SUBMISSION OF FICTITIOUS AND MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS (MORE THAN ONE APPLICATIONS BY SAME PERSON) IS PROHIBITED AND SUCH APPLICATIONS' MONEY IS LIABLE TO CONFISCATION UNDER SECTION 18A OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ORDINANCE, 1969. INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES IS A HIGHLY RISKY BUSINESS BUSINESS. INVESTORS ARE ARE, THEREFORE THEREFORE, ADVISED IN THEIR OWN INTEREST TO CAREFULLY READ THE CONTENTS OF THE OFFER FOR SALE DOCUMENT ESPECIALLY THE RISK FACTORS BEFORE MAKING ANY INVESTMENT DECISION. SUBSCRIPTION DATES SAIF POWER LIMITED FROM NOVEMBER 11, 2014 TO NOVEMBER 12, 2014 during banking hours APPLICATION FOR SUBSCRIPTION OF ORDINARY SHARES For the applicant(s) opting for credit of their account in the Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited (Refer to instruction No.4 on the reverse hereof) Shares Delivery/Credit Options (Please Tick One) SUB ACCOUNT NUMBER HOUSE A/C NO. OR CDC INVESTOR ACCOUNT SERVICES ID KSE 01 LSE 02 ISE 03 Code CDC INVESTOR ACCOUNT NO. 1) I/We apply for the following number of Ordinary Shares for PKR 30.00/- per share in case of shares credited to CDC account and PKR 30.00/- per share in case of shares delivered physically, for the value indicated below: No. of Shares Applied For Amount Payable in PKR Cheque/ Demand Draft/Pay Order No. Banker's Stamp 2) I/We agree to accept the same or any smaller number of Shares that may be allotted to me/us upon the terms as stated in the Offer for Sale Document. I/We authorize you to send the Shares to me/us pursuant to this application and if no Shares or a smaller number of Shares are allotted to me/us you are hereby authorized to return to me/us by cheque or other means my/our application money for the amount of shares not delivered by post at my/our risk to the address written below, or to the Banker to the Offer through which I/we have submitted this application. For Pakistanis Resident For Bankers The Directors, Saif Power Limited, Kulsum Plaza, Blue Area, Islamabad CDC PARTICIPANT / ACCOUNT HOLDER ID Broker’s Stamp & Code Physical (PKR 30.00/-) For B Brokers CDC (PKR 30.00/-) Bank Code Branch Code Application Serial No. 01 02 Non-resident 3) DECLARATION I/We declare that: i) I am/We are national(s) of ____________________________________________________________________________; ii) I am/We are not minor(s); iii) I/We have not made nor have I/we instructed any other person(s)/institution(s) to make any other application(s) in my/our name(s) or in the name of any other person on my/our behalf or in any fictitious name; iv) I/We agree to abide by the instructions provided with this application and in case of any information given herein being incorrect I/we understand that I/we shall not be entitled to the allotment of Shares if successful rather the application money shall be liable to confiscation if this declaration proves to be incorrect at any time. Yours faithfully, a) Signature(s) 4)) ALL DETAILS MUST BE WRITTEN IN B L O b) C K - L E T T E R S IN THE SPACES PROVIDED,, LEGIBLY IN BLACK PEN a) Name in Full (as per CNIC) Mr. Ms. Mrs Co. Please Tick Father's/Husband's Name (as per CNIC) Identity Number P / Registration R i i N (CNIC/ Passport/ No.)) Full Address Phone No., if any Occupation Code Bank Account No. Bank Name Muslim Non Muslim Branch Name & Address Additional Information - For Non-Resident Pakistanies and Foreign Investors Only Date of Issue of Passport (DD-MM-YYYY) Place of Issue of Passport Corporate Business Letter enclosed Yes No Nationality Code Country of Residence 5) FOR JOINT HOLDER, IF ANY b) Name in Full (as per CNIC) Mr. Ms. Mrs Co. Please Tick Identity Number (CNIC/ Passport/ Registration No.) No ) 6) DIVIDEND MANDATE (Optional): Mark tick [ ] in the appropriate boxes Yes [ ] No [ ] Incase the Applicant intends that if shares applied for are transferred to him/it and the dividend declared by the company, if any, is credited directly in his/it bank account, instead of issue of dividend warrants, then please fill in the following boxes: Title of Account Account Number B kN Bank Name Signature of the Applicant as per the Bank account Branch Name and Address (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE APPLICANT’S BANKER) 7) It is certified that the above-mentioned applicant(s) is/are maintaining account number as mentioned above at this bank branch and his/her/their particulars and signature(s) are correct and verified as p per the bank's record and thier CNIC/Passport. p It is further certified that only y one application pp has been made in the name of the above account holder through g this branch. We also confirm that the original CNIC/Passport has been seen by us. Note: In case the subscription money is paid through a bank other than the Bankers to the Offer (through pay order or bank draft), this certification shall be provided by the manager of the bank where the applicant maintains his/her bank account. SPECIMEN SIGNATURE(S) OF THE APPLICANT NAME OF THE APPLICANT IN BLOCK LETTERS ((AS PER CNIC)) Bank’s Authorized Signatory Bank’s Rubber Stamp SPECIMEN SIGNATURE(S) ( ) a) b) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bankers to the Offer's Provisional acknowledgement of application for Shares of Saif Power Limited Received from Mr/Ms/Mrs. _______________________________________________________________________________ application for _____________________________________ Shares/Certificates . Name of Bank Branch Code Application Serial No. IMPORTANT: ((i)) This slip p must be retained by y the Applicant pp ii)) Please read instructions p provided with this application pp Date of Receipt Signature & Rubber Stamp of Receiving Bank APPLICATION N INSTRUCTIONS FOR INVEST TORS GENERAL INSTRUCTIIONS 1. Eligible invesstors includes: a. b. c. d. Pakistanni citizens resident in or outside Pakistan P or Persons holding twoo nationalities including Pakistanni nationality; Foreign Nationals whether living in or ouutside Pakistan; Companies, bodies corporate or other leegal entities incorporated or estaablished in or outside Pakistan (tto the extent permitted by their constitutive c documents and existting regulations, as the case maay be); Mutual Funds, F Provident/pension/gratuity funds/trusts, (subject to the terms of the Trust Deed and existing regulations); and e. Branches in Pakistan of companies and bodies corporate incorporated outside o Pakistan. 2. ON MUST BE MADE ON THE CO OMMISSION’S APPROVED AP PPLICATION FORM OR A LEG GIBLE PHOTOCOPY THEREOF F ON A PAPER OF A4 SIZE WE EIGHING ATLEAST 62 GM. APPLICATIO 3. Copies of Offfer for Sale Document and ap pplication forms can be obtain ned from the members of Karrachi Stock Exchange Limited d, Lahore Stock Exchange Lim mited, Islamabad Stock Exchaange Limited, the Bankers to the t Offer and their branch hes, the Lead Managers, Fin nancial Advisors & Arrangeers and the registered officee of the Company. The Offfer for Sale Document and the application forms can also be downloaded from the website: wer & 4. The Applicantts opting for scripless form of Shares S are required to completee the relevant sections of the appplication. In accordance with provisions of the Central Depositories Act, 1997 and the CDC Regulations, R credit of such Shares is allowed ONLY in the applicant’s a own CDC Account. Inn case of discrepancy between the t information provided in the application a form and the information already held by CDS, the Offeror O reserves the right to transsfer shares in physical form. 5. Name(s) and address(es) must be written in full f block letters, in English and should s not be abbreviated. 6. All applicationns must bear the name and signnature corresponding with that reecorded with the applicant’s bannker. In case of difference of signature with the bank and Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) ( or National Identity Cardd for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) or Passport both the signnatures should be affixed on the application form. 7. APPLICATIO ONS MADE BY INDIVIDUAL INV VESTORS 8. (i) In case c of individual investors, an attested a photocopy of CNIC (in case of RPs)/Passport (in casee of NRPs and FIs) as the case may be, should be enclosed and the number of CNIC/ Passpoort should be written against thee name of the appplicant. Copy of these documentss can be attested by any Federaal/Provincial Government Gazettted Officer, Councilor, Oath Com mmissioner or Head Master of High School or bank manager in the t country of applicant’s residence. (ii) Origginal CNIC/Passport, along withh one attested photocopy, must be produced for verification to the Banker to the Offer and thee applicant’s banker (if differentt from the Banker to the Offer) at a the time of presenting the appplication. The atteested photocopy will, after verificcation, be retained by the bank branch b along with the applicationn. APPLICATIO ONS MADE BY INSTITUTIONAL L INVESTORS (i) Appplications made by companies, corporate bodies, mutual funds, provident/pension/gratuity funds/trusts and other legal entit ies must be accompanied by an a attested photocopy of their Memorandum and Articles of Association A or equuivalent instrument / document. Where W applications are made byy virtue of Power of Attorney, thee same should also be submittedd along with the application. Anyy Federal/Provincial Governmennt Gazetted Officer, Councilor, Bank Manager, Oatth Commissioner and Head Masster of High School or bank manaager in the country of applicant’ss residence can attest copies of such documents. (ii) Atteested photocopies of the documeents mentioned in 8(i) must be produced p for verification to the Banker B to the Offer and the appliicant’s banker (if different from t he Banker to the Offer) at the tim me of presenting the application. The attested coppies, will after verification, be retaained by the bank branch along with the application. 9. Only one application will be accepted againstt each account, however, in casee of joint account, one applicatioon may be submitted in the namee of each joint account holder. 10. wo persons will not be accepted. In case of joint application each applicant must sign the appliccation form and submit attested copies of their CNICs//Passportt. The shares/certificates will be dispatched to Joint applicatiion in the name of more than tw the person whose name appears first on thee application form while in case of CDS, it will be credited to thhe CDS account mentioned on the t face of the form and where any amount is refundable, in whole w or in part, the same will bee refunded by w submitted, to the person nam med first on the application form m, without interest, profit or return. Please note that joint application will be considered as a singgle application cheque or othher means by post, or through thhe bank where the application was for the purposse of allotment of Shares. 11. Subscription money m must be paid by cheque drawn on applicant’s own bank account or pay order/bank draftt payable to one of the Bankers to t the Offer “Offer for Sale of Shares S of Saif Power Limited – General PublicAccount” andd crossed “A/C PAYEE ONLY Y”. 12. For the appliccations made through pay order//bank draft, it would be permissiible for a Banker to the Offer to deduct the bank charges while making refund of subscription money m to unsuccessful applicantts through pay order/bank draft individually for each application. 13. The applican nt should have at least one ban nk account with any of the commercial banks. Applicants not n having a bank account at all a (non-account holders) are not n allowed to submit applicattion for subscription of Sharess. 14. Applications are a not to be made by minors annd/or persons of unsound mind. 15. Applicants should ensure that the bank brancch, to which the application is submitted, completes the relevant portion of the application form. 16. Applicants shhould retain the bottom portion of o their application forms as proovisional acknowledgement of submission of their applications. This should not be construed as a an acceptance of the applicaation or a guarantee that the appplicant will be allotted the nuumber of Shares for which the application has been made. 17. Making of anyy false statements in the applicaation or willfully embodying incorrect information therein shall maake the application fictitious and the applicant or the bank shall be b liable for legal action. 18. Bankers to th he Offer are prohibited to reco over any charges from the sub bscribers for collecting subscription applications. Hence, th he applicants are advised not to pay any extra charges to th he Bankers to the Offer. 19. It would be permissible p for a Banker to the Offer to refund subscription n money to unsuccessful applicants having an account in its i bank by crediting such acccount instead of remitting the same by cheque, pay order or o bank draft. Applicants should, therefore, not fail to givve their bank account numberrs. 20. plications (more than one app plications by same person) is prohibited and such applicattions’ money is liable to conffiscation under section 18A of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, Submission of Fictitious and multiple app 1969. CTIONS FOR FOREIGN / NON--RESIDENT INVESTORS ADDITIONAL INSTRUC 21. In case of foreeign investors who are not individuals, applications must be acccompanied with a letter on appliccant’s letterhead stating the legaal status of the applicant, place of o incorporation and operations and line of business. A copy of memorandum of associationn or an equivalent document should also be enclosed, if available. Where applications are maade by virtue of Power of Attorney, the same must be lodged with w the application. Copies of thhese documents can be attested by the bank manager in thhe country of applicant’s residence. 22. Applicants maay also subscribe using their Speecial Convertible Rupee Accounnt (SCRA) as set out under the State S Bank of Pakistan’s Foreignn Exchange Manual. 1. The minimum m amount of application for subsccription of 500 shares is Rs 15,0000/- Application for shares below w the total value of Rs. 15,000//- shall not be entertained. 2. Application foor Shares must be made for 500 Shares or in multiple thereof onnly. Applications, which are neithher for 500 Shares nor for multiple thereof, shall be rejected. 3. Allotment/Transfer of Shares to successful appplicants shall be made in accorrdance with the allotment criteriaa/ instructions disclosed in the Offer for Sale Document. BASIS OF ALLOTMENT 4. Allotment of Shares S shall be subject to scrutinny of applications in accordancee with the criteria disclosed in thee Offer for Sale Document and/oor the instructions by the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. 5. Applicationss, which do not meet the abovee requirements, or application ns which are incomplete will be rejected. The applicants aree, therefore, required to fill in all a data fields in the Applicatio on Form. 6. The Companyy will dispatch shares to successsful applicants through their Bannkers to the Offer or credit the reespective CDS accounts of the successful s applicants (as the casse maybe). 7. BANKERS TO O THE OFFER 9. OC CCUPATION CODE Code Name of Banks Code Name of Banks Codee Occupation Code Occupation 01 Allied Bank Limited 07 Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited L 01 Business 06 Professional 02 Askari Bank Limited 08 NIB Bank Limited 02 Business Executive 07 Student 03 Bank Alfalah Limited 09 Silk Bank Limited 03 Service 08 Agriculturist 04 Bank of Punjab 10 Summit Bank Limited 04 Housewife 09 Industrialist 05 Faysal Bank Limited 11 United Bank Limited 05 Household 10 Other 06 Habib Bank Limited In order to faacilitate investors, United Ban nk Limited “UBL” is offering electronic submission of app plication (e-IPO) to its accountt holders. UBL account holdeers can use UBL Net banking to submit their application online via link http://www.u Further, please note that onlline applications can be subm mitted 24 hours a day during th he subscription period which will w close at 12:00 midnight on n November 12, 2014. 8. OVERSEAS BANKERS B TO THE OFFER 10. NA ATIONALITY CODE Code Name of Banks Code Name of o Banks Codee Name of Baanks Code Name of Banks 01 n/a 06 n/a 001 U.S.A 006 Bangladesh 02 n/a 07 n/a 002 U.K 007 China 03 n/a 08 n/a 003 U.A.E 008 Bahrain 04 n/a 09 n/a 004 K.S.A 009 Other 05 n/a 10 n/a 005 Oman For furtherr queries you may contact: Saif Power P Limited - Mr. Sohail Hyddari; P: +92 (51) 2829368 Ext 40021; E:sohail.hydari@saifgroup.ccom; Habib Bank Limited - Mr. Imran Sherani; P: +92 (21) 32443 9400; E: imran.sherani@hbl.ccom; Allied Bank Limited - Mr. Syed Tariq Ali; P: +92 (21) 111 110 110 Ext. 2317; E:; ; Arif Habib Limited d - Mr. Saifuddin Shamsi; P: +922 (21) 3246 5891; E:
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