Senior Mission Auxiliary First South Florida Missionary Baptist District Association

Senior Mission Auxiliary
Of the
First South Florida Missionary Baptist District Association
The Reverend Dr. C. R. Taylor, Moderator The Reverend Noel Scott, Advisor Sister Regina Lawrence, President
October 2014
Volume 5 Issue 1
Expressions of Gratitude
Greetings to you in the precious name of Jesus the Christ,
All praises, thanks and adoration to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost! It is
with gratitude and humility that we greet you and with a great sense of thankfulness to our Lord and
Savior, Jesus the Christ, for allowing us to serve you as the President of this Auxiliary during the past year!
We give honor and thanks to our Moderator, Dr. C. R. Taylor for his support; recognition to our Advisor, The
Reverend Noel H. Scott; respect and congratulations to our esteemed National, State and President Emeritus,
Dr. Barbara F. Wright for her continued encouragement,; special thanks to Congress Number Two President,
The Reverend Dr. Rollie Murray, for his cooperation; and, we are grateful to The Reverends Johnny McKinnie
and Remer Baker, Jr., for graciously hosting the Annual 500 Women in White Worship Service. Additionally, Our
love is expressed to the members of the Shiloh and St. Luke Church family for your cordiality in hosting to make
our stay one to remember; we acknowledge Sisters Deborah Ashley and Vernice Cason, for serving as Chairpersons; Sister Anna Pinellas for your hospitality; and all Program participants for your service, your love, goodwill
and support of this ministry is appreciated.
Even more, Vice Moderator Harper, to the pastors, ministers and their wives, Association officers, district officers,
ministry leaders, auxiliary presidents, congress presidents; local presidents, district presidents, Officers,
members and each of you who shared with us during the 500 Women in White Worship experience, please know
that, your attendance, diligence and financial support to this special service is valued. Your gifts will enable this
ministry to continue its vision of service, mission, education and evangelism. Thank you to each of you for your
presence, prayers, perseverance and benevolence throughout this past year of service.
Finally, as we keep before us the great commission, let us commit ourselves to, “Go ye therefore into the entire
world and teach all nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost”. We must continue to
share the good news that Jesus lives and Jesus saves, with all men, women, boys and girls. Our task is an
awesome responsibility and way of life, which we are commanded to fulfill daily, individually and collectively!
To God be the Glory for all of the things he has done!
“Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth”
Your Servant,
Regina Lawrence
Senior Mission
Page 2
For Your Planning Purposes
First South Florida Missionary Baptist District Association—November 11-15, 2014
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
654 West Anderson Street
Orlando, Florida 32805
The Reverend Dr. Rollie Murray, Jr., Host Pastor
The Reverend Dr. C. R. Taylor, Moderator
Senior Mission will meet at Bethel
Workshop Kit
*Unless enrolled with United Budget with, $900.00
**Included with personal enrollment
12:00 PM
1:15 PM
Pastors and Ministers and Wives Luncheon
Pastor's and Wives Conference
7:00-8:30 PM
Welcome Musical Program
9:45 AM
10:15 AM
10:45 AM
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
4:30 PM
7:00 PM
The Association Called to Order
Theme Speaker: Advisor Noel H. Scott
Annual Memorial Service: Reverend Arnold Cotton
Doctrinal Hour, Reverend Clem Bell, Shiloh, Dunedin
Mass Mission Meeting, Dr. Julius Wynn, Messenger
Evangelical Ministry, Reverend Billy Lock, Messenger
Introductory Service, 1st Baptist, Lakeland, Dr. Alex Harper
7:30 AM
9:45 AM
3:00 PM
8:00 PM
Senior Women's Ministry Workshop
Senior Women , Ministers, Deacons Wives President Hour
Moderator's Hour
Educational Emphasis, Reverend Dericho, Messenger
Meeting in Sanctuary, Bethel
Attire: White/Yellow Corsage
7:30-9:30 AM
9:45 AM
10:45 AM
1:30 PM
3:15 PM
6:30 PM
Senior Women's Ministry Workshop
Doctrinal Hour, Reverend Jeremiah Trotter
Health Awareness, Sister Wilma Garvin, Reverend C. A. Darby
Brotherhood, Deacon Keith Haygood, Reverend Milton Smith
WIA/YWA, Sister Sharla Cooley/Sister Nekesha Dunlap
Social Justice Hour, Moderator Kenneth Holley, Speaker
Meeting in Sanctuary, Bethel
8:00 PM
District Women Service, Orange County, Dr. Barnes, Speaker
Attire: Royal Blue and Silver
Attire: Black/White Accessories
Evangelical Ministry After Service, Reverend Robert Green
8:30 AM
Senior Women Annual Breakfast, Sister Anna Pinellas, Speaker
11:00 AM
Associational Business Meeting
Callahan Community Center
Page 3
Volume 5 Issue 1
Things to Remember:
Crowne Plaza, Orlando Downtown
304 West Colonial Drive
Orlando, Florida 32804 * 888.295.7563
“First South Florida”
Room Rate 89.00 per Night/12.5% tax
Room Choice
Standard King Room
Standard Queen Room (with double beds)
Check In: 4:00 PM
Check Out: 11:00 AM
$ 8.00—Self Parking
$18.00—Valet Parking
$ 75.00—Bus
Florida Memorial University
Miami, Florida
November 25, 2014
Transportation: Contact Dr. Wright, 813.242.8069
Please solicit donations from churches within your
local congress and send report to the District
President or bring to our Annual Session
November, 2014
When: September 2015
4:00 P.M.
Place: (Your Place of Worship Here)
Prayer Breakfast—Please make report to Sister Betty
Smothers As Soon As Possible
Congressional Reports—Come prepared to make a Report
Back to School Projects—Send information to Sister Altamese
Thompson for her report on Thursday!
Crest Centennial Yearbook Special Centennial Edition
Congress Presidents PLEASE solicit at Least 10 Full-Page ADS from
Churches in your Congress; an Ad from each Auxiliary and/or
Auxiliary leader in your local Congress, Personal Ads from other
Leaders, Business Ads, members and Friends!!! Bring as many as
possible to our Annual Session.
Full– Page: $125.00; Half-Page: $70.00;
 Quarter Page: $35.00; Business Card: $20.00
 Patron: $10.00
Senior Women’s Ministry Officer—2014
First South Florida Missionary Baptist
District Association
Senior Mission Auxiliary
Contact Information:
Regina Lawrence
Sister Regina Lawrence, President
Dr. Barbara F. Wright, President Emeritus
Sister Cynthia Lester, First Vice President
Sister Donesa Jackson, Second Vice President
Sister Betty Smothers, Third Vice President
Sister Calette Miller, Recording Secretary
Sister Sharon Mathis, Corresponding Secretary
Sister Mary Brown, Financial Secretary
Sister Jerri Johnson, Assistant Financial Secretary
Sister Frankye Salph, Dean of Workshop
Sister Calette Miller, Assistant Dean of Workshop
Sister Altamese Thompson, Back to School Project
Sister Ann McDowell, Ushers Chairperson
Sister Ann Mallard, Assistant Ushers Chairperson
Sister Pamela Robinson, Local Presidents Committee Chairperson
Dr. Nora Woodard, Foreign Mission Committee Chairperson
Sister Ruby Bridgeforth, Musician
Congress Presidents
Dr. Nora Woodard, Congress Number One
Sister Deborah Ashley, Congress Number Two
Sister Lovetta Palmer, Congress Number Three
Sister Cynthia Lester, Congress Number Four
Sister Vera Hardee, Congress Number Five
Please keep in mind
Continue to pray for
all of our
Local Churches
And Leaders