DPME Guide Number 1 (2014) Outcomes Coordination Created 22 October 2014 Addressed to Purpose Reference documents Contact person 1. Ministers and Directors General, Outcomes Coordinating Departments All departments involved in outcome implementation forums The purpose of this guide is to provide terms of reference and guidance on outcome coordination and the convening and roles of outcome implementation forums during the 2014-2019 MTSF period. 1. This guide draws from the 2014-2019 Medium Term Strategic Framework 2. This guide is linked to the Guide Number 2 (2014) on Outcome POA Quarterly Reports Ms. Nolwazi Gasa, Deputy Director-General: Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluation Branch, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency. Email address: nolwazi@podpme.gov.za BACKGROUND In 2009, as the fourth administration of the democratic South African Government we adopted the outcomes-based approach to improve the way in which we plan and manage our work and realise the society we have always envisioned. We identified 12 priority outcomes, with measurable outputs, targets and key actions that would contribute to achieving the targets. The overall aim of the outcomes-based approach was to increase the strategic focus of government by focusing on a limited number of priority outcomes and ensure meaningful impact on the lives of our people. Our understanding was that even if the 12 outcomes were all that we achieved, we would be a very successful administration. To ensure this, we committed to doing things differently and moving away from continuing to do things even if they did not work and had no meaningful impact. We introduced whole-of-government plans (delivery agreements), on the 12 outcomes and committed to improved coordination across all spheres of government. Through the delivery agreements we sought to ensure increased focus on measurable results, and effective and efficient spending. By focusing on a limited number of outcomes, we were better able to undertake high level evidence-based assessments to determine progress against our transformation objectives. During the 2009-2014 administration, quarterly progress reports were produced, outlining achievements and bottlenecks to delivery, and proposing key actions to address identified challenges. Over time, we sought to use this information to determine impact and to inform future policy making and implementation. DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination 22 October 2014 Reviews conducted at the end of the 2009-2014 administration assert that while there has been good progress made in meeting some of the outcomes, much more needs to be done, if we are to tackle the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment that continue to beset us. These findings are consistent with those of the Diagnostic undertaken by the National Planning Commission and the Twenty Year Review. On 23 July 2014 Cabinet adopted the 2014-2019 Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) to be used as the first 5 year building block towards realising the 2030 Vision in the National Development Plan (NDP). Building on the experience of the previous administration, the MTSF is structured around 14 priority outcomes (with two new outcomes added to those outcomes of the 2009-2014 administration) which cover the focus areas identified in the NDP. The outcomes are as follows: 1. Quality basic education 2. A long and healthy life for all South Africans 3. All people in South Africa are and feel safe 4. Decent employment through inclusive economic growth 5. A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path 6. An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network 7. Comprehensive rural development and land reform 8. Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life 9. A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system 10. Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced 11. Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World 12. An efficient, effective and development oriented public service 13. An inclusive and responsive social protection system 14. Nation building and social cohesion The MTSF contains detailed five year implementation plans for the 14 outcomes: with targets, indicators and timeframes for the implementation of key actions. This should enable monitoring of implementation and drive performance. The MTSF is the mechanism through which all plans of government institutions across the three spheres of government will be aligned to the NDP and made to pull in the same direction. The MTSF is the result of an intensive planning process involving all three spheres of government. Essentially, the MTSF seeks to ensure policy coherence, alignment and coordination across government plans and alignment with budgeting processes. Many priorities in the NDP are not about new policies or programmes but are about improving the quality of implementation of existing ones. The MTSF therefore includes measures to: o o o o DPME Improve capacity in government in key areas of weakness Strengthen coordination within government and to make sure that government policies and programmes are better aligned Strengthen performance management Improve implementation-level planning, including using Operation Phakisa (an adaptation of the Malaysian Big Fast Results methodology). 2 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination 22 October 2014 2. OUTCOME COORDINATION 2.1 Annexure 1 presents the list of Ministers appointed for Outcome Coordination. The list also includes the Ministerial and Technical Implementation Forums. As in the previous administration, the existing MinMECs, MinTecs and Expanded MinMECs and equivalent structures have been mandated to serve as Ministerial and Technical Implementation Forums for the different outcomes and collaborate on key actions towards the realisation of the outcomes. The use of expanded MinMecs and MinTecs and equivalent structures to coordinate concurrent outcomes (Basic Education, Health, Rural Development, Human Settlements, Environment and Local Government outcomes) appears to be contributing to the strengthening of the intergovernmental relations system. Please see the section entitled Implementation Forums for further information on the roles and responsibilities of the Ministerial and Technical Forums. 2.2 Outcome Coordinating Ministers are expected to coordinate the overall implementation of key actions towards the realisation of the relevant outcome. Their responsibilities include the following: 2.2.1 Convene the Ministerial Implementation Forum for the outcome, whose key mandate is to provide executive oversight towards the realisation of the outcomes. In the main, the Ministerial Implementation Forum will review the work of the Technical Implementation Forum, convened and chaired by the relevant Technical Implementation Forum. 2.2.2 Ensure the effective functioning of the Ministerial Implementation Forum. Key in realising the society envisioned in the NDP will be the extent to which the Ministerial Implementation Forums: o o o o facilitate collaboration across different departments and spheres focus on the implementation of key actions and interventions as outlined in the relevant MTSF chapter ensure that delivery is on track to meet targets stipulated in the MTSF chapter and use performance information to unlock blockages to service delivery timeously. 2.2.3 Facilitate the preparation and submission of quarterly progress reports to the relevant Cabinet Committees. As per the POA reporting guide prepared by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, the quarterly progress reports should highlight progress made, challenges encountered and measures to address the challenges. 3. IMPLEMENTATION FORUMS 3.1 Through the Implementation Forums, the main stakeholders who have a role to play are brought together and need to ensure that there is effective coordination and problem solving and that the key commitments made in the relevant outcome are being achieved. As indicated above, the Ministerial Implementation Forums will be either Minmecs or Clusters or equivalent structures. At some meetings the Minmec or Cluster will focus on the outcome, and sometimes it will focus on other aspects of government work (see Annexure 3.2 DPME 3 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination 22 October 2014 2). When the Minmec or Cluster is focusing on the outcome it is then functioning as an Implementation Forum. 3.3 The MinTec or FOSAD Cluster of DGs is referred to as the Technical Implementation Forum (TIF), and the meeting of Ministers and MECs is the Ministerial Implementation Forum (MIF). 3.4 As forums that oversee implementation, Technical Implementation Forums and relevant substructures should meet at least once in two months to review planned actions, while Ministerial Implementation Forums meetings focusing on the outcomes should occur at least every 3 months (at least 4 times a year), linked to reporting to Cabinet Committees on the PoA. 3.5 In order to synchronise the quarterly reports with the financial year used by national and provincial government, the quarterly reports from the Implementation Forums to the Cabinet Committees should follow the following cycle for submission of reports: o o o o In August covering the months April, May and June In November covering the months of July, August and September In February covering the months of October, November and December In May covering the months of January, February and March. Because of the elections and the transition to the 2014-2019 administration, the cycle for the submission of reports will differ in 2014, with Implementation Forums meeting in October to prepare progress reports covering the period April-September 2014. 4. AIM, PURPOSE AND ROLES OF IMPLEMENTATION FORUMS 4.1 The main aim of monitoring and reporting on progress is to enter into a cycle of continuous improvement to drive performance towards the realisation of priority outcomes. Monitoring of the progress reports should highlight areas where implementation is weak, where the activities and outputs are not contributing to the outcome as planned, and should prompt an investigation of why and what is needed to improve performance. This in turn should result in interventions to improve implementation or in revisions (when necessary) to the activities in the MTSF chapters on outcomes, so that government gets better at achieving the outcomes and outputs over time. 4.2 The purpose of all the Implementation Forums is to ensure effective implementation and monitoring of the key actions, by tracking progress towards achieving targets, unblocking blockages where these manifest and periodically agreeing on revisions to Outcomes, where necessary. 4.3 Specifically, the roles of the Technical Implementation Forums are to: o o o o DPME Develop, review and refine the MTSF chapter on the outcome; when necessary Ensure that there is focus on the implementation of key actions and unlock blockages Coordinate and secure mutually supporting actions amongst all members to fast-track delivery on the outputs and activities related to the outcome Ensure that administrative data is collected and analysed to allow oversight on progress at an activity level from the various implementing departments. DPME will 4 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination o o o o o o o o o 22 October 2014 triangulate this data with budget expenditure data and output level indicators, where available, and provide its own progress reports to Cabinet Ensure ongoing monitoring of, and reporting on, implementation of the MTSF chapter (the suggested format for reporting is contained in DPME Guide to Outcome POA Quarterly Progress Reports) Identify and resolve emerging bottlenecks (organisational, legislative, policy, financial) which impact on the implementation of the outcome and which hamper effective service delivery Where needed, identify special working groups or specialised pieces of work, to address specific bottlenecks (or emerging opportunities) Refer issues of a crosscutting nature including legislation and high-level policy issues to the relevant Cluster Prepare and submit quarterly progress reports to the relevant Ministerial Implementation Forums, and upon review and approval, table a quarterly progress report to the relevant Cabinet Committee for resolution and guidance Consider and address key recommendations from Cabinet Committees regarding bottlenecks and how best to address these Decide on communication more widely with the sector to facilitate implementation, wider support and buy-in Prepare communication for public engagement regarding government performance at quarterly intervals On an annual (or as and when required) basis, review and revise where necessary the activities in the MTSF chapter, linking to the budget process accordingly. 4.4 Cabinet will use the MTSF to closely monitor the implementation of the NDP across government, through monitoring the detailed actions, indicators and targets contained in the annexures to the MTSF. The MTSF is designed to enable Cabinet, Parliament, provincial legislatures and the public to monitor the overall impact of implementing the MTSF on society. 4.5 Outcome Coordinating Ministers will communicate quarterly progress updates to the public. Through the Programme of Action website, DPME will also support this process by making progress reports public on a quarterly basis. 4.6 The quarterly progress reports against the outcomes will form the basis for occasional meetings between the President and the relevant Minister in his/her outcome coordinating or supporting role. 5. COMPOSITION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION FORUM This will depend on which type of structure is being used as the Implementation Forum. 5.1 DPME Minister’s Implementation Forum The Minister’s Implementation Forum is mandated to provide political oversight of the outcome and will consist of the following permanent members, e.g. 5 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination a) b) c) d) e) f) 22 October 2014 The Coordinating Minister(s) (Co-chairpersons); Other key Ministers identified in the MTSF chapter Deputy Ministers Directors-General or their representatives; The Outcome Facilitator(s) from DPME in the Presidency; Other organisations/ institutions identified in the MTSF chapter , or who need to be involved to address a specific issue may be invited to attend the Implementation Forum meetings If the Implementation Forum is a MinMEC, the Members of the Executive Councils (MECs) responsible for the outcome and their Heads of Department would also be members. The Implementation Forum could also include municipal representation. 5.2 Technical Implementation Forum The following are permanent members of the Technical Implementation Forum: a) Directors General of the coordinating Departments (Co-chairpersons) b) Directors General (or their representatives) of other key departments identified in the MTSF Chapter on the Outcome c) Outcome Facilitator(s) from DPME in the Presidency If a MinTech, the Technical Implementation Forum would also include the Heads of Departments responsible for key actions related to achieving the outcome in the provinces. The Technical Implementation Forum could also include municipal representation. The Chairperson of the Technical Implementation Forum may invite any department/organisation/stakeholders or any other persons to attend Technical Implementation Forum meetings as and when necessary, to assist in supporting the Technical Implementation Forum. 6. FUNCTIONS OF THE CHAIRPERSON The Coordinating Minister(s) will convene the Ministerial Implementation Forum meeting, act as the Chairperson(s) and determine the agenda for the meetings. This should be done after consultation with the Chair of the Technical Implementation Forum, building on issues emerging from the monitoring reports. A proposed agenda is attached as Annexure 3. In some instances joint Implementation Forum meetings (between two or more Implementation Forums) may be required to discuss cross-cutting issues impacting on the outcome. 7. DOCUMENTATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION FORUM The following criteria are proposed for the submission of documentation to the Implementation Forum: o DPME Implementation (both Ministerial and Technical) Forum agenda items must be supported by a submission in a standard format/ template not exceeding one page 6 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination o o o o 8. 22 October 2014 Where supporting documentation in addition to the one pager is to be submitted the document should not exceed 10 pages and should comply with the format used to compile Cabinet Memoranda PowerPoint presentations could also accompany the one page submission and should be limited to not more than 10 slides The distribution of Implementation Forum documentation during meetings should not be allowed Classification of Implementation Forum documents will be the responsibility of departments, provinces and municipalities on the basis of the principles and requirements as contained in the Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS). IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS OF ALL IMPLEMENTATION FORUM MEETINGS The following criteria should apply with regard to the implementation of Implementation Forum resolutions: Step 1: The Secretariat will draft the Implementation Forum Minutes within 7 days after the meeting Step 2: Copies of the draft minutes will be submitted to all Implementation Forum members Step 3: Accompanying the Implementation Forum resolutions will be a standard format letter requesting the relevant party to indicate what follow-up actions it will take to implement a resolution Step 4: One page progress reports will be requested from Implementation Forum members and stakeholders on the Implementation of Forum resolutions one week before Technical Implementation Forum meetings. These reports will be submitted to the Technical Implementation Forum for noting/discussion. A transcription of the minutes of Implementation Forum meetings will be compiled for purposes of enquiries related to resolutions taken and provided to members. 9. SCHEDULING OF IMPLEMENTATION FORUM MEETINGS The following criteria will apply with regard to the scheduling of all Implementation Forum meetings: o o o o DPME Ministerial Implementation Forum meetings will be convened at least 4 times per annum. Technical Implementation Forums and its substructures may meet more often The Secretariat of all Implementation Forum meetings will determine a schedule containing dates for Forum meetings and this should be circulated at least 6 months in advance Ministerial Implementation Forum meetings should take place at least two weeks before Cabinet Committee meetings in order to ensure that reports reach the Cabinet Office 7 days before Cabinet Committees sit to reflect on progress reports All Implementation Forum meetings must take place as scheduled and should not be cancelled unless there are exceptional circumstances, and 7 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination o 10. 22 October 2014 Only the Chairperson may cancel or postpone a meeting. If this situation arises it is proposed that the meetings be reconvened within seven days of the scheduled date. ROLE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION FORUM SECRETARIAT The Department of the Coordinating Minister or one of the Coordinating Ministers (where an outcome has more than one coordinating Minister) is responsible for providing the secretariat for the Implementation Forums. Annexure 4 outlines proposed roles for the Secretariat. The DPME Outcome Facilitator is available to provide support with respect to substantive matters in the preparation for Forum meetings, as well as the analysis of the reports produced, prior to their submission to Cabinet Committees. DPME 8 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination 22 October 2014 Annexure 1: Outcomes Coordination OUTCOME OUTCOME COORDINATING MINISTRY MINISTERIAL IMPLEMENTATION FORUM TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION FORUM 1. Quality basic Basic Education education Council for Education Heads of Education Ministers (CEM) Departments Committee (HEDCOM) 2. A long and Health healthy life for all South Africans National Health Council Technical National Health Council 3. All people in Defence South Africa are and feel safe 4. Decent Trade and Industry employment through inclusive growth Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Ministerial Cluster Ministers of Trade and Industry, Finance, Economic Development and Public Enterprises Justice, Crime Prevention and Security FOSAD Cluster DTI, NT, EDD , DPE 5. A skilled and Higher Education and Various higher education Department of Higher capable Training and training coordinating Education and Training workforce to bodies and key departments support an inclusive growth path 6. An efficient, Rural Development competitive and and Land Reform responsive economic infrastructure network Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission structures 7. Comprehensive Rural Development Rural rural and Land Reform MinMec development and land reform ll 8. Sustainable Human Settlements human settlements and improved quality of DPME Human MinMec Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission structures Development Rural MinTec Development Settlements Human MinTec Settlements 9 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination 22 October 2014 household life 9. Responsive, accountable and efficient local government Cooperative Local Government Local Government and MinMec MinTec Traditional Affairs Government 10. Protect and Environmental enhance Affairs environmental assets and natural resources Environmental Resources Environmental MinMec Resources MinTec 11. Create a better Telecommunications South Africa and and Postal Services contribute to a better Africa and a better world International International Cooperation, Trade and Cooperation, Trade and Security Cluster Security FOSAD Cluster 12. An efficient, effective and developmentoriented public service Public Service and Governance and Administration Administration Cluster 13. A Social Development comprehensive, responsive and sustainable social protection system Social MinMec 14. Nation building Arts and Culture and social cohesion Arts and Culture MinMec Governance and Administration FOSAD Cluster Development Social MinTec Arts Development and Culture MinTec Note: For the purpose of coordinating the outcomes, most of the MinMecs are convened as extended MinMecs to include all stakeholders critical for the implementation of key actions across different departments and spheres. DPME 10 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination 22 October 2014 Annexure 2: Outcome coordinating arrangements and links with FOSAD Clusters Figure 1 illustrates the link between the coordination structures for the 2009-2014 12 outcomes and the FOSAD Clusters. The coordination arrangements for the outcomes are shown on the left hand side. As mentioned earlier, the Technical Implementation Forums can be either technical MINMECs or FOSAD clusters or FOSAD cluster substructures. The Technical Implementation Forums will report to the Implementation Forums, which straddle the administrative and executive level. The Implementation Forums in turn report into the relevant Cabinet Committees. Figure 1 Relationships between Structures Cross cutting matters, Legislation and policy Implementation of the 12 outcomes Departments Administrative level Technical Implementation Forums (e.g. Headcom / FOSAD cluster / cluster substructures) Technical Clusters DGs (FOSAD clusters) Implementation Forums e.g. Minmec / FOSAD DG and Minister Cluster Ministerial Clusters (Mins/Dep Mins/DGs) Executive level Cabinet Committees Key: Meets fortnightly Meets monthly Cabinet Meets bimonthly Source: Presidency (2010). Guide to the Outcomes Approach. DPME 11 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination 22 October 2014 Annexure 3: Proposed agenda for an Implementation Forum meeting Item 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 3 3.1 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 DPME Issue Introduction Welcome Agenda and apologies Approval of minutes of meeting of…. Report on progress on actions decided on by previous Implementation Forum meetings (a written summary should be prepared by the Secretariat so that items completed don’t need to be discussed – see example format below) Quarterly report Progress report including report on PoA and narrative report on issues arising Addressing key issues arising from the quarterly report (ensuring that remedial measures to address blockages in implementation have been identified and responsibilities assigned) Issue 1 Issue 2 Etc. Confirmation of decisions Decisions by Implementation Forum Decisions needed by Cabinet Date of next meeting Responsible Chair Chair Chair Chair DG Minister/DG Minister/DG Chair Chair 12 DPME Guide: Outcomes Coordination 22 October 2014 Annexure 4: Roles of the Secretariat The Department of the Coordinating Minister is responsible for providing the secretariat for the Implementation Forum with support available from DPME, and will be responsible for: DPME Draft agendas for Technical Implementation and Minister’s Implementation Forum meetings Structure the Implementation Forum agenda in accordance with key outputs identified for the outcome Compile quarterly progress reports as per the Guide on Outcome POA Quarterly Progress Reports for submission to the relevant Cabinet Committee Ensure that the following timeframes for the submission and distribution of Technical Implementation and Implementation Forum documentation are met: o Submission of Implementation Forum documentation 10 working days before the meetings o The Implementation Forum agenda and documentation is finalised 7 working days prior to meetings and distributed at least 5 working days before Implementation Forum meetings. Ensure that submissions to the Fora meet the specified requirements and are of adequate quality Send invitations and coordinating attendance of members of the Implementation and Technical Implementation Forum Logistical arrangements (e.g. venues, equipment and catering for meetings) Prepare a budget for Implementation Forum meetings at the end of the preceding financial year Ensure that processes relating to protocol and security are followed. 13
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