Asón Valley (Cantabria, Spain)(abstract)(with M.González Morales, M.P.GarciaGelabert & M.Fano). Journal of Human Evolution 42:A34. 2002 John Desmond Clark, Paleoanthroplogist. Journal of Anthropological Research 58:1-3. 2002 Review of Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic & Middle Stone Age, edited by N.J.Conard. Journal of Anthropological Research 58:289-291. 2002 Review of Earliest Italy: An Overview of the Italian Paleolithic & Mesolithic, by M. Mussi. Journal of Anthropological Research 58:286-289. 2002 The paleoanthropology of Iberia: a brief history & perspective. AnthroQuest 13:4-5. 2002 Review of Earth Sciences and Archaeology, edited by P.Goldberg, V.T.Holliday & C.R. Ferring. Journal of Anthropological Research 58:179-181. 2002 Litho-economic continuity & change across the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition in Belgium. In Questioning the Answers: Re-solving Fundamental Problems of the Early Upper Paleolithic, M.Hays & P.Thacker, eds., pp.145-157 British Archaeological Reports Préhistoire Européenne: 16-17:271-279 ( “2001"). 2002 Contributions to the Mesolithic of Belgium: Early Holocene camps & burials in the Meuse Basin of NW Ardennes. (with M. Otte) Préhistoire Européenne 16-17:281-289 ( “2001"). 2002 Yanks (and Canucks) in the study of the European Upper Paleolithic. In The Role of American Archeologists in the Study of the European Upper Paleolithic, L.G.Straus, ed., pp.54-57. British Archaeological Reports S-1048, Oxford. 2002 “American” perspectives on the European Upper Paleolithic? An introduction. In The Role of American Archeologists in the Study of the European Upper Paleolithic Research, L.G.Straus, ed., pp.1-5. British Archaeological Reports S-1048, Oxford. 50 2002 The Late Quaternary human uses of a natural territory: the case of the Río Asón drainage (eastern Cantabria Province, Spain) (with M.González Morales, M.P.García-Gelabert & M.Fano) Journal of Iberian Archaeology 4:21-61. 2002 Late Glacial human settlement of eastern Cantabria (northern Spain) (with M.González Morales, M.Fano & M.P.García-Gelabert). Journal of Archaeological Science 29:14031414. 2002 Mitochondrial DNA variation in Pleistocene and modern Atlantic salmon from the Iberian glacial refugium (with S.Consuegra, C.García de Leániz, A.Serdio, M.González, D.Knox & E.Verspoor). Molecular Ecology 11:2037-2048. 2002 Lithic raw material utilization in the Final Paleolithic and Mesolithic of Belgium.(with M. Otte, A. Gob, et al.). In Lithic Raw Material Economies in Late Glacial & Early Postglacial Europe, edited by L. Fisher & B.V. Eriksen. British Archaeological Reports S1093, pp. 89-100 (actually published in 2003). 2002 Tardiglacial lithic raw material utilization in Vasco-Cantabria (Spain) and Gascony (France). In Lithic Raw Material Economy in Late Glacial & Early Postglacial Europe, edited by L. Fisher & B.V. Eriksen. British Archaeological Reports S-1093, pp.133-145. 2002 Selecting small: microlithic musings for the Upper Paleolithic & Mesolithic of Western Europe. In Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization, edited by R.Elston & S.Kuhn, Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association No.12, pp. 6981. (actually published in 2003). 2003 Review of A Very Remote Period Indeed: Papers on the Palaeolithic Presented to Derek Roe, edited by S. Milliken & J.Cook, American Antiquity 68:203-204. 2003 A Spanish time tunnel: El Mirón Cave. (with M.González Morales). Athena Review 3(3):67-74. 2003 Review of Desolate Landscapes: Ice Age Settlement of Eastern Europe, by J. Hoffecker, Journal of Anthropological Research 59:121-123. 51 2003 The diamond anniversaries of anthropology at the University of New Mexico. Journal of Anthropological Research 59:1-4. 2003 Review of The Human Fossil Record, Vol.1, by J.Schwartz & I.Tattersall, Journal of Anthropological Research 59:132-134. 2003 Review of Recent Studies in the Final Palaeolithic of the European Plain, edited by B.V. Eriksen & B.Bratlund, Journal of Anthropological Research 59:351-353. 2003 Review of De Neandertales a Cromañones: El Inicio del Poblamiento Humano en las Tierras Valencianas, V.Villaverde, ed., Journal of Anthropological Research 59:123-124. 2003 Obituary of Susan Kent. Journal of Anthropological Research 59: 149-150 2003 El Mirón Cave: a long, stratified late Quaternary sequence in the Cantabrian Cordillera (with M.González Morales), in Quaternary Climatic Changes and Environmental Crises in the Mediterranean Region, M.B.Ruiz Zapata, et al., eds., pp.89-91. Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares. 2003 Crusade! Comments on R.G. Bednarik’s “The Earliest Evidence of Palaeoart”. Rock Art 20 (2): 119-120. 2003 The caves of Ramales de la Victoria. III. El Mirón (with M.González Morales), in Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft, 45th Annual Congress. Field Trips Guidebook, P.Arias, C. González Sainz & L.Teira, eds., pp. 200-210. Universidad de Cantabria, Santander. 2003 Review of The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya’aqov, Israel. Vol. I: The Wood Assemblages, by N.Goren-Inbar, E.Werker & C.Feibel, Journal ofAnthropological Research 59:345-346. 2003 Review of The Dawn of Human Culture, by R.G.Klein & B.Edgar, Journal of Anthropological Research 338-340. 2003 Review of World Rock Art, by J. Clottes, Journal of Anthropological Research 59:342-345. 52 2003. Review of Actas de las Primeras Jornadas de Estudios Históricos y Lingüísticos: El Norte de Africa y el Sur de la Península, edited by M.Tilmatine, J.Ramos & V.Castañeda, Journal of Anthropological Research 59:270-271. 2003 Review of The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, by S. Wells, Journal of Anthropological Research 59:340-342. 2003 Review of Solutré: 1968-1998, edited by J.Combier & A.Montet-White, Journal of Anthropological Research 59:349-351. 2003 Review of Paleolithic Quarrying Sites in Upper and Middle Egypt, edited by P.M. Vermeersch, Journal of Anthropological Research 59:573-574. 2003 La prehistoria paleolítica del valle del Miera: un resumen breve. Liérganes XXI 3:4-6. 2003 Review of Kalambo Fall Prehistoric Site, Volume III. The Earlier Cultures: Middle and Earlier Stone Age, by J.D.Clark et al., Journal of Anthropological Research 59:574-577. 2003 Early-Mid Magdalenian excavations in El Mirón Cave (Ramales, Cantabria, Spain): Report on the VII Campaign (with M.González Morales). Journal of Eurasian Prehistory 1(2):117-137. . 2003 Review of L’Aurignacien de la Grotte du Renne, edited by B.Schmider. Journal of Anthropological Research 59:347-349. 2003 French Pyrenean collections in the Smithsonian Institution: Upper Paleolithic assemblages from the Salat Valley (with M. Petraglia & R. Potts). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique AriègePyrénées 57:171-194 ( “2002"). 2003 The Mesolithic in the Cantabrian interior: fact or fiction? (with M.González Morales). In Mesolithic on the Move, L. Larsson, et al. eds., pp.359-368, Oxbow Books, Oxford. 2003 El Mirón Cave and the radiocarbon chronology of Cantabrian Spain (with M.González Morales) Radiocarbon 45:41-58. 53 “THE Aurignacian”? Some thoughts. In The Chronology of the Aurignacian and of the Transitional Technocomplexes, J.Zilhão & F.d’Errico, eds., Trabalhos de Arqueologia 33, pp.11-17, Instituto Português de Arqueologia, Lisbon. 2003 2003 The initial Upper Paleolithic in northern Iberia: new evidence from Labeko Koba. Current Anthropology 44:413-421 (with A.Arrizabalaga, J.Altuna, et al.). 2004 La Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria). In III Congreso del Neolítico en la Península Ibérica: Libro Guía de la Excursión , P.Arias et al., eds., pp. 25-35. Universidad de Cantabria, Santander (with M.González Morales) (pub. date: “2003"). 2004 Review of After the Ice, by S. Mithen. Science 303:1300-1302. 2004 Sixty years of SWJA/JAR. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:1-3. 2004 Review of La Cova dels Cavalls, R.Martínez Valle & V.Villaverde, eds. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:128-130. 2004 Review of El Arte Prehistórico desde los Inicios del Siglo XXI, Balbín & P. Bueno, eds. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:305-309. 2004 Canto de ocre con retícula grabada. El Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria). In La Materia del Lenguaje Prehistórico, P.Arias & R.Ontañón, eds. Gobierno de Cantabria, Santander, pp.173-174 (with M.González Morales). 2004 Review of Arte Prehistórico en la Región Cantábrica, by C.González Sainz, R.Cacho & T.Fukazawa, Las Cuevas del Desfiladero by C.González Sainz & C.San Miguel, and La Cueva de Covalanas by M.Garcia & J.Eguizabal. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:299-303. 2004 CA* Comment on “How the West was lost: a reconsideration of agricultural origins in Britain, Ireland, and southern Scandinavia”, by P.Rowley-Conwy. Current Anthropology 45:S104S105. 2004 Review of Neandertals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization & the Beginnings of Human Modernity, by D.O.Henry. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:417-419. 54 2004 Post-Pleistocene faunas from the archeological site of El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain): a preliminary summary (with J.Altuna, G.Cuenca, M.Elorza, J.García, J.Lobo, K.Mariezkurrena, M.Perez, B.Sanchiz & M.González Morales). In Miscelánea en Homenaje a Emiliano Aguirre, E.Baquedano, ed. Museo Arqueológico Regional, Alcalá, vol.2, pp. 40-49. 2004 Postglacial coast and inland: Epipaleolithic-Mesolithic-Neolithic transitions in VascoCantabrian Spain (with M. González Morales, A. Diez & J. Ruiz). Munibe 56:61-78. 2004 Obituary of Victoria Cabrera Valdés. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:635-636. 2004 Six decades of publishing “in the interest of general anthropology”. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:627-633. 2004 Foreward: The Paleolithic in America, a preamble to the "excavation" of a great museum. In The Old World Paleolithic and the Development of a National Collection, by M. Petraglia & R. Potts, Smithsonian Contributions in Anthropology, No.48, Washington, DC, pp.ix-xiii. 2004 Transitions: into and out of "Mesolithic" adaptations along the Atlantic Facade of Europe and beyond. In The Mesolithic of the Atlantic Facade, M.González Morales & G.A. Clark, eds. Anthropological Research Papers, No. 55, Tempe, pp.249-260 . 2004 Review of Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age, edited by N.J.Conard. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:622-623. 2005 Omóplato grabado con cabeza de cierva y posible bovino. In La Materia del Lenguaje Prehistórico (2nd ed.), P.Arias & R.Ontañón, eds. Gobierno de Cantabria, Santander, pp. 172-173 (with M.González Morales & A.B.Marín).. 2005 Slaughter in the American West. Review of Survival by Hunting, by G.C.Frison. American Scientist January-Februrary 2005, pp.71-72. 55 2005 The spread of agriculture in northern Iberia: new archaeobotanical data from El Mirón Cave (Cantabria) and the open-air site of Los Cascajos (Navarra) (with L.Peña, L.Zapata, M.González Morales, J.García & J.Sesma). Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 14:268-278. 2005 The oldest agriculture in northern Atlantic Spain: new evidence from El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria). Journal of Archaeological Science 32:579-587 (with L.Peña, L.Zapata, M.J.Iriarte & M.González Morales). 2005 Review of From Racism to Genocide: Anthropology in the Third Reich, by G.E.Schafft. Journal of Anthropological Research 61:235-236. 2005 Review of Lascaux: Le Geste, l’Espace et le Temps, by N.Aujoulat. Journal of Anthropological Research 61:281-284. 2005 Review of Neanderthals and Modern Humans in the European Landscape during the Last Glaciation, edited by T.van Andel & Wm.Davies. Journal of Anthropological Research 61:278281. 2005 Review of La Ocupación Prehistórica de Kanpanoste en el Contexto de los CazadoresRecolectores del Mesolítico, by A.Cava. Journal of Anthropological Research 61:284-286. 2005 A mosaic of change: the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition as viewed from New Mexico and Iberia. In Armageddon or Entente? The Demise of the European Neandertals in Isotope Stage 3, edited by L.Straus. Quaternary International 137, Elsevier Science, Oxford, pp.47-67 2005 On the demise of the Neandertals. In Armageddon or Entente? The Demise of the European Neandertals in Isotope Stage 3, edited by L.G.Straus. Quaternary International 137, Elsevier Science, Oxford, pp. 1-5. 2005 The Upper Paleolithic of Cantabrian Spain. Evolutionary Anthropology 14:145-158. 2005 The Magdalenian sequence of El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain): an approach to the problems of definition of the Lower Magdalenian in Cantabrian Spain. In Industrie Osseuse et Parures du Solutréen au Magdalénien en Europe, V. Dujardin, ed. Mémoire de la Société Préhistorique Française 39, Paris, pp. 209-219 (with M.González Morales). 56 2005 Review of A Prehistory of the North, by J.F.Hoffecker. Journal of Anthropological Research 61:394-396. 2005 Review of Cosquer Redécouvert, by J.Clottes, J.Courtin & L.Vanrell. Journal of Anthropological Research 61:385-387. 2005 Review of Bifaces y Elefantes. La Investigación del Paleolítico Inferior en Madrid, edited by J.Panera & S.Rubio. Journal of Anthropological Research 61:390-391. 2005 Ice Age Atlantis? Exploring the Solutrean-Clovis “connection” (with D. Meltzer & T. Goebel). World Archaeology 37:507-532. 2005 Review of Processual Archaeology, edited by A.L.Johnson. Journal of Anthropological Research 61:552-554. 2005 Review of Stránská skála: Origins of the Upper Paleolithic in the Brno Basin, Moravia, Czech Republic, edited by J.Svoboda & O.Bar-Yosef. Journal of Anthropological Research 61:536-538. 2005 Comment on “The archaeological & genetic foundations of the European population during the Late Glacial”by C.Gamble et al. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 15:211-12 2005 El Magdaleniense de la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, España): observaciones preliminares. In Actas do IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, N. Bicho, ed., Promontoria Monográfica 2, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, pp. 49-62 (with M.González Morales). 2006 The American-European dialogue in the study of the Upper Paleolithic: some reflections on international collaboration in honor of Jesús Altuna. Munibe 57 (2):9-18. 2006 Review of Hunters in a Changing World: Environment and Archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in Northern Central Europe, edited by T.Terberger & B.V.Eriksen. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:149-151. 57 2006 Review of Hauterive-Champréveyres et Neuchâtel-Monruz. Témoins d’Implantations Magdaléniennes et Aziliennes sur la Rive Nord du Lac de Neuchâtel, by D.Leesch, M.I. Catin & W.Müller. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:147-149. 2006 Obituaries of William White Howells and Sir Nicholas Shackleton. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:163-164. 2006 Obituary of Robert Santley. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:161-162. 2006 Review of Distorting the Past: Gender & the Division of Labor in the European Upper Paleolithic, by Linda Owen. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:445-46. 2006 Review of Comportement des Hommes du Paléolithique Moyen et Supérieur en Europe: Territoires et Milieux, edited by D.Vialou, J.Renault-Miskovsky & M.Patou-Mathis. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:268-270. 2006 Review of The Hominid Individual in Context, edited by C.Gamble & M.Porr. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:442-444. 2006 Review of Arte Rupestre en la Comunidad Valenciana, edited by R.Martínez Valle. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:272-275. 2006 The Upper Paleolithic record in the Asón River Basin, eastern Cantabria (Spain) (with M. González Morales & M.Fano). In Le Paléolithique Supérieur Européen. Bilan Quinquennal, 2001-2006, edited by P.Noiret. ERAUL 115, Liège, pp. 117-128. 2006 Of stones & bones: interpreting site function in the Upper Paleolithic & Mesolithic of Western Europe. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 25:500-509. 2006 Pleistocene Pliomys lenki (Rodentia, Mammalia) in Iberia: a tale of flickering extinction. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(3):53A (abstract with G.Cuenca, M.González Morales & J.Barco). 2006 Review of Los Grabados Levantinos del Barranco Hondo, edited by P.Utrilla & V. Villaverde. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:565-567. 58 2006 El Mirón. In Excursion Guide: EuroMam 2006 Spain. European Quaternary Mammal Research Association/Universidad de Zaragoza, pp.23-29 (with G.Cuenca & M.González Morales). 2006 Academic responsibility, professionalism & scholarly publication in the age of high corporate profits. Journal of Anthropological Research 62:593-595. 2006 CA* Comment on “The Lower/Middle Paleolithic periodization in Western Europe: an evaluation”, by G.Monnier. Current Anthropology 47:733-734. 2007 El poblamiento en la región cantábrica en torno al Ultimo Máximo Glacial: Gravetiense y Solutrense (with la Rasilla). In Las Sociedades del Paleolítico en la Región Cantábrica, M.Fano, ed., Kobie, Serie Anejos (2004) No.8, pp.211-243. Bilbao. 2007 The Upper Paleolithic rock art of Iberia. Journal of Archaeological Method & Theory 14: 81-151 (with N.Bicho, A.F.Carvalho, C.González Sainz, J.L.Sanchidrián & V. Villaverde). 2007 Francis Clark Howell (1925-2007): America’s Paleoanthropologist. Journal of Anthropological Research 63:163-4. 2007 Review of La Cueva de Ardales, by P.Cantalejo et al. Journal of Archaeological Research 63: 266-7. 2007 Review of El Sílex en la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica y Pirineo Navarro, by A.Tarriño. Journal of Anthropological Research 63:270-2. 2007 Review of Los Yacimientos Paleolíticos de Ambrona y Torralba, edited by M.Santonja & A.Pérez-González. Journal of Anthropological Research 63:102-105. 2007 Review of Los Catástrofes en la Prehistoria, by J.Estévez. Journal of Anthropological Research 63:108-110. 2007 Review of De la Pierre à l’Homme, by M.Tiffagom. Journal of Anthropological Research 63:268-70. 59 2007 Review of Neandertales Cantábricos, edited by R.Montes & J.A.Lasheras. Journal of Anthropological Research 63:443-446. 2007 Anthony Marks: An American archeologist abroad. In From the Mediterranean Basin to the Portuguese Atlantic Shore: Papers in Honor of Anthony Marks. Actas, IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, N.Bicho, ed., Promontoria Monográfica 7, pp. 9-14. Faro, Portugal. 2007 Early Tardiglacial human uses of El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain)(with M.González Morales). In On Shelter’s Ledge: Histories, Theories & Methods of Rockshelter Research. Proceedings of the XV Congress of the UISPP, vol.14, edited by M.Kornfeld, S.Valil’ev & L.Miotti. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports S-1655, pp.83-93. 2007 Even the notion of “transitional industry” is a suspect typological construct. In New Approaches to the Study of Early Upper Paleolithic “Transitional” Industries in Western Eurasia: Transitions Great & Small, edited by J.Riel-Salvatore & G.A.Clark. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports S-1620, Oxford, pp.11-18. 2007 A transatlantic dialogue in the practice of prehistoric archeology: a personal reminiscence of & homage to Victoria Cabrera Valdés. In Miscelánea en Homenaje a Victoria Cabera, edited by J.M. Maillo & E.Baquedano. Zona Arqueológica 7 (1), pp.78-87, Museo Arqueológico Regional, Alcalá de Henares. 2007 Los omóplatos decorados magdalenienses de la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria) y su relación con las Cuevas del Castillo, Altamira y El Juyo (with M.González Morales & A.B.Marín). In Miscelánea en Homenaje a Victoria Cabrera, edited by J.M.Maillo & E.Baquedano. Zona Arqueológica 7 (1), pp.482-495. Museo Arqueológico Regional, Alcalá de Henares. 2007 Further radiocarbon dates for the Upper Paleolithic of El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain) (with M.González Morales). Radiocarbon 49: 1205-1214. 2007 Review of Transitions before the Transition: Evolution & Stability in the Middle Paleolithic & Middle Stone Age, edited by E.Hovers & S.L.Kuhn. Journal of Anthropological Research 63:273-275. 60 2008 Review of Paris Primitive: Jacques Chirac’s Museum on the Quai Branly, by S.Price. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:597-599. 2008 604. Review of Cueva Bajondillo, by M. Cortés. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:602- 2008 Review of La Grotte du Boquete de Zafarraya (Málaga, Andalousie), edited by C. Barroso Ruiz & Lumley. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:140-143. 2008 Review of The Palaeolithic Occupation of Vogelherd Cave: Implications for the Subsistence Behavior of Late Neanderthals and Early Modern Humans, by L. Niven. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:135-136. 2008 Review of L’Aurignacien et le Gravettien de Mitoc-Malu Galben (Moldavie Roumaine), edited by M.Otte, V.Chirica & P.Haesaerts. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:143-146. 2008 Archaeological implications of human-derived manganese coatings: a study of blackened bones in El Mirón Cave, Cantabrian Spain (with A.B. Marín, M.Landete, G.Vidal, R.Seva & M.González Morales). Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 801-813. 2008 The Mesolithic of Atlantic Iberia. In Mesolithic Europe, edited by G. Bailey & P. Spikins. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 302-327. 2008 Review of Una Historia de la Investigación sobre el Paleolítico en la Península Ibérica, by J.Estévez & A.Vila. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:132-134. 2008 Review of When Neanderthals and Modern Humans Met, edited by N.J.Conard. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:137-140. 2008 La Grotte de El Mirón. In L’Espagne du Nord-Ouest: Quaternaire et Premiers Peuplements Humains. Livret-Guide de l’Excursion AFEQ 2008, edited by G. Cuenca-Bescós, Universidad de Zaragoza, pp. 9-15. 61 2008 Early Magdalenian variability: new evidence from El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain) (with M.González Morales & E.Stewart). Journal of Field Archaeology 33:197-218. 2008 Review of L’Aurignacien du Zagros, by M.Otte & J.Kozłowski. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:290-291. 2008 Review of El Mesolítico de Muescas y Denticulados en la Cuenca del Ebro y el Litoral Mediterráneo, edited by A.Alday. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:288-290. 2008 Paleoclima y paisaje del final del Cuaternario en Cantabria: los pequeños mamíferos de la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria) (with G.Cuenca-Bescós, M. González Morales & J. García). Revista de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología 23: 91-126 2008 Palimpsests, assemblages, phases & facies: the conundrum of taxonomic generalizations from particular archeological cases. In Space & Time: Which Diachronies, Which Synchronies, Which Scales?/Typology vs. Technology, edited by T.Aubry, F.Almeida, A. C.Araújo & M.Tiffagom. Proceedings of the XV UISPP Congress, Lisbon/British Archaeological Reports S1831, Oxford, pp.215-222. 2008 Addendum & correction to “Early Magdalenian variability: new evidence from El Mirón Cave, Cantabria, Spain” (with M.González Morales), Journal of Field Archaeology 33: 367-369. 2008 La prehistoria del valle del Asón: la cueva del Mirón y cuevas del Monte Pando (Ramales de la Victoria). Actuaciones 2000-2003. In Actuaciones Arqueológicas en Cantabria, 2000-2003, edited by R. Ontañón, pp. 67-72. Santander: Gobierno de Cantabria (with M. González Morales). 2009 The reconstruction of past environments through small mammals: from the Mousterian to the Bronze Age in El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain) (with G.Cuenca, J.Pimienta & M.González Morales). Journal of Archaeological Science 36:947-955. 2009 Extraordinary Early Magdalenian finds from El Mirón Cave, Cantabria (Spain) (with M. González Morales), Antiquity 83:267-281. 2009 F.Clark Howell. In Diccionario Histórico de la Arqueología en España, edited by M. DiazAndreu. Marcial Pons, Madrid, pp. 328-329. 62 2009 Preliminary description of Solutrean occupations in El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain) (with M.González Morales). Munibe 60:117-137. 2009 Has the notion of “transitions” in Paleolithic prehistory outlived its usefulness? The European record in wider context. In Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions, edited by M. Camps & P.Chauhan. Springer, New York, pp. 3-18. 2009 On stone boiling technology in the Upper Paleolithic: Behavioral implications from Early Magdalenian hearths in El Mirón Cave, Cantabria, Spain (with Y.Nakazawa, M. González Morales, D.Cuenca & J.Caro) Journal of Archaeological Science 36:684-693. 2009 The late Upper Paleolithic-Mesolithic-Neolithic transitions in Cantabrian Spain. Journal of Anthropological Research 65:287-298. 2009 Is the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic “transition” a chimera? (extended abstract). International Workshop. The Neanderthal Home: Spatial & Social Behaviours. Institut Català de Paleoecologia I Evolució Social, Tarragona, pp. 35-41. 2009 Review of La Peña de Estebanvela: Grupos Magdalenienses en el Sur del Duero, edited by C.Cacho, S.Ripoll & F.Muñoz. Journal of Anthropological Research 65:120-122. 2009 Review of El Paleolítico Medio y Superior en el Sector Central de Andalucía, by M. Cortés. Journal of Anthropological Research 65: 490-491. 2009 Review of Cave Art, by Jean Clottes. Journal of Anthropological Research 65: 491-492. 2009 Review of A Holocene Prehistoric Sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea Area: The Tree Shelter, edited by P.M.Vermeersch. Journal of Anthropological Research 65:492-493. 2009 Review of Le Site Magdalénien de Monruz 2: Etude des Foyers à Partir des Pierres et de leurs Remontages, by N.Plumettaz. Journal of Anthropological Research 65:122-124. 2009 Review of El Abric de la Falguera (Alcoi, Alacant), edited by O.García & J.E.Aura. Journal of Anthropological Research 65:646-647. 63 2009 Review of Productions Lamellaires Attribuées à l’Aurignacien, edited by F. Le BrunRicalens. Journal of Anthropological Research 65:645-646. 2009 Review of Arte Rupestre Prehistórico del Oriente de Asturias, by S.Ríos, C.García, la Rasilla & F.J.Fortea. Journal of Anthropological Research 65:644-645. 2010 Late Quaternary small mammal turnover in the Cantabrian region: the extinction of Pliomys lenki (Rodentia, Mammalia).(with G.Cuenca-Bescós, J.C.García-Pimienta, M.González Morales & J.M.López-Garcia) Quaternary International 212(2):129-136. 2010 The radiocarbon chronology of El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain): new dates for the Initial Magdalenian occupations. (with M. González Morales). Radiocarbon 52: 33-39. 2010 Review of Le Massif de Fontainebleau au Paléolithique Supérieur, by B.Schmider & A. Roblin-Jouve. Journal of Anthropological Research 66:277-278.. 2010 Review of La Ocupación Prehistóricia de la Campiña Litoral y Banda Atlántica de Cádiz, edited by Jose Ramos. Journal of Anthropological Research 66:278-279. 2010 The Mesolithic of Atlantic Iberia. In Mesolithic Europe (2nd [paperback] edition), edited by G.Bailey and P.Spikins, pp. 302-331. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (revised and expanded version of 2008 chapter). 2010 Preface. Arqueozoología en el Cantábrico Oriental durante la Trnsición Pleistoceno/ Holoceno. La Cueva del Mirón, by A.B.Marín, pp.11-12. Santander: Ediciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 2010 Review of The Cave of Fontéchevade, by P.Chase, A.Debénath, H.Dibble & S. McPherron. Journal of Anthropological Research 66: 407-408. 2010 Review of Anthropology without Informants: Collected Works in Paleoanthropology, by L.G.Freeman. Journal of Anthropological Research 66: 408-410. 2010 Review of Transitions in Prehistory: Essays in Honor of Ofer Bar-Yosef, edited by J.J. Shea & D.E. Lieberman. Journal of Anthropological Research 66: 540-542. 64 2010 Review of The Cutting Edge: New Approaches to the Archaeology of Human Origins, edited by K.Schick & N.Toth. Journal of Anthropological Research 66: 537-540. 2010 Review of The Mediterranean from 50,000 to 25,000 BP, edited by M.Camps & C. Szmidt. Journal of Anthropological Research 66: 535-537. 2010 Editor’s note. Journal of Anthropological Research 66: 579-58 2011 Review of En el Centenario de la Cueva de El Castillo: El Ocaso de los Neandertales, edited by V.Cabrera, F.Bernaldo de Quirós and J.M.Maíllo. Journal of Anthropological Research 67: 106-107. 2011 Review of Los Hombres Mesolíticos de la Cueva de La Braña-Arintero, edited by J.Vidal & M.E.Prada. Journal of Anthropological Research 67: 107-108. 2011 Institutional obituary for Lewis R. Binford, University of New Mexico, Department of Anthropology Website (http:/ 2011 Breves apuntes sobre el Paleolítico superior de la Región Cantábrica: Estado de la cuestión, 1990-2005. Nivel Cero (Santander) 12: 15-34 (publication date: “2010"). 2011 Obituary of William R. Farrand. Journal of Anthropological Research 67: 161-163. Shortened version reprinted in The American Quaternary Association Newsletter Fall 2011, p. 5. Full version reprinted in Geoarchaeology: Newsletter of the Working Group on Geoarchaeology 11:23-25 (2012). 2011 Review of Arte Prehistórico al Aire Libre en el Sur de Europa, edited by J. Alcolea & Balbín. Journal of Anthropological Research 67: 292-293. 2011 Review of Chert Quarrying, Lithic Technology and a Modern Human Burial at the Palaeolithic Site of Taramsa 1, Upper Egypt, by P. Van Peer, P. Vermeersch & E. Paulissen. Journal of Anthropological Research 67: 288-289. 65 2011 Review of The Magdalenian Household: Unraveling Domesticity, edited by E. Zubrow, F. Audouze & J.Enloe. Journal of Anthropological Research 67: 290-292. 2011 Were there human responses to Younger Dryas in Cantabrian Spain? In Humans and Younger Dryas, edited by L.G.Straus & Ted Goebel. Quaternary International 242(2): 328-335 . 2011 Humans and Younger Dryas: dead end, short detour, or open road to the Holocene? In Humans and Younger Dryas, edited by L.G. Straus & T. Goebel. Quaternary International 242(2): 259-261 (with T. Goebel). 2011 Lew Binford deserves more than the usual obituary (with L.A.Borrero, R.Hunter-Anderson, W.Longacre, D.Meltzer, D.Read, J.A.Sabloff & F.Wendorf). Journal of Anthropological Research 67: 321-331. 2011 Lower Magdalenian secondary human burial in El Mirón Cave, Cantabria, Spain. Antiquity 85: 1151-1164 (with M.González Morales & J.M.Carretero) . 2011 Further Solutrean evidence in El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria). Munibe 62: 117 - 133(with M.González Morales, I.Gutierrez Zugasti & M.J.Iriarte). 2011 Review of El Paleolítico Superior Peninsular. Novedades del Siglo XXI, edited by X. Mangado. Journal of Anthropological Research 67:481-483. 2011 Review of South-Eastern Mediterranean Peoples between 130,000 and 10,000 Years Ago, edited by Elena Garcea. Journal of Anthropological Research 67:478-481. 2011 Hopefully not colonialists: the role of “the Chicago school” in the study of Spanish Paleolithic prehistory. In Actas do IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular. Historia, Teoría e Método da Arqueologia. N.Bicho, O.Moro & M.Diaz-Andreu, eds., pp. 323-332, Promontoria Monografica 14, Faro, Portugal. 2012 The emergence of modern-like forager capacities & behaviors in Africa & Europe: abrupt or gradual, biological or demographic? Quaternary International 247: 350-357. 66 2012 El grafismo rupestre paleolítico de la Cueva de El Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, España): una propuesta para su datación estratigráfica. (with M. García Diez & M. González Morales), Trabajos de Prehistoria 69: 21-36. 2012 Terminal Magdalenian/Azilian at El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria) and the Río Asón Valley. In Ad Orientem. Del Final del Paleolítico en el Norte de España a las Primeras Civilizaciones del Oriente Próximo. Estudios en Homenaje al Profesor Juan FernándezTresguerres Velasco, J.Muñiz, ed., pp. 189-215. Mensula Ediciones/ Universidad de Oviedo: Oviedo (with M.González Morales). 2012 Review of Exhuming Loss: Memory, Materiality, and Mass Graves of the Spanish Civil War, by L.Renshaw. Journal of Anthropological Research 68: 299-301. 2012 Review of La Cueva de El Sidrón, edited by la Rasilla et al. Journal of Anthropological Research 68: 282-283 2012 Review of Pourquoi l’Art Préhistorique, by Jean Clottes. Journal of Anthropological Research 68: 283-285. 2012 The Magdalenian occupations of the Cantabrian region (northern Spain). The view from El Mirón Cave, ca. 20-11 cal kya. Quaternary International 272-273: 111-124 (with M.González Morales). 2012 The Magdalenian settlement of Europe: An introduction. Quaternary International 272273: 1-5 (with D. Leesch & T. Terberger). 2012 Relationship between Magdalenian subsistence and environmental change: the mammalian evidence from El Mirón (Spain). Quaternary International 272-273: 125-137 (with G. Cuenca, A.B.Marín, I. Martínez & M.González Morales). 2012 Review of Una Nueva Vista a Santimamiñe: Precisiones en el Conocimiento del Conjunto Parietal Paleolítico, by C.González Sainz & R.Ruiz Idarraga. Journal of Anthropological Research 68: 443-444. 67 2012 Review of Reassessing Paleolithic Subsistence: The Neandertal and Modern Human Foragers of Saint-Césaire, by Eugène Morin. Journal of Anthropological Research 68: 441-443. 2012 Editor’s note: the role, mission and travails of an independent, nonprofit journal of general anthropology in a cartel-dominated publishing world. Journal of Anthropological Researach 68: 589-592. 2012 Review of High Resolution Archaeology and Neanderthal Behavior. Time and Space in Level J of Abric Romani (Capellades, Spain), edited by E. Carbonell. Journal of Anthropological Research 68: 584-586. 2012 Review of Information and its Role in Hunter-Gatherer Bands, edited by R.Whallon, W.A. Lovis & R.K.Hitchcock. Journal of Anthropological Research 68: 581-584. 2012 Review of Trekking the Shore: Changing Coastlines and the Antiquity of Coastal Settlement, edited by N.Bicho, J.Haws & L.Davis. American Antiquity 77: 613-615. 2013 Cantabrian Spain. In Le Paléolithique Supérieur Européen: Bilan Quinquennal 2006-2011. edited by P.Noiret. ERAUL 130, pp.109-121. Liège. 2013 Obituary of Leslie G. Freeman. Journal of Anthropological Research 69:1-5. 2013 166 Obituary of Joaquín González Echegaray. Journal of Anthropological Research 69:161- 2013 Review of La Cueva de Santimamiñe: Revisión y Actualización (2004-2006), edited by J.C. López Quintana. Journal of Anthropological Research 69: 142-144. 2013 Review of Ocupaciones Humanas en Aitzbitarte III (País Vasco) 33,000-18,400 BP, edited by J.Altuna, K.Mariezkurrena and J.Ríos. Journal of Anthropological Research 69:140-142. 2013 Review of Hunter-Gatherer Behavior: Human Response during the Younger Dryas, edited by M.Eren. Journal of Anthropological Research 69: 146-147. 68 2013 Review of DNA for Archaeologists, by E.Matisoo-Smith & K.A.Horsburgh. Journal of Anthropological Research 69:283-285. 2013 After the deep freeze: confronting “Magdalenian” realities in Cantabrian Spain and beyond. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 20: 236-255. 2013 Iberian archeofaunas and hominin subsistence during Marine Isotope Stages 4 & 3. In Zooarchaeology and Modern Human Origins: Human Hunting Behavior during the Later Pleistocene, J.L.Clark & J.D. Speth, eds. Springer, New York, pp. 97-128.. 2013 First directional European palaeosecular variation curve for the Neolithic based on archaeomagnetic data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 380:124-137 (with A. Carrancho, J.J.Villalain, F.J.Pavón-Carasco, M.Osete, M.Vergés, J.M.Carretero, M.González, J.Arsuaga, J.Bermúdez de Castro & E.Carbonell). 2013 Colgante decorado con una cabeza de caballo de la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria). F. Javier Fortea Pérez. Universitatis Oventensis Magister. Estudios en Homenaje, edited by la Rasilla. Ménsula/Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo , pp. 225-235 (with M.González Morales). 2013 Review of La Cueva de El Pindal, 1911-2011. Estudio de su Arte Rupestre Cien Años Después de Les Cavernes de le Région Cantabrique by María González-Pumariega and El Arte Paleolítico de Tito Bustillo. Cazadores y Artistas en la Cueva del Pozu’l Ramu by Miguel Polledo González. Journal of Anthropological Research 69: 441-443. 2013 Review of El Estrecho de Gibraltar como Puente para las Sociedades Prehistóricas, by. J. Ramos Muñoz. Journal of Anthropological Research 69: 444-446. 2013 La ocupación gravetiense de la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria) y el contexto del arte paleolítico arcaico de la cuenca del Asón. In Pensando el Gravetiense: Nuevos Datos para la Región Cantábrica en su Contexto Peninsular y Pirenaico, edited by las Heras, J.A.Lasheras, A. Arrizabalaga & la Rasilla. Monografías del Museo Nacional y Centro de Investigación de Altamira, No.23, Madrid (2012), pp.289-300 (with M.R.González Morales). 69 2013 Review of L’Homme et le Renne, by Laure Fontana. Journal of Anthropological Research 69: 568-569. 2013 Review of L’Art Pléistocène dans le Monde, ed. by J.Clottes. Journal of Anthropological Research 69: 566-568. 2013 Late-glacial colonization and phylogeography of European red deer (Cervus elaphus L.). (with M. Meiri, A. Lister, J.R.Stewart, H.Obermaier, M.González Morales, A.B.Marín, T.Higham & I.Barnes) Molecular Ecology 22 (18): 4711-4722. doi: 10.1111/mec12420 2013 Editor’s note. Journal of Anthropological Research 69: 595-596. 2013 Qu’est ce que “le Solutréen”? In: SERAP-Vallée de la Chaise (ed.), Le Solutréen 40 Ans Après Smith ‘66 (47e Supplément à la Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France). Tours, pp. 27-36. 2013 (Re-)seeing the engraved block of El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain). In: G.Earl, T.Sly, A.Chrysanthi, P. Murrieta-Flores, C.Papadopoulos, I. Romanowska & D. Wheatley,eds. Archaeology in the Digital Era: e-Papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, vol. 2, pp.398-405 (with V.Moitinho, L. Teira, M.González Morales, M.Mozota & A.Blasco). 2014 La Riera Cave: Geography & Culture. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, C. Smith, ed.. Springer: New York, vol. 7, pp. 4353-56 (with G.A.Clark). 2014 El Mirón Cave: Geography & Culture. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, C. Smith, ed.. Springer: New York, vol. 4, pp. 2346-52 (with M.R. González Morales). 2014 El Solutrense: 40 años de reflexiones por un arqueológico norteamericano. Espacio,Tiempo y Forma, Serie I, Nueva Epoca, Prehistoria y Arqueología 5: 25-34 ( “2012"). 2014 The human occupations of El Mirón Cave (Ramales, Cantabria, Spain) during the Last Glacial Maximum/Solutrean period. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie I, Nueva Epoca, Prehistoria 70 y Arqueología, 5: 419-432 (with M.González Morales, A.B.Marín-Arroyo & M.J. Iriarte) ( “2012") 2014 Review of Solutréen et Badegoulien au Cuzoul de Vers. Des Chasseurs de Rennes en Quercy, edited by J.Clottes, J-P. Giraud and P.Chalard. Journal of Anthropological Research 70: 143-146. 2014 New radiocarbon dates for Algarão da Goldra (Faro, Portugal): a contribution to the Neolithic of the Algarve. Actas del VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste, Ayuntamiento de Villafranca de los Barros, Mérida, pp. 193-205 (with A.F. Carvalho). 2014 Initial Magdalenian artifact assemblages in El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain): a preliminary report. Zephyrus 73: 45-65 (with M.González Morales & L.Fontes) . 2014 On thin ice: problems with Stanford and Bradley’s proposed Solutrean colonization of North America. Antiquity 88: 606-613 (with M.O’Brien, M.Boulanger, M.Collard, B.Buchanan, L.Tarle & M. Eren). 2014 “Solutreanism”. Antiquity 88: 622-624 (with M.O’Brien, M.Boulanger, M. Collard, B. Buchanan, L.Tarle & M.Eren). 2014 Investigation of late Upper Pleistocene and Early Holocene palaeonvironmental change at El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain) through carbon and nitrogen analysis of red deer (with R.E. Stevens, X.L.Hermoso Buxán, A.B. Marin & M.R.González Morales) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 414:46-60. 2014 El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria). In: Los Cazadores Recolectores del Pleistoceno y del Holoceno en Iberia y el Estrecho de Gibraltar: Estado Actual del Conocimiento del Registro Arqueológico, U.I.S.P.P. Congress, Burgos, volume edited by R. Sala, E. Carbonell, J.M.Bermúdez de Castro & J.L. Arsuaga, Fundación Atapuerca & Universidad de Burgos, Burgos, pp 110-114 (with M. González Morales). English edition: Pleistocene and Holocene HunterGatherers in Iberia and the Gibraltar Strait, pp. 110-114. 71 2014 La Riera Cave (Posada de Llanes, Asturias). In: Los Cazadores Recolectores del Pleistoceno y del Holoceno en Iberia y el Estrecho de Gibraltar: Estado Actual del Conocimiento del Registro Arqueológico, U.I.S.P.P. Congress, Burgos, Fundación Atapuerca & Universidad de Burgos, Burgos, volume edited by R.Sala, E. Carbonell, J.M.Bermudez de Castro & J.L.Arsuaga, pp. 9295 (with G.A. Clark). English edition: Pleistocene and Holocene Hunter-Gatherers in Iberia and the Gibraltar Strait, pp. 92-95. 2014 Recent developments in the study of the Upper Paleolithic in Vasco-Cantabrian Spain. In The Quaternary of the Western Pyrenees, edited by A.Cearreta, la Rua & L.Zapata. Quaternary International 2014 Cantabrian Spain, 2012-2014. Le Paléolithique Supérieur de l’Eurasie: Bilan 2014 de la Commission VIII, UISPP. Edited by P. Noire & D. Leesch. ERAUL 142, pp.171-178, Liège. 2014 Review of From Technology to Tradition: Re-evaluating the Hamburgian-Magdalenian Relationship, by M-J. Weber. Journal of Anthropological Research 70: 466-467. 2014 El ADN mitochondrial de los cazadores-recolectores de la region cantabrica: nueva evidencia de la cueva de El Miron (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, España). (with M.Hervella, N. Izagirre, R. Fregel, la Rua & M.González Morales) Revista Española de Antropología Física 35 (in press). 2014 Commentary on Oxford AMS radiocarbon dates for El Mirón Cave. In C.Bronk Ramasey, T. Higham, F. Brock, D. Baler. P. Ditchfield, et al. , Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS System: Archaeometry Datelist 35. Archaeometry 57(1), pp. 188-189. (with M.R.González Morales). 2014 El ADN mitocondrial de los cazadores-recolectores de la región cantábrica: nueva evidencia de la Cueva de El Mirón. Revista Española de Antropología Física 35:11-21 (with M. Hervella, N. Izagirre, M. González Morales, R. Fregel & C. de la Rua). 2014 Review of El Taller de Sílex de Mugarduía Sur. Una Ocupació de Urbasa (Navarra) durante el Gravetiense, edited by I. Barandiarán, A. Cava & M.Aguirre. Journal of Anthropological Research 70: 632-633. 72 2014 644. Editor’s note: Verba votat, Scripta nament. Journal of Anthropological Research 70:643- 2015 Radiocarbon dating the Late Upper Paleolithic of Cantabrian Spain: El Mirón Cave dates list IV (with M.González Morales, T. Higham, M. Richards & S. Talalmo). Radiocarbon 57:183188. 2015 Arte parietal asociado al enterramiento magdaleniense de la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria) (with M. González Morales). In Cien Años de Arte Paleolítico, M.S.Corchón & M. Menéndez, eds. Salamanca, Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca, pp.89-99 (, “2014”). n.d. The Magdalenian human burial of El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain): Introduction, background, discovery and context (with M. González Morales), Journal of Archaeological Science (in press). n.d. Microremains from El Mirón Cave human calculus suggest a mixed plant-animal subsistence economy during the Cantabrian Magdalenian (with R. Power, D. Salazar-Garcła, M. González Morales & A. Henry) for Journal of Archaeological Science (in press) n.d. Lithic and osseous artifacts from the human burial deposit in El Mirón Cave (with L.Fontes and M. González Morales) Journal of Archaeological Science (in press). n.d. Magdalenian –age graphic activity associated with the El Mirón Cave human burial (with M. González Morales) , Journal of Archaeological Science (in press). n.d. “The Red Lady of El Mirón”: Lower Magdalenian life and death in Oldest Dryas Cantabrian Spain, an overview (with M. González Morales, J.M. Carretero & A.B. Marín-Arroyo), Journal of Archaeological Science (in press). n.d. The Chicago connection in Spanish Paleolithic prehistory. In International Relations in the History of Archeology, edited by V.M. Fernández & M. Diéz-Andreu. British Archaeological Reports (Proceedings of the XVII World Congress of the UISPP, Burgos, Spain) (in press). 73 n.d. The human occupation of southwestern Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum: Solutrean cultural adaptations in France and Iberia. Journal of Anthropological Research (in press). n.d. Reflections of an archeological “outsider”: an American student of the European Upper Paleolithic on the peopling of the Americas. In Prehistoria y Sociedad: Investigación Arqueológica con Impacto Social y Gestión del Patrimonio Histórico, P. Arias, ed. Universidad de Cantabria, Santander. (in press). n.d. Cueva de El Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria). In Atlas del Arte Rupestre Paleolítico de la Península Ibérica, edited by J. Fortea (with M.García & M. González Morales)(in press). n.d. El Mirón Cave (Ramales, Cantabria, Spain). Encylopedia of Geoarchaeology, edited by A. Gilbert. Springer: New York (with M.R.González Morales). (in press). n.d. Review of Neanderthales en Iberia: Avances en la Investigación del Paleolítico Medio Ibérico, edited by J.M.Fullola and J.E.Ferrer Palma. Journal of Anthropological Research (in press). n.d. Review of Le Site Magdalénien de Monruz 3: Acquisition, Traitment et Consommation des Ressources Animales, by Werner Müller. Journal of Anthropological Research (in press). n.d. The Solutrean in Cantabrian Spain. In Le Solutréen, edited by M. Otte. Errance, Paris (in press) n.d. Magdalenian settlement-subsistence systems in Cantabrian Spain. In: Essays in Honor of Professor Rodrigo de Balbín Behremann (provisional title), edited by P.Bueno & Paul Bahn . Archaeopress, Oxford (with M. González Morales, A.B. Marín & L.Fontes) (under review). Historical publication: 74 1968 Reactions of supporters of the Federal Constitution to the adjournment of the New Hampshire Ratification Convention. Historical New Hampshire 23(3):37-50 (Society of the Cincinnati Prize Essay). Unpublished manuscripts: Social Stratification in Pithouse Villages and Population Stress (Field Museum Southwest Archaeological Expedition), 1968. La Cueva de la Riera and l'Abri Dufaure: Aspects of the Late Upper Paleolithic of the Southern Franco-Cantabrian Region. The savage: "noble" or "ignoble." Two views of the North American Indian (Lahonton and Mather). The domestication and utilization of Rangifer tarandus. On the Nature of Upper Paleolithic Subdivisions. Upper Paleolithic Culture-Stratigraphic Units: A New Approach. Paleoecology at La Riera: Late Pleistocene hunter/gatherer adaptations in Cantabrian Spain (Research proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation, with G.A. Clark), 1975. The Uppermost Pleistocene of Gascony: A view from Abri Dufaure. The state of current research on Paleolithic adaptations in northwest Spain (written in support of La Riera N.S.F. proposal). Abri Dufaure: Terminal Pleistocene hunter-gatherer adaptations in Pyrenean France. (Research proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation), 1980. The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition: Upper Pleistocene research at the "Cingles del Capelló" (Spain). (Research proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation, 75 1989). Terminal Pleistocene hunter-gatherer adaptive systems of the Cantabrian & Pyrenean regions. Middle & Upper Paleolithic Research in Southern Belgium. (Research proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation), 1991. The Tardiglacial Settlement of Belgium & Bois Laiterie Cave. (Research proposal submitted to NSF), 1994. Paleolithic Human Settlement of the Cantabrian Cordillera: El Mirón Cave & the Upper Asón Valley. (Research proposal submitted to NSF), 1996. Tardiglacial Human Settlement of the Cantabrian Cordillera. (Research proposal submitted to NSF), 1997. Translations (French & Spanish to English, French to Spanish, English to Spanish, English and Spanish to French): The concept of "facies" applied to the Upper Paleolithic, symposium paper by J. González Echegaray. Society for American Archaeology, 1976. Tito Bustillo Cave (Asturias, Spain) and the Magdalenian of Cantabria, article by J.A. Moure & M. Cano, in World Archaeology 10:280-289. Azilian burial from Los Azules I, Asturias, Spain, article by J. Fernández-Tresguerres in Current Anthropology 17:769-770 (with G.A. Clark). The Solutrean site of Cueva Chufín (Santander, Spain), article by V. Cabrera and F. Bernaldo de Quirós in Current Anthropology 18:780-781. The Cave of Verdelpino (Cuenca): Beginnings of the Neolithic in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula, article by J. Moure and M. Fernández-Miranda in Current Anthropology 19:149-150. 76 Excavations in the Asturian shellmidden of Cueva de Mazaculos II (La Franca, Asturias, Spain), article by M. González Morales & M.C. Márquez Uría in Current Anthropology 19:614-615. Typology and function: That which has changed. Abstract by M. Otte, in Industries Lithiques. British Archeological Reports S-411(ii):231. The early Paleolithic site of Bañugues (Gozón, Asturias, Spain), article by J.A. Rodríguez-Asensio in Current Anthropology 19:615-616. The significance of variability among lithic artifacts: A case study from south-western France, article by J-P. Rigaud in Journal of Anthropological Research 34:299-310. Puntas de laurel de la Cueva de la Riera (Asturias, España), article by Dr. L. Pradel in Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos 96/97:485-488. Radiocarbon dating of the Mousterian in Cueva Millán (Hortiguëla, Burgos, Spain), article by J. Moure & E. Soto in Current Anthropology 24:232-233. Sections and chapters on bone artifacts (by M. González Morales) palynology (by A. Leroi-Gourhan), sedimentology (by H. Laville), malacology (by J.A. Ortea), ichthyology (by M.M. de la Hoz) and mammalian paleontology (by J. Altuna) for the Current Anthropology article, "Paleoecology at La Riera", and for La Riera Cave. Homage to François Bordes, article by M. Lenoir in Lithic Technology 10(2-3):21. The prehistory of Ekain Cave (Deba, Guipúzcoa, Euzkadi, Spain), article by J. Altuna in Current Anthropology 25:529-30. Chapter and general summaries in El Yacimiento Prehistórico de la Cueva de Ekain by J. Altuna and J.M. Merino, pp. 277-298, 349-351. Various sections of 1983 Trabajos de Prehistoria collective article, "Excavaciones en la Cueva de la Riera". 77 New data on the chronology and context of Cantabrian Paleolithic Cave Art, article by J.A. Moure in Current Anthropology 27:65. The Magdalenian site of Erralla Cave, by J. Altuna, A. Baldeón & K. Mariezkurrena in Old World Archaeology Newsletter 10(3):24-26. Volume summary in Cazadores Magdalenienses en la Cueva de Erralla, by J. Altuna, A. Baldeón and K. Mariezkurrena, pp. 204-206. Abstract: Estudio tafonómico de la fauna del Abrigo Vaufrey, by L. Binford. In La Grotte Vaufrey (J-P. Rigaud, ed.). Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique Française 19:535-6. Paris. Volume summary in La Cueva de Amalda, by J. Altuna, A. Baldeón & K. Mariezkurrena pp.274-276. The Excavation of Amalda Cave (Guipúzcoa, Spain), article by J. Altuna, et al. In Old World Archaeology Newsletter 12(3):22-25. The significance of variability in the European Mousterian, article by M. Otte, in The Middle Paleolithic: Adaptation, Behavior, and Variability , edited by H. Dibble & P. Mellars, pp. 45-52. University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. Abstract: Roman and Medieval faunas from Lugo (Galicia), by J. Altuna. Eight chapters of L'Abri Dufaure monograph in French. Abstract: Blank form and reduction as determinants of Mousterian scraper morphology, by S. Kuhn. American Antiquity 57 (1992). Paleolithic Russian Connections, article by M.Otte. Review of A. Pike-Tay's Red Deer Hunting in the Upper Paleolithic of S-W France by M. Otte, American Antiquity 58:787. 78 Bandkeramik-Cardial Contacts, abstract by M. Otte. The human use of caves in the Belgian Palaeolithic, by M. Otte. In The Human Use of Caves, BAR S-667 (1997). Early Middle Pleistocene deposits and artifacts in the Gran Dolina locality of Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain), article by E. Carbonell & X.P. Rodriguez. Journal of Human Evolution 26:291-311 (1994) (extensive editing & re-translation) Genetic & behavioral exchanges during the Pleistocene in Eurasia, abstract by M. Otte. The origin of modern man: a behavioral approach, summary of article by M. Otte. C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris 318, series II, pp.267-8 (1994). The diffusion of modern languages in prehistoric Eurasia, abstract by M. Otte. The (re-)population of northern France between 13,000 and 8000 BP. Chapter by J-G. Rozoy, in As the World Warmed. L.G. Freeman & Spanish prehistory. Article by J.González Echegaray, in Journal of Anthropological Research. Abstract by M.Otte & D.Bonjean, in Recherches aux Grottes de Sclayn, vol.2 (ERAUL R.Miller) 79, with The formation of the Aurignacian in Europe. Article by J.K.Kozlowski & M.Otte in of Anthropological Research 56 (with R.Miller). Journal General considerations on the Labeko Cave archeological deposit. Conclusions chapter of Labeko Koba monograph, by A.Arrizabalaga & J.Altuna. Munibe 52:391-395. Reprinted as ”Early Upper Paleolithic in the Labeko Koba archeological site (Basque Country)”, by A.Arrizabalaga, J.Altuna, et al., in Journal Iberian Archaeology 4:63-74. 79 The intial Upper Paleolithic in northern Iberia: new evidence from Labeko Koba. Article by A.Arrizabalaga, J.Altuna et al., in Current Anthropology 44:413-21. La Fragua Cave, a seasonal hunting camp in the lower Asón Valley (Cantabria, Spain), by A.B.Marín & M.R.González Morales, in Anthropozoologica 42:61-83 (with E. Stewart). Review by M.Otte of Aesthetics & Rock Art, in Journal of Anthropological Research 63: 105108. The case of Axlor Rockshelter (Vizcaya, Spain) and the evidence for artistic activity in the European Middle Palaeolithic, by M.Garcia Diaz and I. Barandiarán (article under review). Various Spanish abstracts in American Antiquity for P.L.Crown, A.Ramenofsky, et al. Various chapters of the monograph, El Mirón Cave, Cantabrian Spain. The vegetational context of teh Lower Magdalenian human burial in El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain): the palynological evidence. Article by M.J. Iriarte and A. Arrizabalaga. Articles by A.B. Marín (taphonomy), I. Gutierrrez-Zugasti & D. Cuenca-Solana (mollusks and perforated teeth), and M.J.Iriarte, A.Arrizabalaga & G.Cuenca-Bescós (pollen & rodents) for the special issue of Journal of Archaeological Science on the Red Lady of El Mirón Cave, 2015. Research Reports to the Comisaría/Inspección Técnica de Excavaciones Arqueológicas (Madrid), Direction des Antiquités (Bordeaux), Instituto Português do Patrimonio Cultural (Lisbon), National Science Foundation, Fundación M. Botín, et al.: 1973 A report of artifactual materials recovered by the Burgos Archaeological Survey (with G.A. Clark). 1973 Pollen and sediment samples from the Provinces of Burgos and Asturias, North Central Spain (with G.A. Clark). 1976 Cueva de la Riera: Excavación de 1976 (with G.A. Clark). 80 1977 Cueva de la Riera: Excavación de 1977 (with G.A. Clark). 1977 Progress report on the 1976 and 1977 excavations at La Riera Cave (with G.A. Clark). 1978 Cueva de la Riera: Excavaciones de 1978. 1979 Proyecto Paleoecológico de la Riera: Trabajos de 1979. 1981 Fouilles archéologiques de l'Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Les Landes): Campagne de 1981. 1981 Excavations at Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Les Landes, France): Preliminary report of the 1981 field season. 1982 Campagne de Fouille de 1982 à l'Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye Landes). 1982 A report on the 1982 excavations at Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, France). 1983 Campagne de Fouilles de 1983 à l'Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Landes). 1983 Annual Preliminary Report to the National Science Foundation: 1983 excavations at Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Landes, France). 1984 Abri Dufaure: Campagne de 1984. 1984 Preliminary report on the 1984 Excavations at Abri Dufaure (Sorde-l'Abbaye, Les Landes, France). 1985 Abri Dufaure: Travaux de 1985. 1985 Report on Prehistoric Archeological Work, Summer of 1985 (to L.S.B. Leakey Foundation). 81 1987 The Portuguese Upper Paleolithic Project, Phase I (to IPPC and National Geographic Society). 1988 Archeological research in southern Portugal (to IPPC, National Geographic Society and L.S.B. Leakey Foundation). 1991 Upper Pleistocene research in southern Belgium, 1991 (to National Science Foundation). 1992 Upper Pleistocene research in southern Belgium, 1992 (to National Science Foundation & L.S.B.Leakey Foundation). 1994 The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in southern Belgium (to the National Science Foundation). 1994 Tardiglacial & early Postglacial research in southern Belgium (to National Geographic Society & L.S.B.Leakey Foundation). 1995 Bois Laiterie Cave, 1995 Excavations (to National Geographic Society & UNM Research Allocations Committee) 1996 El Mirón Cave, 1996 Excavations (to L.S.B.Leakey Foundation & UNM Research Allocations Committee) 1997 El Mirón Cave, 1997 Excavations (to National Geographic Society & L.S.B.Leakey Foundation). 1998 1998 archeological excavations in El Mirón Cave (to National Geographic Society & UNM Research Allocations Committee). 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013. Excavaciones arqueológicas el la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria) Informe anual a la Fundación M.Botín y/o al Gobierno Regional de Cantabria (with M.González Morales). 82 2004 Initial report on the 2004 excavation campaign in El Mirón Cave (to NSF & Leakey Fndn) 2005 Tenth season of field research in El Mirón Cave (to UNM Research Allocations Committee, Latin American & Iberian Institute, and International Projects Working Group.) 2006 The 2006 Archeological Excavation Campaign in El Mirón Cave (to National Geogrpahic Society). 2007 Preliminary report on the 2007 excavation season in El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain) (to National Geographic Society) 2008 Report on the 2008 field season of the El Mirón Cave Prehistoric Project (to the UNM Research Allocations Committee) 2008 The 2008 fieldwork at El Mirón Cave, report to the National Geographic Society. 2011 Preliminary report on 2011 fieldwork at El Mirón Cave (to the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation). 2012 Final report on 2011-12 research at El Mirón Cave (to the L.S.B.Leakey Foundation). Papers Presented at Meetings and Symposia: 1966 Excavations in France. New Hampshire Archaeological Society Meeting. 1973 A technique for studying microscopic wear on artifact surfaces (with P. Walker). IX International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Chicago. 1974 Preliminary site survey in the Cantabrian Mountains, Burgos, Spain (with G.A. Clark and C. Fuentes). Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Washington, D.C. 1976 New light on the Upper Paleolithic of southwest Europe. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, St. Louis, MO. 83 1977 Early man research: A view from La Riera Cave. New Hampshire Archaeological Society Meeting, Durham, NH. 1978 Prehistoric human adaptation to the Cantabrian coastal plain: The La Riera Paleoecological Project (with G.A. Clark). Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Tucson, AZ. 1979 Paleoecology at La Riera, Asturias, Spain. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Vancouver, B.C. 1981 The La Riera Paleocological Project: Multidisciplinary International Research. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, San Diego. 1982 From Mousterian to Magdalenian: Cultural Evolution Viewed from Cantabria and Gascony. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Minneapolis. 1982 Magdalénien supérieur et Azilien de l'Abri Dufaure. Séance Extraordinaire de la Société Préhistorique Française, Mas d'Azil. 1982 Fouilles de l'Abri Dufaure-and-Cronología del Paleolítico superior y Mesolítico cantábricos según el estudio de la Cueva de la Riera. Premier Congrès International de Paléontologie Humaine, Nice. (2 papers) 1985 The end of the Paleolithic in Cantabria and Gascony. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Denver, CO. 1986 Cantabrian Spain circa 18,000 BP: The "Solutrean". World Archaeological Congress, Southampton, England. 1986 Human adaptations across the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in SW Europe. World Archaeological Congress, Southampton, England. 1987 Modelos para la reconstrucción prehistórica con especial referencia al Pais Vasco. II Congreso Mundial Vasco (Antropología), Vitoria, Spain. 84 1987 Les fouilles de l'Abri Dufaure. II Congrès Basque (Anthropologie), Vitoria, Spain. 1987 Abri Dufaure: Site formation processes, functions & culture-geographic contexts in the Würm Tardiglacial of Gascony. Symposium on Upper Pleistocene Prehistory of Western Eurasia, University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. 1987 The early Upper Paleolithic of SW Europe: Cro-Magnon adaptations in the Iberian peripheries, 35,000-20,000 B.P. Symposium on the Origins & Dispersal of Modern Humans. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, March. 1987 SW Europe at the Last Glacial Maximum. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Toronto, Canada. 1987 Explorations of the Twilight Zone: The Early Upper Paleolithic of Cantabria & Gascony. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Toronto, Canada (with C. Heller). 1987 To change or not to change: The late and post-glacial in SW Europe. American Anthropological Association Meeting, Chicago. 1988 Adaptive change in the Tardiglacial and early Holocene of SW Europe. UNM Human Evolution Symposium. 1988 Le rôle de l'Abri Dufaure et des sites du Pastou dans le système adaptif de la région pyrénéenne à l'époque magdalénienne. Colloque International sur le Peuplement Magdalénien, Chancelade, France. 1988 The state of the Stone Age in Atomic Age SW Europe. American Anthropological Association Meeting, Phoenix. 1989 The Savage: "Noble" or "Ignoble." Two early colonial views of the North American Indian. Quincentenary Colloquium on Native American and European contact in the Americas: 1492-1900. Albuquerque. 1989 The Original Arms Race: Iberian Perspectives on the Solutrean Phenomenon. U.I.S.P.P. 85 Symposium: "Les Industries à pointes foliacées du Paléolithique supérieur en Europe", Krakow, Poland. 1990 The role of raw materials in Upper Paleolithic & Mesolithic Stone Artifact Assemblage Variability in SW Europe. International Conference on Raw Material Economy among Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. 1990 Magdalenian and Azilian hunting at the Abri Dufaure, SW France. International Council for Archaeozoology, VI Conference, Washington, D.C. (with J. Altuna, A. Eastham, K. Mariezkurrena and A. Spiess). 1990 The Concheiro at Vidigal: a contribution to the late Mesolithic of southern Portugal. IV International Symposium on the Mesolithic in Europe, Leuvein, Belgium (with J. Altuna and B. Vierra). 1991 Upper Paleolithic hunting tactics and weapons in SW Europe. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, New Orleans. 1992 Punctuation event or mosaic evolution? A review of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Iberia (with J. Bischoff & E. Carbonell). Paleoanthropology Society Meeting, Pittsburgh. 1992 Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic Research in South-Central Belgium (with M. Otte & J-M. Léotard), Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Pittsburgh. 1993 Upper Pleistocene Hominid Adaptations in S.Belgium (with M. Otte & P. Haesaerts), Society for American Archaeology Meeting, St.Louis. 1993 Ice Age occupations of South Belgium (witb M.Otte), American Association for the Advancement of Science, Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Division, Albuquerque. 1993 Convenient cavities. Some human uses of caves and rockshelters. Symposium on the Human Use of Caves. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England 1993 Le territoire des Pyrénées occidentales au Pléni- et Tardiglaciaire. 118 Congrès National 86 des Sociétés Historiques et Scientifiques, Pau, France. 1994 The archeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in SW Europe. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Anaheim, CA. 1994 New light on the Early Upper Paleolithic in Belgium. (with M. Otte, et al.) Paleoanthropology Society Meeting, Anaheim. 1994 Reflections on a new age in Atlantic Europe: Diversity in the extinction of forager lifeways. Old People & the Sea: International Conference on the Mesolithic of the Atlantic Facade. Fundación M.Botín, Santander, Spain. 1994 New archeozoological contributions from an old, classic site, le Trou Magrite. International Council for Archaeozoology, Konstanz, Germany. 1995 The Iberian situation between 40-30,000 BP in light of European models of migration and convergence. Jornades Cientifiques: Canvi Cultural i Evolució Humana, La Crisi dels 40.000 BP, Capellades, Barcelona, Spain. 1995 Panorama actual de la transición Paleolítico Medio-Paleolítico Superior en Europa, con especial énfasis en la Peninsula Ibérica. Curs Internacional:Canvi Cultural i Evolució Humana. Capellades, Barcelona, Spain. 1995 Coming out from the cold: Western Europe in Dryas I. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Minneapolis. 1995 The Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the Iberian Peninsula: Continuity & Change. XIV Congress, International Union for Quaternary Research. Berlin (with E. Aura, V. Villaverde, M. Gzlz Morales, C. Gzlz Sainz & J. Zilhao). 1995 L'Abri du Pape: un site à fonction limitée le long de la Meuse aux limites des Ardennes belges. V Congrès International de l'Epipaléolithique et Mésolithique en Europe, Grenoble (with M. Otte et al.). 87 1996 The "Magdalenian Community". From Portugal to Belgium. Paleoanthropology Society Meeting, New Orleans. 1996 Tardiglacial resettlement of the Northern European frontier (with M. Otte et al.). Society for American Archaeology Meeting, New Orleans. 1996 Bois Laiterie Cave & the Magdalenian recolonization of Belgium (with M. Otte et al.). Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP), Forlí, Italy. 1996 Excavaciones preliminares en la Cueva del Mirón, Cantabria (with M.González Morales). II Congreso de Arqueología Peninsular, Zamora, Spain. 1997 Mesolithic settlement systems in Cantabrian Spain (with M.González Morales). Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Nashville. 1997 Prehistoric human occupations of the Cantabrian Cordillera (Spain): El Mirón Cave (with M. González Morales). Society of American Archaeology Meeting, Nashville. 1998 Contributions to the Mesolithic of Belgium: early Holocene camps & burials in the Meuse Basin of NW Ardennes (with M. Otte). Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Seattle. 1998 Tardiglacial settlement in the Cantabrian Cordillera, Northern Spain (with M.González Morales). Paleoanthropology Society Meeting, Seattle. 1998 Bois Laiterie Cave & the Magdalenian recolonization of Belgium during Bölling (with M. Otte). UISPP Symposium: La récolonisation de la Grande Plaine de l'Europe après le Pléniglaciaire, Crakow, Poland. 1998 The Upper Paleolithic settlement of north-central Spain. INQUA Workshop on European Late Pleistocene Isotopic Stages 2 & 3, Leuven, Belgium. 1999 Iberia & Africa in the Pleistocene. XV International Congress of INQUA, Durban, South 88 Africa. 1999 El depósito arqueológico de la Cueva del Mirón y su papel en la secencia regional Mesolítico-Neolítico-Calcolítico en el Cantábrico Oriental. III Congresso de Arqueología Peninsular, Vila Real, Portugal (with M. González Morales). 1999 The Upper Paleolithic settlement of Spain. III Congresso de Arqueología Peninsular, Vila Real, Portugal (with A. Winegardner). 1999 The El Mirón Cave/Asón River Valley Prehistoric Project: The Upper Paleolitic components. III Congresso de Arqueología Peninsular, Vila Real, Portugal (with M. González Morales). 1999 Punctuation or process: variability within the early Upper Paleolithic of Europe. Invited paper in a special symposium on “Dynamics of the Emergence of ‘Modern’ Humans” organized by C.L.Brace at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL. 1999 The Upper Paleolithic settlement of Iberia (poster). XV International Congress of INQUA, Durban, South Africa (with N. Bicho & A. Winegardner). 2000 El Mirón Cave: A Quaternary stratigraphic sequence in the Cantabrian Cordillera, Spain. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Philadelphia (with M.González Morales, M.A.Courty & W.Farrand). 2000 Mapping the Upper Paleolithic of the Iberian Peninsula. Paleoanthropology Society Meeting, Philadelphia (with N.Bicho & A.Winegardner). 2000 The Solutrean of Iberia: 25 years later. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Philadelphia. 2000 The Mesolithic in the Cantabrian interior: facts or fiction? 6th International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm, Sweden (with M.González Morales). 89 2001 El Mirón Cave and the radiocarbon chronology of Cantabrian Spain. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, New Orleans (with M.González Morales). 2001 Reflections on my 30 years of Upper Paleolithic research in Atlantic Europe. XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium. 2001 E pluribus unum? On the supposed unity & reality of “The Aurignacian”. XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium. 2001 El Mirón Cave: a new reference sequence for the prehistory of Cantabrian Spain. XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium (with M.González Morales). 2001 Keynote introduction: the history of paleoanthropological research in Iberia. L.S.B.Leakey Symposium, Burgos, Spain. 2001 The archeology of Upper Paleolithic peoples in Spain. L.S.B.Leakey Symposium, Burgos, Spain. 2002 When anatomy & archeology do not coincide at “The Transition”. Symposium on the Archaeology of Modern Human Origins, Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston. 2002 Even the notion of “transitional industry” is a suspect typological construct. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Denver. 2002 A SW European late glacial settlement system: the Magdalenian & Azilian of the Río Asón Valley. Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting, Denver (with M.González Morales). 2002 El Mirón Cave: A long, stratified Late Quaternary sequence in the Cantabrian Range. Meeting on Quaternary Climatic Changes & Environmental Crises in the Mediterranean Region, Alcalá de Henares, Spain (with M.González Morales). 90 2002 Los micromamíferos y el clima en El Mirón (Cantabria) durante el Holoceno. IV Reunión Nacional de Geoarqueología, Almazán, Soria, Spain (with G.Cuenca & M.González Morales). 2002 El Neolítico en la cuenca del Asón: la estratigrafía de la Cueva del Mirón y el fenómeno megalítico. II Encuentro de Historia de Cantabria, Santander, Spain (with M.González Morales). 2003 La séquence du Magdalénien de la Cueva del Mirón (Cantabria): une approche des problèmes de définition du Magdalénien inférieur cantabrique. Table Ronde: Industrie Osseuse et Parures du Solutréen au Magdalénien en Europe, Angoulême, France (with M. González Morales). 2003 The landscape of Europe in Stage 3: a human & cultural mosaic. XVI INQUA Congress, Reno NV. 2003 La estratigrafía de la Cueva del Mirón y su relación con el fenómeno megalítico de la cuenca del Asón (Cantabria oriental). III Congreso del Neolítico en la Península Ibérica, Santander, Spain (with M.González Morales). 2004 “The Altamiran Culture”: New evidence on the early Magdalenian of Cantabrian Spain from El Mirón Cave (Poster). Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting, Montreal (with M.González Morales, M.García & J.D.Rissetto). 2004 Of stones & bones: interpreting site function in the Upper Paleolithic of Western Europe. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Montreal. 2004 Hopefully not colonialists: the role of “The Chicago School” in the study of Spanish Paleolithic prehistory. IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, Faro, Portugal. 2004 El Mirón Cave: location, characteristics, excavation, stratigraphy & chronology. IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, Faro, Portugal. 2004 The long Magdalenian sequence in El Mirón Cave. IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, Faro, Portugal (with M.González Morales). 91 2004 La Cueva del Mirón en el contexto del Neolítico y Calcolítico del Norte de la Peninsula Ibérica. IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, Faro (with M.González Morales). 2006 Magdalenian territorialism in northern Spain, Paleoanthropology Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico (with M.González Morales & A.B.Marín). 2006 The Paleolithic-Mesolithic-Neolithic transitions in Cantabrian Spain, Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2006 El Mirón Cave: a cave for all seasons and all reasons in the Cantabrian Cordillera, XV Congress of the UISPP, Lisbon (with M.González Morales). 2006 Palimpsests, assemblages, phases and facies: the conundrum of taxonomic generalization from particular archeological cases. XV Congress of the UISPP, Lisbon. 2006 Pleistocene Pliomys lenki in Iberia: a tale of flickering extinction (poster). Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Ottawa (with G.Cuenca, M.González Morales & J.Barco). 2006 Enregistrement à haute resolution des changements environnementaux rapides entre 16.000 et 10.000 ans BP à partir de la grotte d’El Mirón (région cantabre, Espagne). XIV Col.loqui Internacional d’Arqueologia de Puigcerdà (with M.A.Courty & M.González Morales). 2007 La secuencia Magdaleniense de la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria): problemas de definición de las fases iniciales del Magdaleniense. 1a Mesa Redonda sobre Paleolítico Superior Cantábrico, San Román de Candamo, Asturias. 2007 The Magdalenian occupations of El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain). Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Austin, Texas (with M.R.González Morales)(written script presented in absentia for us by R.H.Schwendler). 2007 Of mice & men across the Holocene-Pleistocene boundary: El Mirón Cave, a case study from Cantabrian Spain. XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia (with G.Cuenca-Bescos, J.García-Pimienta & M.González Morales) 92 2007 Qu’est ce que c’est le Solutréen? 35 ans de recherches depuis une perspective américaine. Colloque International: Le Solutréen 40 Ans après Smith. Preuilly-sur-Claise, France. 2008 News from the underground: a dozen years of excavations in El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain). Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia. 2008 A shelter in the storm: Solutrean adaptations in SW Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoanthropology Society Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia. 2008 Human communities during & after the Last Glacial Maximum in western Europe. Workshop on The Human Impact of the Last Glacial Maximum, Santa Fe Institute. 2009 New archaeomagnetic data from mid-Holocene burnt cave sediments in Northern Iberia. Congress of the International Association of Geomagnetism & Aeronomy, Sopron, Hungary (with A.Carrancho, J.J.Villalaín, F.Pavón, D.Angelucci, J.Carretero, M.González Morales, A.I.Ortega & J.M.Vergès)(Poster). 2009 Is the “Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition” a chimera? International Workshop. The Neanderthal Home: Spatial and Social Behaviours, Tarragona, Spain. 2010 Human responses to Younger Dryas in Cantabrian Spain. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Saint Louis. 2010 Faunal exploitation by the last Neandertals and by early Upper Paleolithic humans on the Iberian Peninsula: continuity and/or change? XI International Conference of Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Paris. 2010 Primeros datos arqueomagnéticos obtenidos en sedimentos holocenos quemados en cueva en la Península Ibérica. VI Congreso de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico, Puigcerdà, Spain (with A.Carrancho, J.J.Villalain, et al.). 2011 After the deep freeze: cultural change during the late Last Glacial in Western Europe–the “Magdalenian” sensu lato. Workshop on “Continuities & Discontinuities: Theories, Methods & 93 Proxies for an Historical and Sociological Approach to the Evolution of Past Societies”, Université de Paris Ouest, Nanterre, France. Invited participant. 2011 The Magdalenian occupations of the Cantabrian Cordillera (No. Spain): the view from El Mirón Cave, 18.5-12 ky cal.BP. INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland (with M. González Morales). 2011 The Magdalenian landscape of El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, No.Spain). Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, Leipzig, Germany (with G.Cuenca-Bescós, M.González Morales & I. Martínez). 2011 La ocupación gravetiense de la Cueva del Mirón y el contexto del arte arcaico de la cuenca del Asón. Coloquio Internacional sobre el Gravetiense Cantábrico, Estado de la Cuestión. Museo de Altamira, Santillana del Mar, Spain (with M.González Morales). 2012 (Re)seeing the engraved block of El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain). Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA2012). Southampton, UK (with V. Moitinho, L. Teira, M. González Morales, M. Mozota &. A. Blasco). 2012 A secondary human burial of Magdalenian age in El Mirón Cave (Ramales, Cantabia, Spain): a preliminary presentation. Paleoanthropology Society Meeting, Memphis (with M.González Morales, J.M.Carretero, A.B.Marín, R.Quam, A. Gómez Olivencia, L.Fontes, D.Cuenca, M.Richards & R. Seva). 2012 Living “floors” and living space: Lower Magdalenian activity areas in the outer vestibule of El Mirón Cave, Cantabria, Spain. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Memphis (with L.Fontes & M. González Morales). 2012 Las ocupaciones solutrenses de la Cueva del Mirón (Ramales, Cantabria). Congreso Internacional: El Solutrense, Velez Blanco, Almeria, Spain (with M. González Morales). 2012 Keynote address: 40 Años de Investigación sobre el Solutrense: Reflexiones de un Arqueológo Norteamericano. Congreso Internacional: El Solutrense. Velez Blanco, Almeria, Spain. 94 2012 Taphonomy of faunal remains from the Magdalenian deposits in El Mirón Cave. Workshop on Taphonomy, Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria, Santander, Spain. (with A.B.Marín, R.Seva, M.Landete, G.Vidal, M.González Morales, et al.). 2012 New radiocarbon dates for Algarão da Goldra (Faro, Portugal): a contribution to the Neolithic of Algarve (poster). VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste, Villafranca de los Barros, Badajoz (with A.F.Carvalho). 2013 Spatial distributions of lithic artifacts in the Lower Magdalenian levels of El Mirón Cave, Cantabria, Spain. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Honolulu (with L.Fontes & M.González Morales). 2013 Keynote address: El Paleolítico superior de la macro-región cántabro-pirenaica. Simposio sobre el Cuaternario en la Región Pirenaica Occidental: Investigación Multidisciplinar. Bilbao, Spain. 2014 Magdalenian settlement-subsistence systems in Cantabrian Spain. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Austin, TX (with M.González Morales, A.B.Marín & L.M.Fontes). 2014 Los moluscos perforados del Nivel 17 de la Cueva del Mirón Cantabria. IV Reunión de Arqueomalacología de la Península Ibérica, Santander, Spain (with A.Varela & M.R. González Morales.) 2014 Taphonomic analysis of Lower Magdalenian deposits from El Mirón Cave (Northern Iberian Peninsula). Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum, London (with J.M.Geiling, A.B.Marín & M.González Morales). 2014 Lower Magdalenian human burial and associated rock art in El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria Spain). Congreso Internacional. 100 Años de Arte Paleolítico, Centenario del Descubrimiento de la Cueva de la Peña. Oviedo, Spain (with M.R. González Morales). 2014 Unrecognizable: the Ice Age world of the Solutrean. XVII World UISPP Congress, Burgos, Spain. 95 2014 The Inital Magdalenian occupations of El Miron Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain). XVII World UISPP Congress, Burgos, Spain (with M.R.González Morales). 2014 Early Magdalenian paleoeconomic behavior in the Cantabrian region, northern Spain. XVII World UISPP Congress, Burgos, Spain (with J.M.Geiling, A.B.Marín & M.R.González Morales). 2014 Initial Magdalenian pendants belonging to Level 17 Mirón Cave (Cantabria): analysis and experimentation. XVII World UISPP Congress (with A.Varela & M.R.González Morales). 2014 The Chicago connection in Spanish Paleolithic prehistory. XVII World UISPP Congress, Burgos, Spain. 2015 Distinguishing d rop zones: lithic and faunal perspectives on Lower Magdalenian activity areas in El Mirón Cave, Cantabria. Spain. Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Heidenheim, Germany (with J.M. Geiling, A.B. Marín-Arroyo & M.R. González Morales). Symposium Discussant: 1987 Symposium on Upper Pleistocene Prehistory of Western Eurasia, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 1990 International Symposium on Raw Material Economy among Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers, University of Kansas, Lawrence. 1991 Symposium on Cave and Rockshelter Formation Processes. Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans. 1993 Symposium on Long-term Changes in Postglacial Foraging Technologies, Society for American Archaeology, St.Louis. 1996 Symposium on the Final Aurignacian industries of Europe, UISPP Congress, Forli, Italy. 1998 Symposium on What Happened 11,000 years ago in North America (Clovis), Society for 96 American Archaeology, Seattle. 2004 From the Mediterranean basin to the Portuguese Atlantic shore: Papers in honor of Anthony Marks, IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, Faro, Portugal. 2006 Workshop on Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transitional Industries: Technological, Typological & Morphometrical Characteristics. XV Congress of the UISPP, Lisbon. 2007 Forum on “Getting our data out there: the where’s, why’s, and how’s of student publishing”. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Austin, Texas (written statement presented in absentia). 2008 Symposium on Specialization, Intensification & Diversification in Animal Exploitation Strategies during the Late Pleistocene in the Mediterranean Basin. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia. 2008 Invited participant, Workshop on the Human Impact of the Last Glacial Maximum, Santa Fe Institute. 2014 Symposium in Honor of Geoffrey Clark (prepared, illustrated remarks). Society for American Archaeology, Austin, TX. Plenary Debate Panelist: 1999 "Does climate change drive hominid evolution". XV International Congress of INQUA, Durban, South Africa. Invited by Prof. P.V. Tobias, Panel Chair. 2002 “Climate change and Man”. Meeting on Quaternary Climatic Changes & Environmental Crises in the Mediterranean Region, Alcalá de Henares, Spain. E. Aguirre, Chair. Symposium Organizer and Chairman: The explanation of Paleolithic Assemblage Variability, 1976 Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, MO. 97 10,001 B.P.: The End of the Paleolithic in the Old World, 1985 Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St.Louis, MO. Late Glacial and Postglacial Adaptive Change in Europe, 1987 Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL (with D. Frayer). The Archeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition I (2 paired INQUA Symposia, organized with G. Frison, B. Eriksen & J. Erlandson), 1994 Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Anaheim, CA. The Archeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition II, XIV Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Berlin, 1995 (with B.V. Eriksen). Out of Africa: once, twice or continously in the Pleistocene, XV INQUA Congress, Durban, South Africa, 1999 (with O. Bar-Yosef). The Role of American Archeologists in the Study of the European Upper Paleolithic, XIV Congress of the International Union for Pre- & Proto-Historic Sciences (UISPP), Liège, Belgium, 2001. The Extinction of the European Neanderthals during Isotope Stage 3, XVI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Reno, Nevada, 2003. Communicating Quaternary Research to the Public: a Media Forum, XVI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Reno, Nevada, 2003 (with R.Diehl). El Mirón Cave: the Post-Paleolithic Levels & their Significance, IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, Faro, Portugal, 2004 (with M.González Morales). Human Responses to Younger Dryas in the Northern Hemisphere: Old & New Worlds (double symposium). 2010 Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis (with Ted Goebel). 98 The Magdalenian: Human Adaptations to the Late Last Glacial in Western & Central Europe (triple symposium with excursion). 2011 INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland (with Denise Leesch & Thomas Terberger). 2014 The Initial Cantabrian Magdalenian and the question of Magdalenian origins. XVII World UISPP Congress, Burgos, Spain (with M.R.González Morales). 2014 The human settlement of Western Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum. XVII World UISPP Congress, Burgos, Spain. Symposium Chairman: The Behavioral Significance of Artifact Patterning: "Non-Site," "Site" and "Internal Site" Structure (L. Binford, Organizer). 1979 Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver. Old World Prehistory, 1979 Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, B.C. Hunters Past and Present (co-chair). 1990 Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Washington, D.C. 2001 L.S.B.Leakey Symposium: “Neanderthals & Cro-Magnons in Spain: Evidence for Human Evolution”, Burgos, Spain Paleoanthropology Society, 2002 Annual Meeting, Denver. (A.M.Session, March 20). Meeting on Quaternary Climatic Changes & Environmental Crises in the Mediterranean Region, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 2002 (A.M.Session Co-chair, July 17). Congreso Internacional: El Solutrense. Velez Blanco, Almeria, Spain. Chronostratigraphy Session. June 26, 2012. Member, Scientific Organizing or Advisory Committee: 99 II World Basque Congress, Conference on Anthropology. September 21-25, 1987, Vitoria/Gasteiz (Spain). AEQUA/INQUA Meeting on Quaternary Climatic Changes & Environmental Crises in the Mediterranean Region. July 15-18, 2002, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain). (Also member of the Honorary Presiding Committee). IV Congresso de Arqueología Peninsular. September 2004, Faro, Portugal. International Workshop. The Neanderthal Home: Spatial & Social Behaviours. October 2009, Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana I Evolució Social, Tarragona, Spain. Congreso Internacional: El Solutrense. June 2012, Velez Blanco, Almería, Spain. International Congress: 100 Years of Palaeolithic Art. Centenary of the Discovery of La Peña de Candamo Cave. July 2014, Oviedo, Spain. Guest Lectures: (*: in Spanish; +: in French; n=number of lectures) July 2014 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain* July 2014 Museo de Prehistoria y Arqueología de Cantabria, Santander, Spain* July 2013 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain* Mar 2013 Oregon Archeological Society/Oregon Museum of Science & Industry. Oct 2012 UNM Latin American Institute & Instituto Cervantes, Albuquerque. July 2012 Parlamento de Cantabria/Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain (2)* July 2012 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain* Mar 2011 Southwest Seminar, Santa Fe, NM Oct 2010 Annual Stone Age Institute Lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington,IN (2) July 2010 Conferencias de Prehistoria, Ramales, Cantabria* Apr 2010 Leakey Foundation Trustees meeting, Santa Fe, NM. Mar 2010 H.L. Movius Lecture, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge. July 2008 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria* July 2007 Universidad de Cantabria, Ramales summer session* 100 May 2007 Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Jan 2007 Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, Albuquerque, NM Nov 2006 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ July 2006 Conferencias de Prehistoria, Ramales, Cantabria* July 2006 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria* Sept 2004 Instituto Cervantes/UNM Anthropology July 2004 Charlas de la Mancomunidad del Alto Asón, Ramales, Cantabria* July 2004 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria* April 2004 Universidad de Córdoba, Spain (5)* April 2004 Universidad de Málaga, Spain (1)* April 2004 Universidad de Cádiz, Spain (4)* April 2004 Universidad de Sevilla, Spain (1)* April 2004 Rotary Internacional, Ceuta, Spanish North Africa (1)* April 2004 Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain (5)* July 2003 Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain (2)* July 2003 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria* Sept 2002 Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, Albuquerque, NM Aug 2002 Ciclo de Conferencias, Liérganes, Cantabria* July 2002 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria* July 2002 Charlas del AER, Ramales, Cantabria* Jan 2002 Croatian Academy of Arts & Sciences, Zagreb. Jan 2002 University of Zagreb, Croatia (7) Aug 2001 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria* July 2001 Charlas del AER, Ramales, Cantabria* Mar 2001 Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi/Universidad del País Vasco, San Sebastián (5)* July 2000 Conferencias sobre Prehistoria, Puente Viesgo, Cantabria* July 2000 Universidad de Cantabria, Castro Urdiales summer session (2)* June 2000 Charlas del AER, Ramales, Cantabria* May 2000 University of Chicago Feb 1998 Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Inaugural lecture in the "Campus on the Mall" course on the Upper Paleolithic. June 1997 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain (2)* Oct 1996 Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Buenos Aires, Argentina* Oct 1996 Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (8)* 101 June 1996 Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain* Dec 1995 Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Harvard University (2) Oct 1995 Centro Español de Recursos, Albuquerque, NM.* Mar 1994 National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian, Washington, DC June 1993 Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain (3)* Oct 1992 Universidad Internacional Mndz. Pelayo, Valencia, Spain* Jul 1992 Institut für Urgeschichte, Universiät Tübingen, Germany(2) Jul 1991 Universidad Internacional Mndz. Pelayo, Valencia, Spain* Mar 1991 Snead-Wertheim Lecture in Anthropology & History, UNM Feb,Mar 1990 Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, Albuquerque, New Mexico Oct 1989 Institut für Urgeschichte, Universität Tübingen, Germany. Oct 1989 Forschungsbereich Altsteinzeit/Universität Köln, Germany(2). Oct 1989 Service de Préhistoire, Université de Liège, Belgium(2)+ Jan 1987 School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Aug 1986 Museu Nacional de Arqueologia e Etnologia, Lisbon. Dec 1985 Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Univ.of Texas, Arlington. Dec 1985 Dept. of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University. Oct,Nov 1982 Prehistoria, Universidad de Santander, Spain* (These are in addition to numerous guest lectures in UNM courses & lecture series) UNM Courses Taught or Team-taught: Anth.108 Anth.105 Anth.120 Anth.220 Anth.325/525 Anth.327/527 Anth.371 Anth.497 Anth.525 Anth.526 Anth.527 Human Ancestry The Natural History of Humankind Digging Up the Past World Archeology Stone Age Europe African Prehistory Archaeological Research Methods Individual Study in Archaeology Seminar: European Prehistory Upper Pleistocene Paleoanthropology Lower & Middle Pleistocene Paleoanthropology 102 Anth.570/577 Seminars in Pleistocene Environments, Spanish Prehistory, Geochronology & Geoarcheology, Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transition, Pleistocene-Holocene Transition Anth.571-72 Seminar: Archaeological History, Theory & Method Anth.575/675 Archeological Research Proposal Writing Academic Committees & Administrative Positions (University of New Mexico): Assistant Department Chairman (1987-1993) Board of Archaeologists (1975- ), Chairman (1983-1990) Convener, Archeological Faculty (1983-93, 1994-5, 2008-10) Faculty Senate (1978-81; 1985-7) Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee (2007-08) Anthropology Dept. Advisory Council, Member (1991-94, 2008-10) Anthropology Contract Renewal, Tenure &/or Promotion Committees: Chair (1983,1988, 1990,1991,2001-2, 2008-9, 2009-10); member (1984,1987,1990,91,92,93,94, 97) Ad Hoc Sabbatical Pay Policy Committee (1981) Anthropology Faculty Evaluation (“Salary”) Committee (2002, 2005, 2009, 2011,2012), Chair (2003, 2006) Archaeology Faculty Search Committee: Chairman (1978,1986, 2007-08), Co-Chair (1991-92), Member (1983,1984,1985-86,1986-87,1988-89, 2006-07) Ethnology Faculty Search Committee: Member (1993-94) Biological Anthropology Search Committee: Chair (1998-99), Member (1984-85,1995) Biological Anthropology Junior Faculty Annual Review Committees: Chair (2000,2001), Member (2001) Archeology Junior Faculty Annual Review Committee: Member (2008), Chair (2012-15). Archeology Faculty Promotion Mentor (2014-15) UNM Research Policy Committee (1978-81) UNM Library Committee (1978-79) Office of Contract Archaeology Directorship Search Committee (1979) Anthropology Dept. Library Liaison (1979- ) Anthropology Dept. French & Spanish Language Examiner (1975- ) Fulbright-Hays Fellowship Screening Committee (1979) Research Recognition Sub-Committee (1980-81) Undergraduate Committee, Anthropology Department (1981-83, 1984-85) 103 Office of Contract Archaeology, Asst. Director Search Comm. (1983) Distinguished Professorship Nomination Committee (1984) College of Arts & Sciences Tenure Committee (member, 1987-88; Chairman 1988-89 Ad Hoc Academic & Research Reserves Committee (1987-88) Clark Field Archive & Library Policy Committee: Chairman (1990- ) Maxwell Museum/Department of Anthropology Archives Committee (2009- ) Snead-Wertheim Lectureship Nomination Committee (member, 1992,94,95,97,98,99; Chair, 1993) European Studies Program Executive Comm. (1992-2002), Participating Faculty (1992- ) Ad hoc Search Committee for a Visiting Assistant. Professor of Mesoamerican prehistory (2006) Ad hoc Committee on tenure qualification of Maxwell Museum Director candidates (2007) Chair, ad hoc Committee on tenure qualifications of a Maxwell Museum Senior Scientist (2012) Ad hoc Committee on Department of Anthropology chairmanship (2013) Archeology M.A. thesis examination committee (2013-14). Professional Memberships and Journals: Paleoanthropology Society Society for American Archaeology American Anthropological Association Société Préhistorique Française Current Anthropology (Associate) Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) Old World Archaeology Newsletter* South African Archaeological Society Société Préhistorique de l'Ariège-Pyrénées Mesolithic Miscellany* Associaçao para o Desenvolvimento da Cooperaçao en Arqueologia Peninsular Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos* Arqueologia (Porto)* New Mexico Archeological Council* New Hampshire Archaeological Society* Quaternary Research* 104 Société de Borda* (*: no longer active) Reviewer for: American Philosophical Society L.S.B. Leakey Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities National Geographic Society National Science Foundation: Archeology, Archeometry & Physical Anthropology Programs Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research J.S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research & Development Linnaean Society (London) Thames & Hudson Cambridge University Press McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research (Cambridge) University of Chicago Press Springer Verlag (‘Vertebrate Paleobiology & Paleoanthropology” series) W.H. Freeman & Co., Publishers Academic Press ("Advances in Archaeological Method & Theory" series) Kluwer Academic Publishers Oregon State University Press Blackwell Publishing Oxbow Books Science Journal of Archaeological Science Smithsonian Institution Press Journal of Anthropological Research Current Anthropology Journal of Field Archaeology American Antiquity 105 Archaeology Evolutionary Anthropology American Anthropologist American Scientist Antiquity Cambridge Archaeological Journal Paléo: Revue d’Archéologie Préhistorique Comptes Rendus Palévol, Académie des Sciences de Paris (Reviewing Editor, prehistory) Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Geoarchaeology Journal of Human Evolution Human Evolution (Italy) Quaternary International Quaternary Research Quaternary Science Reviews Quartär Radiocarbon Journal of Archaeological Method & Theory Lithic Technology European Journal of Archaeology Canadian Journal of Archaeology Journal of the North Atlantic Open Journal of Anthropology Arts (an open access journal on the history of art) Espacio, Tiempo y Forma (UNED, Madrid) National Geographic Magazine Routledge ("UNESCO-Scientific & Cultural History of Mankind" and "World" series) Universities of Chicago, Paris I (Sorbonne), Southern Methodist, Cambridge (Corpus Christi College), Western Australia, & Sri Venkateswara: Archeology Ph.D. dissertations &/or fellowships. Annual Review of Anthropology (consultant) Paleoanthropology Society Natural Environment Research Council (UK) 106 International Council for Archaeozoology (symposium proceedings) European Commission (Marie Curie Fellowships) Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) Fonds de Recherche du Québec Generalitat de Catalunya, ICREA (Science Evaluation Commission) Gobierno Vasco (IkerBasque Science Foundation) Croatian Science Foundation Numerous U.S., Canadian & U.K. universities, for tenure &/or promotion reviews Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, Spain), Doctoral defense jury president (2007) Universidade do Algarve (Faro, Portugal), Professorial “Agregaçao” review jury (2004) Universität Tübingen (Germany), Professorial “Habilitation” review jury (2010) Université de Toulouse (France), Professorial “Habilitation” review jury (2010) Public Service: Joint US Park Service/UNM Planning Committee, “Set in Stone”rock art workshop (2007) Maxwell Museum Association “Celebrate Spain” fund-raising committee University of New Mexico Speakers Bureau New Mexico Humanities Council Speakers Bureau New Mexico Academy of Sciences Visiting Scientist Program Arrangements chairman, visit of R.McC.Adams (Secretary,Smithsonian Institution)(1986) Witness called to testify before the New Mexico Legislature Higher Education Committee (1980) Anthropology Dept. representative to UNM High School "Senior Day" (1981) Phi Beta Kappa, UNM Chapter, Nominating Committee (1981) Guest Speaker, Albuquerque Archaeological Society (several times) Lecturer, UNM Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (2009) Founding Member, UNM Faculty Representation Association Organizer, Distinguished Lecturers in Archaeology Series (1988-89, 1991-92) Founder & Organizer, Journal of Anthropological Research Distinguished Lecturers Series (1995- ) Discussant, Simpósio sobre Sociedad y Cultura en el Ecuador Contemporáneo, UNM Dept. of Modern Languages, May 1989. Guest speaker, Albuquerque Academy & Public Schools, Civitans, UNM Alumni Association (several) 107 Witness called to testify before the NM House Capital Outlay Subcommittee (on library acquisitions) (1993). Informal consultant for the French Ministry of Culture on international regulations about archeological materials from cave deposits & other sites (2006). Museum Exhibits: "Two Stone Age Excavations in Southwest Europe," Maxwell Museum of Anthropology/UNM Department of Anthropology, 1982. Consulting Curator, "Ancestors" (Upper Paleolithic Art and Archeology), UNM Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, 1988-90. Consultant, "Horse Tales: an Evolutionary Odyssey", New Mexico Museum of Natural History, 1991. Advisory Committee for the renewal of the “Ancestors” (“WeEvolve”) exhibit, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, UNM, 2008-09. Photographic Archive: "The Historical Architecture of the Vaughan Street Urban Renewal Project, Portsmouth, NH", 1967. On file in the office of the State Architectural Historian, Concord, NH. Television Consultancies: Consultant for a proposed program on Paleolithic art, R. Hauser, Producer. 1990-91. Consultant for a PBS “Nova” program on the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition: “Neanderthals on Trial”. M. Davis, Producer. 2000 (first televised 1/22/02). Consultant for a Discovery Channel special on the Upper Paleolithic: “Ice World”, 2001. 108 Consultant & on-camera interviewee for a BBC, TV6, “Horizon” History Channel program on the peopling of the Americas, “Stone Age Columbus”, Nigel Levy, Producer. 2002 (first televised 12/02). Consultant for a PBS-NOVA program “America’s Stone Age Explorers:, Elizabeth Arledge, Producer. 2003-04 9 (first televised 11/9/04). Interviewee for Smithsonian magazine article, “America’s first immigrants”, by Evan Hadingham, accompanying the NOVA program (November, 2004, pp.90-98). Consultant for a proposed Granada TV/National Geographic program on the end of the Last Ice Age, 2008. Author of several “Insider Tips” on northern Spain for National Geographic Spain, 4th ed. (guide book), 2011. Traveler, Consultant for a Nutopial TV series on human evolution, 2011. Tour Consultancies: Consultant & on-site specialist for "Past Time Archeological Tours"/Maxwell Museum Association tour of Paleolithic sites & cave art localities in Cantabrian Spain, 1998. Informal consultant for “La Ruta Quetzal” (Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs) on tour of New Mexico by Spanish and Latin American youth, 2000. Consultant & on-site specialist for L.S.B.Leakey Foundation Trustees tour of Paleolithic sites in northern Spain, 2001. Informal consultant for L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Trustees tour of Paleolithic sites in Cantabria, Spain, 2010 (trip cancelled). Radio, Television and Video: 109 "UNM Showcase": Interview on Paleolithic research, KUNM-FM, 1998. "Fouilles dans la Grotte du Bois Laiterie", Wallonian Regional Television (Namur, Belgium), 1995. Interview on Web-based distance instruction, KUNM/NPR, 2001. Publicity “spot” for the Principality of Asturias’ exhibit at the Shanghai International Expo, 2010, and tourism advertising campaign in Spanish media and billboards, 2011. Interview on the Solutrean and El Mirón Cave, Televisión Española, Cantabria, July 2014. Interview on the state of prehistoric archeological research in Spain, Radio y Television Españolas, Asturias, July 2014. Feature Stories on Research & Major Interviews: "Tunnels in Time" by A. Stotts in Quantum (The UNM research magazine, Spring, 1987), pp.4-7. "16,500 Years Deep", by S.Norris in Quantum (Spring, 1998), pp.30-32. “Discoveries of the El Mirón Cave”, by K.Wentworth in Quantum (Winter,2005), pp.31-3. “UNM Archeologists continue work in Spain” by M.Padilla in Campus News (October 30, 2000), p.2. (plus many other shorter articles) “With best-selling author’s support, Anthropology professor investigates the Stone Age in Spain”, by J.Myers in UNM Developments (Spring, 2005), pp. 4-5. “Anthropologists excavate ancient Spanish cave”, Inside the UNM College of Arts & Sciences (Spring 2001), p.2. 110 Press conference at the Fundación M Botín (Santander) on the 1998 excavation campaign in El MirónCave with representation of 10 regional (Cantabria) and national (Spain) newspapers, press agencies, television & radio networks, August 12, 1998. “El Mirón, un verdadero filón. National Geographic España, “Geographica España” section, vol. 3, no.3, Sept. 1998 (story signed by E. van den Berg, based on material provided by M. González Morales and myself). Various references concerning “Kennewick Man” in The New Yorker, The Seattle Times, The Seattle Weekly, and in Riddle oif the Bones by R. Downey: 1997-2000. Reference to work on the origins of agriculture in Spain & Portugal in Science News, vol. 167, no.6, pp.88-89,92 (article by B.Bower: “Cultivating revolutions”). Interviews for articles and/or quotations on the peopling of the Americas in Archaeology, National Geographic Magazine (two), The New Scientist, Newsweek, Discover, Scientific American, Science (two), New York Times, Science News (two), Geo-Epoche (Hamburg, Germany), Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Richmond Times Dispatch (among others): 1996-2007 . Feature stories on my research & course of lectures at Sociedad Aranzadi (San Sebastián) in 5 Spanish newspapers (El País, El Mundo, Diario Vasco, Gara, Egunkaria), March 2001. Extended interview & feature story on my Fulbright visit to Croatia in the Zagreb newspaper, Jutarnjilist, January 2002. Story on Fulbright visit to Croatia on Fulbright Senior Specialist Program Web page ( “University anthropologist in National Geographic”. Feature article in the New Mexico Daily Lobo by R.Brodsky, January 24, 2003, pp.1 & 3. (plus various other shorter articles.) “La Cueva del Mirón: una ventana a los últimos 40.000 años”, National Geographic España. “Geographica” section, February 2003, vol.12, no.2, 3 pp. (story signed by Ana Lluch, based on material provided by M.González Morales & myself). 111 “Anthropology turns 75", Insight & Opinion article by L.G.Straus, Albuquerque Tribune, March 12, 2003, p.C1. Television interview on Televisión Española in Ceuta, April 22, 2004; stories on my research & lectures in Cádiz & Ceuta, respectively, in the Diario de Cádiz, April 20 & Faro de Ceuta, April 23 & May 9, 2004, as well as in España Rotaria, May-June 2005. Story on research in El Mirón Cave by J.& J.E.Grenard in The Petroglyph: Newsletter of the Arizona Archaeological Society 43(9): 1,9,12 (May 2007). “Cave clue reveals ancient Bohemian life”, story on El Mirón bone taphonomy by J. Viegas, Discovery Channel website, August 23, 2007. Interviews for commentary articles on early microlithic industries in India by New Scientist & Scientific American, July, 2009. Interview for commentary article on a Magdalenian “map” from Navarra by New Scientist, August 2009. Webcast interview on El Mirón research and cave site tour with Jean Auel by “UNM Live”, August 2009. E-mail interview on Neandertal behavior for an article in Science (vol.326, pp.1056-7) by Michael Balter, November 20, 2009. Numerous print & electronic stories on our discovery of a Magdalenian human burial in El Mirón Cave in the Spanish & Latin American press, notably Diario Montañés, Alerta, El Mundo (Cantabria), etc. and on the University of New Mexico website, Aug.-Sept. 2010. E-mail & telephone interviews on an article in PNAS by W.Roebroeks & P.Villa on early human fire-control for Nature and the Los Angeles Times, March 13-14, 2011. E-mail interview on Jean Auel with Agencia EFE (Spanish news service), Feb.25, 2011. 112 E-mail interviews on the Solutrean-(pre-)Clovis peopling of North America controversy for an article in Science (vol.335, pp.1289-90) by Michael Balter, March 16, 2012. E-mail interviews on the discovery of possible evidence of 1 million-year-old fire in Wonderwerk Cave (South Africa) with the Boston Globe, April 2012; Discover magazine, May 2012. Telephone interview on the uranium-series dating of early Upper Paleolithic cave art in Cantabrian Spain with Nature, June 12, 2012. Telephone & e-mail interviews on Spanish Neandertal plant food & “medication” through dental calculus analysis with Nature, July 17-18, 2012. E-mail interview for a profile of a controversial prehistorian by Michael Balter in Science, July 2012. Interview with Marian.Cueto (Universidad de Cantabria) for an oral history of Dr. Joaquin González Echegaray, Santander, Spain, July 2012. E-mail interviews for an extended review of B.Bradley & D.Stanford’s book on their SolutreanClovis theory by B. Lepper for The Mammoth Trumpet, July-Sept. 2012 (published in Vol.28, no.3, pp.15-18). Interview with Eduardo Palacio (Universidad de Cantabria) on the role of American archeologists in the study of Spanish prehistory for a working group on foreign influences on Spanish prehistoric archeology, Santander, Spain, June 27, 2013. Interview with Virtudes Tellez (Spanish Ministry of Education & Culture) for a working group on the social value of Altamira Cave, Ramales, Cantabria, July 8, 2013. E-mail interview for a story by Melissa Pandika for the Los Angeles Times on a PNAS article on Neanderthal-made bone polishers, August 9, 2013. 113 E-mail interview for a story by Carlos López for the Spanish news agency, EFE, on an article published in JAR about Neanderthal symbolic behavior. Fact-checked for an article on Lascaux Cave in Alpinist Magazine (April 2014). E-mail interview on the possible reopening of Altamira Cave, for a stpory in El País (Madrid), one of Spain’s most important newspapers (October 23, 2014). E-mail interview with Brian Bower on an article by John Shea in Quaternary International about the Levantine Mousterian, for Science News, Dec.4, 2014. Lead article on the Red Lady of El Mirón Cave burial by P. Sarget in The New Scientist (London), March 18, 2015 (based on telephone and e-mail interviews). Biographical Entries: Who’s Who in America 2000 (p.4771) and subsequent editions. Who’s Who in the World Hrvatska Enciklopedija (Vol.10, p.282), Zagreb, 2008. 114
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