NEWS BULLETIN Branch 112 April 2015 ovember 2013 NEXT MEETING (1st Thursday) – April 2, 2015 Branch Executive Committee Meeting - 10:45 Happy Hour – 11:00 General Meeting – 11:45 Luncheon – 12:00 Regular Meetings 1st Thursday of the Month Rancho Cordova Elks Lodge (SHOWN ABOVE) 11440 Elks Circle Rancho Cordova 916-635-8038 ELECTED OFFICERS FOR 2015 Big Sir Jerry Centabar 962-7252 Secretary Ed Spellacy 941-1726 Asst. Secretary John Spisak 366-6699 Little Sir Hartley Hermansen 635-1850 Treasurer Larry Mustain 635-5674 Asst. Treasurer Art Tourtillott 635-6148 See What Matters to you BOARD OF DIRECTORS Doug Evans 363-9112 Len Honeycutt 362-5170 Mel Buzzard 635-6129 Seth Hertzig 996-9605 Bob Salerno 912-5261 Jeff Jackson 393-5644 CALENDAR EVENTS Easter Sunday, April 5th MEMBERSHIP REPORT March 2015 “Dredgers” Membership Memo – Branch 112 Active: 83 Inactive: 9 MEMBER ROSTER CORRECTION Page 7 move Jim Digenhart to INACTIVE status on page 20 BIG SIR’S COMMENTS I’m happy to announce that two of our current BEC members have stepped forward to announce interest in continuing service to the Branch in 2016. Little Sir Hartley Hermansen will run for Big Sir and our current Secretary, Ed Spellacy, is “upping” for another year as Secretary. Thank you, thank you, gentlemen for your dedication to your spirit of service. I might add that the majority of our present directors will continue on into next year as well. The same heart-felt thank you goes out to you too. The one position we need to fill is that of Little Sir. It’s a fun position. Just ask Hartley. It you’re interested just let any BEC member know. A brief reminder that we have a couple of events in May that you need to sign up for at the April luncheon…if you haven’t done so yet…our Ladies’ Day luncheon at Red Hawk Casino on May 7th and the River Cat’s Branch outing on May 28th. Cost for both is very reasonable…$15 per person for Ladies’ Day and $19 per person for the River Cats’ outing. See Larry Mustain for your Ladies’ Day tickets or Doug Evans for the baseball game. It’s most important for you to get your tickets for Ladies’ Day at this month’s luncheon as Larry has to let Red Hawk know how many will be attending on May 7th. Attendance at our monthly luncheons seems to have stabilized…for the moment. Unfortunately, there’s still a few of you who have been riding the “easy train”, thinking your only commitment to SIRS is your weekly golf or bowling or fishing outing. SIRS doesn’t think the same way, though. SIRS feels your primary commitment is to the monthly meeting. Other activities are the benefits you enjoy as part of the organization. Be advised that a couple of notices have been already sent to Branch members who have either passed or are approaching the limits set by SIR Rule 100. Just some friendly advice, gentlemen. To move on, here’s the numbers of those who were not at the March luncheon: 2, 6, 10, 13, 14, 21, 25, 47, 65, 68, 76, 77, 85, 89, 100, 117 and 147. Of those 17 absences only 7 called Rich Biela to register their excuses…either personal or health-related. Please don’t forget that if you have a reason you’ll be unable to attend the upcoming luncheon a quick call or email to Rich is all that’s necessary. His phone number is (916) 635-8891. His email is Jerry Centabar LITTLE SIR’S COMMENTS Well, SIRS, here we are again, ITS April. Let’s pray this month brings us some showers. I think it is too late for any respite from the horrible winter we have had as far as moisture for our drought problems. We can definitely look to see some water rationing this Spring and Summer so get prepared. I think we will be seeing more low maintenance yards springing up all over the place in the near future. I hope most of you are planning on going up to Red Hawk with us in May. If so get your tickets early so we can be assured of having the number of attendees we are contracted for. See Larry Mustain for your tickets. We will also be attending the Rivercats baseball game on May 28 so see Greg McAtee or Doug Evans about getting tickets for that event. Our luncheon menu for April will be a steak sandwich or vegetarian plate. Please call Art Tourtillot with your order by noon on March 30th. Our speaker this month will be Ken Hicks, from Post 709 of the American Legion. He will speak on all the history and efforts made by the legion for our veterans and service men. It should be quite interesting. In closing I leave you with this observation: Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it. Hartley Hermansen BOWLING REPORT With only 7 weeks to go we are still having fun. Big Sir still in first place by 7 points and I have no idea how. I guess all the Sirs are pulling for his team, even me. Bowling . still the same ,in week 25 we only had two 600s an 4 200s . Greg McAtee 234=612 Art Tourtillot 212= 606 (200s) Cal Suan was top with 228/ Lee Guzy 219 / Jack Hayes 205/ & paul Gomez 201. But week 26 was better with 4 600s & 5 200s Top 600 was Dale Collette back again with 254=665 welcome back Dale Joe Chabot 244=612 / Bill Graham 223 = 612/ Lee Marshall 234=611 (200s) Greg McAtee 226 /Butch Bohannon 212/ Lee Guzy 204 / Frank Campa 204 / Jack Hayes 201/ Good come back Sirs. No news on tournament but we do have 2 big ones coming up Carson City at the Gold Dust West April 13,14,15 & 16 ( 4 Man Teams, Doubles , Singles & All Events. Do not forget your Reservation May 4,5 & 6 in Sonora Ca, at the Black Oak Casino, this is 4 man Team, Doubles & all Events Sirs Only. I will keep you posted on all events. Benny Benson GOLF REPORT SIR Branch 112 Golf news for April Golf schedule for April starts Monday the 6th at Antelope Gr with a start time of 10:00. We then play at Mickey Grove Monday the 20th starting at 09:00. If you have any questions contact (Seth Hertzig at 916- 996-9605) or Bob Cash at 919- 635-7893. Seth Hertzig FISHING REPORT Wheel / Reels Fishing Schedule for 2015 Information Contact: Walt Hodnett (916) 922-4197 WHEEL / REELS meet 4th Monday each month @ 07:30, Coco’s Family Restaurant, Citrus Heights. Our next meeting will be on April 27rd. Fishing location TBD at 4th Monday meeting (Coco’s Restaurant). Month Fish Here Apr. 30 Oroville May 28 New Melones Jun. 25 Loon Jul. 30 Union Valley Aug. Berryessa 27th Sep. 24 River (Salmon) Oct. 29 Folsom Nov. 26 Camanche or Here Pardee Berryessa or Here Folsom Topaz Ice House Caples Caples Bucks Lake Ice House New Melones Berryessa Camanche Collins River (Salmon) Walt Hodnett Berryessa Folsom BASEBALL REPORT SIRs River Cats Game Thursday May 28,2015 When you read this I will have procured the tickets to the SIRs May 28th RiverCats baseball game. Thanks to Sirs who signed up for the game. Most of the signers have paid the $19 per ticket. Several others have opted to pay at the April SIRs meeting on April 2nd. I will be handing out the tickets at that meeting. Because of the early purchase and the fact that we are a not for profit group we got a big savings on the tickets. Cost of tickets is usually $23 before game day and $25 on the day of the game. Also no parking fee, which is another savings this year. We will be watching the "CATS" (Giants AAA farm team) vs the Nashville "Sounds" ( Oakland A's ). All these guys are potential Big Leaguers. If we are really lucky we might even see one or two of the Big Guys down here for some rehab play. We will be on the third base side in section 117; rows 29 and 28, one row from the Concourse. Easy access to the restrooms and the refreshment stands. I can just see the wheels turning in the little squirrel cages now... Some of you will want tickets now that we have made our group purchase. SIR Greg McAtee is a season ticket holder for the RiverCats. He has kindly offered to sell a few of his season tickets for this game to the late comers. So if anyone else wants tickets, contact Greg at 916-771-0814. Looking forward to seeing you all at the April 2nd SIRs meeting!!! Doug Evans Treasurer’s Report SIRS Monthly Cash Report Beginning March 5, 2015 Beginning Balance Receipts Ladies Day Sub Total Disbursements Ending Balance $1,535.45 $850.00 $390.00 $2,775.45 $694.00 $2,081.45 Larry Mustain ABSENTEE CALL-IN We had 17 members that did not attend the March luncheon, 7 of those members CALLED IN stating they could not attend. Also, one member ordered a lunch and did not attend the meeting. We still are accountable for all lunches called in for advance preparation. If you are unable to attend our regular luncheon meeting, call me in advance at 635-8891 or send me an email to Call in early is OK Rich Biela GOLF GUN Two detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzalez. 'How was he killed?' asked one detective. 'With a golf gun,' the other detective replied. golf gun! What is a golf gun?' don't know. But it sure made a hole in Juan 'A 'I MAKE BABY A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We learned how to make babies today." The grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried to keep her cool. "That's interesting." she said... "How do you make babies?" "It's simple," replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i and add 'es'." MOOSE HUNTERS Two hunters named Stosh and Thad, hired a pilot to fly them into the Canadian wilderness, where they managed to bag two big Bull Moose. As they were loading the plane to return, the pilot said the plane could take only the hunters, their gear and one Moose. The hunters objected strongly saying, "Last year we shot two, and the pilot let us take them both...and he had exactly the same airplane as yours." Reluctantly the pilot, not wanting to be outdone by another bush pilot, gave in and everything was loaded.. However, even under full power, the little plane couldn't handle the load and went down, crashing in the wooded wilderness. Somehow, surrounded by the moose, clothing and sleeping bags, Stosh and Thad survived the crash. After climbing out of the wreckage, Thad asked Stosh, "Any idea where we are?" Stosh replied, "I think we're pretty close to where we crashed last year. You don’t stop laughing because you grow old…you grow old because you stop laughing. TRAVEL April 6 – 12, 2015 National Cherry Blossom Festival & Historic Virginia Tour This 6 day trip includes special premium reserved seating for the National Cherry Blossom Parade, visits to Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown Settlement, Mount Vernon, Arlington National Cemetery and many more great historical attractions. The price is $2760 PPDO. Offered by Branch 21 Travel. Call either Ron Berube at 408829-5588 or Dick Kohl at 408-268-0428. Buzzard Johnson Honeycutt Capachi Guzy Campa Hertzig Jewett Jones Mel Disco Len Nick Lee Frank Seth Doug Hal 3 Apr.1945 8 Apr.1932 12Apr.1946 14Apr.1934 13Apr.1934 16Apr.1934 25Apr.1936 26Apr.1934 27Apr.1933 Eddie & Phil & Bob & Ray & Cal & Mattie Karen Donna Velda Fusako Caviel Shipley Brown Thompson Suan 1 Apr.2003 1 Apr.1978 2 Apr.1973 5 Apr.1980 26Apr1971 REMINDER: Our Next luncheon for 2015 will be on the 1st Thursday, April 2nd. Art Tourtillott LUNCHEON MENU SIR Branch 112 (1st Thursday at 12 noon) January – December 2015 We had 68 members and their guests in attendance at the March luncheon. Before our next luncheon we MUST give the Elks Lodge a close estimate of attendance & their luncheon choice All meal choices are to be called into Art Tourtillott by phone or email. When he receives your email, Art will answer to verify he has received your meal request. If you don’t get a response; then call him. This month is Steak Sandwich or Vegetarian It is VERY IMPORTANT that you contact me: Art Tourtillott at 635-6148 / January – Steak with French Fried Potatoes February – Roast Pork Loin March – Corned Beef & Cabbage April – Steak Sandwich May - (Ladies’ Day) – No Luncheon June –Spaghetti with Meatballs July – Roast Chicken August –Boneless Pork Ribs September – Salisbury Steak with Roast Potatoes October – Fried Chicken November – Hot Roast Beef Sandwich December (Ladies’ Day) – No Luncheon NO ORDERS LATER THAN Noon Monday March 30th If leaving a message! Please state your NAME and BADGE # Carl Ragusa Free Meal Drawing, Badge # 95 Dredger Branch 112 Staff Members COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN OFFICERS Big Sir Little Sir Treasurer Assist. Treasurer Secretary Assist. Secretary Jerry Centabar Hartley Hermansen Larry Mustain Art Tourtillott Ed Spellacy John Spisak Absent call-in 962-7252 635-1850 635-5674 635-6148 941-1726 366-6699 DIRECTORS Director Director Director Director Director Director Doug Evans Len Honeycutt Mel Buzzard Seth Hertzig Bob Salerno Jeff Jackson 363-9112 362-5170 635-6129 996-9605 912-5261 393-5644 STATE OFFICERS State President Region 3 Director Rich Dettmer 916-371-1978 Jimmy Johnson 916-961-8092 Audit: Bowling: Bulletin: Chaplain: Golf: Assist. Golf: Handicapper: Greeters: Historian: Lunch call in Membership Assist. Membership Baseball Property: Recruiter: Sunshine: Wheels/Reels Webmaster: Rich Biela John Spisak Benny Benson John Spisak Joe Halterman Seth Hertzig 635-8891 Bob Cash Seth Hertzig Jesse McKinley Bill Livesay Open Art Tourtillott Jerry Centabar 635-7893 996-9605 416-8226 201-6157 Larry Mustain Doug Evans OPEN OPEN Jeff Jackson Walt Hodnett John Spisak 635-5674 363-9112 366-6699 383-0179 366-6699 638-0426 996-9605 635-6148 962-7252 393-5644 922-4197 366-6699 NON RESPONSIBILITY DECLARATION: All activities arranged for or by, or sponsored by, Sons In Retirement, Incorporated, and its Branches, are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their guests who desire to participate. Sons In Retirement, Incorporated, and its Branches do not assume any responsibility for the well being or safety of the participants or their property, in any matters pertaining to said activities. (Rule 345). PAYMENT FOR TRIPS AND TOURS: Checks, money orders or credit cards for Travel for one day or less (no overnight), where a bus/busses is/are used as the primary means of transportation, may be made payable to the Branch sponsoring the event. All other checks, money orders or credit cards for travel must be made payable to the travel agency. (Rule 420 & 421). ATTENDANCE: Members are obligated to attend all regular luncheon meetings unless prevented by illness or absence from the Branch locale. (Rule 60). REQUIRED ATTENDANCE – A member who misses three (3) consecutive meetings without notifying the Branch Attendance Committee giving a of the regular meetings within the last twelve (12) consecutive month period, may be notified, by letter, of the pending termination of his membership in SIR. (Rule 100 & 107). valid reason, or who attends less than half
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