St. Nicholas Parish 24252 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92637

St. Nicholas Parish
24252 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92637
(949) 837-1090; FAX (949) 837-9510;
School of Religious Education: (949) 837-7676
Our Parish Mission Statement
St. Nicholas Parish is a Catholic community, celebrating our faith
through the Sacraments, Liturgy, Prayer and Service. We strive to nurture family life
and to create one body out of many in the Lord.
We share the Good News with people of all ages, cultures and faith backgrounds.
Senior Priest:
In Residence
Visiting Priest
Visiting Priest
Visiting Priest
Visiting Priest
Spanish Deacon
Rev. Richard Delahunty
Rev. Michael Mai Khai Hoan
Rev. Timothy MacCarthy, Retired
Rev. Msgr. Colm Conlon
Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Gibson
Rev. Msgr. John Campbell
Rev. Gerald Walker
Wayne Thompson
Luis Gallardo
Fourth Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M.
Arrangements must be made a month in advance.
Parents must attend two preparation sessions.
Arrangements must begin at least three months in
advance with a priest of the parish.
Call Parish Office in an emergency.
Special Service celebrated in fall/spring as announced.
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 P.M., 7:00 P.M. in Spanish
Sunday: 7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 10:45 A.M., 12:30 P.M.,
and 5:00 pm in Vietnamese.
Monday through Friday: 7:00 A.M., and 9:00 A.M.
Saturday at 9:00 A.M.
Filipino Mass: 5:30 P.M. First Saturdays, October-June.
Holy Days: 4PM Vigil; 7AM, 9AM, 12PM, 6PM, and
7:30PM (Vietnamese)
Saturday 9:45-10:15 A.M., and 3:00-3:45 P.M.,
or by appointment.
At the death of a family member, please call the
Parish Office at your earliest convenience to plan
for the Mass of Christian Burial.
24-hour adoration begins the second Wednesday
of the month at the 9:00 A.M. Mass.
Wednesday evenings at 7:30 P.M.
Recitation of the Holy Rosary and Benediction.
Parish Office Hours: Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
Monday through Friday: 9A.M. -12 Noon; 1P.M. - 4:30P.M.;
6P.M. - 8P.M. Saturday: 9A.M. - 12 Noon
October 26, 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Do you receive the word of God with
joy as the Thessalonians did? Their faith
showed in their actions. They became
models for other believers.
The first reading tells us to put our
faith into action. This passage is part of a
long list of ordinances God commanded
the Israelites to observe. God will judge
us by how we treat our neighbors. God
will hear the cries of any whom we
neglect or mistreat and will come to their
In today’s Gospel the Pharisees put
the question of God’s law to Jesus.
“Which commandment of the law is the
greatest?” (Matthew 22:36) How could
he possibly choose from all the detailed
commandments the Jews observed? He
was sure to offend somebody by his
answer! Of course, Jesus went right to
the heart of the matter. Love is the
greatest commandment—love of God and
love of neighbor. Everything else is
based on this. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Altar Server Training
Attention Boys and Girls, 5th Grade or older.
Here is a wonderful opportunity to serve our
Parish in this ministry of service.
If you are a student in our School of Religious
Education program and have made your First Holy
Communion, we welcome you to join us on
Monday, October 27th, at 6PM to 7PM
in the Church.
Please call Paul Gerrard
at 699-0162 if you have questions
or want more information.
Daylight Savings Time ends
Sunday, November 2nd
and time will FALLBACK
to Standard Time.
REMEMBER TO set your
clocks back one hour!
The Library is open on Sundays 10AM to 12:30PM &
Wednesday, 2PM to 4PM.
We are located behind the Parish Office in Room C.
Stewardship of Treasure
“Stewardship is not about our generosity; it is our response to God’s generosity.”
October 12th
World Mission
$ 4,401.00
$ 4,913.00
52-Weekly Required Budget
October 26, 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Calendar This Week
7AM Charles Jerome Davis
9AM George Atkinson (d)
7AM Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Garcia (d)
9AM In thanksgiving
7AM Angelo Muliere (d)
9AM Dr. Luke Yang (d)
7AM Olga Santillano (d)
9AM Isabel Cortez (d)
7AM Nenito Santiago
9AM Joseph Vincent Ha
9AM All Souls
4PM George Dunseth (d)
7PM Francisco Romero
7:30AM Livia, Federico & Marcello Vaquozzi (d)
9:00AM For the Parish
10:45AM Julia Cipriano De Odiaga (d)
12:30PM Robert Launiere (d)
We Remember
Albertine Vos and Gerald Barry
who entered their new and eternal life in Christ.
Our Parish condolences are extended
to their families.
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
First Reading: Exodus 22:20-26
You shall not oppress an alien, for you yourselves were
once aliens in Egypt.
Sewing Group, Small Hall, 8AM
Divine Mercy, Room A, 3PM
Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM
Altar Server Training, Church, 6PM
Micah’s Way, Kitchen, 6PM
Faith Alive, Room C, 7PM
Hispanic Rosary Group, Church, 7PM
Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM
Unity Group, Room C, 7PM
SRE for 7 & 8, Parish Center downstairs, 7PM
Confirmation II, Parish Center upstairs, 7PM
Oracion Talleres Group, Room A, 7PM
St. Nicholas Chorale, Small Hall, 7:15PM
ESL Classes, Rooms B&C, 9AM
Charismatic Prayer Group, Room A, 10AM
Library Ministry, Room C, 2PM
Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM
Devotions & Benediction, Church, 7:30PM
Filipino Choir, Small Hall, 8PM
Faith Alive, Room A, 10AM
Hispanic RCIA, Room B, 6:30PM
Hispanic Council, Room C, 6:30PM
RCIA, Rooms 201-204, 7PM
St. Nicholas Choir, Small Hall, 7:15PM
Fr. Dick, Bible Study, Room 201, 9:45AM
Little Company of Mary, Small Hall, 10AM
Divine Mercy, Room C, 1:45PM
Hispanic Group, Preparation in Parish Center, 6PM
Hispanic Bible Study, Small Hall, 6:30PM
First Saturday Devotions, Room C, 9:30AM
Filipino Choir, Small Hall, 4PM
Hispanic Choir, Room C, 4PM
Hispanic Group Reception, Parish Center, after 7PM Mass
Library Ministry, Room C, 10AM—12:30PM
Psalm 18: I love you, Lor d, my str ength.
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10
You became imitators of the Lord, so that you became
a model for all believers.
Gospel: Matthew 22:34-4
You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart,
and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Saturday, November 1st
All Saints Day
is NOT a
Holy Day of Obligation
this year.
October 26, 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
School of
Religious Education
Schedule of Classes for all SRE Grades:
Elementary Classes: Monday thr ough Wednesday,
October 27, 28, 29 from 4:15PM to 5:30PM in Parish
Center downstairs.
Junior High Classes: October 28 fr om 7PM to
8:30PM in Parish Center downstairs.
Confirmation I Classes: November 4 from 7PM to
8:30PM in Rooms 201-204 in the Parish Center upstairs.
Confirmation II Classes: October 28 fr om 7PM to
8:30PM in Rooms 201-204 in the Parish Center upstairs.
In honor of St. Nicholas’ 50th Anniversary in 2015, SRE
students will be collecting stuffed animals for the rest of
October to donate to the Orangewood Children’s
Foundation Annual Christmas Party. Please bring all
stuffed animals to your SRE Class—THANK YOU!
evening, November 2, don’t forget to turn your clocks
back one hour which means it will be getting darker
earlier. We ask you to be especially careful when you
pick up your children from SRE Classes at 5:30PM,
because it will be dark. First and Second Grade Students
should be picked up from their classrooms.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Check us out on Facebook!
Thank you to all who helped with
the Kidsfest last Saturday!
It couldn’t have been done without you!
Tootsie Roll Drive…
THANKS for collecting donations for the Knights of
Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive after the Masses this
Coming in NOVEMBER…
Teen Choir Rehearsal: Thur sday, November 13;
the 2nd rehearsal will be announced on the 13th.
Teen Mass on November 29 at 4PM—JOIN US!
Watch the Bulletin and Facebook
for more activities to be scheduled.
Mass for the Unborn at St. Timothy’s
On Friday, November 7th, a Mass for the Unborn Child will be
held at St. Timothy’s Church, Laguna Niguel.
A rosary prayer service starts at 6:30PM in the courtyard,
followed by Mass at 7PM celebrated by Monsignor John Urell.
A reception will follow the Mass in their Parish Hall featuring
several speakers including Birth Choice Clinics.
This event is being hosted by the
Knights of Columbus Council at St. Timothy’s Church.
We hope you can attend and raise the level of our prayers to end
abortions in our country. May God Bless America where we can
exercise our religious beliefs and freedoms.
For more information, contact Al DiDomenico,
St. Nicolas Respect Life Representative—949-461-1025.
to those who made donations to help defray the costs of the
Funeral for Jennifer Campos. It is deeply appreciated.
Hispanic Prayer Group Events
October 25—Lord of the Miracles
The Council of Catholic Women
will have its General Meeting
on Friday, November 7th.
Social Time begins 9:30AM;
The Meeting begins at 10:10AM.
We are fortunate to have as our speaker
Msgr. John Campbell.
Please bring can tabs for Ronald McDonald House,
cosmetics for the prison ministry, and
pennies for Water for Life.
Questions? Call: Noel—949-455-0116
6:15PM Procession
Reception—Parish Center
November 1—Bishop Kevin Vann & Fr. Charbel
Spanish Mass
Reception—Parish Center
November 15 & 16—Tamales
After all Masses—Parish Center
December 12—Our Lady of Guadalupe
Reception—Parish Center
Masses and events are in Spanish.
October 26, 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Month of All Souls
We associate November with remembrance of our beloved dead.
On November 1st, we celebrate the feast of All Saints.
(It is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year because it falls on a Saturday.)
On November 2nd, we have the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed,
commonly known as All Souls Day.
That day, in particular, is devoted to our beloved dead.
We also have a special MEMORIAL MASS on Saturday, November 8th at 9AM
for those who have died in the past year.
We remember our beloved ones at all the Masses during the month of November.
Envelopes are provided around the Church for you to list the names of those you wish to have remembered.
(You may also put an offering in those envelopes for those Masses. Please bring All Souls envelopes to the Parish
Office or place them in the weekend Collection basket. Please do NOT put them in the basket on the altar.)
November, especially All Souls Day, is a traditional time to visit the graves of our loved ones.
Mass is also celebrated in the Catholic Cemeteries on All Souls Day.
May our Loved Ones enjoy the glory of the Kingdom.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Dick
The Homeschooling Ministry
invites parishioners of all ages
to celebrate All Saints Day
during the 9AM Mass on
Saturday, November 1st.
Children are encouraged to dress as their favorite
Saint and join the procession during Mass.
After Mass join us in the Parish Center
to continue the celebration.
Please contact Veronica Richards to RSVP or 949-472-8520
Confused Catholic? Inactive Catholic?
Alienated Catholic?
An Advent Invitation
If you’ve been away from the Church—
drifting away from the Church—If you’ve been hurt by
the Church—If you’re confused or angry because of
our Catholic experience, please consider this
invitation to come and talk with us.
Perhaps this Christmas can be a time of
renewal of hope in your faith journey.
We’ll meet starting on Tuesday, November 11th,
at 7PM in Room A.
If interested, call Gloria at 768-7228.
Wordnet Productions presents
“The Word in the World”
with Fr. Mike Manning, SVD and guest
Every Wednesday at 8:30AM PT on:
Trinity Broadcasting (TBN)
Every Tuesday at 8:30AM & Friday 6:30AM PT on:
The Church Channel (TCC)
THANK YOU... World Mission Sunday
Thank you for your generous response to the Society for
the Propagation of the Faith on World Mission Sunday.
Our parish raised $4,913.00—generous help that will
reach the Church in Mongolia and local churches
throughout the Missions, where the poor receive practical
help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His
hope and peace. For more information, please visit
Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive
The Annual Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive
is this weekend after all Masses.
The Knights will be outside the Church accepting your
donations. The proceeds assist people with intellectual
disabilities within our community.
The Knights are grateful to parishioners
for their generous support.
October 26, 2014
TODAY is Priesthood Sunday:
Today is Priesthood Sunday, a special day set aside to thank
our priests. These special men are such an important part of the
Church, and we are sure in your life. Don’t forget to tell them
how much you appreciate all that they do for us. If you didn’t
bring a note or a card today, bring it next week!
Senior Priest:
In Residence:
Visiting Priest:
Visiting Priest:
Visiting Priest:
Visiting Priest:
Visiting Priest:
Visiting Priest:
Rev. Richard Delahunty
Rev. Michael Mai Khai Hoan
Rev. Timothy MacCarthy, Retired
Rev. Msgr. Colm Conlon
Rev. Msgr. John Campbell
Rev. Gerald Walker
Rev. Dang Chin
Rev. Juan Caboboy
Rev. Charbel Grbavac
Example thoughts for a note:
Thank our priests for their dedication, generosity,
and leadership in our church.
State at least one way our priests personally
enrich your life and thank them.
Prepare a spiritual bouquet with prayers, rosaries that
you will say, or have a mass and prayers said for our priests.
On October 26th, give your note, and/or spiritual bouquet to
specific priests, or leave it at the Parish Office.
You could also put it in the collection basket.
Vocation Awareness Week
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
40 Days For Life
From September 24th through November 2nd our
community will join a worldwide peaceful pro-life effort
that consists of three components: Prayer & Fasting,
Community Outreach, and Peace Vigil. With God’s
help, 40 Days for Life will save thousands of babies from
abortion throughout this country and abroad.
The Orange County Peace Vigil is located at the Planned
Parenthood Abortion Center at 700 South Tustin Ave,
Orange. The hours are 6AM to 6PM every day. Please
contact Kiersten Lynch by email:
to arrange for a specific time that
you wish to pray at the abortion center.
You may also select a specific time by using the website: and link on the
available times and dates calendar.
For more information, contact Al DiDomenico,
Respect Life Representative, 949-461-1025.
Thank you for your prayers and participation.
A Great Big THANK YOU!
Last Saturday’s Oktoberfest, the main fundraiser for the
SRE, was a great success and we thank everyone who took
part in this event. Special kudos to our many volunteers
who donated their time and talent to making this a fun day
on which we celebrate our St. Nicholas Parish families and
“National Vocation Awareness Week”
will be celebrated in our country
November 2-8, 2014.
Please ask Our Lord for more dedicated holy priests,
deacons, and consecrated men and women.
May they be inspired by Jesus Christ, supported by
our faith community, and respond generously to
God’s gift of a vocation.
Men Interested in Diocesan Priesthood
You are invited to the next “Priesthood Discernment”
evening. The meeting familiarizes interested men with
the life, prayer, and possible call to Priesthood in the
Diocese of Orange. There is no commitment on your
part, other than the expression of interest to participate.
Wednesday—11/5—at 6PM- Diocese of Orange
Pastoral Center, 1st floor, Room 1D,
Christ Cathedral Campus
Additional 2014 Priesthood Discernment Meetings:
Wednesday, December 3rd
Congratulations to the winners of the Cash Raffle:
Margaret Garner
Joan Richards
Sharlyn Noetzel
Ed Parrilla
Concetta Pinelli
Joan Bautista
John McDaid
Paul Gerrard
Jean Fisher
Beer Barrel Raffle Winners:
$127 Joshua Shephardson
Joshua Shephardson