Dec. 23, 1952 A A. B. NEWTQN 2,622,390 CONTROL APPARATUS, INCLUDING AN AUXILIARY POWER RECOVERY TURBINE FOR TURBO-SUPERCHARGED ENGINES Filed Feb. 28, 1946 _ 4 Sheets-Sheet l .77 IN VENTOI? ?L WIN 3. IVEWTU/V I Dec. 23, 1952 . A. B. N EWTON CONTROL APPARATUS. INCLUDING AN AUXILIARY POWER 2,622,390 RECOVERY TURBINE FOR TURBO-SUPERCHARGED ENGINES 4' Sheets-Sheet 2 Filed Feb. 28, 1946 ‘lull lllllllllri IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI AIIIIIIH ‘MAINW QR I~ & x g u? i \ll:/ kw mw m H B V: R. .» Nw N Z WM. M ma.## Dec. 23, 1952 A. B. NEWTON _ 2,622,390 CONTROL APPARATUS. INCLUDING AN AUXILIARY POWER RECOVEPJ!v TURBINE FOR TURBO-SUPERCHARGED ENGINES Filed Feb. 28, 1946 4 Sheets-Sheet 3 78 9/? 77 ./ Dec. 23, 1952 . A. B. NEWTON ' 2,622,390 CONTROL APPARATUS, INCLUDING AN AUXILIARY POWER RECOVERY TURBINE FOR TURBO-SUPERCHARGED ENGINES Filed Feb. 28, 1946 4 Sheets-Sheet 4 17?. j. M? I84 ' A90 1% 356 705 INVENTOR. ?LW/N 5'. NEWTON BY 2,622,390 Patented Dec. 23, 1952 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,622,390 CONTROL APPARATUS, INCLUDING AN AUXILIARY POWER RECOVERY TUR BINE FOR TURBO-SUPERCHARGED ENGINES Alwin B. Newton, Dayton, Ohio, assignor to Min neapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company, Min neapolis, Minn, a corporation of Delaware Application February 28, 1946, Serial No. 651,007 8 Claims. . (Cl. 60-13) 1 2 omitted, showing a slight modi?cation of the sys This invention relates generally to improve tem of Figure 3 for using the recovered power. ments in power plants of the internal combustion Figure 5 is a view similar to Figure 1 but illus type and particularly as commonly employed for trating a modi?cation of the control system for aircraft. The invention has particular reference to the (Fl the power recovering means and showing the apparatus in greater schematic detail. utilization of normally wasted power 'of internal combustion engines, as represented by the dis Figure 1 charge of the exhaust gases as waste to the at Referring now more particularly to Figure l mosphere. It is, of course, common practice to use a part of the power present in the exhaust 10 of the drawing, I have illustrated therein, in a diagrammatical fashion, a complete‘ aircraft gas flow for the operation of the turbine driving power plant including an internal combustion the supercharging compressor which supplies the engine It having a power shaft ll driving ‘a air for combustion to the engine, and it is for propeller l2. Air for supporting combustion in use with power plants of this design that my in the engine It is taken through an intake [3 and vention is best adapted. passes through a compressor I4, a conduit [5, an I am aware of the fact that previous attempts after cooler It, a conduit 11, a carburetor l8, a have been made to successfully embody in a throttle i9, a conduit v20, a second compressor power plant a means for using the power of the exhaust gases, over and above that necessary for 2| andthrough an intake manifold system 22 operating the turbo-supercharger, but it is the primary object of my present invention to pro vide an improved system or apparatus for this purpose, of a practical nature and well adapted into the engine. The compressor M is driven by a gas turbine 23 and together therewith forms a unit commonly known as a turbo-supercharger. The after-cooler It removes the heat of com to use in connection with the various controls necessary in such installations. pression of the air supplied by compressor [4 and for this purpose receives fresh air through an intake '24, passes it in heat exchanging rela tion to the air ?owing toward the engine, and mechanism or systems for this purpose which ?nally discharges the cooling air from an out afford the precision in adjustments necessary to let 25. The carburetor [8 mixes fuel with the prevent the building up of excessive exhaust back pressures on the engine, which would reduce the 30 air while the throttle [9 controls the supply of the combustible mixture thus formed, being here power thereof and defeat my purpose, and to shown as adjusted by a hand control 26. prevent robbing the turbo-supercharger of the The compressor 2! is directly driven from the power necessary to adequately supply the engine engine as indicated at 21 and in addition to add with air for combustion, which would have the ing compression to the gas mixture aids in dis same e?ect. tributing such mixture to ‘all cylinders of the Still another object is to provide improved engine. means for utilizing the power recovered in this The supercharger compressor I4 is of the cen manner to augment the power or the work done Another object is to provide improved control by the engine itself. These ‘and other objects I attain in the manner now to be set forth and claimed and in the course of the description reference is had to the accompanying drawing wherein: Figure 1 illustrates diagrammatically the ap trifugal type in which the rate of compression varies in accordance with its speed. The speed at which the turbine 23 operates thus controls the compression, or the pressure of the air sup plied to the engine. The turbine 23 is powered by exhaust gas from plication of one form of my power recovery sys 45 the engine l0, these gases being led from an ex haust manifold 28 of the engine through a con tem to an internal combustion aircraft engine. duit or duct 29 and discharged to impinge the having conventional turbo-supercharger and buckets on the turbine wheel 30 through a nozzle other control elements. ring 3!, the gases thus used being delivered Figure 2 illustrates a slight modi?cation of the through the wheel to atmosphere as indicated. system of Figure 1. There is also conventionally provided a discharge Figure 3 is a diagrammatic-a1 showing of an duct or outlet 32 in which is located a damper other modi?cation of my power recovery idea-s, il like throttle valve 33. As the valve 33 is opened lustrating the use of an auxiliary propeller for using the recovered power. Figure 4 is a similar view, with some parts 7 the gases may ?ow past 'it with less resistance than presented by the turbine and thus the posi 2,622,390 3 4 tion of this valve precisely controls the amount of the gases diverted through the turbine, and the operating speed of the turbo-supercharger the exhaust conduit 29 between the engine I9 and the turbine 23 of the turbo-supercharger. In lieu, then, of the valve 33 previously described, unit as a whole. a throttle or throttle valve 49 is arranged in the exhaust conduit 29 and is connected for operation by a motor 50 similar to that indicamd The valve 33 is positioned by a reversible. elec tric motor 34 through the linkage designated generally at 35 and the motor is in turn con trolled and energized by an impedance network above at 34 and controlled in a similar manner. and electronic ampli?er 35 under the primary The position of this throttle 49 will obviously vary the admission of the exhaust gases to the control of a pressure sensing controller 31 con nected by a duct 33 to the conduit [1, and‘ a turbine 23 and as the throttle is closed it will reduce the volume of the gases thus used and manually adjustable pressure selector 39. This entire control system may be similar to that dis closed in Daniel G. Taylor Patent No. 2,388,350,. issued November 6, 1945. The system is also auxiliary turbine 4!]. divert an increasing volume into the inlet of the Another throttle or throttle valve 5| is pro vided in the intake 44 and its operating arm 52 shown and described in greater detail in con nection with Figure 5. So far as, the invention of is connectedv through a link 53 to a crank arm 54 swung by the motor 55. A spring 55 normally urges this second throttle 5| toward the open position shown against a stop 52a and the link 53 has a longitudinal slot 56 receiving a pin 51 Figure 1 is concerned, it may be simply stated that the ampli?er 36 operates to adjust the valve 53, through the motor 34, to set the operating speed of the turbo-supercharger units I4—23 to provide for the supply of air to the engine of a pressure called for by adjustment of the manual selector 39, and maintains this selected pressure by which it is connected to the crank arm 54. The crank arm 54 is connected to an operating arm 58 on the throttle 49 by a spring link 59 which may expand after the throttle 49 is fully under control of the pressure responsive con opened, in which position the arm 53 comes to troller 31. As thus far described, it will be understood that rest against a stop 60. , This linkage arrangement is such that the the turbine 23 uses but a part of the power or throttle 59 will ?rst move to the full open posi energy present in the exhaust gases discharged tion shown, with the throttle 5i full open, where by the engine. This power, in excess of that 30 upon a further demand for supercharging of the required for the operation of the turbo-super engine will cause the motor 553 to continue in charger, is ordinarily wasted and it is the pur operation, attempting to further open throttle 49. pose of my invention to provide practical means At andthis the time spring thelink arm55 58can is only against lengthen. the stopBut for using this otherwise lost power. To this end I provide a second or auxiliary gas 35 the pin 5?, having previously moved along the turbine 43 having a bucketed wheel 4|‘, a nozzle slot without affecting throttle 5%, now reaches ring 42, a nozzle box 43 and an intake duct 44 the end of the slot and such continued move“ opening into said box. As here shown, the in— moving ment of the throttle arm 5458 will towards now pullclosed on theposition. link take of this second turbine 40 is connected to the outlet 32 of the ?rst turbine 23, on the down 40 Thus, the demand for increased. supercharger stream side of the valve 33. The turbine 43 thus output met by a diversion of a greater volume receives exhaust gases not used by the turbine‘ of the exhaust gases to the'turbine 23, reducing 23 and it will be obvious that the power present the output of turbine 45. The reverse sequence in these excess gases is utilized by the second of operation takes place as the demand on tur turbine without materially interfering with the bine 23 decreases, the throttle 5i ?rst opening normal operation of the ?rst. wide and then the throttle 4-9 gradually closing. The second or auxiliary turbine 40 may be It will be apparent then that the auxiliary tur used to drive any load device, or mechanism re bine “33 which, as shown, drives the propeller quiring power rotation but I prefer, as shown in shaft 5 i‘ through the gear train uses only that the drawing, to use the recovered power to as part of the total volume of exhaust gases not sist the engine l0 itself in its work. For this required by the turbine 23 for supercharging the purpose the turbine 40 has its shaft 45 connected engine and thus interferes in no way with proper through a gear train 46 to the shaft II driving maintenance of induction system pressures. i the propeller 42. On the shaft ll an over-run ning clutch, designated generally at 47, of any conventional form, is placed and it selectively Figure 3 55 For convenience in the illustration and de connects the gear train to this shaft. As thus scription of this modi?cation of my invention, arranged, the turbine may exert a driving force I have shown the power plant as arranged in the upon the shaft ll, augmenting the power of the nacelle E! on a wing 52 of engine, but should the shaft be running at a 60 conventional greater speed than the end speed of the gear a multi-engine aircraft, although it is to be un~ derstood that my invention may be adapted also train 46, the over-running clutch will allow the for use upon single engine aircraft in which the shaft to turn free of the gears. The latter con power plant is arranged in the fuselage. dition may occur in starting the engine,’ or when Only a part of the power plant is here shown, the demand on the turbo-supercharger is such 65 including an engine #33 arranged within a cowl. that the turbine .23 is using a large part of the ing 54 of the nacelle and ‘arranged to drive a pro~ total volume of the exhaust gases, leaving little peller 55. for driving the second turbine 40. Figure 2 The turbine ‘65 of the turbo-super charger is indieated as connected to an exhaust gas duct 57 and the speed of the turbine is con 70 trolled by a waste gate 59 located in an outlet In Figure 2, I illustrate an alternative ar rangement of the system of Figure 1 wherein cor responding parts are given the same reference numbers, and wherein they auxiliary or second turbine 45 has its intake 44 connected at 48 to h 39 in the manner _ reviously described, this waste gate being positioned by the reversible motor it controlled in the smile manner Figure 1. motor 33 of To make use of the power present in the ex 2,622,390 5 atmosphere. This will result in all of the exhaust gas leaving the turbine 65 being by-passed to atmosphere so that the wheel 12 of the turbine haust gases not used by the turbine 66, I provide a second auxiliary turbine ‘H having an intake ‘Ha connected to the outlet 69 aforesaid. The ceases to turn. Further movement of the arm Tl toward its retracted position will have no other bucketed wheel 12 of the turbine ‘H is arranged for rotation by exhaust gases directed there eifect than simply to stretch the spring link 92. While I have shown the auxiliary propeller ‘I6 ag-ainst by a nozzle ring 13 and has its shaft ‘54 arranged to drive a gear train, indicated gen as located in a position in which it would be with erally at 75. Gbviously, the turbine Tl will thus utilize whatever volume of the exhaust gases is not needed by the turbine 66 and will rotate the gear train 75 at a speed depending on the rela tive demands of the supercharger, as called for in the slip stream of the main propeller 65, it is to be understood that the auxiliary propeller ‘I6 can be located outside of the slip stream. This is particularly desirable in the case of high alti tude ?ight where larger effective disk area is de by the control system, supplying engine 53 with air for combustion. sired. It is to be understood, of course, that the aux To utilize the power thus secured, I here pro iliary turbine ll may, if desired, receive gases vide an auxiliary propeller '56 which is journaled at the end of a swinging arm structure ‘ll, piv from more than one engine, each separately con otally mounted at ‘is in the wing 52. The end trolled. gear train 15 is a bevel gear 13a which meshes Figure 4 with and drives a bevel gear ‘is. Bevel gear “as 20 In this view, I illustrate a modification of the is, in turn, constantly meshed with a bevel gear system shown in Figure 3, but wherein the engine 88 at the end of a drive shaft 85 extending along 63, propeller (i5, turbine 66, exhaust duct 6], the length of the arm structure Ti, and at its outer end the shaft 8i drives the propeller 76 through similar beveled gears 82. The arrange ment of the swinging arm structure I‘! is such that normally the auxiliary propeller ‘it may be waste gate 68, outlet 69 and motor 10 are all identical with the previous description. There is also provided the second auxiliary turbine ‘H driving the gear train 75 and powering the aux iliary propeller 16 supported on its arm TI in, ex retracted or swung rearward and upward into a actly the same manner. cavity in the underside of the wing 72 near its trailing edge, as indicated by the dotted lines. When it is desired to put the auxiliary propeller '55 into operation, as when the conditions are such that the auxiliary turbine '55 may be ex» Here, however, I provide a third auxiliary tur bine, designated generally at 83, having an in take conduit 84 leading to a junction with the in take “Ha of the second turbine ‘H. The turbine 33 includes a bucketed wheel 85 against which the pediently put into operation to recover the power lost in excess exhaust gases, the arm structure e5 exhaust gases are caused to impinge through a nozzle ring 85 and this turbine drives the main 71 may be swung downward and forward to the propeller 65 through a shaft 8? and gear train full line position at which the propeller it will be 58 in the same manner as that previously de supported beneath the wing and in the air scribed with reference to Figures 1 and 2. An stream. Any suitable conventional retraction gear (not here shown) may be arranged in con 40 over-running clutch 89 is provided between the gear train 88 and the main propeller 65 to dis nection with the arm ‘ii for operating it as de— connect the gear train from the propeller when scribed. the engine speed exceeds the terminal speed of Gears 19, 79a, and 8% will remain in engage ment at all times. Consequently, it is necessary the gear train. The junction between the respective auxiliary to provide some means for preventing the tur turbine intakes ‘i2 and 81% is provided with a se bine ‘H being driven when the propeller 16' is in lectively positionable ?ap valve 95! corresponding retracted position. To accomplish this, I have to ?ap valve 95 of Figure 3. The ?ap valve 90 provided a selectively positionable ?ap valve 90 is arranged in this modi?cation to connect the which, as will be obvious from the drawing, may outlet 68 with either of the turbines. This valve be arranged to connect the outlet 69 with either .. the turbine l! or with an outlet 12a to the atmos phere. In the position shown, the ?ap valve 9c is in its lowermost position in which the outlet 12a is closed and all of the gas leaving the outlet 69 passes to the turbine ‘H. The flap valve‘ 99 is automatically operated by the retraction move ment of ‘the auxiliary propeller ‘l6 by means of 99 is automatically operated by the retraction movement of the auxiliary propeller 16 by means of bell crank M connected at one end to the valve 98, and connected at its other end through a. spring link 92 to the arm Tl below its pivot .18, just as in Figure 3. The arrangement as illus trated is obviously such that when the propeller ‘I6 is swung to operative position the link 92 will a bell crank lever 9! connected at one end to oscillate bell-crank 9i and move the ?ap valve the valve 96 and connected at its other end through a spring link 92 to the arm ‘H below its 60 $8 to the solid line position at which it closes o? the intake 84 and connects the intake 12 with pivot '18. The arrangement, as illustrated, is the exhaust gas outlet 69. On the other hand, obviously such that when the propeller ‘it is when the arm ii is swung upward and rearward swung to operative position the link 92 will os to retract auxiliary propeller T6, the initial move cillate the bell crank 9i and move the flap valve 90 to the position shown in the drawing at which 65 ment will pull upon the link 92 to oppositely op erate the bell-crank til and move the valve 90 it closes off the outlet 72a and connects the upwardly to a position in which the intake 12 vis intake '52 with the exhaust gas outlet 5-9. On isolated from the exhaust gas outlet 68 and in the other hand, When the arm 'i‘! is swung up take 813 is connected thereto. wardly and rearwardly to retract the auxiliary propeller ‘E6, the initial movement will pull upon 70 It will be apparent from the foregoing that in this system the auxiliary power may be utilized the link 92 to oppositely operate the bell crank either for driving the auxiliary propeller 16 or lever 9| and move the valve 99 upwardly to a the main propeller 55, at the will of the pilot or position in which the turbine ‘H is isolated from engineer in charge of the aircrait’s ?ight. For the exhaust gas outlet {it and the exhaust gas tie auxiliary outlet 59 is connected through outlet 12a to the 75 example, it may be desirable to 2,622,390 7 8 turbine 03 to drive the main propeller 65 during low level flight at which time the propeller .65 motor is shown as comprising a rotor II“ with which are associated two ?eld windings I02 and may absorb the full power thus directed to it, Whereas when the aircraft ascends to the higher levels it may be desired to put into use the auxil I03. The motor is of the split phase type so that upon the current supplied to one winding being displaced 90° with respect to that supplied to the iary propeller it to provide added propeller blade other winding, the motor will rotate in a direc area for the rare?ed atmosphere there encoun tered. Neither auxiliary turbine 'EI nor ‘I2 will tion depending upon whether the current through the one winding leads or lags that through the interfere with the operation of the other and other winding. The rotor IN is connected only one is brought into play at any one time 10 through a gear train I 05 to the throttle Valve 33. due to the automatic operation of the control In order to simplify the illustration, the motor valve 90. It may here be noted that in the case is shown as connected directly through a rotat of multi-engine aircraft the exhaust gases from able shaft to the throttle 33 instead of through both inboard and outboard engines on either side a link such as link 35, as with the. species of may be conducted to a single auxiliary turbine if Figure 1. It is of course to be understood that the manner of connection of the motor to the throttle is not an essential feature of my inven tion. The gear train I05 is also connected to a slider I0’:I of a follow up potentiometer I03. The desired. .It is also to be understood that the auxiliary propeller is preferably located outside of the slip stream of the main propeller. Figure 5 20 potentiometer comprises a resistor I00 with which In Figure 5 I have shown a form of my inven tion in which the exhaust back pressure is main tained constant for any given value of the intake manifold pressure and for any selected induction pressure. This results in more accurate control the slider I0'i is in sliding engagement. The terminals of the windings I02 and I03, the op posite terminals of resistor I09, and the slider I 0? are connected to terminals on the motor housing corresponding to the terminals shown in Figure 1. In order to simplify the descrip tion, these terminals will not be referred to speci?cally by reference numerals and the vari Inasmuch as the novel portion of the present __ ous conductors leading to and from them will be considered as though the terminals did not exist, invention involves cooperation with certain ele that is as though the conductors were continuous. ments of the control apparatus for the motor This practice will be followed in connection with positioning the waste gate of the main turbine, the other units of the apparatus. this control apparatus for this waste gate motor, The network and ampli?er unit 36 comprises whichwas shown boxed-in in the previous ?gures, a transformer H5. This transformer comprises is shown in somewhat schematic detail in the a primary winding I I6 and a plurality of second present ?gure. ary windings II‘! and H8. The secondary II‘! is Before referring to the control apparatus, the connected to the motor field winding I02 through arrangement of the turbines in the present species will be considered. The auxiliary turbine 40, in 40 conductors II9, I20, I2I, and I22. A condenser I24 is connected between conductors I I9 and I20. this species, is by-passed by a conduit 93 leading This condenser serves to displace the phase of from the conduit 44 which supplies gas to the the current ?owing through winding I02 by 90°. turbine at. Located within this by-pass conduit The winding H8 of transformer H5 is em 33 is a Waste gate 94 which is actuated by a lever arm 95 and is biased to closed position by a spring 45 ployed to supply power to an ampli?er I26. This ampli?er may be of any suitable type which sup 96 engaging the operating arm 55. plies output current, the phase of which is de A spring 55 in the present form biases the pendent upon the phase of the input signal. A throttle valve 5i to closed position rather than to typical ampli?er is that shown in the patent to open position ,as in the form of Figure 2. A of the turbo discharge pressure. As with the other ?gures, corresponding reference numerals are employed to indicate corresponding elements. motor arrangement generally indicated at 9'! is ' employed to position throttle valve 5! and waste gate 34 through a pair of links 03 and 98. The construction of the motor and the manner in which it positions the valves 5! and 34 will be described in more detail later. It; is to be noted that in this form of the ap paratus, the main turbine 3I as well as the auxil Beers, 2,020,275. An ampli?er particularly suit able for use in connection with my apparatus is shown in Figure 1 of the co-pending application of Albert P. Upton, Serial No. 437,561, ?led April 3, 1942, now Patent No. 2,423,534. The output terminals I28 and I29 of the am pli?er are connected to the motor ?eld winding I03 by conductors I2I and I30. The phase of the current supplied by ampli?er I26 to winding I03 iary turbine 40 is so disposed that the exhaust gas is reversed with reversal of the phase of the input ‘is discharged to the rear. The inlet I3 of the voltage. Because of the condenser I24, the cur compressor I4 is disposed towards the front so 60 rent supplied to winding I03 is thus either 90° that the air drawn into the turbine has a tend ahead or 90° behind in phase with respect to that ency to produce a forward movement of the air supplied to winding I02. craft. Similarly, the lower end of the waste con Also included with the network ampli?er 36 is duit 93 associated with auxiliary turbine 40 is a potentiometer I32 comprising a resistor I33 and disposed so that the gas issuing from it is dis a slider I34. The resistor I33 is provided with a charged to the rear. By disposing the various conductive bar I39 at its right-hand end and the elements in the manner recited, an appreciable slider I34 is normally in engagement with this jet effect is obtained to aid the forward motion conductive bar. The slider I34 is positioned by a of the craft. While this disposition of the tur velocity controller I36 which is connected by a bines has been illustrated only in connection with 70 ?exible drive shaft I31 to the shaft of the turbine the form of Figure 5, it is to be understood that 23. The velocity controller I33 is effective when any of the turbines of the previously described ever the turbine speed exceeds a predetermined ?gures may be so disposed. value to move the slider I34 to the left by an Considering now the control apparatus for tur amount dependent upon the time that the ve 75 bine 23 and referring ?rst to the motor 34, this locity exceeds such predetermined value. The 2,622,890 9 the aforementioned Taylor patent. Associated with the potentiometer I32 is a transformer I40. This transformer comprises a primary winding I4I and a secondary winding I42. The secondary winding is provided with an intermediate tap I43. The resistor I33 is con nected between the left-hand terminal of sec 10 therethrough due to the movement of slider I55. Considering now the control equipment for the auxiliary turbine 40, the motor 91 comprises a details of this velocity controller are shown in rotor I80 with which are associated ?eld Wind ings I3! and I82. The motor is of the same type “ as motor 34, that is, the type in which the direc tion of rotation is dependent upon the relative phase position of the current supplied to wind ings I8I and I82. ondary winding I42 and the tap I43. The right hand terminal of resistor I09 of potentiometer I08 is connected by conductor I44 to the right hand terminal of secondary winding I42, while The rotor I89 is connected through a gear train I54 to a cam shaft I85 carrying a pair of cams I85 and I81. Cooperating with the cams I95 and E61 are a pair of levers I83 and I99. the left-hand terminal of resistor I09 is con The lever I55 has a cam follower roller I90 bear nected by conductor I45 to tap I43. It will be noted that the two potentiometers u . ing against the cam I86, while the lever I89 has I08 and I32 together with the transformer I40 ' a similar roller I3I bearing against the cam I81. The springs 55 and 96 serve to maintain the levers constitute a network analogous in many respects I 89 and I35 in cam-following engagement with to a bridge. The sliders I01 and I34 constitute the cams I81 and I36, respectively. The cam the output terminals of this network and a volt age appears across these sliders, the magnitude .20 I81 is provided with a cam portion which in creases in radius from a point a to a point b, pro of which is dependent upon their relative posi ceeding in a clockwise direction. From point D tions. The network just described constitutes the cam is of relative diameter. The cam I86 is. one of several series networks which collectively of uniform radius from point e to point d, these determine the voltage applied to the input of am 25 pli?er I26. two points corresponding in angular position to points a and b on cam I81. From point a, to point One of the additional networks is included e, the radius of cam I86 gradually increases, and from point 6 back to a point closely adjacent the point 0 the cam is of uniform radius again. It which includes a slider I5! and a resistor I52. The slider I5I is connected to two opposed bellows 30. will thus be apparent that upon counter-clock ' wise rotation of cams I61 and I86 through the members I53 and I54. The bellows member I54 are de?ned by points a and b on cam I81 and c is connected by a conduit I56 to the conduit I1 within the pressure responsive controller 31. This controller comprises a potentiometer I50 and d on cam I86, the cam lever I69 is gradu ally moved in a counterclockwise direction to sim which is in turn'connected to the inlet of car buretor I8. Bellows I54 is thus subjected to the induction system pressure. The bellows I53 is evacuated so that it is responsive only to at mospheric pressure. This bellows serves to com as' ilarly rotate valve 5| towards open position against the biasing action of spring 55. Upon the cams I86 and I81 moving to the position where pensate bellows I54 for the varying effect of at mospheric pressure on the latter. The slider I5I points I) and d are in engagement with the con The resistor I52 is connected across a secondary I51 of a transformer I53. The transformer I58 tinued movement of the cams in a clockwise di rection results in no further movement of valve comprises a primary Winding I59. The network 5|. Such continued motion does, however, cause tact rollers I9I and I90, valve 6| is in fully-open is accordingly positioned solely in accordance 40 position, and since cam roller IIII is now engaging the portion of the cam I81 of uniform radius, con with the induction system pressure. constituted by secondary I51 and potentiometer 45 a counterclockwise rocking of lever I98 to move I50 produces a voltage measured between slider I5I and the left-hand terminal of secondary I51. A further network is included within the pres sure selector 39. This network includes two po tentiometers I6I and I62. Potentiometer I6I comprises a resistor I64 and a slider I65. The slider IE5 is connected to a knob I66 shown but not otherwise identi?ed in Figure l. The po tentiometer I6I serves as a pressure selecting po tentiometer and as will appear more clear from a later portion of the description, the movement of the knob I66 in the counterclockwise direction to move slider I65 serves to increase the induc tion system pressure that is maintained by the ap paratus. The potentiometer I62 comprises a resistor I61 and a slider I68 and acts as a calibrating po valve 94 towards open position. Thus, as the cams are rotated in a clockwise direction, valve 5I is ?rst moved to open position and then the waste gate valve 94 is moved towards its open position. Reverse movement of the cams, of course, causes reverse movement of valves 5I and 94. A transformer 200 comprises a primary wind~ ing 253i and two secondary windings 202 and 203. The secondary winding 203 is connected to the ?eld winding I6I of motor 91 through conductor 205, conductor 206, condenser 201, and conductor 208. The condenser 201 serves to displace in phase by 90° the current flowing through winding IBI. The winding I82 is connected to the out 60 put terminals of an ampli?er 209. This ampli?er may be of the same general type as ampli?er I26. The ampli?er 209. is supplied with power by tentiometer. Associated with potentiometers I6I and I62 is secondary 202, the output terminals of which winding I10 and a primary winding Ill. The op posite terminals of resistor I64 are connected to The voltage applied to the input terminals of ampli?er 209 is determined by a plurality of series the opposite terminals of secondary I10, while connected networks in much the same manner as are connected to the power terminals of the a transformer I69 which comprises a secondary 65 ampli?er. in connection with ampli?er I26. One of these the left-hand terminal of resistor I61 is con nected to the lower terminal of secondary I10‘ 70 networks includes two potentiometers 2I0 and and the right-hand terminal to a center tap of secondary I10. This center tap of secondary I10 is connected to a center tap of resistor I64 so as to cause the voltage drop across resistor I64 to be 2H. The potentiometer 2I0 comprises a slider 2I2 and a resistor 2I3. The potentiometer 2“ comprises a resistor 2I4, and a slider 2I5. The slider 2 I2 of ‘potentiometer 2I0 is positioned by a less aifected by the variations in current flow 75 pair of opposed bellows 2 I1 and 2 I8. The bellows 11 2,622,390 2&8 is connected to the interior of the exhaust conduit 29 leading to the turbine 23. The bel lows 2 ill is evacuated so as to respond to purely atmospheric pressure, thus acting to compensate bellows 2 I3 for the varying effect of atmospheric pressure on it. The slider 2E5 of potentiometer 2M is likewise positioned by a pair of opposed bellows 222 and 223. The bellows 222 is con nected by a conduit 222 to the intake vmanifold 12 secondary I51 is positive with respect to the slider I5I, and the slider IE8 is negative with respect to slider IE5. Thus, the voltage output of the network constituted by potentiometers Hi8 and I32 and that of the network including potentiometers IBI and H52 is opposed by the network including potentiometer I50. It will be assumed that the relative values of these voltages are such thatrthe voltages cancel each other out 22 so as to respond to intake manifold pressure. 10 so that no voltage exists between the ampli?er Bellows 223 is evacuated and compensates the bellows 222 for variations in atmospheric pres terminals 256 and 2'10. Under these conditions, no current is supplied to winding I33 and the motor is unable to rotate. It is assumed that under these conditions the throttle valve 33 is in sure. The resistors 2 I3 and 2|4 of potentiometers 2H3 and ‘254 are connected to the opposite ter minals of the secondary 228 of a transformer 15 intermediate position at which the air supplied 22?. Transformer 22? comprises in addition to to the induction system by the compressor I4 is su?icient to maintain the desired induction sys the secondary 225 a primary winding 228. tem pressure. The reference numeral 230 is employed to Let it be assumed that the induction system designate a further potentiometer comprising a resistor 23! and a slider 232. The slider 232 is '20 pressure falls, thus necessitating a greater com pressing action upon the part of compressor [4. connected to gear train I84 ‘so as .to be positioned The effect of this reduction in pressureis to cause by the motor 91. The potentiometer 23d con slider I5I to move to the left with respect to stitutes a follow up potentiometer. The opposite resistor I52. This causes a greater voltage to terminals of resistor 23I are connected to the opposite terminals of a secondary 235 of a trans 25 exist between the left hand terminal of resistor former 236 having a primary winding 23?. A potentiometer 246 comprises a slider 25! and a resistor 242. The right-hand terminal of re I52 and slider I5I. Considering the half cycle just considered, the effect of this is to cause the input terminal 255 of ampli?er I26 to become positive with respect to the input terminali?? sistor 242 is connected by conductors 243, 244, and 225 to the slider I65, While the left-hand 30 during the half-cycle being considered. ‘In terms terminal of resistor 242 is connected by con ductors 24% and 2M to the slider I63. It will be recalled that the sliders I65 and IE5 constitute of alternating current, this results in an alternat - ing voltage of a predetermined phase being ap plied to the input terminals 250 and 256. This in turn causes ampli?er I25 to supply an alter the output terminal of the network including potentiometers IISI and I62. The voltage appear 35 nating voltage of a predetermined phase to the motor winding I03. The system is so designed ing across this network is thus impressed across that the phase of this current with respect‘to resistor 242. A variable portion of the voltage is that supplied to winding I02 is such as to cause introduced into the series of networks controlling the throttle valve 33 to move towards open posi the input voltage to ampli?er 209. While the transformers H5, I40, I53, I62, 239, 40 tion to permit more exhaust gas to be supplied to the turbine 3i. Motor 34 in so'moving, causes 22? and 236 have been shown as separate trans slider I01 to move to the right; that is, towards formers, this has been done to group the second the negative end of the resistor. This increases aries more closely with the equipment ‘energized the output voltage of the network including re by them. In actual practice, the secondary wind sistor I68 which, it will be recalled, opposes the ings could all be disposed on one or a small num ber of transformers. In any event, where more than one transformer is used, all of the primary windings should be connected to a common source of alternating voltage. Operation of Figure 5 The voltage applied to the input terminals of ampli?er I26 is determined, as previously noted, by a plurality of networks. The path through these networks may be traced as follows: from network‘ including potentiometer I50. Thus, after the slider III‘! has been moved a predeter mined amount corresponding to the change in induction system pressure, the system will ‘again be balanced so that the throttle valve motor 34 will no longer be'operated. f ' In the event vof a rise in induction system pressure, the slider I5I is operated in the oppo site direction with the result that the voltage supplied to input terminals‘ of ampli?er I26 is the lower input terminal 250 through conductor opposite in phase'to' that previously considered. 25I, the slider I01, the network including poten Thee?‘ect of this is to cause the ampli?er I26 to supply'current to motor winding ‘I33 which is tiometers I08 and I32, slider I34, conductor 253, likewise opposite in phase. This causes rotation the left hand portion of resistor I52, slider I5I, conductors 254 and 247, the network including 60 of the motor IGI in the direction opposite to'that potentiometers I62 and I6I and conductors 245,‘ previously considered to cause the movement of 244, and 255 to'the upper input terminal 256. It the throttle valve 33 towards closed position and will be noted that conductor 245 is grounded at a movement of slider Ii‘I'I of the follow uppo 25'! so that the ampli?er ‘terminal 256 is at tentiometer I08 towards the left.. Again, the ground potential. 7 In considering the operation of the system, it will be assumed that the upper terminal of secondary III), the left hand terminal of second ary I51, and the left hand terminal of secondary I42 are positive with respect to the opposite ter minals of the respective secondaries ‘during the same half-cycle as indicated by ‘the legends ap pearing on the drawings. With the sliders in the movement of slider I0‘! is‘in a direction to re balance the series of networks to cease operation of the motor 34. The operation of the rest of the control apparatus for motor 34 will not be de scribed in detail; 'As previously mentioned, this apparatus is ‘described in the above mentioned Taylor patent and for a clear understanding of the invention, reference may be made to that application. In general, a movement of the position shown and during the half cycle being manually positioned slider I25 downwardly has considered, the slider I0‘! is negative with respect 75 th'e'same eifect upon the‘unb'alanc‘e voltage as to the slider I34, the left hand terminal of the movement of slider I5I of the potentiometer ' 2,622,390 13 I55 to the left; that is, to increase the compressing effect of compressor I4. Thus, movement of slider I65 downwardly by rotation of knob I66 in a 14 trally disposed with respect to their associated re sistors and with respect to the secondary winding 229 so that no voltage exists between these two to the left. In other words, the movement of sliders. Considering now the effect of potentiom eter 239, it will be noticed that conductor 252 is positive with respect to slider 232. The slider 232 is in turn connected to slider 2M which is nega tive with respect to the right hand terminal of resistor 252. The voltages introduced by p0. ten-tiometers 235 and 245 thus oppose each other. It will be assumed that the value of secondary 255 is such that these voltages exactly balance each other so that no voltage is applied to ampli ?er 255. Under these conditions, the throttle valve 5| is partially open so that the turbine 40 is operating at partial capacity. Now let it be as sumed that the pressure within the exhaust mani slider I34 to the left decreases the amount of exhaust gas supplied to the turbine 23 and hence fold rises either due to an increase in the supply of exhaust gas or to a decreased demand by tur the induc- ' counter-clockwise direction increases tion system pressure maintained by the system. The potentiometer I62, as previously noted, is used to initially calibrate the apparatus. Move ment of the slider I58 to the right increases the induction system pressure and to the left de creases the same. The velocity controller I55 is effective when ever the velocity of the shaft of turbine 23 rises above a predetermined value to move slider I34 to the left. The effect of this is the same in direction as that occurring when slider |5I moves decreases the speed of operation of compressor 20 bine 3|. Under these conditions, the slider 2I2 will move to the left so that this slider becomes I4. It will thus be seen from the above that the positive with respect to slider 2|5. The effect control apparatus for motor 35 serves to so posi of this is to cause terminal 255 to become nega tion the throttle valve 33 that there is maintained in the induction system H, a pressure equal to tive with respect to terminal 255. When this happens, the ampli?er 259 is eiiective to supply that selected by the network including pressure selecting potentiometer I5I and calibrating po tentiometer I522. The only exception to this is when the velocity controller I55 responds to the to winding I82 an alternating current which is of such phase with respect to that supplied wind ing |5I that the motor 9? is effective to rotate the cams I85 and IS‘! in a counter-clockwise di presence of an overspeed condition in which case, rection. The movement of cam E85 in a counter 30 the speed of the compressor Ill is reduced regard clockwise direction has no effect upon the cam less of the demand of the rest of the system. follower I55 due to the fact that the portion of As previously noted, the species of this ?gure the cam engaged by it at this time is of uniform provides means for controlling the pressure in the diameter. The motion of cam I51 in a counter exhaust conduit 25 by supplying varying amounts clockwise direction, however, results in the lever of exhaust gas to the auxiliary turbine 25. The its being rocked in a counter-clockwise direc ampli?er which controls the operation of motor tion to cause valve 5| to move towards open posi 91 positioning valves 95 and 5| is controlled by tion. This permits more gas to flow to the tur a series of networks which may be traced as fol bine do to increase the power supplied by it to the lows: from the lower input terminal 265 of 40 main propeller I2. The increase in the amount ampli?er 259 through conductor 25 I, the network of gas supplied to turbine 55 causes a decrease in including potentiometers 2H3 and 2H, conductor the pressure within the exhaust gas conduit 29. 262, the left hand portion of resistor 23!, slider At the same time, the slider 232 is moved to the 232, conductor 253, slider 25!, resistor 252, and left so as to tend to make terminal 255 less nega conductor 255 to the grounded input terminal 265 of ampli?er 259. The voltage applied to the am tive with respect to grounded terminal 255. Upon slider 232 moving su?iciently to the left, the net work will again be balanced, with the result that pli?er 259 is thus the sum of the voltage output of the bridge including potentiometers 2I9 and 2| I, the voltage existing across the left hand portion of potentiometer 23I and the voltage existing between the slider 2M and the right hand terminal of resistor 242. It may be again pointed out at this point that the voltage existing across 242 is that determined by the output volt age of the bridge consisting of pressure selecting the motor 9'! is no longer energized in such a manner as to cause movement thereof. Now let it be assumed that due to the change in position of valve 5| or for any other reason, the exhaust gas pressure within conduit 23 falls below the value which it is desired to maintain. Under these conditions, slider 2I2 will move to the right, causing terminal 255 of ampli?er 259 to become positive with respect to grounded potentiometer I5I and calibrating potentiom eter I52. The slider 2“ is provided for the pur pose of determining what portion of this voltage is introduced into the input circuit of ampli?er 259. In considering the operation of the net works, the conditions during a half cycle will again be considered. The same half cycle will be terminal 255. This causes a reversal in the phase of the voltage applied to the input terminals of considered as was considered in connection with the operation of ampli?er I25. Thus, the voltage across the resistor 242 will be that indicated by the legends; that is, the right hand terminal of resistor 242 will be positive with respect to the left hand terminal. The primaries are so con 65 ampli?er 259 and hence a reversal in phase of the current supplied to winding I82. This causes motor 97 to operate in the opposite. direction to move valve 5| towards closed position. At the same time, slider 232 is moved to the right to tend to make terminal 250 less positive with re spect to terminal 255 and hence to rebalance the system. Assuming again for the moment that the pressure in conduit 25 continues to rise, the valve nected to the common source of power that during 5| is progressively opened until it is completely this half cycle, the left hand terminal of second 70 open. At this time, the cam followers i55 and ary 235 is positive with respect to the right hand I9I will be in engagement with their re terminal. Similarly, the left hand terminal of spective cams at points (1 and b, respectively. secondary 225 is also positive with respect to its Upon a further rise in exhaust gas pressure, it right hand terminal. Considering ?rst the bridge is necessary to provide for a greater escape from consisting of potentiometers 2 I0 and 2| I, it will be the conduit 29 if the exhaust gas pressure with noted‘that the two sliders 2I5 and 2I2 are cen 15 2,622,390 in conduit 29 is to be maintained at the desired value. This is accomplished by the opening of valve at. As the cam I89 rotates in a clockwise direction beyond the point where cam follower I99 is in engagement with point d, the waste gate valve 84‘: is moved towards open position. This continues until point we is reached at which the waste gate valve 94 is fully open. Since the by-pass conduit as is open to atmosphere, the opening of waste gate 94 to even a relatively slight amount is normally all that is necessary to reduce the exhaust gas pressure within con duit 29 to the desired value. It is thus possible with the apparatus to insure a constant exhaust gas pressure within conduit 29 under all con ditions. It is, of course, to be understood that normally the turbine“) is able to utilize all of the exhaust gas that can be safely diverted from conduit 29 and it is only under exceptional cir cumferences that the gate 94 is moved towards open position. It is desirable to increase the gas pressure within the conduit 29 when a higher induction system pressure is to be maintained. The rea son for this is that in order to maintaina greater induction system pressure, assuming the atmos pheric pressure to remain the same, it is neces sary to have a greater exhaust gas pressure. It is for this reason that I apply a portion of the voltage across the network including the pres sure selecting potentiometer [6i and the cali brating potentiometer IE2, to the ampli?er 289. It will be recalled that this is accomplished by the potentiometer 249. The extent of this por tion of this voltage that is applied to ampli?er 299 is determined by the position of slider 2M. For any given position of this slider 24L if the pressure selector potentiometer I65 is changed by rotation of knob I65, the voltage existing 16 the right which causes ampli?er terminal 260 to become negative with respect to grounded ter minal 235. This results in the motor 91 being operated in such a manner as to move the throttle valve 5i towards open position to in crease the gas ?ow through the auxiliary tur bine 438 and hence to decrease the pressure with in the exhaust gas conduit 29, assuming all other things remain equal. This will in turn tend to cause a decrease in the compressing eifect of compressor Id and hence a decrease in the in take manifold pressure. t will be obvious that a decrease in the intake manifold pressure has the opposite shoot; that is, of moving valve 51 towards closed position to increase the exhaust gas pressure within conduit as. In either the case of an increase .or decrease in the intake manifold pressure, the rebalancing potentiom eter 235 is, of course, effective to rebalance the network. It will be seen that with the arrangement of this ?gure, the auxiliary turbine is employed not only to obtain additional power that would other wise be wasted but also to improve the operation of the main turbine control system in maintain ing within the exhaust gas conduit a pressure such as to tend to cause proper operation of the turbine. It will be obvious that numerous other modi 30 ?cations may be made within the spirit and scope of the appended claims. I claim as my invention: 1. In a power plant, the combination with an engine having a superoharging compressor driven by a ?rst gas operated power means actuated by exhaust gases from the engine and having aicon duit leading said gases to said ?rst power means, of a throttle valve in said conduit for controlling the ?ow of exhaust gases through said ?rst power between slider 24! and the right hand terminal of resistor 252 is likewise changed. F r example, 40 means, a second gas operated power'means con nected to the conduit to receive exhaust gases assuming that the knob IE6 is rotated in a therefrom at the upstream side of said valve, a counter-clockwise direction to increase the in second valve for controlling the flow of exhaust duction system pressure that is maintained by gases through said second power means, a waste the turbo supercharger control apparatus, the outlet connected to the conduit between the two e?ect of this will be to decrease the voltage ex valves, a third valve located in said waste outlet, isting between slider 2M and the right hand and means responsive to exhaust gas pressures in terminal of resistor 242. This will cause termi the conduit for operating the second and third nal 260 to become positive with respect to termi valves sequentially.‘ ' nal .265 of ampli?er 2539. The e?‘ect of this, it 2. In a power plant, a combustion chamber, will be recalled, is to cause motor 1-’; to be ener means for supplying a fuel mixture thereto, a gized in such a direction as to cause a clock ?rst gas turbine powered by exhaust gas from wise rotation of cams l8? and 183. This will in the combustion chamber and having a conduit turn cause throttle valve 5| to move towards leading said gas from said combustion chamber closed position to increase the pressure main to said turbine, a second gas turbine connected tained within conduit 29. Again, the slider 232 to said conduit, a compressor driven by said ?rst will be moved to the left to decrease the voltage turbine for supplying compressed air to said fuel introduced by potentiometer 233. Upon a pre mixture means, and means for controlling the determined movement of slider 232, the series connected networks will again be balanced so 60 pressure'of the air supplied to said fuel mixture means, said last named means comprising means that no voltage is applied to the input terminals responsive to the pressure of the gas in said 260 and 255. The system will now continue to conduit for varying the flow of gas therefrom operate to maintain a higher pressure within through said second turbine to maintain a pre conduit 29 then previously existed. In the present form, I ‘have also provided 65 determined pressure in said conduit, and means responsive to the pressure of said compressed air means for decreasing the pressure which is for varying the flow of gas from said conduit maintained in the exhaust gas conduit 29! when through said ?rst turbine. the intake manifold pressure increases. An in 3. In a power plant; a combustion chamber; crease in intake manifold pressure indicates, all means for suppling a fuel mixture thereto; a . other things remaining unchanged, that the ex ?rst gas turbine powered by exhaust gas from haust gas pressure is greater than necessary. the combustion chamber'and having a conduit The potentiometer 2i i is effective to introduce leading said gas to said turbine; asecond gas this compensation. Let it be assumed that there turbine connected to said conduit; a compressor is a rise in ‘intake manifold pressure. The effect of this is to cause the movement of slider 2-i5 to 75 driven by said ?rst turbine for supplying .com pressed air to said fuel mixture means; and means 9,622,390 17 for controlling the pressure ofthe air supplied to said fuel mixture means, said last named means comprising ?rst pressure responsive means re sponsive to a power plant exhaust pressure for maintaining ‘a predetermined pressure in said 18 haust conduit between said engine and said tur bins to vary the ?ow of gases through said tur bine, ?rst pressure responsive means responsive to the pressure in said intake between said car buretor and said supercharger, means including said ?rst pressure responsive means for variably positioning said ?rst valve means to maintain through said second turbine, and second pressure a desired pressure between said carburetor and responsive means responsive to the pressure of said supercharger, second valve means located said compresed air for varying the ?ow of gas from said conduit through said ?rst turbine, and 10 in said exhaust conduit for lay-passing the ex haust gases not needed by said turbine, second means for simultaneously adjusting said ?rst and pressure responsive means responsive to the second pressure responsive means to vary the pressure between said ‘second valve means and pressure of the air supplied to said fuel mixture conduit by varying the ?ow of gas therefrom said ?rst valve means, motor means positioning means. ’ 4. In a power plant; a combustion chamber; 15 said second valve means in accordance with the pressure sensed by said second pressure respon means for supplying a fuel mixture thereto; a sive means, third pressure responsive means ?rst gas turbine powered by exhaust gas from sensitive to the pressure between said engine the combustion chamber and having a conduit driven compressor and said engine, and means leading said gas to said turbine; a second gas including said third pressure responsive means 20 turbine connected to said, conduit; a compressor for controlling said motor means. driven by said ?rst'turbine for supplying com 7. In combination with a combustion engine pressed air to said fuel mixture means; and means having an engine driven compressor and an ex for controlling the pressure of the air supplied to haust turbine driven supercharger operating in said fuel mixture means, said last named means comprising ?rst pressure responsive means re 25 series with a carburetor in the engine manifold induction system so that air enters the engine sponsive to a power plant exhaust pressure for through the supercharger, carburetor,~ engine maintaining a predetermined pressure in said driven compressor, and manifold, sequentially, conduit by varying the ?ow of gas therefrom and an exhaust conduit with ?rst valve means through said second turbine, and second pressure responsive means responsive to the pressure of 30 to regulate the ?ow of gases through the tur bine of the supercharger and a by-pass valve said compressed air for varying the flow of gas means in addition to the ?rst valve means to by from said conduit through said ?rst turbine, and pass the gases not needed by the turbine located third pressure responsive means responsive to the between the engine and the turbine; control ap pressure of the fuel mixture for adjusting said 35 paratus comprising ?rst pressure responsive ?rst pressure responsive means. means sensitive to the pressure of the intake of 5. In combination, a combustion engine having the carburetor, a ?rst actuator for positioning intake and exhaust conduits, a turbine driving the ?rst valve means, means operatively con a supercharger positioned in said intake conduit necting said ?rst pressure responsive means to ' said ?rst actuator to maintain a desired pres 40 a rate determined by the flow of gas through said sure on the intake of the engine manifold, a to supply compressed air to said intake conduit at turbine from said exhaust conduit, a carburetor, manually operated pressure switch selector for an engine driven compressor, means connecting adjusting the operative relation between said re said carburetor and said engine driven com sponsive ‘means and said ?rst actuator, a second pressor in the order named between said super pressure responsive means sensing the exhaust charger and said engine in said intake conduit, pressure between the by-pass valve means and ?rst valve means positioned in said exhaust con the ?rst valve means, a second actuator for posi duit between said engine and said turbine to vary tioning the bypass valve means, means opera the flow of gases through said turbine, ?rst pres tively connecting said second pressure respon sure responsive means responsive to the pressure in said intake conduit between said carburetor 50 sive means to said actuator, and means connect ing said pressure selector to adjust the operative and said supercharger, means including said ?rst relation between said second pressure responsive pressure responsive means for varying the posi tion of said ?rst valve means to maintain a de means and said second actuator. 8. In combination with a combustion engine sired pressure between said carburetor and said having an engine driven compressor and an ex supercharger, second valve means located in said haust turbine driven supercharger operating in exhaust conduit for by-passing the exhaust gases series with a carburetor in the engine manifold not needed by said turbine, second pressure re induction system so that air enters the engine sponsive means responsive to the pressure between through the supercharger, carburetor, engine said second valve means and said ?rst valve means, and means including said second pressure 60 driven compressor, and manifold, sequentially, and an exhaust conduit with a control valve to responsive means for varying the position of said regulate the ?ow of gases through the turbine second valve means to maintain a desired pres of the supercharger and a by-pass valve means sure between said second valve means and said in addition to the control valve to by-pass the ?rst valve means. gases not needed by the turbine and located 6. In combination, a combustion engine hav between the engine and the turbine; control ap ing intake and exhaust conduits, a turbine driv paratus comprising a ?rst actuator for posi ing a supercharger positioned in said intake tioning the control valve, ?rst pressure respon conduit to supply compressed air to said intake sive means sensitive to the pressure of the in conduit at a rate determined by the flow of gases through said turbine in said exhaust conduit, a 70 take of the carburetor, means operatively con necting said ?rst pressure responsive means in carburetor, an engine driven compressor, means controlling relation to said ?rst actuator to connecting said carburetor and said engine maintain a predetermined pressure on the in driven compressor in the order named between take of the carburetor, a manually operated said supercharger and said engine in said intake pressure selector for variably adjusting the] 75 conduit, ?rst valve means positioned in said ex 2,622,390 19 ' 20 operative relation between said ?rst actuator Number 2,245,163 2,283,175‘ 2,306,277 2,373,139 2,378,441 and said ?rst pressure responsive means, a sec ond pressure responsive means responsive to the pressure in the engine exhaust conduit between the by-pass valve means and the control valve, a second actuator for positioning the by-pass valve means operatively controlled by said second pres sure responsive means, means including said pressure selector for variably adjusting the op erative relation between said second pressure 10 responsive means and said second actuator, a third pressure responsive means sensitive to in take manifold pressure, and means including said third pressure responsive means for variably adjusting the operative relation between said second responsive means and said second actua tor upon changes in intake manifold pressure. ALWIN B. NEWTON. ?le of this patent: 1,816,787 Moss ____________ __ July 28, 1931 25 Date, 7 Smith __________ __ June 10, 1941 Berger __________ __ May 19, ,1942 Oswald ____'_____ _;_'Dec. 22, 1942 Morris ___________ __ Apr. 10, 1945 Silvester _________ _._ June '19, 1945 Lysholm _________ __ Sept.i25, .1945 Birkigt __________ __ June 25,1946 2,411,227 2,422,744 2,428,830 2,454,588 2,474,203 2,480,621 2,491,380 2,493,476 Planiol __________ __ Nov. 19,1946 O’Neil __________ __ June 24, ‘1947 vBirmann ________ __ Oct.,'14, 1947 Baak ___________ __ Nov. 23, 1.948 Sparrow ________ __ June 21, 1949 Warner _________ __ Aug. 30, 1949 Kutzler __________ __ Dec. 13, 1949 Crum __'_ _____ __'____ Jan. 3, 1950 FOREIGN PATENTS 479,822 513,751 585,208 833,632 . UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date . _ 2,385,366, 2,402,725 Number REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the Name. Country 7 Date, ‘ Great Britain ____ __ Feb. 11, 1,938 Great Britain ____ __ Oct. 29, 1939 France __________ __ Feb. 23, 1925 France __________ -_ Oct. 26, 1938
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