Defense Association of New York The Success of DANY Depends on You… DANY/DRI Insurance Update and Claims Resolution Seminar New and experienced claims professionals and attorneys alike will benefit from this local program! Register today and guarantee your seat! (Limited Seating) June 25, 2015 Down Town Association New York, NY D RI and the Defense Association of New York (DANY) have joined together to bring you this local POP-UP program. The New York Insurance POP-UP program, for the first time, brings together New York claims professionals and attorneys to learn and network together locally. DANY and DRI present the 2015 New York Insurance POP-UP program in downtown Manhattan, for busy claims professionals and attorneys, without time-consuming travel and hotel expenses. Spend the day with us, earn valuable CE/CLE, build your network, and take the train home. Thomas J. Maroney Program Chair What You Will Learn Learn from top insurance executives about current trends Strengthen your defense with biomechanics Avoid lien pitfalls and spot recovery opportunities Learn how to present and negotiate your case effectively from the very best DA N Y/ D R I I n s u r a n ce U p date a n d Cla im s Re s o l u ti o n S em in a r | J u n e 2 5 , 2015 T H U R S DAY, J U N E 2 5 , 2 01 5 12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own) 8:00 a.m. Registration 1:15 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:45 a.m. Welcome and Introduction Thomas J. Maroney, Maroney O’Connor, New York, New York Gary A. Rome, Barry McTiernan & Moore, New York, New York 9:00 a.m. 2015 Insurance Defense Update Our panel of top insurance professionals will outline the most recent developments and trends. Learn what’s new that you can use today. Our panel will include a discussion on how to exceed expectations as counsel or as a claims professional. The panel will also discuss the latest in insurance fraud investigation. Peter May, Consultant of Claims, Legal and Subrogation, Hereford Insurance Company of America, Long Island City, New York Aaron Miller, Vice President of Claims, Fiduciary Insurance Company of America, Long Island City, New York James P. O’Connor, Maroney O’Connor, New York, New York Kevin O’Connor, Interboro Insurance Group, Special Investigations Unit Manager Fair Courts New York Learn about a new initiative in New York to make your voice heard on the issues that affect all in the civil court system. Fair Courts New York will be your voice for resources to be put back into our civil court system to ensure that it remains fair to all concerned. Fair Courts New York stands for appropriate funding for our civil justice system, including fair compensation for the judges and court professionals that work tirelessly in our New York courts. Colin Morissey, Baker McEvoy Morrissey & Moskovits PC, Executive Director, Fair Courts, Brooklyn, New York 10:15 a.m. Refreshment Break 10:30 a.m. The Science of Biomechanics Hear the latest in biomechanics. Learn and discuss the line that separates the engineering science of biomechanics and medicine. Our blockbuster panel will demonstrate the value that the right biomechanical expert can bring to your defense. Whether for a Frye hearing or trial, be prepared to present your biomechanical expert effectively and properly before the judge and a jury. John Montalbano, Global Biomechanical Solutions, New York, New York Robert S. Fijan, Ph.D., West Chester, Pennsylvania Kevin Toosi, M.D., Ph.D., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Michael H. Santare, Ph.D., Newark, Delaware Sandra Day O’Connor Fair and Free Video by the National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ) NAWJ is the nation’s leading voice for women jurists dedicated to preserving judicial independence; ensuring equal justice and access to the courts for women, minorities, and other historically disfavored groups; providing judicial education on cutting-edge issues; and increasing the numbers and advancement of women judges at all levels to reflect more accurately their full participation in a democratic society. NAWJ members include federal, state, tribal, military, and administrative law judges at both the appellate and trial levels from every state in the nation. The National Association of Women Judges “Informed Voters—Fair Judges” project is a nonpartisan voter education project developed to increase public awareness about the judicial system, inform voters that politics and special interest attacks have no place in the courts, and give voters the tools they need to exercise an informed vote in favor of fair and impartial courts. 1:40 p.m. So Many Liens, So Little Time Learn from the experts why lien, subrogation, and reimbursement rights are important considerations when a case is evaluated before it is resolved. Once a case is resolved, know what your rights to recover against a potentially responsible party or nonparty are. This panel 1 PROGRAM SCHEDULE PROGRAM SCHEDULE DA N Y/ D R I I n s u r a n ce U p date a n d Cla im s Re s o l u ti o n S em in a r | J u n e 2 5 , 2015 will provide claims professionals and attorneys with what they need to know to issue, spot, evaluate, reserve properly, and red flag a case. Know when you may want to involve a recovery attorney specialist in your litigation earlier than later to pursue your recovery rights properly. Kevin Fitzpatrick, Marschhausen & Fitzpatrick PC, Westbury, New York Dirk Marschhausen, Marschhausen & Fitzpatrick PC, Westbury, New York discussion will include ethical responsibilities and considerations, various methods of liability, and damage issue resolution. Claims professionals and attorneys will learn and discuss how to position a case to close on reasonable terms and how to position a matter that does not settle for later resolution. Robert Adams, National Arbitration and Mediation (NAM), New York, New York George Freitag, Settlement Systems, Carle Place, New York Hon. George S. Silver, Supreme Court, New York County, New York 2:40 p.m. Refreshment Break 3:00 p.m. Effective and Ethical Mediation and Negotiation The panel will discuss effective negotiation before a court and at private mediation. Our 4:30 p.m. Adjourn 4:30 p.m. Networking Reception G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N CLE/Claims Adjusters Accreditation Refund Policy CLE has been applied for New York and New Jersey for 5.25 hours, including 1.5 hours of ethics credit. Application has been made for continuing education for claims adjusters. The registration fee is fully refundable for cancellations received on or before June 4, 2015. Cancellations received after June 4 and on or before June 11, 2015, will receive a refund, less a $50 processing fee. Cancellations made after June 11 will not receive a refund, but the course materials on CD-ROM and a $50 certificate good for any DRI seminar within the next 12 months will be issued. All cancellations and requests for refunds must be made in writing. Fax (312.795.0747) or email ( to DRI’s Accounting Department. Processing of refunds will occur within four weeks after the date of the seminar. All refunds will be processed in the same method that the payment was received. Substitutions may be made at any time without charge and must be submitted in writing. G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Registration Policy The registration fee includes course materials, continental breakfasts, refreshment breaks, and a networking reception. See the registration form for pricing. If you wish to have your name appear on the registration list distributed at the conference and receive the course materials in advance, DRI must receive your registration by June 15, 2015 (please allow 10 days for processing). Registrations received after June 15, 2015, will be processed on-site. Speakers and times may be subject to last-minute changes. 2 DANY/DRI Insurance Update and Claims Resolution Seminar June 25, 2015 Down Town Association 60 Pine St, New York, NY 10005 New York, NY FORMAL NAME TITLE NAME (as you would like it to appear on badge) COMPANY/FIRM/LAW SCHOOL ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONEFAX STATE/PROVINCE ZIP/POST CODE EMAIL Please list any special needs How many attorneys are in your firm? R E G I S T R AT I O N F E E Registration fee includes seminar attendance, networking events, and course materials. DRI will email a link to download the course materials to all registrants two weeks in advance of the seminar. The CD will be included in the registration packet on-site. You can order additional copies by checking the appropriate box below or going online at DANY/DRI Member $170 Non-DANY/DRI $220 Claims Professional $60 DANY members who are not members of DRI must call DRI Customer Service at 312.795.1101 or fax 312.795. 0749 to register and receive the discounted registration fee. All others may register on-line at PAY M E N T M E T H O D My check for (USD) is enclosed. Please charge my VISA MasterCard American Express. Card # 3400-0061-21 DANY 2015-0061B Exp. Date Signature Please remit payment by MAIL to: Please remit payment by COURIER to: DRI JP Morgan, Attn: DRI LBX 72225 72225 Eagle Way, Chicago, IL 60678-7252 131 S. Dearborn, 6th Floor, Chicago, IL 60603 PHONE: 312.795.1101 | FAX: 312.795.0749 | EMAIL: | WEB:
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