…Naturally! The Flash The Place to Be Jeff Zenisek

The Place to Be
Jeff Zenisek
The Flash
November 19th, 2014
The weekly newsletter of
Lake Como Co-op Inc.
Family Nudist Resort
and Community
Gene Stasiowski
John J. Murray
20500 Cot Road
Lutz, FL 33558
Subscribe to The Flash
online on our website
Flash submissions must
be made by noon on
Monday for inclusion in the
Wednesday issue at
Find us at
Jam Session returns to the Butt Hutt Deck 4 to 7 PM
every Friday starting November 21st.
Reserve by Nov. 23 for
the Bare Buns Cafe
Turkey, ham and
all the fixings
The Staff Holiday Party this year
will be held in the Bare Buns Cafe from 6 to 10
p.m. on Tuesday December 9th.
The restaurant will close that day to
prepare for the party at 2 p.m.
Residents and members who would like
to volunteer either in the restaurant or at
the front desk so that all staff may attend
the party please contact Mandy Miller in
the office or email:
Jack’s Back
Nude Karaoke
7–10 p.m. every
Thursday and Sunday • Butt Hutt deck
Join Karen every Friday starting Nov.
21 at 10 a.m. in the recreation hall.
Please note that Joelle our produce lady will
not be here on November 28, the Friday after
Thanksgiving. Stock up Nov. 21! She will
return Dec. 5.
Enjoy a cardio workout, no experience necessary, bring some water to stay hydrated and
your dancing shoes on. (There will be no class on
Dec. 5)
Questions call Karen at 813-990-0806.
Be a Lake Como
Volunteer tour guide needed
for Thursdays (10 am to 4 pm)
Help Wanted at Lake Como
PT Server in Bare Buns Cafe
PT Housekeeper
Please apply in the front office
and ask for Denise
Como Nude Cruise Special Offer: Lake Como will be
offering reduced day fees and overnight stays in our hotel rooms
and camp sites for all Bare Necessities passengers, for two weeks
before and two weeks after the cruise. You will need to show your
cruise tickets to qualify.
Tuesday November 25
(and last Tuesday each month)
4 to 7 p.m.
$10.99 with clothes
$8.99 w/o clothes
Coffee or tea, chicken,
beef, rice, veggies,
mashed potatoes, gravy,
dinner rolls, pizza, dessert
Please make a donation in the office by December 1st…
Lake Como is supporting underprivileged children attending Oakstead Elementary School
& the Pasco ABC (Assist, Believe, Care) Program. 100% of the money donated goes to
purchasing gifts of clothing & shoes for needy kids at this Christmas season.
Our Board of Directors has approved a $250.00 donation, and we have received a few
additional contributions. We would like to send the most generous donation check we can
on December 10, 2014.
Please drop off your check payable to Lake Como with a notation of “Pasco School
Children”. Remember that we have many needy children in our area and we can make
a difference in their lives over this Christmas Holiday.
Merry Christmas,
… please call me at 813-477-2219 with any questions.
The Pasco County Nudism History Show
73 years of Pasco County nudist history will go on display the weekend of December 12, 13 and 14 at
the Lake Como Family Nudist Resort Recreation Hall. Please come to see what Pasco County has contributed
towards nudism. This multimedia display includes simultaneous videos and slide shows as well as the largest
static display of nudism history outside of the AANR Library. The entire set of TNS N magazine since 1980, all
the issues of Pasco Naturally and NUSA Sun, newspaper articles highlighting the brave people who have gone to
jail and more to keep our nudist home safe. The awards and trophies from many past events will be shown along
with memorabilia and honors won since 1941.
This display is being managed by Lee Gregory - the Pasco County Nudist Historian.
DancingManLee@AOL.com for updates or call the Lake Como office at 813-949-1810.
Please write to
The Como Christmas Golf Cart Parade
will be held Saturday December 20 around dusk.
For information: LakeComoNaturally.com/christmas.html
Some additional photos from our StarSpangled Celebration Weekend. These
photos are by Katty; the last issue featured photos
by Andrea and Tim.
Buy • Sell • Trade
Lake Como Yard Sale along
Leonard Road Saturday
November 22 – starts 9 a.m.
Please bring your own
tables and chairs.
$5 donation to set up table
will go to the Lopez State
Veterans Home.
For additional info contact Roz at:
Lake Como Events Calendar
18. FC meeting 19
2 PM rec. hall
[Note exceptional FC & BOD dates for
23. Karaoke with 24
DJ Jack starts 7
PM on the Butt
Hutt deck.
Bare Buns Cafe Thanksgiving Buffet
4-7 PM … Turkey, Ham, fixings …
$15.99 p/p … reserve by 11/23 >>>>>>
20. Karaoke w/ 21. Butt Hutt
22. BH Comedy
DJ Jack - Butt Jam Session 4-7 Show / headliner
Hutt 7-11 PM
Jeff Zenisek/
meeting 6:30
starts 8 PM
PM rec. hall
Yard sale from 9
28. Butt Hutt
29. VJ Gary 8
Jam Session 4-7 PM on the Butt
Hutt deck
Karaoke w/ DJ
Jack - Butt Hutt
7-11 PM
30. Karaoke with 1. DEC
DJ Jack starts 7
PM on the Butt
Hutt deck.
4. Karaoke w/
DJ Jack - Butt
Hutt 7-11 PM
7. Karaoke
starts 7 PM on
the Butt Hutt
9. Como Staff
Party in Cafe
11, Karaoke w/ 12. Butt Hutt
13. Lorelei on
DJ Jack - Butt Jam Session 4-7 the Rocks 8 PM
Hutt 7-11 PM
on the Butt Hutt
5. Butt Hutt Jam 6. 8 PM on the
Session 4-7 PM Butt Hutt
deck…to be
Fire Drum
Circle 8 PM
Lee’s Pasco Nudist History Exhibition in rec. hall Dec. 12-14 >>>
14. Karaoke
starts 7 PM on
the Butt Hutt
16. FC meeting 17
2 PM rec. hall
18. Karaoke w/ 19. Butt Hutt
20. GOLF
DJ Jack - Butt Jam Session 4-7 CART PARADE
Hutt 7-11 PM
/John &
meeting 6:30
Marianna 8 PM
Butt Hutt
PM rec. hall
[Note exceptional FC & BOD dates for December]
21. Karaoke
starts 7 PM on
the Butt Hutt
25. XMAS
28. Karaoke
starts 7 PM on
the Butt Hutt
1. JAN 2015
26. Butt Hutt
27. VJ Gary 8
Jam Session 4-7 PM on the Butt
Karaoke w/ DJ PM
Hutt deck
Jack - Butt Hutt
7-11 PM
Karaoke w/ DJ
Jack - Butt Hutt
7-11 PM
Precedence on use of the recreation hall is held for the Co-op BOD meeting usually the 4th
Wednesday of each month and for all other official Co-op meetings as scheduled.
Lake Como Regular Activities
TENNIS - West Grove Clay Courts
Dart Tournament 3 PM Sunday • 7 PM
Monday • 7:30 PM Friday • 3 PM Saturday
Mixed up doubles 9:30 AM Tues & Thurs
301 darts + trivia Tuesday 7 PM
Corn Hole 7 PM Wednesday on the deck
Card draw tournament 3 PM Fri & Sat
Open play at other times – court maintenance is
Monday but some courts will be open in rotation.
Karaoke w/ DJ Jack 7 PM Thursday
….now also 7 PM Sunday
Yoga with Gale every Sat. 9 AM on the deck
West Grove courts every Sunday 3 p.m.
Saturday entertainment live music, DJ or ?
Jam Session returns Nov. 21 every Friday
on the Butt Hutt deck 4 to 7 p.m.
SANDY BEACH Games & Exercise
Horseshoes noon Sunday & Saturday
Pickle Ball 2 PM every Tues, Thurs & Sat
Mixed Scotch Doubles 8 ball
7 PM Tuesday & Thursday
Ladies only Scotch Doubles 8 Ball
7 PM Wednesday
Open singles 9 Ball - 7 PM Friday
7 PM Sunday
Petanque 7 days @ 10 AM & 4 PM
Chinese Wand 9 AM Tuesday & Friday
DRUM CIRCLE - North Grove 8 PM
monthly: closest Friday to full moon
December 5
Garden of Eden Church 11:00 AM Sunday
…Join us for coffee and worship
Water aerobics 8:50 AM Mon & Thurs
Ukulele Group 1 PM every Monday
Water volleyball 4 PM every Wednesday,
Saturday & Sunday
Bingo Monday 7 PM
Yoga w/Gale 5 PM every Tuesday & 5 PM
every Thursday
Table Tennis Weds 1:30 PM
All activities are subject to
changes in occurrence, time and
location made by volunteer
organizers of the activities.
Game Night Thursday 7 PM
Tarot Circle every 2nd Weds monthly 7 PM
ZUMBA RETURNS! Every Friday 10 AM
starts Nov. 21 (no class Dec. 5)
Listing deletions/corrections/additions:
Michael: marketing@lakecomonaturally.com
Interested in organizing a new activity?
Mandy: activities@lakecomonaturally.com