West Exe School Newsletter W E

West Exe School
October 2014
Vol 7 Issue 1
Years 7 and 8 had a bright start to their rugby season, winning the ‘Emerging
Schools’ rugby tournament held in Exeter this month. Nine Year 8s and three
Years 7s travelled to Exeter Saracens and made a fantastic start, beating ISCA
Academy by four tries to two, with two tries from captain Will W and one each
from Ricky J (Year 7) and Bazil J. St Luke’s were the next challengers but they
were brushed aside with ease as the game ended four tries to one, the scorers
being Finley J, Ricky J (2) and Will W. A tough game next with St James'
resulted in a draw 1-1, with Kristian P (Year 7) snatching a try in the last play
of the game. The final game of the tournament was played against Dawlish,
who were convincingly beaten three tries to none, with tries from James V,
Jordan C (Year 7) and Tyler K. At the conclusion of the tournament West Exe
School were crowned emerging champions, and we look forward to them
fulfilling this promise over the next three years as they move up through the
Simon Quick, PE Department
From top : the Year 7
boys; the Year 8 boys;
team briefing huddle
before kick-off
As part of our Gifted and talented provision, the PE Department organised an enrichment session for our Gifted
and Talented students in the form of participating in a ‘Developing the Sport Performer’ day at Bath University.
On Friday 3rd October Mrs Blackburn and Miss Walton took twenty-two Gifted and Talented PE students to
Bath to experience first-hand the excellent facilities offered from Bath University and to take part in three
practical workshops.
The first workshop was on ‘Speed for Sport’ training, where the emphasis was on improving speed and power
to increase levels of performance.
The second was ‘Body conditioning’, which involved analysing your body movements in sport and how the
sports performer can strengthen muscle groups to achieve maximum performance.
After lunch and a quick
viewing of some of the
outside athletics facilities,
the students then took part
in a multi skills assessment,
which proved interesting
and provided some real
The trip was very enjoyable
for both staff and students,
and gave our Gifted and
Talented students with a
range of methods and
techniques to reach their
full potential and aspire to
great heights.
Sarah Blackburn and Robyn
Walton, PE Department
Living in the South West and being surrounded by water it is so important that we teach our children to swim.
Research shows that if as adults we don’t swim then we are unlikely to teach our own children to swim! This
would be such a shame as we have access to great facilities and resources in our local community.
We have been working with Riverside Leisure Centre to secure funding through Sportivate and Aquazone to
secure funding for an opportunity for non-swimmers or low confidence swimmers to improve their skills and
confidence. We have 30 free places available for 11-16 year olds. The lessons will take place at the end of the
school day from 3.15-4.00 pm at Riverside Leisure Centre in the new year (early Spring Term). If your child is
not a confident swimmer and would like to be part of this project, or if you would like to discuss this
opportunity, please ask him/her to speak to me.
Chris Davies, Head of PE
On Tuesday 14th October West Exe Library was delighted to be
able to welcome teen author Bali Rai into school.
Bali gave talks to Year 10 and Year 11 and read extracts from one
of his novels. Bali impressed the students with his straight-talking
attitude and respect for young people. He spoke of his childhood
in Leicester and the racial diversity there. He talked passionately
about the importance of reading when you are school as it has
been proved to improve your exam results and make you more
successful in life. He condemned the use of censorship in
teenage novels and believes that young people should be able to
read about real things that are happening in the world, especially
as information is so easy to find through the internet.
Bali then spoke about his novel ‘Web of
Darkness’ which deals with themes surrounding
internet safety and how predators can use it
against young people. It is a really dark and
gripping novel, and lots of students came away
wanting to read it. After the session the
students were buzzing and one Year 11
student was even heard to say “Sir, that bloke
was a bit nutty. I might read one of his books,
I haven’t read a book since year 4!”
There is currently a display of Bali’s books in
the Library, and we have ordered several
copies of ‘Web of Darkness’! Bali’s book ‘The
Angel Collector’ is currently our book of the
Ann Draisey, Library Manager
Len toe
West Exe remembers
2014 marks one hundred years since the beginning of World War 1 (WW1). The war influenced British
society and culture in a number of different ways, but poetry particularly came to represent the war.
In a time before television and the internet, poetry written by a large number of soldiers from WW1 revealed the true horrors of life in the trenches and on the battlefield.
Their descriptions of the environment around them, their feelings and their fears are haunting reminders
of the brutality of war.
Could you write a poem that reflects this time?
If so, please enter our competition – entries close on 7th November.
Entries can be submitted to ecoxdavies@westexe.devon.sch.uk
Calling all keen photographers, any age, any generation!
The theme : Remembering World War 1.
Take part in this competition by submitting your digital entries to jtyrer@westexe.school.devon.uk.
Photographs must be submitted electronically accompanied with a title, and short description. The winning
images will be on show in an exhibition for the community of St Thomas, at West Exe School, in the week of
the commemorations.
Closing date: 7th November 2014
Please can we remind parents who drive cars to West Exe School that the main car park should not be used for
dropping off or collecting your child at the start or end of the school day? It is essential that we have access for
emergency vehicles at all times via both main access driveways to the rear of the site and that these are never
blocked. Recently we have had problems with school transport vehicles provided for students being blocked by
cars belonging to parents parked inconsiderately. Ideally, we encourage your child to travel to school on foot,
by bicycle, or using public transport. If it is sometimes necessary for you to drive a car to school, please wait
only in the turning circle pull-in parking on site and exercise extreme care at all times as over a thousand
children leave or arrive on site.
We have also been requested by some residents of Hatherleigh Road and Shelley Close to remind parents not
to block driveways and to allow them access to and from their properties. Please never park on the zigzags
marked on the road directly outside the school driveway — these are to ensure the safety of children arriving at
or leaving the school site.
Please read on page 7 of this issue about our Devon Schools Active Travel Challenge, which is an initiative
designed to encourage alternative means of travel to school. We hope you and your child will support this
initiative and log your journeys to win individual weekly prizes and the overall school prize for West Exe.
Len toe
Former student Amy Morgan has qualified as a
solicitor with local law firm Cartridges Solicitors, and
now, she’s hoping to inspire a new generation of
Amy, a local girl, grew up in Exeter and left West Exe
in 2001. After university in Derby then the legal
practice course at Plymouth University, she began
working then training with Cartridges in Cowick
Street. After several years of hard work and
dedication, Amy completed her training contract on
1st October this year, and is now fully qualified as a
practicing solicitor in a professional, reputable firm.
As a local business with strong ties to the community,
the team at Cartridges have been keen to lend their
support to the local area, and in particular to West
Exe School. So it was a great opportunity when one
of our Year 11 girls, Laura P, got to do her work
experience alongside one of West Exe’s latest success
Amy’s training contract gave her the time, support
and opportunity required to enable her to learn
Laura and Amy outside Cartridge's in Cowick Street
new skills and cultivate existing ones, helping her
to grow into a professional young woman. Amy stands as a great example to the young people we teach, and by
encouraging students like Laura to learn on the job and push their own boundaries, we fully expect to see more
success stories like Amy’s throughout the local community.
A group of Year 11 student leaders and volunteers are driving a project to make West Exe a co-operative school
from a student’s perspective. The project has been up and running for two weeks, with a focus on developing
students’ reading skills.
They are supporting Year 7 and Year 8 students with their reading twice a week in their capacity as mentor,
giving the students in Year 7 an opportunity to develop their reading skills. The Year 11s benefit from an
opportunity to get involved and gain key skills such as leadership, teamwork and responsibilities which they can
include on their C.V. The project will continue to develop over the course of the year with a view to working
with our feeder schools in a sporting context and Gifted and Talented students in PE here at West Exe School.
Students in Year 11 who are interested in being involved in one of the projects can see Miss Lewis for more
Alice C and Beth R, Year 11, Project Co-ordinators
The Geography department, along with all our Year 8 students, went to explore Dawlish Warren. Our students
undertook a variety of different fieldwork techniques from environmental quality surveys to beach profile
measuring. These techniques helped them to discover how Dawlish Warren, a spit, has been formed by the
process of long-shore drift. The Year 8s certainly looked the part as they identified and sketched the
geographical landforms of
Langstone Cliff. Students
observed how the whole area
is managed and protected
using sea defences and
predicted how the area might
change in the future.
Visiting the tourist attractions
certainly helped them to
understand how the area is
currently used and the quality
of the provisions was tested by
trying the ice creams and
doughnuts! A great time was
had by all through some
quality learning in the
wonderful outdoor classroom
that the South West offers.
Rob Clemens and Leah Carrington
Geography Department
West Exe School is taking part in the Devon Schools Active Travel Challenge 2014, run by Sustrans. The aim of
the challenge is to get as many people walking, cycling, scooting and using public transport as possible for 6
weeks during October and November. The challenge will run until 21st November 2014.
Anyone can join in. It's fun. We want to help as many of you as possible to get back on your bikes or walking,
scooting and taking the bus or train to school (and other journeys) instead of getting in the car.
A fun way of doing this is to get a bit of competition going. Cycling, walking and scooting are great ways of
incorporating physical exercise into your day. Public transport saves resources, reduces congestion and is better
for the planet. So it is more of a question of........why not take part? Taking part is easy. You can join in at any
time, even after the challenge has started. Register for the challenge and select West Exe School.
Just keep coming back to the challenge website every time you walk, cycle, scoot or take public transport to
school and log the journey. All you have to do is click on the 'log a journey' button and tell us how far you
travelled and how you travelled. It's easy! We'll keep a track of how far you've travelled and we'll even tell you
how many doughnuts you could eat to replace the calories you've used up with all the exercise!
During the challenge we'll be giving out prizes to encourage you to log your journeys with us. Don't forget that
the main reason for running the challenge is to get you and your friends to try a new way of travelling to
school. The overall school competition is based on participation and the way to climb the leader board and win
the competition is to get the highest proportion of people in your school taking part. The individual leader board
is based on the number of journeys you do (not how far) but we'll be giving out prizes just for taking part.
Weekly Prize Draw—Each week we'll run a prize draw to include everyone who logs a journey during the week
(each journey you log gets you an entry to the draw so the more journeys you log the more chance you have of
winning) Weekly Prize - £25 iTunes Voucher
Final Prize Draw—At the end of the challenge we'll hold a final prize draw to include anyone who has taken part
in the challenge. Prize - £100 iTunes voucher
To learn more and to register, please visit http://devonschools.getmeactive.org.uk/ or the West Exe website
and start logging your active journeys to school!
Joel Smith, Sustrans Active Travel Officer for Exeter
Len toe
‘Cookery lessons are back on the school menu’ – so says the new National Curriculum
Cookery lessons are to become a compulsory part of the school curriculum for the first time after pressure from
leading chefs and health campaigners.
Children as young as eight will now be taught basic cooking skills, and how to make a balanced meal.
From September next year, primary school students will be given practical lessons in how to combine
ingredients to produce simple, healthy food, according to the School Food Plan 2013
So this year primary food technology at West Exe School will focus on enhancing practical skills and producing
family meals. Bowhill Primary have already had the opportunity to prepare salmon fishcakes with tartare sauce
as part of their programme of visits to West Exe for practical lessons in our teaching kitchen.
Sarah Quick, Technology Department
Henry A of Year 9 has been crowned British 250cc Intermediate Grasstrack Champion 2014 at the
championship finals held at the Fenlands club in August. The championship is decided over five rides, and
Henry won four and came second in the final race, giving him a points total which made him overall champion.
His achievement is even more remarkable because he was the youngest rider in the competition on the day,
beating the older favourites for the title.
Henry said, “I still can’t believe
it. It is such a great feeling to
have won the Championship.
There are so many people I
would like to thank, all connected
with Somerset Speedway for the
track time they allow me before
and after their home matches,
Somerset legend Steve Bishop
for all his help and advice, all my
sponsors, but most of all my dad
for all his support in preparing
my bikes, driving me up and
down the country for meetings,
and all his encouragement.”
Congratulations to Henry and we
look forward to further news of
his future successes.
With over 35,000 points awarded so far in under one half term, epraise has proven to be a successful and
interactive way of acknowledging and celebrating our students’ achievements across their academic and extracurricular successes.
Following tremendously positive parental feedback, we are now pleased to announce that further epraise points
are available for any activity or club that takes place outside of school.
Accolades are additional badges awarded to students that are visible on their epraise profiles that are earned
and awarded for particular individual accomplishments. They celebrate the many diverse and broad successes
of our students throughout each academic year.
To aid in the process of adding and awarding points for these accolades please feel free, as parents and carers,
to get in touch with tutors about any and all of the fantastically varied activities your children are involved in so
they can be celebrated and rewarded.
Please visit www.westexe.devon.sch.uk/extra-curricular for a comprehensive guide to our exciting extracurricular activities and a full break down of the associated Achievements, Accolades and Points available in
Parents can log in using the Epraise link on the West Exe website home page and their registered email
addresses to view their child’s points totals.
Adam Green, Head of Year 11
Please visit the ‘Exams’ link on the West Exe website to download these essential documents for exam
candidates and their parents.
West Exe Exams Guide
Warning to Candidates
Mobile Phones
Information for candidates
Information for candidates
Information for candidates
Information for candidates
Controlled Assessments
Coursework Assessments
On-Screen Tests
Written Examinations
Louise Garratt, Exams Manager
Len toe
The new ‘Show My Homework’ website offers students a personalised
homework timetable. Parents may also use this website to see what
homework has been set for your child and ensure it is completed on time
and to a high standard.
The main page is at http://westexe.showmyhomework.co.uk and a link
is also on the homepage of the school website.
Easy to use and accessible, it gives a clear overview of their homeworks,
allowing them to prioritise their workload and organise their to-do lists.
Students login to the website using their school email address
(19jsmith@westexe.devon.sch.uk is an example). The first time they access
it, they click the ‘Forgotten Password’ link, which will send the student a
password reset link. To read the email, go to mail.westexe.devon.sch.uk
and login with the same network username and password as on a computer
in school.
Parents can also use this to take a more pro-active role in driving
homework prioritisation, and keep tabs on your child’s homework without
being intrusive.
As a parent you can also login to Show My Homework, using the same email address as we have registered in
school. Again, the first time you will need to use the forgotten password link, then login to your email, and use
the received email to set your own password. The next time you log in you will use this new password. Many
parents are already using Show My Homework to help their child complete homework on time.
Below is an example of the personalised homework timetable parents can view. It shows teachers, subjects,
Tim Hann, Assistant Headteacher
and what homework has been set.
Why not try a session at Exeter’s award-wining netball club? All ages welcome!
Netball Tots Age 3-6 Years Mondays 4.30 to 5.30 First Session Free
High 5/Mini Netball School Years 3-6 4.30 to 6
U12, U14 Fridays 4.30 to 6; U16 Mondays 7 to 8.30
Ladies Mondays 7 to 8.30; Social Ladies [Back to Netball] Fridays 6 to 7
Climbing has become a very popular activity at West Exe School in recent years, with sessions every Thursday
after school at the Quay. Lauren S of Year 9 writes below about her experiences and success. For those who
are interested in trying out climbing, there is a free taster session on Thursday 6th November. Full details can
be collected from Roy Couzens in the Technology department at break or lunchtime.
“I started climbing just over a year ago with the
school’s climbing club. I have been attending it ever
since as well as joining the Quay Climbing Centre Junior
Club. I also climb in my spare time with my family. It is
a sport that I really enjoy and I feel I have progressed
in it a lot. I have bought the equipment needed for
climbing and enjoy visiting various climbing centres
around the country. When I first started climbing with
the school I learnt how to put a harness on, how to tie
onto the rope and how to belay. I can now climb at a
good level and took part in my first individual climbing
competition, Deep Water Solo, in August. It was the
first of its kind to be held in the UK. A wall had been
built in the Canal opposite from the Quay Climbing
Centre. The aim was to climb the three set routes.
There was no rope so when I fell, along with lots of
other people we fell in the water. It was a great
atmosphere down at the Quay with everyone
supporting each other. As well as learning how to climb
I have become more confident and have made some
new friends. I am still climbing now and hope to
continue the sport for a long time. I would like to thank
the school for helping me get into climbing, and
especially Mr Couzens and Mr Bondi for all the help and
support that they have given and continue to give me.”
Lauren on the Deep Water Solo wall in August
We are offering a visit to Spain to Year 10 and Year 11 students
who are studying Spanish, Food Technology or Catering. We
anticipate that the group will depart from West Exe on Thursday
12th February and return on Wednesday 18th February.
Students will have the opportunity to visit local landmarks in
Barcelona such as Sagrada Familia, Las Ramblas and Tibidabo. We
shall also visit Pastisseria Escribà which will include breakfast and a
tour and visit La Boqueria food market. We shall also spend a day
at the Port Aventura theme park. We have included in the cost day
entrance to Port Aventura, Pastisseria Escribà and entrance to
Sagrada Familia.
We have a provisional booking with Equity travel group for £430
per student. This price covers all travel, accommodation, meals
once arrived, and attractions as specified above. To confirm the booking the school is required to pay £100
deposit per student, which needs to be paid via School Gateway by Monday 3rd November. Please see the
West Exe website for more information and a letter.
Spanish Pen Pals
We have a number of Spanish students who are looking for an English student to share e-mails. Please collect
a letter from Miss Cooper in G058. Open to Spanish students in Years 9-11.
Lisa Cooper, Head of Spanish
Len toe
On Thursday 25 September twelve Year 9 West Exe language students took part in the South West European
Day of Languages event at St James Park, Exeter. Competing against teams from Isca Academy, St James High
School, St Peter's High School, Route 39 Academy, Devonport High School for Girls, and Tiverton High School,
they spent the day working on a brief to attract a top European player to join Exeter City FC by making a video
and a presentation, in his own language, to sell the delights of the city and the club to him.
Working in two teams, they stirred their creative juices to devise a storyboard and perform their finished films.
Ipads were kept very busy as they rushed around the ground making their films and then editing the finished
product and creating their presentations. We were exceptionally proud of their teamwork, their inspired ideas,
and the quality of their French and
Spanish as they worked untiringly for
over four hours on the project. At the
end of the day, they then had to
make their presentations to a packed
room of the other schools and
Both West Exe teams were really
good in their presentations, speaking
confidently and well and conveying
their passion to bring the secret
'galactico' to Exeter City. In the
judging West Exe Team Spain were
narrowly (and we thought unluckily)
second to Isca Academy.
Vicky Edgcumbe
Head of Modern Foreign Languages
On Friday 19th September Miss Draisey took a group of eight students from Years 9 and 10 to see a really
unusual event at St Peter's C of E Aided school. Arranged by Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival, the event saw
award-winning poet Daljit Nagra start a tour based on his new book ‘Ramayana’, a retelling of the ancient
eastern epic in which Rama has to rescue his wife Sita from the clutches of Raavana, Lord of the Underworld.
The show contained Daljit reading passages from the poem (sometimes exciting and action-filled) with fantastic
animations and lights projected onto the
set behind him. We also had a really
effective range of sound effects and
music to add to the experience. This
was broken up by Daljit telling us a bit
about the story and how he came to
write it. There was even some audience
participation when we (wearing our new
monkey badges) had to become the
monkey army and shout and stamp our
feet in the great battle at the end of the
It was fascinating to hear a story from a
different culture and to have poetry
performed for us in such a novel way,
and we really enjoyed our morning.
Thanks to Budleigh Salterton Literary
Festival, the hosts at St Peter's and the
organisers from QE who allowed us to
experience the show.
Ann Draisey, Library Manager
As a large learning community with over 1200 staff and pupils of all ages, we’re sure parents appreciate that
we must have clear expectations and standards for everyone to ensure that we’re able to focus on learning and
We’re delighted to say that the vast majority of our boys and girls support and uphold these, and we wanted to
make sure in any instances where they need to be addressed, you our parents and carers are informed of them
so that we can work together on these.
The five screens on the following pages sum up five core expectations, each covering a range of topics such as
uniform, attendance and punctuality, use of mobiles/devices, being prepared for lessons, and being a part of a
civilised community. We’re always grateful for the engagement and support of parents and carers in ensuring
that these are followed by everyone - for the benefit of everyone.
Tim Hann, Assistant Headteacher
May we remind you that NO JEWELLERY should be worn in PE lessons as this compromises health and
safety. All piercings MUST be removed. Some other practical or physical activities in other lessons may
also require removal of jewellery or other items, in which case the teacher will advise students at the
start of the activity.
Len toe
Len toe
Week of Thursday 6th November Year 8 tracking 1
Friday 7th November Year 11 Spanish controlled assessment
Monday 10th November Year 11 Spanish controlled
Tuesday 11th November 4.00-7.00 Year 11 parents’ evening
Tuesday 18th-Thursday 20th November ‘Maximise your
potential’ study skills sessions for Year 11
Week of Thursday 26th November Year 10 tracking 1
Wednesday 26th November 7.00-8.30 Class of 2014
Graduation evening at Exeter Corn Exchange
Thursday 27th November 4.00-7.00 Year 9 parents’ evening
Thursday 27th November Excellence in Exeter 2014 awards
evening at Exeter University Great Hall
Friday 28th November Staff training day
Week of Monday 1st December Year 11 mock GCSE exams
Thursday 4th December Cathedral carol service for Year 7
and performers from other years
Tuesday 9th December 4.00-7.00 Year 8 parents’ evening
Week of Thursday 11th December Year 7 tracking 1
Friday 19th December Last day of Autumn term. Day ends
at 2.10 pm
TERM DATES 2014-15 & 2015-16
TERM DATES 2014-15
TERM DATES 2015-16
Autumn Term
Autumn Term
Term commences: Thursday 4th September 2014
Half Term: Monday 27th – Friday 31st October 2014 inc
Friday 28th November 2014 Staff training day
Last day of term: Friday 19th December 2014
Term commences: Monday 7th September 2015
Half Term: Monday 26th – Friday 30th October 2015 inc
Friday 27th November 2015 Staff training day
Last day of term: Friday 18th December 2015
Spring Term
Spring Term
Term commences: Tuesday 6th January 2015
Half Term: Monday 16th – Friday 20th February 2015 inclusive
Last day of term: Friday 27th March 2015
Term commences: Tuesday 5th January 2016
Half Term: Monday 15th – Friday 19th February 2016 inc
Last day of term: Thursday 24th March 2016
Summer Term
Summer Term
Term commences: Tuesday 14th April 2015
May Day Holiday: Monday 4th May 2015
Half Term: Monday 25th– Friday 29th May 2015 inc
Last day of term: Tuesday 21st July 2015
Term commences: Tuesday 12th April 2016
May Day Holiday: Monday 2nd May 2016
Half Term: Monday 30th May– Friday 3rd June 2016 inc
Last day of term: Friday 22nd July 2016
School Gateway – Advance notice
Please be aware that with effect from the start of the Spring term 2015, all letters, messages and requests for payment
will be made via the School Gateway www.schoolgateway.com. This will apply to payments for all trips and visits,
Activities Week, music tuition, stationery packs , swimming, Prom tickets, Year 11 hoodies, Dance Club, extra-curricular
activities, PE shirts and most other payments. Please contact the school if this will cause difficulty for you.
Calling all alumni!
Are you (or do you know) an ex-West Exe student who could spare the time to visit the school to share your
experiences in the world of work? We’re interested in all career paths, all fields of work and all ages! If so, please get in
touch with Kevin Hadley, Assistant Headteacher (khadley@westexe.devon.sch.uk), who would love to hear from you!
Autumn 2014
SPT Evening
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Spring 2015
Summer 2015
Subject Evening
Wed 17 Sept
SPT Evening
Subject Evening
Wed 17 Sept
SPT Evening
Tues 9 December
Subject Evening
Wed 17 Sept
SPT Evening
Thurs 27 November
Subject Evening
Exams weeks
Tues 5 May
Subject Evening
15 & 22 June
Exams weeks
Options evening
Thurs 26 March
Subject Evening
15 & 22 June
Exams weeks
Tues 27 January
Subject Evening
Tues 17 March
Exams week
Tue 20 January
Thurs 5 February
Wed 17 Sept
SPT Evening
Subject Evening
Autumn 2014
2 March
Subject Evening
Wed 17 Sept
Tues 11 November
Mock exams week
Thurs 5 March
15 & 22 June
Subject Evening
Thurs 14 May
1 December