NGAA West Newsletter National Geospatial-intelligence Alumni Association West Volume 3 Number 3 December 2014 NGAA West Winter Luncheon In This Issue Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Page Lunch program and menu Lunch reservation form NGAA West President’s Message New Board Members Sought A Proclamation from the Board NGAA West Alumni Day September Luncheon Notes Arsenal Credit Union News A Note about Annual Dues New Members 4 Ill and Departed 4-5 Treasurer’s Report 5 Sports News – Bowling and Golf 5-6 Points Group 6 Negative Engravers 6 Needle Navigators at Large 6-7 September Luncheon Photos 9-13 Membership Application piétro’s 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 14 3801 Watson Road 314-645-9263 Program: Mike Farmer, “Great Songs of the Past” Cocktails 11:30 am, Lunch 12:00 pm Price: $20.00 per person Choose from the menu below. Your selection will be confirmed by the wait staff at the luncheon from one of the following: Grilled Grouper - Seasoned with Italian breadcrumbs. Chicken a la Pietro - Six ounce boneless breast of Chicken in a white wine and fresh mushroom sauce. Veal Parmigiana - Chopped veal cutlet, topped with meat sauce and cheese. All Entrees include salad, pasta, vegetable, bread and butter, a beverage and dessert. Bar purchases will be available from the wait staff on a cash basis only. --------------------------------------------- Print this page ---------------------------------------------------- December 17, 2014 Luncheon Reservation Form Planned Entrée Choice (Confirm at the luncheon. One per Attendee) Fish Chicken Veal Member name: __________________________________________ _________ _________ _________ Spouse name: __________________________________________ _________ _________ _________ Guest name: __________________________________________ _________ _________ _________ Check #: ______ □ CHECK IF YOU WANT A REMINDER CALL ON TUESDAY December 16, 2014 Please mail to arrive by December 11, 2014 to: NGAA West P.O. Box 510091 St. Louis MO 63151-0091 NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 1 By Jim Mohan Well you can tell it is that time of year once again. The festive decorations can be seen everywhere. The local malls and shopping centers are alive with the sounds of Christmas carols. Yes, there is no denying it. Once again it is time for the annual NGAA Holiday Party. As in years past, December’s meeting will be chock full of entertainment and goodies. Our VP Marilyn Chryst has come up with some outstanding entertainment, the renowned Michael Farmer, who will be sure to have us all in the holiday spirit. There will be plenty of goodies and cheer to go around, so I hope you can make it. This will be my last column as President, so I wanted to take the opportunity send out a big thank you to Bob Bentrup, for all of his hard work the last eight years as our Mailing Committee Chairperson. Like the U.S. Post Office Bob has let neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stay him from his swift completion of getting our newsletter into your hands. I also want to thank Pat Reed for accepting the job as Bob’s replacement. On the subject of transition, a few others of our stalwarts are looking to pass the baton. Jimmie Hilterbrand is looking for someone to take over his job as Vice President of Membership, and Bob Eddy is still looking for a replacement as Treasurer. The duties are posted in the next column of this newsletter. If you are interested, please let me know. Both gentlemen have done an outstanding job, but they feel it is time for someone else to take the reins, so please consider throwing your hat into the ring. One more transition I would like to address is my own. As we come to the end of 2014, it is time to reflect on the past twelve months and think about our many blessings. Among the things I am most grateful for this past year is the support of my fellow officers and the members of NGAA West during my year as President of this outstanding organization. I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement and assistance. Now is time to turn over the gavel (I guess we have a gavel somewhere) to someone I know who will do an outstanding job as your new President, Marilyn Chryst. She has done a remarkable job as Executive Vice President and I know Marilyn will continue to do great things as she takes on her new assignment. Once again, I want to thank all of you for your support during the last year. It has been an honor and a privilege. Jim Mohan 314-846-4464 (Home) 314-440-7079 (Cell) NGAA West is currently seeking volunteers for the offices of Vice President of Membership and Treasurer. The duties for these positions are as follows: VP - Membership Processes all applications for new membership and renewals of membership; works with the Treasurer to assure all dues are current. On receipt of applications for membership, enters relevant information into the NGAA West Members database, acknowledges receipt of application and provides new members with a copy of the Membership Directory and chapter newsletter. Maintains membership database to include name, spouse name, retirement date, address and alternate winter address, email address, status of dues payment, telephone numbers of all addresses, preferred name and other pertinent information, including Life Membership status if applicable; is the final authority on the status of members’ personal data, and provides the President and Vice PresidentCommunications with information on new members, Life Members and changes of membership status Treasurer Keeps full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements in the books of the Association; deposits all monies and other valuable effects in the name of and to the credit of the Association in such depositories as designated by the Executive Board; maintains luncheon data received from member reservations and provides such information to the Executive Vice-President and supplier of luncheon services; and maintains a voucher system for expenditures. The Treasurer will submit any tax forms required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). and will prepare quarterly financial status reports as required by the Executive Board and an End of Year Annual Report. On behalf of all of the members of the National Geospatial Alumni Association West chapter, we would like to thank Jerry Lenczowski and Robert Bentrup for their many years of dedicated service to our organization while serving respectively, as Vice President of Communications and Chairperson of the Mailing Committee. Without fail, both gentlemen made sure our members were kept abreast of the latest news and information on events and happenings of NGAA West, delivering member information and the chapter newsletter in a timely fashion. In recognition of your many valuable contributions to our organization, we salute you. --NGAA West Chapter Board of Directors NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 2 These NGAA West members attended the alumni day held on November 6 at the NGA West campus. How many can you identify? Jessica Daues, NGA Office of Corporate Communications Fifty-two NGA alumni were welcomed back to NGA’s Second Street facility for briefs, lunch and tours on Thursday, November 6 for NCW Alumni Day. Feedback from alumni also is a valuable resource in helping NGA move the agency forward and achieve its goals and vision, McCarthy said. Alumni Day is part of an initiative to establish greater engagement, collaboration and mutual support with former NGA employees. For their part, many alumni said they appreciated the opportunity to visit and learn more about what the agency and their old colleagues are doing. “What I found really interesting is what NGA is doing to help fight Ebola,” said Joe Pfeifer, who retired in 1998. “I don’t think when I was here we even had any thoughts about doing something like that.” On this occasion NGA experts gave presentations on West facilities modernization, the agency’s efforts to fight Ebola and terrorism, updates on the Targeting process and a demonstration of the Map of the World. The alumni also had the opportunity to tour the NGA Operations Center and Museum and to meet with former colleagues for lunch. The day kicked off with comments from Chief Operating Officer Ellen McCarthy, who welcomed the alumni and provided presentations on initiatives such as the Intelligence Community Desktop Environment (IC DTE), Director Robert Cardillo’s SPARK blog, portfolio management and encouraging women to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Maintaining a strong relationship with its alumni is “critical to the well-being of the agency,” McCarthy said. “It’s so good to see you all here,” she added. “Through you, we really get a better sense of our history, of lessons learned.” “In my time, the agency was very much oriented toward supporting the military,” said Gordon Barnes, who retired in 1984. “It seems that we’ve branched out very much toward civilian requirements.” Many alumni observed that the most striking difference between the organizations that they worked for and NGA now is the use of technology. Robert Swanson, who retired in 1985, recalled that “floors and floors” of aerial photographs were needed for building charts. Now, most of NGA’s work is done on computers. “The change in technology is overwhelming,” he said. Another Alumni Day was held November 5 at NCE NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 3 By Pat Wiese Fifty-two retirees and guests enjoyed a very delicious lunch at Pietro’s on Sep 24 followed by songs performed by Elizabeth LaKamp. All three entrees were given rave reviews. Marilyn Chryst led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Bob Eddy led us in the invocation. Before lunch, Jim Mohan introduced our guests at the luncheon - John Miller and his son, Pete; Sherry Schwaab, wife of Don Schwaab; and Linda Schmieder, wife of LeRoy Schmieder. It was good to see John again. He moved to Mesa, Ariz. after his retirement. Jim reminded us that if we want to attend NGA’s open house on Nov 6, we must get our requests in by Oct 1, and that we will have a change of Director at NGA as of October 3. Also, NGAA-West is looking for replacements for the following officers: treasurer, membership, and mailing. 50/50 Winners: LeRoy Schmieder, Bob Meinhardt, Bob Eddy, Pat Reed, John Miller, Gene Sylvester (2), Dale Winters, Larry Knopfel, Wells Huff, Jimmie Hilterbrand, Barb Speiser, and Gordon Barnes. Annual dues for 2015 can be paid beginning with this newsletter. The dues should be sent to the NGAA West mailbox listed on page one. As official sponsor of NGAA West, the Arsenal Credit Union (ACU) continues its policy of subsidizing new NGAA-West lifetime memberships. The ACU will reimburse $40 toward a lifetime membership of $100 for any new applicant who was been an ACU member for a year. The following rules apply: 1. Retirees must be members in good standing of Arsenal Credit Union for a minimum of one year. 2. Reimbursement is limited to $40 toward a lifetime membership with NGAA-West. 3. Retirement from NGA must have occurred after 31 January 2013. 4. Retirees must provide their ACU account number with their application. After your application id processed, NGAA West will notify ACU of your membership. The ACU will credit your ACU account with $40 after the ACU has reviewed the conditions and records. This offering will be reviewed by ACU in 2015 to ascertain its success and to make any modifications deemed appropriate at that time. The link to the ACU web site is NGAA West welcomes three new members. We hope to see them at future luncheons. Jerry D. Jackson * Maryjane Kenyon * Royal C. Webster * Randy D. Pratt * John W. Strebeck * Kathleen F. Strebeck * Addresses and other personal information are for members only Stay in touch with these individuals; they appreciate your thoughtfulness. If you are aware of any former co-worker or family member who is ill, in the hospital, or has passed away, please call or email any member of the Chapter Board so that we can inform your fellow members. Hank Bauer Johnny Betts Edward M. Black Tony Caiazzo Verna Creel Charles Doolin Norma Doolin Richard H. Duncan Tony Ferguson Ron Foster Paul Gegg Marlyn Meoli Beverly Schmidt Carol Stamer Ernie South Jim Stayton Bill Volk Herman Westrich NGAA-West members extend sincerest sympathy to loved ones and friends. Please keep these departed members in your thoughts and prayers. Ronald Edward Henke, August 31 Debra T. Strauss, September 4 Mike Mecava, September 25 Keith J. Watson , September 28 NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 4 Larry E. Hornsby, September 30 Max C Hug Sr., October 2 Richard A. Batisto, October 3 Ray James Morrison Jr., October 8 Marion D. Alford, October 15 Clemens “Carl” Winkler, October 17 John Mays, October 23 Timothy Held, October 23 Donald Hinkle, November 4 Viola (Vi) Niederschmidt, November 5 Thomas A. Schwartz, November 8 Darryl Crumpton, November 15 Please refer any questions to Mr. Bob Eddy at or (636) 296-8831. REPORT DATE: 11/10/2014 REPORT PERIOD: 1/1/2014 to 11/10/2014 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 7,353.42 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES LIFE MEMBERSHIP DUES LUNCHEON TICKETS 50/50 TICKETS INTEREST RECEIVED AND ACCRUED ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP (GOLF) DUES NGAA RECEIPTS MISC. RECEIPTS TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 990.00 1,300.00 3,180.00 198.00 31.44 1,040.00 50.00 563.98 $ 5,815.53 LUNCHEON SITE – MEALS NEWSLETTER PRINTING POST OFFICE DIRCT PAY OPERATING EXPENSES TABLE PRIZES PROGRAM – ENTERTAINMENT GOLF LEAGUE EXPENSES FUNDS TO NGAA MISC. EXPENSES TOTAL MONIES AVAILABLE NON-ALLOCATED MONIES AVAILABLE MONIES IN ALLOCATED FUNDS 3,234.00 689.74 384.60 9.95 267.97 295.00 360.51 25.00 548.76 $15,609.02 9,882.67 5,726.35 By Doug Nolte This year's version of the Thursday Invitational Bowling League began its season on September 4th, again at Sunset Lanes where we've been ensconced since 2009. Once again we fell short of an even number of teams (11) so we must include a "blind" team in our schedule. This affords a different team each week time to hone their skills against no one but themselves. However, this is not always an easy task since the league rule states that the 4-man team must come within 40 pins of its average each game. That means each bowler must bowl within 10 pins of his average each game. Many times the final scores reveal that a team has not fulfilled that requirement and they lose points on the night. So, it's not just a time when you can sit around and shoot the breeze and maybe down a few. You still have to concentrate and bowl very close to your average, or possibly better. As of the first week of November we were nine weeks into the new season and at that time the team with the most seasoned veterans (Harry Lemakis and Jack Harmon) was leading last year's victors (The Marauders, starring Jeff Delaplain et al) by 3 points. The first half of the season will end sometime in December and it's really anyone's guess as to who will be on top at that time. Any of the eleven teams could get hot during the final weeks of the first half and come out on top. To see who does, we invite any folks who might know any of us to try this sport and come to Sunset Lanes on Watson Road on any Thursday at 4 p.m. Perhaps you'll see someone you've not seen in years enjoying themselves at this timeless sport. By Doug Nolte The NGAA West Golf Group held its annual final outing at the wonderful Whitmoor Country Club October ninth. As is our normal ritual we let the players select their own special four-man teams for the final outing, instead of depending on the reliable computer to generate the teams as is done for the other 25 outings during the regular season. Many of the golfers look forward to this outing so they can play with their closest friends at least once during the halfyear season that we manage to play; so it was with great anticipation that 134 golfers prepared for a good round of golf with friends. Didn't happen. The weather let us down. The rains came and washed away all our dreams. What made matters worse was that the phone system was down at the course and people couldn't even call in to ask if the course was open (a requirement for us to play), or to tell those of us who were there that they wouldn't/couldn't make it even for the special luncheon set up for the day. NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 5 Final attendance tally was actually pretty good; 117 of us sat down at the noon luncheon and were treated to some wonderful food prepared by the chef(s) at this very nice facility. The only sad part was the lack of golf the final day and the normal discussions around the tables. The next luncheon will be December 11, 2014. All are welcome. This last luncheon of the year is normally well attended, so please come. By Monica Sharp Our slate for next season is being contemplated right now, and it appears that we will concentrate our more upscale (private/semi private) courses on successive Mondays instead of the random way we handled it this past season, which resulted in some confusion in going from Thursday to Monday to Thursday in some situations. Again, we will strive for 26 outings, beginning about the third week in April and ending the second week in October. There will be a kickoff meeting the first week in December to lay the ground work for the new season. The Needle Navigators are finishing the year with a burst of activity. The annual CFC quilt (shown below} was completed and tickets printed for a drawing at the end of the campaign. By Bob Eddy Thirteen individuals attended the September luncheon, Dave Alspaugh, Sam Brewer, Charlie Bird, Bob Eddy, Jim Hilterbrand, Jim Huettenmeyer, Don Neubacher, John Novak, Kevin Perry, Ed Schaaf, Gene Sylvester, Dale Winters and Jim Wynn. Fifteen individuals attended the October luncheon, Dave Alspaugh, Sam Brewer, Charlie Bird, Bob Eddy, Jim Huettenmeyer, Dick Iverson, Don Neubacher, John Novak, Kevin Perry, Larry Rambo, Ed Schaaf, Gene Sylvester, Danny Wells, Dale Winters and Jim Wynn. There were eighteen attendees at the November luncheon. They were Dave Alspaugh, Sam Brewer, Charlie Castro, Ray Dvorchak, Vern Edelmann, Frank Fearon, Jim Hilterbrand, Jim Johnson, Don Neubacher, John Novak, Kevin Perry, Jim Raby, Larry Rambo, Gene Sylvester, Danny Wells, Ed Wright, Dale Winters and Jim Wynn. The group is for retired DMAAC/NIMA/NGA employees who want to enjoy the camaraderie. It is not restricted to Points, and several of the attendees never worked in Points. The Points Group meets at 11 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month at the Hometown Buffet on South Lindbergh. Future luncheons are scheduled for December 3, January 7, February 4 and March 4 at the Hometown Buffet on South Lindbergh at 11 AM. Four NN members made thirteen stockings for the Landstuhl Hospital Care Project--Stitches of Love. The project goal is to send over 500 stockings to our service members. The Needle Navigators who made stockings this year are Sandi Fleming, Susan Houser, Donna Kurk, and Sandy Tunnicliff. By Donald Lippold The Negative Engravers monthly luncheon was held at El Maguey Restaurant Concord Plaza, on Thursday, November 13, 2014. Attendees were John Carty, Don Lippold, Rich Egan, Larry Weisz, Ernie South, Harry Lemakis and Libby Lanning. NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 6 Six NN members participated in the annual Veteran’s Day Sew-In, working on Quilts of Valor, Project Linus quilts and their own projects. (Example at left.) Members also continue to make pillow cases that are donated to charity. The group also remembered Rose Donnell in several ways this year. Rose passed away a year ago last September. At the time of her death, the group was working on a quilt block round robin. In this round robin, each participant put together a set of requirements and possibly some fabrics in a packet. This packet was passed through the group on a monthly basis for the year. Members finished Rose’s blocks and then Camille Willman, Sandy Tunnicliff, Sue Houser and Donna Kurk put the blocks together in four wall quilts which were given to Rose’s family for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Rose’s family gifted the group with fabric, books, patterns and notions from Rose’s stash. These items will be put to good use by the members and Rose will be remembered. Several years ago, after Susan Glass died, her husband Bobbi donated her fabric and craft materials stash to the group. There were a large number of calico prints. These prints were cut up by Brenda Walsh and put into kits to make Sudoku quilts. Three of these quilts were completed this year by Donna Kurk, Sandy Tunnicliff and Camille Willman. Cindy Neville was part of a group of eight that made a quilt that was shown at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX October 29-November 2. The quilt shown here, titled Amazing Aztec-nicolor Dream, won a BLUE ribbon in the Group Quilt category in this prestigious show plus a cash award of $1000. Cindy had another quilt in the show as well. Check out to see all the winners. These quilts are fabulous! The meeting schedule for 2015 is as follows: Meetings will continue to be held in the classroom at Jackman’s Fabric Store, 1234 North Lindbergh in Creve Couer, from 1 to 4 p.m. on the following dates: January 16, February 20, March 20, April 17, May 15, June 5, August 21, September 18, October 16 and November 13. Membership is open to all current and retired NGA employees, spouses or friends. There are no dues. You do not need to be a quilter; if you want to learn, we can teach you. If you are interested in learning more about the group or our projects, please contact Monica Sharp, 636-946-5080, or Sandy Tunnicliff 314-544-5540) Russ Wall Chair Bob Meinhardt Senior Advisor Jim Mohan President Marilyn Chryst Executive VP Jimmie Hilterbrand VP Membership Bob Eddy Treasurer Pat Wiese Secretary and Hospitality Chair Larry Knopfel Golf Committee Chair Bob Bentrup Mailing Committee Chair Pat Reed Incoming Mailing Committee Chair Jack Panula Member-at-Large LeRoy Schmieder Member-at-Large Robert Pankey Webmaster Wells Huff VP Communications /Newsletter editor From the St. Louis Post Dispatch in early November, forwarded by NGAA West’s Jerry Lenczowski The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency started with six possible locations to replace its existing Western Headquarters in St. Louis, and now they are down to four. The agency said on Monday that it has dropped two locations, the North Park development in north St. Louis County and the Weldon Spring location near Chesterfield, from consideration. The agency said after initial reviews neither of the sites meet NGA requirements. Now, the agency will conduct environmental reviews of the four remaining locations: • Fenton (the site of the old Chrysler plant along Interstate 44) • Mehlville (at the Met Life facility on Tesson Ferry Road, between Interstate 270 and Highway 141) NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 7 • North St. Louis (the site of the old Pruitt-Igoe housing complex near Cass and Jefferson avenues) • St. Clair County (site adjacent to Scott Air Force Base along Interstate 64) The high-tech spy agency is currently located south of downtown St. Louis near the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. The agency, which employees 3,000 people at the St. Louis city location, said in June that its current complex, which dates back to before the U.S. Civil War, was outdated and needed to be replaced. A secondary location in Arnold will not be relocated, according to officials. Next month, the Army Corp of Engineers will hold three public meetings in the St. Louis area about the relocation: Dec. 9, St. Louis Gateway Classic Foundation, 2012 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, St. Louis, 4 to 6 p.m.; Dec. 10, Katy Cavins Community Center, 308 East Fifth Street, O’Fallon, Ill., 4 to 6 p.m.; Dec. 11, Crestwood Community Center, 9245 Whitecliff Park Lane, Crestwood, 4 to 6 p.m. The environmental study is expected to take 18 to 24 months. The decision on where the facility will move won't be made until 2016, according to officials. The move won't happen until 2021 or 2022. The current Directories of West Chapter and East Chapter members are available on the NGAAW web site. The Directory is for members only. Those members interested in accessing this information should contact Jimmie Hilterbrand at his email address: Jimmie Hilterbrand NGAA-West members have the opportunity to submit articles for publication in the NGA Pathfinder magazine. The following guidelines apply for all submissions: The article should be about 150 words long. A general article can be longer but should not exceed one Pathfinder page (about 600 words). If possible, all submissions should include a photo or artwork and quotes from persons or documents. The article should be in Word format, text only. Each graphic submitted must be a separate .jpg file with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for a 4x6 inch image. Graphics should have captions and credits. Send your accounts of personal happenings, those of family or friends, vacations, or memories of employment to Wells Huff, 4942 Robert Avenue. St. Louis, MO 63109 or e-mail to CORRECTION In its September story “NGA and Scouting,” the NGAA West newsletter incorrectly stated that Steve Pedone has worked in civil service, the military and for defense contractors. The sentence should have read, “I haven’t been surprised, over the years of my career at NGA, to meet and work with many former Scouts and Eagle Scouts serving in civil service, the military and as defense contractors.” The story also incorrectly stated that Steve’s career was primarily in Intelligence. He points out, “Intelligence was not my primary role. During my career in the Air Force, the Air Force Cartographic/Geodetic Officer was a unique career field and not part of the Intelligence career field. My secondary career field was Intelligence.” Steve’s wife's name was misspelled. It is "Ximena." We apologize for the misstatements and the misspelling. Members who are interested should contact Wells Huff, the newsletter editor, at any other NGAA West Board member. You will receive an email notification identifying a subject for your article and a date when the article needs to be received. NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 8 SEPTEMBER 2014 LUNCHEON PHOTOGRAPHS Photos by Russ Wall Lou Decker Jane and Ed de la Peña Bob Edwards Nick and Mary Decker Clint Walker Don and Sherry Schwaab Don Schmidt Frank and Sharron Aufmuth Andrew Jackson Don Schmidt Jimmy and Grace Boyd Fred Meister Marjorie and Dennis Terhaar Bob Pankey NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 9 Kent Kenniston Dale Winters Jim Mohan Pat Reed Jerry Lenczowski Pat Wiese Bob Edwards Carol Reed Jim Mohan Bob Meinhardt Marilyn Chryst Bill Riordan Larry Knopfel Barbara Speiser Ron Ruffin Pat Keller LeRoy and Linda Schmieder NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 10 Bob Eddy Ed de la Peña John Miller Nick Decker Pete Miller Ed de la Peña Clyde and Verna Creel Lou Decker Gordon and Judy Barnes Evelyn and Ken Parks Wells Huff NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 11 Dale Winters John Koberg Beverly and Jimmie Hilterbrand Don Schmidt Kent Kenniston Grace and Jimmie Boyd Debra Neustadt Pat Weise Barbara Speiser Donna and Art Pekarek Clint Walker Jane and Ed de la Pena NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 12 Pat Keller Gene Sylvester Ron Ruffin Singer/entertainer Elizabeth LaKamp NGAA WEST 2015 LUNCHEON MEETINGS Pietro’s Restaurant 3801 Watson Road Social at 11:30 A.M Lunch at 12:00 March 24, 2015 GOLF Serenading “the troops” NEEDLE NAVIGATORS AT LARGE Jackman’s Fabric Store 1234 N Lindbergh, St Louis, MO 63132 January 16, February 20, March 20, April 17, May 15, June 5, August 21, September 18, October 16 and November 13, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Planning for the 2015 season begins in December PHOTO BREAKFAST CLUB MIXED BOWLING Fourth Monday of month at 9:00 a.m. Ambrosia’s Restaurant 9416 Gravois Road St. Louis MO 63123 4 PM Wednesdays at Sunset Lanes MEN’S INVITATIONAL BOWLING NEGATIVE ENGRAVERS LUNCHEON El Maguey restaurant in Concord Plaza 4 PM Thursdays at Sunset Lanes Second Tuesday of the month at 12:30 p.m. POINTS GROUP DUFFY’S INFORMAL LUNCHEONS (DILS) Hometown Buffet, South Lindbergh Duffy’s Pub and Grill 124 W. Jefferson Ave., Kirkwood MO First Wednesday of each month First Wednesday of the month at 11 a.m. NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 13 NGAA West Newsletter for December 2014 Page 14 NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIO0N (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) 1. Name: Last ____________________________ First __________________________ Middle Initial ______ Preferred Name (Optional): _________________________ Birthday (Optional): _________________ 2. Retirement date (if applicable): _____________________ OR Transfer date: _______________________ 3. Organization from which retired or transferred/current employment (NGA, NIMA, DMA, Other): _______________________ 4. Last position held: __________________________________ 4b. Professional affiliation(s): ____________________________ 5. Post-retirement work experience/position held, with whom: _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Name of Spouse/Significant Other: Last __________________ First ________________ Middle Initial _____ Preferred Name (Optional): _____________________ In the case where both spouses are eligible in his/her own right, only one fee will be assessed (and a joint listing will be used). If separate listing is desired, and one spouse is already a member, the other may join at no additional fee. -Is spouse: A current/former employee of NGA or predecessor organization: ___ Yes ___ No. If YES, retirement date: __________ -Is he/she a current NGAA Member: ___ Yes ___ No. If yes, indicate Chapter(s): ___ NGAA-East ___ NGAA-West. 7. Main Address: Street/PO Box: _____________________________ City/State: ________________________ Zip Code: __________ Phone: __________________ Cell/alternate phone: __________________ e-mail: ___________________________ 8. Alternate Address (if applicable): Street/PO Box: _____________________________ City/State: ________________________ Zip Code: __________ Phone: ___________________ Cell/alternate phone: __________________ e-mail: __________________________ Specify time period at alternate address: From: ______________ To: _________________ 9. Chapter affiliation desired (choose one). Please note that, while participation in Chapter informational/social functions is reciprocal, voting privileges are accorded only to dues-paying members of the specific chapter. Access to Chapter directories is accorded to dues-paying members of either Chapter. General information, including newsletters, is in the public domain on the Chapter web sites. 10. To apply for membership in the NGAA East or West chapter: ________ NGAA-EAST Dues: $40.00 – Lifetime Membership* Send this application, along with your check*, to: ________ NGAA-WEST Dues: $10.00/year or $100.00 Lifetime Membership* Send this application, along with your check*, to: NGAA-East Paul Mich, Treasurer 1308 Rock Chapel Road Herndon, VA 20170 NGAA-West P.O. Box 510091 St. Louis, MO 63151-0091 *Our sponsor, Constellation Federal Credit Union (CFCU), has offered to pay the current $40 NGAA-East lifetime membership fee for eligible members of CFCU. If you have been a member for two-plus years, and if CFCU has not previously funded your membership in AMS, please fill in your credit union account number: #_____________. Send NO CHECK. We will notify CFCU of your application. *The Arsenal Credit Union (ACU) will reimburse $40.00 toward the lifetime membership of $100.00 for any new applicant who has been a member in good-standing of ACU for a minimum of one (1) year, provided that the applicant’s retirement occurred after January 31, 2013. If you qualify, please provide your ACU account number: _____________. Send your check with your application. After we have processed your application, we will notify ACU of your membership. ACU will then credit your account with $40.00. NGAA West P.O. BOX 510091 ST. LOUIS MO 63151-0091 [Type here]
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