TE KURA WAENGANUI O AWA KAIRANGI 23rd October 2014 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Firstly I would like to congratulate the softball teams who competed in the inter-Intermediate tournament at Fraser Park yesterday. The boys and girls teams got through to the finals and were both playing against Maidstone Intermediate. The girls had a great win and the boys were just pipped at the post but played a fantastic competitive game. You will be aware that our School production of Alice @ Wonderland is taking place on 5 th and 6th November. There has been so much work going on behind the scenes and rehearsals are in full swing. I really encourage you to come and see the show even if your own children aren’t involved. It really does showcase the incredible talents of so many of our students and staff who are involved in the acting, singing, dancing, costumes and props. The show on the Wednesday is at 6pm to allow for families to enjoy Guy Fawkes afterwards if they wish. I hope to see many of you there. Please see the ticket information further on in this newsletter. I feel like I am repeating myself, but the message of road safety just does not seem to be getting through to some of our children. We have again this week had phone calls from members of the public who are in disbelief at the blatant lack of regard shown by some of our students for their own and others’ safety. Most of the complaints are related to students on scooters but some are also children who walk out onto the roads without a glance in either direction. PLEASE talk to your child about these issues and make them understand that they are not bullet-proof. I do not want to be dealing with a serious or fatal accident before the message is taken seriously. Just a reminder to let us know if you have a current Year 7 child who will NOT be returning next year. If your current Year 7 student is returning, you do not need to let us know and they will automatically be placed in a Year 8 class. Have a great weekend. Mike ABSENCE LINE 570 3101 - You can ring this number any time of the day or night. PLEASE call prior to 9am to let us know if your child is going to be away. Please speak clearly and leave a BRIEF message with your child’s name and the reason they will be away from school Telephone: 939 8800 Email: secretary@his.school.nz Website: www.huttintermediate.school.nz PLEASE REMEMBER TO LET THE OFFICE KNOW IF ANY OF YOUR CONTACT DETAILS CHANGE SCHOOL CALENDAR Scholastic Book Orders: Last day for orders is tomorrow, Friday 24th October Labour Day Holiday: Monday 27th October Year Group Photos: Tuesday 28th October HVHS Testing: Wednesday 5th November Hutt Intermediate Production: Wednesday 5th November—6pm HVHS Testing: Thursday 6th November Hutt Intermediate Production: Thursday 6th November—7pm FOOD TECHNOLOGY Food Technology would be most grateful for any donations of lemons please. Thank you very much. Sally Gates, Food Technology Teacher HUTT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL UNIFORM Hutt Intermediate School is very excited to be working with ArgyleOnLine as the seller of our school uniform from 2015. This replaces the previous system of purchasing uniforms on-site at Hutt Intermediate School. The Argyle on-line ordering system has been running for 3 years and is used very successfully by other schools around New Zealand. Argyle has been manufacturing the bulk of Hutt Intermediate School uniform for many years and there is no change to any of the current uniform items. Parents and caregivers will find this system quick, easy and efficient to use. You can start ordering uniform any time from the start of Term 4 (13th October). You will be able to pay by credit or debit card, direct credit or cheque. Orders are delivered directly to your door and there is an 0800 number to answer any queries you may have. Recommended Quantity Uniform Item Retail Price Girls’ Tartan Skirt 1 $85.00 each Boy’s Navy Shorts 2 $35.00 each 2-3 $35.00 each School Jersey (unisex) 1 $85.00 each PE / Sports Shorts (unisex) 1 $28.00 each PE / Sports Tops (unisex) 1 $35.00 each 3 pairs $13 per pair Girls’ and Boys’ Burgundy Polo Shirts Boys’ School Socks Girls’ Ankle Cut White Socks Pack of 3 1-2 packs $13 per pack Sports Socks (unisex) Pack of 3 1 pack $13 per pack School Navy Cap 1 $9.00 each If you do not have access to a computer, there will be some printed order forms available from the school office. Please see details and FAQ’s on following page. Please note that you are able to request a WINZ quote through the ArgyleOnLine website. Optional uniform items of the Hutt Intermediate sports hoodie, beanie, scarf and girl’s black tights will continue to be sold through the on-site uniform shop during the school year. The link for the website is below: http://www.argyleonline.co.nz/Lower-North-Island_373?CategoryId=289 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN SPORT? SOFTBALL: Congratulations to our girls’ softball team who won the HV Intermediates tournament yesterday. A big thank you to Vaseti Sopoaga who coached the girls. Unfortunately, the boys lost in a great final against Maidstone Intermediate to place 2nd overall. A great effort. Thank you to David Brooks and Mrs Sawyer for all your work coaching the boys. A big thank you to Tony Lewin who umpired for us all day. INDOOR NETBALL: Begins next Wednesday 29th October for all those who have signed up to play in this competition. The venue is the Hutt Indoor Sports Centre – Hutt Park, Seaview. FAST 5 NETBALL: Charlotte Gollan and I will be running a Fast 5 competition next term on Monday’s after school, here at Hutt Intermediate. This is open to any Year 7 or 8 students. This is a great way for players to continue to grow their netball skills in the off season. Players can enter individually and we will place you into a team. Entries are due in tomorrow. TOUCH RUGBY: The Wellington Inter-intermediate Touch Rugby Tournament is being held on Wednesday 29th October at Hutt Park. We have 2 teams involved in this. All spectators are most welcome. BASKETBALL: The Wellington Regional tournament is being held at the ASB Centre in Kilbirnie on Wednesday 5th November. Spectators welcome. Paula Willis-Love NAENAE COLLEGE INFORMATION FOR YEAR 8 STUDENTS WHO ARE ENROLLED FOR NAENAE COLLEGE FOR 2015 Tuesday 28 October is the Parents Information Evening for incoming enrolments. It starts at 7pm in the College Hall and parents will be able to meet key staff as well as hear from the Principal and others. Thursday 30 October is the day Year 8 students visit to select their options. For further information, please contact Naenae College on 04 576 4547. Hutt Valley High School Enrolment If your child is going to attend Hutt Valley High School in 2015, please ensure that you have enrolled them. You can contact Jodie Murden on 566 4584, or go to the Hutt Valley High School office. Enrolments cannot be left at Hutt Intermediate office. HUTT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL PRESENTS ALICE@WONDERLAND Starring Humpty Dumpty, Tweedledee and Tweedledum and of course, Alice. Tickets are available NOW and will be selling fast so remember to return your order slip with money as soon as possible to avoid disappointment! The form for purchasing tickets will be coming home with your child today. There are two amazing nights to see Alice@Wonderland. Opening night is a pre-fireworks show on Wednesday the 5th of November at 6pm- this will keep the kids entertained before dark! The second show is on Thursday the 6th of November at 7pm. Children are $5 and adults are $10. Come along and enjoy a visit to the psychedelic, mesmerising and enthralling world of Wonderland! News release! Tom Hyland travelled to Wanganui to compete in a Special Olympics riding competition on Sunday 19th October. Tom competed in the dressage event, the barrel race and the pole bending race. Tom came first in all three events in his categories. Tom has proven that he has natural talent as a rider and has the most amazing posture. Hutt Intermediate is very proud of the resilience that Tom shows committing to travel to Silverstream for training sessions every Wednesday. Congratulations Tom on your achievements. Kids Artwork Have your child's amazing artwork turned into calendars, diaries, greeting cards and/or mouse mats. These make fantastic presents for friends and family. Calendars & cards - $14.00, diaries & mouse mats - $16.00. Students need to bring their artwork, order form (attached) and money to the school office by the end of next week (31 October). This is the major Home and School fundraiser for Term 4. Thank you for your continued support.
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