MONTHLY MEMO October 2014 Wetherby & District bringing you news and updates

Wetherby & District
October 2014
bringing you news and updates
Tues 28 October
Open Meeting Methodist Church 2.30 pm
Prof. Michael Green "Naughty Nurses and Murderous Medics"
Weds 26 November
Open Meeting Methodist Church 2.30 pm
Colin Burgon “What it takes to be an MP”
Tues 16 December
Open Meeting Methodist Church 2.30 pm
Our very own “Showcase”
See below
For further dates and details of Open Meetings see page 4
Due to popular demand we are having a December Open Meeting for the first time.
The SHOWCASE programme will include performances by the Ukulele, Folk
Dancing and Singing for Fun groups and exhibitions by the Art Groups and
Photographic Groups. Make a date in your diaries: Tuesday 16th December at the
Methodist Church at 2.30. Afterwards there will be tea/coffee and mince pies. Come
along for some festive cheer.
U3A Committee
Next month there will be plenty of space for your contributions and for photos.
Why not submit a CLOSE UP of your activities or experiences either as an
individual or on behalf of your Group. In fact anything of interest to other
members — humorous or serious — would be welcome. 450 words per page
in Arial size 10 is about right. The closing date is 8th November.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Editor Joyce Bale 52010
Memory Course Pilot: October update.
The memory course pilot got off to a good start and the course ran with a full
complement of 12 group members. So far the feedback is overwhelmingly
positive. The general response to date is that it is both useful and enjoyable.
After the course our intention is to evaluate and amend as necessary so that
the Memory Course will become a regular feature on Wetherby’s calendar. It
seems we already have sufficient names for our proposed follow up in the spring!
Jen Scott 01423 339504
More general information about this course can be found at :
Spanish for Beginners
The Group is now up and running, it meets weekly on Wednesday at 10.30 am.
Details from the group leader
Val Wilby 849265
New Testament Greek
Has had an initial meeting. The group will meet fortnightly on Tuesdays at 3pm.
Next meeting November 4th. Further details from
Mary Bentham 587694
Cake Decorating
This has had to be put on hold at the moment as there was insufficient response to
make the group viable. It is hoped to try again in the New Year.
Digital Camera Group 2
One group of enthusiasts has already started meeting monthly with leader Steven
Wicks. He is now offering a second course starting in November. For details and to
discuss what he plans to cover in the course, please contact
Steven Wicks 845954
in brief
Book Group change of leader to
Jean Drummond 83129
French Conversation change of leader to
Denise Melsome 843303
Friendship & Support change to various venues.
Contact Neal Priestland 579045
Play Reading 2 change of leader to
Anita Fearnley 584529
For the correct latest information always check the website.
Changes happen almost daily.
Reports from the Group Leaders themselves
Art Appreciation
On 25th September we had a most interesting talk from Anne Goodchild, formerly
Senior Curator at Sheffield Art Gallery and now a lecturer. Her speciality is Winifrid
& Ben Nicholson & Christopher Wood who were all important artists of the Modern
Movement in Britain and France. Her fascinating book called “Dear Winifrid” tells
of the correspondence between them.
At our next meeting in November we shall look at women artists.
We are always looking for new members for our Group which is very informal and
friendly. Meetings are open to all,
Sarah Raynar 585794
French Conversation
We are a small group who enjoy meeting to practise our French in a friendly and
encouraging environment.We welcome newcomers who have a basic command
of French and are interested in developing their spoken language and
grammatical skills to be able to hold conversations with French people in their
own language.Please get in touch to discuss this further.
Denise Melsom 843303,
Historic Houses 1
On 7th October a party of 36 members met at Allerton Castle for their 32nd and
final visit. After five summers and four winters of visits and talks this Group is
now taking a rest. More details in the November Newsletter.
Joyce Bale 520180
Rhythm & Movement
We resumed on the 9th October after a break in September. We were happy to
welcome new members and still have room for any member wanting to exercise
to music of the 60's 70's and 80's. We meet at Collingham Memorial Hall on the
2nd and 4th Thursday of the month starting at 10.30 a.m
Table Tennis 2
This group is now well established. A mixed ability group that meets every
Wednesday afternoon in the Methodist Church Hall, from 3.30-4.30pm. There is
room for a few more players. For further information contact
Julie Brooks 584573
Ultra Walks
This year we have walked about 110 miles walking between 11 and 17 miles each
month. We have had some stunning walks and the weather has been very kind to
us. Our walks haveusChop Gate, Gunnerside, Wharfedale, Runswick Bay, The Hole
of Horcum, Leighton Reservoir and Fountains Abbey.
Sue Howard 520123
Psychology Group 3
Will relaunch on Monday 10th November under the leadership of Chris Baugh starting
with a Brief History of Psychology and a look at the Bystander Effect. Meetings will
be held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 2.00 pm.
Group 1 is now undertaking a mix of recapping the early topics and looking at new
Group 2 has been meeting for just over a year and is in the middle of the two year
series of topics. There are a limited number of places available in each Group so if
you are interested please contact
Peter Wilson 584597
Stephen Widdison Retains
County U3A Racketball Title For Wetherby
The annual Yorkshire U3A Racketball Championships took place at Heaton
Squash & Racketball Club. The event is as much about the social gathering of
20+ players from many U3A groups but the competitive element remains.
Stephen Widdison, after five victories on the day, retained the title he won last
year. The next event is the Team Competition on the 29th October at Chapel
Allerton Squash Club, Leeds. Wetherby U3A will be represented and looking to
bring back the trophy.
Wetherby U3A Racketball Group meets Mondays and Tuesdays at 10.00 a.m.
at Collingham Squash & Racketball Club. New members always welcome, no
previous experience necessary. Contact:Stephen Widdison 574472, 07802 370995
Wetherby Methodist Church at 2.30 p.m. unless otherwise stated
£2 entry for non members
Tuesday 28 October, Wednesday 26th November,
Tuesday 16th December (Showcase), Wednesday 29th January
This MONTHLY MEMO is a U3A news update for immediate ready reference.
The NEWSLETTER is usually published in February, July & November and the
MONTHLY MEMO on the remaining months except December.
See our web site for further information such as Group
Leaders details and membership application forms.
>>Closing date for final copy for the November Newsletter will be Sat 8 Nov<<
—------------------------------------------------------------—––––----------------------------------U3A Wetherby contacts:
Mike Green
Jane Berry
Editor Newsletters & Monthly Memos 520180
Wetherby & District U3A. Registered Charity Number 1143289