Saint Anthony of Padua Parish Bulletin THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Pastor Fr. Justin Huang Blog Office 8891 Montcalm Street Vancouver, BC V6P 3E8 Rectory 1345 West 73rd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3E9 Tel 604-266-6131 Fax 604-266-0223 Hours Tuesday—Friday 9:00am—12:00noon 1:00pm—3:00pm By appointment Emergencies anytime Web St. Anthony of Padua School Principal Oscar Pozzolo 1370 West 73rd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3E9 Tel 604-261-4043 Fax 604-261-4036 Web Email St. Anthony of Padua Pre-School Teacher Kristine Lim Tel 604-261-4043 Email October 26, 2014 Faith and Worship Sunday Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am Weekday Masses Monday 8:15am Tuesday 7:30pm St. Anthony of Padua Novena Wednesday to Friday 8:15am Wednesday 9:15am (During the School Year) Saturday 9:00am Lauds Weekday 8:00am except Tuesday Saturday 8:45am Sunday 8:00am Confession Weekday 8:00am except Tuesday Saturday 9:30am & 4:00pm to 4:55pm Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday to Friday 9:00am to 10:00pm in the Chapel (1365 West 73rd Avenue) First Friday of each month 8:45 to 10:00am in the Church followed by Benediction. Baptism Baptismal preparation is held every second Thursday of the month by appointment. Baptisms are held on the first and third Sunday of the month at 1:00pm, by appointment. It is mandatory to attend Baptismal Preparation Class before receiving the Sacrament. Marriage Six months notice and a marriage preparation course are required before a date is set. Catholics must be practicing the faith and registered in this parish. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Classes For non-baptised, and baptised non-Catholic inquirers. Call Garry Webb. Mission Our mission is to educate, lead and support the parish community in deepening its knowledge and understanding of the faith. Our parish will be a center of inspiration to experience peace, compassion and hope. Vision We, the parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, are committed to enhancing the spiritual life of our parish and to being a caring community that is inclusive of everyone from the unborn to the aged. Parish Registration Our parish family warmly welcomes new parishioners. Please register at your earliest convenience by filling out a registration form located in the vestibule or by stopping by the parish office during office hours. If you are registered and moving, please advise the parish office. THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Stewardship Message Weekday Masses and Intentions In fulfilling the two great commandments, we become models of faith and stewards of the Lord who gave himself totally for each one of us. Among the many ways we can show our love for God and others is by sharing our gifts joyfully—the gift of our very lives, our talents and abilities, and our financial resources. Stewardship Office, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg, Directory of Contact Persons Please call the parish office or Email if you would like to contact any of the following people. Ministry Contact Person Adoration Chapel Josie Gonzalez Altar Servers Bereavement Terry Fawcett Bible Study Garry Webb Building Care Building Committee Catholic Women’s League Christina Cipriano Children’s Liturgy 11:30 am Christina Susanto Choirs: October 26, 2014 5:00pm Gail 8:30am Silva Plut 10:00am Gwen Boilevin 11:30am Daniel Uy Finance & Fundraising Flowers & Social Committee Gillian Miller Gardening Zeny Gabisan Knights of Columbus Theodore Tee Lectors Lilliana Taylor Liturgy & Ushers Parish Education Committee Victor Korompai Astrid Wang Parish Pastoral Council Parish Religious Education Program Doris Joseph Pilgrim Statue Jean Scully Project Advance Edna Gotia Tan RCIA Garry Webb St. Anthony’s Novena Marilou Yodogawa St. Vincent de Paul Harry White Stewardship Welcoming, Greeters, & Gift Presenters Tilly Bara Youth Ministry Elizabeth Chang Day Antiphons: Missal p. 429 (30 t h Week) Feast Missal or Memorial Page Intention Monday October 27th Ferial 1219 Kevin Mac Eachern Tuesday October 28th St. Simon & St. Jude Mass at 7:30pm only In Honour of St. Anthony 1758 Rose Woodhouse† Wednesday October 29th Ferial 1222 Maria Richie Dizon† Thursday October 30th Ferial 1224 Kong Han Yap† Friday October 31st Ferial 1226 Joseph Mac Eachern Saturday Nov. 1st Ferial 1762 Holy Souls† Please contact the parish office to request Weekday Mass Intentions. Mass stipend is $10.00. N.B. All Mass request for 2014 are already filled. Adoration Chapel Spiritual joy arises from purity of the heart and perseverance in prayer. -- St. Francis of Assisi There are several chapel hours waiting for the faithful to sign, call Josie 604-266-2431. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend: Make your good marriage better by attending an intimate weekend with your spouse. Hear testimonies from three couples and a priest in a series of talks that will get you communicating in a new way! There is no group sharing. November 14th—-16th, Best Western Plus, 3070 264th Street, Aldergrove. Call Steve and Mary Bohnen to register 604-876-7298 or Email, or visit Did You Know?....The Jesuit Order is renowned for its scientific accomplishments and achievements in a number of disciplines, including astronomy and linguistics. Seismology was at one time so extensively studied by Jesuits that it came to be known as the “Jesuit science”. Approximately 35 craters on the moon are also named after Jesuit scientists and mathematicians (How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, Thomas E. Woods Jr (Regency Publishing), 2005). 2015 Sunday Missals are available for sale at the Parish Office. Limited quantities. Cost: $4.00 per copy. October 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 26, 2014 Parish Announcements 2nd Collection next Sunday, (November 2nd), is for Peter’s Pence to support the charities of the Holy Father. First Saturday (November 1st), observance will be after the 9:00am Mass. Clocks Change next Sunday (November 2nd). We “fall back” one hour. CWL Monthly Meeting: Saturday, November 1st, at 10:00am in the Church Lower Hall. New members are always welcome. CWL Annual Membership Drive next weekend (November 1st/2nd). Our President Christina Cipriano will be speaking at all the Masses inviting women 16 or older to join our CWL Council. Coffee Café & Bake Sale hosted by the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) in the Church Lower Hall next Sunday, November 2nd, after the 8:30am, 10:00am, & 11:30am Masses. Donations of baked goods are gladly appreciated. All parishioners are warmly invited to drop in to share coffee and fellowship. Plenary Indulgence is granted when one visits the cemetery during November 1st - 8th. Mass for Holy Souls: During the month of November, Holy Mass is offered each day for parishioners, family members and friends who have died. These names are placed on our Altar. “It is a holy deed to offer prayers for the dead, that they might be free of their sins.” 2 Mac 12:45 Pajama Party Hosted by St. Anthony’s Youth Ministry. Come and join the fun, games, and a movie on Saturday, November 29th. Hot Dogs and snacks will be served. If you send food with your child please ensure it is nut free. Time: 6:00—10:00pm Where: St. Anthony’s Church Lower Hall Who can come? Anyone 5 years or older (limited space for 3years to 5 year old). Registration Deadline: Sunday, November 23rd. N.B. Children will be accepted on a first come basis. Parents must fill out a waiver to be registered. Waivers are available at the back of the church and from Pre-School - Miss Lim before or after school and SAY Ministry Elizabeth Chang by email YOUTH MINISTRY ACTIVITIES Join us for another fun Sunday afternoon, bring a small to medium pumpkin and a small paring knife to sharpen your carving skills. What: Pumpkin Carving When: Sunday, October 26th Time: 1:00—3:00pm Where: Church Lower Hall Spirit Day – a retreat for Grade 7 Students Testimonies, Skits, Prayers and Mass Where: Chandos Patterson Auditorium When: Saturday, November 8th or Sunday, November 9th For more information or registration Contact: Elizabeth Chang 604-266-6131 Email Retro Night with Fr. Justin: Join us on Saturday, November 29th, from 6:00pm at the Continental Seafood Restaurant on 11700 Cambie Street at No. 5 Road, Richmond as the St. Anthony of Padua Parish Community holds its 5th Annual Dinner Dance. Come in your best semi-formal retro attire and enjoy a sumptuous dinner then dance the night away. Tickets will be on sale until November 15th. Cost: $65.00 (Tax receipt issued upon ticket purchase). Exclusively for adults from age 19+. For ticket reservations, please contact Marica 604-266-7523/ We welcome volunteering, donations and sponsorship involvement. Your generosity will help raise money for our much needed parish centre that will house a gymnasium for our parish school. Thank you! Direct Donations to the Parish Center Fund We have received some questions about direct contributions to the Parish Center Fund. This is possible and encouraged. The following options are available: Make a cheque payable to Parish Center Fund and place in collection box or deliver to the Parish office. Use a pledge card found on the window ledge at the back of the church and place in collection plate or deliver to the Parish Office. Donate online at Go to "ministries"…"Parish Center Project"…"donate monthly." We have $927,000 in this fund. Thank you for your generosity. Christmas Cards: The children of our Parish and School are in the process of producing artwork to be made into Christmas cards and we are hoping to sell them in early November. We will also have a couple of cards with photos of our church. The money raised from the sale of these cards will go towards the building of a gym for our school. You could help us by getting orders from your friends or the businesses you are associated with. Please support this worthy cause. Support the Knights of Columbus 1081 Council by purchasing Entertainment Books 2015 which are now available and valid for use immediately this year. The price is a special promotional price of $30 each. The proceeds of sales help our Parish our School and the Needy in our Community. Contact: Gail 604 324-1197. Please support these advertisers, they support us. GRANVILLE DENTAL WELLNESS GROUP 604-261-8164 8357 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC SUPPORT THE ST. ANTHONY’S BUILDING FUND Family Dentistry - Cosmetic Dentistry - Implant Dentistry - Children’s Dentistry - Orthodontics Wisdom Teeth - Dentures St. Anthony’s Parishioner Promotions Advertising space available! HAVE A NEW PATIENT EXAMINATION AND HYGIENE APPOINTMENT DONE AND HAVE $50 DONATED TO THE ST. ANTHONY’S BUILDING FUNDIN YOUR NAME!! $25/month or $250/year Please contact the parish office for details. Thank you to all our advertisers! Open weekday evenings and Saturdays Comfortable treatment in a modern facility Serving Mar pole for over 25 years Dr. Gianni Pisanu, Owner and St. Anthony’s Parishioner THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH SERVING WITH FAITH AND JOY We would like to invite the ladies of the parish to become members of the CWL. Meetings are normally held the 1st Saturday of the month at 10:00A.M. For more information, please call Christina at 604-266-6131 Rollie Abando Gift Cards: If you are thinking of buying gift cards for someone. There are lots of merchants to choose from. And we are sure you will find something that will interest you. Thank you for your support of the Parish Centre Fund. Order Forms are available in the vestibule after Mass. Settlement Practitioner – Labour Market Free Settlement Services: individual consultation, needs assessment and referrals, orientation and information workshops. Labour Market Participation: Preemployment support, employment workshops and employment mentoring program. Services provided in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Tagalog, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Cebuano. S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Richmond Service Center 220-7000 Minoru Blvd., Richmond, BC V6Y 3Z5 Tel: (604) 279-7167 Email: Website: Advertising space available! $25/month or $250/year Please contact the parish office for details. Thank you to all our advertisers!
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