C L E / C E C re d i t P ro c e d u re DRI Has Gone Digital! To receive continuing legal education (CLE) and claims adjusters (CE) credit for your attendance at the 2014 DRI Annual Meeting, you are required to complete the online form found at: https://www.formstack.com/forms/DRI-attendanceam Once you have completed the online form, you will be emailed a certificate of attendance. The online form must be completed by November 7, 2014. Questions? Contact DRI Education Coordinator Johnny Brown at jbrown@dri.org or 312.698.6212. Please note: to complete the online CLE/CE form, you will need your DRI ID number. If you do not know your ID number, check the back of your seminar badge. If you registered onsite, your ID number will not appear on your badge. Please contact DRI’s Customer Service Department at custservice@dri.org or 312.795.1101 for assistance. Adjuster Credit —CE Information 2014 DRI ANNUAL MEETING | OCTOBER 22-26, 2014| SAN FRANCISCO, CA CLE Information | 2014 DRI Annual Meeting | October 22-26, 2014| San Francisco, CA STATE Delaware Louisiana New Hampshire North Carolina Oklahoma Texas Wyoming NUMBER OF ACCREDITED HOURS 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) 12.00 (2.0 Hours ethics included) 12.00 (0 hours ethics included) 7.00 (1.0hours ethics included) 12.00 (0 hours ethics included) 3.50 (0 hours ethics included) Pending ( hours ethics included) SEMINAR COURSE/ ACTIVITY NUMBER POST SEMINAR ACTION 57385 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 25597 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 478739 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 202913 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 1021465 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 98019 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency In order for you to receive credit you MUST include your state Licensing number as w ell as the number of hours in attendance. Credit cannot be reported without this information. 2 CLE Information 2014 DRI ANNUAL MEETING | OCTOBER 22 -26, 2014| SAN FRANCISCO, CA STATE Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Delaware NUMBER OF ACCREDITED HOURS SEMINAR COURSE/ ACTIVITY NUMBER POST SEMINAR ACTION ** 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) CLE programs which take place outside of Alaska are not required to be accredited by the Alaska Bar Association. Alaska Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in or from other jurisdictions if the program has been accredited by another MCLE jurisdiction. Does not pre-approve CLE DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency **12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) **12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) (1.0 hour substance abuse included) (1.0 elimination of bias included) * 13.00 (2.4 hours ethics included) * 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Please Keep The Certificate For Your Personal Records. 744202 Dri102220142014_ Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency CLE Information | 2014 DRI Annual Meeting | October 22-26, 2014| San Francisco, CA STATE Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine NUMBER OF ACCREDITED HOURS * 14.50 (2.0 hours ethics included) (1.0 hours substance abuse included) ** 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) DOES NOT Pre-APPROVE* * Pending ( hours ethics included) **12.00 (2.00 hours ethics included) * 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) * 12.00 (3.0 hours ethics included) * Due to the nature and scope of this presentation, the Kansas CLE Commission would prefer that attorneys apply for credit individually. *12.00 (2.0 hour ethics included) * 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) (1.0 hours professionalism included) *12.00 (2.0 hour ethics included) SEMINAR COURSE/ ACTIVITY NUMBER POST SEMINAR ACTION 1406092N Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency 190070 Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Attorneys will need to apply directly to the state. The fee for the application is $5.00 per credit hour. http://hsba.org DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency Please Keep The Certificate For Your Personal Records. 181255 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 153837 Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Complete an application for approval of this activity and attach an agenda highlighting the sessions you attended. 150398 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 0106141022 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 035025 Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency 4 CLE Information | 2014 DRI Annual Meeting | October 22-26, 2014| San Francisco, CA STATE Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico NUMBER OF ACCREDITED HOURS * 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) (1.0 hours law office management included) *12.00 (3.0 hour ethics included) *14.40 (2.4 hour ethics included) * 12.00 (3.00 hours ethics included) * 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) ** NV only grants credit after the individual NV attorney has submitted the General Certificate of Attendance to the Nevada Board of CLE. As of the new reporting year starting July 1, 2014, attorneys will be reporting their own attendance to programs on a new online system. There will no longer be sponsor accreditation in NH. *14.40 (2.4 hours ethics included) ** 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) SEMINAR COURSE/ ACTIVITY NUMBER 194989 POST SEMINAR ACTION Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency 95975 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency Please Keep The Certificate For Your Personal Records. DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 5 CLE Information | 2014 DRI Annual Meeting | October 22-26, 2014| San Francisco, CA STATE New York† North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas NUMBER OF ACCREDITED HOURS *** 14.50 (2.50 hours ethics included) Under NY’s “Approved Jurisdiction” Policy. Oklahoma being an Approved Jurisdiction. ** 10.00 (0 hours ethics included) (1.0 substance abuse/mental health awareness) *12.00 (2.0 hour ethics included) *15.00 (3.0 hours professional conduct included) *14.50 (2.50 hour ethics included) * 12.75 (2.0 hours ethics included) * 11.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) * 14.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) *12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) (1.0 hours substance abuse and mental health awareness) * 12.00 (3.0 hours dual credit included) ** 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) SEMINAR COURSE/ ACTIVITY NUMBER POST SEMINAR ACTION Please Keep The Certificate For Your Personal Records. 44 Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency 20141022DRI DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 284800 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 73723001 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 38*938 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 145528 Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency 157987 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 901299072 DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency 6 CLE Information | 2014 DRI Annual Meeting | October 22-26, 2014| San Francisco, CA STATE Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming British of Colombia ⱡOntario Nova Scotia * ** *** NUMBER OF ACCREDITED HOURS SEMINAR COURSE/ ACTIVITY NUMBER * 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) ** 12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) * Pending ( hours ethics included) *12.00 (1.0 hours ethics included) * 14.40 (2.4 hours ethics included) (1.2 hours substance abuse included) *14.00 (2.0 hours ethics and professional responsibility included) *12.00 (2.0 hours ethics included) *12.00 (0 hours ethics included) *See Below The Society will not be accrediting programs. Instead, lawyers are free to choose education that is the most relevant to their practice of law. POST SEMINAR ACTION DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency Please Keep The Certificate For Your Personal Records. Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency 377333 Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency DRI Will Submit Credit For You To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your State Agency Please Self-Submit Credits To Your Province Please Self-Submit Credits To Your Province Lawyers must record these activities in their CPD Log, forming part of their Annual Lawyer Report. Calculated by accrediting agency. DRI calculated based upon one credit for every 60 minutes. DRI calculated based upon one credit for every 50 minutes. 7 CLE Information | 2014 DRI Annual Meeting | October 22-26, 2014| San Francisco, CA † For NY—this course is transitional in nature and appropriate for newly admitted attorneys. Under New York’s Approved Jurisdiction policy, so long as certain requirements are satisfied, New York attorneys may count towards their New York CLE requirement credit earned through participation in outof-state programs accredited by a New York Approved Jurisdiction. The policy applies to both traditional live classroom-format courses and to nontraditional format courses (online, DVD, teleconference, etc.). Check http://www.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/approvedjurisdictions.shtml to see a list of NY approved jurisdictions. ⱡ For Ontario--The Law Society of Upper Canada does not accredit Substantive Hours. If you attend the full program you will receive full credit. The following programs have been accredited for Professionalism Hours: 8
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