Toxic Torts and Environmental Law s decision t r u o c test gulatory e r ✓✓The la d n a islative and leg rucial to c s t n e m develop ctice e your pra e scienc h t in g enin t is happ of a h W ✓ ✓ e h ea r t h t t a e dicin and me se s your ca oa olving t v e w la ✓✓Is tort del? new mo elivering d r o f ls oo ✓✓New t rvices legal se March 26–27, 2015 Hilton Austin Hotel Austin, Texas T his year’s Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar offers the latest legal, medical, and scientific developments, taught by a distinguished faculty of physicians, scientists, professors, consultants, and attorneys. Listen, learn, and interact with some of the finest, most experienced litigators, in-house counsel, and medical and scientific practitioners in their fields. Use what you learn to take your practice to the next level, all while networking with colleagues, clients, experts, and friends, new and old, in friendly and welcoming Austin, Texas. Everything is bigger and better in Texas! Mark P. Fitzsimmons Program Chair Stephanie G. Flynn Program Vice Chair Timothy J. Coughlin Committee Chair Jeffrey M. Wolf Committee Vice Chair E. Todd Presnell Law Institute PRESENTED BY D RI’s WHAT YOU WILL LEARN How both state and federal court judges view recurring issues and new challenges in toxic tort and environmental law cases In-house counsel perspectives on the “state of the union” in both toxic tort and environmental law matters New developments in the study of and fight against cancer How the Endangered Species Act is being used as a new weapon to target industry initiatives and product approvals, and what can be done about it New tools for delivering legal services in an effective and efficient manner How to assess your corporate client’s response systems and prepare them to respond effectively to catastrophic events How to use air dispersion modeling to your advantage Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee American Chemistry Council IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE THIS SEMINAR BROCHURE IS SPONSORED BY Toxi c To r t s a n d E nviro n m enta l L aw S em in a r | M a rch 26 –27, 2015 which resulted in a 500-page opinion and judgment in Chevron’s favor. Hear how the Chevron legal team was able to expose the truth behind the $19 billion Ecuadorian judgment against Chevron, which U.S. and Ecuadorian lawyers procured by what the Wall Street Journal has referred to as “The Legal Fraud of the Century.” Jose Luis Martin, Chevron Corporation, San Ramon, California W E D N E S DAY, M A R C H 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 6:00 p.m. Registration 6:00 p.m. Networking Reception SPONSORED BY King & Spalding 7:00 p.m. Dine-Arounds | Join colleagues and friends at selected restaurants for dinner (on your own). More details on-site. 9:55 a.m. Refreshment Break SPONSORED BY Burr & Forman LLP T H U R S DAY, M A R C H 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 Boarding Pass Kiosk SPONSORED BY Environ TRC Mobile Device Charging Kiosk SPONSORED BY Husch Blackwell LLP Device Charging Station SPONSORED BY Hawkins Parnell Thackston & Young LLP 7:00 a.m. Registration 7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast SPONSORED BY CTEH Quattlebaum Grooms & Tull PLLC 7:00 a.m. First-Time Attendees Breakfast Timothy J. Coughlin, Thompson Hine LLP, Cleveland, Ohio 10:05 a.m. The Changing Face of Cancer Hear what we know and do not know, the new frontier of genomics, and where we will be in 10 years in our efforts to understand the origins of and how to battle this dreaded group of diseases. Ronald A. DePinho, M.D., MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 11:00 a.m. Words from the Bench: Recurring Issues in the Courtroom Hear perspectives from our distinguished panel of state and federal judges on identifying strategic pretrial motions; the use of social media during jury selection; tools for an effective cross-examination; best practices for presenting complex scientific issues; components of a winning closing argument and more. Bring your questions! MODERATOR | Jeffrey M. Wolf, Williams Kastner, Seattle, Washington The Honorable Tony N. Leung, United States District Court for the District of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota The Honorable Dax E. López, State Court of Dekalb County, Decatur, Georgia The Honorable Clare Elizabeth McWilliams, Circuit Court of Cook County, Chicago, Illinois 8:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction E. Todd Presnell, Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, Nashville, Tennessee Timothy J. Coughlin, Thompson Hine LLP, Cleveland, Ohio Mark P. Fitzsimmons, Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Washington, District of Columbia 8:15 a.m. Testing Your Corporate Client’s Readiness to Meet an Environmental Disaster Hear from an experienced practitioner who has developed a review and training program for proactive management, preparation, and response to catastrophic events. Debra Tsuchiyama Baker, Connelly Baker Wotring LLP, Houston, Texas 12:00 p.m. Diversity Luncheon ($40 fee, check box on registration form) SPEAKER | Maria Green, Illinois Tool Works Inc., Glenview, Illinois SPONSORED BY Beveridge & Diamond PC Blank Rome LLP Miles & Stockbridge PC Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP 9:05 a.m. Chevron Corp. v. Donziger, et al.: Behind the Scenes of the “Fraud of the Century” In the fall of 2013, more than 50 witnesses testified and more than 3,000 exhibits were introduced into evidence in a Manhattan courtroom, 1 PROGRAM SCHEDULE PROGRAM SCHEDULE PROGRAM SCHEDULE Toxi c To r t s a n d E nviro n m enta l L aw S em in a r | M a rch 26 –27, 2015 12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own) F R I DAY, M A R C H 27, 2 0 1 5 1:30 p.m. State of the Union in Toxic Torts Learn about some of the most notable judicial decisions and litigation trends in toxic torts that have emerged in the last year. MODERATOR | Jeffrey M. Pypcznski, Porzio Bromberg & Newman PC, Morristown, New Jersey Boarding Pass Kiosk SPONSORED BY Environ TRC Mobile Device Charging Kiosk SPONSORED BY Husch Blackwell LLP Device Charging Station SPONSORED BY Hawkins Parnell Thackston & Young LLP PANEL 7:00 a.m. Registration John C. Childs, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Atlanta, Georgia Jeff Koenig, Cytec Industries Inc., Woodland Park, New Jersey Cedric D. Scott, Chevron Upstream and Gas Law, Houston, Texas 7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast SPONSORED BY Exponent 7:00 a.m. Women’s Networking Breakfast SPONSORED BY Hollingsworth LLP 8:00 a.m. Announcements Stephanie G. Flynn, Gallivan White & Boyd PA, Greenville, South Carolina 2:30 p.m. The Future of Natural Resource Damages Litigation More states are seeking damages for alleged loss in the economic value of natural resources from trace contaminants present in soil or water. These claims are being asserted under the Superfund program and as common law torts. Hear about trends and key defense strategies in this complex arena. John S. Guttmann, Beveridge & Diamond PC, Washington, District of Columbia 8:10 a.m. Misuse and Abuse of the Endangered Species Act A major land use development project comes screeching to a halt. Administrative detours endanger the continued EPA registration of a pesticide needed by American agriculture. More and more, advocacy-oriented non-governmental organizations are using the Endangered Species Act to kill projects and products to achieve goals unrelated to the true aims of the Act. MODERATOR | William E. Padgett, Barnes & Thornburg LLP, Indianapolis, Indiana 3:20 p.m. Refreshment Break SPONSORED BY Barnes & Thornburg LLP 3:40 p.m. Ethics with a Sense of Humor Duty does not have to be dry or boring. Become more ethical as you laugh about it. This presentation will remind us of our responsibilities, while leaving us with a smile. Sean Carter, Lawpsided Seminars, Mesa, Arizona PANEL The Honorable E. Scott Pruitt, Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mike Grisham, Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, Indiana 9:25 a.m. What’s Cooking? In-House Perspectives on Current Environmental Trends From the alphabet soup of CAA and CWA developments to the bitter aftertaste left by recent attempts to ramp up regulatory standards, three “top chef” environmental in-house counsel provide their reviews of the breakout trends heating up in their kitchens over the last year. MODERATOR | Emily S. Huggins Jones, Thompson Hine LLP, Cleveland, Ohio 4:40 p.m. Adjourn 4:45 p.m. Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee Meeting (open to all) 6:00 p.m. Networking Reception SPONSORED BY Gradient Thompson Hine LLP 7:00 p.m. All Attendees Are Invited to Austin’s Legendary Stubbs BBQ for Live Music, Great Food and Drink, and Camaraderie 2 Toxi c To r t s a n d E nviro n m enta l L aw S em in a r | M a rch 26 –27, 2015 Mary P. Morningstar, Lockheed Martin Corp, Bethesda, Maryland Elton L. Parker, International Paper Company, Memphis, Tennessee Therese VandeHey, ArcelorMittal USA LLC, Chicago, Illinois 1:50 p.m. New Developments and Tips from the Trenches For 75 minutes, four speakers aspire to educate, challenge, and inspire you to keep on top of your game in the ever-evolving world of toxic tort litigation. Learn what is on the horizon, what to look out for, and tips to defend your clients effectively. MODERATOR | Lana A. Olson, Lightfoot Franklin & White LLC, Birmingham, Alabama 10:25 a.m. Refreshment Break SPONSORED BY CTEH Quattlebaum Grooms & Tull PLLC 10:40 a.m. RFPs, AFAs, LPM, KPIs: The Alphabet Soup of 21st Century Legal Services Our panel of experts will discuss practices for the effective and efficient delivery of legal services and value, ranging from alternative fee arrangements to external counsel panels to legal project management and process improvement techniques. MODERATOR | Timothy J. Coughlin, Thompson Hine LLP, Cleveland, Ohio GM, and More to Come: Secrets to the Success of Large-Scale Claims Resolution: Saul Levmore, J.D., Ph.D., University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois The Application of Genomic Sciences to Reveal the Invisible Agents of Harm: Len van Zyl, Ph.D., ArrayXpress Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina Winning Your Case by Telling Your Company’s Story: Joseph J. Ortego, Nixon Peabody LLP, New York, New York What You Need to Know About the Plaintiffs’ Attorney Information Exchange Group (AIEG): Lana A. Olson, Lightfoot Franklin & White LLC, Birmingham, Alabama PANEL Matthew Lepore, BASF Corporation, Florham Park, New Jersey Gonzalo E. Frias, Duke Energy Corporation, Charlotte, North Carolina Aileen Leventon, QLex Consulting Inc., Kinderhook, New York 3:05 p.m. Refreshment Break SPONSORED BY McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP 3:20 p.m. A Brave New Regulatory World: Green Chemistry Initiatives Hear what is going on in the brave new world of “Green Chemistry,” both at the federal level with proposed amendments to TSCA, and in states that have decided not to wait for Congress. Kristin Power, Consumer Specialty Products Association, Sacramento, California 4:10 p.m. Adjourn 11:30 a.m. Air Dispersion Modeling in Environmental and Tort Cases—How to Do It and How to Win In cases involving accidents, air pollution control equipment malfunctions, and even normal operations, air dispersion modeling is often used as evidence in class certification and for questions of standing, causation, and liability. Defense attorneys must understand the elements and uses of air dispersion models, to best employ expert testimony on behalf of their clients and to attack the modeling of opposing experts. MODERATOR | Jim Wedeking, Sidley Austin LLP, Washington, District of Columbia S AT U R DAY, M A R C H 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 On-Site Community Service Project— Help Our Troops! 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. The DRI Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee will spend the morning working with Operation Gratitude. Attendees will assemble care packages for American troops deployed overseas and service members recovering in military hospitals stateside. Participation is open to all seminar attendees and their families (age limits may apply). Please join us! DRI thanks our DRI member firms who raised money to sponsor this worthwhile project. PANEL Gale F. Hoffnagle, TRC Environmental Corporation, Windsor, Connecticut David T. Buente, Jr., Sidley Austin LLP, Washington, District of Columbia 3 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 12:20 p.m. Lunch Dine-Arounds | Join colleagues and friends at selected restaurants (or on your own). More details on-site. PANEL Toxi c To r t s a n d E nviro n m enta l L aw S em in a r | M a rch 26 –27, 2015 F A C U LT Y FA C U LT Y Debra Tsuchiyama Baker is a founding partner of the Houston litigation and environmental regulatory law firm of Connelly Baker Wotring LLP, where she serves as managing partner. Ms. Baker’s practice has spanned more than 30 years. Maria Green is the senior vice president, general counsel, and secretary of Illinois Tool Works Inc. ITW is a Fortune 200 global diversified industrial manufacturer of value-added consumables and specialty equipment, with related service businesses. David T. Buente, Jr., heads the Environmental Group in Sidley Austin’s Washington, D.C., office, where he enjoys a broad practice representing clients in complex environmental litigation and rulemaking matters, with an emphasis on the Clean Air and Water Acts, CERCLA, RCRA, and environmental and toxic tort matters. Mike Grisham is the managing counsel and ethics and compliance leader at Dow AgroSciences, providing legal support to the company’s commercial, manufacturing, and regulatory functions. He possesses a broad in-house legal background and effective combination of business management experience with strong legal transactional expertise. Sean Carter is a lawyer, author, comedian, and selfdescribed “Humorist at Law” with Lawpsided Seminars in Mesa, Arizona. He has provided his unique brand of CLE (comedic legal education) for more than 250 bar associations, law firms, and in-house corporate legal departments. John S. Guttmann is a principal in the law firm Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. and is based in its Washington, D.C., office. His practice focuses on toxic tort, product liability, environmental, and natural resource damages litigation. Gale F. Hoffnagle is senior vice president and technical director of TRC Environmental Corporation in Windsor, Connecticut. Mr. Hoffnagle has worked with clients across many industry segments and in virtually every region of the country, serving as a testifying expert in Clean Air Act regulatory and toxic tort matters. John C. Childs is assistant general counsel for GeorgiaPacific LLC, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of paper, packaging, and building products. Mr. Childs manages Georgia-Pacific’s litigation, including environmental, toxic tort, personal injury, and asbestos matters. Timothy J. Coughlin is a partner in Thompson Hine’s Cleveland office and chairs the firm’s mass and toxic tort group. Mr. Coughlin focuses his national practice on mass toxic tort, product liability, and commercial litigation. He is the DRI Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee Chair. Emily S. Huggins Jones is a partner in Thompson Hine’s Cleveland office, practicing in the firm’s environmental and product liability litigation practice groups. Ms. Jones focuses on environmental counseling and litigation, environmental compliance, and regulatory analysis, as well as toxic tort and product liability litigation. Ronald A. DePinho, M.D., is the fourth full-time president of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. He is internationally recognized for basic and translational research in cancer, aging, and age-associated degenerative disorders. Jeff Koenig is chief litigation counsel, safety, health, and environmental counsel and compliance officer at Cytec Industries Inc., a global manufacturer of specialty chemicals and materials in Woodland Park, New Jersey. Mr. Koenig manages Cytec’s litigation, including asbestos, toxic tort, commercial, environmental, and antitrust. Mark P. Fitzsimmons is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Steptoe & Johnson LLP and a member of its environmental and life sciences groups. He focuses on toxic tort, environmental, and life sciences litigation. Mr. Fitzsimmons is the program chair of this seminar. Matthew Lepore serves as Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Chief Compliance Officer of BASF Corporation, the North American affiliate of BASF SE. He is the senior legal, compliance, and government affairs officer for BASF in North America and as a member of the company’s executive committee. Stephanie G. Flynn is a partner in Gallivan White & Boyd PA’s Greenville, South Carolina, office. Her practice emphasizes toxic torts, product liability, personal injury, and appellate work. She is the program vice chair of this seminar. The Honorable Tony N. Leung was appointed a United States Magistrate Judge for the District of Minnesota in 2011. Prior to sitting on the federal bench, Magistrate Judge Leung was a Minnesota State District Court Judge in Hennepin County for nearly 17 years. Having immigrated to the U.S. in Gonzalo E. Frias is the Legal Portfolio Manager for Duke Energy’s Law Department. He is responsible for developing and implementing Duke Energy’s outside counsel strategy. He was a litigator with two large law firms before moving to law department operations at Duke Energy in early 2014. 4 Toxi c To r t s a n d E nviro n m enta l L aw S em in a r | M a rch 26 –27, 2015 1966 from Hong Kong, he became the first Asian-American judge in Minnesota history to sit on the state bench and now also on the federal bench. years of litigation experience. An active member of several DRI committees, he has tried over 100 cases to verdict for major corporations. Aileen Leventon, founder of QLex Consulting, is a business counselor to the legal industry and a practicing lawyer with over 30 years’ experience. She has an MBA as well as a JD. In her practice, she advises general counsels, law firms, and practice group leaders on management tools and metrics that improve the value of legal service. William E. Padgett, a partner in Barnes & Thornburg LLP’s Indianapolis office, focuses on complex litigation involving the defense of toxic tort personal injury lawsuits against product manufacturers, and commercial cases involving claims of product defects or non-performance. Elton L. Parker is senior counsel–environmental litigation at International Paper Company in Memphis, Tennessee. Before that, he was senior counsel—environment, health, safety, and sustainability at IP. He was previously an attorney with Squire Sanders & Dempsey in Cleveland, Ohio. Saul Levmore, J.D., Ph.D. is a professor, as well as the former dean, at the University of Chicago Law School, where he has earned numerous teaching awards. He has most recently written about threats in contract law, food safety, and double jeopardy, or second chances, in both criminal and civil law. Kristin Power is Vice President, State Affairs for the Consumer Specialty Products Association (CPSA) and is based in Sacramento, California. She is responsible for CPSA’s state legislative regulatory advocacy program. Ms. Power previously served in the administration of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Honorable Dax E. López is a judge in the DeKalb Co. State Court in Georgia. Appointed in 2010, he was at the time the youngest individual named to the bench in DeKalb Co. Judge Lopez was also the second Latino judge in the state of Georgia. Prior to becoming a judge, Judge Lopez was a successful litigator with firms in Atlanta. E. Scott Pruitt served eight years in the Oklahoma State Senate and was elected Attorney General of Oklahoma in 2010. He advocates for limited government and balance of power between the states and federal government, with repeated notices and lawsuits against the EPA for what he describes as its activist agenda and refusal to follow the law. The Honorable Clare E. McWilliams has served as a judge in the Cook County, Illinois Circuit Court since 2004. She presently serves in the court’s Law Division Jury Section and presides over complex litigation matters, including chemical exposure and asbestos suits, medical and other professional malpractice cases, and construction litigation. Jeffrey M. Pypcznski is counsel in the Morristown, New Jersey, offices of Porzio Bromberg & Newman PC. Mr. Pypcznski concentrates his practice in the areas of mass tort, product liability, general liability, and transportation/motor carrier litigation. Mary P. Morningstar is Associate General Counsel, Environmental Law, for Lockheed Martin Corporation. She is responsible for providing environmental counseling for litigation related to environmental, safety, and health issues; environmental due diligence for transactions; and support of activities for over 20 waste cleanup sites. Cedric D. Scott is Senior Counsel for Chevron Upstream Gas and Law, one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies. Mr. Scott manages litigation on behalf of Chevron’s Upstream and Corporate business units, including environmental, toxic tort, commercial, and personal injury matters. Lana A. Olson is a partner at Lightfoot Franklin & White LLC in Birmingham, Alabama. Her practice consists of general civil defense litigation, with an emphasis on environmental and toxic torts, product liability, class actions, and commercial disputes. She is the chair of the DRI Women in the Law Committee. Len van Zyl, Ph.D., received his doctorate in microbiology and genetics. He is a professor at North Carolina State University in the Forestry Biotechnology Group of the Department of Forestry, and is chief scientific officer of ArrayXpress Inc., a laboratory services company that designs, produces, and analyzes microarrays. Joseph J. Ortego, a partner and co-practice group leader of commercial litigation and leader of NP Trial in Nixon Peabody LLP’s New York City office, has approximately 30 5 F A C U LT Y E. Todd Presnell is a partner with Bradley Arant Boult Cummings in Nashville. A trial lawyer, he represents major corporations, small businesses, governmental entities, tax-exempt organizations, and individuals in their litigation-related needs. Mr. Presnell is a member of DRI’s Law Institute. Jose Luis Martin is Managing Counsel for Enterprise Litigation at Chevron Corporation. Mr. Martin has managed the company’s long-standing Ecuador dispute, including the Bilateral Investment Treaty arbitration against the Republic of Ecuador; and a variety of related proceedings across the globe. Toxi c To r t s a n d E nviro n m enta l L aw S em in a r | M a rch 26 –27, 2015 Therese VandeHey is Senior Counsel with ArcelorMittal USA LLC, the world’s largest steel and mining company. Her practice focuses on providing environmental, health and safety, and real estate counseling to the company’s U.S. operations. Prior to joining ArcelorMittal in 2012, Ms. VandeHey spent two years at National Able Network as its vice president and general counsel. chemical manufacturing, mining, and agricultural industries in both trial and appellate courts, as well as before administrative agencies. Jeffrey M. Wolf is a member of Williams Kastner’s Seattle office, where his practice focuses on toxic torts, product liability, and commercial litigation. He chairs the firm’s Product Liability and Mass Tort Practice Group. Mr. Wolf serves as vice chair of the DRI Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee and is marketing co-chair for this seminar. Jim Wedeking is a litigator in the Washington, D.C., offices of Sidley Austin LLP, where he represents large companies and industry trade associations in the oil and gas, electric power, 2015 SEMINAR SCHEDULE January 29–30 Civil Rights and Governmental Tort Liability Hard Rock Hotel San Diego, San Diego, CA February 4–6 Product Liability The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV February 25–27 Women in the Law Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six, Fort Lauderdale, FL March 12–13 SEMINAR SCHEDULE March 18–20 Medical Liability and Health Care Law Parc 55 Wyndham San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Trial Tactics Caesars Palace Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV March 25–27 Insurance Coverage and Claims Chicago Marriott Downtown, Chicago, IL March 26–27 Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Hilton Austin Hotel, Austin, TX April 15–17 Life, Health, Disability and ERISA Claims Marriott Marquis Washington D.C., Washington, D.C. April 23–24 Hot Topics in International Dispute Resolution Swissotel, Zurich, Switzerland May 6–8 Employment and Labor Law Omni Scottsdale Resort at Montelucia, Scottsdale, AZ May 7–8 Intellectual Property Loews Chicago Hotel, Chicago, IL May 7–8 Retail and Hospitality Loews Chicago Hotel, Chicago, IL May 14–15 Drug and Medical Device Litigation San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA June 4–5 Commercial Litigation Sheraton Toronto Centre, Toronto, Canada D I V E R S IT Y A N D I N C LU S I O N I N D R I : A S TAT E M E N T O F P R I N C I P L E DRI is the largest international membership organization of attorneys defending the interests of business and individuals in civil litigation. Diversity is a core value at DRI. Indeed, diversity, which includes sexual orientation, is f undamental to the success of the organization, and we seek out and embrace the innumerable benefits and contributions that the perspectives, backgrounds, cultures, and life experiences a diverse membership provides. Inclusiveness is the chief means to increase the diversity of DRI’s membership and leadership positions. DRI’s members and potential leaders are often also members and leaders of other defense organizations. Accordingly, DRI encourages all national, state, and local defense organizations to promote diversity and inclusion in their membership and leadership. 6 Toxi c To r t s a n d E nviro n m enta l L aw S em in a r | M a rch 26 –27, 2015 G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N made after March 5 will not receive a refund, but the course materials on CD-ROM and a $100 certificate good for any DRI seminar within the next 12 months will be issued. All cancellations and requests for refunds must be made in writing. Fax (312.795.0747) or email ( to DRI’s Accounting Department. Processing of refunds will occur within four weeks after the date of the seminar. All refunds will be processed in the same method that the payment was received. Substitutions may be made at any time without charge and must be submitted in writing. C L E /C L A I M S A DJ U S T E R S ACC R E D I TAT I O N This seminar has been approved for MCLE credit by the State Bar of California for up to 12.25 hours, including 1 hour of ethics credit. Accreditation has been requested from every state with mandatory continuing legal education (CLE) requirements. Certificates of attendance will be provided to each attendee. Attendees are responsible for obtaining CLE credits from their respective states. Application has been made for continuing education for claims adjusters. Credit availability and requirements vary from state to state; please check the DRI website at for the latest information for your state. H OT E L ACCO M M O DAT I O N S A limited number of discounted hotel rooms have been made available at the Hilton Austin, 500 East 4th Street, Austin, TX 78701. For reservations, visit and go to the DRI Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar page or contact the hotel directly at 512.482.8000. Please mention DRI Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar to take advantage of the group rate of $239.00 Single/Double. The hotel block is limited and rooms and rates are available on a firstcome, first-served basis. You must make reservations by February 24, 2015 to be eligible for the group rate. Requests for reservations made after February 24 are subject to room rate and availability. R EG I S T R AT I O N P O L I C Y Save $100 when you register by February 19, 2015. (See the registration form for pricing.) The registration fee includes course materials, continental breakfasts, refreshment breaks, networking receptions, and access to the DRI app. If you wish to have your name appear on the registration list distributed at the conference and receive the course materials in advance, DRI must receive your registration by February 26, 2015 (please allow 10 days for processing). Registrations received after February 26, 2015, will be processed on-site. REFUND POLICY Group Discount The first and second registrations from the same firm or company are subject to the fees outlined previously. The registration fee for additional registrants from the same firm or company is $695, regardless of membership status. All registrations must be received at the same time to receive the discount. The registration fee is fully refundable for cancellations received on or before February 26, 2015. Cancellations received after February 26 and on or before March 5, 2015, will receive a refund, less a $100 processing fee. Cancellations In-House Counsel Travel Discounts DRI offers discounted meeting fares on various major air carriers for DRI’s Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar attendees. To receive these discounts, please contact Hobson Travel Ltd., DRI’s official travel provider, at 800.538.7464. As always, to obtain the lowest available fares, early booking is recommended. The taping or recording of DRI seminars is prohibited without the written permission of DRI. C l a i m s E xe c u tive s Any member of DRI employed as a claims professional by a corporation or insurance company, who spends a substantial portion of his or her professional time hiring or supervising outside counsel in the representation of business, insurance companies or their insureds, associations or governmental entities in civil litigation, will be entitled to free attendance at any DRI program. Limited to one seminar per calendar year. Offer excludes DRI Annual Meeting. Speakers and times may be subject to last-minute changes. A small portion of your room rate offsets the costs of the seminar. DRI policy provides there will be no group functions sponsored by others in connection with its seminars. 7 G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N In-house counsel are eligible for free registration to DRI seminars. In-house counsel are defined as licensed attorneys, who are employed exclusively by a corporation or other private sector organization for the purpose of providing legal representation and counsel only to that corporation, its affiliates, and subsidiaries. In order to qualify for free registration, the individual must also be a DRI member and a member of DRI’s Corporate Counsel Committee. Offer excludes the DRI Annual Meeting. Toxi c To r t s a n d E nviro n m enta l L aw S em in a r | M a rch 26 –27, 2015 SEMINAR SPONSORS SEMINAR SPONSORS DRI wishes to thank our sponsors for their support at this year’s seminar! Engineers, Architects, Scientists & Fire Investigators ™ HP TY 8 DRI Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar March 26–27, 2015 Hilton Austin Hotel | Austin, Texas For inclusion on the preregistration list and to receive course materials in advance, register by February 26, 2015. FORMAL NAME TITLE NAME (as you would like it to appear on badge) COMPANY/FIRM/LAW SCHOOL ADDRESS CITY STATE/PROVINCE TELEPHONEFAX ZIP/POST CODE EMAIL Please list any special needs Are you a first-time attendee at this DRI seminar? Yes No How many attorneys are in your firm? What is your primary area of practice? R E G I S T R AT I O N F E E Registration fee includes seminar attendance, networking events, course materials, and access to the DRI app. DRI will email a link to download the course materials to all registrants two weeks in advance of the seminar. The CD will be included in the registration packet on-site. You can order additional copies by checking the appropriate box below or going online at Member Nonmember Government Member Law Student Member In-House Counsel Member* Claims Executive Member* Group Discount* Diversity Luncheon On or before Feb. 19 After Feb. 19 $795 $895 $1,025 $1,125 $500 FREE FREE FREE $695(*as defined on page 7) $40 Download the New DRI App! Search DRI App in your App Store A D D I T I O N A L CO U R S E M AT E R I A L S Member $75 Nonmember $95 (Illinois residents, please add 9.25% sales tax. Shipping charges for U.S. and Canada only: $6.50) PAY M E N T M E T H O D My check for (USD) is enclosed. Please charge my VISA MasterCard American Express. Card # 3400-0210-21 Toxic Torts 2015-0210B Exp. Date Signature Please remit payment by MAIL to: Please remit payment by COURIER to: DRI JP Morgan, Attn: DRI #72225 72225 Eagle Way, Chicago, IL 60678-7252 131 S. Dearborn, 6th Floor, Chicago, IL 60603 PHONE: 312.795.1101 | FAX: 312.795.0749 | EMAIL: | WEB: 55 West Monroe Street | Suite 2000 | Chicago, IL 60603 USA IN-HOUSE COUNSEL SPEAKERS INCLUDING John C. Childs Georgia-Pacific LLC Jose Luis Martin Chevron Corporation Gonzalo E. Frias Duke Energy Corporation Mary P. Morningstar Lockheed Martin Corporation Maria Green Illinois Tool Works Inc. Elton L. Parker International Paper Company Mike Grisham Dow AgroSciences Kristin Power Consumer Specialty Products Association Jeff Koenig Cytec Industries Inc. Matthew Lepore BASF Corporation Cedric D. Scott Chevron Upstream and Gas Law Therese VandeHey ArcelorMittal USA For inclusion on the preregistration list and to receive course materials in advance, register by February 26, 2015. FREE REGISTRATION for DRI In-House Counsel and Claims Executives. See page 7 for details. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID DRI
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