Executive 2014-2015 Sandie sbender1@cogeco.ca President: Nancy npapiez@cogeco.ca 1st V-Pres: Hope hleon@bserv.com 2nd Vice Pres: nominee to be elected at the AGM at Breakfast in the Valley Treasurer: Ursula ursulavanderploeg@cogeco.ca Secretary: Theresa cardey@sympatico.ca Event Payment: Sandie sbender1@cogeco.ca Goodwill: Peppy jtew@sympatico.ca Eileen eileenc@quickclic.net Membership: Marion copperwomen@hotmail.com Events: Gwen kirkpa@cogeco.ca Marilyn mblight@sympatico.ca E-newsletter/ Mardie Communication: mardiepan@gmail.com Insurance: Judy jamoore33@hotmail.com Nancy fnhodson@yahoo.ca Recruitment: Lynn rwto.lynn@gmail.com Outreach: Mary mccrack161@sympatico.ca Interest Danielle Groups: daniellechouinard3@cogeco.ca Archives: Kathy jandkshields@sourcecable.net Past Pres: Retired Women Teachers Of Ontario Organisation des Enseignantes Retraitées de l’Ontario Area 4 Fifty-eighth year 2014-2015 www.rwto.org/branches/hamiltonwentworth.asp In “Caring and Sharing” *continually works to be a fully accessible organization to meet the unique needs of retired women teachers *fosters and promotes interaction among retired women teachers to help members maintain and establish friendships with former colleagues *provides interesting, stimulating and supportive programs for all members *provides a wide range of opportunities for members to use their leadership, creative and communication skills * is socially conscious and works to establish a visible, outward-looking presence among teachers in particular and the public in general to improve the lives of all women and children. New! Please help to make all RWTO Events SCENT FREE Executive Meetings: all members welcome. June 11, 2014 – 9:30-12:00 - Mt. Hamilton Christian Reformed Church 1411 Upper Wellington, Hamilton. Sept 3 and Nov. 5th, 2014 9:30 – 12:00; Jan 7 ‘and April 1, 2015 – 9:30-3:00 and June 10, 2015 9:30-12:00 at Fortinos Upper Room, Main St. West, Hamilton The President’s Message Greetings! A new year begins and I have the privilege to serve as your President for the 2014-2015 year. I look forward to it with anticipation! One of our biggest accomplishments last year was Recruitment. We hosted the complimentary, “Be Our Guest” event set up a phone drive to encourage previous members to renew and gave out eyecatching business cards for members to pass on to others. We were successful with over 300 members by April! We will continue on with these initiatives! Public Awareness is our theme for 2014-2015. The Executive decided that it was time to strategically spread the “good news” of our organization. On your behalf, we want to inform the public about RWTO/OERO and our events, entertainment, interest groups and the outreach component of our organization that exemplifies our ‘caring and sharing’ motto. And how can we do this? By submitting articles to local newspapers, inviting newspaper reporters to events, posting events on community bulletin boards and sharing our business cards. So get ready for lights, camera and action! We have an exciting year lined up with our events, entertainment and the continuation of our many interest groups. Please do not hesitate to contact me or any Executive member if you have ideas for new ways that members can become involved and have fun, or if you want to start a new Interest Group! There will be a “Suggestion Box” at all events this coming year! I sincerely thank the Table Officers, the Executive and all of you who continue to be dedicated to RWTO/OERO! Cheers to the hard-working and enthusiastic women of Hamilton-Wentworth! Nancy Papiez-Carbone - 905 628-9907 npapiez@cogeco.ca Events Payment Form Should you wish to reserve and pay for events all at once, simply clip this form, complete and mail it with two cheques: - one cheque dated September 1, 2014 for events from September 2014 to March 31, 2015 and one cheque postdated April 1, 2015 for events from April to June 2015. Make the cheques out to: ‘RWTO Hamilton-Wentworth Branch’ and send directly to: Sandie Bender, 78 Gage St. S Hamilton, On L8M 3C9 289 389-5799 sbender1@cogeco.ca If paying for ONE luncheon at a time, please submit to Sandie at least two weeks prior to the Event and include your Name, Address, Phone No., Email and Dietary Restrictions with each cheque. Tickets are NOT sold at the event, but payment is accepted at the preceding function. EVENTS ARE FOR MEMBERS ONLY unless otherwise indicated. Hamilton-Wentworth Events Hamilton-Wentworth Events Please help make these Scent-free events Please help make these Scent-free events “Be Our Guest” Fun & Games & Lunch - $25 Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 2:00-4:00 pm (Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Dominos, Card Games or bring your own board game) Mountain Christian Reform Church 1411 Upper Wellington, Hamilton, Ontario This is a complimentary event. Collection for high school hygiene closets Address _____________________________ ____________________________________ Phone No. ___________________________ Email________________________________ (E-mail addresses are not distributed, but used for RWTO/OERO communications only) “I understand that I may appear in some photos posted on the RWTO/OERO website www.rwto.org or in the Hamilton-Wentworth Branch Newsletter www.rwto.org/branches/hamiltonwentworth.asp”. Please list any DIETARY RESTRICTIONS _____________________________________ ______________________________________ 12:00 – 3:30, Lunch Included. St. John’s Anglican Church 272 Wilson St., Ancaster Harvest Luncheon – $26 This is a scent free site. Wednesday, October 22, 2014 _____________________________________________ Social Hour 11:30 - Lunch 12:15 Waterfront Banquet & Conference Centre 555 Bay St. North, Hamilton Speaker: Julie Boyer – “30 Days of Gratitude” Toys, books and monetary donations for CAS/CCAS EVENTS REGISTRATION FORM Be Our Guest – complimentary $0 Harvest Luncheon $26.00 Celebration at the Station 1st $35.00 Friendship Luncheon cheque $27.00 Fun and Games & Lunch $25.00 Dunfield Theatre -Lunch, Tour, Play - 2nd $55.00 Breakfast in the Valley cheque $27.00 RWTO Golf Tournament, Details To Be Determined. Your total if paying ahead cheque #1 $ _______ No tickets at the door. cheque #2 $ _______ Name ______________________________ Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Celebration at the Station - $35 Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Social Hour 11:30 - Lunch 12:15 Liuna Station 360 James St. N. Hamilton Winter warm-ups of Hats, Mitts and Scarves. Collection for the Women’s Shelters Entertainment: Theatre Ancaster Chorus Please date cheques for the following for April 1, 2015 or later) Dunfield Theatre (Cambridge) $55 Wednesday, April 22, 2015 (Meet at the theatre at 11:30 am for an escorted theatre tour, lunch & play - option of on-site outlet shopping before or after) Car Pooling Can Be Arranged! Breakfast in the Valley - $27 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Coffee 9:30, Breakfast 10 am - sharp Annual General Meeting 11:00 a.m. Dundas Valley Golf and Curling Club Friendship Luncheon - $27 Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Social Hour and Silent Auction 11:30, Lunch 12:15 Michelangelo's 1555 Upper Ottawa (Near Rymal Road) Invite a non-member retired woman teacher! Entertainment: Dr. J – Rockin’ Zoomer’s Show Dress-up in 50’s and 60’s clothing… optional but fun! Proceeds to the Alzheimer’s Society and the ‘Bob Kemp Hospice’ Members are invited to bring and share their interesting projects at each luncheon. NO Sales – Information Only 10 Woodley’s Lane, Dundas Please bring Provincial Resolutions for discussion. Donations to Wesley Urban Ministries and School Supplies for ‘Start 2 Finish’ Gently Used Book Sale! RWTO Golf Tournament June 2015 Details - TBA RWTO/OERO 59 Annual Convention th Stratford, Ontario June 2-4 2015 http://www.rwto.org
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