NEW JERSEY’S OLDEST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ST. JOSEPH 1765 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT 250 years of faith-filled commitment distinguishes St. Joseph Parish, a Roman Catholic community located in West Milford Township in rural northern New Jersey. Lay people founded this community in 1765 and maintained it in the consistent practice of the Roman Catholic faith, thus earning it the honor of being the State’s oldest parish. Today’s parishioners, responding to the needs of the changing West Milford area, aim to develop further the lay involvement that historically characterizes St Joseph’s They accomplish this by expressing their PASTORAL STAFF and PARISH OFFICE Father Steven Shadwell ................................................................................................................. Pastor Harry White, Ben Lo Paro........................................................................................................... Deacons Sister Janet Brisky, P.B.V.M. ......................................................................................... Pastoral Associate Sister Geraldine Corio, P.B.V.M. ..................................................................... Director of Faith Formation Justine Smith ..................................................................................... Faith Formation\Baptism Assistant Pat Mattera ............................................................................... Adolescent Faith Formation Coordinator Mary Beth Ferriola....................................................................................................... Business Manager Mary O’Neill .................................................................................................................. Parish Secretary Christine Alessio.................................................................................... Director of Volunteer Ministries Camille Kluge .................................................................................................................. Youth Director Jacqueline M. Reilly .......................................................................................................... Music Director Bob Sautter......................................................................................... Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Kevin Kennedy and Diane Parisi ...................................................................................... Parish Trustees SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism arrangements are required to be made at least 2 MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Saturday ...... 9:00 am - Church Saturday evening ................... 5:00 pm - Church Sunday morning ... 7:45, 9:00 am, 12:00 Noon - Church ............... and 10:30 am - Parish Center months in advance by contacting Justine Smith at the Parish Office at 973-697-6100. Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month. Families are asked to attend the 12 Noon Mass, the baptism ceremony will take place immediately following. If a Baptism Preparation class is required, the class will be assigned at HOLY DAYS Please consult the Bulletin NEW PARISHIONERS Please call the Parish Office to register, to learn PARISH OFFICE ....................... 973-697-6100 the time the baptism is scheduled. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday at 3:30 pm until 4:30 pm; or, anytime anyone wishes to receive the Sacrament, please call the Parish Office to set an appointment with a priest. FAX........................................... 973-697-3716 MINISTRY TO THE SICK FAITH FORMATION… .................. 973-208-0636 anointed should call the Parish Office. If you or anyone CONVENT .......................................973-697-2846 E-MAIL .......................... Anyone who is seriously ill or aged and wishes to be you know is in the hospital, please call the Office. WEBSITE ......................... BUSINESS HOURS MARRIAGE PREPARATION PROGRAM Monday thru Thursday ................... 9 AM - 5 PM one year before the wedding. All couples to be married Friday .......................................... 9 AM - 12 PM Saturday and Sunday .............................. Closed 454 G E R M A N T O W N R O A D Arrangements should begin by setting a date with a priest at St. Joseph’s must participate in a Marriage Preparation Program. W E S T M I L F O R D NJ 07480 ST. JOSEPH CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 30TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 GOF Sunday Morning II Following 9:00am Mass - KH 12:00 PM Youth Mass - PC 12:00 PM Straight and Narrow Gospel Choir - PC 6:30 PM Year 2 Teens\Peer Ministers - PC 6:30 PM Decision Point - NR MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 5:15 PM Girls CYO Basketball - PC 7:00 PM Communion of Saints Grade 5 & 6\Parents - PC TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 6:30 PM Boys CYO Basketball - PC 7:00 PM Bereavement Group Mtg. - NR 7:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous - KH WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 4:00 PM Moms Club Int’l - KH 7:30 PM Boy Scouts - PC THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 9:30 AM Moms and Tots - KH 6:00 PM Engel & Congleton Wed. Reh. - CH 7:00 PM Confirmation Practice - PC FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 9:30 AM Kids Playgroup - KH 3:00 PM Engel and Congleton Wedding - CH Midnight Alcoholics Anonymous - KH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 - All Saints 11:00 AM Confirmation - PC 10:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous - KH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2- Al Souls Baptism Following 12:00 pm Mass 12:00 PM Commissioning Ministers of Communion - CH 2:00 PM Boys CYO Basketball - PC 6:30 PM Antioch Prep. - NR LECTORS FOR THE WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER 1\2 C. Alessio, V. Haggerty, G. Wargo, D. Petronchak Parish Center: Ray EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER 1\2 SATURDAY 5:00 PM: K. Burns, A. Egan, M. L. Aungst, C. Alessio SUNDAY 7:45 AM: A. M. Cooney, C. Carbone, A. Moralishvili 9:00 AM: C. Gerri, J. & L. Endres, G. Stagg 10:30 AM: M. & S. McKenzie, S. Luke, P. Green 12:00 PM: D. Petronchak, A. Cangelosi, J. Vigna, S. Alessio, A. Cazorla, S. Batory Any Extraordinary Minister who would like to serve one Friday a month at Chilton Hospital, please call Carolyn Gerri at 973 838-3705 or 973 934-1994. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 9:00 AM Intention\Emily Hennessy Green by McKenzie Family TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 – Sts. Simon and Jude, apostles 9:00 AM +John Jones by Pat Jones +Marianne Losefsky by Mother and Family WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 9:00 AM +Hurley Smith Helms, Jr. by Marianne Russo THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 9:00 AM +Lillian Organ by Marjorie Grazecki FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 9:00 AM +Tom Lichtenberg by John Hughes SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 - All Saints 9:00 AM Intention\Rachel Shadwell 5:00 PM Intention\Pat Burd by Rosarians +Ed Patscher by Joe, Ellen, Ryan, Maggie Mark and Lisa Patscher +Joseph Vidulich by Joanne Klosz SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 - All Souls 7:45 AM Commemoration of All Faithful Departed 9:00 AM Commemoration of All Faithful Departed 10:30 AM Commemoration of All Faithful Departed 12:00 PM Commemoration of All Faithful Departed OFFERING AT ST. JOSEPH’S LAST WEEKEND Budget: $6,340.00 Weekend October 18\19 Difference: $5,738.00 - $ 602.00 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY Experience a Small Faith Community. We meet in the Upper Room on Tuesday evening for an hour to reflect on the following Sunday’s Scripture from 7:30 – 8:30 pm. Our next meeting is October 28th. Sunday, November 2, 2014. Next Week: 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time 1st Reading: Malachi 1:14: 2:2, 8-10 2nd Reading: I Thessalonians 2:7-9, 13 Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12 SCRIPTURE FOCUS: In today’s Gospel Jesus comes right out and accuses scribes and Pharisees, the religious leaders, of being false. Some Pharisees who were supposed to be role models for the people, taught one thing but lived another way. Jesus told the disciples to respect the Pharisees’ positions as successors of Moses and to take their teachings seriously. But the disciples were not to follow the Pharisees’ example. Jesus makes it clear to his followers that they must honor and respect God instead of being overly concerned about their own importance and power. They were called to serve others, not to be applauded by them. LIFE FOUCS: Describe a time when someone did something special for you without letting you know who it was. CAN YOU HELP? Info: Sr. Janet 973-697-2846 Please leave donations in Sr. Janet’s garage. Thank you! If it’s not in this box, don’t leave it in Sister’s garage. She can’t get her car in! Needed: Straight and Narrow needs men’s and women’s winter coats spotlessly clean and on hangers all sizes up to 3X & 4X ASAP. Please leave in Sister’s garage. Also, deodorant, body wash, toothpaste, shampoo, Fixodent (original), and large umbrellas. Also, current magazines: inspirational, sports, hobbies, National Geographic. Black out your name and address from the label and leave in Sister’s garage. Call Sr. Janet: If you are able to help a friend in Milford Manor with Facebook for an hour a week. Sr. Janet: Knows a college student who needs a car to get to school. Please call Sister. Call Sr. Janet: If you are willing to cook dinner for 2 people once a year. BINGO AT MILFORD MANOR: Saturday, December 6 2:30 – 3:30pm Come 10 minutes early and stay 10 minutes late to help. Bingo prizes are needed. Sister always needs help. If you need a signature, Sr. Janet will have a pen after bingo. GIFT CARD NEWS: New in stock! Lowe’s and The Home Depot for all your home improvement needs! Thank you to all the families that help support this fundraiser. Spread the word! …………………………………………………………………… Veterans Day November 11, 2014 Let us honor and thank our veterans with donations of the following: coffee (regular only), nondairy creamer, sweetener (no sugar) and Sleepy Time tea. We will be collecting these items the weekend of November 1 & 2. Our own vet Doug Bock will deliver these supplies. Time for Vocations… Please pray for: Deacon Giovanni Rodriguez and Seminarian Henry Pinto A Time To Serve In The Military… Please pray for: Nicholas Costello, Lt. Jamie Curcio, Jennifer Smolinski, Tom Oroho, Brian Hartigan, Mario Lanza, Kevin Canova, Alex Richnavsky, Jason Benedict, Ryan Benedict, Jonathan Greenwald, Erik Filipek, Jonathan Gabay, Matthew Lattanzi and Tara Lee Wrocklage A Time To Heal… Please pray for: Bob Weiss, John Paicer, Scott Frew, Sal Domenico, Marilyn Whritenour, Gregory Whritenour, Martha Colombo, Denise Thiel, Emily Hennessy Green, Jim Casey, Jim Giro, Joseph Di Santo, Sandra Roberts, Walter Roberts, Pat Burd, Zachary Scieslicki, Peg Misner, Aiden Patrick and Chase Michael Martinez A Time To Die… Please pray for: Donna Tamayne, sister of Tom Tamayne Please Note: Only family members may request to have someone included in prayers for the sick. The shelves of the pantry are low on food. Your donation of the following items would be greatly appreciated: Macaroni, beans, soup, rice, chili, juice, peanut butter, jelly, powdered milk, salad dressing, mustard, mayonnaise, baby food, and gluten and sugar free items. Non-food items: shampoo, cleaners, laundry detergent Thanksgiving is coming. Donations of turkeys and holiday food is appreciated. Thank you for your anticipated generosity. …………………………………………………………………… THE PERFECT GIFT - 250TH JUBILEE COOKBOOK “SECRETS FROM ST. JOSEPH’S” OVER 600 RECIPES from parishioners, family and friends HARDCOVER - $20 (2 FOR $35) Available at parish office: [Mon-Thurs, 9 am -5 pm] or [Fri, 9 am -12 noon]. For mail order: Call parish office [973-697-6100]. Checks may be sent to “St Joseph Church.” Add $8 S&H. …………………………………………………………………… Clip and Return Veterans Day of Recognition of Living Veterans of the Parish On Sunday, November 9th a salute to the living veterans is scheduled, at the 9:00 am Mass in church. If you have already not done so, please list your name, rank and branch of the service below and return to the parish office by November 3rd. Name_________________________________________ Branch of Service________________________________ Rank_______________Service from _________to______ Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. - John F. Kennedy US President & Knight of Columbus! 11-9: Living Veterans Mass 9:00am 11-11: Veterans Day 11-13: Business Meeting 11-15: Food Drive at AP (we don't mind if you drive over food from ShopRite!) 11-27: Thanksgiving (no social) 11-29: Visit w/St. Nick (cooking crew required) 12-6: Antioch Breakfast Detail (cooking crew required) Contact Grand Knight Mike Heller at 973-728-6228 or about becoming a Knight of Columbus or joining us at this year's "Pride in our Priests Dinner." ………………………………………………………………… Protecting God’s Children Virtus® Workshop As required by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop, all parish volunteers who “have regular contact with children” must attend a “Protecting God’s Children Workshop.” This workshop is being offered in: Our Lady of the Magnificat in Kinnelon on Wednesday, October 29 at 6:30 pm. St. Thomas the Apostle in Milton/Oak Ridge on Tuesday, November 4 at 6 pm. To register on-line: go to Virtus® is on the bottom of the left column on the diocesan home page. Click on Virtus® and follow the directions for registering. The Paterson Diocese also requires that volunteers complete a background check and sign an acknowledgment of having read the Diocesan Code of Conduct. Informational packets are available in the parish office. …………………………………………………………………… THANKSGIVING EVE ECUMENICAL SERVICE Wednesday, November 26 at 8:00pm in Newfoundland Methodist Church on LaRue Rd. If you would like to sing in the choir be there at 7:00pm. ............................................................................................. 250 Anniversary Passport Stickers: If you have attended one of the events and didn't get a sticker for your family passport book, stop by the rectory and pick it up. MEMORIES OF OUR PARISH Memory: the faculty of the mind by which it retains knowledge. Good, bad, happy, sad – these are some items in my memory of St. Joseph Parish. The very first time attending Mass at St. Joseph in the Parish Center some 26 years ago, the Knights of Columbus served coffee and cake after Mass….When I became a Knight….When flat after flat of flowers arrived and Fr. Bernie armed with a map of where and how these were to be planted….at Christmas with the mile high Christmas trees on each side of the altar made up of 20 artificial trees and tables….When the Home School Association of SJ presented me with a school jacket because I was always around fixing something….the summer when we rebuilt the boys & girls bathrooms, floor to ceiling, all new with the labor of love from many people….sad when St. Joseph School closed….happy that my daughter graduated from our parish school….sad when our dear friend Ceil died….happy she is with our Lord. Sad when Sr. Janet took over my corner of the driveway to give away free stuff….happy to hear each day, “Good morning, Bob” from Sr. Geraldine. Sad to see Fr. Bernie leave, I cried….sorry to see Fr. Boniface leave, I cried again. Happy to work under Fr. Sig….”Do not lean on the wall.” “Hymn books need to face one way!” Happy and blessed when Fr. Steve arrived; where else can you see in a parish the true meaning of family. Can you believe over the years all the improvements accomplished to the buildings, grounds and cemetery? Who would ever think Sr. Geraldine’s car would be out of the snow and rain….or that Sr. Janet would need a new rear window for her car when a 2 x 10 fell off of the roof? Or that St. Joseph’s Carnival during a week of rain would be in a swamp – you had to be there! To be continued………… Bob Sautter Generations of Faith Join us bringing to life the gifts you already have! Many new families are participating in our faith formation learning experiences called, Generations of Faith. Sr. Geraldine is looking for people who have served as catechists in the past and would be willing to teach a small class of children once or twice a year. In November the opportunities include the evening of Friday, November 14, the morning of November 15 and the afternoon of Sunday November 16. Attendance at Virtus ®, Protecting God’s Children is required as well as a background check. Lesson plans and all class materials are provided. If you are able to assist on any of these dates please send Sr. Geraldine a message at Thank you. Drastic evils call for draconian prohibitions and this explains the harshness of Yahweh’s language in our First Reading from Exodus 22: “You shall not wrong any widow or orphan. If ever you wrong them and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry. My wrath will flare up, and I will kill you with the sword; then your own wives will be widows, and your children orphans.” Such language from God shocks us especially in a society where prohibiting anything, except perhaps trans fats and large soft drinks, is not looked on kindly. Certainly God does not intend to create more orphans and widows as a just response to wrongs committed against these same. It is hyperbolic language whose exaggeration carries home the point of the message with force. In fact, how God uses human vocabulary and how we understand the same words almost never agree. Take for instance Jesus’ promise to return soon; soon to us is a short earthly while but Jesus intends God’s time and not ours. Soon, in this case, is an eternity to us but a blink of an eye for God. In today’s Gospel (Matthew 22) a similar vocabulary glitch is afoot. When Jesus says, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” we take this to mean we should give the same care and attention to our neighbor as we would spend on ourselves. We even state Jesus’ command sometimes as “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Not a bad interpretation but not exactly the fullness of what Christ intended. What Jesus really means is that your neighbor is yourself; there are not two persons but one only in this understanding. “See your neighbor as another self,” is a better translation albeit still not carrying the intensity of Jesus’ will in this matter. A while back (earthly time) I asked a pediatric nurse to complete a certificate in Catholic Bioethics so that I might have a well trained professional for parishioners to consult. Mrs. Ranft, a devout parishioner of St. Catherine’s where I was associate, rose to the challenge and beyond obtaining a degree and not just a certificate. Already a pediatric nurse she turned her skills to offering specialized in home care for infants born with severe challenges. Now a Catholic Bioethicist and still practicing pediatric nurse she is ready to offer her immense experience and studies to the parishes of our area. I cannot thank her enough and encourage all who may need such skills to take advantage of her information session described here below. Some may even be able to lend their own experiential or studied skill sets to this nascent and necessary ministry. A Positive Response to a Serious Prenatal Diagnosis More than 100,000 expectant couples each year receive the devastating news of a so-called poor prenatal diagnosis. It may be the detection of a heart defect, spina bifida, or genetic syndrome, but whatever the diagnosis, the parents are shocked and bereaved. With little or no information or resources available that support the option of carrying to term, 80% of these pregnancies end in abortion. When offered a service of comprehensive support, however, 80% of parents chose to carry to term. A ministry which will offer this comprehensive support to couples experiencing a serious prenatal diagnosis and carrying to term is being developed for North Jersey. Peer ministers and volunteers are invited to be part of this important ministry. If you have carried to term following a prenatal diagnosis consider becoming a peer minister. Interested persons who may not have experienced a serious prenatal diagnosis can volunteer to support parents in other ways such as sewing, knitting, photography. An information presentation will be given at St. Catherine of Bologna Parish Center, Ringwood on Monday November 17th at 7:30pm. Questions call Kathy Ranft 973-962-9152. For more information on this ministry see and
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