Young Alumni Giving Brunch Impacting The World Igniting the Future Friday, October 31st, 2014 Hotel Duval 12:30pm – 3:00pm Introduction On behalf of the alumni, students, faculty and staff of Florida A&M University, we would like to thank you for your interest and previous support. We are asking your consideration in supporting an outstanding initiative for young Florida A&M University alumni. The Young Alumni Giving Initiative seeks to cultivate the next generation of alumni by providing a powerful networking opportunity for young professionals residing throughout the country. The Young Alumni Giving Luncheon Brunch: Impacting the World, Igniting the Future October 31st, 2014 Hotel Duval, Tallahassee, FL FAMU Homecoming 2014 Young Alumni Giving (YAG) Initiative The YAG Initiative, established in 2006, seeks to educate graduates of the last 20 years on the importance of continued support for Florida A&M University. FAMU has experienced a rich history of dynamic student leadership and activism and has produced some of the nation’s best and brightest minds. Past Attendance – 200 guest Former student leaders will be asked to serve as Event Ambassadors and to help market the event. Young Alumni Giving Past Guest Dr. Frederick Humphries - 8th University President Oscar Joyner - Reach Media, Exec. Producer Tom Joyner Morning Show Dr. James Ammons - 10th University President Mitzi Miller - Editor in Chief of Essence Magazine City Commissioner Andrew Gillum Joe D. Briggs Esq. - NFL Players Association Mayor Marcus Knight - Lancaster, Texas Darryl Parks - Attorney, Parks & Crump Law Firm Joey Digital - Entrepreneur Amber Hall Benton - Director of Human Resources Frito Lay Arian Simone - Celebrity Publicist Carmen Cummings Martin - Director of Alumni Affairs Richard Dent III - Past Sr. VP, COO Victoria Secret Sharon Lettman-Hicks - Executive Dir. & CEO National Black Justice Coalition 2014 Young Alumni Giving Brunch Speakers Tallahassee Mayor Elect Andrew Gillum FAMU SGA President FAMU Student Senate Founder and Executive Director The Dream Defenders FAMU SGA President FAMU SGA Vice President How Your Contribution Adds Value Once the event concludes, information on all participants will be forwarded to the Office of Alumni Affairs and the Office of Development for continued donor cultivation and engagement. The value that this event will add to the long-term foundation and university giving initiatives is invaluable. We anticipate that more than 200 FAMU alumni will attend and participate. YAG Brunch Details Young Alumni Giving Homecoming Brunch: Impacting the World, Igniting the Future Friday, October 31st, 2014 Time: 12:30-3:00 PM Hotel Duval, 415 N Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Target Audience: Former students of Florida A&M University who served in leadership positions between the years 1990 – 2014 How To Become A Sponsor The (YAG) Luncheon sponsorship opportunities offer the development of a unique, mutually beneficial interaction between professionals, corporations, alumni, and other friends of Florida A&M University. Increase the visibility of your company, thereby increasing its long-term viability amongst FAMU alumni, supporters and friends. General sponsors receive Rattler, Orange, or Green sponsorship recognition on the YAG website with a direct link to your company’s website. Rattler Level Sponsor - $4,000 Orange Level Sponsor - $2,500 Green Level Sponsor - $1,500 Rattler Level Sponsor ($4,000) Ratter Level Sponsors will serve as presenting sponsors of the YAG luncheon and will receive the following benefits: Recognition by luncheon host Recognition on mailings to invitees and in luncheon program as a presenting sponsor Signage during the luncheon 10 Invitations to the luncheon A dedicated information table at the luncheon reception Recognition on YAG website as a presenting sponsor with a direct link to company website Social Media Marketing Orange Level Sponsor ($2,500) Orange Level Sponsors will receive the following benefits: Recognition in luncheon program Signage during the luncheon 5 Invitations to the luncheon Recognition on YAG website as an Orange sponsor with a direct link to company website Marketing materials distributed in participants gift bags Social Media Recognition Green Level Sponsor ($1,500) Green Level Sponsors will receive the following benefits: Recognition in luncheon program Recognition on YAG website as a Green sponsor with a direct link to company website Social Media Marketing materials distributed in participants gift bags Table Sponsors ($600) The purchase of a table includes the benefits below: Recognition by luncheon host 10 Invitations to the event Recognition on YAG website as a presenting sponsor with a direct link to company website Social Media Marketing Table in the alumni business expo at event
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