1 AGENDA Wytheville Town Council Monday, October 27, 2014 7:00P.M. Wytheville Municipal Building 150 East Monroe Street Wytheville, Virginia 24382 I I \ I I A. INVOCATION-COUNCILMAN H. JUDSON LAMBERT B. CALL TO ORDER-MAYOR TRENTON G. CREWE, JR. C. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM-MAYOR TRENTON G. CREWE, JR. D. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-COUNCILMAN THOMAS F. HUNDLEY E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 13, 2014 2. Request of Fort Chiswell High School After Prom for a special exception facility use permit for their After Prom Celebration to be held at the Recreation Center on May 2 and 3, 2015 F. CITIZENS' PERIOD G. OLD BUSINESS-TOWN MANAGER C. WAYNE SUTHERLAND, JR. H. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. 2. Budget and Finance a. Personal Property Tax Relief Act Percentage b. Resolution regarding the Smyth-Wythe Airport Commission Public Works a. Resolution from VDOT establishing the design and construction of the remaining phases of the Heritage Walk Project b. Update on the Citizen Notification System I. J. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution from VDOT establishing the design and construction of the remaining phases of the Heritage Walk Project 2. Resolution regarding the Smyth-Wythe Airport Commission ADJOURNMENT G:\COUNCIL\COUNCIL AGENDAS\2014\ 102714.doc WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, October 27, 2014 Item Name: Consent Agenda Item Number: E-2 Subject: Fort Chiswell High School After Prom Special Exception Facility Use Permit SUMMARY: Please find enclosed the request of the Fort Chiswell High School After Prom for a special exception facility use permit for their After Prom Celebration to be held at the Recreation Center on May 2 and 3, 2015. The Recreation Commission would recommend the approval of the permit. T~~~w~--~~~--------- 'P~ ~ :eecrea:t:Lc9+1J v~ Rick Showalter, Director MEMORANDUM TO: Sherry Corvin, Town Clerk FROM: Crystal Hylton, Service Coordinator DATE: October 9, 2014 SUBJECT: Special Exception Facility Use Permit On October 8, 2014, the Recreation Commission voted to recommend to Town Council the approval of the special exception facility use permit for the Fort Chiswell High School After Prom to be held overnight on May 2-3, 2014. Rental Contract and Special Exception Facility Use Permit Attached. 250 SOUTH FOURTH STREET • WYTHEVILLE, VIRGINIA 24382 • (276) 223-3378 Fax (276) 223-3364 • http://rec.wytheville.org TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE Application For Special Exception Facility Use Permit Name of Applicant: Shonna Turner Organization Representing: Organization Address: Fort Chiswell After Prom 1 Pioneer Trail. Max Meadows. VA 24360 Mailing Address of Applicant: 776 Rakestown Rd .. Ivanhoe. VA 24350 Phone Number of Applicant: 276-613-2718 What facility are you requesting a special exception use permit: Wvtheville Recreation & tAur u• Ctntw Thoroughly explain the activity which is proposed in the facility: FC After Prom Party to include music. bouncy houses. games. food. What is the purpose of the activity? After Prom Party Celebration What is the proposed date for the activity? May 2. 2015 What are the intended hours of facility use: Give the purpose and the amount of fees that will be charged to attendees: This is a non-profit event that will have no associated fees involved. If fees are charged who will receive the proceeds? N/A How many persons will be attending the activity? Unavailable numbers at this time. Is the activity open to the public? NO If not, who is invited to the activity? FCHS Students and pre-approved dates. If activity is open to a specific group, how will access to the activity be controlled? Chaperones will be assigned positions stationary throughout the facilitv in required areas. Will an attendee roster be available at the entrance? Yes What is the age of persons attending the activity? 14-19 years Will alcohol be present or consumed during the activity? ____NQ How many individuals will be supervising the activity? 20 + Do you agree to take care of all set up responsibilities according to department policy ? YES If not, do you realize a fee will be charged? Yes Do you agree to take care of all clean up responsibilities according to department policy? Yes If not, do you realize your deposit will not be refunded? Yes Do you understand that the deposit may not be refunded and/or additional fees assessed if there are damages, disciplinary confrontations, or if you failure to abide by the policies? ~ Is the applicant at least 18 years of age? Yes At least 21 years of age? Yes Does your group have access to its own facilities for the event? Yes If yes, why request the use of Town facilities? At the discretion of FCHS Principal it was decided to be held at the same location as the FCHS Prom in helping to keep student's safe and in association with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). Is your group covered by a Liability Insurance Policy (please attach): Yes Do you understand that a Liability Insurance Policy may be required? Yes Have you read, understand and agree to abide by the General Guidelines for Special Exception Facility Use Permits? Yes Other information: Liability Insurance forthcoming. FCHS Liability policy rider. Date:~/D'---""'J."'--'-/~J_ _ Submit this application to the Director of Parks and Recreation: Wytheville Community Center, 333 Community Blvd, Wytheville, VA 24382. For information regarding procedures, please refer to GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR THE SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATIONS TO THE TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION FACILITY USE PERMITS FOR FACILITIES UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION. Date Reviewed by ~on Commission: Signature:~.c:::>" Date Reviewed by Town Council: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Permit Approved: YES NO Restrictions, requirements, standards, etc.: F:\Fonns\Facility Use\special exception pennit. wpd 2 ~~~w~~---11~-~------ Rental Contract I Permit rpak 4 :J2weatuwv'D~ 111 f arnrouatly lll•d W)iltn til<, \1 A contract#: 21552 Date: 23 Sep 2014 lOI~! c?b Ul 1 HK Pnnled 23 Sep 2014 12 39 PM User crystalh bRp .'in:c v•yth.."VIIIt <lf\1 crystalh Tentative User: Status; Town of Wytheville Parks & Recreation. hereby grants Ft Chiswetl After Prom (hereinafter called the "licensee") represented by Shonna Tumer, permission to use the Facilities as outlined. subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement contained herein and attached hereto all of which form part of th1s Agreement i) Purpose of Use Program Fort Chiswell Alter Prom II) Condltlone of Use # of Bookings 6 Iii) Date(a) and nme(s) of Use Start1ng Sat 02 May 15 10 00 PM Endtng Sun Expected 0 03 May 15 06 00 AM Total Facility/Equipment Day Start Date Start Time End Date End Time Fee XFee Tax Community Center · K•tchen Sat 02 May 2015 10 00 PM OJ May 2015 OSOOAM 5000 $000 so 00 so 00 Community Center Multipurpose Room Sat 02 May 2015 10:00 PM 03 May2015 0600AM $0 00 $0 00 $000 so 00 Commumty Center . Climbing Wall Sun 03 May 2015 12 OOAM 03 May 2015 03 OOAM $000 $000 $000 $000 Community Center · Natatorium Sun 03 May 2015 12 OOAM OJ May 2015 03 00 AM so 00 $0.00 $0 00 $0 00 Community Center - Gym Sun OJ May 2015 12 00 AM OJ May 2015 05 OOAM so 00 so 00 $000 so 00 Community Center · Youthffeen Center Sun OJ May 2015 12 00 AM 03 May 2015 0500AM sooo $000 $000 $0.00 iv) Additional Fees v) Payment Method Rental Fees $0.00 Tax Extra Fees $000 $0 00 Rental Total Dli!lmage Deposit Total Applied Balance Currant $300 00 $0 00 SJOO 00 $000 $0 00 Rental charges are due accordtng to the followmg schedule Amount Date $300 00 Rental Depos1t Due 23 Sep 2014 vi) Other Information Price will be $16 per person. Number of people to be established 2 weeks prior to event (Min 60) Rental hours- set up time for parents/staff will be 10pm-12am. Event Time is 12a-Sa. Clean up Sa-6a. Parent/Staff group must meet with Rec Dept Staff w•thin the 2 weeks prior to the event to discuss event details. Any questions or specifics on what is allowed or not allowed needs to be discussed before scheduling specific activity for night of. Liability Policy is required as noted in rental policies Page1 Rental Contract I Permit Printed: 23 Sep 2014, 12:39 PM User: crystalh Contract#: Date: User: 21552 23 Sep 2014 Status: crystalh Tentative vii) Additional Notes Climbing Wall - Community Center Gym - Community Center Kitchen - Community Center Multipurpose Room - Commumty Center Natatorium - Community Center Youthfreen Center- Community Center The undersigned has read and on behalf of the Licensee agrees to be bound by this PermiULicense and the Terms and Conditions contained herein and attached hereto, and hereby warrants and represents that he/she executes this PermiULicense on behalf of the licensee and has sufficient power, authority and capacity to bind the licensee with his/her signature. X: Shonna Turner Name Ft Chiswell After Prom 776 Rakestown Rd Ivanhoe VA 24350 USA Home:() Fax: (276) Date: /0-JrtY nne Business: (276)613-2718 Town of Wytheville Parks & Recreation Date Page 2 ---------- T~~W~--~"~· 'P~~~~V~ FACILITY RENTAL POLICIES JL Deposit: A deposit is required for each room reservation payable when making the reservation (see Center Rate Schedule). The deposit is refunded if the group has fulfilled the contract terms. the group cleans up adequately, vandalism and damages have not occurred and group has stayed within rental hours. Any overage in rental hours will be withheld from the security deposit. If the security deposit does not cover overage, addition will need to be paid upon leaving. Behavior problems of any nature will result in forfeiture of the deposit. Re11tal Fee: Rental fees are to be paid in full three weeks prior to event date or the rental is subject to be cancelled. Refund of Deposit: Deposit refunds, that were paid by cash or check, are mailed out and should be received within 3 weeks of rental date. Deposit refunds, that were paid by credit card, will be issued back to the credit card within two weeks of rental date. Cancellations: If a reserver notifies staff of cancellation at least three (3) weeks prior to the reservation, rental use fees will be refunded in full. If a cancellation is made Jess than three weeks of the scheduled reservation, a $25 cancellation fee will be deducted from the fees paid. If a reservation is canceled or altered within one week, rental fees will not be refunded. Christmas and New Year's Parties: Reservations for the Community Center during the months of December and January are in much demand due to the holiday season. Therefore the following cancellation policies will be enforced for any activity scheduled in December or January: More than two months; $75 cancellation fee: Two months or less; $150 cancellation fee: Less than one month; no refund for facility use. J\ SETUP Plans for decorating, setting up or using any equipment must be scheduled when reserving and is included in rental use hours. All groups requiring the use of tables and/or chairs shall make arrangements on layout when making reservation. Community Center Staff will set up tables and chairs according to layout. Groups needing any audio/visual equipment must make arrangements upon reservation and must bring in any personal equipment for testing at least two weeks in advance. Under no circumstances are groups holding a permit to remove chairs, tables or other equipment from the Community Center. No decorations may be hung or attached to the ceiling, walls or windows. Table decorations are allowed. CLEAN UP Any group using a facility operated by the Town of Wytheville Department of Parks and Recreation agrees to leave the facility as it was found. Clean up by user group includes but is not limited to cleaning up of all decorations, food, and trash; cleaning tables; sweep and mop if needed. Supplies, including additional trash bags, for clean up are supplied and are in closet. Clean up must be performed immediately after the activity concludes and is included in rental use hours. Failure to clean areas shall result in forfeiture of all or part of the deposit and/or assessed additional costs for cleanup operations if deemed necessary. ENTERING AND LEAVING FACILITY Everyone must enter and exit through the front entrance. Room doors to the outside are for emergency exit only and will alarm. C:\U sers\ wcuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\ r emporary Internet FiJes\Content.Outlook\OA4U23KXIFACILITY RENTAL POLICIES handout 2.doc Entering: A representative from the group must report to the front desk of the building upon entering tbe facility before area is unlocked. The supervisor will record the time group enters, review contract information and general operating policies if needed. Departure: A representative from the group must report to the front desk of the building upon departing the facility. The attendant and the representative review conditions of areas utilized prior to departure. Any area not cleaned or damaged is to be noted on the reservation form. The representative is required to sign acknowledging the damages. Failure to sign this tbrm will result in forfeiture of the deposit in full. Additional fees may be charged to the individual or group for damages or additional staff needed to clean area. L DAMAGES TO FACILITY OR EQUIPMENT/DISRUPTIONS Damages: Any reserver that causes physical damage to the facility or to any equipment shall forfeit the deposit and/or be assessed additional costs for repairs (if deposit is not sufficient). The reserver, agency or organization may also forfeit the privilege of future use of the building. Disruptions: Any reserver or other person involved in a disruption at a facility operated by the Town of Wytheville Department of Parks and Recreation will be suspended according to the rules and regulations pertaining to disciplinary actions. In addition, any disruption occurring during a scheduled reservation will result in forfeiture of the deposit. LIABILITY Individuals, groups, agencies, or organizations contracting to use the Center or any facility shall assume the responsibility for all persons and area of use. Neither the Town of Wytheville, nor any of its operating agencies, shall be liable to any organization, agency or individual using the facility nor to any other person, finn or corporation for any loss or damage suffered during the use of said premise or on account of any defective condition or depreciation of the portion of the premises used of any building, structure or equipment upon the premises and entity using said facility assumes all risks to persons or property due to latent or patent defects in the premises and fixtures thereon and the entity using the facility expressly agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Wytheville and all of its operating agencies from any and all claims resulting from the use of the same. Any individual, agency, or group hosting a community activity or fund-raising activity must provide the Department with a copy of a current Liability Insurance Policy of not less than $1 (}J Million. Signature: '-~ ,, 1 Date: J..D.I-H /0-3 ~Ji.J TO BE COMPLETED WHEN LEAVING Time In: Clean up: 0 Damages Time Out: ·------- 0 Completed Notes: 0 Not Completed ----------------------------------------------------Explanation ------------------------------------------------- Staff Signature: Rental Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C: \Users\ wcuser\AppData \Local\Microsoft\ Windows\ Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OA4U23KX\F ACILITY RENTAL POLICIES handout 2.doc WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, October 27, 2014 Item Name: Committee Reports Item Number: H-1 Subject: Budget and Finance SUMMARY: The Budget and Finance Committee will report on the following matters: a. Personal Property Tax Relief Act Percentage b. Resolution regarding the Smyth Wythe Airport Commission BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 27 I 2014 1. Town Treasurer Mike Stephens advises that he now has all the information from the Commissioner of the Revenue on Personal Property Taxes, i.e. vehicles. As the Council knows, several years ago, the State changed the law with regard to procedures where car taxes were eliminated, and then the State reimburses communities a certain percent. When the budget was adopted this past year, the reimbursement that was established in the budget document was 58.49 percent, and, as the Council knew at that time, it was an estimate until the Commissioner actually provided the Town with all of the data for the year. It has now been determined that the reimbursement percentage from the State will need to be established at 58.97 percent. Town Treasurer Stephens would request, and we recommend, that the Council take an action to establish the reimbursement percentage at the above described amount. 2. In August, all four governing bodies that are participants in the Smyth Wythe Airport Commission met to review future operational procedures for the airport's operation. The meeting was held at the airport, and a great deal of information was provided to all of the representatives from the governing bodies. Prior to that meeting, there had been some questions about the operational and financial procedures that all of the governing bodies desired to be corrected. As a result of the meeting, a resolution was developed for consideration and adoption by all four participating governing bodies. The essence of the resolution provides that a presentation would be made jointly to the governing bodies prior to each year's budget adoption. The governing bodies all agreed that they wanted a detailed cost estimate and funding stream schedules on all projects submitted for approval by all of the governing bodies prior to committing any funding to projects. It was agreed by the governing bodies that the Airport Commission should develop pricing for all services at the airport to include the total cost including labor and utilities for hangar rental and fuel sales. Finally, the governing bodies had requested that the Airport Commission communicate requirements of the airport that will reflect both existing and future changes to State and Federal law governing airports. Later this evening, the Council will consider the adoption of a resolution that sets out these parameters. It would be the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that the resolution be adopted when it is considered. Jacqueline K. King Jack W. Hunley H:\COUNCILIBFCOMMIT.RPT\2013\BFOCT27.doc 2 WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, October 27, 2014 Item Name: Committee Reports Item Number: H-2 Subject: Public Works SUMMARY: The Public Works Committee will report on the following matters: a. Resolution from VDOT establishing the design and construction of the remaining phases of the Heritage Walk Project b. Update on the Citizen Notification System PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 27, 2014 1. Phase I of the Heritage Walk, which extends from Withers Park to the north side of Main Street, was completed last year. Phase II of the project has been identified, and it will extend from the south side of East Main Street to the Elizabeth Brown Memorial Park. The Virginia Department of Transportation provided funding for Phase I and will, likewise, be providing funding for Phase II of the project. In order to access these funds, it is necessary for the Council to adopt a resolution requesting VDOT to designate a project and to provide the funding. Later this evening, when this item is considered on the agenda, it would be the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that we adopt the resolution and also authorize the Town Manager to execute any documents necessary for this funding project. 2. Almost four years ago, the Council began an effort to provide notification to our citizens during emergency situations. We, initially, reviewed a number of different types of notification systems, but when the Town and County dispatch centers consolidated, it was clear that any notification system should necessarily serve everyone in the county. After researching various providers, it was determined that the Everbridge Notification System would be used. This system was implemented on July 1 of this year. The system has the capabilities of providing National Weather Service information, as well as notices that are generated at the local level. For the system to work efficiently, citizens should go to the Town or County's web page and register personal information about their cell phone, email and other electronic 1 devices that could be used for emergency notification. All land lines in the county are set up in the Emergency Notification System, but these numbers will only receive alerts that are generated by the County and not those generated by the National Weather Service. This past week, we met with the Director of Wythe County Emergency Communications, Mr. James Copeland, and discussed some of the concerns that we have with the system thus far. We have requested Mr. Copeland to review all possible situations where everyone with a landline could be given notification in the event of an emergency situation, such as a tornado. Secondly, we think it is important to, again, emphasize to citizens the importance of registering with the notification system. The notification system can be accessed either online, as we previously stated, or citizens can register by way of paper. The Treasurer's Office, in the Municipal Building, has the forms that citizens can use to register their information. These forms are, also, available at a variety of other locations around the county. We are pleased that the notification system is operating, and we are hopeful that all of the "bugs" get ironed out in the very near future. Additionally, we would strongly encourage everyone to register with the Citizen Notification System. H. Judson Lambert Thomas F. Hundley H:\COUNCILIPWCOMMIT.RPT12014\PWOCT27.doc 2 WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, October 27, 2014 Item Name: Ordinances/Resolutions Item Number: 1-1 Subject: Heritage Walk Project SUMMARY: Enclosed please find a resolution from the Virginia Department of Transportation that establishes the design and construction of the remaining phases of the Heritage Walk Project. The adoption of this resolution is required to apply for additional funding for this project. 1J..eSOfutio~t }Y:Jf:£2lE.fiiS, in accordance witli Commonwea/lli '.Tf-ansyortation :Boanf construction allOcation_procedures; it is necessary tliat a request liy resolution lie receiYedfrom tlie toea!goyernment or state agency in order tliat tlie 'Virginia :Dq:Jartment if'.Tf-ansyortation estalitisli a '.Tf-an.g7ortation YJ.tiernatiYes Program f.Mqp-2I)yrqject in tlie Town if?YytlieYitlej 'Virginia. .:ND}Y, 7':Jf:E2lf0:R:E:0:£IT2l:ESOL17:EZJ, tliat tlie :TOwn Councififtlie :TOwn if ?YytfieYitle requests tfie Commonweatili TraJt.[Jlortation :Board to estalitisli a yrqjectfor tlie design andconstruction iftlie remainingyliases iftlie :Jieritage ?Yatli. :0:£ I7' f'li:Jl7':Jf:E:Jl :/l:ES0.£1/:EZJ, tliat tlie Town Council if tlie Town if ?YytlieYitle liereliy agrees to yay a minimum 20 _percent if tlie tota! cost for _planning andcfesig~ rig/it-if-way andconstruction iftliisyrqject; andtliat; !ftlie Town if ?Yytfieyi/le sulisequentfj; elects to cancef tliis yrqject; tlie Town if ?Yytfieyf/Te liereliy agrees to reimliurse tlie 'Virginia :Dq:Jartment if'.Ti--ansyortation for tlie tota!amount ifcosts e~entfedliy tlie :Dq:Jartment tlirougli tlie date tlie :Dq:Jartment is not!fiedifsucli cancellation. Trenton {i. Sliaron {i. Corvi~ Cterli ifCouncil Crew~ Jr.j Mayor WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, October 27, 2014 Item Name: Ordinances/Resolutions Item Number: 1-2 Subject: Smyth Wythe Airport Commission SUMMARY: Please find enclosed a resolution regarding the Smyth Wythe Airport Commission. All governing bodies that provide funding to the Commission have reviewed the resolution and agreed to adopt it. G:\COUNCIL\Agenda lnfo\2014\Agenda lnformation1 02714.doc ~so£utio12 WHEREAS, Smyth County, the Town of Marion, the Town of Wytheville and Wythe County have participated in creating and funding the Smyth Wythe Airport Commission; and, WHEREAS, Smyth County, the Town of Marion, the Town of Wytheville and Wythe County support continued maintenance and improvements to the airport that serves the funding localities and others; and, WHEREAS, Smyth County, the Town of Marion, the Town of Wytheville and Wythe County are committed to the continued success of the Smyth Wythe Airport Commission; and, WHEREAS, Smyth County, the Town of Marion, the Town of Wytheville and Wythe County are committed to providing guidance to the Smyth Wythe Airport Commission; and, WHEREAS, Smyth County, the Town of Marion, the Town of Wytheville and Wythe County require that all agencies that are jointly funded provide information prior to any commitment of funds of the total project scope, schedule and funding streams required to fund the project; and, WHEREAS, Smyth County, the Town of Marion, the Town of Wytheville and Wythe County require that all agencies that are jointly funded follow all procurement guidelines of the localities and state and the Commission keep available for inspection the procurement of all services and contracts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Bodies of Smyth County, the Town of Marion, the Town of Wytheville and Wythe County strongly recommend the following: 1. An annual presentation be made jointly to the Governing Bodies prior to any budget adoption. 2. Provide detailed cost estimates, funding streams, schedules of all projects for approval of all the Governing Bodies prior to committing any funds to the project. 3. Develop pricing for all services at the airport to include total cost including labor and utilities for hangar rental and fuel sales. 4. Communicate requirements of the airport to include both existing and changes to state and federal laws governing airports. Adopted this 27th day of October, 2014. Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: Sharon G. Corvin, Town Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014, AT 7:00 P.M. Members present: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley Members absent: Jack W. Hunley Others present: Town Manager C. Wayne Sutherland, Jr., Deputy Clerk Brandi N. Jones, Town Attorney Robert P. Kaase, Police Officer Zack Taylor, Police Officer Brandon Smith, Beverly Hoch, Bob Lockett, Marie Bishop, Tim Reeves, Debbie Reeves, Wayne Quesenberry with The Wytheville Enterprise RE: CALL TO ORDER, QUORUM, PLEDGE Mayor Crewe called the meeting to order and established that a quorum of Council members was present. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Crewe. RE: CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Crewe presented the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 22, 2014; the request of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Teams for issuance of a raffle permit for 2014; the request of the George Wythe High School Department of Music to conduct a 5K Run on Sunday, October 19, 2014, at 3:00 p.m.; the request of Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated to conduct a 5K “Zombie” Run on Saturday, October 25, 2014, at 3:00 p.m.; and, the request of the Community Food Kitchen to conduct a 5K Run on Friday, November 28, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. He inquired of the Council if there is a motion to approve all five items together or as separate items. A motion was made by Vice-Mayor King and seconded by Councilman Lambert to approve the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 22, 2014; the request of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Teams for issuance of a raffle permit for 2014; the request of the George Wythe High School Department of Music to conduct a 5K Run on Sunday, October 19, 2014, at 3:00 p.m.; the request of Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated to conduct a 5K “Zombie” Run on Saturday, October 25, 2014, at 3:00 p.m.; and, the request of the Community Food Kitchen to conduct a 5K Run on Friday, November 28, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is any discussion on the motion. Councilman Hundley stated that there is the potential that the “Zombie” Run may not be held due to low participation. He noted that DWI is hoping to receive more registrations for runners. Councilman Hundley commented that there are plenty of “zombies” but just not enough runners. He reiterated that the group hopes that will soon change. Councilman Hundley stated that the event should be a lot of fun, therefore, he is hoping that more people will participate. Mayor Crewe inquired if there was any further discussion on the motion. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: For: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley. Against: None. RE: CITIZENS’ PERIOD Mayor Crewe stated the next agenda item is Citizens’ Period. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is anyone attending who wished to address the Council. There being no one to address the Council during Citizens’ Period, he thanked everyone for attending the meeting and proceeded with the agenda. RE: OLD BUSINESS Under Old Business, Town Manager Sutherland reported the following: 1. The Council will hold a Work Session tomorrow morning, October 14, 2014, at 7:00 a.m. 2. The New River Regional Water Authority will meet on Thursday, October 16, 2014, at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers. 3. A countywide Citizen Alert System test will be performed on Thursday, October 16, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. He noted the purpose of this test is to see how effective the system is working. 4. The Council Personnel Committee will meet on Friday, October 17, 2014, at 9:00 a.m., at the Town Shop. RE: BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Vice-Mayor King, reporting for the Budget and Finance Committee, stated at the Council’s last Work Session, Mr. Randy Martin, who is the Executive Director of the Wytheville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, gave the Budget and Finance Committee an overview of a proposed housing project that was being created to serve the veteran population. She noted that the Housing Authority proposes to construct 24 dwelling units on property it currently owns situated between Hedgefield Apartments and the property formerly known as Alco. ViceMayor King advised that Mr. Martin noted that they are seeking grant funding from a variety of sources using tax credits. She remarked that the Virginia Housing Development Authority is responsible for allocating the credits within Virginia. Vice-Mayor King stated that there is a substantial amount of information that must be provided to the VHDA before the Housing Authority can pursue getting the tax credits. She noted that one letter is a Zoning Certification that confirms that the site is properly zoned for the construction of new residential housing. ViceMayor King advised that, secondly, the Town must confirm that the new housing development will meet the housing needs and priorities of Wytheville. She commented that, also, the Budget and Finance Committee agreed that it could characterize this development as a revitalization area because it would create a new housing opportunity for veterans. Vice-Mayor King advised, finally, the Budget and Finance Committee discussed with Mr. Martin certain waivers of fees that the Town would be willing to provide to assist with this project. She stated that these include the waiver of certain water and sewer fees, building permit fees, etc. Vice-Mayor King advised that there is no action required of the Council at this time, however, the Budget and Finance Committee will continue to make everyone aware of the progress being made on this project. Vice-Mayor King also reported that the Council has received an inquiry from Mr. Robert S. Lockett, who is the president of the Wythe County Genealogical and Historical Association, requesting an exemption from the Town of Wytheville real estate taxes. She noted that this request is for their property situated at 165 South 11th Street. Vice-Mayor King remarked that Mr. Lockett noted that they are a non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. She commented that the Council is very pleased that the Genealogical and Historical Association has a new office building, and the Council has agreed that they would be willing to waive certain building permit fees, etc., in an effort to assist them with their renovations. ViceMayor King noted, however, the Budget and Finance Committee does not believe that Council should approve the request for an exemption from real estate taxes. She commented that there are many, many worthwhile organizations throughout town, and it would not be fair to provide this tax relief without setting a precedence for other organizations to seek the same exemption. Vice-Mayor King advised, therefore, it is the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that the Council not approve the request made by the association for the exemption from real estate taxes. Mayor Crewe stated that Council has received this request several times from other non-profit organizations and has not granted the requests. He noted that, in the past, the Council has agreed to waive building permit fees, etc., but not to make a donation or make an exemption from the real property taxes. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is a motion regarding the Genealogical and Historical Association. There being none, no action was taken by the Council. A copy of the Budget and Finance Committee report is attached and made part of these minutes. RE: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT Councilman Lambert, reporting for the Public Works Committee, stated that the Town has contracted with Anderson & Associates, Incorporated, an engineering firm located in Blacksburg, Virginia, to perform the design work on the improvements on East Main Street between Interstate 81 and Cassell Road. He noted that this portion of roadway is to receive curb and gutter, sidewalks and median improvements including new landscaping and new lighting. Councilman Lambert advised that it is anticipated that this project will cost approximately $2 million. He remarked that the Virginia Department of Transportation will, again, this year have funding available under its Revenue Sharing Program. Councilman Lambert commented that it is the Council’s intent that the Town will seek funding, again, from the Virginia Department of Transportation to be used on this project. He advised that applications for funding of the project next year are due this week and require the Council to adopt a resolution stating its intent to seek such funding. Councilman Lambert stated that the resolution is attached, and it would be the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that the resolution be adopted and be included with the grant funding package. A motion was made by Councilman Lambert and seconded by Councilman Hundley to adopt a resolution supporting an application to the Virginia Department of Transportation Revenue Sharing Program for $1,146,225.40 for improvements to East Main Street and to authorize the Town Manager to execute the project agreements. Town Manager Sutherland advised that the $1,146,225.40 is the dollar amount the Town is requesting from the Virginia Department of Transportation, therefore, the total project cost is about $2.2 million. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is any discussion on the motion. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: For: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley. Against: None. Councilman Lambert also reported that the curb and gutter project that was discussed at some length at the last meeting had bids submitted on October 7, 2014, for the construction work. He noted that four contractors had requested construction documents, but only three contractors actually submitted a bid. Councilman Lambert stated that the low bid was submitted by Ken Construction Company from Lebanon, Virginia, with a price of $140,842.10. He remarked that this bid made this contractor the apparent low bidder, with the next closest bid submitted by Claude Erps Construction, Incorporated, at a price of $175,181.55. Councilman Lambert commented that the Town has given notice to Ken Construction Company that they are the low bidder and, as such, it is necessary that they submit to the Town other documents such as their insurance certificates, performance bonds, etc. He advised that assuming that all of this information is submitted in the proper fashion, the Town will make the award of construction to them. Councilman Lambert stated that in the event that Ken Construction Company is unable to provide these documents, the Town will have the option of giving the project to the next lowest bidder, or to rebid the entire project. He noted that the Town does not anticipate that there are any problems associated with Ken Construction Company being able to meet the obligations set forth in the specifications. Councilman Lambert advised that the Public Works Committee believes that the construction on West Main Street will commence within the next week or so. A copy of the Public Works Committee report is attached and made part of these minutes. RE: ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to be discussed, a motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to adjourn the meeting (7:13 p.m.). Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Mayor Brandi N. Jones, Deputy Clerk G:\COUNCIL\Minutes\2014\Council Minutes 101314.doc BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT October 13, 2014 1. At our last Work Session, Mr. Randy Martin, who is the Executive Director of the Wytheville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, gave us an overview of a proposed housing project that was being created to serve the veteran population. The Housing Authority proposes to construct 24 dwelling units on property it currently owns situated between Hedgefield Apartments and the property formerly known as Alco. Mr. Martin noted that they are seeking grant funding from a variety of sources using tax credits. The Virginia Housing Development Authority is responsible for allocating the credits within Virginia. There is a substantial amount of information that must be provided to the VHDA before the Housing Authority can pursue getting the tax credits. One letter is a Zoning Certification that confirms that the site is properly zoned for the construction of new residential housing. Secondly, the Town must confirm that the new housing development will meet the housing needs and priorities of Wytheville. Also, we agreed that we could characterize this development as a revitalization area because it would create a new housing opportunity for veterans. Finally, we discussed with Mr. Martin certain waivers of fees that the Town would be willing to provide to assist with this project. These include the waiver of certain water and sewer fees, building permit fees, etc. There is no action required of the Council at this time, however, we will continue to make everyone aware of the progress being made on this project. 1 2. We have received an inquiry from Mr. Robert S. Lockett, who is the president of the Wythe County Genealogical and Historical Association, requesting an exemption from the Town of Wytheville real estate taxes. This request is for their property situated at 165 South 11th Street. Mr. Lockett noted that they are a nonprofit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. We are very pleased that the Genealogical and Historical Association has a new office building and have agreed that we would be willing to waive certain building permit fees, etc., in an effort to assist them with their renovations. However, we do not believe that we should approve the request for an exemption from real estate taxes. There are many, many worthwhile organizations throughout town, and it would not be fair to provide this tax relief without setting a precedence for other organizations to seek the same exemption. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that the Council not approve the request made by the association for the exemption from real estate taxes. Jacqueline K. King Jack W. Hunley H:\COUNCIL\BFCOMMIT.RPT\2014\BFOCT13.doc 2 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 13, 2014 1. The Town has contracted with Anderson & Associates, Incorporated, an engineering firm located in Blacksburg, Virginia, to perform the design work on the improvements on East Main Street between Interstate 81 and Cassell Road. This portion of roadway is to receive curb and gutter, sidewalks and median improvements including new landscaping and new lighting. It is anticipated that this project will cost approximately $2 million. The Virginia Department of Transportation will, again, this year have funding available under its Revenue Sharing Program. It is our intent that we will seek funding, again, from the Virginia Department of Transportation to be used on this project. Applications for funding of the project next year are due this week and require the Council to adopt a resolution stating its intent to seek such funding. The resolution is attached, and it would be the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that the resolution be adopted and be included with the grant funding package. 2. The curb and gutter project that was discussed at some length at the last meeting had bids submitted on October 7, 2014, for the construction work. Four contractors had requested construction documents, but only three contractors actually submitted a bid. The low bid was submitted by Ken Construction Company from Lebanon, Virginia, with a price of $140,842.10. This bid made this contractor the apparent low bidder, with the next closest bid submitted by Claude Erps Construction, Incorporated, at a price of $175,181.55. The Town has given notice to Ken 1 Construction Company that they are the low bidder and, as such, it is necessary that they submit to the Town other documents such as their insurance certificates, performance bonds, etc. Assuming that all of this information is submitted in the proper fashion, the Town will make the award of construction to them. In the event that they are unable to provide these documents, the Town will have the option of giving the project to the next lowest bidder, or to rebid the entire project. We do not anticipate that there are any problems associated with Ken Construction Company being able to meet the obligations set forth in the specifications. We believe that the construction on West Main Street will commence within the next week or so. H. Judson Lambert Thomas F. Hundley H:\COUNCIL\PWCOMMIT.RPT\2014\PWOCT13.doc 2
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