UNIVERSITY OF DELHI Mlawhm . . "&r The Princinal. Fin. - X/VCSF/2014-151 Dated, the 07* Oct.,2014 College of Vocational Studies, Sheikh Sarai, Phase-111, New Delhi- 110017. Subiect : Grant of Finantial Assistance out of Vice-Chancellor's Student Fund for the Academic year 2014-15. Dear Sir/ Madam, The applications from the poor deserving students of your Faculty/ Departments/College, who have passed the Annual Examination of 2014 of Delhi University and belonging to BPL (Below Poverty Llne) & PWD Students only are invited i n the prescribed form (specimen enclosed) for the grant of Financial Assistance out of the "Vice-Chancellor's Student Fund" for the academic year 2014-15. I request you t o kindly send the application form of only those students who are eligible for the grant of Financial Assistance according to the revised rules of the Vice-Chancellor's Student Fund approved by the Committee at its meeting held on 20-08-2014 (Copy enclosed) with your specific recommendations, so as to reach this office latest by the 30-11-2014. It may kindly be ensured that the application forms of regular bonafide students should be submitted by the candidate in the concerned faculty/deptt./college for the grant of Financial Assistance are sent to this office only once in an academic year In order to avoid double payment. Incomplete applications are Yours faithfully, Encl :As above. - uJL-& Deputy e istrar inance) CONTACT No. UNIVERSITY OF DELHI FINANCE BRANCH X - PROFORMA FOR F'INA.VCL4L ASSISTANCE OLrT OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR'S STUDENT FUND ONLY FOR STUDENTS BELONGING TO FAMILIES H0LDI.W BPL f BELOWPOYERTY LINE) CARD ISSUED BY THE RESPECTIVE STATE GOVT. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. Name o f the Applicant Mr./Mrs./Miss. Parents/Guardlan's Name Sh./Mrs. Category :/ Cnurse f Class Roll No. Name of College/Department Performance at the Annual Examination -2014 of Delhl University Course: Part: Year: Result: 2014 UNDERTAKING Ihereby declare that all the statements made in this application are tnre, complete and correct t o the best of my knowledge and belief. i understand that in the event of any of the particulars of information given herein being found false or incorrect, my application for the flnanclal assistance is liable to be rejected/cancelled without notice, and in the event of any miss statement discrepancy in the particulars being detected at any stage the financial assistance granted t o me will be refunded by me to the University. (Slgnature o f t h e Applicant) Dated: (Verification and recommendation of the Head of the In*.) The conduct and Character of the student 1s good. The information furnished by the student has been verified and recommended for financiai assistance of Rs.4000/- Slgnature of the Head of lnstt. (wlth rubber seal) Note: The attested copies of the following certificates are to be attached with the application form which are cornpulsow for all categories. 1. 2. 3. 4. Self Attested copy of BPL card issued by the respective State Govt Attested copy of the m a r k sheet of the last examination 2014. Self attested copy of the identify Card issued by the CoiiegeIDepartment. Attested copy of Med~calCertificate for PWD students. 1. The student who has received financial assistance from any other source (except merit scholarship/fee concession) w ~ inot l be eligible for financial assistance from Vice-Chancellor's Student Fund 2. Incomplete ~nformat~on or vague ~nformationglven in the application form will be rejected without notice. It was observed that more publicity should be given to the provisions linder Vice, Chancellor's Student fund. The Committee after due deliberations and ascertaining the availability of funds under vice-~hancellbr'sStudent Fund irnanimously recommended i o fix the quantum of assistance for the year 2014-15 under various categories as detailed below: 1 Financial Assistance/Schoiarship to BPL/PwD Students Financial Assistance on Medical grounds 3 Financial Assistance for deserving students for Payment of hostel fees 4 Ex-gratia payment for accidental deathlpermanent disebility 5 Financial Assistance for attending International ConferencefEvents 2 Rs. 1crore Rs. 2 lakhs Rs. 2 lakhs Rs. 6 lakhs Rs. 50 lakhs The amount under different heads may be reallocated keeping in view the priorities and requirements on a case-to-case basis. After detailed discussion, fo!lowing recommendations for the revision of the rules/guidelines to be followed for availing financial assistance out of ViceChancellor's Student Fund in the above mentioned categories are made. Recommendationsare detailed below: FlnanclalAsslstance/Scholarship t o BPL 81PwD Students. 1. . i. Financial assistance under this category is available to students who are studying in various courses in colleges and departments of Deihi University. ii. The students who have cleared the exams in an academic year promoted to next academic year will be granted assistance. iii. Such students must beiong'to families holding BPL (with Ration Card issued by Govt.) . iv. PwD students who appv will be considered for support irrespective of income limit. v. The quantum of assistance to be given t o such students will be Rs. 4 9 - P.A for each academic year. , . */ -vi. Applications may be invited through Delhi University website from all colleges ------and departments at the start of the s e s s i o T t o e n i e m a x l m l r m benefitlparticipation to students. All applications must be routed through the Principal/ i-ioD of +he concerr~e; CollegeIDepartment wlth their &commendation. Financial Assistance on Medlcal grounds I. ' The Unjversitv of Delhi !; ~wtendingfinancial assistance on medical grounds to overcome the hardship of students who are admitted to hospital or undergoink treatment I? hospital wher due to accident or some other ailments and cannot afford to pay t h huspltal ~ feesldues. ~ . ~ ~
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