Victoria Women’s Newcomers Club October 2014 President’s Message A very special welcome to those who joined our club at our September meeting, and to those who have returned for another great year. To you who have been away and not able to renew your membership yet, we look forward to seeing you at our October meeting. Once again, we are experiencing a wonderful Fall. It is providing another reason to explore our new home by getting out to walk, visiting our many beautiful gardens in all their fall colours and taking some time to enjoy the ocean that surrounds us. Now that Fall is with us it’s time to start enjoying the many activities which our club offers to us. Be sure to check out the activities booklets which will be on display at our luncheon. As well, I strongly encourage you to become involved by acting as an activity convenor. It is not an onerous job and can be shared with a co-convenor. We can only run activities which have a convenor. Also, please share your ideas for new activities with Linda or Maureen because if it is something you enjoy you can be sure there are others who would enjoy it too. Just be ready for them to ask you to convene that activity! We are having the first of our speakers this month as we welcome Pamela Madoff. Jo-Ann has a great list of people who will inform and challenge us this year. Enjoy! Hope you will be joining us on October 8, Lynn Schumacher President 778-265-4220 “A Friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” Douglas Pagels "What's Past Is Prologue" Pamela Madoff was born and raised in Victoria, B.C. Pamela lived for 8 years in Vancouver. While this was a wonderful experience it also developed a keen perspective on what makes Victoria special. Pamela has written and lectured on architecture, urban planning and heritage preservation. She owns, and maintains, a designated heritage house that was built in 1893. Upon her return to Victoria in 1984 Pamela, and her late husband, Mark, became very involved in their James Bay neighbourhood and, subsequently, with city-wide issues. Pamela has served as the B.C. Governor on the Heritage Canada Foundation and has sat on the board of the B.C. Heritage Trust and is a Past President of The Hallmark Society. She currently sits on the boards of the Greater Victoria Public Library, the Royal McPherson Theatres Society and the CRD Arts Advisory Committee. October Luncheon Where? Uplands Golf Course, 3300 Cadboro Bay Road When? Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Social time begins at 11:30 a.m. followed by lunch at noon Cost? $27 for members and guests (preferably by cheque at luncheon) RSVP (yes or no) via email to by Friday, October 3, 2014. If you must cancel your reservation, email by October 3rd. If you cancel after the 3rd, kindly send the Treasurer a $27 cheque to cover the cost of your reservation. Remember, Uplands is pleased to accommodate those with food allergies when possible. Contact Uplands Golf Club at 250-592-7313, not later than October 3rd, to discuss necessary arrangements. Please note that changes on the day of the luncheon will not be possible. October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Dallas Walk 10:00 Butchart Garden Walk 9:45 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 8 9 10 Couples Pub Nite Monthly Luncheon Dallas Walk 10:00 Walking Group 6:00 11:30 14 15 16 17 18 Book Club 1:30 Dallas Walk 10:00 Crafting Group Solo in the City 10:00 2:00 25 21 TBA 22 23 24 Restaurant Lunch Dallas Walk 10:00 Afternoon Games TBA 26 27 28 Solo in the City 1:00 29 11 TBA 30 Dallas Walk 10:00 31 MEMBERSHIP REPORT We had a great start to the year with 17 new members and 38 renewals at our September luncheon. I’d like to take this opportunity to remind the current members that they have until November 1st to renew their membership for the 2014-2015 year. Membership is required if you are to continue attending our activities. So come out to the October luncheon and renew your friendships and your membership at the same time. The renewal form is attached to the newsletter. If you arrive with the completed form and your cheque for $25 we will be happy to sign you up for another exciting year with your fellow newcomers. (Come to think of it is there a feminine version of “fellow”?) Come and join the fun with Victoria Women’s Newcomers Club and celebrate your New City, New Home, New Friends! VWNC ACTIVITIES UPDATE Our convenors meeting was held on September 24, and the result was that the October and November calendars are starting to fill up. Thank you to the wonderful people who volunteered to be convenors- without them the activities would not be able to be offered. However, we are still needing people to run the rest of the groups, so at the October 8 luncheon, please “step up to the plate” and offer your services. In November we are introducing two new groups to the roster and the convenors are already in place - Mah Jong and a Running/Walking group. So please join our dynamic team and help plan and run and participate in the varied activities programs. QUOTE: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi
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