PAIR 2015 Youth Empowerment Luncheon Thursday, May 28, 2015 DoubleTree Houston Downtown 400 Dallas Street ● Houston, TX 77002 Special Guest The Honorable Robert Krueger Former Ambassador of the United States to Burundi 11:00 a.m. – Registration & Reception 12:00-1:00 p.m. – Luncheon Program If you would like to register online, please go to: Sponsorship & Ticket Opportunities: All tickets include the reception prior to the luncheon program. Tables seat ten. Additional donor benefits are described on the back of this page. To ensure inclusion on the mailed invitation, sponsors should respond by March 1st. All other luncheon attendees should purchase tickets by April 28th. □ Valedictorian Table Sponsor/Underwriter $10,000 □ Salutatorian Table Sponsor $5,000 □ Summa Cum Laude Table Sponsor $2,500 □ Magna Cum Laude Table Sponsor $1,500 □ Honor Roll Sponsor Ticket $250 x ____ tickets □ Supporter Ticket $150 x ____ tickets □ I/we cannot attend. Please accept our contribution of $ ________ Individual Name(s): __________________________________________________________ (Please list guest names on the back of this form) Organization or Affiliation: ___________________________________________ □ Organization is contributor □ Individual(s) is/are contributor Phone: _____________________ Email: _________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: ______________ Zip: ___________ Listing preference: □ Include □ Anonymous □ Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ ______________ made payable to PAIR. □ Please charge my credit card: □ Master Card □ Visa □ Discover □ AmEx Card #: _____________________________ Exp. Date: _______ CCV: ________ Amount: _______________________ Signature: __________________________ 8303 Southwest Freeway ● Suite 718 ● Houston, Texas ● 77074 ● 713-771-1111 ● 713-664-5173 (fax) PAIR 2015 Youth Empowerment Luncheon Donor Benefits Underwriter/Valedictorian Sponsor -- $10,000 Verbal recognition at event Two premier tables for ten at luncheon & reception admission Tailored spotlight on social media channels Recognition on invitation, event signage, and website with link and logo Recognition in event program and newsletter with link and logo Personalized thank you photo and letter and video from student Salutatorian Sponsor -- $5,000 Premier table for ten at luncheon & reception admission Tailored spotlight on social media channels Recognition on invitation, event signage, and website with link Recognition in event program and newsletter with link Personalized thank you photo and letter and video from student Summa Cum Laude Sponsor -- $2,500 Table for ten at luncheon & reception admission Tailored spotlight on social media channels Recognition on invitation, event signage, and website Recognition in event program and newsletter Personalized thank you photo and letter from student Magna Cum Laude Sponsor -- $1,500 Table for ten at luncheon & reception admission Recognition on invitation, event signage, and website Recognition in event program and newsletter Personalized thank you photo from student Honor Roll Sponsor Tickets -- $250 each Single luncheon ticket & reception admission Recognition in event program and newsletter Thank you photo from student Supporter Tickets -- $150 each Single luncheon ticket & reception admission Fair market value of each luncheon ticket is $50 Please list guests &check box for vegetarian lunch 1. ___________________________________ □ 6. ___________________________________ □ 2. ___________________________________ □ 7. ___________________________________ □ 3. ___________________________________ □ 8. ___________________________________ □ 4. ___________________________________ □ 9. ___________________________________ □ 5. ___________________________________ □ 10. ___________________________________ □ Please complete both sides of this form and mail it to PAIR, 8303 Southwest Freeway, Suite 718, Houston, TX 77074; fax to 713-664-5173; or email to For questions, please call 713-771-1111.
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