Physical inactivity and gender Longitudinal study of the physical activity relationship in youngsters’ lifecourse Aino Nevalainen WHAT IS BEING STUDIED WHY TO STUDY • The relationship and experiences towards physical activity in youngsters’ and young adults’ lifecourse • Background and reasons of the physical activity or inactivity • Attitudes and changes in physical activity and physical activity relationship • Differrences between genders • Different physical activity groups • Physically inactive everyday life has increased and health issues concerning it are found alarming. • Physical activity is related to physical activity relationship, which begins to form in the childhood and is effected by historical time, environment, and social networks. • Differences between genders has been detected in physical activity relationship. • To understand better the meaning of the physical activity to youngsters. HOW TO STUDY Longitudinal study: samples in years 2003 and 2013 Quantitative and qualitative methods: – Questionnaire and interview Themes: 1. Free time and wellfare SAMPLE Year 2003: under school age or of school age children and youngsters from Turku (N=2032). Year 2013: same subjects were 14–28-year-olds (N=689). 2. Everyday physical activities I. Questionnaire 2003: N=2032 3. Physical activities I. Interview 2003: N=60 4. Personal physical activity history II. Questionnaire 2013: N=689 II. Interview 2013: N=16 FUTURE ARTICLES 1. Experiences in school sports, some results: – Attitudes towards school sports has changed to more positive from the year 2003 in secondary school – Most of the 14–18-year-olds like school sports – Boys like more school sports than girls – Physically active favoured school sports more than physically References Vanttaja, M & Tähtinen, J. & Koski, P. & Zacheus, T. & Nevalainen, A. 2014. Nuorten terveystietoisuus ja liikunta-aktiivisuus. Artikkelikäsikirjoitus, Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti. Vanttaja, M. & Tähtinen, J. & Koski, P. & Zacheus, T. & Nevalainen, A. 2013. Liikuntaorientaation muutos ja pysyvyys lapsuudesta nuoruuteen. Julkaisematon käsikirjoitus. Koski, P. 2004. Liikuntasuhde – Liikunnan kohtaaminen kulttuurisesti rakentuvana sosiaalisena maailmana. Teoksessa K. Ilmanen (toim.) Pelit ja kentät. Kirjoituksia liikunnasta ja urheilusta. Jyväskylän yliopisto: Liikunnan sosiaalitieteiden laitos. Tutkimuksia 3/2004, 189-208. inactive 2. Free time orientations 3. Personal physical activity histories 4. Stimuli and barriers of physical activity 5. Family physical activity relationship and effects of belonging to different social groups Acknowledgements My supervisors Prof. Risto Rinne, Prof. Pasi Koski and Lect. Annukka Jauhiainen. My fellow colleagues and PhD students who have supported me. University of Turku, Faculty of Education, KEVEKO
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